Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 10, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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    nr. iL r-o .-a a-. . i . . i i
, rVl 1 arm. I Hmvi, Vehicles, K'-
nvhtv ivn KPi n LAND.
17ii acr linoo.. urmii, level sandy
loam, Una big 7-room houea. water la the
Iioiih. tha hoiM cost Hi I years
4 acres la e-year-oad orchard. 4oe ilr
berr.ea re.pbrn.a loganberries and all
cih.r kxH grape, nt; about t acres
planted to garden, onlona potatoea cur
ranta oata at, 1 doa Leghorn chickens
ana a II'' J.rsey cow and calf, on no
::lrg eraek. mil from depot at North a inlie from Weat Miaytun- Mra
H. Giaham towneri Addreaa Aumsvllla
Or. route 1. bx 4. jlv. terma
pun SAI-K A lu-v-acre wheat (ana oa
.'.hatt..r F'.at. In Gii.lsro County. Ore
Bna; 410 acie Summer fallow: good houea
bin. plenty of waier: full, equipped with
)iorM and machinery. Will eIl for a
T.aeonabla payment down and one-naif of
the annual crop for the balance of the
414 Abtcrto" bids, city Main 9;,5'V
Fvres ema of tha beet mnntr-miVlTif tn
riuiiii la tha Northwest; 1 acraa 10
under cultivation: Bev.ral sprmgs,
eaa tit yellow . larfa growth timber
nn rough land, mi e to sawmill, and
land adjacent "tu better" selling for lii
to f par acra; t irttlaa from Silvertoa aa
8. P R. R. HP ait. Oregonlan.
WANT to sell ror farm of 11 acraa oa tha
jtaaa Una. aaatam part of Multnotnaa
ritml, oa account of aa and daalra ta
r-.lra; baat land tn Orirn: pianty
p-lna. ranntnc watar. about WOO to lO.
fHH oorda wood, and arhoolhouaa oa tba
p.ara: oaw church, railroad. Portland and
Co umbla Rlvar eloaa by. rl-a (lOaOwi.
Fardnand Floaa. UatotiralU Or.
to aaaiat yoo to awn a bom a. Wa
will bui d yoa and !t you par for
It .lka rrnt. I nlsn Sarurlty Company, tlh
floor B-cM. t:d.. Tth and Oak (ta.
VV INTK1-A tnml comer lot on taat or
tvVat 8 .da- ralua to 5snO: unanumbrd:
trade t-Wu" iul:v la hlgb-claa prop
erly on Eaat Side, valued at 11.0: In
come better -ban year. Thayar
A Kti'ton. Mm I at. I'nooa Majn r
l.l'SGll.OW or cottage. 8 to rooma. la
or rear Mt Tebor. Laureiburat or Ire
lnaton. Sonia fruit or ahada treea. Btata
loratla. prl-a and terma. AP Ora
rmmn. ANTF.r To I'ur modern onlnrumberrd
rilen-e la J'.rt:an.l. n't lo cot over
liiNM, from party a bo will accept devel
c:d '-trra orchard a part payment. R
j:. Oregonlan. j .
fjtTix owner onlT. cheap rallenr lot on
w eat Siile. Wll.ametla Keigata Included.
A I 24t. orrgrr'ao-
W vtf: Ut In Irvlncton of owner: prlra
and lo.-a-l.m- Addrcea V. S. S.-ott. ceneral
o-:ter. Portland. X 301. Oregontan
FINE rorwood ttmher on 1a-re tract.
IT mllea frrnn l'ortland. handy to eleo-
trlr cara g.t-1 moner. maker, make oer
to take It oS. F. Fucba. UJlVj ilorrlaoo
M'CftAOKEN. o4 McKay Bldg.
c j.
S 10 and ?-ar farma on railroad. 30
rl'ea from Ptland. eacallent aoll; all
nnrlaff rultlatlr ; center of rich dairy
ing and potato-growing community,
pncea lli) to IIS" an mra
At thee priree actlra farmer ra pa
for their placae In two aeaeona. Tba beat
and cheapeet acreage within ftO mllea of
Will trade oocl city property (golt
abla for rerttng-i.
ea Commercial lllork.
l. a flourishing town of 30K p.pulatlon In
Wlllametta Valler. T-rnom houae. fully
mortarn. beautiful flnlah Inelde. 3 1-10 acrea
fine eo!L Tice. MiOo. What hare you to
' i-.l
47 Chamber of Commerce HI. la.
t OWJ. and will trade, nevr. modern real
dertrwt Wet lde. bedrooma. 3 aleeplng
ror. hea. i flreplacea: automatic hot water
healer, garaga. beautiful location on
Helghra: would cemeiUer flrat or eeeond
mortcige, or well-located loia er acreage.
AP J.'.-l. oregor.lan.
T EXHAVOE for "allfrnla. or Oreicon
prnparty. splendid wheat ranoh..loc aeree.
rN to railroad, good building: windmill:
t par acre. Will pay caah difference
or upi mortgage, aa thla moat be dia
poaed of. '
WAsflUI We buy and aell ererylblnr. If
you hae an aulomonlla. bicycle, musical
tnatrum'nt or anything to aell or trade,
a-e ua Tradera" Exchanga at Noralty Cv.
4'T Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Will accept small equity of city lot In
exchange for fire acree of planted fruit
land. State location, of lot and amount of
equity. No ae-snta AR Jtl. Oregonlan.
rVU.L, Take" IjOT. any ralue to f0. aa
first payment on T-room houae; lot 100X
7; triree bliKks to car: terms on balance.
TM Is an eaay way to aecure a good borne
at a low price, a 1. oregonlan.
TARTT owning 2 lota hnproTemanta In
choicest residential aec-Uon of Medford.
Vegun. w.m.d eacbange for realdenca In
1'o-tland or Portland property. AC 3t.
A CITT lot to trade far motorcycle: In
vestigate thla
4T I'hiiDr of Commerce Bide.
A1.ECTK1C piano In firat-ciaaa condition:
coat A40: will trade for automobile or
aeil on ewv paymenta. iiolbrooa. 603
cecltnl bi.lg.
NORTH IR.X THl'ST Co.. 3T0 Stark St.
W ILI. take lot or acrea. all or part, for new
i-rootn c-tttage. and o-a acra on Fast
31th ac. block to car. Owner. 1UH Ella-
won n. - rv. vmr.
'V ATP1 To trade or em.-hanga fine 5
liassiiisir auto. aV-horaepower, 4-cyllnder
. . r . . . ... n- -...nil
. lisiuiwv-l.'il. t ' - -
houe nd lot- P. O. 2'T.T.HIStion A.
a ILUAilOilC timber. fcO acrea l.f00 000 feet,
creek running through tract; aome piling;
exchange for Portland vacant, unincum
bered. AT 3-4. i iregonlan.
Ft.R EXCHA.VOE-1' hoose and half
acre S blocks from Sc fare: take farm up
to IJ0OO. uwner. U. B. Lei an J, 3S May
field era. Lenta
-At'KF. wheat ranch In OUllam County
to eacharce for property In I'ortland or
e-iburba Write or call on First mate Bank.
iCnv ZB, easy terma or exchange fur any
kind eqaltiea for city or suburban prop
erty. l;ogeas. 221 S Morrison, room ft.
I tCAtT a 6 or 4-rooffl bungalow; hare
claeev i sal estate ana a utile money. eo
I arr-her of omjnarce.
l, a D houae. near E. 7th and Burnalda to
exchange for farm or acraaaa C. A
H:nberger. room 3. Lumbermena bldg.
aOK farm eacbaagea bualaeaa ehaacee ar
rnemlng-houata call oa aa Northweat
Rea.ty Ca. 81T Hoard of Trade B.dg.
WE ncbange your property for property
-l?lng you: only big deala Northwest
Ki-harge. I"-- Henry bldg
rl.l tKAL Irrigated farma to exchange for
et--k of aenerel msrchandlae within luO
mll-e of f inland. AH 342. Oregonlan.
A ci.XEVT owr.a 1AO acrea of land In
Missouri, wlshea to trade for Portland
properly. 4. .'hamber of Commeroa
WHAT haee you to tradeT Call Maua Jon.
10-'. Casmbar of Commerce.
HAVS euet.'Trwre waiting for bungalows
ahowlng valua 4.1 T chamber af Conuueroa '
BAVS close-In arreage to trade for bunga
lowa 4J Cbamber of Commeroa
rOH S.V1.E.
Vehlelea, K.lo.
We have on hand oO bead draftera and
(silvery. also 3 ioada bronco e. Call
Woodiawa 44. Thoaaaa A Maleboro.
Union eteekjarda
52 ' FT aell at onca good family or delivery
bora and buggy and harness 3S15 .vna
si.s d. E end of Hawthorn e-eva carllua.
walk one block west and two south.
g aRKrt. heavy with foal. welgbt 14. K
and lba; masrt aeU. 4 Kaat aOla SU.
ilT arrived Carload of work horsea; aold
nader guarantee from .10 up. Q. a. How.
lit. V E- 'HH. Montavllla
FcR SALS; Flno driving mala ft years
eld. well bred, gua ran lead aound. Eaat
43. S
boob team, weight 21 barneas and Bear
wason. S460. 1 hone Seliwood 1471.
WILL exchange vacant lot or diamond for
horse or buagv. 44 E. Stark at.
jaSTrKA'5K near Portland for stock. Pbone
Main 141-A
1K SAIE lK-lb- horae. two-seated hug
(. 4L aichuyleg at. i'bena Eaat ITTa.
1 1 ..AmiI 1 - sixt atjons glggg T 'I-Tol.. Ap....
Hnmi ara ynunc eirong and faat trav
alera In r-rfllrnt condition. Good lor
city or country. Jun the kind for light
delivery or country road work. This out
fit la sacrificed f..r a quirk caen aila
Full Information at room 2t. Oregonlan
bldf. Phone Mairf TOT or A eov-l. l r
rail at Central Kxprrra Stable. Park-su,
near Everett, and examine tha burial n.
On Tuesday. July 11. e will aell for
Henderson a Robblrut. of Toppenlsn.
Wash.. 6 bead of young horaea Tney
run from S to 7 years old and weigh from
t.00 to 110 lbs. are nnbroke. ""a
halter hroke and some are broke to hax
nesa This will be a rare oiporiuTilty to
get a horse or a team at your own price
aa ererr horse will be sold for tha blgh
dollar regard lesa of com or va!u. The
Murphy Horse Mule Co. and Hawthorne
Ara Mtatile Phonoa Eaal TU. B loOS.
420 Hawthorne ara. comer nth.
Bid bargains In rigs. mut aell; have no
room: station wnon, rubber tire, pola
and shafts, cost tof.'.. 1123; aurrey. StildJ
baker make, A-l condition, cost .:
nearly new 2-sat buckboard. ."T..'e; Bai
ley bugxy. pole and shafta nearly n.-w.
l;5 ost $-75; Mover rubber-lire buggy.
TS. long-eoaft brokecart. 11: harncsa
1: English saddie and brld.a new. bar
gain; S eeia of breeching harness. $2i to
J4; 2 single harn.ea 5 each: 3-lncb
wide-tire farm .wagon, cost 41'o.60. price
t:n. 334 Front si.
Bafore you buy. either aboTa see oar
Block and get price. We are located out
Bide the high rent district and for that
reason oan a-ll cheaper. Why buy a eao-ond-hand
Tehlcle when you can get a
new one at about th aame prica,
al'3 Hawihorne ava
FIRT-C1.ASS aula repair man; can over
haul your car In our private garage at
cut-rate pricea; old cara made near;
e-eamere a epecleity: work guaranteed.
Wood lawn "3-.'3. A J ia Oregonlan.
iAUT (l-passenger Reo auto. In A 1 con
dition, fully equipped, tires In fine "
A snap at tK Will trade for "'-"
late or sell on eaay terma M. Maiden.
U Swetland bldg.
I can aave you sevecal hundred dollars
on the purchase price of a new Wlnton
Fix auto if you will addreaa me at onca
X ?t-. Oregon ian.
ltll WHITE gaa car. fully equipped, hna
been uae.1 T'ry Intle and cannol be told
from n. w: owner leavli g cl;y and mini
sell cost ?; price 1U). 1-bona B luwl
or Fast 142.1. '
K f ALE T-paaaenger Studebaker.
ford 4 11. P.. A-l condition, a bargain.
E 24. Oregonlan.
A FEW ItOLLAKS acquirea an automobile
agency for popular rar to good partlea
Inveetlg'ate. I 2.IQ. uregonian.
TO TKAI'E Roadstera new 30 horsepower .
for g..l Portland property. Tlh and Oak.
FRANKLIN model "U." ood condition.
$ 4 .-.rt J. W. I-Tltt A Co. Wash.
A NEW 4-h-"ng.r r; leatjnc lU
s-ll cheap for csh. owner. Tabor lo.t.
Birds. ! and Pe4 Mloca.
VALLABLF. pedigreed A tied a. e bitch; . the
purchase pr
rchase pru-e back in
- lo. .ireg.3nlan.
AJKEl'ALE TKRK1EKH for guarda pala
and service. Ijiddlx Kennela F.stacada Or.
LATH New. In any quantity. IJ.&O par
thourand. . ,.M
B KICK 3d hand. cleanel In flrst-claas
shape. J5 per ihoneand. .
w'lNlOWf. IKX3RU near and S4 hand.
Lr"ltEUH 3d hand, all kinds and alaea:
6 rrr thousand. ,..,,eo all In
piia. pli:mtuno P'PUEJr-'1 IB
ftrat-claKS condition h.I.T LtovAr. .
.... t v titb St. A a.oa
WE HAVE the entire equipment
complete orusMng plant, and
tractors- outnta. .-ated In li ta J.f'
Include 3 eath So. g and S Mc il lya.
3 7&-ton ahels. almost new; derrl. ka.
hoisting engines and b" ""'""f"1
Write for partlctilai stating requlre
menta Marah Co.. old Oniony bldg.. Chi
cago. VI.
" At a reasonable price If taken at onca,
two liaj-horaepower return tubular bollera.
In flrst-ciaaa condition: Jut fbe egulpment
for mill work: complete with fttilnga and
all equltsnent to Inatail In your plant, i-ar-
tlgulars at al Oregonlan b'J;
FOR-ttALENew. unlveraal range Wern
icke bo.kcase. desk, t dressers, sideboard.
rur; curtaina. aewtng machina mahogany
tatna pedestal, rockera and chairs, re
frigerator, oral-claaa arondltlun. tVi East
lf your atove doesn't bake there IB
something wrong. I can fix It. S3 Eaat
Morrison. Phone East 1'3.
THREF.-KUOM houseboat on atrong scow,
4'lxlH ft., nrat-ciara condition. No. 4V
Portland Motor Boat Club, foot Ellsworth.
B-L car.U2Sn.Oregonlan.
TWO fine brasa beda jsnulne hair mattreaa
X dreasers. chiffonier, mlaalon. oak rocker,
leather seat. ruga, atc for aala cheap.
C 2ST. Oregonlan.
EXCEPTIONAL typewriter bargains for tba
ee: Remingtons. 100; Smith Pramlera
iT.W: Bllcka. 41T0U. Norlhweat Type
a r'.tcrCo..oBth at. .
SAFES New and ld-hand: low prices: eaay
terms: safes opansd. repaired and painted.
PAKE CO., 4 stn St. Jflam m.
EHOK repalrltuf machine for aae cheap;
buyer can hare the shop for tba aame
money. .' jeiiersou eu
A NH W nioior buffing lalhe with large
alie complele outfit, for direct current
inquire l. reuer " -
ViR "ALB ix-loot Jewelerg sliowxaae and
Six-toot waucasa a. '"" -- w--
BOSH b.eada for sata Call after t P.
H noniaan 1 1 -
Fl'lUNiTl'kS for salo cheap; aeparata If de
sired. hMU and t- liawinunie.
Bl'l.L-ToP PESE and Morrla chair, rary
cheap. rTione laoor ijiq.
Contractors- equipment by t nlted Engineer
ing A construction -o-. 111 -ie
THREE good steaaiahovela. In good condi
tion. Apply 4.4 uuiu.lliiu. 1
Higheat price paid for men's and ledlee
cast-off ololhliig. sboea furniture, too.s.
mechanic logging. Call Mam KwsO. J0
WANTED Pet of aecond-hand tlnnera tools.
Must be In good condition and cheap. Ad-
. t ii.nIl.ilnh fnr.
IF TOL haro household furniture lo aelL
call up George Baker Co.. 103 Park at
ISalea at reeiuenoee a epeclalty
u r Hv moat for any kind of furniture yoa
" . . Vein HU. 1 A UU. VoTti
Auction Ca
Tools Highest pricea paid for al kinds of
2d-hand mechanic, fogalng tooia 1 -eetn
Hdwra Co.. 329 Front. Main P0T3.
WE pay tha hlghcel caah price for aecond
nand furniture. r-eater at Martin. Phone
Eaat 1114. 4J Hawthorne ava
HlUHKfrT prtoaa paid for furniture, a ovea
rangea etc.. eta Call up Eaat 1C23 or
rail at 3f East Morrlsem at.
MAN and wife want a place In tha country.
Address 24 JeJeraoa at., room L
W A N'TED Moving picture jiachlne fllma
folding or.airs. etc. AL 23. Oregonlan.
W ANTE l Your rente to collecL 413 Cham
ber of Commerce.
MAN of good appearance and buaineaa abil
ity to sollrt for business In ForMand;
good sa.ary. Apply after A. M.. 721
Teon bldg
W'ANTKO At onca first-claaa photograph
er, rapable of taking charre of a studio.
Reference required. AV 240. Orenonlan.
Al.EiiHAN Neat appearanoe to call 00
live prospeeis; If you position with
g nod pay, call 317 Railway Exchange bldg.
MANKLIN school solicitors wanted. 3bH
Eaat Bumslde. room 14.
WANTED At once 3 men to learn to drive
and T' pair automobiles. 50 N. 7th st
WANTEI Two boya to work on mattress
tlMer. Carmen Mfg. Co.. lth and rpshur.
Alia money to bustling aollcltora HT
Kaat Burnalda room 14-
PERMANENT Income for tha man sat
makes good. 11IT-11II Teon bldg.
PHOTO IRAPH coupon and portrait agent
new effer Culberlh stuldio. Oekum blda
STRI'trTl'IlAL Ironworkers. out of town.
Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg.
Two good painters; contract painting new
house. Royal Court. Lnurelhurst: citeleea
LINEMEN, non-union. Apply 222 Commer
cial Club bldg.
WANTED Randaawver ana ehaper-hand.
N lcolalNeppach Co.. 227 Davis si.
BaiOifcH ttAXIBB-667 First St.
(One of Many)
Office Secretary Employmsnt Department
Y. M. - A. '
Tonne man. atranger, out of work 15-1
Ma total caah aaeeti If t pay jou J
for apeH-lal employment membership. I will
have only 41 left between ma and atarva
tlon. . .
becrttar If yoa pay IS for apeelal
employment memberehlp you will hare the
T. M. C. A. with Ita raaources between
yott and atarvatloa.
Record for 9 monthg ending Juno 84.
Ca'i.s for men 'rl"
PoslUona filled .e. e Jf-i
New members 0
Emplovment membership guarantees em
ployment or refund of membership tee;
g'vee two months' foil memberehlp priv
ileges. 10 months- social privilege and
undartakaa to keep carty employed during
the full term of membership without
further charge.
We have constant demand for bign
grada experienced men. Ara yott fitted
for a better position? , .
Eeu secretary smnlorment departmect
T. M. C A.
WANTED Experienced salesmen or aollclt
ora daslrlna; a permanent and remunerative
position which offers unlimited possibili
ties; our svstem of selling properties gives
every facility, furnishing dally Urla to
rail en and a thorough training
original lines la wblch there Is no chance
of failura but a future well worth your
Lest endeavor. Our property, townsltea
and acreage along the Vnlted Rallwaya are
e-loae to Portland, selling fast and tne
gnpply la unlimited. M
Call between and 10 A. M. or 2 and a
P. at. Inquire for Mr. Hlckey.
235 Stark Street.
ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the O. S.
Sfarine Corpa, between the ages of 19 and
ti. Must be native born or have first
papers. Monthly pay. 1B to 8U Addi
tional compensation possible. Food, cloth
ing, q lartere and medical attention free.
After SO jreara' service can retire with T5
per rent .of pay and allowances. Service
on board ship and ashore In all partB of
the world. Apply at V. 8. Marine Corpa
Recruiting Office, Breeden bldg.. Bd and
Washington ale., Portland, Or.
WE are now organlxlng our sales force to
conduct a vigorous oampalgn in the Bale
of Hlllshoro garden tracia
The property to right, the prices are
right and if roil have the ability to ap
proach people and preaent facts In a
businesslike manner, you can make good
money by joining our sales force.
Ask for Mr. Hanrshsn.
41U Lumbermen! Bldg.. -Cor.
Siark and IHh r-ts.
Agents are making from fr.O o IS30 per
week. We want a representative In every
town to handle the sale of the Go'den Rod
'vacuum cleaner. To men whs are capable
of organlalng and Instructing solicitors we
rare a very special Inducement to offer.
Write today for nsrtlculara The Hug re
Mfc. Co.. 481 Pa Dearborn St.. Chicago.
I WANT -ten young men who are willing to
worn hard for 3oO or more a month.
Must be of good appearance and addrese.
Thla la a splendid opportunity for a young
man who Is willing to buckle down and
learn a good business from the ground
tip and b on the Job at all times; perma
nent positions to the ten who can make
good. The other kind need not apply.
AK 2C2. Oregonlan.
WANTED Saleemen to handle the beat
planted fruit lands In Northwest; price
for five-year-old orchards aa low aa raw
land In sections In no wise superior to
ours: only men of proved ability and
who oan give satisfactory references will
be employed. Apply ""V'" "cl b"io
10-HO A. M. The Hart Land Co., D10
Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Paieemen. experienced magaxlna
and book men. to repreeent 'Current Lit
erature." la-rolume premium and tne
magaalna for 13. Entirely nsw never
before shown here. Highest eommisalona
Current Literature Publlehlng Co, room
403 Marquam
WaNIKD Saieemen for exclusive territory,
big opportunltlea steady position, com
plete line Yakima Valley-grown fruit
abade and ornamental stock: cash weekly;
outfit frea Toppenlsh Nursery Company,
Toppenlah. W aan.
SALESMEN wanted to repreeent us In all
parte of the Northwest; best selllnc artl
rle on the Call and be convinced.
L. A Amlok Ccs, 438 Worcester bldg..
Portland. Or., and S4 Arcade block. Seat
lie. Wash,
WANTKD Thoronghly experienced bill clerk
and aaaistant nooaaeeper; mo,i o
rate good, rapid penman, and ery re
liable: give phono and references, AF 25L
Oregon! an
FIR3T-CLA89 architectural designer: none
but Brst-claaa man need apply. . Room 620
Henry bids.
FIRST-CLASS architectural draughtsman;
none but flrst-olaes man need, apply. 420
Henry blda.
WANTED Toung man to do some special
work tn exchange for a course in schooL
Modern Business Collesa ltt Washing
WANTED Bookkeeper for general store In
eastern onKou,
Commercial Abstract Co.. 408 Commercial
Club oiug.
SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa
clllc Coast-grown nursery stock; cash paid
weekly. Pa.cin.0 Nursery Co, 808 Corbatt
WANTKD A flrat-claas solicitor who un
deratande tha printing and bindery busl
neea; references required. F. O. Tefft Co,
Aeeraeen. vv aj.
COATMAKER. first dasa on ladles' coata
Apply Sunday 12-1 o-clock. or Monday.
N. AI. L.ngar. "a -y ... -
TWO coopers at Astoria to make tight
work. Inquire at Oregon Auto Despatch,
13 First st.
WANTED Palerman. Instalment or cash,
no house-to-house: must have experience;
aalarr and eommlsalon. H 2fl. Oregonlan.
MEN wanted In harveA Held: homesteads
near bv to be had; will leave about July
j. to harvest my grain. Call 12j N. Iftih.
perlenoe and where last employed. Ho-
a e lV UAni am W H
qui am ntaain m. . .
-- 1 mm TiTTu t VI mA eaa M rt 1
13th nd Whlntoo: no cfcanm . or
lauod nr: tmt and refaroncea. AT
14 3. UWgnmn.
f7KLLIRILLER. flrat-c!aa man. wanted to
mn Southern California: refcranca. ai
arr n-qulrad. Ad1rea AC 23, Oreaonlan.
WANTED A flrl-elaa ladiaa tailor. 11
not ftrit-claM. doot apply. A. Uppman
11 Felling ping-
MLL.I-A 'IKJLiAon, k"""""" - -a.a.. ,..-a.
worker, non-union, out of town. Apply
222 Comnierclai Club bids.
WANTFrvBarbrT"phon- or addra C 0
- . 1 1 D liar - fT-ak ay r n
wmn, nwJ ' i
aiorrieon -
CARPENTERS- helpers wanted. Eaat 83d
ana oiam.i.u. -
TorfO lady of neat appearaneo to sp
.1.1 work outside: good salary. Apply 720
Venn bilf-
WANTED Olrl to work In Ice cream coun
ter. J W ourniiua m. -
WANTED A good girl for general house-
w ork in larruiy oi a. r n.-i.. w 1
Ol HL. tn aa:at with housework; small fain.
Ily. TTT Hoyt St.
EXPERIENCED waltraea wanted. Reuea,
404 Washington, oev. im ww um
OIHL wanted for bouaework. Call afternoon
X 4a Tun ex.
OOOD girl for general bouaework: email
family lom 1 " "-
LADIES to make pi
nr eoara tlma 414
dllow tops at home.
tark at.
WANTETa Oood eook
good wafts. T43
Everett st-
WANTKD A girl for reraeral housework.
Vhone Main ii""v.
WANTED A good girl cook.
Flanders st, Monday.
vartTRY rook for private boarding-house.
today. 300. Main T.W4. T3S Hoyt mu
WASTED 6trong woman to wash woolena
Apply at Paclflo Laundry. 21 Arthur st.
WANTED At T West Erk. a good -girl
list In housework.
JTwvtr for family of 3 adulta where second i
girl IB kept. fOT Flandera
"aT.vTPD Experienced waist andvsklrt girl
a .BMoyildn'1L,d'
rinCtor general housework. Small family.
f,!4 K. Taylor near hi. 14:h. Phone B imo.
EXPERIENCED wrapper at Roeenthaia. Tm
ana v
OIRL for general housework and cooking;
a In family, good wages. Phone East 4.W2.
WANTED A g'rl ,OT grneral housework;
wages 325. N. 10th st.
WANTED A girl for second work. 141
1-2d N, corner Hoyt.
OlRI, for housework In small family, good
wages, pleasnnt home. Call A Tl'.m.
W ANT k'D A. aaurcsa 4b4 Washington. sL
Apply Standard Factory. No. X Orana
avc and Eaat Taylor st,
WANTED Women and girls to work In
our sanitary canning plant. Apply today,
ready for work. Lang; St Co.. canning oe
partment. Burnslde St., between First
and Front.
WOMAN for cooking and housework, coun
try nome, near ru; ....a,. . . -
Conveniences: good wages. After I A.
1U4 Flrxl St.
EXPERIENCED ctrl for cooking; and hc-ii"
work: no v.-aaning: uemiaii . . . , i
ferred. TCT Madison, near Ford. Mam
A WOMAN to cook and do general house-
. i . i . . i . - - .... h m'acea none
vara, luniur " r i a'.r
but experienced; references required, oil
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. UU9 Rota-
. . . . . ,.w J Tl'n.l.ll...Tln
cnna PIQg.. nn a"u ,-.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Appl at 4.13 Holladay ave. Phone Eaat
WE HAVli openlnea for 3 reliable sales
IB dies; salary. Call 0 to 12. 418 Mohawk
111R.. ita ana jiorrisoii.
WANTED A competent young woman for
general work. Apply mornings. TT8 Over-
MAID for general housework; must bo gooj
plain cook, no washing, good wagea Ap
ply 14 l'l!t, collier oa ......v..
.. . . . ...... . mrt-ci ,nCVPV
ttSA WaahliiBton it, cor. Tth, upstalra
. . I. .. 11.1. ortQO
81MH Wasninmon St., room 314.
il a in oa .io pr a j -oo.
Bl'STNESS firm needs a woman over 35 who
Is trustworthy and capable; experience
unnecessary. u ao.-. ..e"-
A COMPETENT girl for general housework,
must be Kood cook, referencea Apply
VOIAfl ladv wanted for bookkeeping and
general office work. Portland Trunk
illic. CHi aim i i"
WANTED Good cook and aeoond girl for
i. - n... ... v. - ii .1 referencea
alia", t o., oa anu r um
small minor. ' -- e .
Apply 22H Cnlon ava North. In afternoon.
WANTED to do general housework. home and gooa wageo. v.ii ao-
l.v Eaut lath, corner Washington.
WANTKD A girl ftvr general housework;
3 In family. Call Monday, hi N. -lutn.
GIRL WANTED for plain bouaework. Call
at 4T2 Tth st.
WANTED Japanese man and wife, man tor
. cook, lady for second work. Apply w . A.
KnlKhL Knight Shoo Co, Sd and Wash
ington sis.
Man or woman, travel, appoint agents; sal
ary, expensea Hotel Clark, room all
MEN wanted, age over 18, to prepare lor
firemen about 1100 monthly: brakemen,
0; nearby railroads; experience unnec
essary ; no strike; positions guaranteed
competent men; 4SB6 aent to positions In
llu. State age; send si amp for particu
lar George H. Bakar. president, cara
lO.uoO POSITIONS for gvTduates last year;
man and women learn barber trade la
S weeka help to secure position; gradu
ates earn from I IS to $25 weekly; expert
Instructors: tools free; write for cata
loguea Mohlcr Bystem of Colleges, li
North 4th at, rornano-. vi.
500 MEN. 20 to 40 years old. at once for
electric railway motormen and conductors;
foO to $10u month; no experience neces
sarj ; flno opoortunlty. no strike; write Im
mediately for application blank. Address
A V 141. Oregon ian.
. . . . .r i- ri urv Ti i I.R1RV
To operate movlng-plctures; operators
earn 2j to $40 weekly; special prioo on
. ..j .- o .. 1. .. 1 nf Xt V.
icaaons iwiaj. j. -
Operating, 62g'x Washington, near lith.
.. . . , , , ic, i.e. VVIVIVKBII Off
OTt t: !") will be In session July 10, 11. U
at 16TH 1st st, to examine all those .hold
ing permits that expire on the above data
a. aa. i.r n r " -'. .j.rv-. j
LEAJtN automobile driving and repairing;
actual practical -experience; day or even
ings; S26 l4W"ashlr.gton st.. room, 416.
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Bohoola,
local office 238 Alder St. Main 10.
Swetland bldg.
WRITING. 5 mo. zoo 14ib st. Main 3S93.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPFRT bookkeoper, stenographer, desires
position v.ith good concern, can malts good
In any office: three years with one Port
land firm; good reason for changa V -M.
up booka prepare balances and atatements
Install avstema Gllllngham, auditor, 411.
Lewis bldg, Marshall TIT.
iCNiTln'an-wishes position as clerk; con
fectionery work desired; graduate of high
school; good hablta Address Box 242.
Lebanon. Or.
DRUGSTORE situation wanted by a young
man who has had a years work In a
school of pharmacy and aome praotioaf
experience: Is going In to It to make good,
v 8 263. Oregonlan.
Ul i t-rl ana uhiibuw, b"o -. ..... .
both ladles- and gems culling and n"lnf
L. N. Sivigart. cor. Division and W. 2oth,
Cleveland, O.
Retail -experience, wants steady position
In a good live store; willing to go out of
town. AH 244. Oregonlan
CHAUFFEUR, ineohamc. competent, all re
pairs: would like position with nice fam
ily: Ensiishman, well spoken. AH 240,
YOUNG man wants position as delivery
man or solicitor In grocery. In or out
of town; 13 years experience; best of ref
erences. H 234. Oregonlan.
GROCERS What have you to offer depend
able man with 12 years" experience in
wholesale and retail grocery buslnesaT AF
POSITION by abatraauor: five years' ex
perience; good referenca Addreaa T03
Commercial st, Astoria. Or.
IKJi FTSMAN, mechanical drawing and de
stining a specialty! referencea AL 343,
J A I' A N K S E BOY wants position to do
housework in small family at country
town. B 243. Oregonlan
HOTEL and club manager, married, will
accept steward's position; club or country
leeort preferred. ;
oiMOKESTACK and flagpole palntlnjf and
all kinds cf steeplejack work. French A
Davis. Hillsdale. Or, Route L
SITUATION Millwright, heavy construc
tion; familiar with plana Phone Tabor
JAFANESS wante position. automobile,
gardener or store boy; referencea AN
244. Oregonlan
YOUNG Englishman requires work of any
kind; machinist by trade; can drive au
tomobile. A R 241, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED family cook wants position.
ISSSs First at, M. E. Chinese Mission.
room 14.
BOY. 16 years old. not afraid of Job. wants
one. Linden D. McHenry. T26 gelmont St.
EXPERIENCED man. house-cleaning, window-washing,
all Jobwork. Main 4882.
SITUATION 'wanted by young man, can fur.
nlsh good referenca AP 235. Oregonlan.
position at trade. O 241. Oregonlan.
CHEF, first-class, all-roend, sober, steady;
town or co'untryi AM 142. Oregonlan.
WILL tint rooma for $2.50 and paint housea
at your price. Eaat 22o3.
JAPANESE boy wants position to do house
work In private ramny. v oji. iM-egonian.
GOOD, all-around baker wants steady work.
a,. 9411 Oreennlan.
GOOD help furnished by day or hour. Phone
a iioo.
JAPANESE cook wants position tn private
family. Main Paul. A lotil.
JAPANESE cook and helper wants position,
city or country. D 2M. Oregonlan.
P"I RST-CIAPS Japanese cook wants position,
horei or restaurant. T 2M. Oregonian. '
YOUNG MAX" tva-its work as porler or
houseman. B. Caiman, CSO Hood at.
JULY 10. 1911.
BY capable eastern sicnogia.ii.
enced In Insurance, mfff, transportation
and electrical line.-; city referencea Ad-
LADY wlEhes a position in a phjslcian'a
office. F 242. Oregonlan. ,
BOOKKEEPEH-stenoirapherwlth some ex-
EXPERT yoiin; lady stenographer wants
position. Main 2i:ll.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position.
1l.,.ne M4n T.XS
FIRST-CLASS cressmaKer would HKO wora
by the day. fnone laoor u.j.
WANTED Dressmaking by the day. Phone
A r.i:.". "
WANTED By a woman who Is a graduate
nurse from an Eastern hospital, the entire
rare of infant or Invalid. Can go any place.
Reasonable salary. Address this office. L
251. Oregonlan ,
AS PRACTICAL NURSE or any kind of
work, by middle-aged colored woman; also
place as children s nurse by colored girl.
283 North 16th. corner Overton.
INVALID lady can have private room, treat
ment, care, reasonable, trained nurse, la
bor 2213. . .
NURSE, will take confinement cases In ner Phone East I'J'kV
WANTKD Position to care ior Invalid; cx-
perienced. Taovtr 3"Ma,
EXPERIENCED nursing. 7S1 East Ankeny
st, cor 24th.. K 210. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT, reliable widow wants position
.. as housekeeper or manase small hotel.
Phone Main tl7'.2. mornings.
POSITION as housekeeper In widowers
family or rooming-house by middle-aged
experienced lady. J 253. Oregonian.
INTELLIGENT young lady with best of
references, wishes some kind of a position,
of trust, either part or all day. . AG -.
TOUNG lady attending colleee desires to
do light work before and after school,
good references given. Call or address
H. D. H, Commonwealth blilg
WANTED By a capable middle-aged wo
man., the management of a home, hotel
or apartment-house. Address this office,
C 252. Oregonian
WANTED Employment hy experienced Ger
man cook for logKing camp, restaurant or
hotel. 1M 11th. cor. Yamhill st.
MR OKOa wishes houiecleaning. hour or
day work. S Hood st.
TWO girls want situations; general house
work. 8Sfi 21st st. N.
WOMAN -wants day work, housework, etc
ins N. 21st
YOUNG woman wishes day work. Call East
LACE curtains hand laundered, 30c pair.
Call, delivered. Marsnaii imwi.
FANCY- work and plain sewing done. Call
A 1139.
woman, day work. Fhone C
WOMAN wants work by day. Phone Mar
shall ISO.
WOMAN wants laundry, or any-vind of
housework by the hour, phone A 144 1.
LADY wishes day work for Monday. Wed
nesday, lliursaay ana rami ,a.. n.
Main 4400.
hours' work, each day.
A COMPETENT woman wants work for
Tuesday. Thursday and Friday. A 4142.
GOOD first-class chambermaid, work any
kind, day or week. Main 3H6S. '
LADY wants washing by day. T41 E. Main St.
For ono of tne most attractive addi
tions on the East Side, between Irving
ton and Beaumont. Apply mornlnga
1108 Spalding bldg.
RELIABLE eslesman can make bfg money
selling our well-known line of hardy non
irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc.; out
fit furnished; cash weekly. Address Ore
gon Nursery Company. Orenco, Or.
WANTED To rent a well-finished & or 6
xoom house with all modern conveniences,
in desirable locality; rent reasonable; Irv
lngton preferred. Phone -Main 4llo.
TWO or 8-room house, furnlKliod, larse
grounds for chickens, out, cheap. V 2u0.
Rooms and Board.
WANTED By young man. professional,
board and roqm with private tainll: Irv
lngton; referencea Address AG 258, -Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, employed, desires room and
board In a congenial private family; ref
' erences. A 23. Oregonian.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single,
an suite, all conveniences, best location.
"M1LNER BLDG," Morrison SU
Fornitued Rooma
Those three beautifully furnished hotels,
213 V, 4th St. UVs 4 th st. 20TVs 4'h St.
On Fourth st, running from Taylor to
Salmon au Brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly
up-to-date In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of tne
ordinary in the heart of the city at reas
onable prices, give us a call. now.
you will like it. Rooms by the day, week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient.
Bet. Tth and Park sta
Opposite Heilig Theater. Oentral. quiet,
rooms with private bath, etc, from 31
dally; suites or single rooms at low
rates: weekly or monthly terma; new,
handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele
phones, hot and cold running water. From
Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or w
car to 7th: from Hoyt-street Depot, a
car. transfer on Morrison to Tth. Phone
Marshall 220O.
One block from Union Depot; 140 out
side rooma with hot and cold water, every
thing brand new; special ratea by the week
or month; give us a trial. Transient rates
60o lo (3 per day; weekly rates 3.0 up.
131 Eleventh st.
New. modern brick building, steam-heated,
private baths, hot and cold water in
rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort
able. Rents very reasonable. Call and see
ua Regular and transient trado soiicited-
Lowest rates In city, by day, week or
month; nloely furnished new brick build
ing; hot and coid water and telephone In
every room; close in. 105 Vt 12th st, near
Washington. Marshall 270.
Park sL, between Morrison and Alder.
Heart of tha city; quiet and modern; free
'bus or W car at depot; ratee 31 single.
tl.&O double; also family rooms with pri
bate bath, etc Kates per week.
Central location, moderate prices: neat
airy rooms; weekly rales 33. 33.50 and
up. Including public phona and bath.
THE OClil-El'.
8t0 H Morrison sl,,cor. 10th.
HOTEL REN WICK. An ideal home for
business people; centrally located; ele
gant rooms, all modern conveniences; Tta
and Taylor eta, 1 block from Portland
Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main 91a.
BUSH MARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington
Newly furnished rooms, single or ea
suite- private hatha, ateam heat, hot and
cold water and phone in all rooma; rates
reasonable; transients solicited.
LIGHT, airy rooma modern, suites or sin
gle, $2 and 3- week; live minutes' walk
to theaters and stores, free phona Lin-
dell Hotel. 2 etn.
LARGE front room, suitable for two; neatly
furnished, reasonable, light housekeeping
If desired. 333 13lh St.
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniencea
$3.f0 week up; also- boueekeeplng-rooma
LARGE front room on first floor and one on
second floor, both suitable for two; reas
onable. 333 13th st, cor. Market st.
' " LOoE-IN.
Two nice single furnished rooms, low
rent. i3 1 n '
T j..- .; LANDORE, 2S8 10th, has a single
room suitable for gentleman; hot and
cold water.
FOR RENT-r-Nlcely furnished rooms, close
In- popular prices: transient trade solic
ited. The Baker. 26a V- 5th st.
THE LARRABEE. 2-'7-i Larrabee sr.; mod
ern cool and airy rooms; low rates.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at
moderate prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery.
GOOD front room, well furnished, clean, free
p i, one and bath. IIP- '.' Everett.
I'OOMS day or week, treasonable. Palmer
Hotel. 330 ni Alder st
3s7a casi ci"'"
A very pleasant place to summer. aar
walking dlstanca modern throughout,
Tooma single or en suite, rooms witn pri
vate bain. Summer rates, 75c to Lo0 per
flay. 32 to 37 per week. BLj:JS. East o8
HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and 2d streets.
Strictly modern, reasonable rates by tne
day. week or month. B. W. Fisher, Man
ager Furnished Rooma in Private Family.
TWO. tnree and four clean, newly fur
nished rooms for housekeeping, modern,
free phone, light and bath. SS carllna
Phone Alain aon.
NICELY furnished rooms for 1 or 3 per
sons In private home, all modern conven
iences. . 411 N. 21st, take 16th st. car to
Taughn. - it
FUltNISHED two-room front suite, or single
rooms. In private famlly- select location.
West Side, close In. 794, Johnson st, Mar
shall 23ol. . .
FOR RENT A beautifully furnished front
room, bay windows, bullt-ln seat, very
reasonable. Phone C S2tlU. 53 E. 12th N.
NEWLY furnished corner room for rent,
cheap for couple or two young laulea
j.x C UrnD1rle Tt 2862.
VERY nicely furnished room in up-to-date
home, with steam heat and every mod
ern convenience, rnone a wiv.
MODERN. well-furnlshed room, within
walking distance of city. Telephone East
NICELY furnished large front room, all
conveniencea, gentleman; references. 170
Chapman st.
THREE large housekeeping-rooms, fire
place and balcony. 204 E. 15th. Phone B.
LARGE front room, suitable for two peo
ple; privilege of light housekeeping II
desired. 333 ldtn St, cor, aamv
NICELT furnished rooms; parlor bedroom,
57 Trinity place, near Washington, be
tween I'Jtn. ana jjin.
ONE pleasant well-furnlshed sleeping-room,
light and bath free; J10 per month. 1T4
b, oOtn, cor. ataaiiiin.
FURNISHED ROOMS in apartment. West
Side. Nob Hill district, suitable for 1 or
2. Reasonable, r-none jaaiu q-qv.
CLEAN and newly furnished rooms m good
location, walking distance. 187 East 14th
NICELY furnished rooms, for gentlemen;
easy walking oisiance. o ..........
ONE large furnished room, private family
:04 E. loin, rnoiia c .
.1.75 TO 3 per week; desirable location
clean rooms. .- j-
PLEASANT furnished front rooms. 52 N.
NEWLY furnished, rooma prices moderata
429 Columbia. '
CLEAN coxy, well-furnlshed front room;
modern. 30 N. 16th st. ;
NEWLY furnished rooms tor gentleman
onlv- close In. 214 18th st, cor. Salmon.
LARGE -pleasant alcove room, suitable for
.3waiklngdistanca 361 10th st.
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen only. 48
NICE front room suitable for two; also
housekeeping rooma. uw ......p.
NEWLY furnished room for rent. 329
Front St.
WELL-FURNISHED room, every convenl-
r . o-o t k ,f cor. Montgomery.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished alcove room;
references riun en. ou" -'
2 ROOMS with bath, hot and cold water,
furnished. 587 E. Main.
FOR nice rooma on Washington st, at
moderate pricea. pnuno ,,
FRONT room with balcony. $10; large room.
big closet, lia. oao
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good
home; rererencea u uouun.
FURNISHED rooms reasonable. 813 Clay st.
WEST SIDE, close In. three rooms unfur
nished, suitable for young men or ladlea
Phone .Maranan zooa.
Ri ll DING 5th and Ptark. Owner 300 Co
S lumbia bl'dg,Vest Park and Washington.
Rooms With Hoard.
. . . i 71 - TV., White
DOrJS a noine appeal w - - ---r
hall, cor. 6th Madison. Targe rooms, bath.
Droao. veranuHM, vmoi, .... -- .
4 blocks Trom tr. k. vmo. ...n... ,
LARGE beautifully furnished room with
board; fine nome-cooaius n-' ......
...... . , . . a, h ani4 7th.
hju jaontgoiiiei 3 oi-. ".. ---
PORT LAND Women's Union. 23d y'!
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 510 Flandera.Heathsupt.
ROOM AND BOARD 2 fine rooms, home
cooking; will also take a few table board-
era 617 Kearney, iscw iiiaiiH""""-
COMFORTABLE and up-to-date home with
or without board. 55 Main st- Kings
n . t x- , u Ti j.i'i lnrrlann cor. 13lh
inr, aiw ... -
Select nrlvate boarding-house; walking
distance. I
261 13th. new management: thoroughly
renovaieu. iiivmna ,v,-. ...-
ROOM and board for young women. I3 per
week .12 c. iih si- a nic .
CHOICE board and large room, facing the
park: very reaauimme. -it .
Room- With Board la frlvaie tamllr.
ON hi nice, aary Bievpins rwo,.,,
lly. close in, witn an - ,v
with or without board. 353 12th st- Main
WILL taae a lew puaiuci m
4rt4 Boulevard, City View Park: a beauti
ful place for the Summer months, over-
looKlng river ana cny. aw'"'.""
.vavri.-.r, a child 3 vears old to care for.
good home, mother's care, lawn, shade
- i n,nnh DQ.'ll R.
ireea, iigwuii, a - "
67th St.
ROOM and board for man and wife, or two
gentlemen; nice noma tor rigm party.
rnone Main wifo.
. , - , . . . , n-1 . V. ii - wllhnllt hoard.
AWU iruui ' uwiii. -" - --'
man and wife or two young men. T15
Jonnson si, ami.
LARGE, comfonable room and best of
table board lor two; terms i"".
rood locality; walking distance. Main 20 1 1.
good locality;
a-r,-i-T v f,..nuhd front room. 10 minutes'
walk to P. O, 13 per week. 352 College
st, near para.
i..., Wat vtov arreet: nice rooms with good
home cooking: all home comforts; 4 blocks
from postof rice.
vtcvrv furnished room with board, suit
able for 2 gentlemen. 195 16th st. Refer
PLEASANT room, with or without board, in
modern home, reasonabla 531 E. Madison.
Phone B 2oao.
GOOD big. down-stairs room lor
phones; board If desired, a pleasant home;
r i l, i - hi. ranee. Main 4288. 571 Gllsan.
FURNISHED room ano rjoaru mr iwo. v.
ln. home comforts and conveniences and
noma cooa-nm. 1 " "
NICE small room ior a or a a-j-.o...-,
YT.t;,-,.ia hoard: all conveniencea 273
N. 2ith st, cor, uvei ton ..
to PER r,r.i 'rr.- aa ;i
room; new. modern nouae mi aw. o
17th. near Fianoera t.
1 a HHR front room; running water and
closet; nice home and good board.' 519
Morrison st.
NICE rooms with sleeping porch. 615 Mor-
hiBQn st.
SINGLE room with board f5 a week. 605
6th St. mam
NICE place to room and-board. Call East
NICELY furnished room; everything moa
jcentlemen preferred. Call B 1222.
BOARD and room In home with young peo-
r -jiuiii Ri Fast Davia
pie. u M.iwi. "
ROOMS and board, close-in. 192 13th sL,
t.?Hween jammn
.-vv larse room with board; suitable for
three men. 42 Ella St. Marshall 2128.
VFNTUCKY APTS, E 28th and Olisan: 2
room unfurnished apt, new and modern,
private bath and phona Phone B 1432,
ONE 4-room and one 6-room, walking dis
tance, hot water, best In city for the
money. Phone E 2H22.
st CLAIR. T10 Wayne street: modern six
room apartments, two porches and 4-room
SA, 25. Phone Main 4930.
virinERN 4-room apartment, flower garden,
oily 15. W-W car to 87th. 1128 Francis
THE CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy: 1 elegantly fur
tilshed 4-room apartment and 2-room.
,t,al , ....... C.Mm Ml,1
Marshall -wi". pu...-
ONE modern 5room apartment. 650 Flan
. ca mnnHe Alain c2il.
aers. a hp
TUB King Davia corner King and Davis
T ... one 3 and one 4-room apt.
"i iVT-Modern apts.; Knob Hill district;
rlVailent to 2car llnea 186 22d at. N.
THE-HARTFORD Best modern apla in the
city. 21st and Flandera
T"HEDAYTONNice , four-room lower .pt,
heat, water, etc, 20. 608 Flandera
at tamonT 304 College, strictly modern I
4-mapts. Main 6080. Reasonable.
THB laxDORE, 288 loth, a completely
furnlahen api, .v -.
4 ROOM apartment, partly furnished, rent
30. ' sSt Ufa t- Jackson Bungalow,
urinr.iv vi.ivinN'F.R X- TtOYCE.
Main 2015. 5O3-50U Ablngton bldg. A201S.
v OiJt apartments are built right. i rom
long experience we know the tenants
. wants and make it a point to supply
them. We have apartments for rent In
locations listed below, which possess the
- maximum of convenience and equipment
at the mtnrmum of expense. Courteous
janitor on the premises will show the
THE HANTHORN. 251 12th St., near
Main; 3 large rooms with private balcony.
2 sleeping compartments; 35 and $37.50.
THE KINGSBURY, Ford si, near Wash
. lnaton: superb location, new building, prl-
, vale balcony; 3 and 4 rooms each, with
two Sleeping comput iuicuib.
furnished. 3 and 4 rooms, lllh and Colum
bia sts, 332.50 to 15. '
THE KEARNEY. 21st and Kearney
Bts. : 5 rooms for $35.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson
sta; close-in location: 3 and 4 rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished. t
Corner 20th and Kearney.
Opportunity to own your own furniture
' at very moderate rental rates; call at tha
Chesterbury and let the manager explain
our plan: this proposition will only stay
open until July 15: no phoneing; unfur
nished apartments also- for rent.
Cor. park and Taylor Sta
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta
Walking Dlstanca
Completely furnished 2. a and 4-roora
apartments; buildings new and strlstly
modern; service first-class.
These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart
ments, whicn are now completed, are sit
uated in the heart of the city, within 10
minutes' walk of the business center.
Reservations may be made from owner
on premises or by phona Main 4i8o. A
and Columbia streets; first-class 2 and -room
furnished and unfurnished apart
ments; private baths, large dressing clos
ets, disappearing beds, built-in buffets, pri
vate phones and all modern conveniences,
first-class service, best location In the
city, overlooking the parks and only 5
minutes' walk from the business center;
prices very reasonable. Apply to manager.
Corner of 18th and Jefferson sts, fou
and five room apartments, unfurnished,
with reception hall, automatic elevator.
Pacific States telephone in every apart
ment and the most modern conveniences
found in the city. Phone Main 3868 and
Miss Allen, the manager, will show you
through the aaprtmenta. or call up mala
office. Main B764.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta
This new 4-story brick opened January X,
1011; furnished and unfurnished In two,
three and four-room suites.) with recep
tion hall; Pacific phone In each apart
ment; electric elevator, Tolmea disappear
ing beda, bullt-ln bullet and writing-desk,
gaa ranges. Icebox, plenty of closet room,
If you want something extra line, come
to the Barker. Phone Marshall 290L
DR1CKSTON APTS, 448 11th. near College
Walking distance. Take Mt. Tabor car.
off at hall su 4-story brick building. 3
and 1-room suites, strictly modern; auto
matic elevator and dumb waiters; private
balh. telephone and lookroom for each
apartment; laundry-room, with ateam dry
er. $25 up; Summer ratea
044 Everett sr.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; S rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private pacifio telephone; located In one
of the choicest residence disirlcta sur
rounded by. elegant homes; walking dis
tance. .
730 Hoyt St.
New building, new furniture, strictly
modern and high-class In every respect;
moderate rates
This beautiful house is being thoroughly
renovated and newly furnished; rooma
large and elegant, splendid grounds; a
real home for people who appreciate com
fort and elegance; prices inodoraia 48
N, 17th St.
Tttc- oir.nviv APARTMENTS.
New management, new concrete building
with elaborately furnished 3-room apart
ments, modern conveniences, lawn, cool ve
randas, janitor service; reasonable, walk
ing distance. 624 Marshall su; take "W
car. Alain oujj or aa oaf.
ferson sta A 4-room apt. with bath,
furnished or unfurnished; all outside
rooms, every convenience; modern and
only 5 mln. walk from P. O. Very rea
sonable rent, ,
Corner 14th and Clay Sta
"Large 4-room. front, corner suite, un
furnished, vestibule, closeta private bath
and phone, electrlo elevator, walking dij
.olendld view. We alao have 1-
rooin apartments, unfurn'shed.
ALAaiia .i ............ -
Elegantly furnished and unfurnished:
comforts of home; private phone and
baths, elevators, private playground for
children; ideal location. 228 N. -0th SU
. , . i . t i . o i I)Tir VT5
Marshall 2028.
lbTH ST, Mi ri..Liiio.
New 4-story concrete building; 2, 8 and
4- room apartments, furnished and unfurnished-
new furniture, modern. Apply to
the Clietopa, 18th and Flanders sts.
ORDER LEIGH ADartinents. oor. Grand ava
and Eaat Stark su New fireproof brick
building beautifully furnished, two and
three-room apartments, private bath, frea
nhone, hot and cold water. Ice box, no ca,
fare. Summer ratea Phone East 300.
EXCLUSIVE apartments; 6 large rooms and
Oiath; private entrance; large front and
back nrlvate porches; maid's room in basement-
heat, hot water, vacuum cleaning
iystem; rangea refrigerator. 73 ISorlh
rup. Phone Main 9358.
Cor "0th and Northrup. elegantly fur
nished 3-room apt, with porches and
one unfurnished S-room apu In base
ment. Apply to Mra Courtright Apt. D.
Main 6042.
PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison
sta beautiful 3 and 4-roora apartments
furnished for housekeeping; everything
new and modern; elevator, telephone tiee.
Hi to 360,
414 11th st, oor. Hall.
2 8 and 4-room newly furnished
nt's private bath, phone and balcony
fc!rhea 2o up. Phone Marshall tin.
429 East Morrison. Corner 7th.
ft 2 and 4 rooms, high-grade furnished
apis.; private baths, best service, moder
ate prlcsa '
Park street, corner Madison.
Furnished, unfurnished apta; Individual
nhones: convenient, down-town district.
THE Beryl Large rooms, large closeta
cool and airy for Summer; some fur
nished apartmenta 21st and Luvejoy;
take W car.
SaNNER APARTMENTS. 4S9 Clay st, near
14th ac ; strictly modern 2-room apts,
completely furnished; $2-1 to $24 pr
month; walking dla tapes.
410 6th, furnished and unfurnished
strictly modern apartments, walking dis
tance, prices reasonable; no children.
KTEAM-HEATED fiat, five rooms, for $35.
5- 7 Everett su Key with Morgan, Flid
ner A Boyce. 603 Ablngton bldg. Main
2U15. A -uaa-
THE CECELIA, corner of 22c. and Gllsan
x handsomely furnlshei' apartment
with porches, also one unturnlthed. Phone
Marshall 1804-
ci.-v MARCO Apartments. E. 8th ind Couch
N-ew brick, front 3-room apart nent. pri
vate bath and phone; summer . rate $25.
East 2761. '
FURNISHED six-room modern apartment.
King Heights, for the Summer, reason
able; two sleeping porches. Apartment
6. 715 Wayne.
CEDARHILL APT, newly furnished apt, 1S7
Green ace, 2 blocks south of 23d and
THE LAURETTE One elegantly furnished
8-room apartment, private bath and phona
82" 11th st.
BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished,
strictly modern. Summer rates now la ef
fecL 1894; 23d SU Marshall 2821.
THE Northampton. 407 Hall su; new and
elegantly furnished 2-room apartmenta,
walking distance. Main 4299.
BRATNTREE Elegant five-room apartment.
West Side; walking distance; rent reaaon
able. Main 7741.
NEWLY furnished S-room apartment, mod
ern, close in, 444 JS. Burhside.