OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1911. 17, ' .. THE 3IORNIXG HDP VALUES FIRMER All Foreign Markets Continue to Advance. TOP PRICES ARE PAID Crop Conditions Abroad Have In proved but This Does Xot Stay the Cpward Coarse of Quota tions Jfew York Prospect. Hod rrop conditions In Europe have ihown some improvamar.t In the past weak, the bllicht tiuck belnc asvere. but the onward orosress of values h not Been tared. The markst 1 staadlly cmlntnc In STr.jirth- A late emblo from London statod that the TMihtr ha bmi mora propitious and tha vermin hava almost dlaapprared. A London letter dated Juna 1 said: 1 1 ha prlca of Encltsh. 1I10 hops haa advanced to 133 to ia atiuilnaa. while HO ahllllnss la naked for tha beat lota. The brewery trade la rood, thous-b tha brewers show little dis position to buy and prefer to run their atocka low until next season. Crop reports ware not ao favarabia up to jreaterday. Tha lona drouth baa begun, to tell on tha vlnea." Under data of Juno 21. a London dealer wrote. "It la too early to make a definite estimate of tha crop, but owln to present conditions It cannot be larre. The arre ars can be definitely placed at S3.00O acres. Fty continues to appear and washlnc la aecesaary. Choloe IB 10 Oreejona are quoted at lu shllllnra. Continental r roe poets hava jmprovad." Aceordlns to recent cablea. In Oerrnany and elsewhere on tha Continent vermin are till prevalent, but not to aa aiarmlna; ex tent. Tha Jiew York Journal of Commerce) of juna 29 aatd of crop proepeeta In that stale: Complaints are Increasing- reeard lna tha epreailine; of white mould, and In those yarda where the disease la prevalent rowers are either spraying or making preparatione to do so. Tbera were reports locally of 25-cent business bavins' been worked In the new Orvgon crop, but much secrecy was main' talnad as to the transaction. Chsrlfs S. May. a prominent hopdfaler of Albanr. X. T.. was In the clly yeeterday. Herman Klaber has returned to his office after an absenca of several months in Cali fornia. It was announced yestarday that the af fairs of Isaac Plncua Sons, of Tacotna. who failed last Pecemoer, hava been set tled and the nrra will resume business un der the old name. HOLIDAY IX LOCAL GRAIN TRADE . Bu.lnee rasalng In the Market East era Exchanges Closed. Yesterday was to all lntenta and pur poses a holiday In tha local grain market, as practically no steps were taken to trana act bustnrsa by buyera or aellera. The East ern exchangee were closed and no public :ablea were received. Loral receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange aa follows: Wheat Flour Barley Oata Bay Monday i'u 7 1 1 4 Year ao 2 21 V 6 9 f.iin to date.. 23 13 8 Year as -II 41 1 1 Korengn crop condltlone are summarized by the Liverpool Corn Trade Xewa as fol lows: I'nltod Klnrdom The crops have been greatly benefited by tha recant ratna France. Tha Spring crops bave been rreatly benefited by rains, but It Is expected khat tha wheat crop" will be rather amalL Offerings of native wheat hava Increased. Germany. It Is hoped that the recent ratna have caused some Improvement to the crops, but doubt Is expressed on this point dv some authofitlee. Offerings of native wheat are small. Roumanla. Tha crop outlook Is fnvnrable, the recent heavy rains not having done any aerloua damns. Tha weather Is now warm. Russia The weather conditions general ly are favorable In the southwest for the rrona. In tha aoutheast there hava been beneficial ralna Arrivals at tha porta are light. Italy. Rome damage In tha north by heavy rain a Is reported. In the south tha weather la unsettled, which Is unfavorable for harvesting. Sellers of native wheat are very firm. Spain. -According to an official " report the wheat crop this year will be about f0.000 bushela larger than that of last year. The weather Is fsvorb!e. The wheat rrop of 1910 amounted to 12I.ooo.OH) bush ela Australia Tbera has been much charter ing dona recently. India- The wwather haa been vary fa vorable for tha Autumn food grains. CAXTALOrrF.S PELL AT IIIC.H TRICES YYatermeloaa Are la Goad Demand and Loral Supply ( leans I'p. Tha fruit trade opened up briskly yester day morning, but after noon was not ao active. Tha lis hi buying waa dua to the fact that there will be no general celebra tion today and large numbers will leave tha city. Cantaloupes, aa expected, advanced to (2 8 2.23 par crate. Tha movement la water melons wss better then on any day this season and tha street's accumulation waa worked off. Ftrawbertics wera firm, good shipping stick selling at 11.25 to ILT3. Tha season will last only a few days longer. Rasp berries wera steady at ILTJ .and loganber ries at 11.730 2. Illaa( caps wera quoted at tlffMS. Green applea wera lower at S2.23ff2.SO a box. Other fruits sold at former prices. Among the receipts was a car of green bananas. ties. 8 81V) per pound: artieots. IL50 per crate: cantaloupes. 2g2.26 par crate; peaches. $1.60 per crate; watermelona 2o per pound; plums, S1.7S per crate; rasp berries. $1.75 per crate; loganberries, $1.75 52 per crate; black caps. 1215 2 25: plums. $1 50jL75 per box; prunes. tl-60rl.3 per box. VErif-TABLE Asnararua. 75rS.'.c per dosen; beans. 7(fc; csbbase. 12(2.25 per hundredweight; corn 4i j 5oe per Moxen; cucumbers, tlfJI.XB per box: eggpiani. 15c per pound: garlic loJ12o per pound; lettuce. 30ii.ie per aoxen; hmiM lettur Sl.til75 Tver box: PeSS. 40 ftc pound: peppers. 25 b 30c per pound: rad ishes. 12So per dozen: rhubarb, 292feo per pound; tomatoea. $ltl. ia. SACK VEGETABLES New carrots. $1 per esck; turnips. $2: beets. $2. POTATOES Old. 3 8J.2o per hundred new California. XI 4t 4n rter MuDd. ONIONS Tellow. red. $2; white. 13 par hundred. 1$ lie Dairy and Country Produce. POULTRY Hens. lSfilrtc: Springs. 20e: ducks, young, ltuloc; geeee, turkevs. 20c: dressed, choice. 25c. EOGS Oregon ranch, candled. 52 0 23c. per dozen; case count, ton; 21c; April firsts. Sic BUTTEK City creamery extra " - pound prints. In boxes, 24o per pound; le than hM tote ...tn.. mnA delivery extra. CHtECB Twins, triplets and daisies. 14 14Hc per pound. Young America. 15l.aa j-nKn. haney, tv lc p--r pounu. VEAL Fancy. Utilise per pound. C tapis Craecrtas. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tall. $2.10 par dosen; 2-pound tails. 1H 1 pound fists. X0i Aiaaaa pUUx. 1-pound tails. $1 25. COFFEsI Roastsd, la drums. SSC0s par pound. NUTS Wainnta HHOlls par pound l Braxll nuts. 14ts 1SV:: filberts, lac: almonds. lttfllo: pecaca lac; oocaanuta UtOH per ooxen; cneatnuts. lltso par pounuj ucaary nuts, to lue par opund. HONEY Cno.'ce. W.73 par case; gtralaad honey, luc per pound. SALT Granulated, $15 per ton; half ground. 100s. $&.& ner ton: bus. $9 par ton. BEANS email white. 4c; large white. c; Lima. 7a; pink. 4c; red Mexicans. ic; bayou, tc RICE No. 1 Juu. sake: cheaper grades. MUOlUl ttoutnsra head. $,07o Im ported imperial. bc: Imported axua s 7ff7iC bLiiAR Dry granulated. $5.$0: ' berry, $5.40, beet, $5.40; extra C, $5.1u; powdered, barrels, ti.bu. cube, barrels. $d. LRltlj FttCIia App'ea l-v13Ho per pound; apricots, lc; peacbee, losjlio; prunes, Italian, luvllc; silver, 18c; figs, white and black, tt 7 ic; currants, lutf lie; ralalna loose aiuacatal. (t$Iai bleached 'A uompaon. 11 -,c; u&uleacAed aui vaaa. iaa; aeeued. 8sie4ao. Baps. Wool aad BUdea. HOPS lull contracts, "SAo per pound; 1K10 crop. 2Jc; luuu crop, loc; olds be) luc MOHAIH inoic, 2Hiih oar pound. WOOL Eastern .Oregon. llljllo per pound, according to shxluksge; Valley, lAff 17c per pound.' 1't.Lfa br. 10c; lamba 25 0 40o sack; paita. 70cOl each; shearling! 101)200 each. faiDt aalteU hldea lo per pound; saitaa cair. lie; salted kip. luc; aalted aiaga, c . greea hluea, lc less; dry hides. lias; dry call, litllwc; dry ataga. HO lie lablaija iiAKK far pound, to. UitAlX BAUb Wheat. Dfco; aats. 6. Wo. FreTlsloma. HAMS 10 to 12 pounds, l$919ic; 12 to 14 pounds. lssnliiL. la to lu bounds, ioo l4c: Id to la bounds. sklnneu. lss; picnics. iufc; cottage rolU 14 c kilOKty AILAlo Beet long use, oio; dried beet aets, none; outsldes, sons; ia- aidea i-c; knuckles. 20c LARD Kettle rendered, tierces, 12Hc; tuba, i-:c; standard, tiorcea, lovei tuba. 11c; choice tlercea, 9ac, tuba lo.i suorl- auing. tlercea ai tuba, la BACON Fancy. 27c;. standard. 25c; choice. :c; English, 17c DRY salt CtKLO Regular short clears, dry aalt, 12So; smoked. iS'nc; backs, llgnt, salt, lac; smvkea. 14 Ho; backs, heavy aalt, 12 He; smoked. 13 is; experts, salt 14a; amoked 14c Oils. LINSEED OTL, Pure raw In harrela gle: boiled. In barreia. Ifoa; raw. in casea Sue: bolUd. In casea Vbc. TURPENTINE Casea 7o: wood bar reia. iaiac. OAbUAU.sjc juotor gaaouna. Iron baxreia lie; casea I2c; It (asolina, lroa barrala ire. casea It Ha , COAX. OIL Ordinary test, casea llOlta: balk, la tanks, mo; high test- KVaC BUTTER SUPPLY LIGHT .SEATTLE MARKET IS QUOTED VERY FIRM. Epff rric- .Stiffen, With the Iowet Qiiotation- Produre Weak. PKATTLK, Vih., Juljr S. PpclI.) Thfr was a wholesale rartjut mt.t of pHrii on WMtcrti avenue thl mnrntnR. Tha f-fnra prlca --t-'ndency was downward. ImoQi wera quoted HO cents a box lower. xnaktng a decline of fl a box within two weeks. Watermelons were lower at 2 cents. A larger supply of onions Is now avail able and yellows -re held at $2.75. Raspberrlea and blackoerrli-a arrived In poor condition and were lower, the former era held at 13 and the lattor at S2. Owlnr to tho wet weather strawberry receipts were It enter. (ood stock was held as hlirh as 117 .". New potatoes were lower at 3 4 c. The cherry market was batlir overstocked. The rery outside price was 1, with moat salea below that quotations. Tha ex market continued to stiffen up. Ab-int the bottom quotation on fresh local ranch sto-k was 27 cents. Toultry receipts wera moderate. The butter market was very firm. The supply Is falling off. Kastern butter la now commenclcs; to arrive mora freely. Grains ware ail unchanged. TRADE BIB AT YARDS Strong Demand in All Lines at Firm Prices. LIBERAL RUN OF STOCK Choice February Lambs Bring $8 and Wethors Are Quarter High er at $3.75 Cattle Bring Full Quotations. All classes of livestock showed firmness at tha opening yesterday, tha offerings of beat quality commanding top prices, mere waa a good rnn of stock, nearly 4000 ar riving sine Saturday. Among the receipts wera 10 loads of eon- tract cattle for tha TJnlon Meat Company. which do not figure In tha day's sales. An Item of Interest was the arrival of a car of hogs from Donald, which 1 tha first livestock shipment brought In over the Ore eon Electrle line. Seven loads of prime steers were sold In tha afternoon at ltt.25 and about nv loads of prima cows brought $3.23. Tha best calves went at 7.b0 and tha otnar sales In tba cattle market war at tha cur rent range of prlcee, according to quality. Tha most Important transaction la tha sheep market was tho sala of two lunches of choice February lstmhs. aggregating near. ly 10OO head, at 18. Sheep prices ranged from 2.S0 to 13.73, the latter figure being paid for two lots of choice wethera tendency of the sheep market in general appears upward. There was very little doing In the hog market, tha only sala reported being a few stock bogs at 17.23. Receipts for Sunday and Monday were T51 cattle. 8T calves, 2924 sheep and 61 hogs. Shippers wera A. I Mcintosh. Tha Dalles, 1 car of cattle and calves; F. C. Oimin, Huntington. 2 cars of sheep; F. C. Cloydt. Heppncr. 1 car of cattle and calvea; J. T. Pearl, V'elser. 1 car of sheep; Ben CoIIvi Pilot Rock. 11 cars of cattle: Liberty Hunt. American Falls. Idaho, 3 cars of cattle Merle Longhurst, McKay, Idaho, 1 car of cattle: Anderson Gwlnn. Grogan, S cars of sheep: C. F. Bauman. Baker, 1 car of aheep; Frank Grlre, Halnea, 1 car of calves; W. H. Harris, The Dalles 1 car of cattle; Lander & Gruhb Wilbur 4 cars of sheep; J. E. pelton 4 Co. Roseburg 1 car of cattle; F. M. Wrtnn, Marysvllle, Cat., 1 car of hogs. ?7 steers 7 steers .. ....... 21 steers 1 steer 2 stags ............ 2M cows 49 steers . ......... t bull 17 coas It cows ............ 1 bull 2 cows 13 coas Ib7 sheep n COWS 5 calves ........... 6 cows It steers ........... 24 steers 24 steers A cows ............ 2 bulls .. .. 42 cull wethers l.-.l lambs l:tH sheep IA steers, feeders.... 1 cow 2 cows 1 cow , 1 cow 1 bull 2 cows ............ 2 cows 2 cows IS steers ........... 1" steers ........... I steer ............ 6 cow s ............ 1 cow ............. 1 cow 1 cow 1 cows and stags.. 3 calves .. !!!) sheep 247 sheep !- sheep ........... 2tt4 wethers I ll wethers 674 Inmha. prime Col lambs, prime..... 14 lanihs, culls. ..... A3 Iambi 121 lambs IS stock hogs Prices current on tha varloua classes of stock at the Portland union Stockyarda were as follows: Prime hay-fed steers ..., 00 & 1 25" Choice steers B.itt S.V4 Fair to good steers 1.1(0 .6 Common steers ................. V00O 5.21 Prime cows S ooj! 8.25 Weight. Price. ... 1217 16.25 ... llol 8.23 ... IKS 8.23 ... 1280 o.l0 ... :..- 4.IH) ... S.'.t S.23 ... 1144 8 25 ... lri"0 4 MO ... lixil 5.25 ... lor.s 0.25 ... 15 JO 4.01 ... 104.. 4.73 ... 11H 3 23 00 ' 2.30 ... 013 3.30 ... 12 7 SO ... U"K 4 75 ... 1278 8.0 ... 1101 . ... 1112 S.s.-, . . . KVl C 25 ... IMS 4. Ml M 2.50 87 5.25 8.50 ... 2 4.80 . .. KtiO 5.25 ... 1155 6.2.1 ... 1770 .5.25 ... 1110 . 5.2S ... i;w 2.75 ... lJO 4.73 ... SH0 4 75 . .. 1055 4 OO . .. 105 S.SU ... 112.'. 8.00 . .. l'JKo S.'Ht ... 103 4.75 . .. 22." 4.00 ... VM S.00 . .. "O;(0 5 25 ... 1"72 4. 511 . .. 223 7.50 ... HI S.50 . .. HI :i.50 ... 1M) 8.50 10" 3.75 ... Ma 3.75 . .. 75 8 00 73 8.00 St 4 5o 83 4 75 82 5.85 . .. 108 7.25 IKM.tM FOR IUFSH EUC.S IS ACTIVE rwoltry Kecelpta Are Light aad Inquiry Is HmalL There waa a good demand for egg yes terday and lb. market waa firm, but In otter respeca there was little doing In country produce. Pour.ry arrivals wera light and th. inquiry waa amalL Tbera wera liberal recelpta of deseed veal and aa bur era bald back. It gave tha market a weak andert oaa Butter was Arm at last week's prices. Cheese waa atcady and unchanged. Bank Cleartage. Bank e!a-1nss of tie N.trthwestera cities yesterday were aa follows: Clearing Betancra Portland 4-4.:..;l ,.-.'i.Jl hcattle ke. 3,1'lS.uM Ifi 37S Tacoma ...... 77 44 f..f:t4 Spokane M3.Ci2 7u,al7 fORTLAMD MARSXTa, Crabs. Hour, Feed. Eta. Wheat Track prlcee: Bluestern. IT 9 ate; club. I;sc: Kusalan. tsOttc: Val ley, ttc: 4-fo.d. liVIc MIUSTLHb brao. i:i.Mi par ton: middlings. 131; shorts, IU tiglli roUed bsrl-r. trnv. CORN Whole. $JO: cracked. $31 per too. BAPXEY Choice feed. $-7ffS7 ,VJ per ton. OATS No. 1 white, .50 ti i:. per ton. WU3VH Pateata per . barrel; atraighta 3.tvl; eaporta gxeO; Valley, g.W: grahsm 4-A: wools wheat. S4-70. HAT Timothy. 1-JJ1 per too; aUalfa. 11X40 613, clover, new. !.; grata bay. saw. Hi. Tewatables aad Fraita. TROPICA!. FRUITS Oranges. I'.dl t It par box; California grapefruit fJCtlJo. Vananaa 38IS0 par pound: plne app.es. St.T504 per crate; lemons. 1498.4, IDCSM FRt IT Srrawbernea llpl.ti per crate; gooeeoerrlee. 6 Q c per pound; cher- PRODl"CB AT SAN KR-XCISCO. Qnotatloaa Current In tba Bay City Mar kets. SAX FRA-fCISCO. July 8. The follow ing produce prices were current today: egetablee t ucumoers. CHJ o n.c : garlic. H&4c: green peaa 1162: string bean. J a 4c: asptragua 50ct.il. 30; tomatoea 80 i -.c: eggplant, ovpc. Hutter hancy creamery, 220, Kgga Store. 21o: fancy ranch. 23 Sc. Cheese Toting Amerl. ks, lsVH1-. Mlllituffs Bran. 12sa2S; middilnsa 32 :-o a 35. r rult ADDlea choice. si.&O: common. 5oo: bananas, tlv1.73; sfexlcan Itmee. 5.50t8; .alirornia lemons, cnoice, so; common. 12: pineapples. $tQ3 31. Hay w neat. utji per ton: wheat and oat. t9ll.o: alfalfa. SsgiL iniini itc if ii. I'ntatoee Karly Rn. t2.85 5 2.JK). Wheat Shipping. 1 4IH i 1.30 per cental. rley Feed. 1 2S L-'7 ' per cental, (.ists Red. $1.201.40 per cental; black. 11.13 a 132 per cental. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. July . standard copper weak. Spot. July. August. 8epember and October. l:.T0 f 1 1. JOc. Loailon. weak. Sp.il. fs4 lie d: futures. 157 Za ad. Custom-House returns show no exports of copper ao far this month. 7.ake copper. 12. 7. d Iter elec trolytic. H-tli tl 12. 7 so. casUug, li.nif l:.6ic Tin dull. Spot. 4f4ic: July. 42.76 43.2e: August. 43f42.60c: September. 4173 ej;i5: October. (1 igi:c London. Steady. Spot. 10s: futurea Lead Dull: 4.4Sfrt.ic New Tors,: 4.19 4.17 S. Past 8t. Lou s. lxmOon. ill 7s !d. Spelter Dull; S70t7S tc New Tork: 3.58 Oi.tlWo. East PL lunula Indon, I:i 15a Antimony DulL Cookson's. 7.e0c Iron Cleveland warranta. 4ta td In Lon don. Locally. Iron wss quiet. No. 1 foun dry Northern. llKjli-'S: No. . tl4.73rle; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft. l.73tU.7J. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July J. Cotton futurea closed steady, net 1 points lower to I points higher, the active new crop poaltlona being generally o t polnta above tha closing Tgurea of Saturday. July, 14.41c; August, 14.43c: September. lt.57c; October. 12.27o: November. l.!7c: Tiecember. lJ.iTe: Janu ary. 13.27c: March. It tic; May. 11 J7c fcpot closed quiet. I cents lower; mid dling uplanda 14.70c; do gulf, 14. tic Sales, 1.!74 baiea Grain Markets of tba Northwest. ' TACOMA. Jnly I. Wheat Pluestem. t e7e: fortyfoid. axe: club. tstc; red Russian. 4c Recelpta wheat i cars, corn 1 cars, hay t ears. SEATTLE. July . Wheat Pluestem. c: fnrtvfuld. Sc; club. He;- f.fe, 4c; red Russian. 2c. Oats. :7.30 per ton; barter, .'4f3 per tnn. Csr receipts, wheat It cars, corn 3 cars, oata t cars, hay It cars, barley 1 car. Oood to choice cows. . Fair to good cowa Poor cowa ....... Choice heifers ... 4holca bull Choice light calves 4.30 4.75 4.25$ 4.50 4 00$ 4.25 6.00 9 S.50 4.259 4.73 7.00 a 7.5a Good to c.iolce light calves ..... 1.710 Let Choice heavy calves .......... Choice ataga I.O0 i II 5.00 9 5.25 Good to choice atags. ........... 4.75 5.00 Hose Choice hoes t I0W 7.11 Good to choice hogs. ...... ..... 8.70$? 4. so Choice heavy 4.26 (.40 Coiumon t(t 1st fctcck hoga .;( J.J Sheep Choice Rprlnl lambs 5.000 6.00 Choics yearlings 75J Good to choice yearlings ........ g.toy t. 74 I'sir to medium yearllnga ...... 5.00O 5.60 Choice ewea S.00s j Good to choice ewea 3.739 I-04 Fair to medium awea 2.509 TIS ;ood o choice heavy wethers.... 3.50'u 8 73 Old heavy wethera S.OO 8 60 Mired lota 4.00 6.0U The following quotations praaent piioeo on this market for tha dlfterect classes of horses: Draftera extra heavy, t:009s00 drafters. 1400 to 1700 Iba, I1509:s0; draft era llv to 1400 lbs., 11000 250; chunka 10O30; plugs. tla0t4O; driving horses, $76 and up; aaddla horaea 45 and up. Chicago IJvratock Market. CHICAGO. July 8. Cattle Recelpta, es t'tm.ted. 12.000: market. lOo higher. Beeves. f 4.75 a 0.S3; Texas streets, 4.8ow8.10; West- ern iitn, ...... u ' . ..v.. v..u . . . , .l3J1J.ii: cows and heifers. t2.E3tj5.lKll calvea 8. Hnra Receipts, estimated. 24.0OO; market, generally 13c to 2o up. Light, ii.4:.i 8.95; mixed. ttl.45tr 6.'.i.': heavy. 58.866 8.93; rough. 8.35tJ 8.33; good to choice heavy, rt.',.-.U,8.V puts. ta.10i8.7O; bulk of aalaa, 0 tK.u 0.bS. Sheep Recelpta estimated. 18.000; mar ket, strong. Native. 2.6nt 4.03; Western. er.ti4.C3; yearlings. 4.40o3.3o; lamba na tives. 54.23fr7.83; Western. 54 75ia 7.8U. STOCK FULL IS ABRUPT COAO RATES DECISION" CHIEF VEAKEXIXG FACTOR. Foreign Markers Vre Disturbed by tho Ivatest Phase of the Moroccan Affair Bonds Are Easy. NEW TORK. July 3. Tha long-expected ruling of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion on anthracite freight ratee waa chief of the depressing influences which brought about an abrupt decline today in prices on the stock exchanga Tha weakness of the coalers spread to tha remainder of the list and most of the leading atocka loat from one to two pointa The atock market did not heed tba Gov ernment report on cotton. In aplte of Ita highly favorable character, and stocks of tha cotton-carrying roads did aot move on ita appearance. Another Indirect Influence Is the lateet phase in the so-called Moroccan affair, which depreased all the European exchanges. For tha first time in many weeks practically all American ahares were lower In London, with declines of a point or more In Canadian Pacific. Northern Pacific Union Pacific, and Erie first preferred- Paris reported a de cided break In rentes and the Berlin bourse wss unsettled. London sales In this mar ket wera estimated at 30,000 shares. Germany again purchased the bulk of tha South -African gold, delivered at London, taking $3,600,000 of the total of 14.000,000. Weakness of tha liarrlman stocks wag ascribed to the decreases In the earnings of tha road for the year Just closed aa com pared with the previous period. It Is not disputed, however, that both rosds hava earned their dlvldenda, with considerable to apara In the IndnestrisI group there was pressure against United States Steel, but that atock suffered leas than other speculative favor ite. There wera no signs of Improvement In tha bond market aa a result of July dis bursements of sbout $135,000,000. Prices were easier. Total sales, par value, 11, 15.000. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bid. Sales. lm 7.400 High. 2l 6a 1.500 800 ac 2"0 200 100 S.200 800 2.200 400 lrtO 10.100 200 100 l,10O 200 JoO 2.700 100 "0.000 '"706 UK 10s 64 62 H 25", 22 70 U 108 ii 139 95 40 Vi 111 T 103 M, 127 V 10 33 SI 240 30 8114 "23" 12.500 7.SOO 411 1.400 4.10O 6OO 100 1O0 800 28 37H 87 61 49 lflOH 138 61 14 Hi 17 60 100 41 Allis Chal pf .. Amal Copper . . Am Agrlcult .. Am Beet Sugar. Amarl can Can .. Am Car Fdy. Am Cotton Oil.. Am Hd Lt pf. Am Ice Securl.. Am Linseed . . .. Am Locomotive. Am Smel A Ref. do preferred.. Am Steel Fdy. . Am Sugsr Ref.. Am Tel A Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. Am woolen ... Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast Llna Bait Ohio . . . Bethlehem Steel Brook R Tran.. Canadian Pac . . Central Leather do preferred.. Central of N J.. Ches & Ohio ... Chicago A Alton Chi Gt West ... do nraf erred. . Chicago 4 N W...... .. ... C, M A 6t Paul. COO 120H C, Ct C St 43 1 Xs x Col Fuel A Iron. ...... ..... Col A Southern Con sol Gaa BOO 145 H Corn Products ., ...... ..... Del A Hudson.. D A R Grande loo do preferred. . 200 Distillers Securl trie do 1st Pf do 2d pf .... General Elec . Gt North pf . .. Gt North 0r . . Illinois Central. Inter Met do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marina pf. Int Paper Int Pump ..... Iowa Central ... K C Southern .. do preferred.. Laclede Gas ... Louie A Nash . . Minn A St L . . M, 8 P S a M. Mo, Kan A Tex. do preferred.. Mo Pacific .... Nat Biscuit .... Nat Lead Mex N Ry 3 pf N T Central . . . N Y. Ont A Wes Norfolk A Wes. North Am North Pso Paciflo Mall .. Pennsylvania ... Peoples Ctas ... P. C C A St L.. Pittsburg Coal .. Pressed S Car.. Pull Pal Car . .. Ry Steel Spring Heading Republic Steel do prererrea. . Rock Island Co 8.100 do preferred.. 8t L S F 2 pf. St L Southwest.. do prelerrea. . Sloss Sheffield Southern Pac .. Southern Ry . . . do preferred.. Tenn Copper . . . Texaa A Paciflo. Tol. St I, Wee do preferred. Union Paclrlc . do preferred V S Realty .. IT 8 Rubber U S Steel do preferred. TJteh Copper . . V.-faro Chem . Wabash do preferred. Western Md .. Westing Klec . Western I'nlon Wheel A L K. Lehigh Valley Low. 2ft 1 bo is 10 s 65 62 25 H 224. 800 400 200 800 1.100 '.206 100 100 . 700 1.700 ' V. 700 ' V.800 RAO 100 10 29.4O0 8O0 200 1O0 13.21X1 1.00O JOO 2O0 IOO 100 S3, loo 600 ""soo 80. 4O0 'I0 l.noo 600 2.000 400 NX 100 200 SOO 3. SOO 107"i 151 31 142 aa 'to 134 53 ion 43 loll i33 iai "is?i 38 182 35 l.-.s 30 "32 'it 40 122 SI "4 71 40 21 it 48 1M 94 78 108 138 P3 40 111 103 127 107 32 SI 239 80 81 no 124 144 28 67 '37 69 4S 180 136 60 141 17 49 41 107 150 81 141 35 '48 134 55 ioss 43 106 19 86 162 3.-. 15- 30 '62" 'it Total sales for the day BONDS. NEW V. S. ref. On coupo 41 7 lis 49 RS 16 35 61 75 7 3 173 s. 13. 49 121 30 71 40 '21 46 1S6 93 "ii" 77 IIS 49 55 16 35 KO 7.1 7 8 173i 200 sh 29 ti$ 66 61 10 53 62 24 22 11 39 79 106 40 117 138 94 89 111 102 127 108 32 f.1 239 29 99 258 Si's 80 22 44 146 125 f.S 34 64 145 17rt5 ;s r.7 88 87 60 48 160 138 60 'iJ 49 121 518 41 18 34 67 107 150 30 142 35 . 66 48 133 65 so llM. 45 18 73 133 27 f-i IO.! 95 19 S5 161 sr. 158 30 93 32 64 44 32 72 49 121 31 71 41 - 28 20 43 1S7 03 73 40', 78 117 49 16 33 fil 73 78 3 1 13 area. YORK. Julv 8. Closing quotations. ' "a reglooVN. Y. C. gn 3a. S7 .' irtOl-. In Pacific Sa... 71 US 3a reg V.; '.1011X0. Pacific 4a... 99 do coupon " I :loi rnlon pacific daljt U.S. new 4a reg.114 Wis, Central 4a. 93 do coupon ...ah i j - -- .... -D. A R. G. 4s... B Money, Kxchange. Etc. . , , - t . . 1 n M on e v on call ,- c W I 'J r. i. . J " - steady. 26 per "nt; f'S rate' z, do. nc D.a. 1 imp ioi - - - sa.rjsg. MninO - alw mnnlht. 4ssnt: no a ay. n n i tn 3 par ecu v- Prime mercantile paper. 4fM per cent. . . - 1 1 h f-1 . 1 u 1 htlffl sterling excn.iiao . , i . . 1 hills at tl.S435 for 60-day bills ana at e-a7 " Bar sll-er. eisc. Mexican dollara 46c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. easy. . . vr.Tci.rt T . . 1 s C: 1 1 n on BAN r riA.iCT. v. - London. 60 days. $4.84; sterling on Lon don, signt. if.se CHICAGO, July t. Exchanga cn New Tork, par. Hops at Now York. NEW TORK. July I. Hope Finn- Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. July 8. Closing quotations: Aiiouei 81 Miami Copper... 21 Amslg Copper.. 6S:.Mohawk 49 A Z L. A L:: 27Nevada Con ... 19 AHxona Com. .. i!Nlplssig Mlnaa. 10 tlantlc i;-0.10 ;" ".,; a n c b ai. j LwuHiiwu... i 71 Ca.IIIIad. --1 . .I.nn, K7 cl". at Hacla...470 Centennla.1 i? Cop. Ran. C Co. 61 E. Butte cp. ai. i" Franklin .. Glroux Con. O Osceola , 1"3 Parrott (S. dv C.) 12 Qulncy 73 Shannon ........ 11 Superior 82 Kun A "Rnm 1ln. 6ti UTikun A Pitta Cod. 76 6. Tamarack 54 '., r-on. ... 89 UBS RsMIlJitll Green. Cananea. 71 do Pfd x-dlv. 48 "0Z.:r.: v cP corx-div: :s ? -w. i nnner 86 Winona ........ s Li Salle Copper 8 Wolverine 112 Condition of tha TreaanTT. WiSHINGIOX, July $. At tha beginning fbuiesa today the condition of tha nlted Stataa Treasury waa: lorkln. balance in treasury of- 'C .".".11 a ...w.wr all 114 fiOA banks ana fniuppinw n r-a.. , w.wa.. aa Int n 1 balanoa in general ;r.-el wia 1S7.455.H4 Ordln7 relpt. wera J-231.993 Ordinary a "w,: i. t, Z 11 I 11 T again" M0.' ' tlm heeefigurea exclude Panama Canal and pnblko debt tranaaotlona Elgin Butter Market. m- th . Julv 8. Butter Firm, SSc Output. j. HO. 000 pounds. In The The roroarkable) In crease In tha nge of bltullthlo pavront during- tha past flva years gpeakg for It; gelf tha taxpayara themseJvea yotlUon lnir for It In nearlr eTery Instance. OK TIPTH AT STABS ONE YEAR'S u It u 1 n iUTBrn MPMS OF ASSETS... N ATI ON A - BANK AT THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS JULY 1ST, 1910 Th8 bank's total assets $3,714,552.88 amounted to..-...s. , AT THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS JULY 1ST, 1911 $4,660,458.89 . THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Conatructa Asphalt and other Bltn tnluous Pavements. 505-608 Uectrte fcld, Portland, Or. Oiltar iiuber. Manager. TRAVELEBa' GULPS. til AMERICAN WHITE STAB BED STAB ATLANTIC TRANSPORT WHITE STAR DOMINION CanFiH1!! Service ... - arwatl.aa CIO 9r1 AL RMttlMt AT CI ,n. Vr 111V i ev - - a - V Stinger. 264 Wash.: A. U. Charl ton. 253 Hot.; F. K. Johnson, 142 Sd, K f" Baird. 100 Sd; Vald. Lidoll, 28 N. 6th: H. Dickson. Hi 3d. Travelers' Cheques of tha American Express Co. The Ideal Form of Traveling- Credit for Foreign Travel, Home Use, Motoring. UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED. Loral Office Seventh and Stnrle Sta. OPEN RIVEA XHAXSPORTATIOX CO. bIK.J.W.lJLALi Freight received dally at Oak-st. dock lor T h e Dalles, Hood P-lver. White Salmon. Umatilla. Ker.newlck. Pasco. Richland. Haoford. White Bluffs. Lewis ton. Idaho, and la- mediate nolnta FIRST-CLASS PASSESOKB SKBVTCii. - eav swjri FARE SO Cfc-iNia TO HOOD BIVEK. WIsfTB SAXMOX. IB3 DAXXjUs- Steamer leavea Portland Sun.. Tuea. Thura 7 A. M. Keturnlng leavea The Dalles Won' WedT "rl.. 1 A. M.. arriving a' Port land about 6 P. M. aame day. .,?; BJchaian. Bupt.i W. S. SmaUwoOd. faal alar, phonaa Main iffaOO. A HZl. GAMA0uAB9 MSK STEAMSIHllllPS The Tourist Highway and Scenio Route to JSuropa via The St. Lawrence River. Tha Shortest Ooean Passage, Leas than Four Days at Sea. by the "EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC." i Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to "ver pooL First cabin. 0; second cabin, J51.2 one-class cabin (called second cabin). J4..50 ?hlrd c"bln. 37 and 31 .25. Ask 'ocai azenta F. R- Johnson. ,G. A.. 142 Third bt, of J. J. Forster. T. P. A, 118 Second ava, 6 cattle. STKAJISHIP RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS IferBUREflu DOMSEY B. SMITH. MANAOER General Steamship Agents ALL LINES ao Fifth Street Portland, Or. 6AN FRANCISCO POBTL4SD 8TEAM 6H1P CO. Ssn Francisco and Los Angeles direct. From Airsworth Dock. Portland, 9 A. M. S.S. Boeo City July 7, Beaver 12, Bear 17. From tian Francisco. Northbound. 12 M. S.8. Beaver July 6, Bear 10. Rose City 13. From ban Pedro. Northbound. 12 II. B.S. Beau: July 8, Rose City 13, Beaver 18. H .A. Moaner. C. T. A.. 142 Third St. J. "W Ransom, agent, Alnsworth Dook Phones Main 402. Main 2iS. A 1402. i San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Paciflo 8. S. Co.' a 8. Roaaeki and B. B. EICjt sail every Wednesday alter nately at e P. M. llcket office laa Third at.. aar Alder. SlAit Xl J. niGLES, Passenger Ageaa, W. il- bLtbbtlt. Freight Ageatu l'hsua at. 14. A 1814; COOS BAY LINE eaTL..iiT-Ti nniTi CWATTB Call frorm Alnsworth Dock. Portland. A. M-. J tin 1W, IO, xw. zo, eiuiy . tv, js 20 as. 30. and avery 5 days. Freight received enaer far, 0rt-ciaa. ilO; aeoond-ola . . i..,u e.ais anri isortn. xicicec or- a i. inriutima W aa ser aaaasi est ' Sea Ain-worth Docfc Phonaa Main 2u vain iUa a, ij NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Lot- Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO." 216 Railway Exchange Bldff, Portland. Or. Alain 1371. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Cnlon Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AJ.O WELLINGTON iimCI 1U1UUIII ...M . . ...... - ... w mm Frsncisco, June 28 and every 2S days. Well ington and back. 1st clars. (-'84. Other rves . rw V- ,1 . 1.1 . .K C . 1. - .SO low. X"e UUC U l.'CI Ul ujd QUUIU r-y,wm or reservations sea Coupon Railroad A-wv r address Oceania S. 6. Co., Frai.MM.J, " UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK 0E CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OP SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDED 1864. rojpt5n $3,5oaooa .$7,828,023 Capital Paid In.-.-.-. Surplus and Undivided Profits. . BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We Way and sell' To reign Exchange: lssna Crafts and Cable Transfers. Commercial Cred Its and Travelers Letters of Credit, available In all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign, aad domestic banking business. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. " . PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. CHAMBER OB" COMMERCE BUILDING. WSfu A. MAC BAG, Manager. J. T. Bl'RTCHAELL, Asst. Manager. Established 1886. Merchants National Bank Portland, Oregon. United States Depository. Capital and Surplus .$350,000.00 SJ Jit This bank has been transacting a conservative banking busi ness for a quarter of a century. It invites you to join the large number of prudent, careful people, who, during that time, have found their banking relations both agreeable and profitable. LADD & TUTOR BANK Established 1859 700,000.00 Oinital Surplus and Undivided Profits.... Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, availt able on all parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets. '" First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains North Coast Tourist Route "Norway of America." STEAMSHIPS "PRINCE RUPERT" and "PRINCE GEORGE." Leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock Midnight for Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart, Connecting at Prince Rupert with S. & "PRINCE ALBERT" for Queen Charlotte Islands and local points. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY (MOUNTAIN DIVISION) Trains leave Prince Rupert every Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 P. M. for Copper River, B. C (100 miles) and returning; arrives Prince Rupert 5;20 P. M. every Thursday and Sunday. Through tickets and baggage checked from Seattle, Victoria or Vancouver. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double Track Route) Four Through Trains Daily No Excess Fare To all points East: Standard and Tourist sleepers, dining cars serving metis a-ia-carte and club breakfast. Ixw 80 and 60-day round-trip Tourist Tickets. Send for free booklet giving routt-s and rates. J. H. BURGI3, General Agent, Passenger Pent First Ave. and, TaeJler Wajr. Seattle 'W ash,