TO 13TH Long Brilliant Contest Won by Senators Seaton and Baum Battle. GAME SEASON'S LONGEST Portland IMtchcr Allow but 1 i mil to Opponent's 22, Dot i-uc Comes to Sacramento at Close. McCredies Win First. SACRAMENTO. CmU Julr S. Sps .al. After playing of th l. pand-lot exhibitions In the morning at Stockton, where Portland won by ,oor of 1 to 11. the Heavers and Sen ators settled down In the afternoon and went 19 Innlnga In the record breaking (tame of the present Coast Jeaxu eason. Sacramento winning to i. For 1 Innings each team tried to break the 4-to-i tls and Portland finally put over one In the flret of the eighteenth. In the last of the Inning Sacramento scored, balancing- up the tallies for what looked like an "all night stand." until the local edged one over In the last of the nineteenth. A wild pitch and Thomas hit broke the afternoon lime in i "", nlne Up T . . - . n i.hAn.v iwiinr ai inn mi.. trlke. which wu a wild ouiarop. ball bounced through Catcher Kuhn and against the wire netting In the grandstand. Mahoner easily making first. He was advanced a bag by Thornton s neat sacrifice and scored by a narrow margin from second when Thomas drove one over tecond base Into centerfleld. Senators Score llrst. Sacramento began the afternoon hos tilities In the second when Danslg out a homer to the far left field cor nr. Three more hits and Chadbourne s m!cue gave the Senator three runs. Neblnirer walked In the fourth and cored from first on Thomas" double to center. Neblnger ran so fast he be came sick and had to retire In the fifth. Il was Portland turn to fall Into line In the fifth. Baum had only al lowed two raftered hits up to this time, but the fjeavera got wise to nls curves. Kuhn hit but was forced out on McKune'a grounder, and. after Sea ton filed out, ChaJbouroe lngled. l-'heehan'a doule brought two across. Krueger nud two bases on a Texas leaguer In the aUth. and Pecklnpaugh brought him around with a single. The Beavers tried to break up the game In the elrhth with three hits and Lerchen's error. T.apps and Krue ger alngled. ilahoney held on to the ball so long that Kappa, who took third on Krueger'a hit. made a dasli for the plate, but was pegged out by a relay to Baum. Lerchen. fielding Pecklnpanch's grounder, throwed over iMfiilir Krnrcrr ecorlna. Kuhn beat out an Infield hit. but was caught trying the double steal with Peckln paugh. line Flaring Seen. The extra Innings saw the finest ball playing of the day. Baum and Svaton were each determined to win. lilts were scarce. In the 14th Inning, each team executed a emart double play. A double pl-ty In the 13th took Baum out of a hole arter -jnanoourne had led off with a hit. but the two In the 14th saved each side. A double pkr checked Sacramento In the 15th and fast fielding heid Portland down In the same frame after Warren had dropped Krueger'a fly. Krueger kindled In the 18th and Pecklnpaugh fouled out trying to bunt. Kuhn'a triple to left brought Kruercer across. In the la.t of the nth. Helster's rlean one to center tied the score, bringing Lerchen over. Although Ryan got a scratch hit In the ISth. Portland was helpless and the Senators then got the winning run. The morning game at Stockton was a slua-fest for nearly everybody, ex cept Buddy Ryan. Mrs. McGreevy was so upset after her experience yesterday with- the rioting fans that her hus band could not umpire the morning game. Scores: MORNING GAME. DEFEAT CUES BEAVERS Portland Sacramento AMIPnAEI At-H.Po.A.E. Chad rf 4 o 0 hlnn.3h -.1131 S"e n .:t I 1 1 M'l.ler.lf 4 3 I 0 3 I O 1 V'nH' 3 O 1 O 1 Kappa, lft 4 4 0 OKanilc. lb .1 .1 10 1 O Krur.rf 2 I I Mh r.rf 3 1 0 1 lvk 4 3 4 1 NvM'r.Sh 3 4 4 3 Kunn.r. 4 3 l.ll.o. 4 3 3 11 llrnl y e o O o o O llakrr.c. o O 0 O O M'K e ib 3 3 3 O t.ercn.e 3 1 I 4 O tnk'.p 2 o o 1 o hltscd.p 3 3 0 1 O Kmi'r.p 4 4 0 1 OjNourae.p 3 1 t I O Total! 4 3Tli 31 Totals 43 13 17 11 SCORE BT INNINGS. M1IT1H 0 IB O 4 3 O S 1 4 1 1 pnrlland lilts farramcmo Hits .... t 104 3 OO 3 1 1 3 3 13 3 3 0 0 3 1 Sl'MMART. Rum Shrhn 3. Ryan 3. Rapp ;. Krue. ltr 2. Hsvktnpsugb 3. Kuhn. McKuns 3. Ktnr ?. "hina 2. lllter. Van iiurrn I. Mshonry. UUnit. I.erchn. Klta i,rlil. Nourw. Hits oft Fltirald 14 In 5 3-.1 Inntnss. off Nourse a In 3 1-3 Innlnfts: oft Htnkte 1 1 in 3 1-3 Innlnra; off Korstoor T In 5 S-.1 Innlnrs. Runs Off Fltrald 13. off Nourae s. off Hankie 4. off Koeamer T. Ftolen bs Sh-han 2. McKune 1. sacti He, hits Kuhn. lanalc. Van lluren. Ttir b bias Kappa. Nblnr. Tao-base hits Kuhn. tihMbin. Prcklnpauch. Fltsjrerald. 1U on errors Portland 1, Sarramnto 1. l.ft on batos Portland 11. Facramnto 12. Haaea on balls Off Hankie 3. Koestner 3. Kitirald 4. Nours 3. Struck out lly )akl 3. Ir Kotnr 2. by Fllerald t. lit hv pltrhrr By Menkle. Van Hurra, by K"atner. Shlnn; by FttmiteraM. Ryan; by Nourse. Rsppa. Iiouble play MrKune to Rappa. Wild pitch Xnun. Time 1:04. L metres Barry and Thornton. AFTERNOON GAME. Portland Sacramento AUlrXA.EI Oiarl-e.rf s ft 2 0 1 Phtnn.Sb 3 0 2 Shee'n.lo 1 1 4 P a 2 3 O O Warren. ef S 3 3 3 1 T 3 3 o O Msh'y.rf. T 14 3 1 NblnT.2b 1 4 11 3 o Thomas. c 13 7l lrc' T 2 2 2 OHsum.p.. T IThorn n.lf 4 VanB'n .1 1 8 S 13 0 3 24 1 o 3 3 .118 Han.rf . Krue'r.lf Perk Kuhn.c. . MKe.2b beaton.p S 8 8 3 0 It 1 O 0 0 Totals 71 :-''-' 24 3 Totals 88 14 37 34 S One out when winning run was made. Batted tor Neblnger In sixth. SCORE BT INNINGS. Po-tland 0 0 o 2 1 O 1 0O0 0 00 0 00 1 0 Hits ..1 0 1 S 2 1 3 1 I 1 1 1 2 OO I 2 1 22 Farrarn'o 0 I O 1 t 0 O O 0 SO 0 O 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 Hits ...04 010 010 00000 11113 114 SL'MMART. Runs Oisdbourne. Krueger. McKune. rvn.. Mahoner. Neblns-er 2). Thomas. I.erchen. Home run Danslg. Three-base hit Kuhn. Two-base hits Thomas. Chad- bourne. Hheehan. Krueger. Rapp. Sarrtnv-e bits Ryan. Mahoney. Seaton. Sheehan. Thornton. Stolen bas Danslg.'hen. First basw on ba::s Off Saaton 2. off Baum 1 Struck out Br Seaton 12. by Baum 3. Double plays Thomas to lerehen to Dan slg. Danslg to Thomas to Danslg. Rapps, un lated. Pechlnpoh to McKune to RPP. ' Wild pitch txltoo. Time -i aoura. liuyu. McGreevy. VICTORIES IX SOUTH DIVIDED Delhi Wins Own Cam In Afternoon, Tying 'Angel' Score With Seals. LOS ANGELES, July J. Los Ange!e and San Francisco spilt even on to-day- double-header, giving the Angels the odd game of the series. Delhi won his own game In the afternoon. 2 to 1. His two-bagger drove In Dillon with the tying run In the fifth, and Delhi scored the second run on Bernard's hit a few minutes later. Scores: MORNING CAME. Lse Anxls San Francisco Ab.H. PO.A.E. Hoar'd.lf 1'poWll.rf 4 3 1 O O Brn'd.rf Moora.So lras.Ba Akln.3b. Ortn's.e An"w.p rouch'np Drisll.p 6rnltb,lt OM-Af.3b 4 1 O 1 O O Wea' 3 1 3 3 O o Mohlsr.'Jb 3 13 4 0 ! Ten'tb 2 O O 0 ! . 3 14 0 0 1 Madd'n.rf 4 3 1 0 O 3 hxh'n.o 3 3 8 0 O 0 gutar.p. 4 1110 o1 Totals 43 1 3T 13 3 Totals SS 1 27 0 SCORE BT INNINGS. Los Angeles . . Hits San Francisco Hits 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 11 1 1 o 3 3 3 1 0 a is 3 20130S0 O II 3 3 O 1 S 1 0 O 14 SL'MMART. Rune Bernard 2. Daley S. Moore S. Wea ver 3. Mohler. Tlnnant. Shaw. Madrtn 3. Sbsehan 3. Akin. Grlndle 3. fmltb, Powell 3. McArdls 3. Hits Off Anw 3 In 1 2-3 Inntnxs: off cournman H In S lnnlna. Horn, runs Sherhan. Weaver. Moore 3. Thrae-base hits Powell. Weaxsr Two-base hits Bernard and iMKon. Sacrifice n Us Mohlar and Bernard. Stolsn basrs How ard 3. PowelL Pass on balls Off t-utor 2 Couchman 3. Unacoll 1. struck out Ur Sutor s, Couchman 1. Drlsoll 3. Double plays Moore to Dillon. Wild pilch A niw Passed belli Grlndle. Hit by pitched ball Mohlar by Couchman. Time S hours, t mplrs Finney. AFTERNOON GAME. Lm Anel San Franciso S9.H.rAAL. How-d.lf l a V Powell. If 4 Ilern'd.rf Mor.2b Del' as. as Akln.Sb. Smltb.s. Dillon. lb Delbtp. i o 0 1 1 3 o l 0 o Oil 1 8 3 O 0 M Ar t lb 3 V 4 1 Mohlar.26 3 I'lTenn' 3 o . 3 o Uadrlen.rf 3 o Berry. c. . 3 0 MUr.p. . 3 Mlcholr 1 ahhn" 1 Totals 2S 8 27 14 ll Totals S 8 24 7 3 bheehan batted for Berry In the nlntn. SCORE BT INNINGS. Los Anel.e "O11e0,0n 'l HIti 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 8 San Francisco 0Oli?2S ? i Hits 0 0 1 0 1 0 03 1 3 Melcbolr batted for Shaw In the ninth. Sl'MMART. Runs Dillon. Delhi. Madden. Two-base hits Moor. Ielhl. Howard, tfecrlnce nltl Mohler. Miller. Stolen bases Daley. MW". Madden. Bases on balls Off Miller 3. oft Ialhl 3. Struck out Hy Miller 2. by Delhi B. Hit by pitched ball Shaw. Tune l:o. I'm pi re Finney. OAKLAND LOSES BOTH GAMES Vernon Outbats and Outfields Tranbay Organization. SAX FRANCISCO. July Z. Outbat tlng and outfleldlng Oakland. Vernon took both games here today. Oakland substituted Gregory and Mltie for Pearce and Abies In the afternoon game, but the onslaught on the trans bay batteries was heavier than In the morning session, the southerners total ing IS hits to Oakland's five. GIps opened hostilities for Vernon In the morning match, but was replaced by Breckenrldga after ho had allowed one run and four bits In four innings. Score: Morning game Vernon I Oakland Ab.HPo.A-B. Carre, ef 2 1 0 1 Pfyllb. 0 lu I'alt Hraa'r.2b MDo'l.rf Hnrr-I.3b Hoean.e. C.lpe.p. . Brae e.p o Hoffn.rf 0 Maa.ic-t.lf l;'utsw.2b ti Zac' o Wolvn..-.b Warea.aa 0 rearce.c. Abies. p.. l o 1 17 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 4 o O 1 Totala 2i 27 13 1 Totals S2 i 27 13 3 SCORE BT INNINGS. Vernon 1 3 0 0 O 2 1 0 08 Hit, 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 03 Oakland O o 1 0 o o 0 1 1 3 Hits 1 O 1 0 0 0 0 1 24 SL'MMART. Runs Carlisle 2. Patterson. McDonnell. Hash. Burrell. Pfyl. Za.ier. Abies. Home rune Carlisle. McDonnell. Patterson. Abies. 7.arber One run. 3 hits off Olpe In 4 In ning. Two-base hits Hurrsll. Wares. Sacri fice hits Uoiii 2. Stolen baaes Carlisle. Patterson. Pfyl. Hoffman, lutshaw. First base on called balls Off Ablei 2. off Ulpe 1 off Brarkenrldg 3. . Struck out By Ablee T. br Glpe 3. by Brackenrldge 2. lift . i nltohar Gibe. Double Pi Hosp to Brashear to Patterson; nmiman Wares. Balk Brackenrtdee. Passed balls Pearce. Wild pitches Abies. Time 1:45. Umpire Hlldebrand. Afternoon game Vernon I Oakland Ab.HPo.AE. Ab.H.Po.A.E- r-srll'e.ef 3 3 0 0 O I 111 1 J Kane. if. 3 3 t now n.rr a I'att' Bras r.Ib Stlns'n.rf Burr 1.3b Hoean.e llllt.p.. 1 13 3 3 1 I 3 O u o 3 3 3 0 Mane t. rf 0-ruts'w.2b o Zach' o Wolv-n.-b 0. Wares. ss o Mltse.c. . O; Greg y.p Hetrg.zb Totals 33 12 27 18 0 Totals BO S 37 18 3 SCORE BT INNINGS. Vernon 1 1 1 0 n h". 1 2431010 1-12 Oakland 1 0 O O 1 O 0 O 3 Hits 1 0 0 1 1 3 O O Sl'MMART. Rons Carlisle. Kane. Patterson. Brashesr. a, , uo.n vf v l Hoffman. Home runs - Pfyl. Carlisle. Sscrlflce hits Burrell 3. limn Mitt. Stolen base Pf I. First base Ain.a balls Off Gregory 1. off Hltt struck out By Gregory 1. by Hltt 3. Hit by .ith.. Kane Palereon. pttnuon. Double pi. vi Gregory to Mltxe to Pfyl; Maggart to Volrerton to Mltxe; Pfyl to Grexory: Bras hear to Patterson; Hosp to Brashear to Patterson. Faeel bans junse iv nruuii. Time 1:80. I'mplre Hliaebrana. rarlDe Coast. North western. w. L.. P.c. w . i- r ' Portland.. 4 3 .35 Vancouver 41 30 .64 .44 :io ..''. .44 82 .ST .:ilt 7 .43 .33 37 .48 .17 & .2J3 $an Fran. ..31 44 Tacoma dak. and ...oi 4.1 .i mjoiiik . Vernon ...41 44 .511 Portland Sarramn'to 42 49 .4"-' Seattle .. Loe Angle. .34 t .u icioria . National. American. W. L. P C. W. P C, V,w Tork..42 24 .6-10 Detroit ....i4l .87S Chlcaga ...41 28 .812 Phil 43 22 .2 r-hila 4 28 .' New Tork..38 2 ..'.63 St. Louis.. 3 2S .5rt" Chicago ...;33 29 .632 Pittsburg .37 20 .&81Hostoir ....34 32 .615 Cincinnati. 29 38 .TfClevelsnd .31 9 .413 Brooklyn ..23 42 .SM'Washlngt'n 24 44 .3.VI Boston 13 31 .2278u Louis. ..17 48 .2t2 Asaerlcaa Asoctatkn. Western League. W. L. B.C. W. L. P.C. Columbus .43 30 .8rt Denver ....42 24 .6:18 Kan. City. 42 32 .& Pueblo 39 2.1 . Mlnneapo's S 38 .S4 St. Joseph.. .H 8 .574 Louisville .37 38 .7 Sioux CUy..7 28 .589 Milwaukee 38 3H .4H Lincoln ....35 29.A47 St. Paul.. .3 .4tl. Omaha 3 S8 .453 Toledo 33 41 .44'lTnpeka 28 SS lndlanap'a 31 44 .413Des Moines. 14 4 .2u8 Yesterday's Result. Paclfle Cosst League Portland 19-3. Sac ramento 11-8: San Francisco 14-1. Los Ange les 11-3; Vernon 8-8. Oakland 3-2. Nortaweatern League Portland Se attle 1-8; Spokane 4. Vancouver 1; Vletorla 8. Tacoma 3. American League Detroit 14. Cleveland 8; Chicago 8 St. Louis 2. No other games scheduled. National League Chicago 13. Cincinnati T; St. Louts 3. Pittsburg 0. No other games scheduled. American Association St. Psul 4. Louis ville 1; Toledo 7. Minneapolis 8; Indlanapo lla T-2. Kansas City 2-4; Milwaukee 8-8. Columbus 4-7. Western League Denver B. Topeka 0: St. Joseph 3, les Moines 1- Lincoln 17-8, Pueblo 8-0; Sioux City 4, Omaha 3. BASEBALL IN EPITOME Six Leagwea at a Glance. VICTOR! TO BOTH TEAMS IS Roadsters and Giants Split Even on Series With Three Games Apiece. JIM WIGGS SCORES AGAIN Cabbage Patch Twlrler Wins First Game for Giants and Roadsters Massacre Visitors, Tartlcn- . larlr Archer, In Second. Portland and Seattle divided another double-header yesterday and then boarded the train for the Smind City, where hostilities will ba renewed this BACKSTOP JIM PS FltOM CLASS A TO CLASS B AXD BACK IN MONTH. i 5 ' i: r - . .. - r i eSW .. .. 4 r -V n w X.i 4.. jwet!SiJi.'iwi. At" Catcher Bradley. Backstop Bradley, of the Port land Beavers, has the unique rec ord of going from Class A ball to Cla.s B and back to the higher classification, all within one month's time. Bradley Is the stocky receiver secured from Johnstown of the Trl-State, League, through Cleveland. Ha reported for service with the Portland Coast team, was then transferred to the Portland Northwesterners and later re- called when Tommy Murray suf fered an injured digit In the Oak land series a week ago. afternoon. The. Giants took the first game Sunday a free-hlttlng affair 8 to S. and lost the second 'n a farcical exhibition. 9 to 1. following the ig nomlnloua rout of Southpaw Archer, whom Manager Tlghe had picked to pit against his former teammates. The series was evenly split with three Karnes apiece. Over 4000 fans and fannettes were on hand when Umpire Allen pressed the button for maledictions to begin at I P. M. Portslder Tonneson mount ed the platform for the Portland Northwesterners. opposing old Jim Wlggs. the same disciple of cabbage- patch fame responsible for i nursuay s 4 to whitewashing. iggs won again, but not before the Roadsters had blnged him for an 111-omend 13 safeties. Orfs Single Turns Tide. Ort r'eallv dumped the cornucopia for Seattle by a single to center In the seventh Inning with the score tied and three men on the bags and two out. hea and Wiggs. . who had also hit safely, were sent across the pan. beat tie added another to this score of 5 to 3 on hits by Weed and Shea In the eighth, but Portland was also busy with a tattoo off Wlggs" platterlngs. Williams driving In Stovall In the sev enth and Coltrln crossing after three singles In the eighth. Lamllne twirled beautiful ball in the final contest, allowing-six hits scattered In six different innings. Knight or Kullerton had been original ly scheduled to heave for Seattle, but Tlehe finally decided to try out Archer, released yesterday by Port land and signed up Just before the game. Tlghe Explains Move. "I believe he'll go In there and pitch rings around the Roadsters." said Tlghe la explaining his move. Archer did pitch rings for three In nlnnw. Then came the awful fourth, when 13 men went to the plate for eight hits, a walk and eight tallies. Seaton was finally called In from ceic ter field to hold things down to rea sonable proportions and hurled fine ball from that on. Archers uniortu nate showing will probably spell re lease bv Seattle. The line-ups of both squads suffered divers and sundry changes. Casey was kicked out of the curtaln-raieer for fussing about a strike decision. Men sor switching In to second and Harri to the outfield. In the second contest. Ort suffered a similar fate and Weed was brought In to first from the sun- field. Nelson a Portland semi-pro, being ordered to Weed's garden. sIlKht Injury to Mensor also dislocated Williams' batting order. Moore, who had played great ball In the opener, going In to receive and Harris to the outfield again. Cushions Hurled at Allen. Umpire Allen was nearly burled under an avalanche of cushions as he strode between the grandstand and the right-field bleachers to the car gate after the games, but he kept boldly RECORD J ese-H I' -.. ; v'rv : I. . ; . - ; ' . 4fc t ; -j' . .' " ' . I ahead and was not molested further. The scores: F1R6T GAME. Seattlf Portland Ab.H.Po.A.E.1 l.esrd.2b Crul'k.lf 3 il 2 0!Mun'lt.Sb 3 2 3 0 1 O 1 11 1 1 2 1 O 1 0 2 4 0 0 Casev.2b. OStovall.rf OiWIIU' 0 M' OiPettl'w.lf 01 Moore, c. 111 0 5 Rues. 3b.. 3 Weed.rf. 4 Rsv' 4 2 10 2 110 3 -O 1 O 1 S 7 1 0 0 O 0 0 0 Seaton, cf 4 Shea.e.. 4 WlSS.P- 1 OTonne n.p Jensen.. Totals 38 10 27 11 0 Totals 4Q13Zl" u als 38 10 27 11 0 Batted for coitnn in ninin. SCORE BT INNINGS. K-.ttle 3 0 1 O 0 0 2 1 0 6 Hits ..1 1 2 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 port and ...... .......1 000201103 aiu .J...."' O 1 O 1 2 113 gUMMART. Runs Crulcksbank. Hues. Weed, Shea. W W'lggs Mundorff. Stovall (3). Coltrln. Struck nut Bv Wlggs . by Tonnaaon 7. Bases on balls Off Wlxrs . off Tonneson 2. Two- ou bsse hits crulcksnanK, w eeu. oi". Three-base hits Stovall. Williams. Stolen bases Stovsll Mensor (2). Hit by pitched ball Crulckshank. Passed ball Shea. Time 1 :&0. Umpire Allen. SECOND GAME. SeattK Portlan Ab.H.Po.A.E.1 Ab.H.Po.A.E- Iard.2b 3 2 O 0 Mun'lt.3b 3 o l l 0 10 0 Casey.2b. 5 12 2 0 2 8 0 stovall.rf 4 1 O 1 0 0 2 2 OiWIIU' 3 1 10 2 0 0 8 0 OMensor.ct (3110 0 0 3 O'Pettl'w.lf 8 13 0 0 0 0 3 4 2 14 1 0 6 3 O 4 18 0 0 O 0 3 0 Uml'e.l 4 3 111 2 10 O.Moore.c. 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 Crul-k.lf 4 4 Bues.Sb. . 8 4 Ray' 4 Se' 4 Spencer.c 3 Archer. p.. 1 Fulle' 3 Nelson.rf O TotaU 35 8 24 IS 1 Totals 85 13 27 12 3 SCORE BT INNINGS. Seattls ...0 0 0 O 0 0 1 0 0 1 Hits 0011110 18 Portland 0 0 0 8 0 O 0 1 Hits ..!. 1 1 0 8 1 0 0 2 13 SL'MMART. Runs Spencer. Mundorff. Stovsll, WII lisms. Mensor. Pettlgrew, Coltrln. Harris. Lemllne (2). Struck out By Archer 4. by Lamllne 8. Basel on balls Off Archer 2. off Seaton 1. off Lamllne 2. Two-bsse hits t'ssey. Williams. Harris. Stolen bases Mun dorff, Mensor 2. Moore. Wild pitch Archer. Innings pitched by Archer. 3 2-8. Seaton 4 1-3. Base hits oft Archer 10, off Seaton 3. Time 1:45. Umpire Allen. Notes of the Game. Manager 'Williams hit In the plnehe twice In the opening game. He hit once and walked twice In the second. unrHnrff, batting eve returned yester day with a vengeance, five blta In ten times at bat being nis portion. Mensor msde a great running eaten oi K.. ions flv In the curtain-raiser. 1 ne nimble Utile outfielder cutting S1-'' swaths, too. In base-stealing with ten pil fered sacks In five games. Lamllne and Williams pulled on a beau tiful play at first base after Beaton's I . i A V. .. n-llllamtt In h. second Inning of the final game. Lam llne took the throw on the dead run. The locals tried to bunt Wlggs out ot tne box but could not connect properly and abandoned the tactics after an inning or two. Wlggi threw away iae oniy iium the Thursday game. The details of the fourth inning of the second contest when Portland ran in eight runs are ss follows: aiovau iew out m right, Williams walked. Mensor ilngled to center. Pettlgrew singled to left, scoring Williams: Coltrln singled to right scoring Mensor. Harris doubled to left scoring Pettlgrew- Lamllne cracked a safety to center tallying Coltrln aid Harris; Mundorff sin gled through rlrst scoring Lamllne, Casey fanned, Stovall, second time up, singled to center scoring Mundorff. who had pilfered second: Williams inpiea 10 kjh Stovall. Seaton then succeeded Arcner on he mound ana Mensor grouuucu uui. mond to Ort. INDIANS BUNCH HITS AND WIN Vancouver Starts Batting Kally In Ninth, but It Is Not Effective. . . it- V. T , , 1 9 QnnlfflriS &LA1 llJEi, ftB'i'i ' bunched hits on eHasmussen today and defeated Vancouver. 4 to 1. Vancouver started a batting rally in the ninth, but Spokane put an end to it without al lowing a score auer uw men uu Score: Spokane Vancouver FHak.rf. 3 0 O OiHsrr'n.Sb 6 0 0 '.... V.' - k ii n'a o 3 13 8 UlCatei.lf. 3 ; O O 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zlm sn.lf 4 2 i u;en ii.,.o ;" Knr' 4 1 13 O O.Swaln.rf. 4 110 Netsel.Sb 4 3 0 3 0 4 O 1- - Cart t.-b o v a -;. Klp 3 1 2 u J J ? " spiern.c 3 i o iuc,c.. a - - -SchWk.p 2 10 2 OiBassen p 3 O 0 1 Totals 29 10 27 1 4 0 Totals 33 1 27 22 0 Batted for Raimussen In ninth. SCORE BT INNINGS. 2 ? I 2 2 Vancouver ....uuxwwww - SUMMART. i v -. I o K.bwenlf Ben- xturie r net. . . i -,. - . - nett. Two-base hits Splesman, Zimmerman. Hennetl, 1'rmK.r, Dwut. - - Bennett, Sacrifice hits Cartwrlght Spies man. Schwenk. Stolen basea Netzel. tes. birucK oui fltn.EHR .- on balls OTf Schwenk 4. off Rasmussen .!. passed nan t-piesmaii. " ' 1 " -J -- wrlght to Cooney to Nordyke; Bennett to Scbarnweber. Umpire Baumgarten. TIGERS CAN'T STEM VICTORIA Bchmutz and Gordon Are Hit Hard by Canadian CInb. Tirnui Wash.. Julv 2. Neither Schmutz nor Gordon could stem the tide of hits this afternoon and victoria won. 8 to 3. Devogt, a former Tiger. ,itm nut of four times at bat. Cocash. released by Seattle. Is credited with two triples. Score: Victoria . , Tacoma aw a i wn a aii.jri.a i.a..u Mllllon.ct 6 0 2 0 Bassr.1f 3 1 o o Value a i a o viLoie n.fio a 2 0 nnod'n.Sh 5 1 1 a It Innlirf 1 o o 4 1 0 OKen'dy.'Jb 4 0 4 riem'n.rf 3 3 V'MO lh 0 13 1'Ab' 6 Ward.llb. 6 4 1 0 0' Devofct.c. 4 4 4 Dash'd.e 0 O O M'Cr-y.p 4 10 lSlebt.c... 2 0 B' 4 0 3 ISchmuts.p 1 Gordon.p 3 Totals 41 18 27 12 2 Totals 31 8 27 14 4 SCORE BT INNINGS. Victoria 0 0 I 2 2 0 2 O 18 Tacoma 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-J SUMMART. i .1 n .,u...h I " rl.rrb u ii a iv r 1 1 r i . v,v.. u . ... .wv., . ' entsnn (2). McMurdo. Devost. Burns. Flshei; Gordon. Stolen bases Bassey (2). Coleman. Burns (2). Million, Goodman, Ward, Devogt. UOUDie plays uuvum.n m v 1 'v - SUEQO. Jill rv-ua a .- ' . . . - ' . man. Clementson. Fisher. Home run Gor don. Sacrifice hits Coleman. McMuran. Pitchers- records 7 hits 3 runs on: benmuis In 4 lnninits; 11 hits 6 runs off Gordon In 1 innings, struck out By McCreary 4, by Brnmuii . or v.v,w. - - - Off McCreery 2. off Schmuts 1. off Gordon S. Paassd balls Devogt, Slebt. Wild pitch Gordon. Time 2:10. Umpire McCarthy. TWO XEW PITCHERS SIGXED Roy AVlllett, Formerly of Vernon Club, Goes to Vancouver. SEATTLE. Wash.. July 2. (Special.) Vancouver has signed two new pitch ers. Butch Belford, the ex-Seattle High School twlrler. recently released by Vic toria. Is one of them, and Roy WlHett, who has been with Vernon In the Coast League. Is the other. Willett has been highly recommended to brown by Manager Brashear, who says that he Is not on,ly a good pitcher, but a fine outfielder and good ball player. Willett Is expected to Join the team tomorrow. He hit .276 in the Coast League last year and was 12th on the general batting list. Pittsburg Is anxious to have Van couver turn over Harrison Immediately. Frank Chanc Improving. CHICAGO, July 2. Improvement was noteel today in the condition of Frank Chance, manager of the Cubs, who collapsed Saturday In Cincinnati during a ball game. Though suffering severely from headaches. Chance said he would accompany the team East Thursday, unless warned against the trip. He said he would not enter the game- PFYL USING BUT EANGE Oakland's First Baseman Has Hitting Average of .333 for Last Month. WfLLIAMS HAS 7 PITCHERS Roadster Manager Well Equipped for Tour of League Lamline Scores His Fourth Straight Victory at Home. BT ROSCOE FATVCETT. Drifting away from the fluff and fuzs of the weird and wonderful Coast League games yesterday, the remarkable bat- OAKLAND 'IMTIAI. 8ACKEB HITS SAFELY 2T GAMES IV MOXTH. . . "(a. Atonic riji Asaaaaaassssssass tin i- nf Vonte Pfvl. husky Oakland first sacker, during the past. four weeks. Is worthy of more than passing notice. Pfyl, in that time, participated in 29 - . . . . . . i games, and in only two conicsts am no fail to secure one or more blngles on T..nA 94 . ml nn RiiiiiIhv mnrnin?. His batting average for the June bonbard- nient Is .333. c, d Trf ormfl.nces in the Coast League circuit aro also in the 10-point type classification, ah tola, u 1 . nloanora cnntHhutpri to the nitch- ers' grievances, Charley Moore, of the Los Angeles club, and Carlisle, of the Vernons, fattening with two homers apiece. Dffi'e q 0.mA. l-iitttncr record is shown j . ' n - - o - in the score sheets as follows, the first figure representing tne times at Dai ana the Becond the number of hits: June 4. 5 ant .Tune. 7. 5 and 2: June 8. 4 and 1 Juno 9.'5 and 1: June 10. 4 and 1: June .1 a A o. T.i t. a Tt a f V A and 1 (P. M.), 6 a'nd 2; June 13, 4 and 2; June 14, 4 and 1: June lb. 3 ana l. June 10. a .mi i- Juno 17. & and 1: June 18. 4 and 3: June 18 (P. M ). 5 and 1; June n t a innA 71 3 And 1? June 22. 3 and 1: June 2i 4 and 0: June 24, 5 and 2; June a ws and l: CP. M.i. 4 and 2: June 27. s'and 2: June 23. 4 and 1: June 29, 4 and 3; June 30. 4 and 1; July 1. 4 and 2; Jul- 2 (A. M ), 4 and 0; (P. M.). 3 and 1. Total. 29 games; at bat, liS; hits, 41; average, .323. a a Vawcett. SDortintr Editor Ore t n... cli- T am tin Afainst It for fair and I want you to wise me up so my foot won t slip. 1 ve Deen trailing witu a swell girl and she tips me she wants m n tm a nvit.r fnrWn like she s been read ing about at banquets. Not being strong - .hi. mininnnirA RtufT. I ain't next on what oyster forks Is like. Are they nvihlnr ilka clam rakes' Now, deal . v. . (.Hoi u..lth this, for I don't IIIC3 WIl HIC . r - . mA o-il in cot anre nn me and xrlve someone else a chance to tunnel" under me. Tours for class, -nrpmn Citv JAMES HAXLET. Sure thing, James, I'll tip you the best I know, for It's tougn to ioso a gin you've been spending real money on. n...t.. nrif. art n nt like clam rakes. although I've known of social events where clam rakos would be more useful Oyster forks are something like lobster tongs, only more so. Any flrst-class ship chandler will fix you up with the oyster forks. I don't know the price, but they cost less than clam rakes and arcs not so heavy to carry. a Manager Nick Williams took seven twirlers along with him on nis tnree weeks' Junket around the Northwest cir cuit last night Southpaws Tonneson and Jensen and righthanders Eastley. Lam llne. Garrett, Bloomneia ana w inter k,k.m th. aemi-nrofesslonal recruit. The Roadsters battle at Seattle this ....i. n. finnVnnA for the next series. then double back for the second of the three weeks In Tacoma. s By defeating Seattle yesterday 9 to 1, Twlrler Lamiine, of the Northwest team, t..irA,4 his fourth straieht victory nn the home pampas, and a study of the score parchments reveals an average t ... i. inH nne-half hits ner came. He began his demon'dash to the top of the pitching pinnacle on June ii, let ting Tacoma down with eight hits in a 4-2 game. On June 2S he again defeated Mike Lynch's bengals in a 3-2 five-hit WITH VENG ih ft??; I Nil I. yr if tr h t j fo1 It h f - Zj il U : I i s ; - " H contest. Last Friday he handed a seven bingle bunch to Tighe. 8-4, and came back Sunday 9-1, with only six hits. Lamiine Is a big fellow, a willing worker, has speed, control and sharp benders, and gives promise of developing Into one of the most consistent perform ers in the league. His season's record now reads nine wins and flv defeats, and that -with a club whose average Is less than half its games. Lamiine could undoubtedly have set the Seattleites down with four hits yes terday had he so willed, for It was ap parent to everybody In the stand that he was doing the good Samaritan act with his ex-pal and teammate, Fullerton, who shunted to Seaton's place In the center garden after Portland had cinched the game. Fullerton fattened his batting average to the extent of two hits In three trips. St. Louis did a similar turn with Nap Lajole last Fall In an ineffec tual effort to beat Ty Cobb out of the high batting automobile, in that Instance the entire St. Louis team being in on the deaL HENDERSON OFF DUTY BEAVER TAVIRLER MUST SIGN PLEDGE OR QUIT TEAM. McCredie Suspends Crack Twlrler, Who 'Is In Stockton Hospital Recovering From Spree. sirRiMF.VTO. Cal.. July 2. (Spe cial.) Not until Benny Henderson, the Portland Beavers' crack pitcher, signs contract, including a solemn osui iui- he will never touch another arop ui linnfii. ii lnnn- as he is on the team, will he be permitted to wear a Beaver uni form again, accoraing iu ucui.uvu made by Manager Walter McCredie to day. Henderson is at present in a Stockton hospital recovering from a spree. Mc Credie has suspended him Indefinitely, .! nh a nledcre Is forthcoming. and fined him all the money the hurler had coming, -which was consiuerauio over 3200 for two weeKS. nprftiHu hnnpri to knt-D the facts un known, but related them when pressed tonight by The Oregonian s correspimu ent. He says he would never have foiieht for Henderson's reinstatement Into organized ball had he known Benny was such a heavy arinKer. BEAVERS SHI' OX PITCHERS Suspension of Henderson Puts Ec- Credie's Team in Hard Fix. BT W. J. PETRAIN. it.1. T?A.,AN or.A In nn.H nf nitchers with the suspension of Henderson, for tomorrow they must play anotner uou oni fiip.n. Rpaton and Koestner have been overworked in the series just finished. After pitching that Iong-arawn ai- t ,I aftAfnnnn Turn Seaton 1 IL 1 1 n.n it. i in. j . ..---1 should be relieved from work for at i An a waaIt while Koestner. wno iciu. ' -. " . worked in three games during the past hill in two victories, aro entitled to I . an1 fAAn WnA H I1TIMH I I'll 1 1 1 1 III'. similar rests. With only three twirlers, MCLrecne ...iii i.ava in d.miii 11 nn n Steen and Koestner tomorrow afternoon, which seems like an injustice to tne men. m view of the fact that Koestner pitched . -,i o -.. mnriiin im ci ti H s t p p ii on Sat urday. The Beaver leaaer is scouiinB for another twlrler, ana may nave one on the Job before long. NATIONAL LEAGUE. St. Louis- 3, Pittsburg 0. ST. LOtJIS. Mo.. July 2. A widly en thusiastic crowd, the largest which has witnessed a National League game seen in the home grounds, saw the Pittsburg team shut out for its third straight came, bcore. R. H.E.I R. H. E. Pittsburg.. 0 7 lSt. Louis... 3 6 0 . TtattAriA.e Camnltz and Gibson; Sal- lee and Bliss. Umpires Eason and Johnstone. Chicago 137 Cincinnati 3. CHICAGO, July 2. Chicago batted -inonnaH'a nltchers at will today, and won easily. The visitors bunched hits in th eitrhth. and with bases on balls and an error, saved themselves from a shutout. Score: R. H.E.I R. H.E. Chicago... 13 16 11 Cincinnati. . 3 7 Batteries Reulbach, Richie and Gra ham: McQuillen. Fromme ana McLean, Clark. Umpires Brennan and Klem. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Detroit 11, Cleveland 6. DETROIT. July 2. Krapp was taken .... .ha ,- hpfnrA Detroit Grot a hit off him. He walked four men and hit another. West replaced Krapp and De . i hit Viitn hard Tn the seventh James went in and Detroit got five hits and as many runs off nis aenverj. r. .'a iiittino- and Pohb's base run ning featured: With victory assured. Tallinn substituted. Score: R. H. E.l R- H. E. Cleveland . 6 11 2Detroit 1 16 1 Batteries Krapp. West. James and Fisher; Summers and Stanage. Chicago 6, St. Louis 2. PT-TTCAnO. Julv 2. Chicago defeated ct t .mi is in n. onesided earae today. A feature of the game was the heavy hit ting OI tne Ullicago learn u me liuvii lna- of Lange and Olmstead. Score: R. H. E.l R. H. E. -i.(nncrA ft 1 ?!St T-niii.q. ...2 6 1 Batteries Lange, Olmstead and Sulli van; Pelty and Stephens. LINE-UP OF ELKS IS DECIDED Portland Team AVIH Go to Astoria for Game on July 4. Herman Politz, manager of the Port land Elks' ball club which will go to Astoria July 4, announced the line-up last night as follows: Howe, catcher Politz. Berger, pitchers; Swindells, first: Rubple, second; Michel, third Stringham, short; Farrell. Crew, Hume and Lasheart. outfield: Berger Injured 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION AT PORTLAND FAIR GROUNDS, 2 P. M. Automobile and Motorcycle Races, Horse Races and Foot Races, Athletic Games and a revival of old-time Fourth of July sports. 25-Mile Race Between the White Raser Whistling Billy and the 90-Horsepower Thomas Flyer. An Afternoon "Without a Dull Moment. ADMISSION, INCLUDING GRANDSTAND, 50 CENTS J. M. Rieg, 506 Gerlinger Bldg., Manager. TWO STOCKYARDS TWO WAREHOUSES AT NOW Know what that means? It means that the two railroad companies believe that the amount of stock raised on the 200,000 acres of land surround ing MAUPIN will provide suffi cient stock shipments to war rant the building of stockyards. . One yard is completed. The other is being built. It means that Balfour, Guthrie & Company have enough confidence in the fertile wheat section round about MAUPIN to erect two of their larg est warehouses at this town. They are both built and will be in use for the first time this year. It means more than that. If such large corporations as the Hill and Harriman interests have enough confidence in MAUPIN to build stockyards and the larg est wheat exporting firm in the great Northwest believe in this section enough to put up im mense warehouses, then it is small business for you or me to doubt the reliability of the fu ture of this country. More than that. If this surrounding country were all idle, and these big lit xrrn it f HT t10 land tO be tilled and cultivated, they would not put up these big institutions now. It is because nearly every 40-acre tract for miles on every side is al ready under cultivation that activity is so strong right now. One thing is certain. Money IN VESTED IN MAUPIN now will reap a bigger harvest than money invested a year from now. In other words, NOW IS THE TIME. See me at once. J. W. CROSSLEY Sales Manager, 519 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon. a finger in practice and Politz will probably mount the mole. "We will leave e North Bank sta tion Tuesday morning at 9:30 and ex pect half a hundred Portland Elks to accompany us," said Politz yesterday. "The return trip will be made the same day. The Astoria Elks are planning a big reception. "Bring along your war riors of renown: They'll believe they belong to a kindergarten league when they go home," declares the Astoria manager in a letter, so. I guess we will have our hands full." TENNIS TOt'RNEY IS DELAYED Departure of Contestant Causes Trouble With Schedule. Owing to the departure of J. F. Ewing, one of the competitors in the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club's "round robin tennis tourney to decide the winged "M representatives at the coming interna tional tourney. It may be necessary to rearrange the club's competition. A. D. Wakeman defeated J. W. Lewis yesterday in two of three well-played sets. Lewis won the first set. 6 to 2. while Wakeman came back and cap tured the next two, 6-4, 6-0. The tennis committee of the Mulnomah Club will meet today to decide upon the disposition of the games played bv Ewing. SEBCO , BOLTS Mfgd by the Star Expansion Bait Co. arc used everywhere to bolt up SHAFTINGS PIPES CABLES MACHINERY or anything else that might jar or vibrate loose from concrete, brick, stone, marble, or any other kind of masonry. Come and our Un of Sebco Products The Ross Company 87 Grand Avenue MAUPIN 0