4 13 . : f XO EXCHAXGE. . x-w I REAL ESTATE. f REaTkSTAT;, CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daly Bndar. pv It Ite Owe Usee .".V " r.m. ad . Usa. VS. . . . - jinl as ea nil H Ueme-t. iW M d csrte4 fee less t la smM use. la eaa Um rate appHe Jfflflunu Ike ia act eel aomtMY uaar-ir la Ibe setter. -.careea a tba nibT ef wrti ta aarb Uaa. la New Tweay ail aartlnaaala ar , barge ar se--re a-lj. 14 Haaa la ta. li. aba relee eeW la a4.i llnwH .W -Naw Tde- ana all etker claaaUhra. tir.e. excepting b fllwgi Miwwm V anted. Mala. Mlwitou taata4. t.aaale. f or Kant. It .me Frtveie FesnWee. Hnama aa4 Board. private Families. Tba raia aa Iba aba'a elaoaH-rHoae Is rrala a haa aacb laamlaa. tar tba ai i ilail.e af palrvaa. Taa la aa Iba laiajwaaa. r.tiiUn he a, laea la a aabarriUcr ta elthww ubaaa. a m will ba a - ar Iba phoaa, bat wUI ba rrwdrrrd tba followtmg day. a,, haniail aalvert roseate will ba will a 'P . n inrq . . vmla kill will ba tvwdcr d Iba folk Ubetkcr eer-eqo.i-1 a-vertler arrant ever lla pbatia. aapaaH aaaa Iba aaamptoaa af Iba aataMSt ar leiep . aa a TenUaatrata. MIuUm Mealed aad Per. i.Mla..ii wltl aa ba araaptaw ,H tba talapb. aa. Ordere for eae lnrrta It will ba aarrplaw lr - umltara for Hair.- "Ilaalaaaa Opaarta- llaa. -Reeo-las -bailors' Mo." "Wealed la Trr.tr trmw. B Avoid paying: an ces I a eve price for excla IJ lize, close-in &nd de sirable view prop I erty by buying la I a home site in Kl Burlingame. CA No retainirg; walls 11 necessary. " THE WEST SIDE CO. Madison Bldg.,3d & Madison Mar. 980 A 4747 $27,500 40x100 on ilain street, three blocks from the Postoffice. KEASEY nUHASOHJLFFERY ) 232 Chamber of Commerce, C Free Rent tVe wiU furnish a Tine larre tent house free of oet to every lot buyer for the next 30 day. 10 PES CENT CASH $10 PEE. MONTH Call or rhone, GSEG0RY INVESTMENT CO, 413 Corbett Bldf. Marshall 557. A 2644- CA!I TOC BEAT TTTH f Kl!ck.tatFruitLant160 Acres Klickitat fruit land. HO acres. miles from Wahklacus station on tha Q.-W. R. a N. R. R, light In tha center of tba finest fruit belt In Klickitat County. Every advantage of quick, transporta tion, rood roads, eta. I will sell this auarter-eection for 110 per acre It taken within three days. This means one-halt what It should sell for. Vot maps and further Information call on or acMreee C P. V T.LL. 32Z-X:-ZJT Abtaa-tes) Ride, CltT. HOME BUILDERS TV a are contractors ard will furnish l-t and finance tie bnlluing of a home fee you on easy paymenta We giva references and ask reference. WT ATT, CyTARROOK at RAT, 30t Cwweb bids. rkaae Mala 4311. Be) l'BrHBA LOTS. 4l rolnutes ride on Filem Electric OoovJ school and store. These lots fare the station and are nicely located, not poor one In the bunch. At the pres ent s-'!i:nsc price you can easily mora then double jmur money. Terms ran ba arrans-d. For maps and further In formation ca.l on or address C. r. WELLS, 135-S2A-JIT A bias tea Hle. Piedmont Snap Hwell. modern T-rcm rtouse on 5s 10 corner lot on Height ave near Kl'.Ilnrsworth ; cost Su"J. Owner nriat tell quick, and for a few days eur price Is 14 4)0. cash. CRriM at IIDOW, IT Bee re" of Trade Bids, eth mm4 Oak. MONEY TO LOAN CTTT MORTOACEe, FARM MOHTM1GKI, IOWT.1I RATES. ItHHJ TO ITT. A. II. HI KK ELL CO a, 83 MTiAT BriLOIXC Third aad Stark. TWO MODCR.f nONEI. Ownrr must aacrlftca. They are prac tically good as new. On S-room In Nob jniT district, and one on omor In Ii-rlngton. They ar worth ITS00 and lliue. Make aa offer. Will give terms. r. O. SORTITRTP, IIS Caere Bids. 4th Bear vYaah. Mala Sitni. 52100 Iot 25x100, Thonnaa St., near 21st KARNOPP & KOPr. 325 Ey. Ex Eld.. SI 400 10x104. raltaMe for business, flats or Tesldencee. near new car enopa, uii fide; on car Una. Terms, Investigate. Owner. Winters. 401 Chamber of Commerce. el M we l I ban t. W Mmui U.aeo Ibe -M cbt bofc MORTGAGE LOANS ncf JOHJi E. CRQNAN, JOf J JO SOS SsaJala. Bid. .e .U, - - : .,T,..,c- For Sale Hu. . . , CUSSY SHE.ROOM HOHB IX IRVIXGTOW RESTRICTED DISTTIICT. lirtnr room. JCxlf: dlnlnir room, with bu!ll-ln butfau dan. llxlS. con tain bolit-ln bookcase, wrttlns; ". disappearing bod and firapUra; Dutch kitchen, whlto nmolad: washroom nd tollrt downstairs: 5 bedrooms, bath and toliat upstairs, and s;lsss-enclosed s. serin rfch; drsssln room In con nactlon with sach badroom; liirs; attic, basement and norches; S flreplacaa, ttookwood tile: fumaca: first floor fln Isned In quarter-sawad oak; second fioor. white enamel and mahorany; II wlnJows plate trlass; front door; ranch doors In dining room; book cases, buffet and transoms, special de sign art class: elegant fixtures; epeaklne; tibes; electric door openers: extra telephone connections; dust and linen chutes, and many other con Tenlences. Lot 82x100; street Im provements) In and paid. m Must be seen to be appreciated. Built for a home. Sunerrlslns; architect on the Job elirht hour every day. Cannot be duplicated for 11000 above price asked. 111.000; terms. STEWART REALTT CO, Mala 3304.. SI3-14 Sellla. Bid-. RF At- yaTATB PK.4XEKA. Heck. William O.. SIX Tallin bid. iJrubakw a Ilaaedlct. ftdli bia, at. S4S. Chapls A Harlow. Sj rhsmher Commerce. Coos. B. . a Co.. Corbett bins. Jennlns. Co. Mala 1SJ. SOS Oreronlsn. PiUIH-JONM CO, IL P.. 21S Commer cial Club b!1. The iitMon K.ai F.tate Co.. rirsnd ava. and Wuitnom.a mt. (Ilolladnr Allltloo. WHITCOalU BROS.. Iu20 Cham, of Com. KEU ESTATB. ar sale tots. P AF.OAIN'S IS LOTS. S lots, Vscalan rosd and Texas St. extlD. K. ta and l.th avenue. Kill! E. Clay and kU TUB els. ." Patton road, t ill E. K'h and Powell road. ilo. K.nilwonh ava. lwilti, E. 4ih and V'M St. MAKE av OFrrR. THEJl. llTS HfsT BE BOLD. MEHCHA.NTS AVISOS a TRC8T COMPANY. LOTS. $10O. . RtarTT ON WEST PIPE CAItLINE. BEVONU CITY PARK. SWT H AND W. TAMHILX. PTS. New . addltloa. tea mlnut.e from bu.l neas eeoter: on aew v'aehtnc tnn-et. car line lots ftOxlcu, mt ImstT. IJ.'A easy parraente: these lot are beautiful hn" s t.e. Natlcnal Reaity A Trust Co. Wsehlncton et., room 111 FREfJ i5 rKEE. LOTS GOLD V TCH MANT Read eur ad ta tomorrew'B ORB- CON1AN. ArilBAOr-CtTT TROPERTT. PACiriC X.-W. DEVEIXJPilk.NT CO, 404 Couch Bide. T.ET MB BUILD TOO A HOME. HOVHEa AND TLAl ART1STIO T. lO.VKD. CURRECrUY CONttTRVCTKD, riNISHKD AND TINTED ACCORDING TO THE LATENT JISTIK'DA MONET LOANED AND ND CHAHOFJ FOR PLANS WHtM I nl'ILD. TWENTt TEARS OF lia'IOMSu AXD LUII.D INO EXPERIENCE AT TOCH 6F.HV1CS. E K. L'X-KE. Si9 HBNHT ULDU. YOl" OiKlHT TO 6KB tha way tha city Is growing up around our AOxlOO lota Buy a bomaslte now for 110 a month, no ether first payment neces sary; you (el elty water, tba same car service that Is enjoyeel by tha hlsh-rrto-d raatrtet.4 dUtnols Of the East tilde. In vestigate, loaard. Columbia Trust Co, 4th t- IRVING TON SNAP. - Baantlrul corner lot 10x104 on East 14th. with elesant view west en Schuyler at., all Improvements In and Bald for; price for a quick aale Is fl4M. iltOO cash hendl-s. Better get next to this at once If you ap preoiate a ansp- C. r. PFLTTOER CO. S-itte U Mulber Bkrig.. id and Morrleon. . 50 DOWN. Balance 1 par month, bnve a good lot SAxlon In fipanton'e Addition,- grs'led 1 streets, water, sewer, all paid; prlee taSO. but now or r-HAPIM A HERLOW. R" 8S2-I3S Chamber of Commerce. 4JTH AND Harrleon. lot I. block I, Falling AaaillOB. aa. imni, . i . w and Mount foott cars: o-mlnute ride from I"ostoffloa: lots In same block selling for 10: thla I"t TS0t terms I1TI cash and $ it per month. Jamas E. Brockway. gen. del, elty. HVnr BH HOLT), gome fine Iota; owner needs the money; they are located fine oa Broadway. Bchuy. ler and Hancock a'reets; don't overlook thta They are creel bargains, much un. der value at f.V etch. S.e Pol-n, Heck ler Co, IM Broadway. 1 hone K Sve. 0 1WS. . Soiwt BITT3 a Baa (OaloO lot ea E lth and Holgata eta; street Is graded and elty water Is Is: everything Paid for; fine fruit trees: very easy oayments. Bee owner. 414 Bpaldlns Bids. BATOCEAJ LOT. Vaar new hotel; I will sell this lot very cheap; If you are looking for as extraor dinary r-nrxaln. phone be. . E. Cle moota. Vlaln 103, A 1510. SOUTH MT. TABOR. Three blocas from new ML Tabor Park. Two full lota, louxloo. for sale at a sacrlUcs: owner ba left city and must sell st oars; terms, V 1T4. Oregoolsn. Look at this!-ErroT-H.lghta, I20O equity for 1150; t.o taxes, ne interaa-.; lot llvx lo- 2i mlnut.e from easier of city: am leaving eity. Call 2e I K. 1-Lh St, apart ment A. 10 DOWN. flO PEN MONTH. Pine view lot. matured fruit Ireee, re stricted district, aear ear. earnest walks. Bull Kua water, fruit cared f.r fraa ex charga J01 BoardoX Trade bldg. FOR SALE Lof inxioo. alley 14 ft., shade t-.aa, water piped to lot and ceeeneol In; 12oa r.nw market: muat have cah. Pries J X W. K Allen. East eulb, and Stark. I'hona Tabor TlO. lOOxlOO, VAP:" WEST SIDE. Fine corner en Kelly et.. walking 0.S tence nrt e 50""X caey terme; will divide, OR1SSI A IfADOW. SIT Boardc:fTra'1eIU.Ig.. 4ih and Oak. yA TC11 the new car stops now being coo etruoted. We offer a few lots near by on good terme at anginal price: Investigate; t-uy before the advance. Kedrlia A Winter. 4-3 Chamber Commerce. , 1'fncr.n tc Eeij I'oob cash buys si fine, fult slxed lots In restricted district; ran double your money la 2 or eara l 201. Oregoniaa. " WALNUT PARK. Car Eodsey and Lmereoa; looxioo; 3Vo, terms. Woedlswa --'1 or AD Zuu, itr.eonlan. S10 LOTS. cerltne build- U?m bast buy In the cllv. kmplra Reelty 4 Trul Co.. Yvn bldg. Marehall jit. WESTMORKLAND. looxlOO ea Brbea , two Mocks from .D new earlin bargaio. lion. Sua 5,Bs:kI or P .g-. Or.fanian. mi, aell cnaloe lol ao Oenncll Craet com meadlng view of entire elty aad Toalaila Vilev and build ta suit purchaser. Terms. 11-4 C.m b.dg. Marehall JTiS. TWO bice kite la Irvlngtoa Tark 1 V... 7. wm.m.tta Addition far fark aad twe eenable. Apply e oaaer. 41 X. Ooorce W. Tabler. both pnonoa S10O lul R lota, level and el'arad. ap.en d.d Invee-.ment: will sell tha four for; KXX terma Owner. 101 chamber ef Com merce. IT-a a resular outing to ride le tnoee lots . . ... xn miButas noli 6T lota la ao davej that lella tba atoryi let me ahow J you. 41 or A. FEW good lota for sals at (lot; ta eluaa ... . ... . . . . balance IT a mo nth fl n eat garden land. All l IS. Oregoniaa. iiu LAH 10 monthly. BOxlOO en Alberta Una. eir'eet Improvements la. price 4M. ... ,i.nS hle. lOuxlou. CORNER G'eew ava and Holman. will be sold st barsaln. Howard Land .... .!. hMe. V a. . eve e ........ iieuO BUYS T fine lots In restricted dls rief ail eash racjulred: this Is a money maker oi'ARTKR block, corner Cook aad Mlaeoejrl taal very sightly. 13000. L B. Thoms- son Co.. -' d. two Laurelhurat equltiae at leas than ca.u bought F.eruaxy. Ik 10. AL 301, Orage- v?RT choice Irvlngton Tark lot ux!-0: f R ! .ri . ilolhroek. Main 77T4. peet ' VtT equity In three lots la University. AO 13. Oregonlsn. Per ale Houeee. FOR SaLE -New country home near River dale; beautiful grounde snd view; owner. AT Sla. Oregonlan. rni wonxma' oregon-tat. Tuesday, .......... I, i, trivx-TV" Js.i completed and ready for .occu pancy; S rooma. hardwood floors B; stairs, floors nnl.hed upstairs, haadsome.y flniehed woodwork, rnitch kitchen, cement baeement. furnace. S Breplacee. Ushtlng Oxturee, shades, Isrgs stllc; faces taat, lot H"xl00 feet, hard surfacs pavement, on carline; price lo.-'.'0. terms liWuO cash. balance on mortgeee. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. Jl; III Commurctal Club Pldg. Fhon es Main p.A 28.3. THAT VACANT LOT. TTHT NOT TURN A BURDEX INTO INCOME PHOPERTTT IF YOU 0M A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE WONKV AND BUILD RESIDENCE 0..KI,AJ PLANS FREE. IF WE BUILD. OfR BEP UTATIO.N YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. I- R. B A I LET CO.. INC.. ' ' ' .'"jv . -INO ARCHITECTS. B24 ABINGTON BLP. 8T.NXTSIDE A beautiful ft-room bouee OB E. Tth st, ons block from beet car serv ice In city, for 40oo, on very easy tsrms; new. modern In every particular: sttract Ivs Inside and out: largs living-room, dln-tng-room. reception ball, Dutch kltohen. s b.4rooma e'.eeplng porch, cement baee ment. furnace, hardwood floors. This le a bargain at tha price. McAllister Luedde man. PJ1 Electric Mdg. OWNER HAS TOO M ANT IRON'S IN THE FIRE And will sell new. etrlctly modern i-room bungalow, on zd sc. doss to Hawthorne ava, at co.t; terms to suit. HERE la WHERE ACTION COUNTS. 140S Hawthorne Ava Phone Tabor SS0 CASH. ROSE CITT PARK. (U PER MONTH. 7 rooma reception hall, den. sleeping porches, solid oak flour, built-in buffet snd library, bookcases, furnsee. fireplace, mirror, doors, etc. National Realty A Trust Co.. S'.'SH Washington St. Phone Main 0129. room SIS. 'Hon Ttr-vrtjiTJSw I4fx. Veer. fine. A-room hunsalnw with flre- laca. buffets. heam celling. Dutch li.h.n lnt RfivlOA entith front, on E Everett, near Bth; price :?oo. 1400 cash. 120 per month. Why pay rent? CHUnKI A ZADOW. SIT Poarj of Tmda Pldg.. 4th and Osk. , ACT CUICK. I'.OPE CITT VAUK. BARGAIN. CASH 150, TKRMS PER MONTH. I'hICK S240. New, modern five-room bungalow, two blocks north ..f cer; lo' f.OxlOU; restricted oiiLT'ct; hnptovf mints paid. Phons Ta bor is;;. EAST TATLOR ST. Modern e-rooro house, furnace, H replace, bnllt-ln china eloeet. Iuth kitchen, three bedrooms: -4t HOxluO. tine lawn, fine roeee and trees. East Taylor, near 23d; price 94P30. part caeh. oRU6r a zadow. SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IX) TOti want a home on the East Fldet We have eome beautiful places, che.ip snd on easy terms In Irvlngton. Laurel hurst. Roea City Park and other aitrao tlva dlatrlcta McAllister A Luendemnnn. :i Electric bldg. Phones Marshall UlloL or A er'Ca, IRVINOTON BAROAINS. Some choice modern homea; muet be sold at very attractive prices, oak and ma hogany Cnleh. before deciding on your home see Dolan. Berkley Co. They will save you money. t0 Broadway. Phones Kaat SIKJ, C I M3. NEW BUNOALOW. ROSE CITT PARK. t rooma and bath, complete, beautifully finished hardwood floore and fireplace. booKcasa, buff-t, Dutch kltch'n: piped for furnace, cement basement; terms srrsnged by owner. 404 E. S4th st. N. cor. Thomp son WELL-BUILT T-ROOM HOT'SB and small barn on corner lot. East 24th and Couch. An exceptionally good buy. Nothing In the neighborhood to compsrs with It mr the money. Two blocks north- of East T-KOoM house. Ladd addition; bath, sleep ing porch, reception hall, furnace, tlre vlace, wood lift, elothea chute, cloxets In eaoh bedroom; bullt-ln buffot In hall; up stairs hardwood floors; ths pries Is rlght. ! E- Mth st. Phone East H02.1. D.VATB. Only S4SO. lot near Rosa City Park car. a'.o ons for S7iX, bungslow on corner for 1100, another H0OO. both new and mod ern, nleeljr located, terms to suit you. bee . " . ,1K BnaliHn. bids. j ae- v.. p.w - , INCOME propertv. three aijartmenta, fur nlaned. lot 00x150, Income 0 per month, walking dleiance; S4000 will handle: esy terms on bslance. T per cant. Woodlawa S'21. C 84 J. BE ATJTTFTTL TIOME. Best location. Irvlngton, finished In osk and very select fir: modern as poeslhle: lot TUxlOO: also lota all prices F.mt 273. C me; no agents W. II. llerdman. foil BALEorexchsnge. a beautiful mod em apartment-house, new snd handsome ly furnlehed. 10 yeara' leaee; will ex chsngs for real estate or $000 cash, bal ance on easy terms. Inquire Ceo. Baker t o. .1 5 1 ' k . NICE, new B-room house and corner lot, E. (let and Grant eta: 1 nice lota facing Pa. r-.n near hotel at Bayocean Park. 140 acres yellow pine timber In Wheeler rountv. Call July 1. at 114 Board of Trade bldg, for Mr. O. xinn BELOW market price takes modern Irvlngton home of seven rooroi. hall and bath: bullt-ln furniture, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement: halt cash, balance monthly. Phone East 5310 fiODERN' 6-room bungalow on fine corner, one block from Hawthorn ave.. brand new. It's a beauty: we can make terms ta suit you. Pries sdsuu. Western Seu. Co, 414 Spalding bicg. FOR BALE or rent, a furnished house J Klrbv and Webetar eta, opposite the Jefferson High 8chool; ISO per month rent or will sell on esey terms. Inquire Calu mat Hotel. ISO "ark St. fVaVINa town will sell beautiful Irvlngton home' con 110.600; sell 1SMH); 1.V)0 will handle It, balance your terma 6 "4 par cent All Improvementa in ana paid lor; no a'gonta. Phono morning. Ka.t tk.8S. NOB-HILL I h) rt a mtdern S-room houee, . w.tinn varnaca. fireplace and every. thing modern; price only 7i00 and will give very easy terms. J. L- smith, 613 Chamber t.onun GOOD double apartment-house, I rooms each, rent J4 month; pays 1 per cent; terms IITS cssh. balance any terms; am l.. vine the atala. ao act at once. AP 3 1 1, oregonlan. S4i CAS1L balance easy; new, 6-roora cot " tage lot 1nx25S. B blocks kit c0ll car; price Il.thO; If you have Judgment as te valuea. Investigate thla ,. '.V A BISHOP. 1B2 THIRD BT. aioPFRX ho ne on Willamette Helrhts. lot ..nut, k.nit T rtuimn forced on the mar ket under forecloeurs ef mortgage. Weet- ern tecurny lo., aie oiaiuii.a-'a. erii.iTIN VALLKT. B miles to Portland, 14 minutes to Tlgsrd Ptatlon. I acres. Ik00- 4 acres 4140O: term..' 11(0 caeh. hal Ince'your own terma AP tlS. Oregonlan. " inVINVJTON HOME. Modern lu every way and beautifully la- rated, t an owr. SOvd. 41J East 21st et. ISorlh. fib-iibN tiTlt. Interest, buys electric lights. s-.&Ol Owner. which Includes T per cent ft-room home, bath, gas. telephone; oornar lot; price Kaat a J 4 I. MODERN. I-room, mountain view, gas, sew. walks, re.lrlotiona. high school, IJ400, Jsymenta Zeila Coaselt. 7 Wast Killings. worm. lBl"lsr,TOX BARGAIN. HURRY! Will .lirifloa If sold Immediately, beautiful home. Call and see It- rhone. kaat aiH. Iiemr. A, REAL anap. IZ730; a six-room houee nlce i.. ...r.i.i,.d. lot SOxloo. nice garden. isoo cssh and the balanoa monthly; easy terms Phone Woodlawn S21 or C 220. .TiM-ri.t lodarn 7 -room houea. S Bra- pl.oaa, cameo t bMtffl.nl, sleeping-porch. lar.e attie; waiaing c--. iar eala br ewner. AO 1L Oregonlan. .T.novr Ktin.alow. Ave rooRii and bath flva fruit trees: centrally located; good ao-minute ear aarvloa: 2 a moath. Own er 6o4 Itoard of Trade. wu u.t v a-room house, lot 60x100: etree to grade, sldewsik In, plumbing In; Ill.V", part cash. 01O 14th st. N. Woodlawn Sua. IRVINOTON-hVmss, rent or sale, for good bargalna Ca.1 on Doleu, Beckley Co, B 0 B roadway. Phones East C lofts. ' VOB RILL. Tine S-room strictly modern house. Pull lot at a eargain. .--j -w v . r T-room houea. batb. eleclrte lighta. 11S00 c.in. balanoe Urtna 44 Kelly ec: no sgenla Inquire rTv S-ItOOM home. SOS Guild st,, near S.1d .d Thurman. will ascrtnoad. Cal premises a saI.I. New, modern e-room buagalow. Vriee 3ao; t'o caso. real easy terms. Owner, East 474. iii e or rant, partly furnished oot. if.. .1 Ucl Beach. Apply 5S Williams va. rn.. ' xw OWNER. B-room house. 12400: close In. carline; eay tarma pnone East 1137, 474 tset Ash at. a-MODERN B-room house, lot 43 1-SxJsa Cs'.l Eucens St. 11 IRVINOTON sor saia. m "u eru reaiaeaca yCT MJimui.'- y ' sThoOVI modem upper Eat In Irving ion. JfEW houee. big lot. with fruit, fo sale by wnsr. sua i -e- - tJFtt n vour home now. Call at TO j Couoh bicf HUML.1 r,A.ax B-room bungalow, near car, fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, oa floors. Isrgs attic, sast front. J500 down, balance moathly. B-room -story houea. en carline. mod ern. Includes shades, fixtures, tinting anu lawn; 3600 down, balance monthly. T-ronm house, corner E. Bslmon end I J3. th. modern. Hawthorne or 6unnylde csr: select neighborhood; 1000 down, bal ancs monthly. y 6PECIAL Six-room o-gtory house, oak floora. furnace, fireplace, tinting. MO; fixtures. now, fireplace, lawn. b'oca from csr; reetrlctsd neighborhood. 4ouu. 100 down, balance monthly. B-room y-storr bouse near car. modern, good neighborhood, gas, electricity, ail Improvements paid; iU0 down, balance monthly. 4 rooms, concrete basement, lreI,,5f?i bookcases. Dutch kitchen, full lot. run water, electricity, streets all V?W is3 bnlldlng restrlctiona new. 32260. Iiw doan, Tralance monthly. ..rarTlB PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TRUBTEB COMPANY. -r. m tOl-t03 Board of Wrada. HSBO. IHS CASH. 1 PER MONTH. 1NCLTJDINO INT. Pine new 4 -room bungalow, atreet lm provaments coneleung of graded streets, cement sldewslats. Bull Run watsr. ail In and paid for. Call or phone GREOORY INVESTMENT CO, 411 Corbett Bldg. Marshall 167, A 3444. ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON BUNGALOWS Among ths flr trees of ML Tabor, with a grsnd view of Mt. Hood. Tlt street snd Esst Ktark. Take Mt Tabor car. Also a two-story, s-room house. uiv Hsncork st. Will take a good lot as tlrst payment. TONY O. ANDERSON, Builder. 4il Lewis Bldg. Marshall 103. LAURELIRTRST HOME. Eight rooma, tath. sleeping porch, harri wonat floora 3 fireplaces, 2 toilets. 3 wood lifts, bullt-ln buffet of bevel plate glass, ftrelees cooker, rcf rlgerstor, paneled dining-room, bullt-ln bookcases, etc, etc.: a beautiful, thoroughly modern new home; owner will take $1000 caeh. balanoe TOCO time to suit, or will take 31O0O cssh. a good lot. acreage or automobiles up to I'JoeO and balance 35000 terms to tult; AT 811. Oregonlan. NEW and modern residence In finest Irv lngton dHUict on East zoth st.; a rooma hsndsomely finished, very attractively ar ranged; large living-room and dining room with beamed ceilings. hardwood floors, ureplsce, Dutch kitchen. S sleeping rooma cement baeement. furnace: price IHOU0, IIikki rash, balance easy. McAllister A Lueddeman. U21 Electric bldg. Phones Mamhsll 228L or A Sfli'S. EXCHANGE HAWTHORNE HOME. 7SX100. with modern 10-room bouse, northwest corner 30th and Madison sis., free of encumbrance, for close-in acreage, three t five acres preferred: will consider land worth up to I2O00 an acre; this house will rent for 6o a month. See It. Do not disturb tensnta It It appeals to you I will show you Inside of house. JACOB HAAS. Yeon iag. 332JO 12,10 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT, will buv a beautiful new 5-room bungalow on E. 37th SC." In ths Bunnyslds district; modem and attraotlve: living-room with fireplace dining-room, sewing-room, Dutch kitchen, 3 sleeping-rooms end bsth. full cement bsisroent; lu blocks from best car service In city; this Is a snap. McAllister A Luecdemann. 021 Electrlo bldg. Phones Marshall 2281. A 862o. T-ROOM new modern house, good basement, fine electric flxturee; extra large lot: I will sell It for 12100: a vsry small pay msnt down, and small monthly payment. It will be better than renting. I will give a genuine bargain. Come and see J E. Pmith. 813 Chamber Commerce. I2H00. Terms: will buy new strlotly modem bungalow on sightly 60x100 corner lot on Esst 2th st., clone to carline; a snap. KAUFFM ANN A MOORE. 323 Lumber Exehsnge. WE hsve houses, lota farms, acreage, rooming-houses, hotels, autoa, horeea, tax ti tles, relinquishments, several lines of pay ing businesses or anything else you want to trade for. GARLAND BARHNES. 101 4th ft. BUILD TO "LIT rui If you own lot will build house and help finance. 883 C. of C. Bldg. Main 20L A SNAP for somsone who wanta to buy a home and quit paying rent; a new house, alas 18 by 22. In Woodstock, on Milwau kee ave. for I4S0. Call at 1301 Yeon bldg.. or Ttoone aiiiin K,1 PlkJCJ 11''-',''- 788 Corbett sc. lot Boxioo. B-room mod ern house, street improvements all In; terma Key 78S Corbett St. Owner. 269 Jotn. siajn uwo, ..vvr.ai i. - - B-room modem m -story bungalow near rood carline. 4100 cash. bal. 335 per mo., including Interest Columbia Trust Co, W4 m s- la), Lady muat sell at ones; will eacrlnce her e-room modem home near 284 and Thurman for 38000. llagemano. 101 Rall- way Ex. ISO CASH, I12.B0 MONTIL Clce 4-room cotinee. bath, toilet, hot water, electric, plastered and tinted; Ft. Johns csr. 60x100 with alley; 1S00. Smlth-Wsgoner Co., 3U'313 Lewl" b e" FINE 8-roomhoueo on Esst 12th street; close In; a bargain for so.ne one. 361 E. tlth at. rnonn r.i-a J".'- For Snle Ituelneas rroperty. SITE for flats or apartments between Rail road and Broadway bridges, west of East 1st St.- 60x130 feet; fronts on two streets; price S300; will sell south half for I35V0. Owner, yjl -netu w Acreage. COUNTRY HOME SITE. Tu acres out ML Hood way. only I1S0O. Fine, great trees; a regular park; moun tain brook, close to auto road, rich soil, free delivery. Vt mile tn store and school. Am ewner snd can msks terms If desired. If really Interested let ms tell you about It 8 T. Walker. 817 Worcester bldg, 3d 1. --. .1 v. -1 1 til? CH I"K EN snd fruit ranches nagr Portland; walking distsnee to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district: view of Columbia River and snow peak.; 2 acres I2.v: X seres 1300. 10 scree 0. 20 seres 1800. 10 per cent cssh. eesy payments. FRANK M.KARI.AND REALTY CO, Ol'tf I eon i'.ui.i " i . i-i m. 8375 BUYS ten acrea deep, redshot soil, adapted to fruit and vegetable: all smooth and tillable, no rock; wood and water; close to school, postoffice and stnrs- within easy reach of Portland, and the eheapc-t land on the market. Cn ahow you any day. 313 Couoh bldg, lu 4th st. . PINE suburbsn home In Oak Grove, Oregon City Una 6-room bouse, store room, pan. try. flreplaoe and bath, tiled well and - large verandas; bam and woddhouse, large chl-ken ecrral: 1 H sera, all cultivated lo vegetahlee. fruits and berries; also choicest flowera and ehruba. Inqulrg at gtatlop. ACRES GENUINE BEAVERDAM. The kind to raise onions or celery; von ean make 2O0 par cent on your Investment '"iSSo p"r'aora VERT EAST TERMS. See this righ.t away. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO, 405 Couch B'dg. X ACRES COURTNEY. SNAP. 4 llocks east of Courtney. H4 acres cleared; acre beautiful native woods: berries, garden; leaving Portland: will sacrinea. South side street. 6ee It and make offer. Owner 414 Couch bids. J acres, fenced, acre In cultivation, neat new email house. 4 miles from center of city West HI ila. near macadamised eounty 'road, spring ter rich soil; an Ideal chicken ranch; 11000. soma terms. W 114, Oregon n. sToO-PER ACRE 10 acres en the Section line at Rochwood road chicken ranch.or buslnsss location: 3 acres elear and small house. W. Ormsby. 41st and Holgsts; Phone 8ellwood J all day 6unday. " 11-ACRB FARM. Close to Portland, svery fool under cul tivation: a bargain for somebody. Pries llbuo. terma Western Bee Co, 404 Spald ing bldg. 11 vt ACRES near Portland, on Oregon Elec trta R. K.I V4 In cultivation, running lar, prlei 1 .Pot cash; ,60 te, 100 or iriiE. miles from Courthouse, 1 mile .i; .7 Beaverton. Improved, cultivated; 5Jd springe: I60O0. L. E. Thompson A Co.. -HB 3d. sviTaores. 4 blocks from Multnomah sta i&J per sera Phone. Main 4108 or-ilnx. or C .08. Oregonlan. icrfaGB end fsrms. from 112.80 per acre uo- large and small tracts. Call Kinney A BU-h-pher, .31-3 Lumber Exchange bids. 1 , , a AND 10-acre tracts, close In, good electric car service. 1100 to 250 per sore; S,. valuea easy terms J. W. HefTerlln Realty Co.. 808 Corbett bldg., both phones, jttn'e 87, 1911. ' REALTY BARGAINS. HARttROVE A 60N ACRE. 1500. This is a choice piece of acreage, near Flrlond station on Mt. Scott line; all in cultivation, fenced and set to berries, price 31600, 3100 down, balance monthly paymsnla CLOSE-IN CORNER AT A BARGAIN. At corner of Minnesota ave. end Willam ette boulevard, in walking distance, with beautiful view of the river and city; we have one lot 60x100 and two fractional lota, making a little better than lot) feet siuarej good apartment site; non-reaident says sell It for 82000: pick this up. CHICKEN RANCH. J1300. This Is a cosy little home. 20 miles south of Portland, near Canby; there are 6 acres, 4 acres In cultivation: fair ft-room house, barn and outbuildings. bearing fruit. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Buggy and bar. ness, cow and some chickens; price JldOO, As cash, balance B per cent. HARGROVE A PONS, 123 North th et, corner 6th and piuan. Main 438L A 72.9. 20 ACRES. About 25 miles from the center of Port land and In the heart of the most highly developed fruit-raising and farming sec tion of OreRiin, station 200 feot from your door, host service Into town, place lies In a corner with a main county road on two sides. The place la all in a per fect state of cultivation and In crop. Has a fair 6-room house and barn, all fenced; has a good spring and running water: a good well at the house. There Is a family orchard of apples, pears and cherries. The soil la a dark, heavy loam and there Is none better: located about 1 mile from one of the beet lltHe towns In the Valley. mile to high school; ad iai.i.. nf rha lareeet canneries In the state. The surrounding country is vory thickly settled and ell high-class homes. Among the most highly developed section In the elate oi uregon; pnta "u. cash. bal. long term, 6 per cent. One of the best fruit farms In the Wll , , . x.Qil.v. all in the Yellow Ne-wton and Spltsenberg apples, fair 6-room house and well. Main county road on two sides and railroad -station adjoining the prop- arty Land lies aimos. levoi, . .to,., for irood air drainage, soil heavy. black loam. 30 ft. deep. This property located within 30 miles of Portland, 1 mile of-two live up-to-date towns and tha beat fruit and farming section in the Valley. Adjoins one of the biggest bear ing apple orchards In the Valle also fruit .-j .... uin. slant. This Is an Ideal spot for country home and noney maker. Price 32500, Vj eash. balance to suit. W. C. naming ianu . o., e im Board of Trade bldg.. ground floor. SPLENTTTD CLOSE-IN 'ACRE LOTS. We have some remarkably good acre lota between the Pow ell Valley road -and the Caxa dero electric Kne, Just east of -the city limits. These acre lots face on a 80 foot graded atreet and have an abundance of good. pure water, tinder pressure, for house, lawn and garden. Level, sightly, near electrla car. good soil; especially at tractive for garden homes. In "heart of growing suburban dis trict. A bargain at 37BO and JS00; ccrnrrs and Inside acre lots of various haps; our terms will Interest you. Phone us. Main 1i0. A 313. HOWARD 8. AVION COMPANY, 0-5 6 Y'aon Bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 5V acres, 4 acres cleared and In crop, balance has same timber; 4 room house, barn, good well, on main county road, close to carline and 80 minutes' ride from heart of olty; price $27.30. BRONO-6TEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Blrlff., "See Dryer.'" 2.7V Oak St. -r.rx Av untie! rlv VOTT AHK 7 When we can sell you 80 acrea, all under cultivation, nuest oi asm , . , , . , nn the Kalem Elec tric, at the exceptional low price of I-250. $11160 cash, balance to suit. You would have to pay the same amount for land In atumps If located as this and paf besides a like sum for the clearing on top of the original oost of the land. If you are In the market for close-in acreage, a good farm or stock rancn. aon t lorgei call on C. r. PFLTJOER A CO, Realty Dopt, Suite 12. Mulkey Bldg. 2d and Morrison. Established 1SB0. CM ALL TRACT TRUCK FAR 3. 1, 3, 6, 10 and !0 acres each. Close In and best ef soil, no rock, gravel or hillsides and accommo dated by two carllnes, J250 to 8500 per acre on monthly paymenta THE 8HAW-FHAR COMPANY. Main 88 101 Fourth St, A 3S0O GOOD, well-built 6-room house and 2-room house with 22 !ots (nearly 4 acres), good spring, running water, 7u to 8u good fruit t cherries snDlos. oears. plums, ber- ri,.. etc.- 2 hlocks from electric carline station; a very desirable suburban home, I3,V0: good terms. House and 10 lots, each SOxlOO feet. ' ai'l. phone or write us, DO IT NOW If you want this placa J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 2"3 Corbett bldg. Both phones. FRUIT. POULTRY AND GARDEN TRACTS. 6. 19. SO to 40-acre tracts. 110, IIS, $30 to $60 per acre. One hour's ride from Portland, near Columbia River; railroad depot and river boat landing; rich deep soil, no rock; living aprliix- and creeks on all tracts; schools, stores, churches near by. I0U- acres subdivided and Just opened. Corne at once and get your choice. MoFARLAND INVESTMENT CO, 4 10 Corbett BMg. SANDALIA orchard and country home tracts. 26 miles from Portland, between Bandy and Bull Run rivers. Best vol canic shot soil, numerous springe of pure, cold water; beautiful scenic surroundings,' boating, fishing. Ideal location, for per manent or bummer home. Near new Mount Hood Eleetrlc Will sell 6 and 10 arre tracts; also 1-acre camping grounds. Henry C Prudhomme Co.. owner. ,806 Spalding bldg. 3 PIECES 3 2Vi acrea $2"W). J w acres. $ 1 0). IV acres. $1760. This land la ail cleared and In high state of cultivation; Is located only SO min utes from center of town and can be bought for 10 per oent down and easy monthly paymenta on baia nee. Bee Trustee, 414 Spalding bldg. FREE $026 FREE). ITb GOLD WATCH MANY PRIZES. Read our ad in tomorrow's ORE- GNACREAGE CITY PROPERTY. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO, 405 Couch Bldg. " 13 ACRES. Only $2000 cash. Improvements worth I3000; prico $50uO, leaving value of land about 1160 per acre; 6-room house, fine orchard, close to Reedvllla, Orenco and Beaverton, You cannot find another such sacrifice in this locality; owner leaving. Bee Mr. Camp at Hart-man A Thompson Bank, 4th and Stark. FIVE OR TEN acres of cleared, level, fertile land very suitable for fruit, garden and chickens: mile from depot and near to electric line building, close to big mar kets: $50 rer acre, easy terms., Owner. ...... ..i. .... n rnmin.r.. 1'Jl O UU-.1IW 10 ACRES, rloh garden land. If acres in crop small house, leas than Vi mile from electrlo carline. some good timber, pries $J70O; 1700. bal. easy terma Western Land Co,33S Stark St. fOni BALE 8 acres 14 miles out oa the United Railway; $1000, eome eash, terms $10 a month. 910 E. 14th st. N. Wood lawn 694. Owner. . ACRES, B-room house, chicken-house, fenced, good well, small fruit, 13o car fare; price 300. Western Land Co, I4V Stark st , BY OWNER Small tracts near Oregon City carline nd on Willamette River. J. W. Aieldrum, Meldrum station,. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON-lOO-pa,. book homestead, tn each county In the States of Oregon and Washington, and description of same; gives homestead, aesert. timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In coicrs. 21x28. showing R- K. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R, and electrlo lines, including Eastern and Central Oregon; 20o each or throe 00c. Map of Washington In colors. 21x28. 20c. Nlmmo. Huney at .p., nqimim" mo- TWO good timber homesteads or timber quick. 813 Marquaiq bldg. Marshall 6V4. l-'or tsAh -trull 1-snd. BARGAIN IN HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. , - 21 H -acre orchard in the famous Hood River Valley, beautifully situated with a picturesque view of the mountains and valley. Seven acrea in bearing orchard, affording a family home of luxury and ease, amidst surroundings of unsurpassed scenlo grandeur; 10 acres of young or chard and four and one-half acres that can be readily put under cultivation; good farmhouse, barn and suitable outbulldinge. spring water piped Into house. Team of horses and all implements go with place. This placa la an INCOME-PRODUCER NOW; will accept modern Ion land residence as part payment If unen cumbered: J2000 canh necessary. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH. 900-7-8-9 Yeon Bldg. BARGAINS Farm, fruit land. 30 to 600 acre tracts. In heart of Willamette alley. Address Mary R. Nixon. Harrlsburg. Or. R, F. D. 2. HOOD RIVER VALLEY LAND Will sacri fice for cash 40 acres choicest apple land, ten miles from Hood River Villaee. Ad dress owner, box IL 6alem. Oregon. vri.nnsn orchards. Rosoburg. all stages of development. Bee Hedln. 430 Worcester ciax FINE fruit land, near Goldendale, Wash, 140; easy terms. G. H. Brekke. Seattle. tor SaleFarms. THE RIGHT VALUE ON A FARM. o acres, o luiiee jl a. . .v.... -- hill County. Oregon. 60 acres In oats, 00 acres in wnea, m t y 10 acres young orchard. 100 acres Ir a lnn.1 .A a f.n alnnh-d- l( acres timber, slightly rolling, sums red shot soil, balance bottom land; three never-fulling springs, water piped to house ana uarn. uow .t-jiii im, . -i.i,i l-... .... n .nit, c wugon Biiuus. eini-vi ii.-. -ciws. 1 bull. IS hogs, binder, mower, new arlil. two- plows, narruH. in discs, cream separator. 3 seta heavy har ness, 1 driving harness, 1 double buggy. . wagon, lota of other tools. Price. Includ t ., .,,- r"l nil Imnlements an( t.w-1. XI -n n,p acre on easy terma Will take in exchange a small place in Yam hill or Washington County. This Is i real farm bargain. Look it up. Immedi ate possession. OOWEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lumbermeus Bldg., 5th and Stark. .n-AfTlT. KVAP. 4 blocks from streetcar, 7 acres cleared and In crop; new 4-rooin bungalow, barn, 4 chicken-houses. 600 chickens, some geese and ducks; good B-year-om norso, new n,ln, wniron nnd harness: 3 Jrood incuba tors, good well of water, new steel range end Axminster carpets on all rooms. We are offering this 11000 under the market f,r a quick sale. Csn make goou lern-e. For price ana terms please can. DIKTZ-MUELLER CO, 816 Ablngton Bldg. x "120 ACRES." Dairy rsnoh. 105 olesred, 15 acres tlm her. 70 acres plowed and In crop; fat CUlKl'.ngs; nno ruaua. an ncw-n. " cl'li.ery goes at the small price of $3 -i;o ,.u K tn A vpar, on the balance. ' Hero is a fine chance to get a dandy farm. Flne-t bottom land In Uregon; DiacK sou. ree iiijt HALL & CO, 302 Rothchlld Bldg. THE best 40 acrus of land in Washington Co.. two miles from a good town and 2 miles from the United Railways line: 25 acres in crop, a creek on corner of place. .-.!.. nlnnn tn hoilHa. 1000 COfdS Of WOOd cut on place and the Job of hauling U for J100O all for J5000 terms on part; R. F. D. mall, close to school, and church at corner of place, milk route and telephone. Call owner, Jl East lltb St. Phono East 6023. WANT to aell my farm of 119 acres, on the Base Line, eastern part of Multnomah County," on account of age and desire to retire: best land In Oregon: plenty springs, running water, about 8000 to 10. Ui(l cords wood, and schoolliouse on the place: new cnurcn, ranrpau, -or-iuiiu mi f o'.umDla i-iver cioee us. rm-i -m. Ferdinand Floss, Laioureii, wr. lUBOilvs IN FARMS. We have for sale some of the best farm K.-ctn. ohtajnable In and around Canby, Or. Prices run from $20 per acre up. Come In and looK over our -ibi. we majr uav. lust wnat you vbul WHITMER-KELLY CO, 70 4th St. Main loos, A i.os. . . .,'.. v mil.. tfnm Ttti.mn Washir.stcn County, Or., one-half mile to ehurcn. scnooi ana kdiuiiw. ,., 10 acres In young orchard, box house lnx i "2, outbuildings, springs and running wa ter, neighbors, price only $1750. Western Sec. CO.. 41 ftpsiuiniuiufi 38 ACRES. 2i acres bearing, apples and pears. 9 acres in cuiiiv,u.u, V.. the best of soil; balance In Piling timber. . . . s - . a . A PaI it m t T? i sra-ss " 1 i muoa irvia ciljt ...... thi plac U worth far more than we aik; prlc 4$ 1400, $3.iO cash, balaaco ou time 417 rtoaiu or a ra-o. CHOICE farm of 5 acrea, narly all in ana ioca.iu ( at w niud to houpe; price $5000; wrm can be ' a IS- a T..4 " . oi c u Cla lr lossta Oil. ca" , . . ,", " ' houue. good barn, orchard. IV mile from Ii. K. station, convttnlent to Portland; water piped to house and barn; price f ,aii. tv - - Mtarx ml. 1UU lrirx 1 ' - a -. . w. $1C0 cash, balance easy terms, buys ..-. - 1 air OTlV! si A r WCQ 31 acres or gooa letri muu, vy .-- . 12 mil1 from Portland, on county road, ood for fruit, berries, potatoes, pardon, fine place to keep chickens; price $16oU. . ...- on i VfiprdriTi itf. rnnm 0. r- q m iitti . a. m i -j yoR SALE Linn County fruit, grain and .c rm rtf KiW acros. fenced. ood wa- ter Awelllns:. etc.. worth $30 per acre: must sll for $5,00O, half down, half on m - - - -i. 1. h (;iiu..iia -v. l time; oesi ley. l. rtaj"-. fcOO-ACRK aiock. ranrh; house, bant, or- , . m , n ii-,i . iW.fin il.-itlTl 1 1 11 et nn V.til. a nee. 2'j0 acres; 100 sheep, o cows, house. telopnoae. ma" a. :A,.. . , , $,HWJ; without stoclt, 4000. Ae Long deu. Al'HDlV 1 J- v mm w nmiT a tt-ij-i.-. at t . a v ra ducod rat.s on Canadian Pacilic Kail way, . ......a .1 unlr rn f r H f :i rrt. Bruin lam uiiii.ij.. " T.umbermens Hldg.. Bth and Stark. DAIHY farm In Tillamook Co., Oregott. 160 acres, ii" , , - - . .. ,, ,,ulnront farm tools, house furniture; T5oO: terms. For full Inforniatiou address 71 ' - 1 rinlnh flr IcRKS on McKensie River; 7-room house, barns; CO acres In rrop. 10 acres . . . 1 -. .!. ft re r Kas n i- Vi f yii 1 f Isnfi r tlmufi" gu av as s.i v --- - - i i . . ner acre; Tor sale or will trade for IJortianti ti",..." -". SPKC1AL -6H acres, good house and barn, k,-.-i cncl. 1 acres clear. In crop. 5,nT i..hel and easily cleared; prloe . n.ir.o- iu0 down. bal. terms. Western Land Co, HI, Stark st. irOR baxtaina In all-purpose farm lands rising from 50 to 640 acrea situated In Linn and Benton Countries, call on or write J. v. r-iyw. WILLAMETTE Valley farms for sale. Ad- drees r arraer. viii, ' ' "" County, or. SANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from .Portland, near electric line: bargain for all casn. oy oui-. i- j,-.. W AJSTKl) IiKAL ESTATE. WANTED 60x100 lot at once on Killlngs- worth ava. near Union; must be cheap r oa." owners only. C H. Wlckland. 08 Gerllnger bldg-. 114 and Alder, phono Main 7311. tvtLL nay $100 cash for good corner 100X jffl m Rose City Park, south of Sandy r.md. oetweea 47th snd 54th sta; give lot snd block cuiuoer i- repir. Oregonlan. 8 OR 7-room bungalow or cottage, under i-iOOO. Vicinity of Laurelhurst or Mount Z: . r-i,lt. t-lva decrlDtlon. lo- cationl prloe and terma AG H07. Orego nlan. Fvom 1 to B-aore tract with house; must be reasonable. Address box 110. route 2, Kiageiieiu. -- r . :, -m K1 K.cla.a hnD. WAX 11-1- ?.'" V, ,3."ni;k mJn salow, norm . ------- J.O0O- must be snap; state lowest terma and full particulars. C 220. Oregonlan. WANTED Store room for small, select printing plant; heat and wired; West Side: reliable, permanent. D 20-, Oregonlan. FOR RENT -FARMS. WANTED Farmer on shares; experienced irrlga mist. 611 Muquajn bldg, 13 to L GOOD FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. 80 acres of fine land, 25 acres cleared and in crop, 10 acres of bearing apple orchard, of the best of variety; good houso, large barn. In good condition: fenced, good well: -lies on main county road, close to school and 2 miles from good town and railroad and only 20 nines from Portland; price $StV. terms to suit. BRONO-6TEELE CO, Ground Floor Lewis Bl-g. ;(, Oak St., Cor. 4th. See Pryer, - ! 0 ACRES FOR EXCHANGE!. 60 acres of lino land with 10 acres under cultivation and In crop, more slashed and seeded; some good timber, tine trout stream through land; new 5-room house, new large barn, good fences, well and all out buildings, on a good road, close to school. 2 tailes from small town and. 25 miles from Portland: price $5500. terms; will take in city property, hut must be at cash price; some per sonal property Included. BRONG-STEELE CO, Ground Floor. Lewis Bldg. 267 Vi Oak SL. Cor, 4th. See Dryer. . TO EXCHANGE Three acres waterfront, value 81,'Ort, on Balnbridge Island. Just acrosa the bnv from Seattle: Bambndg Island will soon be what Berkeley Is to 6an Francisco. Acreage selling from $. to $1500 per acre. Will trade ns part pavment on five or six-room bungalow. Civs full particulars first letter. AN -loV Oregonlan. LAURELHURST HOME. Eight rooms, bath, sleeping porch, hart wood floors. 2 lireplacrs. tireless cooker. Bohn syphon refrl iterator, etc, etc. W ill trade my equity of IHOOO for automobile or acreage or good lot up to -0i.K), Bal ance Jiooo cash. $.000 time to suit. A 213, Orogonian. HAVE $20,000 stock of merchandise in cen ter of large town; will exchange for farm on Columbia River or Willamette Vallev : must bo good farm and priced right; this store Is uolng about $200 per day busi ness. L, K. Moore, suite BIT. Board ot Trade. $7600 EQUITY In large, new. modern res -dence on West Side to exchange for well located vacant lots or acreage. Would consider some good real est-to first or second mortgages. I am the owner, ais 2U6, Oregonlan. , 6M ACRES PURE BEAVERDAM in crop to trade for house; an exceptional offer, ns the crop will reduce price ma terially and harvest Is near. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO, ; 4Ud coucn -ins. TO EXCHANGE Real estate, mortgagee and notes for stock of goods; must ne la good town; stock must ba in good condi- THH AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Main 5PS8. 416 Ablngton Bidg. WOULD you like a home in the country, away from smoke and dust of Uie city I am selling lots or acreage In fine cul tivation. 36 minutes' ride: finest car ser vice. A few dollars down and balance as you like. W. E. Thresher. 437 C. of C. WILL exchange for good Inside real estate, a well-established business In merchant tailoring; have over 1500 customers: place will stand inspection. Apply to Crown Tailoring Shop, 4th and btark sts. Carl Friwdmiin. 5-PASSENGER Pope automobile, tires as. bldg. 12 ACRES Tualatin soil on Oregon Electrlj line, 12 miles from Portland. i mile or Orenco and Witch Harel. large creek; will exchange on auto, house, lot or acreage. Holbrook. 603 Swetland bldg. A 3ui, m. 7776. . 306 ACRES fine land, part cleared, more than 7,500.1100 feet fine saw timber and close to logging stream. I will exchanco same for piece of good Portland propeny and will pay 6ome cash difference. J. E. Smith. 613 Chamber of Commerce. 70x100 LOT. all Improvements, 8-room hou., adjoining business district. East Side; walking distance: will sell for price of lot; easy terms; lake part trade. AO 206. urepoiiian MODERN T-room residence. 691 E. Wash ington, near 19th. to exchange for farm or Hood River property. C L. Bamberger, room 2. Lumbormens bldg. UNINCUMBERED lota In heart of thriving Eastern Oregon City, to exchange for Port land property or acreage. C- L. Bamber ger, room 21, Lumbermens bldg. WANT auto In trade for 2 good lots In Van couver, Wash.: value S600; olso have one acre west of Council Crest. AV 212. Ore gonlan, WE exchange your property for property suiting you; only big deals. Northwest Exchange. 223-9 Henty bldg. WANTED To exct nge my lot, 50x100, for S-passenxer auto, must be Ilrst-clasa lili N. 6th st. WILL trade for lota, acreage or automo bile delicatessen doing good buslnesa See owner, 2S7 3d st. Phone A 5011). TO TRADE. lO acreH Irrigated fruit land for Fortlnnrt property. Value $3000. Alt 219 Oregonlan. iooo EQUITY-In cottage and 2 lots trad i for Int. bal. 110 monthly; price $1500. 6" Swctlund bldg. . WEST Side lot and some cash as pavment on Portland HelKhta bungalow. Thomos, 92 1st St. Main 4 14. LOTS near FIrland. to exchange for house, value J10O0; will assume difference. An20Oregonlan. CORNER near Union ave. for modern cot tage on the Peninsula; pay difference. Zella Gossett, 7 West Killlngsworth ave. r w o ar r -i6-ro n in house: want a residence in exchange. A mighty good trade open for someone l value $jl200. 437 C. of C FOR farm exchanges, business chances or rooming-houses, call on us. Northwest Realty Co.. 617 Hoard of Trade Bidg. han DIEGO lot. or equity wanted In ex change ?or $2230 home In Portland Ral . ton. Antiseptic Barbershop, Aider St. vvhat have you to trade for transfer and express wagons, buggies, saddles and har ness. 784 Tacoma jsve. JTaCRES IT miles out. on United R. R, ' ..,Af .-v VmAHOP. 132 THIRD BT. vri-FNF acreage, value $2W0. to trade for V) 500 auto; K'H'd terms on balance. Box hi. Falls City. Or. IT YOU want a grand wheat farm, stocked 600 acres in wheat, in "change for sny t h I n gofv alu&seem oat417U of c. TYPEWRITER to exchange for beach lot or diamond.' 003 Swetland bldg. r " FOR B AI-3 TW3ERLAXn, FINE "TIMBERTRACT The heirs of Ph"- -fmber land, located In Columbia Counti. 8 'ascribed follows; N. W guar. rul... 'Srins". warTan.y "d'eed for cash. . your hetMOfterito.T 101 Warren SUNewJYork City. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. 3. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. FARMS WANTED. tvidkoved farm, good bulldlnga plenty IMPROVED larrii. a n county ToaX ne;ar taUon on M Hood Electrlo or O. W.". electric 20 mile. ?f Portland. Partloulars in ruii. WANTED TTMBETt LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. a J. MeCracken. r.0-1 McKay bldg FOR SALE. ' norses, Vehicles, Etc JTttctION Carload of horses will be sold at 101 11th st. North Wednesday. June 28, 2 P. il. ix.R SAIB A snap; 1 fine delivery horse l yel-ldT welshing 1200 Iba 1-4 Russell street. irou SALE cheap, fine draft team, weight about MOO PonSds; sound. Phone between 6 and 9 P. M. Oak Grove, Red 22. r-R-TEN feed for stock or moke line hay; ver 3 acres, right In tha city. Phono Main 2S78. WANTED 10 or 12 teams for railroad grad, work JM0 per month. Adaresa Main Ulo-l 'cJL-t. -Flrst L FASTURAGB near Portland for stock, phone laln 1410. tSsFOR genUe horse, buggy and harness. 51 Axthui e- . I 4 rr - I