Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 04, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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JULY 4, 1911. .
- .- I . -av.a,k. I wrr-rELK. 1 , ATiotxi f o g '
HE L fa Mir- . .- i ' I I .uuceuaocoiu. 1 -r,
tor fM.
Consisting of W acres, all under
rilltlvtl"n. about 40 acre. In beaver
dam land, wi'h 15 acres of onion,
.od IS acre "1 other garden produce
now reedv for ihe market, bal of
place la Lisb and a beautiful hnmt, orchard of assorted
fu house and barn. fences and oth-
r ball-lings: place adjoin, a
good towa of popl. la located
on tha el-ctrlr Una and st.tion and
only 50 minutes' ride from Ilia heart
of Portland; price $350 per acre.
BRilXil HTEri.E ro
Or-iund Floor Lewis l'l'"g..
17", oak St.. lor. 4ih.
"See Dryer."
y.. bargain. In all-purpose farm landa
rans'.a. frora 5 to l acres, altuated. In
lien and Hri'oo Countries, call on or
- write J. V. PIP. Albany. Orwiia.
10-'2 or choice elghtly land on Wood
stock rid... oerioo.ini the Reed
u:e ground.: tbara is a amall building,
which has bx occupied aa a house; tha
g-ound la covered "lb One fruit and tre-e: la a fine large cblckn-houa-
and Mr.!, price $2. SO. oe owo.r.
414 Spalding bldg.
to kxcms;k.
EITHER l'fnTLl ''h
omrn good hii.umkite town.
5 10 and 20-arr. forma on railroad.
S nl:n fr..m Tortland: excellent aoiU a.l
vn.ler tultlvauoo: center of neb oairymg
and M;ui-row!ci toiraunl'r.
Prb.. $l.n to $2 an acre.
At thaa prlca active farmar ran pay
for h:a iiiare in leo I""-'" T if
sr4 r iietcst acr.a. attain 50 ot
'"wi'rfrad for good elty property tsult
ftbie for rertlr.g).
PAVir, FIIARP ro..
commercial Hloca,
I HAVE two rhoi.e lo-B. l"r bloc as from
K.(. city renin-, a nve-paussenger au
tomobl.e !' nJ "lolly ln lonncll
Crest lot. aa'u. in a:i IIT'-": want bucl
- lei or coe.-ln lot: g , location n1i
u.; wou a ir.1. automobl.e n rlultS
t- mmrvi-r fir bui.umg on my lot, a
-I. iTt-rorun,
HAVE paid on a U hick. l'l.
t r.- t" lt o-l rr artlra. prl a Inr ...l.a
rt era.!.:. and atr mina. baianra
! ,.r nwnth: -i:l ira.l. for bora, i and
ruaav. a'n. barr.'.. or nrtll
J?.Vn..'al lnr. A I.
-O KX.IIA.N'-.E K.a aatat.. mortaaajaa
and ao:. a fur .lock of; mull b. In
r,o4 toa-a; a:ok tauat b. in vd oendl-
!,.. t4. IH ABinKton nn.
V arript lot or lo'a to of $!T oo
B. n&r ra...ln. a n llnok at..
b.r-r. room l Uurcb. rnirn. bW. ilar-
n : : . t
S-F -Hna launcn. n tnia i-pna.
fr H;:pinibi:. .r lr1;.h runl).)Ul. Ad-
dr... E Ui KO. 70i Wniamatta bid., tnl-Pa-k.
WII.1. rhn 11U.O In llt bonda.
dra-ln. T prr c.nt. f..r r-d bu.ln,...
a.T. or cur prorTor. Addrra. owner.
IV. jl'h mt. M. It-
A,.. Fji lTT In 14 a. r rrmr rail
and rl- town for Saoa.d c..tts or Port
land lit. cf aqaal va:u. At' Si.
TO rvhantr. J-raa-tiir auio. In ood
rnditton f'r lut or lota, uwn.r. aoiS
VNTI'l TVatrn Inoo.n- properly to
al l pii In tny .'" rtrch aa pari
r.ymrnt. AH .-H. nrtMi! n.
FOR tarro icBani-a, bualnea. chanrtl or
ornlnhoua-a. c-ill on ua. Nor-.haroat
K,i :j Co-lT Board of Trad. Blda.
JrV-o rllt-da bonrt. for rra. city
rnrnr .vr bu.lnr: act quirk. A.ldrca.
own-r. M. C. It.. lltl' t.. ForOand.
1 W ANT a horn, in Sunn.. Iv that will ac-
rpt $'.mTM. J p-r rnt a-nr".i --. n part
T J -. m.nt. AH SI. I wn:n.
1 Ai'RK4 unlnumir.t. lrrlitatcd frail
lan.l m JuvO. t tra.ia f"r l'ortlanil
prr;.rTT. X tii. Oraonlnn.
W f. .-hnr. your pr"P'rty for proparty
ultlnc you: onl bi dala. Nortbwaat 2-2- H.nty bld.
3 mlK iulti-a In Portland to chim
tr varrnit l-t" In city. -1 Lwl bhl.
pnn Main 4'71.
jliAl, r;at or Uitrt-baruiir collatrl
in i.-lian for dlamonda. 1" :SI Ora--nlin.
l: ATRKS nt llmb-r In ftrhMf t'-r good
modern Lu. AK 13. Oi-cotiUn.
fmr cllntta I. wuch that wa haro In
Q.iilr. on proparty In all part, of tha
i Wll.L, par from 3ooi to ToM for a mod
am up-to-dar bun. alow. lthar on W II
lamatio or Portland Hlht.; lv loca
tion and ptl.a; iuut hava rooma. B
2.j. Qrortan.
WANTKD A hm. about lara. rooma.
lot about 7Sxltft tl' caah. balanca
t.rrra Addr. AN 2:7. Or-eonlri.
IV ANT .nap on Eot or Wr.t 8:da up to
V4l.nx a R .'fl.V iirrronlnn.
rtw xir-iKBH I.?r
6. ACRES ood coJ Un.l. lth S.Lnoo.nfiO
ft tinier on It. Cloa to tt.lfulor and
railroad tran.rortaton on tha M.'haiaut
p.lvrr. Tillamook County, or. Can ba
bad vry chap if taken now. No afccta.
AH rrr;onlAn:
lt'CRACKEN. 4 McKay Bid.
tt' farm in ri.t-rn cr.ron; lrwKi
ar-rc. w!rh a:o k. na. binary and 4'.t
ar.a for Fail adlnc.
lmprova;u-ut.. Iiaral l.rmi to practical
I bona Main ii-v 410 AMr.loii b d.
IliiiKE lot. and h'uM at H'Hxl Fltvr and
ca.n f r frrn; alva fu.l d.vrrlptlon. AO
XIMbLK lal.o. aant.d.
&0 McKay b!d(.
J. McCrackan.
HR ttAJ.Ei.
Uwm, rbl.Ua.
Ml bT ba .old at onca. Mara hvr.
wr:cht :Vo Iba ; a. to taaru, vrlifht -1 VI
lb..; hor ar innoj and aoo. aurkera:
Ace S ax.u D .ara. Come and try thm:
. a.o 2 ll. at farm wa.otis. 2 at. uf doui.lo
barna... rubbcr-tlrvd bu..v. rhap, Eut
li:b and lad!lon. hou.a In park.
JOTICt Marchiuita. ranch.ra. oori IX a. r. -2.)
brad borara will arrlv. from Laat.rn
or.. on axul Waatklnjr.on July f: can bo
awn ffth and Mont.ury: autna rood
mateb.d t.ama w.l.biuaj IOU to -Si4;
writ bmka. .uarantead a. rapraaantad.
Mrkl 1 Uli
Ctl AV cf wU-matcli.d c.lti. t y.ara old.
nrar hnm.a and naw wa.on; walorht Z'JOO
la; 1 .pan of b.-iy horaaa. harna and
afrit alao; wclht Stua; all .uaxant-d
ao'ind aa4 good worara. JL 4uO. orr.o-
Ibll 4-pa.awncar. 4-cyltuder auto, flna
condition, fa at car; $Sw raah, or utll
rnlrtr first mort.a.a on rvi.l estate In
Portland. Jaa C. Losaa, bio bpaldlnf
FOR SALE 1 fine b.ack pair T-year-olda,
welrhlnk 1700 l'e. : 1 fine yoanc mare, a
rare o.d, wel.blna I baavy wltb f.l;
tnm o-year-old drlvlnc horaa. 2 2d Itua
aeil rt.
A few standard-bred paoer. and trotters,
flna and safe drivers, almost rtft. this
.. Fred T. Merrill, Itos Vlstm Farm..
Lor.-lstanoa. 12Mllsk
FOR 8 ALE Shetland pony, ft y.ara old. ab
aolnta.y irentle for rblldren to ride or
drlre; price IV; can bo seen at liukr
McLaJie. ataoie.
KL'N'NI.NO condition Will sell for (100
rub or trade for a motorcycle a t-cyiln-rter
Franklin runabout antomoblle. AG
111. oronunv
jiLST 11 at once fine family or delivery
borea. bn.iy and hameas. t-Hth st .
S. E. end of Hawthorne carllne, on block
west. 3 block, sootb.
JCr'T axrlved :arUad of work borsra; sold
Tinder guarantee from $.".o up. O. K. How-
ttt. 2 r- bc'in. ai'inn.iiifc
yCH 6AI.K One llfht team andfbameaa.
l-.Sn. H. K. rlaovk, 810 Lumbarmana bldc-l
Mam WJO.
PAVTl RA'IE near Portland tor atock, Pnons
Main UliX .
sANTrn To blre threa .'lp teams. i.00
car uy. Pbono East twOo.
a, Veblelea. F.tC
Pell on commission horse, and mules of
all rlaasea. slng-ie or carload lots; also
bu.tiea. wagons and harnras. Tha only
strictly Commission barn In tha city. Reg
ular auction aa.e. avery Tuesday nd
baturdav at 2 R M. 1'rlvata aale. erery
day. 4.'0 Hawthorns ave. Fhona East
72. B 139l
Before you buy. either above, see onr
stock and aet prices We are located out
side tha rent dlatrlct and for that
reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a aoc-ond-band
vehicle when you can gat a
Dew ons at about the same prlca.
II. M. WAI'E ft CO,
31'2 Hawthorne ave,
FOR FAl.fc; Young team, narnrt. and hack;
all In l.rst-clas. lon.lltloti. Tin. I. a snap
for cash. The team Is ln the city and can
be .e.n at any time by cai.lcg lioora .loo.
Oregonlan b.Oic
Plaeoa llraa mnn MrMrSI m.inmrtl
HK-.H-ORAPE plon.i. with music cabinet
and ben. h to match, must be sold at
once Call Wednesday. July 0. at lmpa-
rial Hotel. ak for Mr. Rowley.
rANo Kle.Ant Sli.'O mahoKany. upright.
Almost new, ciienj. . "
4i I'd at.
FNO Standard make, will aell at a great
. . unnm to Washlr.aton bldr.
80-H.-P. rEERLF.-P, T-passengcr car, fully
qn!ppe.l. splendid bargain.
6-iieeTgrr i'aikojd. Kunrantccd; very
low price.
FRANK ". rtlCCS.
iM.k.ird flar-ige.
tlo N. -I J rU
11U Clialin-re 3e hp.; bas been driven by
an eanenenced l'tv ilrtter: demountable
rims and all .rrtie.rM; IU
st mi lime. H. Farr. l." 16lh. M. 11S,
A t.'.l.
A SNAP for i aah t ne of the best make
K-passenger tourinc Car. Well worth your
while to in ves: IK, te. Almost nee. Abso
lutely nrat-cl.-ise condition, lU H. P. J L
FHlST-CLAS-t auto repair man; can over
haul your care In our private g.trage at
cut-rate prices, o.d made new;
steamers a specialty: work Kuarinteed.
Wc-vliawn ri'.H. AJ "Js. oreaonlan.
TrV ionlO" lo'S In 2-,-mlle rlr.-le. Port
land. West Sl.le. at .ration S. P. Ity-. -'"
rah all! take a S'xJd 4 or
r ir lis l-.i t ra rmwl. A K Ml. ' iregonisn.
WANTEIi To buy second-hand. llht. o
laeni;rr atitoniohlle: mull be In good
rnlnlmon: write full description to W. H.
Heard. "'Ml K. lth St.. Vnnrouver. Wa.h.
Al T' 'MoIrlLES bon.nt and sold, t all or
wruo fir bar.aln l:su Custom Housa Auto
Co., Z31 Errri'lt st. Maln10B.
-PAKaNGt:K automobile for hira. Tabor
3. "II.
WA.NTF.ii e-econ.! -hand motorcycle: can
not py over $ I .!. AH Io3. oregonian.
Ulrdm. Itoga and I'et Ptorh,
Airedale Terriers Imported stud "Laddix
GREAT Pane. 11 weeks old. pedigreed;
cheap. AK 22. Ore.onlan.
2 HOKTINO enrlnea
2 4d-horeepowr boilers.
3 concrete mlxera t
2 lo-ion. A frame, derrick.
1 in. ton cut derrick.
1 alr-oompresior.
1 barge. L'4&7u.
Qoantitv of small plant.
tntel Enctnrering A Construction Co.,
TII Lewi, bl.lg. Phone Marshall Hq.V
V EN'S . sr ITS.
C!ean-up sa'e of men', Sum
mer suits; s-'lling out on a & per cent
profit basis; hou do 1 do It? My system
f tulng and alio a month rent. Jimmy
le-inn, aii bl lu. Take elevator.
Tterkahlre-Iviand-Chlna pits. $o this
we...; rnedlum slr.e loc pound. Fred T.
MerrtlL Rose Vlsla Farms, ling-dlslance
IJ-Miie. j-hone.
FOR PALE- 2n-fl. auto top seml-apee.1
launch and house: pefl, 14 miles; enm-
Jilete outfit, at bnr.aln. Ray', engina
l"-3ltal. foot of Ellsworth st. Sellwood
FOR SALE CHEAP Orawlng board 9 fL
bv 42 In.: large llllng rase for drawings
W. s. tlarstow ft Co.. luus Spalding bldg.
Phone Main KOti.
stove doctor.
If your atove doesn't bake there Is
something wrong. 1 c:m fix It. RoS Hast
Morrison. Phone Fsoit 1022.
FOR SALE Motorcycle. B-horse. Twin In
dian, i'erfect condition: free engine. I1S3
cash. n4 Waahlngton, or phone Wood
lawn :
KX.'rIPrioNAL typewriter bnrcains for ths
week; Hemlngtons. ?j0; Smith Premiere,
i7..".0; H1K ks. H7.C0. Northwest Type
writer Co.. WO 5th st. 1 .
6APES New and 2d-hand: low prices; easy
terms; eafea oj.encd. repaired sna paintea.
SAFE CO.. 43 Jth at. Main J0. A 411S.
I.irek 2U-f.vit launch, good engine, canopy
top. complete euulpnicnt. Including lights,
flace. etc.: all In A-I condition, price also
Include. boHthou.e. p o. box Sti.
L'SED .ewlng machines. tZ to $Jo: guarantee-J
perfect stllcnrs: machine, renl.-d.
New Home agency. 3oO Morrlaon. next to
Tu I ft tiluba.
Foil SALE Almoet new SxVj camera
and outfit at ' price: will traile for Vic
tor phonograph or .mall kodak. X -30,
Oreg inian.
LXCEPTloNAL typewriter barrfalna for the
week: Rnmlncton. $'.!; Smith Premier.,
J7 SO; lfllcka. HT.oO. Northern Type
writer Co.. uo B:h st.
b El 'ON 1 1-HAND electric motor, 1 -horsepower
ooO volts, running order. I. Kellaher,
L1.1S flrand ave.
CAMERA. 5x7. almost like Century, good n
new. first-ossa outfit, leua.
trliM.I. etc.: will swll cheap. Call I;I 4th.
Foil hAI.E 1 bicycle, good a. new; will
sell very cheap. Call evenings after
o'clock. Park Hotel. 7th and Citsen at..
s-'OR SALal bix-fool jew.ler. vhowcaao and
s x-foot wallcaae. A. A M. Llelovaga. (2
Was h I ng: on.
IXL'"RT.a;-7-YLlNrEK fi-lL P. gas engina
cheap. He. Ksy'a Gai Engine lloapital.
foot of Ellsworth St., 13-L car.
F'oR SALE Lsel pickle barrel, and Mason
fruit Jara 1 lloyt. I'bona Marshall
(G.Ova LINEAL f'-et of piling and uap
piling near I. da water. Inquire of A. U.
Chutt.r. Astoria, Or.
FOH SALE Oold-plated Holton cornet; condition; cheap. V 14. Uro
gonlan. Contractors' equipment by United Engineer
ing at Construction Co.. Til Lewis l-Mg.
FOR SALE Flrst-claa fresh cow. cheap.
I.;!H) Wilbur Arbor l.odge, St. Johns line.
$40 1 HON bed. apring". silk floes mattrs
very reasoname. ihm h aains .qh,
rlAN)E and heater. "". both neurly new;
bargain. I'hone Woo.llawn 1177.
FOR SALE Goo.l-elred tent, close In, lovely
shade. Call 614 E. ltelliiont t.
BA tis second-hand. In good condition.
AO 2-4. Oregonlan.
S hl'Y I'l.oTHiS'i-KVEHYTHIN...
H. guest price paid for men's cast-off
clothing .hoes; we also b"y ladl-e cloth
It.g. all up the Globe. Main JUStl. 2l
First at., near Columbia.
IF YOU have household furniture to sell,
call up George Laker ft Co.. 1&2 Park aL
Sale, at residences a speclslty.
V. E psy most for any kind of furniture you
don t wane Main b:01. A tti. Ford
Auction Co.
WE pay tha hlgheat cash price for second
band furniture. Sealer ft Martin, l'hons
East 3134. 141 Hawthorne ave.
HUIHET prices paid for furniture, stoves,
ranges, etc.. etc. Call up East lo2 or
call at 3:s East Morrison st.
WILL take modern office furniture or sais
as part payment on lot, Woodatock line.
V 11-7. Oregunlan.
WAN'TEt Small printing plant cheap. AR
'-:i7. oregonlaji.
BOTH blcyole.
H. F. Los, 10U Board of
WANTED at once. 2 men to learn to drlva
and repair automobllea tO K. 7th St.
PERMANENT Income for the man whs
make. good. 111T-111. Toon bldg.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agent,
new effer Cutberth .tutdlo. liekum bldg.
MEN and women aollcltors. L7i day. Call
North l.'-th et.
BI'SHEI.VAN wanted. Pantages Tailoring
Co.. 2rs Stark, near 4th.
CHOCOLATE olpp-rs wantej. Apply Cofl
loaa'a. Washington st.
At a prlca If taken at on re,
two l'-horiepower return tubular boilers.
In first-class condition: Just tbe equipment
for mill work; complete with flttlnsa and
all equlenent to Install In your plant. Par
ticular, at '.'o.i Oregonaan bidg.
(On. of Mny)
Ofrlca Sscrrtary Employment Department
y. M. C. A
Young man. stranger, out of work $W
his total cash asset) It I pay u f
for special employment membership. 1 will
' h.vs only lj left between me and starva
tion. ...
Secretary If yoa pay S for special
employment membership you will have tns
T. M. C. A. with Its resources bstwaeo
ou and starvation.
Record for 6 months ending Juns
Call, for men...'. 'r1
Position, filled Zit
New members ... -- 1
Emplrrrment membership guarantee, em
ployment or refund of membership fee;
glees two months' full membership prl
Heges. iu month.' .oclnl privileges ana
undertakes to keep party employed during
the full term of membership without
further charge. . , .
We have constant demand for hlgn
grade, experienced men. Are you littea
for a better position?
Bei secretary employment department
T. J. C. A. ,
WANTKD SALESMEN Our first step
NORTH PLAINS' .peaks for It.ielf. We are
about to make another Involving more
property of much more Importance and
wish to Increase our selling force to meet
the demand. Will train such men s. ac
cepted, and rapidly advance those who
have or develop the necessary ability.
I'on t call If you are of the drlftv.oo.1
kind. Inquire between and 1") A. M.
or 2 and 3 P. M, for Mr. Mickey.
'.'.I. Stark Street.
SALESMEN, who have had experience In
any line. can. with the leads and assist
ance we give, mnke a aurcess selMng Ilurl
In.ame; this addition contalra invo sites
snd Is beautiful. non-preclpltou. lew
property of a desirable location and Is .ell
Ing at a price lower than anything of alm
llar character on the market. If you de
sire a permanent position with good pay,
tall before noon.
Madison hldg.. Third and Madison St..
AB1.E-HODIED men wanted for the LT. P.
Marine Corpe. between the .cje. of 10 and
8.1. Mu.t be native born or have first
paper.. Monthly pay. 11.-, to "!. Addi
tional comprn.atlon possible. Food, cloth
ing, quarter, and medical attention free.
After 30 years service can retire with 7"
per cent of pay and allowances. Service
on board ship and ashore In nil parts of
ths world. Apply at V. 8. Marine Corps
71-crultlng Office, Hreeden bldg., 8d and
Washington st... Portland. Or.
Amalgamator man, 11.10 and board; gee
party here.
Cook snd wife, country hotel. 10O.
Chef for a resort, $100; kitchen help
of all kinds.
oil burning fireman, locomotive, log
ging road. J.2.1.
C. rt. HANSEN ft CO.. 10 N. "M St.
Agents are making from "r.n to tint) per
week. We want a representative in every
town to handle the .ale of the Golden Rod
vacuum cleaner. To men who are capable
of organizing and Instructing solicitors ws
have a very apodal Inducement to offer.
Write todnr for p.rtlculara The Hugrs
Mfg. t o., t3l no. uearoorn s... coic..
WANTED An experienced traveling . ales
man: mu.t haie e.tabli.hed trad., also
references required, to travel for u. In
the atates of Washington. Oregon and
Idaho for the coming Spring season. Ad
dress all communication, to Felix P.oth
.chlld ft Co., CHS S. Franklin St.. Chicago,
makers of men's and young men's popular
priced clothing.
JAPANESE or Chlncae boy wanted for
cook and general nouseworx it ieo,,,
of two adults; must be thoroughly com
petent and speak English; no other need
apply; house entirely modern: steady
place s.sured. Wngee $40 a monlh. Ad
dres. lock box C12. Hood River. Or.
WE want ft young man who has found
tnax mere i. no'niiig in woie.o ... ...
life for me other fellow. To the one
who ba. the nerve to tackle a hard game
and the brains to win, we can offer a
permanent position which will pay hand
somely, r. Hi. ii oo.
WANTED Salesmen for exclusive territory,
big opportunities, steady position, com
plete line Y.klma Valley-grown fruit
shade and ornamental stock; caah weekly;
outfit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Company.
To p penlsh. Wash.
WANT experienced men to sell our small
farms, within 20 miles of Portland: prop
erties are well worth tha money, and com
mission, are liberal.
ana commercial mors.
WANTED Two good salesmen to handle
trie Deal mill bu uuoeiuoi,
market. We havs something out of the
ordinary and will give you a chanoe to
make some money out ol IL AR 22T,
WAHTtlU Oood harness-cleaner and buggy-washer-
only flr.t-cla. man wanted, pos
itively beat wages In the city to nxht
man: night work. Kramer's Riding
School, tilth and Jefferson.
CANNERY help, flrst-claaa man who thor
oughly understand, adjusting Johnion'l
automatic reamers; also an experienced
processor. Apply Lang ft Co, canning de
pnrtment. 20 Burnslrte st.
FOR general office work, young man that
can operate Remington and baa had ex
perience In transportation local office
work; references required. Y SJ2, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Refilled, well-educated boy. a.
bellbov.; referonce. required. Apply
steward Arlington Club bet. and 10
Wednesday and Thursday.
AI A.N of good appearance and buainesa abil
ity to solicit for business In Portlaru;
good salntv. Anolv after A. M.. 7.1
i eonblclg;
SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa
cillc Coaat-gruwn nursery stock: cash paid
weekly. Pacific Nursery Cow. 303 Corbett
WANTED An experienced man to work on
.mall tract land close to Portland- must
understand farming; references. E 2-S,
Oregonian. i
WANTED Good live agent to represent u.
at Medford. Or., and vicinity; best of
references and bond required. Grand
Union Tea Co.. 44 Washington St.
ELECTRICIAN'S, plumbers and aheet metal
workers, nonunion, out of town. Apply
"J-J Commercial t iub Ding,
I'KESSER wanted Wednesday morning.
Men's DepL K. M. Gray, 279-273 Morri
son st.
WANTED A few hustler, capable of pre
sertlng high-class proposition; good con
tract, lO'JO Chamber of Commerce bldg.
WANTED It good ornamental Ironwurkera,
slate experience. Spokane Ornamantai iron
Work.. Spokane. Wash.
WANTEli Young man solicitor, salary and
commission. See Mr. rlteln at I4lf First
st, Tuesday. to It
WANTED Boys. 1 lo 17, to board si ml
room at T. M. C. A. working boys' home.
3tej Salmon st-
HARDWARE olerk willing to start tj week.
State references, age, exparte noe. F 2n,
feTRl'CTl'RAL ironworkers, out of town.
Apply 22J Commercial Club bldg.
BoY wanted. Call between U and lt A. M.,
cigar stand. Corbett blrlg.
LINEMAN, nonunion. Apply 222 Commer
cial Club bldg.
NEAT, refined girl for general housework.
Call main 7344. Apply 4'ij Montgomery.
WANTKD GIN for general housework, to
go 'to C.earliart, 6M Irving st.
WANTED A girl to assist In kitchen. Call
at bl 10th su N. Sister, of Mercy.
GIHL wanted for general housework. &ii5
5th at.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Rebea,
4o4 Washington, bet. 10th and 11th els.
iRAMMAH teacher wanted, private les
sons. Write A. J. HalL IDS 9tn .L
GIRL for cooking and to assist with house
vork. 6f0 Everett .t-
EXPERIENCED waitrea. at once; good
wages. 23 nth st.
EXPERIENCED waitress at once; good
wages. 2.' Clh t.
yyjTED Experienced nurse maid. 801
I.ovejoy t.
WANTED Flr.t-clas. girl to s do second
work In family of two. Apply 7!M Lovejoy.
WANTED Etparlanred waitress. The Hill,
23d and Washington.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 75
North 14th St.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Thompson's Res
taurant. 144 4tn st.
W A XT ED A girl to answer telephone In
s m all office. Apply Lang ft Co.
LADIES to make pillow top. at home fill
or .pare time. 414 ciiark. '
EXPERIENCED short-hour waitresses
wanted by ths Meier ft Frank Company;
also experienced captain; good pay; per
manent pos.'tlon. Apply to superintendent
t to 10 A. M.
WANTED Women and girls to work in
"our snnltary canning plant; apply ready
for work, Lang ft Co, Canning De
partment, Burnsldo St., between Front
and First, or call up phone Private Ex
change 24, Canning Deperlment.
Apply Ptandnrd Factory. Jfo. X Grand
va, and Eaat Taylor L
YOUNG lady of good appearance and hu.l
ne. ability, between 20 and 26 year, of
.age. to call on wcjklng people and adver
tise a new line: .alary. Apply 9 A. M. to
2 P. M.. T1S-724 Yeon bldg.
WB need two wide-awake lady solicitor,
who are willing to work 8 hour, a day
for liberal compensation: -work steady and
pleasant. Call 10 to 13, 418 Mohawk bldg.,
- Rd and Morrison. .
COMPETENT, practical woman for per
manent position with reliable business
firm: experloncs not required. 220. Ore
gonian. -
WAN"ililI llenned. cnpable women for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., uoo Roth
clilld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
TWO stenographers to cut .tenclle. Rapid
and accurate. 410 Merchants Trust bldg.
Wed. S A. M.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Apply at 4C3 Holladay ave. Phone East
GIRL for cooking and housework ln .mall
family. 747 East Madison. Hawthorne or
Sumijsidecars. p
COOK. Institution. J40; country restaurant,
g.'ti: housework, $4n. St. Louis Agency.
Washington. Main 2039. A 4775.
WANTED Woman for general cleaning
and kitchen work. Apply The Cookery,
B2J Washington.
GI RLforgenoral housework: must be good
plain cook: work light; good wages. &,
East 13th North.
BILLING machine operator with some ex
perience. Marshall 152, between 10 and
12, Tuesday.
WANTED Girl for general housework, fam
ily of three. Apply 807 E. Ash St., cor
ner 2Sth.
FIK-iT-FlR.'-T-CLASS fireman; must be so
ber. Apply Wednesday morning. 208
Burnaldo st.
WANTED Women to clean cars. Apply to
forewoman. Th. Pullman Co., 9th and
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Call mornings, Mrs. C. F.
Read. SeO E. 12th N.
WANTED Lady bookkeeper, experience In
insurance, business preferred; references
desired. Apply box K 22.1. Oregonlan.
2434 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs,
' Phone Main "g"2.
WANTED At once, girl for general house
work; good cook: neat; none other, need
pply. 703 Everett' t-
326H Washington at., room 314.
Mam bsao or A S2US.
WOULD like a few reliable lady .oltoltor.
for best proposition on the Pacific Coast.
I020 Chamber of Commercebldg.
WAXTED--Two quick snd good writers for
a few days' special work. Call Apart
ment c., 407 Jefferson st.
CHAMBERMAID at Elton CourL 11th and
Yamhill eta.
MEN wanted, age over 18. to prepare for
firemen, about $100 monthly; brakemen,
$s0; nearby railroads; experienoe unnec
essary; no strike; positions guaranteed
competent men; 4SW sent to position, in
1910. State age; send stamp for particu
lars. George H. Baker, president, oare
lO.OuO POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women learn barber trade ln
8 week., help to seoure position; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $33 weekly; expert
Instructors; tools fr.e; write for cata
logues, Mahler System of Colleges, 33
North 4th st-, Portland. Or.
WANTED Tutoring, by man. English teach
er In Portland high school; experience In
literature, grammar, composition and
rhetoric; lessons in Latin. Greek, French.
German history also offered. Phone A
600 M EN. 20 to 40 years old. at once for
electric railway motormeo and conductors;
$00 to $100 month; no experience neces
sary; fine opportunity, no strike; write im
mediately for application blank. Address
AV 14S. Oregonlan. .
OREGON will be in session July 10. 11. 12,
.t 1671. l.t .t., to examine all thoee hold
ing permits that expire on the above date.
T. M. LEA BO, Secretary.
STENOGRAPHERS, any system, taking our
drills, will be placed ln position. Eclec
tic Business University, 630 Worcester
WANTED Good boms tor boy year, old,
or would furnish home for elderly lady
ln exchange for care of boy. 828 Sal
mon at,
LKAKN automobile driving and repairing:
actual practical experience; day or even-
Lpga. 328 V4 Washington St.. room 415.
WANTED 2 moving picture operators.
ONE LNIOX; good Jobs. Laemmle, 233
MAKE money writing short stories or for
papers; big pay: free booklet tell. how.
United Pre.. Syndicate, San Francisco.
INTERNATIONAL Correapondence Sob. 00 la.
local office 233 Ald.r at. Main 109.
wetland bldg.
WILL tint rooms for $2.60 and
at your price. I'hone East 23.
WRITING. $5 mo. 209 14th L Main 38U3.
MAN and wife, middle-aged German pre
ferred, to work on .lock ranch; man who
understands ths cars of horses and stock
generally. C. Mlnslnger, care Star Sand
Co.. room 210. Board of Trade.
Hovkkeeipfi-e sad Clerks.
WANTED Position of trust ln any legiti
mate line. Have brains and executive
ability, can manage manufacturing busi
ness; would take position at nominal sal
ary until such tline as my ability would
be proven, when I would expect salary
to be commensurate with services ren
dered. Am not a peddler nor book agent,
AG 230. Oregonlan.
SALESMAN, one of the best known and
Belting beat dry goods hou.09 , on the
Coast, in city for this week only. 1. open
for proposition in these lines or any other
. of known merit; a live wire and one who
produces: ouate full particulars ln letter.
H 231, Oregonlan.
up books, prepare balance, and atatement..
Install systems. Dillingham, auditor, 411
Lewi. blug.. Marshall 717.
YOlNG man with bookkeeping experience
wishes a bookkeeping or clerical position;
can furnish best of reference. O 227, Ore
gonlan. SMALL business man or manufacturer, you
can hnve your books cared for and your
cost, figured by the mon'i very cheaply
by an accountant. AM 237, Oregronlan.
YOUNG man want, position as bookkeeper
or assistant bookkeeper, salary no object;
two year.' experience with reliable firm.
AJ 232. Oregonlan.
BOOKKEEPER, cost accountant manager,
years' of experience, A-l references. All
23.1. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, experienced ln general office
and Btatl.tlcal work, knowledge of-bookkeeping.
H 2110, Oregonlam
EXPERIENCED accountant offers hi. serv-
Ices evenings. AL 232. Oregonlan.
CARPENTER foreman of long experience
seeks work; reasonable wages. C 238,
C A RP E NTETL flr.t-ciaaa finisher and re
pairer: $3 nay or Job. X 2Vt. Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by first-rlas. chauffeur
and repairman; references. Main e75.
GOOD JAPANESE wnnis position a. cook,
port, chamber work, AP 237. Oregonian.
SITUATION WANTED A. .tatlonaxy en
gineer, vicinity Portland, can operate any
kind engine., boilers, dynamoa, etc.. 17
yeara' experience, at present manager
light plant: married, strictly reliable, rel
erecce.. Addras. AV 2U3, Oregonlan.
Any one In need of a competent fore
man ln any part of the building line can
find aame by calling Jno. Beaty. Hotel
Scott. Will be responsible for all work
In my charge.
WANTED Furnished rooms, apartment or
house, for Summer, young couple with
baby; references: electricity, hot water,
bath. gas. kitchen. $25; nice neighborhood
essential; write particular, quick. X 23,
OreRonlan. .
AUTODRIV ER, young Eastern mall, with
seven vearr factory and road experience,
wants position operating high-grade auto
mobile, motorboat or gas engine. T 14.
Oregonian. ,
SITUATION WANTED as manager or su
perintendent of lighting plant ln town or
20O0 population, west of Cascades, tt years
last place as manager, A 1 references.
Address A V 1S8. Oregonlan.
CARPENTER, good mechanic, wants work,
alterations, repairs. Jobbing or finishing,
city or country; reasonable. Wilson, 20th
ind walnut.
YOUNG married roan would like work at
any kind; good references and not afraid
of work. AC 23L Oregonlan, or phone
Alarsnait 000.
PRINTER-EDITOR warns management of
or situation with country weekly: sober,
reliable. Chas. G. Gibson, Portland. Gen.
TWO boys like to work out in country for
the Summer: fruit ranch preferred. 1
:34. Oregonian
man wants to cut and haul wood, about
8000 or 4000 T cords. Call or address Pete
Antone. sua Aipina . e.
YOUNG MAN .want. PUlon in groc cry, 6
ytftrr experience, s":'" e"-;
references, a x. -.'.e
CH4.UFFECR. driver, position, private or
mick: acquainted in city; no drinkur.
Phone E. 21 IS.
TAPANEE couple want position, male as
farm help or garden, and wile a. house-
work. liacniy:.. ----
VIOLINIST and plani't , '"K0e
ments. solo or dance work. R 233, Ore
A MIDDLE-AGED, steady. Industrious man.
German-American, wants work a. farm
hand. Address Fred Buss. Dee. Or.
yOUNG man would like to learn house car
pentering; tivo years' experience In mill
WOrk. AO Vy.efcoo.e...
DRAFTING work done on the side by ex
perlenced draftsman. AL -2.. Ore
At I -AROUND printer and newspaper man.
steady and sober, wants situation. Ore
gon references. AV 22.1. Oregolilaj
JAPANESE wants position, automobile, gar
den or .tor. boy; references. AH 21S.
YOUNG man wishes position on a f a rm; has
had some experience; has good habits and
I. Tno? afraid VkJl.Jegonian.
COLORED MAN wants place as janitor or
nortec: references. Main 3845.
LICENSED chauffeur desire po'itlon. drlv-
Ing prlvste or truck. Phone C 3040.
RELIABLE Danish Janitor wants position i
..... T!nna VnRt 3o.IT.
IBS! JOQ & yel a. 1 --
SITUATION wanted by young man. can fur
nlsh good references. AP 235. Oregonian.
GOOD dinner cook wants position.
R 23.4-
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
A CAPABLE and experienced lady stenog
rapher and bookkeeper wants position at a
moderate .alary. Address AK 220. Orego
LADY from the South, 10 year, experience
in stenographic and general office work,
desires position. C 282. Oregonlan.
EXPERT stenographer would do public work
or a few hours' work each morning lor
buslnes. house. H 320. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; wage, reasonable. AR 236. Orego
EXPERIENCED Eastern stnnographer de
sires position. X 231. oregonian,
LADIES' tailor and dressmaker wants sew
ing by day or piece: 5 years' experience,
references. Miss McMullen. 1144 E. 28th
St. N. Phone c 111.
DRESSMAKER, first-class, would like few
more engagements by day. Y 228, Oregonl-
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
at home or by day; references. Main 813o.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper and manager
desire, position In first-class hotel, club or
apartment-house. R 226. Oregonlan.
X arses.
NURSE ladv, trained specialist mental and
nervous cases, male or female, wants po
sition; willing to travel or stay at home.
AO SO. uri-guinnH.
EXPERIENCED nurse, maternity, invalid,
elderly; will go coast; others 8L Louis
Age ncy. J -
EXPERIENCED nurse girl ln a nice private
family, best reference. 409 Spokane ave.,
fiellwood. ,
EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants con
finement case, reasonable price. Ml,
Hendron. Marshall ..100. puen a.v
WOMAN wants day work or as practical
nurse. Phone Woodlawn 271.
BY experienced nurse, more cases women
and Children's diseases. Marshall 24o7.
KURSK would like more work. Phone East
Doniesl Irs.
WANTED Day work, washing 'Ir??1'
house cleaning, etc Main 1T32. 835 N.
17th. t
COMPETENT woman desires position ss
cook: farm or lumber camp; has two chil
dren aged and 10 years. AK 231, Ore
WOULD like work for part of day; prefer
finishing work for amateur photographers;
experienced. Phone Main fv02o.
WOMAN wants work by day. Phone Sell-
wood ISO.
FIRST-CLAPS women housekeepers oham
bermalde. nurses. Main 203. A 4775.
RELIABLE) salesman can make big money
Belling our well-known line of hardy non
Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses. tc out
fit furnished; cash weekly. Address Ore
g on Nursery Com pany. Orenco. Or.
LIVE agents to sell orchards in East; lib
eral commission. V 229. Oregonian.
MODERN 6 or 9-room house, new. preferred
by August L close In, East Side, conven
lent to Morrison or Hawtaorne-brldge cars,
prefer Sunnyslde district. If unable to
sell, let me rent- It; will give It perfect
care and stay permanently; might buy
later- two adult, only: not over $25 per
month. Give exact location, AG 28. Ore
gonlan. MYSELF, wife and 8-year-old son wish to
rent modern furnished bungalow of five
rooms. West Side, 26 minutes' ride from
postoffice. D. H. Coppock. Lenox Hotel.
WANTED July T, 8 or 4-room furnished
flat; state price. T 283. Oregonlan.
WANTED By young lady, an unfurnished
housekeeping room, ln private family. Ad
dress K. A. Cook. Clackamas, Route No.
1. Oregon. Box 113.
WANTED 1O00 more rooms. ln hotels,
rooming-houses, private liomea, for con
vention delegate., July 1 to 1. What
have yoT J. H. Aitkin, 280. Wash, .u
alarsuau .mi. js
$looo. $2u0. $3000. $5000 to loan on Im
proved real estate. X 239, Oregonlan.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms, slnvle,
en suite, all oonveniences. best location.
"MILNER BLDG.." $60 Va Morrison St.
Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and 2d streets.
Strictly modern, reasonable rates by the
day. week or month. B. W. Fisher, llu
ager. MODERN family hotel, outside rooms, hot
and cold water, walking distance, tran
sients solicited; both phones. 548. Wash
ington iSt.
LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or .In
gle, $2 and $8 a week; live minutes' walk
to theaters and stores, free phone. Lia
dell Hotel. 326 4th.
LARGE, comfortable, airy room, with all
modern conveniences. 5 minutes' walk to
center of city. 30 17th, off Washington.
FOR RENT Modern, nicely furnished
rooms, olose ln; transient trade solicited;
rates reasonable. The baker. 2654 5th st.
LARGE front room, very reasonable. 125 .
JSoa-ta ltilu L
Those three beautifully furnished hotels,
2134 4th st. Sllj 4th st. 2074 4th St.
On Fourth St., running from Taylor to
Ealmon aL Brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private bath., hot
and cold water in all rooms; strictly
up-to-date ln all respects, and at popular
prices, 'if you want something out of the
ordinary ln the heart of the city at reas
onable prices, give us a call. a. we know
you will like it- Room, by the day. week
or month. Tourl.t trade solicited.
Residential. 330 T.ylor. Transient
Bet. 7th and Park sts.
Opposite Hellig Theater. Central, quiet,
rooms with private bath. etc.. from $1
daily; suites or single room, at low
rates; weekly or monthly terms; new,
handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele
phones, hot and cold running water. From
Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or "W"
car to 7th; from Hoyt-street Depot. '
car, transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone
Marshall 2200.
887 e East Burnside.
A very pleasant place to Summer, easy
walking distance. modern throughout,
rooms single or en suite, rooms witn pri
vate bath. Summer rates. 75c to $1.50 per
day, $2 to $7 per week. B 127$. Eaat 5940.
One Mock from Union Depot: 140 out
side rooms, with hot and cold water, every
thing brand new; special rates by the week
or month; give us a trial. Transient rate.
Coo to $2 per day; weekly rates $3.50 up.
131 Eleventh st.
New, modern brick building, steam-heated
private baths, hot and cold water in
rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort
able. Rents very reasonable. Call and see
mm. Regular and transient trade .oilcited.
Lowest rate, in city, by daK week or
month; nicely furnished new brick build
ing: hot and cold water and telephone in
every room; close in. 1054 12th t-, near
vVushington. Marshall 2790
Park at-, between -Morrison and Alder.
Heart of the city; quiet and modern: free
'bus or W car at depot; rates $1 single,
$1.50 double; also family rooms with prl
bate bath, etc Rates per week.
Central location, moderate prices, spe
cial weekly rates. $3. $3.50 and up, in
cluding public phone and bath.
804 Morrison St.. Cor. 10th.
HOTEL REN WICK An ideal home for
business people; centrally located; ele
gant rooms, all modern convenience.; 7th
and Tavlor sts., 1 block from Portland
Hotel, oimgsUeHelllg Theate r. Main 91B.
BUSHMAKK HOTEL, 17th and Washington
N.wly furnished rooms, single or en
suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and
cold wale.- and phone in all rooma; rates
reasonable; transients solicited.
at the Osborn, 214 Grand ave. Brick
buildinir. large, light and airy, hot and
cold water, 75c a day and up, $2.60 per
week and up. Kast 00 iw.
LARGE front room, suitable for two; neatly
furnished, reasonable, light housekeeping
If desired. 333 13th st.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
TWO. three and four clean, newly fur
nished rooms for housekeeping, modern,
free phone, light and bath. SS cajline.
Phone Main So69.
FURNISHED front room for one or two
men. $S a month: large grounds and fruit
walking distance. Call Sunday, 360
Grant st.
BEST accommodation. lawn, fresh air. $6.
$10 and $211 per month, by day or week.
W car or Washington St. cars. 571 Couch,
X. E. corner ISth. A 528U.
WELL-FURNISH ED large room, bath,
electricity, etc., reasonable. Apt. 3, The
Chetopa. CS4 Flanders, cor. ISth.
NICELY furnished rooms, also room with
sleeping porch. 57 Trinity place, near
FRONT SUITE or single rooms for gentle-
len; private family; oesirnoie locanow,
rest Side, close in. Phone Marshall 23111.
prnvigHpn ennm. close in. walking dls
tance, east end Steel bridge, $1 up 10 $3.
820 E. First street North.
NICE, light, outside, well furnished room,
in modern apt., suitable for business man,
prtvate bath and phone. Marshall Hn2.
NICELY furnished front room for 2 gentle
men; bath. gas. phone 472 Taylor St.,
near 14th st.
NICELY furnished rooms, bath. gas and
laundry; also housekeeping. 475 Morrl-
FLIINISHED room ln private family, walk
Ing distance. Phone E. 29J2.
FURNISHED rooms, light, clean and pleas
ant, at T10 Front St.; wanting omancc.
NEWLY furnished rooms for gentleman
only; close in. 214 13th St.. cor. Salmon.
NICELY furnished room, firs; floor, one or
two DQUSeKeeping room. 010 mm . qqq
TWO single rooms. 414 Salmon st. Gen
tlemen oniy.
LARGE, pleasant alcove room, suitable for
2, walkingtlistance. 36110th st.
FURNISHED room, for gentlemen only. 8
BURNISHED .leeplng-room for one B-enfle-maji.
bath, phone, cheap. l- X. lita.
PLEASANT room, 628 Holly st.. one block
soutn or nawmorno a., p. u jq.o
CLEAN room In line neighborhood, suitable
for one or two gentlemen. 860 ta Park t.
DESIRABLE location. $1.75 to $3 per week;
gentlemen preferred. 305 I'-th St.
FINE large furnished room with or with-.
out board; closo In. Phone East 6381.
850 SALMON Front room, suitable 1. 3 or
3; hot and cold water, bath, phone.
NICE light room., walking dlstanoe; $10 per
month and up. 471 Morrison.
NICE, light front room. $12.00 a month. 820
Mnf iromerv. bet. 6th and 7th.
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, 500 Jef
ferson at.
ROOMS, new flat, extra well furnished, close
In. reasonable. 300x Market St.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 2?1
13lh St.. cor. Salmon.
0EKLTi large outside room, sult-
Bine mi iw. "- .....
NICELY furnished room, $10 per month.
r.l 1 Morrison st,
hle lor two. inn
CLEAN, coxy, well-furnlshod front room;
modern. So N. 16th st.
CLEAN rooms, all convenience.. 20S ',4 17th.
Un furnish ed Rooms.
LARGE, light rooms, pantry, range and
sink. E. 27th and Clinton t. Phone Sail
wood S33.
Rooms With Board.
NEW and beautifully furnl.hed rooms with
board; finest of home cooking, free phone
and bath. $25 per month. S20 Montgomery
St.. beL 6th anu 'its.
Doea a home appeal to youT The Whitehall,
cor. 6th Madison, large rooms, bath, broad
veranda, quiet, close ln. near car, 4
block, irom f. o a-mci
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year;
room, with board, use of .ewing-room. II
biary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt.
iru ir- Xf A NlTOfr.
261 13th, new management: thoroughly
renovated ; invuma jqqi.i-. ovp
THE CALVARD, 52 Morrison st-. cor. 13th;
select private tamuy oogamns-n"""
FURNISHED rooms with board. Casa Rosa,
8O0 Jefferson.
KxMiros Wltb Board In Private Family.
GOOD board with or without room, very
reasonable, nice rooms, walking distance,
ladles or gentlemen. Main 9577. 410 Sec
ond st.
LARGE, elegantly furnished front room
with first-class board; private family;
large porch and yard. 739 Ollsan st.
FURNISHED rooms and board ln strictly
modern home with use of Pjano. closo in.
766 Glisan t- l-none m. omg.
BOARD and room, suitable, for two. all
modern conveniences and home cooking.
4 block, from vvaau. 10 m".
TWO fine large rooms, one lias private bath,
home cooking, will also take ft few table
boarders, oil tvetcr ucj.
ONE double room, with board, good homo
cooking; 4 blocks from Postoffice. 802
Salmon st.
NICE room. - with young couple; walking
distance: beautiful location. Phone A
5340. .
GOOD board and room for one gentleman.
6914 pavis.
FRONT room, with board, home cooking.
... 1 UnnnA T,rlvllA?S.
jj. aioriinon. ,io f. "
FIRST-CLASS room and board ln private
IWi VnmVitll St.
NICE room with board for one or two gen
tlemen. DUl ae..
LARGE front room, newly furnished: excel-
ent boaro near, io. jipjv
ROOM and board, $3 ft week for gentlemen.
613 Washington su
NICELY furnl.hed room: everything mod
. ntiraan preferred. Call B 12-'
ern: gentleman preferred.
NICE place to room and board. Call East
ROOM and board in home of young people.
B. '306S. 546 East Davis St.
ana coiumnia .Lreeis; nrai-niww .
room furnished and unfurnished apart
ment.; private baths, large dressing clos
ets, disappearing beds, built-in buffets, pri
vate phones and all modern conveniences,
first-class service, best location ln tha
city, overlooking the parks and only 5 min
utes' walk from the business center; price
very reasonable. Apply 10 manager.
45 Trinity Place, bet. Wash, and Ereratt.
Within walking distance of business en
ter; reasonable rates; strictly modern.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick bulldinK, completely first-class, fur
nished ln 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments: private bath, reception hail, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, coin
pressed air carpet cleaning, Janitor serv
ice; rent per month $26. $30 and up. Must
be seen to be appreciated.
Strictly nlgh-clasa. exclusive and modern
unfurnished apartments in this city, on
Lucretia St., near Washington and 23d.
Apply to manager or phone Marshall 1501.
Private phones furnished free In each
aimrtmenu References required.
644 lit erett St.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments: 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located in one
of the choicest residence districts sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
Cor. 6th and Montgomery sts.
New brick buildings, new furniture, all
outside 2 and 8-room suites, disappearing
beds, sanitary couches, private (Paciflo
. phones, every modern convenience, no car
fare to pay. We challenge anyone In the
city to duplicate the suites at our price.
P FIN INSULA Apartments One of Portland'!
finest apartment-houses; 4-minute car
ervice, beautiful part city to live, 11354
Albina ave., cor. Kllllngsworth ; take Mis
sissippi. L or Kenton car at Third and
Wash. sts.. 15 mln. ride; 2, 8 and 4 rooms,
completely furnished; $17.50 to $30 mo.;
also unfurnished apt- Woodlawn 2259.
This beautiful house, is being thoroughly
renovated and newly furnished: rooms
large and elegant, splendid grounds: a
real home for people who appreciate com
fort and elegance; prioes moderate. 49
is. ittn st.
ina nc-Livn.i n.,. , .0 ,
Now management, new concrote building
with elaborately furnished 3-room apart
ments, modern conveniences, lawn, cool ve
randas. Janitor service: reasonable, walk
ing distance. 624 Marshall t.; take "W"
car. Main 6"32 or A 8191.
Corner 20th and Washington Stm.
Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished,
at most reasonable rates. A homelike
place. Three and four-room apartments.
ferson sts. A 4-room apt- with bath,
furnished or unfurnished; all outside
rooms; every convenience; modern and
only B min. walk from P. O. Very rea
s onabla rent.
Corner 14th and Clay Sts.
Large 4-room, front, corner suite, un
furnished, vestibule, closets, private bath
and phone, electric elevator, walking dis
tance; splendid view. We also have 3
room apartments, unfurn.hed.
17th and LoveJoy Sis.
Completely furnished 2 and 3-room
apartments. House Just opened. Take S
or 16th st. cars. Flrat-class service. Free
phone and private bath ln each apartment,
I'hone Main 215.
New 4-story concrete building; 2, 3 and
4-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished-
new furniture, modern. Apply to
the Chetopa, ISth and Flanders sis.
OKDEHLKIGH Apartments, cor. Grand ave.
and East Stark St. New, fireproof brick
building beautifully furnished, two and
three-room apartments, private bath, free
phone, hot and cold water. Ice box, no car
fare. Summer rates. I'hone East 800.
EXCLUSIVE apartments; 6 large rooms and
bath; privala entrance: large front and
back private porches; maid's room in base
ment' heat hot water, vacuum cleaning
system: ranges, refrigerator. 783 North
rup. Phone Main 9858.
KFELER Apartments, 14th and Clay St..;
we have 2 beauitfully furnished suites of
3 and 4 rooms we wish to sublet for July
and August only; references required; no
children. '
PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison
.is beautiful 3 and 4-room apartments
furnished for housekeeping; everything
new and modern; elevator, telephone free.
$45 to $60.
414 lltn sc. cm. on".
2. 8 and 4-room newly furnished
ants, private bath, phone and balcony
Sorche. $25 up. Phone Marshall 117L
Everett and Lucretia Pte.
Four and five-room apartments. Just
completed; olevator and all modern con
Comer E. 8th and Burnside; take Row
City car furnished and unfurnished apt..,
reasonable; walking distance; every con
venience. THH M'KINLET.
429 East Morrison. Corner 7th.
8 2 and 4 rooms, high-grade furnished
apt. ' private baths, best service, moder
ate prices
THE Beryl Large rooms, large closets,
cool and airy for Summer; some fur
nished apartments 21st and LoveJoy;
take W car.
1"0 St Clair; 2 nicely furnished 8-room
aDartroenta and one unfurnished 3 -room; free phone In each apartment.
410 6th, furnished and unfurnished
trtctly modern apartments, walking dls
tance. prices reasonable: no children.
One 3-room furnished, one 8-room un
furnished. 1 single room furnished. 697
Wash. St. ,
"aVALON Apartment, furnished and unfur
T.t.hed apartments, sleeping porches. Ross
and Clackamas sts. Phone East $178.
crTiCEf Aptfl., '24th and Northrup st.., un
furnished 4-room apt. ; private phone, heat
,h hot water; $3., a mo.
thK W'ASSELL One 4-room and one -T.m
walking distance heat and hot
.,e furnished: rent 130.
UpaiNTREB Elegant five-room apartment.
West Side; walking distance; rent reason-
able. Main 774L
j rLAIg 715 Wayne sj.; modern slx
6 room apartment, two porches. Paon, Mala
704 LoveJoy: one elegantly furnished
4-room apartment and J-room. Marshall
2916. . .
Stpam-HEATED flat, live rooms, for $35.
ST-?A ,,".V, t Key with Morgan. Fllc-d-
O-l -y.Q ihlnalnn hl.lir Main
ner ft noyce,
2015. A 2015.
KBOOit furnlsnea j-ornaou
5-KOOii 10 moih. phone Marshall
;.r r, . R HILL Apartments, newly furnished
CBDA.."n,. 1ST Green ave., 2 blocks
r.iuth 23d and Washington.
tt-nlI'GTON COURT, 2, 8 and 4-room
iuitei all modern, very reasonable. 15th
'ml EverettMaln 1245. -
FFnvisHED apartment for rent until De
cember 1. West Side. 6 rooms. Marshall
Tile- CECILIA, 22d and Gilsan: 1 furnished
rd one unfurnished apartment; private
phone and porch Marshall lb04. A 3736.
oTtvlAJ APARTMENT Between 21st and
2"d Thurman and Vaughn. 3 and 4
rooms, $22.50 to S25J
I.iirv leaving city will sublet handsomely
;,,enlhed apartment No. 27. Cecilia, cor.
of 22d and Ptisan. Phone Marshall 62.
FINE apartment for 2 months; piano, every
convenience; down town; very reasonable;
references. AD 231. Oregonlan.
THE Northampton, 407 Hall St.; new and
elegantly furnished 2-room apartments,
walking distance. Main 4299.
BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished.
strictly modern. Summer rates now In ef-
feet. 1804 23d st. Marshall 282L
THE King Davis, corner King and Davis
sts.: one 3 and one 4-room apt. ,
DRICKSTON. 448 11th St., 2 and 3-room
apartment.: .trlctly nwderyup 10 now.
LEONCE Modern apts.'; Knob Hill di.trlct;
convenient to 2 car lines. 186 2 2d st, X.
THE HARTFORI) Best modern apt., ln th.
city. 21st and Flanders.
THE DAYTON Nice four- -00m lower apt.,
heat, water, etc.. $20- 608 Flanders.
$2.1 ELEGANT 3-room apartment, furn
ished, 12H5 Belmont- Tabor 1768, B 8041.
ALTAMONT. 304 College, strictly modern $
and 4-room apt.. Main c080. Reasonable.
FURNISHED or unfurnished .ut-room apart
menu 715 John.on s-