r THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, JULY 4. 1911. GRAY'S SPECIAL UAL1L SALE Mi BEGINS WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th THIS SALE IS FOLLOWING OUR CUSTOM EACH SEASON. Making these special price reductions enables us to entirely close out all stock left from the Spring and Summer season. Come tomorrow while selections are good. All Chesterfield Suits on sale except blacks and blues at the following great price reductions: 273-275 Morrison At Fourth i FREE, "RELEASE" Calhoun and Other Railway Chiefs Out of California, to Be Rearrested. SUPREME COURT DECIDES Men Indicted In San FYanolsoo Ixse Biltru Corpus Proceedings and aa They Are Without Ball. Sheriff Seeks Them. SAX FRANCISCO. July S. Patrick Calhoun. Tlrev U Ford. Thornwall Mullally and William SL Abbott, the Vnlted Railroad officials indicted on the charge of bribing city officials, wrr denied release on habeaa corpus rroceedlncs by the State Supreme Court today. The opinion waa written by Justice Lorta-an. with the concurrence of the other member of the bench, excepting" Chief Justice Realty, who, however, fare no dissenting opinion. Petition Is Made. Following the refusal of Superior Judge Law lor a year ago to dismiss the case for alleged lack of evidence, the railway officials surrendered them selves to the Sheriff and then peti tioner! the Supreme Court for release. At the earn time ball bonds were filed with the upper oourt pending the hear inf. Thus the point that the accused were -deprived of their liberty." was technical, as the court polnta out. The real Issue was whether Judge Lawlor had power to postpone the cases longer la view of the disappearance of James L. Gallagher, the prosecution's main, witness during the graft, prosecution. Justice Lonsrao says that the de fendants surrendered themselves to the chnff to make out a case to sunport the Issuance of a writ "contrary to i the spirit, purpose and object of the WTlt.- Anotber Way Shown. He points out also that habeas corpus , is not tha sole remedy, as asserted, I since a wrtt of mandate might have beeo applied for. But to obtain such a writ, they must atiow that trial court had failed In Its legal duty In refusing to dismiss the rases. One of the curious effects of the de rision Is that It leaves esrh of the four applicants at liberty without ball, which had been set at f 115.000 In each case. They gave bonds In this sura for appearance In the Superior Court and then In the Supreme. It now remains for the Sheriff to rearrest them. Calhoun is reported to be at his home In Cleveland. O.. where his daughter's wedding was celebrated last week, with Mullally and Abbott in attendance. Ford Is out of the city at this time. Eddy Will Injunction Ienled. CONCORD. N H July I In the Su perior Court today Chief Justice Wal lace denied the motion of tha defense for o Injunction, restraining George lira DENIED CHESTERFIELD SUITS $20.00 Suits $22.50 Suits $25.00 Suits $30.00 Suits $35.00 Suits $40.00 Suits W. Glover, of Lead. S. IV. from pro ceeding with the suit brought to de termine legality of the residuary clauses of the will of the lste Alary Baker O. Eddy. An exception wss taken which will be transferred to the Supreme Court tomorrow, where the suit Is to go Saturday. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS GUILTY Ohio Senate) Officer Convicted of Aiding Bribery. COLUJIBfS. C July I. Tha Jury In the case of Bodne-y J. IMerle. sergeant-at-arms of the State Senate, who has been on trial, charged with aiding and abetting the alleged bribery of State Senator L. R. Andrews, returned a ver dict at noon today, finding him guilty. The Jury had been out since 4:20 last Friday afternoon, that being a record In this county. Representative George B. Nye. of Pike County, the first to be tried, was acquitted of a charge of bribery, but other Indictments are pending. In the Dlegle trial the state relied on a mechanical device, the "dicta graph." a highly sensitive telephone, for Its strongest evidence. The dicta graph transmitter was secreted In a de tective's room In a hotel, and a court stenographer In another room reported the conversation In which It was al leged bribes were offered and accepted. DEAD GENERAL HONORED Confederate Veteran Will Lie in State In Georgia Capitol. ATLANTA. Ga.. July S. The funeral of General Clement A. Evans, ex-Commander of the United Confederate Vet erans, who died yesterday afternoon, will be held Wednesday. The body will lie In state at the Georgia Capitol from 11:50 until 3:30. after which It will be taken to the First Methodist Church, where funeral services will be con ducted by Bishop Candler and Chaplain General H. Linn, a Confederate vet eran. Upon request of tha Ladles Memorial Association, the body will be burled In the lot belonging to that organisa tion In Oakland Cemetery, near the Confederate Cemetery In this city. COUNTERFEIT BILL "GOOD" Secret Serrloo Men Find Bogus) Cer tificate Very Well Made. WASHINGTON. July 1. A naw counterfeit $100 gold certificate, so well made In many details; that the Secret Herrlce regards It as highly dangerous, was found today In a ship ment of money from a National bank In Louisville to Its correspondent In New Tork. The new bill Is a lithograph, and al though It has many defects. Is printed on the Government's money paper, which the counterfeiter obtained by bleaching a genuine "note. It bears the portrait of Benton, which Is very flat. A careful examination of the back la likely to betray that. CANADIAN NATIONAL PARK and Return $85. This yery low rate covers round-trip season ticket, permitting stopovers at Flcamous. Glacier. Field, La (ran and Banff. No other trip to be compared with ona through tha Canadian Rock-lea, OO SO OO so so so at at at at at $16 $19 at $15 $23 $26 $29 10 Discount Given on Black and Blue Suits M. GERMAN AID SEEN Participation In Arbitration Pact Seems Likely. SUSPICION IS DISPELLED Misunderstanding About Great Brit ain Cooled Enthusiasm at First, bnt Officials Now Think . Way la Opened. WASHINGTON. July . Thst Germany'! will not be far behind Great Britain in her acceptance of the principle of unrestricted arbitration of all Issues, Including those Involving national honor. Is regarded here as virtually certain In view of recent developments. When Count Von Bernstorff. the Ger man Ambassador, departs for Berlin, it Is expected he will be charged with a new presentment of the question that will Insure favorable consideration. From the first the German Foreign Office has looked doubtfully upon the arbitration plan because It felt that while Germany, under Its terms, would be absolutely forced to submit an Issue to arbitration, the English government could avoid such responsibility because the United States was privileged to pass upon the Issue. A hasty reading- of the copy of the treaty supplied the Foreign Office through Count Von Bernstorff con firmed this belief, hence there was no manifestation by Germany of Its pur pose to press the negotiations. It appears that there has been a radi cal misunderstanding on this Important point. The treaty provides that even after the action of the Senate upon a "pro-Jet" or upon a definition of the xact limits of the matter to be arbi trated, the laeue shall not go to actual arbitration until there has been an ex change of notes between the two gov ernments, and an objection by either to the form would result In stopping tha proceedings. This point has been mads clear to the German Ambassador, aid now It Is expected tha way has been cleared for adhesion of Germany to the convention. JOE DAY IS PUT IN JAIL (Continued from First Page). courthouse stands, southward across Tesler way and down Into the low lands of the Jackson-street regrada where stood the old restricted district which caused all the trouble. Day was puffins hard and making small head way, while tha crowd came yelling" down tha hill with a big momentum. The deputies caught up with him and he was seised. Hyde, somehow, hsd dived Into a hole without attracting the attention of the pursuers, and over his ash bar rel ha saw the chase go by and had Lav good view of tha aeqaeL He stood $ $ $ $ $ pat for a while and might have made attempt to guide Day's captors to his hiding, place, but the sight or uay under arrest was too much for him and he walked out and surrendered. The detectives were conducted to the King County Jail and detained for about an hour and a half, when they were brought before Judge J. T. Ron ald and released on their personal recognizance to get $2000 ball each. Day's anger was directed chiefly against Prosecuting Attorney John F. Murphy. "I will make an A. P. A. of tha Junior order out of that before I get through with him," said Day. STRAPHANGER BILL VETOED Seattle Mayor Says Anti-Crowding Ordinance Impractical. SEATTLE, Wash, July S. (Special.) Mayor George W. Dilllng today sent to the City Council his veto of the bill passed last Monday, seeking to regulate streetcar traffic by limiting the number of persons to be carried on each of the 14 types of cars used. The Mayor's general reason Is that the ordinance does not remedy conditions, while it lays down fixed rules with which It would be very difficult to comply and which would prove annoying to the traveling public. Dllllng says there can be no difference of opinion as to the desirability of put ting a stop to the overcrowding at streetcars and to assure to the public adequate streetcar service, and gives It as his opinion that the passenger who pays a fare should be entitled to a seat. LONG CRUISE IS PLANNED San Francisco Skipper Visits Coast Polnta In Motor-Boat. ASTORIA, Or.. July I. (Special.) Captain E. S. Blasdel. of San Francisco srrlved today on his cruiser motor-boat Ripple. He Is on a pleasure excursion along the coast. On the way up to this point stops were matte at Eureka. Coos Bay and Yaqulna and after remaining here for a few days, he will proceed to Grays Harbor and points on Puget Sound, probably extending his trip to British Columbia. St, Johns Postmaster Changes Mind. WASHINGTON, July 3. John T. Monahan. postmaster at St. Johns, who resigned a month ago. haa withdrawn his resignation, the Department allow ing him to do so. Congressman Laf ferty had already nominated Fred C. Couch for the place. No reason was given for Monahan's action. Lafferty has recommenced Leonard Clmmlyottl to be postmaster at Olem. Gilliam County. Troops Ordered to Wyoming. WASHINGTON. July I. The Fourth Field Artillery and the Ninth Cavalry today were detached from the maneuv er division and ordered to Fort D. A. Russell. Wro, their home post- They will leave 8an Antonio In a few days. Clerk Plunges 15 Stories. CHICAGO. July 3. C. A. Wright, a clerk committed suicide today by Jump ing from toe fifteenth story of the Ma sonic Temple building to the court b Icw, Ha waa instantly killed. FINE TROUSERS 5.00 Values at $4-.00 6.00 Values at 7.00 Values at 8.00 Values at 9.00 Values at $10.00 Values at $7.00 Terms of Sale Strictly Cash 8-HOUR FIGHT ON California Labor Will Hire Brandeis if Necesary. AID TO WOMEN STAUNCH Hotelkeepers Say They Will Appeal If Supreme Court Upholds Short Day' for Female Workers. Unions to Keep on, Too. SAN FRANCISCO, July 3. (Special.) The California State Federation of Labor held a meeting today to confer conoernlng the action to be taken by them If the eight-hour day, applying to the employment of women In hotels and restaurants. Is declared unconsti tutional in the Supreme Court on next Monday. They also provided plans to follow the hotelkeepers Into the Su premo Court of the United States In the event the deolsion Is In favor of the law and against the hotelkeepers. who say that they will appeal the case In that event Tbo Federation of Labor has decided to give all the assistance possible to keep the law upon the statute books and declare they have backing from several outsiders who are willing to Have Your Ticket Read "Burlington" Low Round Trip Rates East Chicago -$ St. LOUIS. . . WWVaC-: St. Paul.. .... Omaha and Kansas 72.50 70.00 63.90 60.00 110.00 102.40 107.50 81.00 City. Boston jtlanticjCity Baltimore . . . Detroit . . nATFS nI' 1 19 "",d ao' 2 to ts. iTsI? Auanst 3 to B 14 to 1T SI to 23; 28 to SO. September 1 and 2; 4 to 7. SALE October 12 to 14. October It to 14 to Denver and Colorado 5 prints only. : Illili': 'I $4-.SO $s.so 6.00 $6.SO 273-275 Morrison At Fourth contribute as much money as will be needed to carry the case as r ii. possible to take It. If the case is- carried to the Supreme Court of the United States the Cali fornia Federation of Labor will retain Louis D. Brandeis. of Boston, the at torney who represented the unions in the eight-hour fight in Illinois and Iowa, and who caused great agitation In railroad circles several weeks ago by charging gross mismanagement In all departments of the railroads of the country, to represent them before the highest court in the land. The case to be decided next Monday Is the one appealed from Los Angeles. It 18 asserted by the union leaders that the Hotelmen's Association of the Pa cific Coast is hehlnd the attempt to have the law declared unconstitutional. 3 PAST0RSIN CENTURY Pennsylvania Church Celebrates Its 1 0 Oth: Anniversary. CLAYSVILLE, Pa.. July 3. The Claysvllle United Presbyterian Church, probably one of the oldest organiza tions In the state, celebrated its hun dredth anniversary yesterday. The church holds a record equalled probably by no Protestant ohurch In the United States, In that It has had but three continuous pastorates in its 100 years' existence. The present pastor. Rev. Alexander McLachUn, has been with the church since 1872. RUSSIAN FLEET TO COME Squadron Will Repay United States Fleet's Visit in 113. ST. PETERSBURG. July 3. The Min istry of Marine la considering a plan Montreal . . . . $105.00 New York..,.,... 108.50 Philadelphia 108.50 Portland, Me 110.00 Rochester 91.35 Washington 107.50 Denver, Colorado Springs 55.00 Final Return Limit,' October 31st. Liberal stopover and diverse route arrangements. A. 0. SHELDON, General Agent, C, B. & Q. E. R. 100 Third SW Portland, Or. to send a Russian squadron to America in 1918 to mart the 60th anniversary of the visit of the Russian squadron under the command of Admiral Lys sovsky to New York In 1863. The visit of 1913 would serve at the same time as a return of the call re cently made at Cronstadt by the Ameri can battleships. Never leave home on a Journey with- out a bottle of Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is, almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. LADIE5 CAN WEAR SHOES one sixe smaller after ln Allen's Foot- , Em the antiseptic powder for the feet. It ; makes tight or new .hoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It s tfv greatest comfort discovery of the are. ItTlleves swollen test, blisters, callous and sore spots. It I. certain relief for sweating. ; tired, tender, aching feet. Always use It to , Break In New shoes. Sold, everywhsre. 25c. Ion-t acoept any sub.tlt.ite. For FREE trial package, address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Koy. New York. , Portland Printing House Co. 1. L Wright. Pres. and Gen. Manages, Book, Catalogue and Commercial PRINTING Knlluar. Bind Lac and Blank Book Maklsaa ilmoa: Mala 601. A I3U, aeaiU and lajrlor streets. Portland. OraacB- They Grow Hair Certain Ingredients, if Prop erly Combined, Stimulate Human Hair Growth. Resorcln Is one of the most effective germ destroyers ever discovered. Beta naphthol is a most powerful, yet abso lutely safe germicide and antiseptic, which prevents development of germ matter, and creates a clean, healthy condition. , Pilocarpine, although not a coloring? matter or dye, is an Ingredient well established for its power to restore natural color to human hair. Borax because of Its well-developed softening and cleansing properties, i most useful in the treatment of scalp and hair diseases. Glycerine acts as a stimulant to the hair bulbs, and has a, soothing, healing and nourishing in fluence. Alcohol la Indispensable la medicine because of Its antiseptic, stimulating and preservative qualities. Rezall "93" Hair Tonic is chiefly composed of these Ingredients, which are compounded In a peculiar form, and we believe It Is the most effective remedy known to medical science for scalp and hair troubles generally. We personally guarantee It to eradicate dandruff and scalp Irritations and to grow hair, even though the scalp in spots Is bare of hair, providing of course, there Is life and vitality re maining In the hair roots. We want every one troubled with scalp disease, dandruff or loss of hair to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic If It does not remove dandruff and promote a growth of hair to the satisfaction of the user, we will without question or quibble return every cent paid us for It. This guarantee is printed on every package. It has effected most satis factory results in 93 out of 100 casea where put to a practical test Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo Is entirely unlike and In every particular differ ent from anything else we know of fo the purpose for which it Is recommend ed. We nrge you to try It at our en tire risk. Certainly we could offer no better guarantee. Two sizes, 50 cents and 11.00. Sold In Portland only at The Owl Drug Co.. Inc. cor. 7th and, Washington sts.