Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 01, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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Market Weakening as New
Crop Approaches.
Wllh a I-arsre CarTT-OTf-r of Colored
Brans Those Varieties Show Hie
Principal Wraknras Tb
Lima fltutlon.
Th. srpreach " the on nrw-CT la bringing with U a lower market
tT erwt at ka A tumlur of declines wera
nnn"un-ed by Jobbers yesterday. Smell and
large wbttee are now ouoted at 4 eenta.
pink at cents, bsvous at S cents and
Umu t T cnts.
Colored bns eepeotany show weakness, aa
tbere Is a rnfilt!'. carry-over
th. Early prtoea on pinks and bsyous
vrn htcl. but were hsavy shipments
from Murhutu and thi weakened the
Small white beans, tt-e chief eommerctsi
been In this cor.try. have held fairly -ady
throughout the '"- Instead of advanc
ing early In tha year wits other beana.- tho
nail whlta Just about held thT own.
with a align weakening at tha close.
The Umi beaa situation l only a trtfio
VMkr. A California authority eaTS of tho
crop outlook In that state:
The crop conditions at this time are moot
favorabla Tho scrse planted to Llmu I
tho largest In tho history of tho business.
Vp to tha present Uai weather condHe"r.s
eve bi sarreet. and barring accident be
fore and darlag tho harroot tho output
should bo no of tho largest In tho huitory
of tho bustnea Put. of wunw. tho crop I
tot yet undo' cover by any meana. and taere
fora It cannot bo ca.lod afo until Novem
ber t ant.
-Tho weather baa been enoL wllh tho
result that the crop Is not so far along ao
at thl season last ytar. Consequently, wo
believe that September deliveries will bo
very light, and that tho main bulk of tho
crop will not como on tho markot until
October and November, or anywhcro from
two to threa ' bh!rd lat season.'
hxvk rnr..tRE to pipoe or oats.
IB Other Cnlt JJnea Offrrlan .Am Light
prauil Is aaall.
Thoro were bo now developments tn tho
grain trado yesterdsy. Tho demand was
low tn ail Itnea. Thmi woo oald to bo
more pressure to market oata la soma quor
ters. but othorwloo tho offerings were. light.
Whu; foreign wheat shtpmTts woro aa
Thin wk. Last wk. It Tr.
Ft'Hh'. Jl'j.he!. Ilu.h!
rntlno .... ! .'" l.l.'- 1.01o.i
Aa.-ra.ia 1..-7 J .- ... -
lad'a J. -.'. S..'...i'H. !-.
Local te.eipte. In cars, mere re port oU by
tbo MorrhaaM r.irhnn a rl!oo:
What farly riour Oat Hr
Mon.'ar 13 IT ; 13
Tuoly ...... 5 a
t-.dn.lax ... l' 1
Thtndr t .... 3
rrMay tr. 3 It H
Yr a-. 11 1 1
-.-n I1KV-1 J JI-.1J TIS
j..n ll -! V.'H 1T14 S.-II IV"- 3"'.'
Soason 13o-M loi.iL 1HJ lHa ivj
rartflra of Last Toaro rrop Now Quotra at
14 hhUUncm,
Tho markot for Pacific Coaat hopo at Lon
don waa quoted yeotorday at 140 ahltllnca.
dn adranco of lO hllltnca oircr tho laat
quotation. Thl ahowa that tho larco ahlp
znrnta of Pacific Coast hopa to England are
Without lnfluonoo In atayln tha upward
trond of prlcoa. Enf :af.d la tho brat markot
for hopo today and for that rcaaon Ameri
can boldara ara aendtns thrlr auppllea over
thrra to bo dlapoood of. but they will not bo
sacrificed under any clrcumstancoo. Tbo
voatber In E.-.aland yesterday waa cloudy.
Thera waa no now busineao on tho local
market, but actlTlty waa reported from Cali
fornia, whero Jewell made .v-cont contract!
In Bo noma with E". and T. Roth for 10.000
pounda. with Olmatead for tho aamo quan
tity and with J. I- Petereon for ao.000
pounda of tho new crop.
New Tork artvicea reported a few con
tracts being niida at SO ccnta to s rower.
lml Shipment la oa tho Way From That
With tho warmer weather the' fruit trado
picked up considerably yeaterday. Thera
waa mn actlvo demand for cantaloupes and
snelona also aold bettor. Three cars of can
taloupea are In transit from Dlnuba, tho firat
to como xrom that section.
There will not be a ajreat deal of decidu
ous fruit on tho market for tho Fourth of
July. Two cars of rolled fruit are romn.
one bajr.c duo today or Monday. A largo
shipment of Hawaiian pineapples la duo
Cherrles sold well. Lamberts bringing IS
cents. Binge IJVx. cents and good Royal
Anna T centa
strawheniea continue weak. Red rasp
berries were la better supply and lower.
There waa a fair showing of loganberries
and blackrara
The orange market was firmer, but lem
ons were weak.
New potatoes were la fairly large euppty
and weak.
Market la Flran With aa I psTard Taadeetcy.
rtmltry Heavy.
The erg market waa firm yesterday with
Treeh Oregone tn very small aurr. local
prices wore unchanged. At Seatt.T the mar
ket advanced to s cents, and there was a
halt cent rise at San francisco.
The poultry market was heavy. Receipts
were n-t particularly large, but there was a
very $xt demand. Pressed meats were also
Butter was active and firm, and cheese
was steady.
Bank Cleailnga.
Park elearince of the Northwestern cities
yestt-ri'sy were aa follows:
Cleartrra Balanca
Portland l.Mrl f.Tl.y:
rieetcte 2.472.117 Hti.h"
Tmoma :') ;.'"
6-)-ue S.e.uC. Il.tiit
Port an1'a bank ciearlnss In June. 1911.
were f I !.!! I4 . aa compared with 141.
l4 tt 6 In June. lilt, and I Jt.OiJ.tll.lf
in June. 1.
Grain. Flour. Food. to.
Tfbeat Trai-k prlrea: Blivstem. i' 9
V; club. Hlc Roi.lin, lijllc; Val
ley. 14c. o-t:i. I.Jc.
MILIJU'FI iirao. 2 Jo ffis per ton:
mld-tlinn i:i: aborts. i;t.taf llj rolled
barl.r. - t "'X
C'R.V WB-i.e. rrsrk.d. fit per ton.
BARLEY Cholre feed. $J7 t -7 -V per too.
OATS No. 1 white. -'sou::o per ton.
a LOUR Patents. 4 I per barrel;
strairhta 3 S: e porta, t usd; valley. (4.M
gralsm II U: whale wheat. 4 7X,
HAT Timothy, tlttfll per ton: alfalfa.
tll.JOffMI; clover, sow. (; grain bay.
cow. in.
Tocablee aad Fmlta.
FRieiiH FRC'IT 8t raw berries. iJl.&0 per
crate; gooavHerrtea. i $ 7c per pound; apples,
IC3 Pr cherries, slftc p-ir pound;
aprirota. t. 75 iy 2 per crate: cantaloup.
X.S3 91-7 &r crate; peaches, f 1.25 q i.t per
orate; watarmelona - Se per pound: pluma
II 7 per crate: raspberrlea $1. per crate;
loaanberries. IJOIM Pr cxaia; black cap
t; a 1.7.
VEuETABLP Aspsrasus. TSalKM per
bos: beans. 7Jlc; caooave, 1; tll.-l per
cucumbers. 1121 perA bos: ecgplant.
l&c per pound; garlic 10lc pet
a. f i T . ie rinn! not-
earmta Si
per eark: turnips, 11: beets.
ruiAiuL.i uig, J V J - ' " -
Bow val!forn:a. SSC Pr pound.
ONIuNS Yellow. .-j; red. 1: white.
14 per hundred.
Palry and Country Frodoea.
POITLTRT Hona lSfflSHc; Springs. 11
tj: ducks, young. 14lc: geese. Ho;
lurseye. 20e: dressed, choice. 25c
Ei;S Oregon ranch. candtel. Jie22ojer
doan; csh count. 20 V 31c; April first Sic
HL'TTKK City creamery estra. 1 and 1
pound prtut In boxes. io per pound; leas
than box lot csrtoos and d -livery extra.
lKti..E Twin triplets and delete 14t
14V Pr pound. Young America, lit ---o.
IURK Fancy. rftlOc per pound.
VSAL fancy. UHdlit.' Vr pound.
taplc Orwcerles.
ALbtON Columbia River. I -pound tails,
i.10 per deaen; 2-pound tall i: -
pound Hats. X40; Aiaaita pin. 1-pound
tail f 1 2V .
turikt Roasted, la cruma. 310 10a per
pound. .
NUTS Walnut 1TH7" Pr
Brasll nuts. 14tslc; albert loo; aunonu
14 site; peca lie; coceanut ctjl per
dosen; cbestuut HWo per pound; hickory
Bat 8 9 luo per opund.
HONEY Ccaice, .! per case; strained
honey, luo per pound.
eALT Granulated. IIS per ton! half
Cruod. loos. 1M per ton; 60 1 per ton.
BEANS tfmall wnlte, 4c; large white.
4c: Lima. 7c: pink. tsc; red Mexican
4 W c ; bayou, to.
KiCfc No. 1 Japan. 4o: cheaper grade
li te (4 4.43; boutnara head. UtO'm tm
ported Imperial, the; Imported extra f' K
bL'OAR Dry granulated. IS.): berry. bet. s.40. extra C. 5.iu. powdered,
berre: fS.H.; cube, barrel Id.
CHll'D FKL'I ia Appe 12 013 He per
pound; apricot loc; peacbe luOlooi
prunes, Italian, lOQllo; ailver. Ifc; ng
whua and black. '; He: currant luo
Ho: raisin loose Muscatel. SeitIVo;
Biesfbeu ibompeun. 114c; uubleacaea aul
use. ae; aeeued. ftwssie.
Hope, Wool aad Hide.
HOPS 1011 contrsct 2Ho per pound;
1810 crop, lie; lvue) crop. 10; o.da bOluc.
ilOri Ali Ia47ae eer pouao.
WOOL Eastern Oregon. Htyl7o per
pound, according to abrmkage; Valley, IS n)
lc per pound.
I'LL ro Ltr. 10c; lamb 3fiO40e each;
pen lgil each; al,earliuga lu.oo each.
HIUi oalted bide tfeo per pound;
aaUed calf, lie; salted kip. loo; salted stag
Sc; green hid -a. lo less: dry hide lilac;
dry call. ITtilwc: dry stag 11 l lao.
CAbOARA BAKK Per pound, to.
CitAXN BAG a Wheat. !: eat 0.14
FrevUloa ,
HAMS 10 to 13 pounds. 1S019HC: II to
14 poumts. KSilOc 14 to lo pound 19 v
ltc,c. Id to Is pound l9lstc: sainned,
lo yc: picnic lieo; cottage roll. 14 c
MOKLU ULAia Heel tongue f-toS
dried- beef set none: outside noae; la
aioee, 2-c; knuckle 2o.
HACoN Fancy. 37c; standard. 36c;
choice. J2c alnglleh. 17c
LiRT bALT ttKED-Regular ahort clear
dry salt. Utoc: auioaed. UHc; book Usui,
salt. lc: amuked. 14 He; backs, heavy sail.
USc: smoked. Ills; export sail lac;
aanoaed 14c.
l.AHI Kettle rendered. tierces. UHc;
tuba, Uc; standard, tierce luCl tub
11c; cbulco Ucrcee. c. tub Iwc; shorl
eaoBg. uarce e; tub kao.
' Oil
LI.VSEED Dir. Pure raw In barrel le;
boil'd. la barrels, vdc; raw. In caae boo;
boi:rd. In cases. l3c
TLHPtNTlNs; Case TSc; wood bar
rel iti. iron barrel aoo; 10-casa lot
OASOMNS Motor gasoline. Iron barrel
Itc; case 22a; ft gasoline, Iroa barrel
lie: ease llo.
COAL OIL ordinary test, caae UO'to;
bulk, la tank two: high teat. It is
i:gt Aro Advanced in thv Seattle
Market to 2 8 Copts Large
Berry Shipments.
SEATTLE. With., Jun 8a SpcUL)
A atronc mll!ln dfminJ for blUMiem whit
trtdy reutt1 In an advance of ona cnt
on tlueitrm. tvral Souni miliar, ar prac
tically out of bluatm wheat. Tha dealnra
asked 97 rfnit today. rtara rereala wera
dull and unchanL Mlllara raport a grow.
In Or1ntal lnjury for flour lor arly Fall
Recetpts of frsh local ira hava dropped
otT ao raptdly thta week that dealer are now
draalnir auppH from itomf to meet local
demands. Several laraje dealers lifted tha
prlca of local rauch to t canta thia morn
In if.
Poultry receipt were very heavy. Hrna
w?r In larger aupply than Fprtnica. Prlcea
will t cut aicaln in th country npxt week.
Heary ahipmants of local terrlea to polnta
In the Middle Weat keep the aupply of
berries here resulatcd. Seven caroada
were dispatched f rum Seattle Wednesday,
four on Thursday and four today. Oood
berTtea aold at I l.o on the street. Ked
raspberries were lower, at JJ4. The canta
loupe market, continued to Improve.
A sl lie fitly easltr tone developed tn the
nw potato situation. Potatoes that have
been held at 3 cents were offered at 34
ccnta and ft few an low as SU cents.
Tiutatloas Carrrni In th Bay City Mar
kets. BAN FRAXCI3CO. JuneJta The follow
In produce prlcrs were current today:
Vee; tables I'ucumhers. rsrlle.
3i 4c; green pes. $1 ti 17.".; strlnc beans,
23c; asparnsua. T0c-gl.&0; tomatoea. 60
7"r; eusi'Unt, Jjc.
I. tutor Fancy crenmery, 21V.
Kirs Store. "1c; fancy ranch. 23 4 a
i.cse Younit, la'HSll
Mil, tuffs iiran. t2SQ'2; mlddllnfa,
32 ti ieV.
Kruit Aipls. choice. l.."irt; common. Vci
Cananaia, 1Q1.75; Mexican limes. o.oO&6;
Ciii:rnia Jf .ni'ii-. choice, 0, common, i;
pineapples. UaUO.
Xa Wheat. 911 14 pT ton; wheat and
oats. tnvi2: alfalfa, tulL
Knlons TOcffl.
potatoes Karly Rts. i.'V. t
Recelptu Flour. J .." quarter sacks:
wheat. fO rentals; bsrley, 43 " centals;
outs. "3 cental'; pot h toes. sacks;
bran, ft sacks; middlings, sacks; hay, 1J0
Tariff mituatlu aue Tendency Toward
Lower PHcee.
POPTOf. June X The Commercial Bul
letin will say of the wool market tomorrow:
Trading In the Boat on wool market this
week has been at a standstill and what lots
old were for artual current neetip. Some
of the new UrTlNry clips have been dia-
poaed of at price aMshtiy eibove cents
for the best selection In Utah. Idaho,
Wyoming and Nevada.
A fair amount of Arizona wool has been
taken at about thia same basis. The tariff
situation has undoubtedly had a tendency to
lower prloaa. but how much Is a question
even with dealers.
Import a aad Exports,
NFTW TORK. June 80.- Imports of mer
chandise ai d dry goods at the port of New
York for to we-k ending June 24 were
valued at 14.W.1:.
Imports of specie at the port of New Tork
for the week ending today were 3.MM ali
ve, r and $U4.4.s7 gjM. Exporta.of specie,
t17.t4 silver and SlitZZ gold.
New York Cot too Market.
XEW TORK June 3o. Cotton futures
e!rsd steady. Closing; bids: Juiy. H.Sc;
August. 14 Septt-niber. 13...!c: October.
13 lrc: November. S.I. 17c; tVt.stnber. 13.1m;;
January. 13.10c; March. I3 i'4c: May, 13 lu.
Spot closed quiet. Mld-upFsnds, 14.tH'C;
tnld-gu'.t. aS.QSc. Sales, 4oj bales.
rfalrsjgo PTodnos )larket.
CHICAGO. June 8. Butter, ate ady.
creameries. I0i3c: dairies. 17,'-le.
Ecga. steady. Keceipts. Si7 cases. At
mark, cases included. llillc; flrsts. 13Vc;
prime firsts. 14VC
Cheee. steady. Palsies. UfHTc; twins.
ISc; aounc Americas. 124 1? lHc; long
horns. leiW lie.
Hope at New York.
NETV TORK. Juaa JiX -Hops, flrnv,
Action Against Wire Men Af
fects. Stock Market.
Stee! Hold Fp Well as Short Inter
est Is Already Large Harrl
mans. Amalgamated and
Beet Sugar Drop.
NETV YORK. Jone aft. Movement, of
stnrks today betrayed the uneasiness, felt on
account of the Governonenra action against
wire manufsctarers. made known yesterday,
after the close of the market. Indictments
of various corporation officials had been
foreshadowed Id reports for several dsys, so
that the effect upon the market was
Intimations thst this step represented only
one branch of the Investigation which is
being carried on by ths Government, Involv
ing the sctivliles of the United States Steel
Corporation, disturbed speculative sentiment
further. The bears, however, failed to In
augurate a movement of sufficient slse to
sue the market a decided Impetus down
ward. United States Steel lost less ground than
did other stocks not directly concerned In
the events of ths day. The attack of the
bears against this stock haa been ao per
aletent that the short Interest la thought to
have reached large proportlona, placing It
In a strong technical position.
The llarrlman Issues, Southern Railway
preferred. Chesapeake it Ohio and Ksnsas
city Hourhern were ths weakest of the rsll
road groups, while In ths Industrial list
Amalgamated Copper and American Beet
Sugar experienced setbscks.
The Kiie Issues all developed pronounced
strength and rose to ths highest prices of
the year. Recent developments In Erts. In
cluding the favorable May report of earn
ings, and dispatches from Canada telling of
a conference between a representative of the
road and a Canadian Pacific official were
followed by buying orders from what were
ssid to be Important sources.
In the afternoon trading la Erie was the
one feature which gave an appearance of
life te the market. Reports that control of
tha road might psss to ths Csnsdlan Pa
cific were followed by a brisk upward move
ment In Minneapolis, St. Paul 4r Ssult Ste.
Mnrle. s auhelUlery of the Canadian line.
Iesplle the weakoeas In Amalgamated
Copper, reports from the metal trade told of
lnorrasei activity. No large buying move
ment, however. Is under wsy snd some price
shading has been reported during the week.
iKimestlc dsllvsrles of copper during June
are estimated at well up to 70.000.000
pounds, a figure which foreshadows a con
slderabl. decrease In stocks on hand, as a
result of the month's operations.
Ilonds were Irregulsr. Total sales, par
value. ?.'rjO.0O0. United States bonds war.
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Attls Chal rf 8!H
Amal Copper .. e..vv rot, ! Bliv,
Am Agrlcult .. 4"0 r.TV. M 67
Am II. ct r-ugar. 3.20 f'- MS . fl
American Can .. 2'o lot. iJ jtti
Am Car A Frty. MZ M- UK's
Am Cotton Oil.. SOU Bl BIS M .
Am lid I.t pf ......
Am Ie Kecurl. ....... ..... ..... S-1.
Am Linseed . .. ! UH US US
Am Locomotive 2"0 4S 40' 4"S
Am Smel a Rsf S.U0O T 7B it 7(1',
do preferred.. ...... lmis
Am Kteel Fdy 41
Ara Fugar R-f. 110
Am Tel Tel.. 2,W 131S 13"A
Am Tobacco pf. 100 Pa
Am Woolen .... ..... Ill
Anaconda M Co 40 H
Atchison S.IOO 113 11.1V, 1131,
do preferred.. 2"0 102n 1(C 1"2S
Atl Cosst Line r.'ft
Jtalt Ohio ... 304 108Vs 1O0 1(1 V
Bthlebem Steel S8W
Hrook R Trsn.. a. Rl H HOT, -fcl
Canadian Pac. l.KoO S41h 141 141
Central leather. ..... '-'"I,
do preferred 30
Chcs Ohio ... T.0O0 T8Vi 81 r-'V4
Chicago Alton 21
Chi Ot West 3H
do preferred.. 500 4S 43 4.-.4
Chicago A .V W 14S
c. M ft st Paul. 2.300 127 H 12AH
t'. C O St I. 6
cnl Furl Iron. 300 US 84 Vt S4V4
Col A Southern M
Conaol tin 145S
Corn Products 1"0 14S 144 14S
rvi A Hudson.. 10O 171 S 171 17"S
1) A R Grande.. lort IS s 'i 2
do preferred.. 10l MS r.7S f'7Vi
Platlllera' Secur SOO SS 8 8
Krle 25.HO0 8S 87 874
de let pf l,a,io 0S 87 r.H
do 2.1 pf ... 4DS 47 4KS
n.n Electric ... BOO 1'J 1ll S lt
C.t North pf ... 1.0OO lo7t 13 1::7H
C.t North Ore 1
Illinois Central. BOO 142 141 S 141V4
Inlerbor-Mct .. l.oOO 17 17Vi J 7 S
do preferred.. teJO 60 4ia
Inter Harvester 121 S
Inter Marina pf 900 17 ITVt 1
Int Paper ., 1 1 '4
Int Pump
Iowa Central . ..
K C Southern . .
do preferred..
Laclede Gas . ..
Louis A Nash..
ino IRS 14 ls?
800 844. 84 S -14 S
.' 4
too ma. io7 in7i
20l IMS 1814 130
40 81 81 30
Minn A St L
M a P a S H M 3.AOO 144 142 143
Mo. Kan A Tex. 1.OO0 86S 8S 3KV4
do preferred.. ...... ..... ..... 66
Mo Pacific 7oO KOU 40S 4n
Nat Biscuit .... 3 00 1.1714 1RHS 1S7
National Lead .. 20 Bo S B-""4 B
Mx N Rv 3 pf.. .100 81 S 81 S- 81
K T Central ... loo 10fs WS lOfS
N Y. Ont A Wes fort 4 4.S 4.".S
Norfolk A Wes.. Boo loS los 1'-S
North Am 1 78 78 73
Pouthem Pao .. 1.800 181H 184 184
Paclflo Mall 2T
Pennsylvania ... 1.700 124 124 124
People's Gas 1-
P. C C A St L P4
Pittsburg Coal .. 100 10 19 10
Pressed S Car., ...... ..... 8fl4
Pull Pal Car ln
By Steel Spring oo 8K 8.1 8B
Heading 26.B"0 l.w 1J0 . 1S
Republic Steel .. 200 80S 81S 3t
do preferred.. 10 M-;f.1 PS
Rock Ialand Co. 1.400 88 a 8.1
do pref.-rred. . t4
St L A S F 2 Pf 200 4.1S 48 4.1
St L Southweet. ' 82
do preferred.. ..... ..... ;69
Sloss Sheffield 800 B0 B. 40T4
Southern Pc .. 18.4O0 12H 122 123
Southern Ry .. l.-" 81 '4 JJ M H
do preferred.. B00 73 Tl 71 S
Tenn Copper .. 800 41 eO 41
Tesaa A I'ac r'
Tol. St L A Wee TOO 21 20 . SO
do preferred.. "0 4i 4 48
Union B4.)0.189S 1S 1KRS
do preferred.. ...... ..... (4
XT S Realty 78
V s Rubber ... 41 1 41
V S Steel 8T.7"0 7S 7 7
do preferred.. 2o 11 11I 1I
Utah Copper ... BOO 4', 4!S 40'4
V Caro Chem . l.l- 8.S J , "S
Wsbash 1 14 l"1 U
do"referred.. 4oo 8 8S
Weern Md ... I o ; fi
Westing El.e .. 2'Vi 78 . : TjS
Western Ur.lon . .100 TJS 7 7JS
Whe.1 A L K.. . 4O0 8 8 8.
Lehigh Valley .. BOO "J 178 1.8S
Totl aalea for the day. 228.100 ehsree.
vrw TORK, June 30. Closing quotations:
do coupon ...lOOS V. Y- C. gn 8s 87 S
V M- Sa res 101s No. Pa-lrio 8a... 71 S
do coupon ...H1;no. Pacific 4a... ia
V. H. new 4a reg.114 . t nlon Paelflo eaiois
do coupon ...114 Wle. Cent. 4a.. 1H
D A R. O- 4s... ulR'jspsneae 4s .. SSSU
U." S. ref. 2 reg.1001 ,
Money, Ezcbanga, 11 c,
NFTW TORK, June 30. Money on call,
eteady. JStfeH Pr ruling rata, cloa-
lpg bid and offered. 2 per cent.
Time loana. dull; 0 days. 2 per cent;
P0 days, 2SQ2 per cent; six months,
ilk, per cant.
Prime mercantile paper elosed at 404
per cent. - ...
Sterling exchange easy, with actual busi
ness In bankers- bills at ft. 8423 for 0-day
bills and at t4.L0 for demand.
Commercial nllls. 4.S3.
riar ailver. 03 Ve.
Mexican dollara. 4Sc
Government bonds, easy; railroad bonds.
LONDON". June 20. Bar silver, quiet at
34 S-16J per ounce.
Money. 8 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2t per cent; for three
months' bllla. 2--lt per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. June to. Sterling on
London, 80 daya, 84.83S: eight, 84.88.,
Drafts Sight. 3c; telegraph. 4c
CHICAOO. June SO. Exchange on New
Tork. 10e premium.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. J una 80. At tba begin
ning of business today the condition. of the
United Slate. Treasury was:
Working balance In Treasury of-
flee " I3H.B22.603
In banka and Phlllppne treaaury. 41.473.4.10
Total balasce In general fund...,10i.4!4.oT
Onllnsrr receipts
OrdlnaVy disbursements 1.4fli.Ui
The aurplua to date this fiscal year la 82S..
148.877. aa agalnet a deficit of 82.808.23s
at thia time last year.
Theas figures sxclude Panama Canal and
putollo debt transactions.
Stocks at Boston.
BOSTON. Juno SO. Closing quotations:
Alloues St iMohawa; 49
Araulg. Copper.. npiNevada Con. ... l!i
A. Z. L. A sm.. 27 S Nip. Mlnea x-dlv. 10
Arliona Com. ls North Butte 31
Atlantic 6 North Lake yt
er w v a si. is
Old nam ex-dlT. 47 S
Butte Coalition. 1S
Osceola 102
psrrott (3. A O 13
Qulncy 74
Shannon 13
Superior 32
sun A Bos Mln. 7
CaL A Arisona. 8
Cal. A Hecla.,,475
Centennial 13
Cop. Ran. C CO. 61
B. Butte CP. M. 14
Franklin ....
Qlroux Con.
13 Sup' A Pitts Cup. 1H
Granby Con. . . . 39S U S S R A M x-d 37
1. Royals (CB.J ls ao P'o x-u....
Kerr Lake 8 Irish Con 17
Lake Copper 37 h Cop. Co. x-dv. 4
La Salle Copper 3JWInona 8
Miami Copper... 22 IWolverlne U3
Metal Marketa
JTEW YORK. June 80. Standard copper
dull; spot, July, August, September and Oc
tober. 12 25 12.S-''C- London dull, spot fS7,
futures 67 lis 8d. Customs-House returns
show exports so far thia month of 27.408
tona Lake, 12.73tfl.1c: electrolytic 12.824
fa 12.75c. casting, 12.37 l2.50c.
Tin dull; spot, 44.5045.SOc: July. 43.M
48.BOC; August. 41.76041c: September. 41.B0
tr 42.60c; October, 41269 42.2ic London
weak; spot. 175 10a. futures 190. '
Lead. 4,454.60o New York, 4.30487e
East St. Louie. London. 113 7a d.
Spelter quiet, 8.7Of?J.S0c New Tork, S.BOQ
5.82SO East St. Louis. London, 24 15s.
Antimony dull; cooksons. 8.60c
Irrjn. Cleveland warrants 4s 8d In Lon
don. Locally Iron waa quiet; No. 1 foun
dry Northern. 818 0 15.25; No. 21
No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft,
Prim Steers Sell at $625 nd Other
Lines at Former Prices No
Sheep Moved.
Receipts st the stockyards were lighter
yesterday than any day this week, snd
consequently trads was on a smaller scale.
There were no new developments as to price
A few prime steers were aold at J6.25
and another load brought 86.15. Butcher
rattle aold within the former range. Two
loada of hogs were worked off at 87. There
were no aalea of sheep.
Receipts for the day ware: 128 cattle, 23
calves. 133 hoge and 6.1 eherp.
Sblppere were: Morrow A Hampton, Wino
na. Wash.. 1 car of cattle; Kd Knorr.
Grangevtlle and Cottonwood, Idaho, 4 cars
of cattle and hogs: Gibson A Stout, Mc
Mlnnvllle. 1 car of eheep and hogn. and
George Kohlhagen, Roseburg, 1 car of cat
tle. The day" a aalea were as follows: .
Weight. Trice.
2 calves , 225 16.60
20 calves i. !: T.BO
24 cows 913 5.23
10 bulls 10O1I 8.26
27 steers 1040 .13
24 cows 926 B.25
6 hog 27S 6 35
88 hog 1K4 I.OO
2.1 steers ;..11H B.K0
7 steers rHl B-7J
4 steers '27 6.28
2 cows 1173 8.25
12 heifers l"'n 6 7.1
46 hogs ' 123 i.(0
Prices carrent on ths various classes of
stock at the Portland Union Stockyards
were as follows:
Prims hay-fed steers S0OiffJ.2S
Cholcs steers 5.75W a.u
Fair te good steers 8.15 ft 154
Common steers .0044 8.31
prime cows 6.00 8.2.1
Good to choice cows 4.5oo 4.75
Fair to good 00 we 4.26 it 4.50
Poor eowa 4oO 4.23
Choice helfera 6 m ,p 6.60
Choice bulla ; i 'rZ f t li
Choice light calvea 1 1?!
Good to choice lignt calvea I ! Il
Choice heavy calves
Choice stags i i
Good to choice stsgs 4.76 J 6.00
CholceTsg. 0 7.15
Good to choice hogs 6,.i)(n S.o
Choice heavy
Oommon 8 J '
block hogs s.7 I.Sf
Choice Spring lambs S.JOg 5.35
Choice yearlings i i ?!
Good to oholce yearlings 59'? fix
Fair to medium yearllnge 3.00 l.bO
Choice ewea 8.00 V 8.61
Good to choice ewea 3.754J S.0
Fair to medium ewea 2.aoo) a u
Oood to choice heavy wethers. . 8.8((t(i S.0
Old heavy wethers 3.00 V 3.50
Aliaeu ,ois -vui
The following quotstlons Kpreeent prices
en this market for the different claases ot
horses: Drafters, extra heavy, :oo4400;
drafters. 1400 to 1700 lbs.. l.'.0cT:S0; draft
ers. 1200 to 1400 lbs.. 8100 9 230; chunks,
1800150; plugs. 810:6 840; driving horses.
In aad up; saddle horses 60 and up.
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. June 80. Cattle Receipts es
timated st 1000; market, strong. Beeves,
34 6606.15: Western ateera, 4. 70(0 5.76;
atockers and feeders, 38.85I&5.40: cowa and
helfera. 82.26'S6.76: calves, 35.75U8.
Hogs Receipts estimated at l.l.OOO: mar
ket, generally loo higher. Light. 3-20$
6.115: mixed, 1.2StI n.5; heavy. ti .15 it
6.62S; rough. 86.10 1; 8.25; good to choice
heavy, 80.23 a 6.62 S; PlK. 5.8oS6.40; bulk
of sales, 86.406 6.60.
Resources Increased Half a Billion
In the Past Year- Growth
of Loans.
WASHINGTON, June 80. The total re
serve held by 7277 National banka at the
close of bualneas on June 7, the last call by
the Controller of the Currency, wss II.
478.140.796. an average of 27. lo per cent
and 3121.870.818 above the amount required
to be held by law. The percentage In the
central reserve cities hss Increased to 37.37
per cent. ...
Compared with their condition on June 31.
1910 all the National banks show an Increass
of 341,428,7T In their total resources; ll0.
879 000 in loans snd discounts and 3190.
TT4.I44 In Individual deposits. The only
decreases In any Items ars In United Statea
Government depoalta and rediscounts, but
these are slight.
In comparison . with their condition on
March T. 1911. the date of the prevloua rail,
the combined banka ahow Increaaea of 152.
709.736 In loans and discounts; 838.295.481
In caeh. and I17S.86T.06S In deposlta
New York City ahowa a loaa In loans of
812 851.123, but gains In cash of -810,562.080
and In deposlta of 384.2O1.020. The other
reserve citlee In the Eastern Statea ahow
galna In loana of I4.8S6.7BO. In cash of 88.
837.991. and In depoalta ot $27,114, 76T.
Tho country banka In that section show
galna In loana of IU. 446.965. In cash of 83,
819.924, and In deposits of $20.13.o33.
A summary of the Eastern btates shows alrr.0"?r.V.... ...... 8.9S2.628
Loans 22.9-9.w7
Deposit's' 131.479.721
The City of Chlcsgo shows gains In loans
of 16.825,243; In cash, 89.142.To7 and de-
poille $13,446,736.
The City of St. Louis shows a loas In sacb
as follows:
Loans 4.213.649
ciii, i.06i.u
Deposit "-O"3
The other reserve elty banks In the Middle
Western States show gains as follows:
r..., $ 2.P0S.S20
CsUh ..I..!;.... 8.669.9119
Deposits 6.816,188
Ths country banks In the Middle West
show a loss In loans of $348,630, but gains
In cash of $2,784,863, and In deposits of
$618,236. , .
All of the banks In the New England
Statea ahow loaa In loana of 1753,903. but
galna In cash of $3,488,320, and In deposits
et I9.849.27S.
Plague Reported to Exist in
Manitoba. ..
Denials Com From Winnipeg, but
Prices Show a Good Gain, at th
Close Export Demand on
AUantlo Seaboard.
CHICAGO, June 30. A black met scarce
roused the wheat pit today. The plague waa
reported In Manitoba. Denials were prompt
from Winnipeg, but the market here closed
ff o advance over last night. Corn made
a net gain of ltflSo to 1H1C Oats,
however, finished So to o down. Latest
trading left bog products strung from 8c
' decline to 15e gain.
Wheat frsrlnrs here would not be surprised
if the talk of black run In Canada should
prove accurate. The bulls were also en
couraged by a return of hot weather In
South DakoCa and by the strength of prices
for corn. Moreover, the seaboard aent word
that 25 boatloads, mainly durum, had been
sold for export. On the other band, there
waa ateady hedging In July wheat by country
dealers who were forwarding bllls-of-ladlng
for shipments of newly harvested grain. The
closing tone was weak, notwlthatandng,
much of tho advance had been held to the
end. . High and low points reached by the
September option were 90So and 89c with
last sales o up, at 89So89c.
With the West persisting In alarm about
corn, that cereal climbed as had been
looked for. An official report gave the con
dition of the crop In Oklahoma aa low aa
50.9 per cent, agalnat 82 a month ago. Sep
tember ranged from 60c to 61c, but
closed easy at 61 SC 81 Sc. a net gain-of
ISc. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow
finished at 6S690.
Reallsng sales were heavy In oata Septem
ber varied between 44 Sc and 45c closing
Sc net lower, at 44 S 44 Sc.
The provlaon market ruled higher vvltb
corn and hogs. In the end, pork was lOo
to 15c up, and ribs Irregular, about 8c each
aids of last night's prlcea
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
July $ .R! t .90 $ .SS $ .89
Sept 89S .90 .6 -7i
Dec 92 .98 .91 .92
July 89 .59 .8R .58';
Sept Sl .41 .61 .61
Dec ' .60S ,60 .89 .60
July 43 .41 .43 .48
Sept... . .46 .45 .44 .44
Dec 47 .47 .46 .46
July...... 1.1.80 15.60 15.85 18.40
b'ept 16.70 ' 15.70 15.65 18.55
July 8.3.1 R.27 8.22 8.22
Sept 8.27 8.40 . 8.35 8.37
July 8.87 8.48 8.35 8.5
Sept S.50 8.62 8.47 8.47
Jan 7.87 7.90 7.80 7.80
Cash quotatlona were aa followa:
Flour Steady.
Rye No. 2. 87c
Barley Feed or mixing. 78 0850) fair to
choice melting, SScfill.lO.
Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, nominal;
No. 1 Northwestern, nominal.
Timothy seed f811.75.
Clover 816.25.
Pork Mess, per barrel, I15.3015,2.
Lard Per 100 pounda, 88.20.
Ph-irt rlh, Sidea (loose). $7.62 8. 87.
Sides Short, clear (boxed), 88.25 8 8.50.
Oraln atatlstlcs:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 269.000 bushels. Exports for tho
week, as shown by Brsdstreet's. were equal
to 2.O7S.0OO bushels. Primary receipts were
681,000 bushels, compared with 360,000 bush
els the corresponding day a year ago. Es
timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 84
cars: com, 264 cars; oats, 129 cars; hogs,
9000 head.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 10.600 10.900
Wheat bushels 25,200 12.700
Corn, bushels 235.000 BS6.000
Oats, bushels 14S.800 255,200
Rye. bushels 5,000
Barley, bushels 34,000 1,200
European Oraln Markets.
LONDON, June 30. Cargoes, markot firm.
Walla Walla for shipment. 84a 6d.
English country markets quiet; French
country markets week.
LIVERPOOL, June 80. Wheat July. 6s
lO'.d: October, Cs 8d; December, 6s 8d.
Weather cloudy.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. June 80. Wheat: July,
BflSc: September, 0wn6; December,
00 8 96: No. 2 hard, 98c: No. 1 North
ern, T&9Sc; No. 2 Northern. 93 &
96Hs: No. 8 wheat, 91 O 95 He
Flax, 2.!7; .barley, 65&9Sc; corn. No. 3
yellow, 5!W5So; rye. No. 2, &3c; oata. No,
3. 424c
Grain at Ban Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Juno SO. Wheat firm,
barley steady.
Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $L42
tyi.&O per cental.
Barley Feed, $ per csntsl;
brewing, nominal.
Oats Red, $1.2O9I.40 per cental; white,
nominal: black. $1.151.82 per cental.
Call board aalea: Barley December, 8131
per cental bid, $1.81 asked.
Grain 1 Markets of the Northwest.
SEATTLE. June 80. Wheat: Blueatem,
OrV: fortyfold, 85c; nfe, 84c; club, S4o; red
Russian, S3c.
Oats. $27.50 per ton.
Barley, $2.1 per ton. -
Car receipts: Wheat. 8 ears; bay, 8 cars:
corn, 2 cars; oats, 1 car.
TACOMA. June 80. Wheat: Blueatem. 96
97c; fortyroia, 00c; ciud, odqbdc; reu iua-
-Wheat. 3 enra: ha v. 1 car.
Quality counts in
street pavement just
as it does in any
thing else, or the
number of yards of
hitulithic laid each
year wouldn't be
continually doubling
and trebling.
Constructs Asphalt and other Bltn
ejloous Pavements. 808-608 iilectrlo
bid. Portland, Or. Oskar oiuber,
Calls from AJnsworth Dock Portland.
A. M.. June 10, 15, 20, 25. 80, July 8, 10, 16,
20 25, 80. snd every 8 daya Freight received
at Ainsworth dock dally up to 6 P. M. Pas
Mtifir fare, nrst-clasa 310: second-olaae.
87, Including meals aad berth. Tleket of-
Bra Alnswonn ioca. nwan aws ...
Mala 110. A 1384.
Savings Accounts
Opened with the
Will Bear Interest
At Rate of 4
Capital - - - $1,000,000.00
Surplus Profits $800,000.00
J. C AISSWORTH. President. R. W. SCHMKER, Cashier,
' R. LEA BARTES, Vice-President.
A. M. WRIGHT, Aaalstant Cashier. W, A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.
rstaUished 1850
Surplus and Undivided Profits..
Letters of credit, drafts and
able on all parts of the -world.
Corner Washington
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
Palls from Alners Dock No. 8
For Tillamook, Bay City, Newport,
Florence, Bandon and Coqullle River.
Bayocean Seaside Resort
Should secure passage on the "Anvil,"
the best equipped sea boat on the
Coast; being; eafe, sure and steady un
der all weather conditions. Unexcelled
culinary department.
Phone Main 62S, A 4596.
Canadian Service
Co. 'a Office. Sis Id Ave.. Seattle! or O.
iy Stinger. IM Wa.h.1 A. U. Chart,
ton tin Mor.i F. R. Johnson, 141 di
E F. Balrd. 100 ad i Veld. Udell, ti
M. etb : H. Dlcason. 1st ad.
General Steamship Agents
09 Fifth Street Portland, Or.
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Pedro Direct.
Moris PaolBo 8. B. co.'s S. 8. Roanoke
and a. 8. Eldsr sail every Wednesaay sitae,
lately at 8 P. M. Ticket estlce M Tblra
St.. near Alder.
UAUTIH 1. OTGLEY, FaaaenKer Agsaaaj
W, H. SLUSSKB, Frelcbt Asent.
raeaes M. Ml. A 1S1.
l!( Ml'
.............. 700,000.00
travelers' checks issued, avail,
and Third Streets.
Freight received
dally at Oak-at, doo.
for The Dal lea.
Hood River, White
Salmon. Umatilla.
Kennewlc. Pf0"
Blohland, Hanford.
White Bluffs, Lewis
ton. Idaho, and lu-
. 4 at, nolntS.
rnwx-ciAss passenokb warncs.
Steamer leaves -Portland Bun,
Mgr. ynonea alaln stfoO- A S527.
The Tourist Hlsbway $1.
aad Sccnlo Route to Europe Ui
via f
The St. lawrenoe Riven,
The Shortest Ocean Passage. j u
1mm than Four Days at Sea,
Weakly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to 11",
pool. First cabin. I0: second cabin,
one-claia cabin (called aecond cabin). 1T.60;
?Sird clbln. 37 and 31-25. Ask 1 ocaa
aeenta. F. R Johnaon. G. A.. 142 Tblrd St-.
or jri. Forater. T. P. A. 713 Second ava.
8HXP CO. .
San Franclaco and Ios Angeles direct.
Trom Alnaworth Dock. Portland, 9 A. W.
6.8 Bear July 2, Rosa City 7, Heaver 1.
From Ban Francisco. Northbound, 12 M.
S S. Beaver July 8, Bear 10, Rose City 15.
"From San Pedro, Northbound. 12 M.
S.S. Beaver July . Har 8, Rose City 13,
H T Moih.r. d T. Av 14 Third at.
J. W. Ransom, agent, Ainsworth Dock
Phones Main 402. Main 268, A liQq.
Jjqtt Rates. Bchedule Tiros,
Sit Railway Exohange Bids.
Portland. Or. .....
Idols SI7S.
(Union line of 3f. Z.)
Direct through ateamera, aalllng from Sm
, . na .-a 94 n vl well
fngion and back. 1st ela... .26i. Other rates
i " 1 frU. Una M lallM f the. AAUlU faeaW
For rervation see Coupon Railroad A cent.
Mr ocaiuo p. a ju.i-,