Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 28, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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mi tt; a jJ
Man., . Ki.tir ;:2 1 !
pr:-!. E m Pott" TMs ert-
WMat el 2 IS and loai!it at
P ill aod -rn!l Vaudeville,
ifuriaoi at Ml sail toalsbl at M
r arm Sumrx.r ud.!' Tula 1"
at 1 ar.4 loolght II IM
FANTAiiS-i THtATTR-Uorl 'r,T
v, t. T:a nrmoom a :.
t'CM a T Si an4
IMPRE.-S THEATER fPerfc ea ,?7
ton , v i.J--'..a. TMl afiaraoo al
t"a tt at T SO an J
itah. ii'adc ch jot. OErro-. TI-
VOI.T rirat run picture. 11 A. "
P. M
CAKS PARK Bard concert and
pr gw.iL This aftaraooB and t-
F. i-F.ATIOV PARK (TrT-fi)r
Vaii1;- bi'il satt:e ve. Jort-
ll.ii Th: iftunooo al 1 J'l
Haj:.ti.; tkeaTES (Park end W';
Injion V tiuo picture.
A. M. to 11 P. JJ.
Tor Ihr qnlrknrt dllvery of The Orwr
Viaa at nnimr rwarK ub-rib threjaeh
IO fololf aerate. iry ratre. Subscrip
tion bj null arc parable- la adTaarvl
Ciroi pnm. .Mllanl ttprior Hoft Co.
C oiltne ."irln Irl A-
alumbla IW-avh Rilph E. talker
(.nrlurl lrk i. J. Flrhur
lane ltau. I. "ml. (oh re)
tport C.eerse Tlveee
M-n.ii rfh I. E. Ilwhey
-.'! ( lly U. T. I:dmunu
M. Mania Sprtos Cbaa. O. fajrweva
m.lrt- lark Mraltoa
feexlear Sinusal A Co-
The closiita; Women-- Christian Tfmpr
enr t'nlon Institute for the iron
wiU bo held Thursday at University
l ark, and will bo opened at 10 o'clock
la the morntr.if with devotional exer
cises conducted by Mr. Barclay- Roll
call will follow, I'apers to bo read are: and Mercy." by Mrs. J. C. Scott;
Work Amons; Sailors." Mrs. Reiborf;
-Franchise. -Mrs. D. H. Trimble; "Chrls
tlnn Cltlaens." Mra. Norman: "Press."
Miss Lymnn. Mra. L. H. Addlton will
deliver an address on -Social and Red
letter t'ay.M A parliamentary drill
will be conducted by Mrs. Clark and
a physical culture drill will be cob
eiu. trd by Mrs. Little. In the afternoon
Mrs. A. K. Meyers will speak on "For
eiirn Work and Temperance" Muslo
wul b furnlh.l by the University
Park W. a T. 17. The meeting will
t h.-l.l In the Methodist Church.
Poirra V a lurr Fakxim Rav-OROAWta-IMi.
The Fiirmtri' Produce Associa
tion, organised recently at Powell
Valley. Is to become the American So
ciety of Eguity. C R. Keller, who
started the movement Is maklna the
tbinr. He reports that he has 100
r.amea and expects to enroll 100 mem
bers In the community, or all the farm
ers of th- neiehborhood. He will apply
for a charter and organize In the
Powell Valley schoolhouse. and then
retain the orient Gransre hall as a
r-ermanent place .of meetlns;. Tho
ohje.-t of the society la to handle
firmlnc products direct. A warehouse
may be obtained In Portland where
the farming products will be handled
b-r asents of the orranlzatlon. Com
rlete nrcanisation arlll be effected In
July. The society has been operated
ucre!"fully In many of the state.
Pellwood Rosb Pbow Is SiT?rraa.
The first rose sliow held In SellwooJ
w opened yesterday afternoon In the
Fell wood V. M. '. A. butldlna-. at cor
ner of Eajt Fifteenth street and Spo
kane avnue. under tho auspices of the
f-elrwood Rose Association.- Choice
roses were placed to food advantare
In the display and were supplied by
raol.tents rf the subnrb. Mrs. Eua-enia
Little, president of the association, and
other members assisted In placing the
displays as they were brought In. Mra.
l.lttle expressed herself as highly
pleased with the reneroua response of
the roseitrowers of Sell wood. The ex
hibit rooms were thronged In the
afternoon and evening. The roao show
may be made a permanent annual
feature of the suburb.
The contract fr the construction of the
Vernwood achoolhotise on East Thlrty
r. Inth street was let to George lsack
son for l3-).000. Work on the structure
will start at once, that the building
may be finished by the opening of the
J'all term. It will contain six rooma
and be a fire-proof structure. Plana
fr the building were drawn by Eilla
V. Lawrence. It will be the first Ore
ftroof school building to be constructed
kere. The Rose City Park building
will also be fireproof.
Tn.u- Avrxre Marx Bctxo Laid.
A 11-Inch water main Is being; laid on
Villa avenue. In Montavllla. between
East Sixtieth and East Eighty-seventh
streets, a distance of 27 Mocks. This
main will supply a large district In
Montavllla north end south and also
the new district east of Montavllla
where there are many new houses. A
main will also be laid on East Eightieth
and other streets In this district
To save the cost of storage on two
100-horsepower return tubular boilers
which we are now taking out we will
sell them at a bargain If takvn at onje,
Thase boilers are of the Kewanee typ.i
and In g-od condition. Complete with
ail flttlr.a and fd water equipment,
ready for Immediate Installation. For
further particular call at room I1J
Cregonlsn bldg.
Pi-BAjjixT Ilnscs Tattler Fi Qm ljrp.
Fire In Pleasant Homo Valley, near
Fycamore Station, destroyed ash wood
worth bel.mirlng to W. X. Chllcote.
Mr. Chllcote had 1C0 cords of the
wood, but the fire did not reach the
main pile, neighbors getting the, fire
tinil-r control promptly. Tb blaie was
started by a match thrown In the
Pttcdxokt Hoxe Rraxxro. Lack cf Bra
hydrants prevented the Piedmont Are
company from dorng effective work
when the home of R- LaTeller. at lit
Baldwin street burned down, early
yesterday mornlr.g. The fire started at
4 o'clock and the rmall cottage waa
soon destroy. I. The loss Is placed at
J5..0. with J-io.i Insurance.
Pt Jokxs" Bor M:ssixo. Floyd Mo
Towe:i. 10 years old. and quite amall
fr his age. Is missing from the home
of his stepfather. M. E. George, of ij
purr avenue. St Johns, and the city
police have been asked to look for him.
The boy was d: sred In black overalls
and had no hat mhen he left home.
Womax PtrrSTcai. PtRarrron to tFAat
j:s Alberta Corey, physical director
of the vour:g AVomen's Christian Aa
soctattort. will speak at the meeting
of the nregon Graduate Nurses" Asso
ciation rooms of the Medlral building
at Z SO o'clock today.
Srcaisi to Las&
Ton Term or Yaaaa.
Ik HaT or Rrran, Diersuoo.
So Brmsi Locatiox rx On
A lit. Oaroo.tlax.
A Sxap ro Cah. 1150 will bny the
best young team of horsea. harness and
hirk in the city. All In Brst-cla con
j.iipii. can be seen by calling at room
I )) Oregonlan bide.
Arct.Lrt Ctrn. Last concert of sea
son. Oaks Auditorium. Friday evening.
June J'l; Se ticket admits to park and
concert, on sale at J. K. GUI Company.
F.i'.ers. Sherman, Clay Co.
Dir It ever ocenre to yon -what a
mistake In your prescription minT
Vave vour prescription filled by skilled
licensed pharmsclsts at Stipe Taylor
r-rug Company. 2I Morrison street
Kitiiii heavy black silk hose ft
pair. F. P. Toung. 121 Morrison St.
cpp. Portland Hotoi, ilariuam bids.
The fro manual training Summer
school for boys will open July 10 and
close August 1J. Classes will be held
Monday and Tuesdays at the Ladd
school. Wednesday and Thursday at
the Highland achooL and Friday and
Saturday at the Arleta achooL No
classes will be held In the afternoon,
the hour being from I until noon.
Boya of the sixth, seventh, eighth and
ninth grade are. eligible. The work
will be the aame a that of the school
term, except that tha boy will ba
allowed to make uch article as they
may choose, during the Bummer. Me
chanical drawing 1 Included In the
course M. O. fteel will be the In
structor. At Ctr rxxiiuxxt Novsa. Novel
entertaining feature have been pro
vided for the Ad Club luncheon at
Richards Restaurant tlday. In addi
tion to two Interesting short talks, the
management of thl live organisation
baa arranged for the attendance at the
luncheon of a no les distinguished per
sonage than "King George." Dr. J.
R. Wetherbee. who returned recently
from an extended tour of the Eastern
eltle. will talk on: -What the East
Ha Learned from the Advertising of
Oregon." The subject of another talk
br WUllnra F. Woodward will be:
"What Ad Men Co Not Know About
Advertising." The chairman of the day
will be Marshall K. Dana.
Pair Thocoht to Hati Eloped.
Request was made to the police yesterday-
to eeek Lillian Robbins. 1 year
old who I ald to have fled from the
home of her sister yesterday with John
Beers, a young plumber. Mrs. Bertha
Garner, the girl's sister, living at Kern
Park, report that he believe the pair
had fled to be marnea. j-.-..
sought permission to marry the girl,
which was refused on account of her
youth. He accompanied her to the
house of the neighbor Monday night
and took her back to her home. Later
tbey disappeared.
Car Sc-Hcntt Chaxobd. To accom
modate resident of Bank and vicinity
who com to Portland to transact busi
ness, the United Railways next Sunday
will put into effect a new schedule on
the trains leaving thla city. Train No.
j leaving Portland at 8:15. which now
runs only as far as Burlington, will
be operated to Bank, arriving there
at :60 P. M. Thl will glv Bank
people two hours additional In Port
land. Train No. IS. leaving at 1:15
P. M. which now rune to Banks, will
run only to Burlington on tho new
pKMBT-rsmtAX Bots ox Orrnxo.
Rev. J. E. Snyder. r'r of the Pied
mont Presbyterian Church, left Monday
with JO boys for an outing on the head
waters of Washougal. where they will
spend a week. The boya were dressed
In khaki uniforms. They will march
and live as soldiers. In tents. They
marched from the river to the camp
grounds on Washougal River. They are
members of the Kings society of the
Piedmont Presbyterian Church.
Miss Batik to LxorrRR Miss
Emelle Frances Bauer, the New York
critic, will lecture this morning Irf the
Portland Hotel rrl- " o'clock,
under the auspices of the Monday
Musical Club. Miss Bauer's subject
will- be "Operas and Opera Writers
Since Wagner." The lecture Is an
nounced as open to all members of the
Monday Musical Club, others Interested
In muslo and musicians.
Mbmcxcer BoT HtT BT Car
Struck by a Sunnyslde car at Seventh
and Morrison streets yesterday ore
Standley. a messenger boy, aged 15
year, wa thrown to the pavement
and dragged 10 feet being aerloualy
Injured In the back. He wa picked up
In a passing automobile and taken to
6t Vincent's Hospital.
rvva take a trip around the world
with the ladlea of the.M. E. Church.
South Multnomah and Union avenue,
this evening; substantial lunches
served at different national booths.
To Leasbl For 25 years. lot 6xmu
feet, on Madison street, between First
a e i .At. no restrictions.
Call at Ooldsmlth V Co.. 10J Sherlock
building. Third and uii streets.
o . . w vt e v a arres one mile
east of Mount Tabor on Section Line
road; all cleared: trull trees; a a""'"
f-i,- oi.It 1SO0O. worth laOOO.
Address All 1T. Oregonlan.
That Max Was itrx w hen ns
m A w ,.M K.ra hone-ht his shOCS
from ns at tl SO and saved II. Boston
Sample Shoe Store, in rourin. .r
Alder, next to 5. 10 and 15-cint store.
For Bali. Rag ruga for Summer
rottagea: reasonable price. People's
Institute, 2S Burnslde street
New lingerie waists, high or autcn
necks. $1.50 to 110. F. P. Young. 32J
Morrison street Marquam bldg.
riV. Florexcsi Mahios returned, aieai-
cal bldg.
. e, i""t (- A ia nr "R I n ar -
n spsmuai osus.--i " ' - . " '
ler Hail, Second and Morrlwon tonight.
$3000 NOTE N0VL $5334
rWunot Bank Receiver Sues Four
for 6-1'ear-Old Pledge. '
In his capacity of receiver for the
Title Guarantee ft Trust Company. R.
S. Howard. lr- ha atarted suit In the
Circuit Court to recover from R. E.
Marshall. Emma P. Marshall. F. E. Nel
son and Fannie H. Nelson. I5S34.45 and
J450 attorneys' fees on a note for 13000,
dated June 2. 1005.
The note is secured, tho complaint
avers by a mortgage on lots 2, 30, 31
and 32. block A. HoUaday Park Addi
tion, and other property.
What ETer the th-r. Amusement
Park Can Cater to All.
Whether ths weather be Inclement or
not. The Oaks. Portland'a magnificent
amusement park, is amply able to Utk
. ..... mwna
Philip Pels, who 1 concluding his
concerts this week, will move his band
Into the big auditorium at a moment's
notice where the whole programme may
be heard under cover.
Patrick Conway who is making his
second trip to the Paclflo Coast and his
first to Portland, will bring his unex
celled band to Tha Oaks next Sunday
It's pleasure to patronize a grlfl
where can be found at all times the
choicest tidbits that the city market
afford. Then thers Is also a satisfac
tion in knowing that the food ta
properly prepared and daintily served.
Add to the above the entertainment
afforded by a first-class orchestra, eup
ported by a atrong corps of vocal solo
ists and you have a little glimpse of
what the above grill offers Its patrons.
All ths delicacies of ths season at ths
Portland Restaurant Fine private apart
ment for ladles. 305 Wh, near tin st
I f. Watson's popular-priced res
taurant 10 tth at, Perklna Hotel.
Pally excursion leavee Tay lor-slreet
dock I A. M . J P. M. Leave Oregon City
11 A, I P. At. Bound trla.
Funeral of Chief Campbell To
morrow to Be Public,
Obsequies to Be Held In Lodgeroom
of Order of Which Departed Hero
Was Member Firemen to
March to Grave.
at a 7 or Simon and members of the
tire oommlttee of the Executive
Board. John F. O'Bhaa, 8. C. Pier and
6unu.l Connell. conferred yester
day aftarnoon and unanimously
acread to came tha new handaome
steel fireboat David Campbell, in
honor of the memory of the late
The resolution, officially naming
the proposed craft will be Intro
duced by Mr. Connell. a lite-long
friend of the dead Chief, at the last
session of the present Executive
Board. Friday afternoon.
This eraft will cost I125.00O. The
bonds were sold the day the Chief
met his death. Contracts for boilers
and enslnes will be awarded Fri
day. The actual construction work
will be done under the Incoming administration.
All Portland will be given an op
portunity at the public funeral tomor
row afternoon to pay a final tribute of
honor and respect to the memory of
the martyred fire chief:
The funeral, which will be In charge
of the local lodge of Elks, of which
Mr. Campbell was a member for many
years, will be held In the Elks' Temple
at Seventh and Stark streets at 1:30
Places will be reserved In the hall
for members of the fire and police
departments and for the Knights of
Pythias, of which Chief Campbell also
was a member. In addition to the seats
provided for Mr. Campbell's family
and Immediate frlenda. Several hun
dred Elks will attend.
Interment will be made at Rlvervlew
Cemetery. The funeral cortege In go
ing to the final resting place will be
led by the Firemen's band. As many
firemen as can be apared from duty
will attend the funeral In oommand of
Michael Laudenklos. Acting-Chief. The
department numbers nearly 300 mem
bers and It is believed that fully half
the men will be able to go. Every
company of the great organisation
which the departed Chief, through his
genius, untiring efforts and discipline,
built up, will contribute a floral piece.
Floral Trlbntes Xamerons.
Already the orders for flowers re
ceived by local dealers Indicate that
the number, slxe and beauty of the
floral tributes-will form a mighty re
flection of the high regard and esteem
In which the fallen hero was held by
his fellow citizens.
The Elks and the Knights of Py
thias will give Immense pieces sym
bolical of their respective orders. The
fire committee of the Executive Board.
Mayor Simon, the City Council and
other city officials also will pay their
tributes by gifts of flowers.
Members of the police department
have contributed to a fund to purchase
an emblem worthy of their position In
the city government
The Portland Press Club will have a
delegation of Its members at the fu
neral to testify to the esteem In which
he was held by the newspaper men.
Chief Campbell always was their friend
and always was ready and willing to
do them kindly service.
AH Officials to Attend.
Nearly every public official in Port
land will attend the funeral. The of
fices at the City Hall will be cloned
during the hour of the services. Ths
City Council, which Is to meft to
morrow afternoon, will adjourn out of
respect to he lamented Chief and con
vene again at 3:30 o'clock Thursday
afternoon r Iter the funeral.
The Elks and members of tha fire
department and other organizations
appearing In the funeral procession
will march tb Second and Jefferson
streets, where they will board cars for
the cemetery.
Services In the Elks' lodgeroom will
be conducted by K. K. Kubll, exalted
ruler, and the other officers. The reg
ular rltuallstio funeral ceremony will
be used. Rev. J. A. Leas, pastor of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church, will de
liver a brief funeral sermon. Although
Mr. Campbell was not affiliated witn
any religious denomination bis pri
vate life, reflected by his public con
duct, was a standard of exemplary
character. Rev. Mr. Leas Is a friend
of the family.
The pallbearers, selected from his
closest friends and associates, will be:
C. J. Cook, John IKon. Robert Town
send. A. G. Long. W. Sweeney and W.
W. Batiks.
Court to Order Measurement of Ex
cavatlon Work.
In the case of Jacobson snd others
sralnst the J. W. Sweeney Construe-
"Sorry Madam But We
Never. Received the Money"
Many a woman in
Portland has paid a
bill twice because she
did not have a receipt
or because the money
was paid to someone
who was not author
ized to receive it.
And if you haven't a
receipt you are liable
for the bill AXD PAY
The remedy.
Every cancelled check
returned to you is a re
ceipt for the amount it
is drawn for.
If you lose the receipt,
you still have your can
celled check as evi
dence. It's convenient.
It's dignified.
Start an account
with whatever amount
you wish.
Third and Oak Streets
tion Company and the Paclflo "1
& Navigation Company. In wh" e
plaintiffs allege that they had been paid
for 4000 yards less of excavation than
tho work performed and In which the
classifications made by the railroad en
gineers are alleged to be unfair. Judge
Morrow Indicated yesterday that the
eveldence had not shown the clas'inca
tlons to be erroneous. An expert will
be sent by the court to remeasure the
excavation work. The case has been
in court for weeks. -
The case of Frontier Kyi. against
the same defendants. In which the
causes of action are practically the
same, will not be concluded until the
end of July. Judge Morrow will ad
journ the case Friday and Saturday to
assist In Jury trials.
City and Rail Shipments Resumed.
Tha Union Oil Company of Califor
nia made temporary arrangements
yesterday to handle all Its city and out-of-town
business from another loca
tion. Offices have been established at
413 Yeon building, at which all busi
ness will be transacted. Phones Main
8704. A 7218
JXXT 8 TO 13.
Free CampiaK Ground and Freo
Water During Chautauqua. Elec
tric Lighted Trail From Camp
ing Ground to Auditorium.
Among high-class attractions
alreadv booked are the follow
ing: Chics go Ladles' Orchestra,
Apollo Concert Company. J..
Frank Hanley. Gabriel Maguire.
William Sterling Battis, -Webber
Juvenile Orchestra. Hon. Rich
ard Tates, Late Motion Picture
Added features In Oearhart's
famous Natatorium. Fine surf
bathing. automobillng, riding
and driving. ,
For additional details tele
phone Mala 12D3 and A T29, or
call at Gearbart Park main of
fice, Fourth and Stark streets.
i, aYA'.vW
4,r Time
You Chcned
a Waltham"
Send for
Waltham, Mum.
Iii Our Boys D
Like all of our sales, this one affords mothers a
rare opportunity to obtain the best there is in Boys'
wear at reduced prices. All goods offered are this
season's "product and our regular stock.
Boys' Wash Suits
Sailor and Russian Style
Sizes 2 to lO Years
, .$1.35
.$ .05
$5.00 Wash Suits, now
$4.00 Wash Suits, now.
$3.50 Wash Suits, now.
$3.00 Wash Suits, now. .,.
$2.50 Wash Suits, now...
$2.00 Wash Suits, now...'....
$1.50 Wash Suits,. now .
Boys' Waists
All Waists Reduced
$1.00 Waists at ....... 70$
75c Waists at. 55
50c Waists at...,. 35?
Boys' Stockings 25c Hose...-. 1
Boys' Knicker Suits
Every Knicker Suit
$15.00 Knickerbocker Suits, now. $11.25
$12.50 Knickerbocker Suits, now. .$9.85
$10.00 Knickerbocker Suits, now. .$7.50
$ 8.50 Knickerbocker Suits, now. .$6.35
$ 7.50 Knickerbocker Suits, now. .$5.35
$ 6.00 Knickerbocker Suits, now. .$4.50
$ 5.00 Knickerbocker Suits, now.. $3.95
Boys' Underwear
All Underwear Reduced
$1.50 Underwear
$1.00 Underwear
75c Underwear
50c Underwear
35c' Underwear
... i
WATCH vmsxsna
f. w. baltes
J Main 163, A 1165 First and Oak
You Will Choose This Place Forever
If You Buy Jewelry Here Once
Seen our new store yet ? Nothing has been spared
to perfect our service. '
The very fullest and latest designed jewelry from
the East. Our policy is to handle only the best grade
of silver, silverware, cut glass, etc., at a popular price.
Going away! Put your jewelry in our burglar
proof vaults, and have it cleaned and remodeled.
Well act on suggestions while your're away.
, G. Heitkemper Co.
Yeon Building, Fifth and Alder.
Your filing system is only as good as the files that hold it. Insure the safety
of your correspondence and records, as well as an orderly practice, by using
Sectional Filing Cabinets
iPml ) Hi h b h
rvir contTTCTED BT CONGRESS, in Courtyard Senate Office Building, Washington, D. 0.,
Ma??d! MIL SamirTtron of fhe cases following the fire .Ql
fJT,T.A hv thtcieLral Fireproof in? Company, of Youngstown, Ohio), had withstood the fire perfectly.
"I regard & tJi fSSS-Si ShepheTd of the Com. of Public Bldgs. and Grounds.
Stationery & Printing Co.
-Has LINOCORD Buttonhole
front gSfrid bark.f"
I front fp?? nd bark.f" I
Mv. -. '
V&k MM
A straight front close-meeting ef
fect that stays closed your dealer
will supply you.
re taster- to-but son sod they' don't
tear out.
t.t ia -' txot. M.T.
Geary Street, above Union Square
Just opposits Hotel St. Francis
European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan S3.00 a day up
Hew steal and brick structure. Furnished st
cost of $200,000. Eerr comfort and con
gruence. On carl! net transferring all oyer
rtn.n!h,i. meets trains snd steamers.
Sand for Booklet with map of San Francisoo J
We are contractors snd will furnish
lot snd finance the building ofi homo
for you on easy payments. We Rive
references and ask references.
301 Coach bids;. Phone Main 4211.
245t STAKrv 'al Hfcci
-&3? 2 Seattle's
Golden Potlatch
An Absolutely Unique Celebra
tion of the Arrival of the
First Golden Treasure
from the Golden North
Some of the doings of 'Potlatch lVee
Aerial FllrHts Daily, by Curtisa. Elyand others
The Wonderful Hydroplane Traveling by Air,
Land and Sea.
UT.t Pit. mil Snorts.
Review of the U. S. Battleships
Daily Historical and Artistic Paeeanrs.
Coronation of King- and Queen of the Potlatcn.
Parades of All Nations.
Japanese Feast of Lanterns.
Chinese Monster Drmeon Parade.
Indian Dances snd Ceremonies.
Floral Parades of Women and Children.
Music by Ellery's and Other Great Bands.
Nightly Dances snd Masquerade.
We Collect
Worcester Bids;. Portlsad, Or.
Foster & Kleiser
High Grade Commercial and Electrie.
W3mmt Tth and Emt Everett At,
Fhoaes Cut 1U1 B-2234,
nr. T. Felix Gouraud's Oriental Cream or
Magical Beautlfler.
BSkf-J .sr-SS Bemores Tan, Pimples.
rl Ns Freckles, Sloth PtcheJ
hZS rrr2l R&ta, and bkln Dees,
ana every oiemia
od beauty, acd de
fies detection, A
hw stood tiie te?t
of 99 years, and
la bo barmlese w
t&stelt tobetureik
Is properly mad a.
Accpt no counter
feit of eimUar
Bime. Dr. L- A
jr stud to ft
of tba haute
ton Atienti I
"As yoo Udies
will use them.
T rAmmtcd
nsaMMnslysi m mm t IffAflt harmful of all th
ftkln prepavrailorjt." For sai by all drnjcpina and Fancy
Goods Dealers in the United Suuas, Cati-xia and Europa.
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