jrXY 4, IDlt. H 3 xnr jiwnai-W UKE(0.IAX, TrESDAT, " j REIT- ESTATE. . REAL ESTATE. DULY METKOBOLOOICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July Mash-numb Hmptm tu 4 d-ros. minimum temperature. J M-Vw n-.r r.l:i. A. M. 1T feet ; .-. m l"t J b"ur. .2 fees. Total rain fa. i .1 r M. to l F. M.. trie. Total raln fe.l ,.r)ce September 1. 1". SS.T Inches; tiurnial ra.nfell slrvre September I. 4 04 Irt-hi nfl:encv of rainfall sln.:e Septem ber 1." l:o. : Inebea Total eunshina. nee; p.-'la euaeMna. 1$ hour- 41 min utes Barometer ( reduced to eee level at a J' M . inciiea oparatione taaen at i P. M. Pacific t.me. July . 111: THE WEATHER. B -ie. ..... .. B .ton .. riftrt .. hli'if J. ....... 1'eriver 1-es Moines. .... KjrvWa iali MOO ...... Helena Jrii.-nvtTl.... Kansas "If r. . . . .New rlaae ... h'ew Yore. .North H'd. . . . .Nirtn Yakima.. Tloenlx . ....... ...... Portland . ...... Rteeburs: . Sacramento. . . , St. Louts. ..... sr. rani ....... . eurt Uk sen riC' -n Francisco., a :.k; vou. ....... .imlin. ....... Ticttui Tarn.-,,.! In.and. TV al a Wei. a We.-lng-on ... Winnipeg II I (i ar , ! 4 0 n 1 . 5 0 4 , ; u . o 4 . ' it 4 ;e; o . 4 '., . a - M IPt. r!ouy 'I't. cloul' jpt. cloudy j(':oy Jy il".ouijr lrr ;('lar ii'laar 1 Pt. clouly (Cloudy ar jriouriy i 'tear s r. s M W .-t N W sr. V K s w s . W eo I w ' ; T. i ..1 ni . 4 . 1 a. .: J4 K n e i: ..I .s 4 e.U'l. 4 . 4 . T. .! . o , , J so o. a . 14o . 4 '. , II .' ., .. I 1 . 4 a. ., T.- .! J To a.o 4 . ? 04 4 . I j a. , i : . 4.1 4 , ,;.. .)' 4 .' t "a1 rlr Iflouil r I PI. rloudy "lrar 'f't. tloudy PU cloudy pt. i-ludy .i "ttiud y pt. cloudy !t"lourty i-i"u-1r If 'loud y l 'tou'ir pt. rluaiy it'tcar svv K N V w w N S w t WEATHER CONDITION. Th No-td Parifle h! pr-.ur. ara liaa Tr: th. wh.n,t..a co...t. Tnar. TH. barom-t-r in t:.. Wcatorn Sftc. . ao.,r orm.L DurUi tia la.t ; h "hunn-r .l.rma ha., occurred .n Clrmr.K K.n.aa U4 South fakota ar.,1 ,',tr",B f" t.:..n lit th. norlh-rn portl-n o ! ' I I.m.tt. Val:. and In th. tiod count ry It L.r.-n. ai rhtlj coor In th. 1 ppcr U i.athw continue. c..hcr. la II'. Nor'h: .at of tha MI.-l-'PPl Hrvcr and 12, m K.n... anl f'":h'n-,l .,.:n at.tc. rp..rt.d a n.ailmum Jtcm- ;:.yK. ;.' j-rr,I:Ik1i;i S?r t Loula. Mr. l-- dear.-; Tolcdx ,, ,, ,j dr-. Waahlnatoo. l. C !' !'h.or.Vn. ar- 'l"'-t'1,":,fh! w.athar In th.a dlatr.ra Tu.ala. It will b warmer In ih. w illamatta alicy and In tha Sound country. FOKECASTS. Portland and Tteinlty Fair anl warmar: "ZZLVZ'f-wurm.T orthw..t portion: "'warhr'cTon-r-a.r. warnn-r tnt.r.or of wet portion: northweat winda. laaho Fair. eqwARD A. REALS. 1'i.trtct Foracaatar. romp'. fc.id-Kl. bHrom.ters. hy.lromctcra. ml. roa. opc.a. arlcnllfic p-rr.tn- Wo.i,r.1 Clark. Co MABRIEI). FI.-HTNER-.rAMS At Ot"li City. July 1 r-v tha R.r. S. A. Hayworth. Conataac. M. fltomcr anl Ado'.pn P. Adama MEETENO XOTlCEg. OREGON COCNCIU NO. Ttoval Arcanum, will ma.t thut wcH at Auditorium Hall. Thura 0y .vcnltllt. July . Inatcad of on fnuiar cvcninit. Tuc.l.iy. Ju.y 4 Yiaitora eorduilly Inviicfl. O. O. HALL, Bacretary. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. T. rt v. - ritatad communication thia lTuaiiay av.nlnc at 8.14 at P M. IHri by order u. M. ANNIE E. COUTE. Sacratary. BOHSMLAN HALU E. 14TH AND DVKB v.-Tfia picnic will b h.l.l today at 2 o'clock. Frlenda of Bohemian Aaaoclatlon ar. w.Icom.. In Ion mime. DIED. WrE-In thia citr. at hla lata naldniK tha Wclllnaton Curu July 1. ilcnjamin Franklin Wada. acd 4 year ipontha and il daya. Announcement of lunarai iatar. JI'ANALI.T July 3. at Pt. Vlncnfa Ho.pl tal. Mra. J. L. McAnaliy. acd 43 yaara 1 month and 1 da.v. Iin-.a!na at Hcm- ock'a funaral pariora. Im7 F.aat 13tn at. JX'NERAX. NOTICES. tlNTHICCM In thia city. JMly I t h Llnllucum, af Ml 1H r month -3 dija. J-unerai win n - dame at 2 P. M. to-lay Teaday). July 4 j.rlea at tha Ctamatortum prlvata. r'rl.nrta ara urgantly iejucatcd to omit f'.owara. BR KEftl- ja mis c.j. " 1 - l:? rV.!iT.a. awl Mill S. F. La-ranca r.n. Funeral wi.l o hold at his lata realdane. Wlnaday at 2 P. iL Inter ment Multnomah Camatery. ... . . i . t? Ll..t mrmA AU Tlbsr JUiy a. r'"ui - " '... . - rara. tx.ovad wife of Edwin . W laat. of 1144 r.aat najTimjii inr.i. - a.jualntanca ar. ra.pe.-tfully Invited to .aua--.d tha fun.ral rica at Dunnlni 4t Mcnt a rhapal WMtnaaday. July . at 1 p M Jnlarra.nt. Hum City Cemetary. aCH S.LL At rwm.nci. . Z. i leconi atrwat. Uavld C. Schail. aa.d 4 t.jnulr.a- MrEniaa to Alban). Cr.. Wedn.lay. July a. af, jtlCK-r.- i n. lU.ermi ... .... " . . j Aanea IcJllckcn will b. h.ld at hr Uta rpsu-.nrv. ' . - - - . - - : t . . t. I'rtnria Invited- In. t.rrrent will ba mada in the family plot In fpnr4 Unn. ..rraeirii, v-"v ....... ... w l-rlt i LoKAJL. CO. k 1 (ilv t. DtjkU. yhowaai Mala ilati A 111. Uaanior AtOitM. tlaeral a4ra4aa. Ttk and Iaa. a-braa Mala 4J- LaMly aa 1) JrU' i i o. " -. . - ' 10 14 at- lty aaal.taat. fttoaa M. aU si tUtiK oor.l IKrfMtura. aucaa a. . B. LiaaElnc. It- . - a.- - 1 v"W xr m a4 r liiIabm a. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES It a4 fiaarlV ' nrlba Ow. Unto ' fam. ad two ron.ecutlTa lime. xa Mma ad lb re coomk-uIIt. tirtaaa. J"" tama ad ms ar aerew roBaecallT Mmaa. .ova Kcaiutaacaa niuat aecsapur aut-t-t.wn "(Irrword. count aa ..a Una ad- aeruarmrnta aad aa aa utrw th.. tMA linea. hea an adrrrtl. merit la a-X rna In coa- . . Ln.. th. rt.ilm. rat. aDDlla. oa ciiarga ar book adiartlartueata tba rbarca will ba baaed .a tba actual aurnoei af line aitpeannc la tna pap-. rn t lb aumaer of ward, la aacn Uaa. TwIat all adYcrluemflMi aca charted by moaaara aaly. 14 Uara la tba '"Vlia aba rate, apply a adrtlameata anuer "New I k!y aor an etiar iuwuiw Imo. riceptlnr tna roiiowiaas fituaiiuoa anted. laia. aitaatluaa Waaled. I ewiala. I Raait. Bouma. Pnvata FamlllM. m .mi HuaiJ. Krlvata r'uailliea. Tba rata aa tba ab- claaaiUcatWaa la 1 r . . liaa Mni laaertlaa. Far tba accoaiaMMlatlon af aatrona. Tba Oreaoolaa will accep: claaalrled alrwllw aamta tttr tba talepboaa. providiaB. tba ad acctlaoar la a aabacnUrr to eltbor pboaa. Na Bricaa will ba aooteu aer lar pn.uu, oa. bill wilt ba raadrrad th. foilowlnc nay v. nhtMural adyartlaemeata will accepted o.ar tha pboaa. depend, naoa lha pmaiptaaa. af tba parmMi of t.iepu..ae a Trrttiwcmenla. Mtnatloa Wanted aad Per. onal adrcrf lerocn. will not ba aocptad aer Ih. irtepboaa. Order, fur oaa tnaertlna m1 will b. acceniel I"r numrm n.r mrm. e kAla." "HaalurM Onowrtual' tie..- -Row minx -bauaea" aad -Waatrd M Kent." OREGON HUSIABE SOCIEH OFFICE Crrr HAIL. Mala A . Hl'MANE OFFIt tft. aeraeaoi icaia. Haaidcnc. 14 E. Ith N. Eaat 4TT. . . t KaA Waaco St. TC. 4,. aatna. Rea." TS E. ltb. Eaat 1TSS. Hnr. Arrou anca. A BH'i: rr. a. a. a. 'rhta. Scnda and Holldaya. A 105; Pr. M 4. irun. 7. ; W!a sfSi e 5 f 0tata Is ? 4th JULY ATTRACTION HEILIG THEAIE 7U and Tajrlo PHONES MAIN 1 and lia ..iDpnmllViE? TODAT . T I M ... " mn-uR rrucn tot mtinf.k I rr Jcr 1 l.Ud l.aer It tWQ" 1y-, LAST TIMS TONIGHT. FERRIS HARTMAN TV. Da Leoa aad Ml- "Muina- Darlra, in T14 J U ,v Thl. afternoon Low.r floor. Toe and W Fn.lr. Halcony. IVK-. C.allery Chl'dran under II yra :im any Part Theater. ANNorNCKMEN EXTRAOKDLN A1X AT HEILIG T HEATER 7th and Taylor 4 DAYS BEGINNING NEXT THURSDAY Portland Rose FestiYal Motion Pictures 1911 Ev.ry Afternoon. S:80 o'clock. Evary Nlht. 7:K to 10.30. I.OWFR FLOOR. PALCONT. -Jo. UAIWU KUT DAT V THEATES 1S-2S-50-7S W KKK JVI.T 3 rr 4 atm-ron .er ald .rtfTI .. lllf.rd Malkar. Kelly Kent. ray. i ww - ' ', . . " , . lMint.. orrheetra, Pl.-turcw, (tpoctal Add-d f eature TH. I rr-n W EKK JIXY . WHIj Zimmwmai, Rostow. - A .k aF.- THEATER . 0iiL4l Utk aad Morriton St Vaudeville and 1st Bun Photo I'laya. The r.iKKrst irhow In the I'lty for th. Money. . Two Mntlneea Dally. nd Contlnuoua Pet formancea In the Evcnlntja. Cora- menilnn at 7:S. Admlln. 10c Children under 10 year.. 8c OAKS PARK Every I p-la-data rark Atlrac-ltoa Sew la Exlateaee. Hear ratrlck Coaway aad World-fanvwa Baal. limited eogaaamrat. Moat exnaaalTe Band la America. nth ftnri OHj-H Farm. Dallxht of Trail. 12 acrea of amuaement and 13 acree of comfort. Follow the crowd. Information Admlaalon 10a. children 5o, under free; puplla of tha publle achoola under 12 free Saturday afternoona. 6o car fare from any part of the city. Car Ftrat and Aldar. Launches MorTlaon-tret brlda. BASEBALL RF.CnEATION PARK. CO' SAClMENTO vs. PORTLAND JuIt 4- 5. . T. R. a. CaJnea Drala Ateekdaya at SrOO P. XL Saadaya 3tS0 P. M. LADIES' DAT I RID AT Eoy Under 12 Free to Bleacher Wednesday. Council Crest Roller Skating Rink Grand Opening; July 4, at 8 P. XI. Will be operated as a strictly high-class attraction. Magnificent display of fire works in connection. Refresh ments free for the opening night. FREE ADMISSION TO THE PARK SEW TODAY. Isn't This Just What You Have Been Looking For? Sycamore Acres Only 43 Minutes bj Electric Car LOCATION At Sycamore, on the Oreeharn-Cazadero Klectrie Line (0. W. P.), just east of Lents, in the prettiest part of Multnomah County. Roil is rich, d'-rp and hiphly productive. Subdivided into one and two-acre tracts. PRICES S 250 and upward: 15 per cent cash ; 15 per cent EVERY THREE MONTHS: 7 per cent in terest: 10 per cent off for cash. FOR $375 you may boy acre tracts running from the electric line across Johnson Creek to the thor oughly improved Foster Road. SYCAMORE is jnst the place for a General Merchandise and Feed Store. Call and rret r't of SYCA MOItE ACRES. W. H. GRINDSTAFF, 1125 Yeon Bldg. Main 875. A 7342. GEO. D. S CHALK, 228 Stark St. Main 392. A 2392. HAWTHORNE AVE. QUARTER BLOCK Close In. For 1 bjr owner at at bar gain. Address PSi!. Oregonlan. DlVIXIOJt STREET. A fine lot for buaineaa or realdenoa. Near th St.. for $1500. Fhone owner, B t. NATIONAL CREDIT ASSOCIATION HE Bt'V .VOTK.S. o: tVorrrater Bids. Washington St 62x91, near 19th. Small in come. $16,000 cash neces sary. Very -choice business property, with a tremendous future. $50000 Washington St. Near 16th. Income over $400; partially, improved. Two lots. $75000 13th St., Near Morrison Cor. 50x100. Will consider good income bearing prop erty in exchange. $30000 i Flats East Side, centrally located. Rents $lg0. $7000 cash. Pays 23 per cent on cash required. $12000 Apartment Hou ses $500 rent, brick. . .?52,00O $575 rent, frame. . .?45,00O $355 rent, frame. . .830,000 13th, Near Mill Cor. 50x100. Income $65. $4800 cash required. $14800 E. J. DALY 222 Failing Bldg. B 10UO bulldina; view aitea, oa the hllU, but aon preclpltouai cloae laj U tut oBlrabl Im prorrdi loar la prlco and beau tiful beyond R Li compare blvd. and t earlinea p a a a thru A M 15 nifDiHea from dowttowa THE WEST SIDE CO. Madison Bldg., 3d & Madison Mar. 980 A 4747 Free' Rent We -will furnish a fine large tent house free of cost to every lot buyer for the next 30 days. 10 PES CENT CASH $10 PER MONTH Call or phone, GREGORY INVESTMENT CO, 418 Corbett Bldg. Marshall 557. A 2644. Suburban Home 1 acres, aljrhtlv loontlon on Ora jton Cltv line 25 hilnutes from First and Aliier ata. flood house and Im provements, a acrea In younn- apple trees with pearh fillers, pood assort ment for family use. For price and terms. H 126. Oreg-onlan. . BARGAINS Two, flTe and 10-ere tracts, beauti fully located half mile from Tigard Station on Oregon Electric, only S5 minutes' ride from Fortland. Fine eol!. ail cleared. For prices and t-rms see AKtlin. 1IK.M.KY .1 WA1TK, 41 SpaldlnK Kldtr. 3IOXEY TO LOAX CITY MonTtiAHES. FARM MOH'm.UiES LOWEST HAl'ES. TERMS TO VrT. A. II. BIRKELL CO., so2 m'kay m anisc, Third and Ktark. Mortgage Loans JOHN BAIN , SOS Spalding Building NOB HILL APARTMENTS Brick, practically new. leased; arood revenue. Price $37,600; reasonable terms. 8 4AFORI1. HKM.F.V WAITE, 4I Spaldlm Mldit. $2100 1 of ?Sr10t. Thnrman St.. near 2?d. Karnopp Kopf. Si J Kailwar El. Bids. EAST SIDE HALF BLOCK Bet. Union Ave. and East 3d ON TRACK Short distance south of East Morrison. Large frame ware house, covering entire half block. Suitable for whole sale house, warehouse, fac tory, garage, etc. Price $60,000 Easy Terms. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. BE A L ESTATE DEALER". Ba.k. William Q.. 812 Failing bld. Bruhakar Benadlct. 6U2 Mch-ay bia, M. ChVpin Harlow. 33 J Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. CO.. 608 C"rbatt bid. Jennlnr" Co.. Halo los. 2M "onlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. 21S Commer cial Club bid. . . . Tha Oregon Kal Batata Co.. Orand ava. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). WH1TCOMB BROS.. 100 Cham, or Com. KKAL FSTATE. For Pale I-ola. tVEST HIDE Suburban acreage, aplenilld Inveatmcnt. JJ.IO por acre. An investment for someone who can smoke his pipe ana turret It for a few years. . 115 AI RES. 115 ACRES. Tha land Ilea perfectly level and has a aood view; absolutely no climb from the main thoroughfare and from the proposed i-arllne. Hill property In the past hna proved to ba a lucrative Inveatment and tho beautlea and healthf ulnea of the hills have Juat dawned upon the people of Portland. In our Judgment this prop arty In tha course of tha next years will become amoriK the cholceat suburban reaidential property. People are not alk alike. Pome like to live close In, others prefer the suburbs. Indications sra that this property will double In value each year. There are aa many opportunities today aa ever before In the history jf Portland and thin in one. X.E NOIR & CO.. Exrluilve dealers In West Pule Property. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. U00 VAM7B FOR J1000. Lot with partially built holies for SlouO. I wlah to talk with tha buyer, car penter or contractor who can use this. Txit la In Rose City Para and Is worth S00; the building to date has cost IStiO and tho owner is stuck; can't back up and can't o ahead. I have the plans and the receipts; a leading Portland bank will ahor every detail and will satisfy your every question as to the history of this. Address O 11. Oregonlan. LOTS, tlOO. RIGHT ON WEST SIDE CARL IKE. BEYOND CITY PARK. 81.TH AND W. YAMHILL PTa. New addition, ten minutes from busi ness center; on new W"ashlngton-st. car line; lota 60x100. some largor. ;?,. pavments: these lots are b-nutlful home sites. National Realty & Trust Co., room 72 Chamber of Commerce b.dg. Main S12. TWO BUSINESS COitNERS, We have two good business corners, sox 100 feet. In Culver. Oregon, tha Junction of the Oregon Trunk and D""chu,,'r,aJi'; roade In the Deschutes Valley of Central Oregon, at 44S and 5'J5 each. Splendid location for business, large and productive farming country tributary. I. V. L. & L CO., rra ooon.lt donot. Culver. Or. HOUSES AND FLA13 ARTISTIC rB PIGNED. CORRECTLY CONdTRTJCTEa FINISHED AND TINTED ACCORDINO TO TH 13 LATEST METHODS. MONEY LOANED AND N3 CHARGE FOR PLAf WHEN I BUILD. TWENTI YEARS OF DESIGNING AND BUILD ING EXPERIENCE AT YOUR SEKVICa Z. K. LUCaei. 3J L"-J"J 1 LOT8 H acre) Portland Park Addition. 6 blocka'from Shahapta Station on Ore gon Electric, on good county road. -I minutes electrlo car aervlce from Port land. 500; 4 eash. bal. Wrms; chick ens cow and .-vegetablea makes It self supporting and-de.irahle: close in: subiir na home. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. o Corbett bldg. Both phonea. Pome fine lots: owner needs the money, thev are located fine on Broadway. Schuy ler"and Hancock streets: don't overlook this They are great bargains, much un der value t 50 each. See Dol.n. Beck ley Co.. 50 Broadway. Phone S eau, L W3. IRVINGTON. 8 corners, south of Braiee St.. for aal at prices much below market value. .No phon. l"""M'R"CHAJ,Tg SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. ttxtn. KING ST., 100 ft. from Washington. lots 60x100. JS. !4th and Ash. 2:6 Mar quam. of lice hours 1:30 to . 10 DOWN. J10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near csr. cement walks. ull Run water, fruit cared for free of charg" Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 4T3, A 102i " BUSINESS CORNERS. Bargain for cash, southeast corner Pat ton and Pippin sts. Also uor,hwcs-. eorn-r i" sw:n and Lincoln a.. Aduresa ownar. ass tiiennave. ....... . T- iriROR Tk. blocks .from new ML Tabor Para. Two full lota. 100x100. for sale at a sacrifice- owne? ha. .left city and muat "ll at once: terms. V 174. Oregonlan. - ; aw niDL C V i P 13 - tnttni Iota nl on pomer, on tail ?h. for s.'e "at great bargain. Call Ta bor S3. 5E of the choiceat lots In Ocean View, ad Jolnmg Bayocean. at leaa than half price. so" easy tarma. Owner. 3:4 Worcester block. Will sell equity of 6 In three Bay ocean , liu fo? 30. Adores. R 282, Ore- gonian. will aell equity In two Bayocean lota Tf.'rL.abAddrs. 8 213. Oregonlan. rT-HVl HURST Beautifully situated lott Vl.Kj beiow market price. A J 230. Oregonl- COi:. l-"'ih and Clackamas sts. Phone Mar- s h all a""-. Fort tiaJe Honaea. BLLKXPBL'RO, WASH. -AW. 5-room modern bungalow, and one hlock In town of Ellensburg; 14000. part down. Owner K 321, Oregonlan. wl, . p.y ijsoe to fsooo for nice home ';' vb mil: kindly state number of rooms -nd" size of lot. AF 133. Oregonlan. t-l VP- h-room house on East 12th street; close in; n.m - - - 11th st. Phone Last 50-3. .... A MONTH. Inaludlng llltereat, for new k..,..ln lot .VhtKMJ. 83U Wor- 4-room . -: ,a ceeter block. Phone A 6446. Kli'TLY modern 4-room bungalow, only ooo on easy terms. Bee Jaa. A. Clock, -.7-. Alder. Phone iain sijsh. hdI SB and comer lot for sale. 2S East Uth st. and Skldmore; price $1250. Leav ing city. , , . oc-v: r or lur u-i uum new nnn aalow. 44th and East Madison. Phone East 4ST2. Owner on premises after 12 o'clock. "tiovB MARSHALL "12. A 41C.1 For beautiful lirlngton home. Corner. NF o r particulars, phone C 2384. WANTED West Side bungalow; willing to pi il I) your home now. Pall at 703 Couch hUlg. - -- FOR SALE l-room house, modern. 11th st. , ; PORTLAND HEIGHTS, modern. T rooms, rcJlose to csr.. snap. 513 Eller. bldg. rt.-iov cotisxe, sth at;, Arleta Mount "2.tMcarUn.f bsrgain. Phone ast 104J. TRt-ivnTiiv RicKmEMCE. Just completed and ready for occu pancy ; 8 rooms, hardwood floors down stalrs. floors finished upstairs, handsomely finished woodwork, much kitchen, cement basement, furnace. 2 fireplaces, lighune fixtures, shades, large attic; faces East, lot BOxlOO feet, hard-surface pavement, on carllne; price $8500. terms 13000 cash, balance on mortgage. H. P. PALML'R-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bid. Phones Main S9. A 2e53. A VERT attractive houss of S rooms, splen did locatfnn and in excellent condition; furnished In good taste and style: for sale at a bargain on easy terms; price $5o00. (1500 down, balance on terms. Call and let us show this to you.' ' KEASEr, HL'MASOX si JEFFERY. til Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE MAGNIFICENT' HOME. Consisting of full block, with artistically laid out flower gardens, fruit, ornamental trees and shrubbery; home is large and elegant. In best taste and condition; lo cated In fashionable neighborhood on Kast fide; 11 rooms, biil.ard-room. steam heated; large porches, including , sleeping porches; It is very cheap at the price, $3O.0OO; would consider 110,000 In tim ber or fruit land In p.irt pay. If worth the money. Address AO Z3!i. Oregonlan. BUNGALOW AND LOT. . ONLY 1150O. On corner. Just completed, nice "ftie home. 6 rooms, with porcelain bath, toi let, sink, hot and cold water, plastered, tinted, electrlo wired. Dutch kitchen, close to Rose City Park car, adjoins the b-su-tiful restricted district of Belle Crest, nothing like It has been offered before in this district. 300 cash. balance rent. Today, phone Tabor 3040. owner, Ppaldtng niag THAT VACANT L,Jl. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL Fl-RNIPH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE Oil FLATS. PLANS FREE. IF WE BUILD- OUR REP UTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT W ILL P AJ F.BAPiLET"-CO.. INC.. CONTRACT. TNG ARCHITECTS. 8J4 ABINQTO.N BLP. J30 A MONTH. NO OTHER FIRST PAYMENT NECESSARY. Strictly modern 5-room house, full-size lot in restricted district. Price $2700: give reference and pay s-.o down and 30 a month, Interesa Included. A. N. Searle. Take M-V car. get off E. 70th st. OITlce on the corner. Cpen 6un days. , 3M CASH. POSE CITY PARK. $2.1 PER MONTH. T" rooms, reception hall, don, sleeping porches, solid oak floor, bullt-ln buffet and library, bookcases, furnace, fireplace, mlrrar ooora etc. National Realty & Trust Co.. room 7S3 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 5ir. . 147.-.0 HOME, built by owner, first-class every respect, latest cnanneut-ra. jumit Klase windows, extra nice fireplace, beam ceiling, china closet, smoke ventilator. cold air closet. Dutch kitchen, cement walk, basement. laundry, tray, elegant porch, lawn, hlk'h, sightly: adjoins Rose 1-1, v ParU SliHtfl down or Will Bell fUT- nls'hed. Phone C 2053 morning and evenings. $32."0 S250 cash, balance like rent, will buy a Deautizui new, o-room luiikiwwi wu 87th at.. In the sunnyslde district: modern and attractive; living-room witn nrepiaco, dlnlna-room. sewing-room. Dutch kitchen. S sleeping rooms and tsth. full cement basement; 1H blocks from best car serv ice in city: this Is a snap. McAllister & I.ueddcmann. a21 Electric bldg. Phones Marshal 221. A sts I0-ROOM bungalow, placed on 24 acres of , i 1. 1 VfiiUnnmih Hfn- . . . t n C.r(.ln Uv. This ll a n-w lmtidioB: constructed on massive linea It has 3 monster fireplaces, 2 baths. A louets ana everiinnia tlon. Must now be sold. See Trustee, 414 Spalding bldg. W f. 1 sijjrj 1 1 v iv. ... i ...... i.,,a on corner 14ta 1-rUOlIA. IHUUCIII lluus. U..P,;an,t A,.a,1nmv is future st apartment-house property; 3 bedrooms, lepnlna- norch and servant's room. Price 111,000- II, P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main S6i'l); A 2C.3. FOR RALE New modern 4-room and bath bungalow, complete with water system, fireplace, etdi. acre impro-ed land, high and sightly; located at Rlsley's station, ro-o-o t-itv carllne. Address Mrs. A. Backus. Milwaukle, Or. Phone. Oak Grove, Black 13. xiv homo no bv 30O feet, with nice bunga low; oranges, lemons, peaches and other fruits, bearing, at s-an rernanuo. ai., will sell for fluOO or trade for small place nar Portland. Mrs. L. M. Downs. 305 Russet st. Address after July 10, Chlco, Cal. iBVlviiTrtN. modern residence, 8 rooms, Just completed, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, hard-surface street, every modern ..oni-onlonce: 2ikki cash. balance easy terms. Price $S500; would consider con tracts part payment. Call owner. East 401. 14 ACRES, all In fruit and garden, small house and outbuildings. This is 'ine little place for fruit, garden and chick ens. Locatea in munitiviij wll- from car line. Price $2;.00: term.". Jordan A Oarbade. 232 S Washington st IRVINGTON BARGAINS. Pome choice modern homes: must be sold at very attractive prices, oak and ma hoganv finish, before deciding on your home "see Dolan. Beckley Co. They will save vou monev. 6W0 Broadway. Phones East 806, C 1W3. flSH! CASH! CASH! We must have cash. New 7-room bunga low with bathroom, unllnlshed; will lin lsh to suit buyer. Price only $U7f; $S00 must be cash, balance to suit. Meet owner at Lents station, oiu. uuwu Take Mt. Scott csr. EXCEPTIONAL bargain on Willamette Heights; magnlfloent 10-room residence, strlctlv modern, on 50x100 lot, with grand unobstructed view; fine lawn and roses; onlv one block from car; ISSOO; terms. AG ZS7. uregonian. 7-ROOM house, Ladd Addition; bath, sleep Ing porcn. recvynuii n.. place, wood lift, olothes chute, closets In each bedroom: dumi-iii duuo. ... stairs hardwood floors; the price is rlght- ... ...w -. cv.n., t-d.t K09. WILL accept lot or lots to value of $17;0 on : n VAana on Mnncork K t new, iiiuu J"'" - VaiT" r"r Pom near , --n yi "r;v T berprer room 2 Lumbermen Did?. Mar shall T12. 7 room, choicest locailon, Irv.nfrtoi.) lr,0o ca.-h. balance $100 per month. East M)0 BELOW mark9t prlc takes modern Irviniton home of aeven rooms, hall and bath; Dum-in iui nuu. ... vv-. vu.-,u kitchen full cemnt bsment; half cash, balance monthly. Phona Eaat 6310. TORSALB or r-nt lurnUhed houaa oa JefUrson High School: 30 pw month rem or win uu ? 7 VDmJ. n m 3s. a" msn crrtT X r TTT1 T C B l; iLsL a y. o u 1 1 iwu ws-Jt. If you own lot will build houso and Bl9 -a IITIP I t V t l rnnparrA e83 C. of C. Bldg. Main 2oSl. INCOME property. thre apartments, fur r t r, au lot OtWliJV, iii-"iiisj f luviuii, walkin distance; $4000 will handle; easy ,, M balance. 7 per cent Woodlawn 4-or SALE 40 by 100 feet and 7-room house. 440 Market st. See us for terms "a iKrbish WATKINS CO.. .r, soo MODEKN 4-flat bulldlii(f, with 50 Slj.ouy - - c-nnnd In northwest Dart Oy J rJ IDOl va a. 01 PARR1SH. WATKINS CO.. 230 Alder St. oitRinnk- RCNGAIX3WS a rooms, complete In every way; they , . for Information and terms x,,.,.i'l 2,",84 or A 7430. ask for Pageler, auw rnn .-.o. THPKE fine bungalows for sale by owner at reasonable prices and easy terms; west r Vcth st . between Stark and Belmont Sts. For particuiai. . -Pr-lcea from $2000 to $4000, easy terms. rhoVo. "at office. Fred W. G.rm.n. 829 wnrnpuiw. J BOOM bungalow. Mt. Tabor district, lot iivilio- t2O00 down, terms mortgage; by owner;' no agenta need apply. AK S3. Oregonlan. TRVINOTOn" TAKE NOTICE Kee this bargain, charming home, local location. wUI sacrifice if sold Immediately, phone y.ast 3114. Owner. rrrj; , eN-oir & Co. for West Pide resi-i.oce.- exclusive deslers In West SIda properties; ground floor. Chamber of Com. merce. nin c ale New modern bungalow. 8 rooms, every ionvenlenoe. $2000: eqult about SsoO: monthly payments $20. Owner, Sell- wood 1K73. on EQUITY In modern six-room IS.ir.O home: Tgood buy; might trade for lot. AB rrflronian. "if vou want this, -come quick: lot 2.1x100, wllh 3-room shack, for $350; shark is rented for $4. Call 1220 First St. South. 5-ROOM cottace and fine corner at Monroe an-1 neiav si... one nic iivm car, a. . Phelps. 660 Delay St. LE NOIR & CO. Weat Side Exclusively for those that want the view: the unlimited, forever unobstructed, sweeping view of the city, mountains and rivers; for those that want a home where they can ait on the front porch In the evening and see the bril liantly illuminated surroundings: exclu sively for those that appreciate being within walking distance of the center of town. Carfare and time are big Items. Site cost r.r.00 House cost 5200 Total $10,700 Price 9.0OO Absolutely new. Fine environment. Owner forced to move. LB NOIli CO., Ground Floor. Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN HOME. PRICE 4f.t0. WORTH J5SOO. New house, 7 large rooms, hardwood floors, large fireplace, paneled dining room, seats, buffet, finely equipped kit chen, larpa bathroom, full basement, A-l furnace, French doors, electric fixtures, shades, etc. large veranda, pagoda, lot odxioo. shade trees, flowers. East front, cement walks in and paid. Vt block to Rose Cltv Park car. Finest homes in the district In same block. 1200 cash, balance to suit. It's worth while irst time offered. Jas. C. Logan, bU t-pal-dlng bldg. For Sule Business Property. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I have for sale, on the O.-VV. K. & -N. Co., w in . -ase on railroad track. 35 to 60 feet wide. Best location In the city for warehouse for storage of hay or stable. Good streets to the place and only a short drive to the center of the city. Will give a bargain If sold qui ck. AddreES Aa menm"-". $10.000 Choice business properly, stores and apartments, wen imru. i1"'111"-- West Side. Close In. Owner, 824 Worces ter bldg. For Sale Acreage. 5-ACRB TRACT FOR SALE. 5 acres of fine land, all under cultivation, line trout stream bor ders place, good road, close to car line and onlv 15 miles from city. Why pav fancy prices? This laud will produce as large a revonue as land selling for $1000 per acre. Think of it, the prlco Is only 1. per acre, V cash, bal. to suit. Call or write for full particulars. Phona Main 1743. A 1743. BRONO-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg-., 2i- Oak St., Cor. 4th. "See Dryer." a uitt-9 mm CITV T.TMITS. cer ORE GON ELECTRIC DEPOT; BEAUTIFUL 1 and 2-acre uacta. set to ORCHARD; $l00 por acre: no rock or gravel, ALL CULTIVATED. 84 acres, -only 127.10; 5 acres with NEW HOUSE and BEARING ORCHARD, leuou; a FINE HOME. . .,. i ippi p. vit.i.CT. walk tnv Hiit.nr. to aood town. $70 to $1H0 in.., trnct In APPLE VA I. LEY $300: FINE SCENERY, all best for CHUKE.V-K'l.-l.Mi no " . Tvn. Biivvtvn sl'RIVil WATER; some SDlendld FRUIT and DAIRY LANDS near FCAPPOORK, UK.. - to yiri All may be bought on easy terms. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 809 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. FINE 10-ACRE HOME. 10 acres of good soil all under cultivation, 6 acres of bearing or chard. 1 acre of berries, place all fenced, 7-room house, good barn, well, on main county road. 3 blocks from electric car and station and 12 miles from heart of Portland. Price $.!b00; terms. BRONO-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg., 267 1 Oak St., Cor. 4 th. "See Dryer." TRUCK AND CHICKEN FARMS. 1, 2, S. 10 and 20 acres each. In Valley west of Council Crest. The very best of soil and location. Two carlines and good water; $250 to $500 per acre and upon easy month ly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., 102 Fourth St. Main 33. A 3300. FRUIT. POULTRY AND GARDEN TO A f-TS. $ 10, 10 to 40-acro tracts, $20, $25, $30 to '$60 per acre. One hour's ride frorn Portland, near Columbia River; railroad depot and river boat landing; rich deep soil, no rock; living springs and creeks on all tracts; scnoois, sioree, ciiuikod- by. SOOO acres subdivided and Just opened. Come at once aim Rci juu, MeFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Corbett Bldg. .ft Ar-nTra of more, best sediment soil, all , .nlMvatAfl level. school no - AlActmo carllne. ltt Cuurcn, biuic. - miles from Portland POBtofftce. good coun ty roaa, rt. r. -.. icck""""- - wi., u,..in ncrcase. 120 oer acre, i cnsli bal. 6 per cent; & acres on same terms Call, phone or write J. W. Hef ferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. Both Phones. RFLIXQl'ISHMKNT on 320-acre desert claim, with plenty of water available for Irrigation: reinquisnim-nt vr "''.l-' deeded land surrounding selling for 4.; . , . .ih, hv nnmnlna- at perpetual wmr. j ' - $8 per acre: with water land is easily worth JUKI per acre, w .- AH 234. uregonian. GOOD 6-room house with i2 lots, spring running water, about 70 fruit trees, ch aonles. berries, etc.. 2 blocks from electrlo car station, very desirable close-in suDuroan uu" 11600- good terms; also have 6-room house and 10 lots, $2400. J. W. Hefferlln Realty ?."a r..UtZ.,. t,lrt- Both nhones. S.1000 EQUITY in 10-acre apple orchard; SUIUO ' , aHlolnlmr mi e to Station and 2 miles to city of 3000; a hours from Portland; finest garden land In Clregon; win v. vacant lots. c?eo JOHN VEASEN. 121S Yeon bldg. S ACRES deep black soli. 14 cleared, bal ance pasture hou "'""' level, achool. cnurcu, imc, hk ' trie carllne. 16 miles from Portland Post-office- 12T per acre, ii cash, balance 6 per cent: will sell hnlf at aw.-, per acre fame terms. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co. 2k3 Corbett bldg., bolh phones. i imps WILL TAKE HOUSE jn acres, near m ioiwi .... carllne, ll acrea in uuu, uiii;.i of .oil- only $5500: will take house and lot . wr, ,,rt a a crti ,n,.lr for hfll. .in tO I.IU'IV Bill! ...... . - . , J ncp See M. Maiden. 03 fiwetland bldg COUIlC.l A1W..IU, , ...1, ioao tu acres, nui nu. j . .... irina great trees (a regular park), moun tain brook, rich soil, close to auto road. x mile to store. nt ui, - ft desired. If. really interested call on BO ana . . - - ,-..iih soli on South slope, half 2 j halance will furnish wood for c": two macadamized county roads. r '..,. land: soring water; neat, new ? . oil fenced: 2 miles from city limits. h.OU".e' mda ! liobo, terms B 229. Ore- gonian TV cay 117.-, BUYS ten acre, deep "dshot soil adap'.end .nd unable, no rock; wood and amooth an.u''t .chool. postoffice and within ea.V S'rtVltad, and tfte'chTapest land on the market. 512 Couch Di'it.jc 2 BEAUTIFLL 1 acres 6 blocks n ..u, Cl?v car. south side street, fine native City car. poll . berries, garden j .Jnw- owner leaving for mines and and grapes. ow, rouch bldg. VU oosoiuti-u - - Ao-acre tracts goon lor irun. poultry 3 h.rrles 20 miles from Portland, near or oer. '. .,,,911 rnj-h navment. balant-e good town. Eau'er & Watson. Main 051-. 1,30 I'e"'is bldg.. 4th and Oak. CHOICE A-.n-otn, oiii. It acres on Villa avc., close to city .. . i .i.Hnn on M t. Hood carllne. x-!T,l of .'!50o compels sale under value, jeeu v - (-ilianiber Com. vanauyn k ....., - merce. - - - AND 10-acre tracts, close In, good . ..'inn car nri , ivt, ... v - hi values easv terms. J. V. Hefferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg., both phones. WILL pay highest cash value for your r.iii mntru-K if nrolcctcd by lii- kiatiIhi in value. Call at 60S Mc kav bldg. Marshall :5"0 WOMAN of intelligence, refined, capable, desires position as housekeeper In gen tleman's home: first-class cook and man ager: references exchanged. X. 237, Ore- B"iimii; TTvi? ACR E Garden land with neat, new 2-room house on West Side 7Ho fare all fenced; spring wale, ; half cleared I; bal- ance in tininc , " iCRFXGB ana larnn, ui yzi iid- large and small tracts. Call Kinney A. u sal. 9 T.nmhpr Ftrliinra hide. I. ArRE tract. Pnsnnic Heights: paid $soo; will sell for $500. 3C0 cash, $300 in 1 year. X 234, Oregonlan. WHAT JlOKa t;: ipa When we can sell you 30 acres, all un der cultivation, finest of dark garden, soli, riant close to station on the sialem electric, at the exceptional low price of $3250. $1230 cash, balance to suit. You would have to pay the same amount for land In stumps if located as th.s and pay besides a like sum for the clearing on top of the original cost or the land. If you are in the market for close-ln acreage, a good farm or stocic ranch, don't forget to call on C. F. PFLL'GER & CO., Realty Dept.. Suite 12. Mulkey Bldg. 2d and Morrison. Kstablished 1SS0. Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-paso book gives amount or government "i"- homestead. In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington, and description of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors. 21x28. showing R. K. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines, including Eastern and Central Oregon; 20o each, or three 50c Map of Washington In-colors. 21x28. 20c Nimmo. Runey & Co., Hamilton bldg. TWO 320-acre homestead lotations, upper Lake County. miles irora fort nra, two railroad surveys within one-half mile. Ttegulntion house on each and well on oti .30 feet deep, contains 12 foet water; filing Julv 12. Leave here 9th. Price $20o and $130. You receiva original filing and have i ti n'.u, L-.Mh.lili.. Wnsi. ir.-,v, c-...... t.- r. T-T O t.-T TVftlTTCUMVTS ,- .' nnr r.rt.l i..Hnnnlh mpntn and homesteads in the Deschutes Valley of Central Oregon, 5 to 20 miles from tho railroad at from $75 to $500. D. V. L & I. CO.. Office opposite depot. Culver. Or. For Sale Fr,iit Lands. FRUIT FARMS. 10 acres of A-l land, all cleared and In crop, four-room hous-. 3 minutes' walk from Oregon Elec tric, joins town of 3000 people, on good road and excellent neighbor hood and IS miles from city; price $3400; $1200 cash. BRONO-STEELE CO. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg., 207 Oak St., Cor. 4tl. "See Dryer." NEW ArPLE LANDS IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Along Western Pacific Hv. Mountain ap ples of high color, tlavor and keeping qualities; elevation 20UO feet. 300 dajs sunshine annually, abundant rainfall, deep loamy sol, prise fruit r.ow grown on place; extremes of temperature unknown: roses Moom year around; air spiced with pines and cedars; cool mountain water, delight ful scenery; stores, postoffice and school mile; town (!O0. Hi miles; opening prlco t40 an acre. Sierra Orchards Co.. 312 Bush St., San Francisco. Hound-trip account National Educational Assn., 1 1-3 fare. BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. For Sale bv Owner. 35 acres near Lyte. Wash.: 10 acres In apples. 2'- acres of five-year-old .trees in bearing, 7"4 acres planted this Spring to Fpitzenbergs and Newlowus; new 3-room ionise, new well house, new barn, two good horses nnd all necesary farm Implements now. Terms. Address or call 310 Failing bldff., Portland, Ore. 10-100 ACRES, in the White fcalmon-riooo River famous fruit district; mis is of the finest tracts of land anywttere along the Columbia River; soil tho best, a-.i tillable and no waste land: a fine view and river frontage; if you want a home or a good investment, write me for par ticulars. F. W. Peh art. Hood. Wash. SALE or exchange for Portland property, clear 20-acre fruit ranch. Willamette Val ley; stock and Implements, new house, etc.; an ideal homo inevery respect, by owner; no agents. AL 235. Oregofilan. For ale Farms. IDEAL LITTLE DAIRY, 23 , MILKS PORTLAND. Are you sick of reading farm ads 7 ; Are you tired of finding mis representatlonb ? Are you a good Judge ol a piece of land? Would you believe -what we say below? acres of land, sandy loam soli 10 ft. deep, just enough sand ro prevent baking, crops are a wonder. 40 acres In high state of cultivation, just like : a garden, can be Irrigated with llttlo expense, right on river, no Summer overflow, new cot tage and large barn, fenced and cross fenced, fine neighborhood, spring water, creek right by barn, 3 miles good town and shipping point, close to school, phone. R. F. D; and cream route; owner does not live here, place is not run down, but looks fine: he wishes , to sell at a sacrifice within 10 days. A place ilke this near Los An geles or Frisco would bring t&00 per acre; this figures less tran $70; we will stake our reputation on this soil. This Is a perfect bargain and cannot be duplicated In seven slates. iiBASET, HCMASOX & JEFFREY. ( 233 Chamber of Commerce, . . FINE RIVER VIEW FARM. 150 acres of fine land with 50 acres under cultivation, 40 acres more slashed and seeded, some good timber, fine spring, running, water, 5-room house, barn and other out buildings, place all fenced and cross-fenced, on river road, close to 11. R. and small town and 14 miles from heart of city. Price $13,000; terms. BRONO-STEELE CO.. Ground .Floor Lewis Bldg., 27 Oak St., Cor. 4th. "See Dryer." MALL FARM TRACTS IN DESCHUTE3 VALLEY. We have for sale some very fine potato and onion land In 6, 10. 20.. 40 or 6M acre tracts, all In cultivation. These tracts are near the town of CULVER, OREGON, at the Junction of the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes railroads. The fin est potatoes and onions in the state can be raised on these tracts and the climate and location are also ideal for poultry. Shipping faclltitles are excellent. Price $50 per acre with easy terms at 6 per cent and 7 per cent. We also sell irri gated land near ltedmond, Laidlaw and Sisters, Oregon. I). V. L. & I. CO Offlce opposite depot. Culver. Or. WANT to sell my farm of 119 acres, on the Base Line, eastern part of Multnomah County.' on account of age and desire to retire: best land In Oregon: plenty springs, running watov. about SOOO to 10. 000 cords wood, and schoolhouse on the place; new church, railroad, Portland and Columbia River close by. Price $10,000. Ferdinand Fioss, Latouiell, Or. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 160 acres, $ miles from. Klamath Falls, Or 2 miles from R. R. station, all In cultivation and in crop, under Govern ment ditch, all fenced, barn, well and other improvements; price $60 por acre; wl 1 trade lor riinmiiu ........ IU i: L'aluniu Wo 1A11.UJ1 Ol ienjn. Kalama, Wash. WILL lease, trade or sell to a man with a little money and lots of push. 350 acres of fruit land near Sheridan. Or. Also valu ab'c slock and Implements. Want to make deal immediately either. with or without s ock and implements. Crop ready to ba cared for. P v:29. Oregonian. BOO-ACKE stock ranch"; house, barn, or chard; $10,000; $8000 down, time on bal ance. 200 acres; 100 sheep, 6 cows, house, telephone mail delivery, barns, orchard; fJoOU; without stock. $4000. A. Longdeu, Elk City. Or. NEAR EUGENE. OR. One farm 550 acres, improved, at $30 per aOne farm 2C50 acres with large iiouaa, elect, light plant, at $40 per acre. Call room. 41i0 Failing building. DAIRY farm In Tillamook Co., Oregon. 160 acres 37 head stock, cheese factory, full equipment farm tools, house furniture; $7500; terms. For full information address M A. Meador. Dolph. Or. STOP! LOOK! IO acres of rolling fruit lane, within 40 miles of Portland, Or.; 2 springs and running stream on It; both river and rail transportation. For further particulars, p t gneed, owner. H31 E. Everett. B0 ACRES New bungalow, cows, horsea and implements; near North Tlalna; excep tional snap. $65 per acre. Kaat 2337. WILLAMETTE Vai'.ey farms for sale. Ad dress Farmers' Union. Amity. Yamhill County, Or. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain Xor alt cash, by owner. 182 Morrison at. feO ACRES and Pome cash for housa and lot; describe offer. Box 1S7, Yaquina, Or, Ci