g . t , TOE MORXiyG OREGOMAy. THURSDAY, JTjyE 15. 1911. LOVE SAYS HEART I 1 IS EVER FICKLE Wife's Lawyers Cannot Get j ex-Broker to Admit He Loved Many Women. EX-NEW YORKER SCATHING ! Hp sat Spo anrf Iter Mother mokrd S3 or Clarette Earn. a Tay HI flt-r Trtlfte ' and Plaintiff Caaa Rolt. J ' BAKER. Or.. Jon -i Jwl) At tie e:oe of a day wherein Wr. 1 !dney C Lov' attorney fa:d t j wrtns; testimony from that he hal Iv4 rr.r jr other nfn whil llvins; . with hi wife, and la which a staler rf th p:alntia msaoetii Lo. j tre plaintiff attorneye reeled I lietr divorce . Tfca beans; will 4 Be raei.-ned tomorrow mornin-. 1 In tx count of hla laetlmeny Love ' aa!4 that oa January . !. Mra. Love , seised Mm by tha throat and attempt ed 19 rink", durlrc a to:ent tit of rse. Ifa ;o Hid that Ms mother-In-. aw. Mr. I"rne f. Hum. smoked f r ra Jl to eia-arettes a day and trl ' Ms wifa emosed aa equal number. Ha r paid for them. Was Lov. eleter of the plaintiff, tee tin.i that op o the lime of her -. rartora for Europe, ilra. Marjorta Harsea Lo espreeeed reat love fr ! t't kuaAaad. and tRat after al-.e wa eeaeral dare oat on tho ocean aant a , wireless lrU( to Mm. coached In r.i.nn terms, and atMna; t.i baby. " Muriel a. rama to It. P6 declared. however. I l aha IhoufM her amer : ln-'i'i artione wora rather queer was re visited bar brother and hi J ifo la Nw Tor. Month' Tim Granted. Jjise fmlth aranted Mr. Love a montti a tlnna la which to taka I ' I -'. t-ny after tba plaintiff waa throuch. "Tcey'ii ro4 It." waa tba ot:y torn ' mal of Joh L. Rand. Love attorney. o waa v. -T MU.r Jt aland a-ainst hi wire f.r bar a:iecd In lerferanr with Mm In t(tr Ma Plo tropMaa. book, forolturo tnl otr.er h. lonccit out of a Near Tork store hou. Ha d.c arrd ra waa Pot In terferla; with Mr. U If aha wished t set rr trie atorad tra. "Vot loatanra, bar appandta la thar. ha aa.'-t "I dJO't rara to kaap tbat. , a:rfiaa I paid for It." Alloreaja or l.-a ta triad kard ', to ailrtt a4natloae concarnloa; bta ra ' TatMno witn four womrn. but Uoaa r.iatra wara alaola:. Ilia wlfaa law yra aaid Ihay r4 tha aamrs of la athar woc.aa Ibay wara praparrd to ak about. lotf TrlU of Ilabtta. toa danlad that ra r-anl all ', :hl playlaa? carda la bta e!uta. r;r:n that mrtmn ba waa la Nw York moat of tna tl-.a ha did tiot drota to biiin waa apant WHO Ma w.fa. I oa a'imitt4 ir.t b ofa iild tha Mt rpu.itaa. tra I'bIpo. tha folo. -tha Ta'quat and othar famoua Naw York C'Uoa to wMch ba baionsa!. la a la-tar writtan by Lova to Mr. ' Loa ca I hrntrr.aa day. 10. ba at,t ' Itr to coma bark to bim and promuM t forciaa car. Tba lattar waa not coucbad In omc I arm a. bowarar. It ' bacaa "My Chrlatmaa aratlri to aa unfaithful wlfa. who knowa naltbar ' cratituda eor truth." and rfrrd to har lattar to bin la which aha had told Mm to f and ciaar Lia cam a. dac.arla It -dirty." Coccamlac hla acruaailon that hla wila triad lo ahaka him, Loaa aald ha aunaaquactly wrota bar: tnd I tarn yoai oat of dMra for that? leataad. I took yoai to my arms ' and u.-d yoa let li aiontfa." Mr, lyor Vot FJiTlrd. t - Tha Uttar cloaad with tha atatamant l txj'a did B.t any Mr. Lots a lot In tha fotura. for tha world door aot -' rara for woman who dasart thatr bus bar. 1a In Itms of strosa. iff lx waa aakad by I.a'a at tnrnay t raad a Bumhar of lattara ra ril by harsa f and mothar from liryr' Puraaa Loa Attornay Tuska. for Mrs. Lot, objartad stranuoualy and aaaminad lr lattara aary closaly. Mia Lo raad alt In ail. wMrh war writ tan from Rawfant. TnCand. In tha P'immar and Antatra of lv Kach ona wsa full of ttprrlm of hrr daTotloil on.1 lo t hr huatand and how hapy f r war. la eataral sba arcad tvirt and bar mothar to roma thar i1 maka thalr homa wtth tf.m. "wbara wa ran all ba harry toaathar.'" Aliv ara aa:d. bar krotnar a wif had ant than pirturaa of tha baby tafcan to har hus'mnd a arm and told tham how a l'i4 tham both and ho-i fat Ufa cou'd o oa f.rrvar a It waa n. ABERDEEN TO HAVE FEEDER Hallmad ITnna Tor Tnaawnil l (.ra;a Harbor .a0rrd. prKrCF.N. tVa.h . Jur.a U-p. i! I Bjatnaaa man of Abardaaa ara anthu aiaatia oar tha rport rai-aiad haro t'xtay frm rrt Toonaand of tna aaaur-a.i.-o liar fj-ano:al ba-.:ns: baa at laat b-n r.-r.t t bui!d tha rrrt rad b'-'waan tat c;tr an.l i-a MifNw. ri;a TKaaa Is st:l carta o mattar t't ba a-Cfa.J haf.ra lnfft surraT tafr1a. tfcara la axarr Inti-at'n a prM lfcal rna-t wi ; ba but:: wltMn in rati ' ra purp.'a of t.ia w rod wi't b" '- rp t. mri. pamrai a t:fcar at rl T -""-! or Port Anaa.aa. asd I- r.orrow a mvn !!! b b-;d al t f. r-a f v-a to cnaha final rrenf nil f t rca.t j.--af--a I r Pa - r nt futh-a- t a .lr-4"on I ' oo-w an 1 A--k . t -.i wt. waa lr r aarotjn-aa I a t-a rroja.-t la an of t?ia n rt -w tni'nl a.ma of t' a ott.ti to r-a Aarlcr t ia -orr-,mar.ni car.'-r f..r t"ia a"ra a-jt hwtara rrt of t"- a at Tna o-uv!! of l? a aMori hJS at .t srS tat It Is tlm tr-it tia v..t sou:4 haa a r'.rr of It oaa f-om wMch t draw Its a- rr-aa ar.d aot c n.t cgk'i ot-.nar t.-a Pound e t a or an t. Tar. I no - of t -it 'ty ;a tN.:a toward fata c;laa. Mjt it la ur-t t' tha -'utw mt ba In-t-raoda.-t and t.iavtora boitl Ita owa cit:. I CADET OFFICERS CHOSEN Kr MtrleMiilrr Award Com. snlaaanna for 'onlo Vrar. Kf- Aiini'Tt.TT'RAL Y!. ry.k, I'orva'Ils. Or. Jan 14 Today M!o ".-ina VftrHr. fr tha .t tima baor hla ra'Jraraant a com maaJaau Btad tha fymtaot IAS radat offlcara for tha coming; year for tha OroB Arrlcu'.toral Coilaaa raal mant. Tna praaaBiatloa of commlaaloas waa aa Imprasstta r.aht. aa tba young fallows In thalr ordnaa-trlmmed khaki, alatad Ihalr commandar for tha last tima. and raraltad from h'm a ciarga aa to thalr TtrponaiMl.ty to tha Irsti lutlon. to tha stata and Fadrral Oor srrcaaat. and to thamaalraa. Nm yaar's Cadat Colonal la Shamaa O Brian JJcKaddan. "1. CoraaKla. and tha I.la jtanant-CotonaU tTrnet O. Rica, 'ix Portland. Tha threa Majora aro to bo Jay C. Ldr. 'II. Sharwood: L. M. Turnar. 'II. Happnar. ar.d Trad A. M.llcr. '12. rort-and. Tfta ftftn Cartalns namad ara V. n Olhsjn. 13. Warmpr:na: I-, E-WUs-al. -1J. Indianapolis. Ind.; C R Thom.on, -It. Portland; J. H. Ballnap. "I. Corvaills: C. N. Andarson, 'li. Portland: A. E EachrlchU "U. Port land: O. V. Wanstrum. -1J. Flshhawk; P. U McMillan, -1. Salam: Mon-la Koon, "It, Junctl a City; J. R. Mann, '1. Portland: it L Smith. 'IS. Marshflald: W. E- Morns. "11. Punt-sautawney. Pa.; J. B- Graan. Adjutant. 'It. Twin Falls. Idaho; otto Moor. Commissary, 'li Portland, and Olotar Carroll. Quarter matar. -IJ. Portland. Tha First Lutnanta ara M. O. Ifky. Salam. R. U Htonebura. '11. Cobura;: J. R. Grimm. 'It Hubbard: O. a Pataon. '14. Nswbars;: A. Burdlrk. IS. Portland: E. 8. Daman t. II. Marbla Point: f. K. Daan, '11. Bakar City.-" Pamual H. A r both not. 11. Portland: F. O. Prown. "IX Fort Klamath; R- C. Cxmran. 'II. fnn Bills: C. C. Lavan. la. Portland; L R. McKanit. 'II. 8-immarrIlia: A. V. Pwarthout. Ml. fincknay. Mich.; F. M. Boulan. 'It. Port land, and C. E. Hltton. 'II. Carlton. bacond Uautananta wars named as follows: M. Huntlnaton. II. Yonralla; C. K. Hubbard. p11. lundaa; C. H. Man. ark. 'li. CoraUis: R- I- Smith. "IS. Portland: V- B. Glshorn. 'II. Lanta; O. W. Morris. '11. Punsaautawnay. Pa.; P. R. Pataon, 'IS. Rattla Ground. Wash.: W A. Arm sir or r. 'IS. Corrallls: C. D. Laffarty. 'li. CorvalUa: O. G. Vosa. 'II. Astoria: R- W'ltala. 'IS. Park Plaoa; F. W. K:ina. 'IS. Ia Anselas. Calif.; C. la Pmlth. J. Orays River, and R J. Anderson, Tillamook. SOLDIERS PLAN FOURTH TAXCOnF.ll BARRACKS TO SEE hOMC rr- K VESTS. Athlrtlc? Contrala and Company Prill to B Part of Pay or FY-allTlUr. TASOOI-vrR BARRACKS. Wash, J:na It pcia!. Jl-kcd athlata. from lo ao-.diat coronal for cash prlsas In an Immanaa Acid maat on the post athiatic iu-itl on tna artarnoon of July 4. and this will prohsSly bo tho larcast atblatto aranl avar haid la tha garrison. It will b free to the public and la balnc arrana'd for by th aporta rommlttaa of tna Fourth of July rommlttaa of tha City of Vancouver. It la intended to maka this tha Ms; faatur of tba cele brati.Mi thia year. Haaidca tha racular P.ald day events, there will ba many laughable and roml nal aid falurr. eucii aa ahow racea. where all of tna shoe of tha contestants aro shaken In a tarrrt and then tbrown out. tna eolt'ler lo sat his shoes laced Brt will win tha prise. Tha macMne gun platoon of tha First Inrantry. which etj:thd a world rec ord la April, running H yards. Bring a shot and returning la M second, will put on aa eahlMtlon. . T "i other events proposed to be beld will be: Company rl;. e i-j.p:nenl races, mule hurdle rre. Uutta' manual drill, packioc contest, shelter tent pitching. lk.ard dash, putting U-pounvl shot. t- yard dQ. mil biryc;e race. a yard hurdles, run nine high, Jump, pol vauit. Tha soldiers will tarn out to a man oa tha day to taka part la the parade In Vancouver. Tha First Infantry band will furnish music. BERRIES ARE RUSHED EAST North Rank Through Train Carries Whlto Sainton FYalt. WHITE SALMON". Wash, June 14. tSpecial.V In order to rusk a rarlosd of strawberrtea through to Deadwood. a mining town In tha B.ark Hills of South lakota. the North Hank flyer wa topped her Mon Ly ntvnt and tha fruit ear coupl-J. to t:. trsla. Tha car wa sold for a crate cash. f. o. b. Whit ra.mi'n. Several carload hav gone to South Dakota thla year and ona to Alaska, ba sicJcs two to Hulia. Yesterday's shtp niant totaled " cratea of Cnlon herrlea Tlouch the ylr'.d has fallen off ona-thri-.l this year and the else of tha fruit l not up to elandard. the prlco has baen fV.l and growara of lata berries, now coming onto tha market, ar getting re turn a thev were never able to got here tofore. Tha falling off of yield thl year I attributed to tha hard frost, wht.-h caurht the earty b'.ossosjts, knd the last cold ralr.s. which, aoma of tti growera aay. washed out the pollen. NEGROES ARE GRADUATED rrraldrnl Tafl and Rootrlt Scad Urrrtlng to Klsk l'nlcrlty. X.UillVll.LL. June 14 Tha forty flfth commencement of Flsk Cnlrerslty lf r Negroes! at Naehvltle. Tann, waa obearved here today. Bar. Charlea Ed ward iowe. eon of Harriet Beeeher p-tow. made the com men cam ant aitJrass and red.lettra from President Taft nd Theojor I'.oosevelt. I reidrnt Taft aald la hi letter that while ba did not believe It well to edu rate the maa of '! with aeademlo or inKrrclr educatlow. b waa con vinced tht it 1 necasaitr to hav a faw h'sh c'.aa r.r. univrit:e for thoaa ro aie to be the leartera of the race sad who are fo figure prominently In a professional sir thalr ministers. rhAiclan. lawyexe and teachers, Tha letter from Colonal Roosevelt waa along itm ar ltn. THE OAKS PARK. Rr.dfter Tela and the Oak Park band Ilia own t r.e-oselres capable ? s i. h high--isse niul- tsat Msnaaer I'or.iray g.ad:y conceded to tha T iany raquc' 't mul.- lovera who da. a:re4 one entire src5S"By programme ail t that end ha sat sd every Thursday ailernoon Tr-e flra! aym r' ory programme will ba givea IMl af.rmoon at I n" by tha band a.slst-d by tha letroro'.ltan quartt. who will g;v some nutabl offarlrgs. HraUnc riant Srd Illlrd. " (HI V Or- Jun 14. lpecia!. rice-ng that tha old haating p'ant at the State Aaaitortum tor tba Pra vantlon of Tuberculosa la past tha hap of repair, tha tat Beard for prevention of Tabarcu'.oal today foucd that tt wa atlra'.y without aa appropriation for a raw ptant. Aa a raau'.t. r-.overnor Weet t-road over to tr.a Insftjtioa te old haattag plant at tt-.e aavlum. which has been receot v rer'aevd. art the penltanttary will f irn-.an the brick, thus giving a nw p. ant without pra.-tl.-ally any cost. Ca.U Ed.afaen about fuaf 1 mmm 111 .11 Continuation of June Sales of Fine "Gut Glass One-Fourth or More Off on Every Article Continuation of June Sales ofv Russian Brass One-Fourth or More Off on Every Article Graduation Gifts in Fine Imported Leather Woodard, Clarke & Co. Washington and Fourth Streets LAND MAY BE LOST Twenty-Two Coal Claimants Must Defend Titles. WORK HAS NOT BEEN DONE No rraud AUr-frrd. but Locator ot Bu.ihnrll Gfoap In Alaska Hare Failed to Comply With Requirements. SEATTLE. 'Wash.. Jun 14. Twenty two or tha : claimants of tha Bush nell group of coal claims In the Cook Inlet eowntry of Alaaka hara been noti fied by tha Juneau land office to show causa within iO day why their state ment should not ba recommended to the Commissioner of the General Land Office for cancellation because of the fllur of the locator to comply with the requirements of th L'nlted State statute which provldn that patent must ba applied for not later than tbree year after coal land la located. The Bushnell group la allied with the McAlplna and Mackey (croups because tt lies alongside them and because wealthy men of Detroit organised the Michigan - Alaaka Development Com pany for tha purpose of acquiring all these lands, which are valued at ISO. 00.000. There are no fraud charges In the present proceedings hit John M. Bush nell. who I traveling agent of a laundry machinery company "and an officer of the Michigan-Alaska Develop ment Company, was Indicted by a Fed eral grand Jury In Detroit last March for conspiracy to dafratid the l'nlted Plates of the use and possession of the Bushnell lands. Pushnell located the lands for per sons who gav hlra power of attorney. The claimant whoa locations are In peril are all residents of i hlcSKO. and are: John M. Bushnell. Anna 8. Bush nell. Klliabeth E. Bushnell. . Helen Bushnell. Kdward P. White. Charles P. Lyon. William H. Ball. Jesse T. Qulsen berrv. John J CTOrady. Clara A." Lyon. Charlea F." Stone. roT,T R Howe. Carter W. Caleb. Emily Hammond, refer A. Schrlver. Edgar Allen. Oorg Hnple. Charlea T. Luckow. Chris Rlber. I'eter DeTempla. Henry Judd. Two of th claimant applied for patent before tha threa yeara expired. HAILEY CASE IS DELAYED Idaho Rank Official Win Iolnt In Pefrn. BOIK. Idaho. June 14.-MSpeeial. The tiouthern Idaho Bank embetzle- ment raaea. wherein President Plumer. Lao Cramer. Hugh Cramer, directore: Arthur B. Cutta. cashier, and Fred M. Colvmaa. former raehtfr. and Deputy prate Treasurer, officer and directors of tha Halley Plate Bank, of Halley, Idaho, are defendants, will not go to trial until next Fall. Leo Cramer. tri.l"tn the charaja of falsifying re porta and th books, convicted and aen tesred to erv from on to five years la the Penitentiary, has appealed his caaa from tha District to th Suprsme Court of the stste and la on bond pend ing the bearing. The etate announce the arraart. on a charge of making a false entry of 110. 00 of A- L. Ooff. one of the aaslstant cashier of tha bank. Hla caa will llBviee go over until the Fall term of court tor trial. N Tillamook Marshal Realfn. TILLAMOOK. Or- June 14 (Spe ciaO. At a special meeting ot tt City council Monday nlarht there wa a dis agreement between the Council and Marshal Reading1. The latter was re quested to hand in hi resignation a Street Commissioner, which ha did. and -City Marshal. There has been a large amount of drunkenesa In tha rlty of late, and the Marshal did not g-at along; with the saloon-keepers. It Is thought that this had something; to do wltli calling; upon him to reslsrn as Street Commlssloner.-'-.Readlna; wax the officer who killed a man by trik Ina; him over the head when he resisted arrest. larshfield Plana Celebration. MARSHFIELD, Or, June 14. (Spe cial.) The Chamber of Commerce 1 In charge of the Fourth of July celebra tion, which Is to be held In thl city. It I planned to have the blirgest celebra tion ever before attempted. A fund of fl&OO I being; raised to defray the ex penses and committee have been ap pointed to take charge of the features of the celebratlcm. One Killed, S Injured In Collision. POCATELLO, Idaho. June"l4. (Spe cial). Henry Martin wa killed. Charles Berlin; seriously hurt and J. VT. Chaplain and John MeAbee injured when a switch engine collided with a handcar at Kemmerer, Wyo.. shortly after midnight lst nlg-ht. Dead nd Injured were member of a Short Line section crew at Waterfall. Wyo. Police Seek Tacoma Man. MARPHFIELD. Or.. June 14. Spe- For Your Hair , Here Are Facts We Want You to Prove at Our Risk Marvelous as it may seem, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic ha grown hair on he1s that were once bald. Of courav It Is understood that In none of these cases were the hair roots dead nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny, ap pearance. When the roots of the hair are en tirely dead and the pores ot the ecalp are glased. over, we do not believe that anything can restore hair growth. When Rexall "9S" Hair Tonic will do as above stated. It I not Strang: that w have such great faith In It and that we claim It will prevent baldness when used In time. It act scientifically, de stroying the germs which are usually responsible for baldness.- It penetrates to the root of the hslr. stimulating; and nourishing them. It is a most picaaant toilet necessity, la delicately lerfiimed and will not gum nor per imanentiv etaln the hair. We want you to 'get a bottle of Pexall ';" Hair Tonic and ua It as directed. If It does not relieve scalp Irritation, remove dandruff, prevent the ha!- from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair and,.ln every aay gvi entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us and without quention or formality we will hand back to you every penny you paid ua for It. We lend our endorsement to Rexall -: liilr Tonic and sell It on thl m'arantee. becsuse we believe It is the best hair tonic ever discovered. It cop-.es frr two arises, prices 60 rents and 11.00. Remember you can obtain It only at Th Owl !rug Co., Inc.. Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. SAPOLIO The hig cake that does not waste, scatter or melt CLEANS, SCOURS, POLISHES FROM CELLAR TO GARRET V . - tV. T" 11 1 - --. -ainf ; She Won't Be Satisfied Until She Gets It Half the joy of a HOT BATH, is getting it whije you are in the notion. . " ...... xt. If you have to 'wait forty or fifty minutes to heat the water, you lose enthusiasm, and half the pleasure is gone. After the day's duties are over a HOT BATH is refreshing and produces restfulness. ' ,,, . , ., THE AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER will furnish from three to eight gallons of HOT WATER per minute at 140 degrees F. . The AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER is self-regulating, and is operated by opening and closing the hot-water f cLUCCivw It requires" no attention further than the monthly inspec tion by an expert from this Company. . We have the. AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER in actual operation at our Display Room. It will interest you to come in and see it work. We instaU the AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER on sixty days' trial. We guarantee to satisfy. . , Portland Gas & Coke Co. ciX) City Marshal Carter ha learned that George Rief, the aged man from Tacoma whose relatives asked that a search be made for him, has been at r Who Appreciate - ;-PBtra 4JtW to t antt.oriit tlere Xhm- BlueRflbbon 1 1 j t'iv4 ' TLeBeajrof Quality J. iMiK Tere is something so distinctive, so MfM delicious about it tkat the man J&Jm '-' U -SSMSj who drinks it is never quite fS g.a-'-r-J-rJ'4-1- fW vv-rx?"?r Coos Bay. He arrived on the Break water on May 27 and took a room at the Oregon Hotel in North Bend, but left the next day and nothing further Snappy, When von think Jennings you think of snap, wonder he Ukes and drinks Snappy drink, 6nappy.player the two go to gether as well as if they were made for each other. , i Whether you are athlete or fan, you 11 be as enthusiastic about ioca-v,oia Delicious Refreshing 5c Everywhere C t O. .mn Inr mr fuVlklet. "The Truth About Coca-Cola" and that clever and useful scoring device, the Coca-Cola Perpetual Counter. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Atlanta, Ga. 21 It Sasl! has been heard of him. He did not appear to be well when he stayed at the hotel. The police are searching for further trace of the man. ' of Hueh life, go. No as is jriuucj. i Tlurst-Quenclung Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola ,