. I " . . I r Aim-r -v- -v-a its w 1 1 "''T "'"' 1 HAMLIN Hi KNOX HAVE LIVELY TILT Representative Says Famous Day Portrait Voucher Was "Doctored." PROBE WILL GO FARTHER Ilabrlnj llerk Will I A.krJ by (onmllir Iaeatla;atlC Pcpartrrarnt ibj Document Va ' 1 aatebaaket. ASHIV.T'iV. Juae 11 Intimation ef 'H-trrltis the Bw famous tay por trait u-tf. ronae.uerit lively col- i.,iur Betaeea lffy Knot and . f:irnin Ham la. of the House Inveetl saMa turtm ttM. sad. teetimaBy of l'iBarin C".erk rrlaoe s meaaaa M't tliat be fiund tr-.e vou'-ner oo the t.oor aaar Morriion daak after tha sr.-. u. tad baaa lnaffa.ualiT ran- a'kl. f-atira.) to.laj s sUste lepart- jl:rt lnaatlXatloe. nrrnp-c irB' a twrrtary lt.ol ar4 'orvu;-i;Bvrat Mu-tiil Bt t'a.-att Indiraf-I l rial trie BJil'tlml r!Trn- t"tfl t.i ano'jnt of the v.u-t:r and the a tual amount paid to t (:n!r of e-S.retarr l-er Pr t.a.t waa rr'"l emarcancy ar rouota, parti uiarlr la t.Ma.ee mal-t-r. a r.Tj.ra; is MuhaaU lectins; F o MtbaluW. T -a ir'ni. bKra JJr Knot and t t- Ifjni.ln "aa brlaf and Ire fcalne n'an!ai-l auhi'id i'it''h'y. Mr. Mr ri"B r'oa'T UI Isa rev-at!eJ to p;:pi r r iria vu.ar liappaned to he amn tn -.-rumpled a I it a " naer Ma aacaaeaet aftar th rlnaa of the riai'a work aftar trta search tha J- uani t.a'A bea Wh.n f-rlarT cf flete Kb bp- r.ir.! t-lv lie1 pr-aaate-l tha lore-H mir.s voiacPier for :. eit of which. arr at receivad only I. leavttia; 4I4'a Mt'Tfmt4 fr AUarnt1 ta tha Mtl which daap , .ar. frnaa iha lnpartnwBl files aad . v iErtui r reapreared on tha floor of the !!. ir.lca rurt a afflce Monday. wa a mmorti4um laf ahowina t ha I I'M Had aaaa raid tha arttft for taa artrait aad l had ( for tha aor raaaa af a fraraa. Mr. liimlta aaamlaad aolh vaarhar mn'l "morndura rarafitlr aad thaa rna.Ja hla rharca. Mr. Kaox danlarad ha hrtaar aothina of tha manaar la Ma tha vourhar had dlaappaarad. or how tt aad taaa f"and. a.ihouarh ba had laaaailaalad. Ma loltd tha moat caraftji Invaatiaatloa. A t-Mf fruan v'onaul Oral allrhaaU who ta a frar rhiaf eiark. wrlitaa ta rtarracarr KxX. la 1 . waa laid bafora tha rommlHM. Mr. Mthaal aara that If arttat Koaanthal bad aiarnad a aowhar la !. It bad baaa br mla laka. that ba ourhl ta ha ira atanad oalr a racatpt for tha I Da paid far tba Pay rortra t. Varraiar K daclarad tbta tha oa;r laformatloa tha btata lf yarfmaal haS. Tha aaoond raralpt. wblrb appaarad In tha raaa today for tba first tiroo. waa atd Januarr H. 14. Chairman liamits dartarad that It did not artuall fcaar ajitBaaa that It bad baaa a tarn ad at auca a tlma. but mlsht bava baaa pra parad la tar. PROTECTION CALLED MYTH at orlalla la Contrrr-m Makr-a Mallra Fprarh. V Aalf f NOTfN. Jubo 14 Tha maldan Ptfi of Rapraaaatatlva Barrtr af 1iaoBaln. tha only ftortallat tnamhar o(. t'onrraaa. waa tha faatara of tha a-asar-al dahata la tha llonaa on tha bll for tha raatatoa af tha woolaa arhad uia. Mr. (tartar aupportad taa bill on t ia around that It woald braak dowa Inra'natlonal barrlara. WMia purpoainji to aota for tha pand In. nd.r4 wool bill. Mr Prcr. la kia apaarti. dalarad that lhara waa na urh trio aa pfvtartloa ta labor la tarirf ti:.a aad that any nrk pra-t-n.a waa baraaaa worklnfmaa baya la aa!d tba maaaora waa of amall l-n-na llata conrara to tha worklBa; rlaaa an t maant ao malarial char. ca la thalr rondriooa. Bat ba would aurnort tha bill -barauao It la In Uaa with, aortal and po:iti.al avoiatlon and taada ta laat-oy tha old tariff aupantltlona. ant ta brine lata rloaar ralatloaa tha pao(laa of tha world. STATE CONTRACTS ARE LET SaW-nt Mrnt Lowest Bidder Aajlam IvsWwlora. rAl.t:M. Or. Joao It. ipaclaX) lkalca Broav. of baiam. wara awardad tha coo tract today ta baud tba wine of tba naw racatviaa: ward at tba la- aaa aiilun. TBair aia waa ii..i Tha N.p.rt :niBaartB Company, of t'orUand. bid aj.e aad tba iaad Com- ! :rocnoa Compaay. of oaattie. )!.!. for tha baa t lag plant a number of bida ware racalaed. Another alm roacera. tha I'actao llaattng an LrvgineartBg 'omDaar eecae-ed tha coatract at ll4t i i b-r bida wara J A. Haraardl. balem. IUII, lliaia raglaearlag Compaay. Inrtland. IJIJ. aanby aVhueider. l-ortlaad. II 1 aad Tbeodore M. Barr. tAal-m llT:a. tialr.a to t"ia fact that tha arch'tect waa delayed la preparing Ms plans f"r tna e e.-trt.ei wiring a.l bi'ta oa tMs ware raturaed and wlU bo reopened Monday. June J MINISTER SENT TO JAIL lle. 4-roeje BarNanb. of Cobarg. I t onalrtrd at I'agrnr. Ktl.L'NC, l. Jane It Key. Oeorge Itirnock. t Aa Coburg Matbodiat preacB er in.il.tad by t."e frail Jury for cat. treating t- the da.tn-quaacy af a tn'.nor at that f'-'- eatarad a plea at gui.ir la te tTrruit Court aad waa eeataru-ed by Ju. Harris tMs morn t( to arae a tarm of one year IB tte C-'ti'r Jail aad to pay t-e coats af p r aa.- at (on. i irbank. before recalalng a. atance. made aa Impaaaluaed plea for leniency. Mat W arils to Sew Met a ra Mjows, g it-T.. tie. June It iiipelaL) A tavtag plctura cirealt ta lacluda flea state inatitutiora will bo opened here soon. The lnstutioas that are to be on the circuit are the Allium, Aeyluea Cottage arm. renttanttarr. Plate Trainiag ak-beot aad aw-hool for Votea rtrtaree will ba turn I a had eiciualTelr to tha elrcuit and wtM bo aeierted with a siaa ta secure films that wlU boat tit tea Beads et taasBnaUa WALL STBLXT LEAD EE, WHO WILL TE3TTTT IN STEEL THUST LN QUIET, AUD LAWTEE TO LEAD PE03ECTJTI0N. fit Ik I - V I W V.C A -aW'.aaTaiC, ' ' ' fj.i,fri jV ? ' : . l.l . . f : i .... . ! aaMMaaaiaaaMaliaa aaaaMMaaaiM"aaai" X r. nKO. IKOV A RCCKST 1 IS SUGGESTED Steel Men Would Name Wit nesses for Investigators. CHAIRMAN STANLEY COOL II DerUrra lllmaelf WUIInc to iltta Corporation Grro ninta, bat lUja Inajalrrrs Will Taa Tnrtr Own Dlacrrtlon. (,omttu-i rra rira rrj coma b-f ira'yoa whfonr you dealr him." Mr. Caylay waa quaatlonrd by Cb air man Ulanlry as to tba matbods of ablp plnc raw matatiala and for details eon camlna tba operation of tba ataal eor poratloa railroad aad staaroablp com panlaa aa3 tbslr rata lions with othar railroada Ita was askad to oxplaln tba prlcas of rails quotad to tba Canadian Pacific Railroad, prlcaa lowar slnca lal tban tha uniform doraratlo rata of 121 a Ion, Mr. Oaylay asaln rafarrad ta Praaldant rarralL Mt. Gaylay dscrlbod at latirtb lb" stoat war of 1IT and lt. during which staal rail prlcaa droppad as low as I IT a ton. -rtd not that staal war la H7- brln about tba organisation of tha t'altad Stalas 8laal Corporation T" Sir. Haxtlatl askad. -i do not think It bad anytblna ta do with It- It may bars bad aff act on tha formation of tba Fadaral Staal Company. oraanUad Just bafora tba staal corporation was formad." "lo you know wbathar or not thsrs la an atrarmtit now batwaan staal rail manufacturara. wharaby tha territory Is parcalad out?" "I do not. If such existed. Mr. Far rail roald tall yon.- Andrew Caraea-le'a policy In tba eoa doct of his staal buslaaa bafora ba sold ta tba steal rorporatloa waa made tha baels for a line of Inquiry. Oaylcy said ba could not le an estimate of money expended, but declared tha pol icy of tha liraxit company always waa one of expansion. Tba old aarreemrots ofteo wera broken. Oaylay said, "and la thoaa days prloa-cuttina came about aa re taliation for some fancied wrona." -Klnce tba formation of tba steel . .... ih. hMi bo fancied wron anj ao afforta oa the part of to reduco prlcee?- "Thara have not. was the empnatlo reply. "Manufacturers of steal today Baaa baaa brought mora closely to- 4 a.thar. Tbey are cattlna patiar ac- latarrouroa. that bsa created a better understanding; Krerything la doaa openly aad fraakly now. whereas ba- fore each manufacturer worked sepa ratly - rroaa-raiioa la Planned. y w. Lohmaao. of !t. Louis, tbs oitrltor general of tse Department of Justice, has been chaaan to conduct tbs rasas agalnat the ataal Truat men. It Is said. I'ari:y as a result of tba tak ing of teetlmony by the "ttaaley rora mtttaa and partly as a result of Inveati satl.ua ma.Ie by the tiepartmant of Commr.-e. It Is reported, the Ooera roant will taba action to braak up the (iteel Trtirt and proaecuta Its officers. Theea reports may ba from Wall street sources aad may ba Intended to affect the eaiue of the stark, but thay Krs ta (eaeral circulation In Washing ton. At all erants If any action la taken It artll ba throush Mr. Lehmeno. who has baea dea!gaatd Tor tha work hy the Aiiirar.iaral. ROYALISTS SCARE LISBON bap port era of DtfthrowM Threatcm Chans- King l.linnX. Juaa 14. The proTlslonal goeernment learned on Hatordar that the Monarchists, who hae renewed thalr actirlty to oeerthrow tha repub lic, wera approaching Chare la treat ttambera. The republican troops wera Imme diately cotlceBfrated there. Ro-rsltst leaalera tberaupott ssoyad thalr fsroea Jj .Al-OT TIKE IJf EXCLMD. Into tha territory near Bragda. which la tha waakest point along the frontier. Tha government hastily dispatched troops to Fonts da Barca and Montale- gra Tha genaral opinion Is that tha Roy allsta will not attempt to force thalr way lnta rortugal. ASTOHIA TO GET MONEY FECIUTTART OIiCOTT ANNOUNC ES WAimAXT TO BE DRAWN. Tax Matter Iletwwn Statp and Clat sop County No longer to Inter fere; $50,000 for Centennial. SALKM. Or., June 14, (Special.) Secretary Olcott announced today that tomorrow, ha will Issun to tha Aatorla rencnnial committee the warrant for IS0.0OO which was authorised by tb last Lrpliilatura. Ills change of heart In this respect, ha stated, resulted from a declaration by tha Attorney-Oeneral that he would not bo enjoined from Is suing the warrant for the 14000 unpaid taxes owed by Clatsap County for 1309. Home suspect here that It might have been the result of a visit today from Charles V. Hrown. of Astoria. Krown was one of the heaviest contrib utors to rat s campaign expensrs ana has a considerable Influence In a quiet war with tha affairs of the sdmlnls t ration. It la said. In fact, that Olcott's posi tion aa far as the Astoria appropria tion Is concerned, has caused West un- outet moments. While West appeared on the ballot as a resident of Astoria, he has In reality been a resident of Salem for several years, but he Wished to continue his Aatorla affiliations and Olcott s poaltlon agalnat Clatsop t oun ty and Astoria has not fitted exactly Into bis scheme or tninrs. PARK ALTAR FOR FOURTH Vancouver Offers License and Eur nil are for Public Wedding. VANCOCVKRi Wash, Juna 14. (Special-) Vancouver offers lnduce menta for a couple to ba wedded la ona of tha public parks here as a festura of tha ctty'g Fourth of July celebra tion. The Commercial Club celebration committee announced tonight that a free marriage license, prepaid minis ter's fee and a complete set of house hold furotturo and cooking utenals for two would ba presented the bride and bridegroom married In public lloqalam Man ! F loci roomed. MfxJt'IAM. Wash- June II Nsthso t. Brown, electrician at the Oraya Har bor Hallway. Light and Tower Company plant, was accidentally killed today when he became tangled In aires of high voltage. Brown was working on a polo when caught by a wire and 230 volts passed through hla body. Brawn was uBmarrted. Polygamy CoaatltuClonal Issne. WASHINGTON". June 14 An amend ment to the Federal Constitution for bidding polygamy Is proposed In a me morial from the Nebraaka t-erl:ature presented to the House todsy by Spesker Clark. The memorial proposes that a constitutional convention be called to submit tha question to the state. WM : W i ' J f r. W. Uknaaa. 4 Pbata Copyrlstit by O. O. Bala. a a OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, JUNE SUGAR SECRETARY i Official at $20,000 a Year Too Small to Know Details, He Avers. HAVEMEYER HOLD MYSTERY Stockholders of Trust Always Satis fled to Re-elect Directors. Plant Bought for $700, 0 00 and Closed. WASHINGTON. June 14. Five hours were spent today by Charles R. Helka. for several years tha $-'0,000 secretary of tha American Sugar Refining Com pany. In telling tha House augar In vestigating commlttea that ha knew nothing about the policies or Inner his tory of the company, particularly In tha ysars when H. O. Havameyer was Us president. The witness described his position with tha company as that "of a stock -transfer man. bookkeeper and letter writer." He ridiculed the Idea that ha was the confidential agent of President Have-never, saying that he was not big enough a man for that. Ha de clared that tha Government had picked him out aa the "mischief maker" In the alleged customs frauds charged to tha American Sugar Refining Company, simply because It had to have some one to fasten them on. Company Relations Probed. The subjects tha commlttea tried to find out about, but concerning which Mr. lKike said ha knew little, were ninny. One was tha Interest of the American Sugar Refining Company In tha Nation al Sugar Refining Company. He said tha former company owned $5,000,000 preferred stock In the latter, or a lit tle more than one-half, but ho had no Idea why Just a little more than one half waa bought. Neither did he know whether the American Sugar Refining Company waa cognisant of the claim now under litigation that $10,000,000 combination stork In tha National was In existence at tha tlma It bought tha preferred stock. Little of tha Inner history of tha Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Company deal was obtained from tha witness. Hs admitted that tha American Sugar Refining Company loaned to Adolph Segal, through Gustavo A. Kissel, of whom Mr. Holke spoke as Segal's agent. H.U.'.o.iM'O, and that a majority of the stock of the Pennsylvania Sugar Ha rming Company, with the voting power thereof, waa given aa collateral se curity. Havemcjer'g Control Secure. Mr. lletke was unable to explain why President Havemeyer had such a con trol over the American If ha only held In his own name a comparatively few shares. Again Mr. Beck Interrupted to suggest that probably mora shares ware held In the name of brokers, as waa sometimes done In New Tork. "Tha stockholders were apparently satisfied to re-elect tha directors from year to year." said Mr. Helka in ex planation of Mr. Havemeyer's power. "Did ha secure the proxies of stock holders?" Inquired Mr. Garrett. The witness responded that he did and when asked the manner in which the proxies wera collected said: "I sent out notices every time to each stockholder. I would say: The term expires of three directors. If you plea.-e. ba present to vote. If you have not time to come we will vote for you and unless otherwise directed we will vote for tho three whose office ex pires." " - Stockholders Always Contented. "And they always wrote you to go ahead and do that?" "Precinely." Then forgetting, seemingly, tha re serve which had characterised his tes timony, Mr. Helke launched forth Into a defense of the corporation. The Inqury was directed to ascertain ing whether the parent company bought other concerns merely to close them but It waa also unproductive, Representative Garrett questioned the witness closely about the purchase and closing of the United States Sugar Refining Company. "It was poorly located," said Mr. Haike. "Yet you were willing to pay $700, 000 cash for It?" -Yes. sir." Representative Madison expressed In terest In the statement that there was not much discussion of business at di rectors, meeting- Ho asked If there were not other strong men on the board besides President Havemoyer, such aa John E. Parsons. Mr. Helke said Mr. Parsons was a lawyer and knew little about refining sugar. "But hasn't the American made Its money out of manipulation of stock and organisation of corporations rather than out of refining sugar?" Inquired Mr. Madison. Mr. Helke was not willing to agree to that or to acknowledge that stock hsd been watered by the American of ficials. ELKS MAYBUILD LODGE Oregon City Herd Plana to Sell Present Home. OREGON CITT. Or June 14. (Spe cial). A movement looking to the transfer of the social department of the Commercial Club to the rooms of tho local lodge of Elks has been started. Tha transfer would Include the lease on tha club room, and tha other furniture. The Elks have ap pointed a committee consisting of C. W. Evans. Harry Draper and E- Ken neth Staunton, to confer with a com mittee to be appointed by the Commer cial Club, to carry on the negotiations. The sentiment among Commercial Club members Is against the proposi tion. It Is argued that tha social fea ture la virtually the mainstay of tha organisation and tha abandonment of It would be Injurious to the Club.. At a meeting several months1 ago the Elks lodge decided to build a new home. The Ilawley property on Main street was chosen as a site, but be cause of a defective title It waa not purchased. 14 SLUGGERS INDICTED Enrigbt, Held Slayer or CJWgo rnlon Man Among Theaa. CHICAGO. June 14. Fourteen Indict ments were returned by a grand Jury today against Maurice Enright, and other men whom th police character ised as "labor sluggers." Enright Is tha business agent of the Plumbers' MODESTO I STAND 5. 1911. A B Night and Day. Cried AH the Time. Used Most Everything. Cutkura Remedies Cured Itching m 3 Days. Healed in 8 Days. "I was taken with the ffc tn Aprs, laoc and used ssost everything. I bad a fcrtend pay me a vent from Cumberland, aad she advised me aa use Cuticura Bemedic- which I did. Tfa cure was eertatnl; quick, and I use then to Ibis day. I had I terribly under m : knees. I only use one box of Pills, bu two boxes of Cutlcun Ointment, and I urn the Cuucnra Soap all the time. I bope this will benefit others, as It lias ma. after Dr. and others could do nothing tor me." (Signed) Mas Lu Johnaoo. 153 Ninth SU. i. W, Washington. D. C- Ap t. 1910. In a later letter Miss Johnson adds? "The trouble organ with aa eruption under my knees, and extended upwards toward my waist, until I was not able to aH down. It kept a anurttnt taehtng aad oavnxag all tha ume, night and day. 1 went to my doctor but be could do out no good alter I do not know how many mtxttcxaes he gave me, and then told me I would be compelled to go to a skia specbUist, which I positively Tsrosed to do. 1 cried afl tea lima, finally I made up my mmd to try Cutkura Rem edial, and tried Cattcara PIQs, Ointment and Heap, sad was emtrrly eared of the itch ing three days aftar I started usmg them. The heeling toak about eight days. I con sider CuUcurs Beinedias marvejeejs, snd would recommcad them everywhere. I bope everyone suCeruig from any akin disease will try CuUcara, for it at mine frjrevermon." The Cutkura Remedies afford the rpcjudhst and moat economical treatment for akin and again troubles. Sold tbjuarhout the world. Potter Drug a: Cbeis. Corp., eoae props. 19 Cosumbus Ave, lloatoa. Mam. e Vailed free, samples of Cuttenra Soap and Ointment, with aa-p. book oa skm treatment. I niUD ailU Blicau; ...... ment on the charge of shooting and .lilt. H-llllam Cantlnmin 11 Tl I O Tl labor agent, recently In a down-town saloon. All tha Indictments were In connec tion with labor affrays. TARIFF IS BIG ISSUE ATTEMPT TO ENXARGE DEMO CRATIC PROGRAMME FAILS. Representatives Reject Several Pro posed Bills and Will Confine Efforts to One Subject. u i ctnvnTnv Inn. 14 An attamnt to extend tba leglslatlva programme of . -.. Ik. r. I mnlAPltV Ml III. .itr. session of Congress failed completely today at a caucus 01 me inmucriui; Representatives. Tho result Is a rein forced determination of the Demo crats to confine their legislative efforts at this session to the tariff. ' Jected were tho bill providing for a cnange xrom tnree to ub jcio, enlistment period In the Army and . i .....ani,oHnn Kill. Introduced by Chairman Hay of the committee on military affairs, urns wnicn mo com mittee on naval affairs wished to have - -. . v. i Ae.tnn an.l other minor bills and emergency measures were de nied consideration. "The action of the caucus simply means that we will go ahead with the tariff programme as originally outlined at the opening of the session," said Democratic Leader Underwood. . . ..r. m ..u-ral members declared there might be another caucus later to determine upon a inon cn programme but the party leaders ex pressed tho opinion that nothing fur ther would be added to the programme. COOKE'S ALLY WITNESS woman; onxe like c barry; NOW WRECK, ON STAXD. Jcanette Ford Admits Hiding $22. 00 0 Companion Said He Had Stolen From Big Four Road. CINCINNATI, June 14. Charles L. t- i ...... .nnfMRpH defaulter to the extent of 643.000, stepped from the court scene in the trial of Edgar S. ri here todar back to his cell and then entered JeannettS Steward Ford, once a veritable DuBarry. now apa- ., i.i.j I..IM. With quavering voice, shaking hand holding a handkerchief unsteadily to Oh, You Blondes and You Brunettes, Too (From New Tork Dally News.) "Any woman be her skin light or j.ri r.n have a beautiful complexion. free from blemish. If she will use tha simple treatment so popular with the women of Japan," said Mme. in wo today. "i,n,n. women never wrlnkla un til old age; their faces are free from specks and blotches; they are never afflicted with superfluous nair. "What Is the aecret of their perfect complexion? "They use no paints nor coametica. They rely altogether upon a prepara .i h. HtaaolvlnsT a amall orig inal package of mayatone in about eight ounces of witch haxel. They massage face, arms and neck with this solution onca a day. .-naya- . i. hirmliu and alvea a lovely. clear, healthy color, besides preventing wrinkles and wild hairs. Whether blonde or brunette, you find this treat ment extremely satisfactory." Adv. Portland Printing House Co. J 1. Wright. Pres. ana Gee. Maaagae. Seek. Catalacaa aad Caaamarctaa PRINTING PboBM: M.vin 62UI. A KMU urco-k MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A CartainlUliaf forFevertabneee, C onelipalloB, Headache, 't.a.rk Treablee, Teetblag Maerdere, and Deetrer TradeMaT. Is M Boars. At all Drutsiila. laeaa, Don t accept rUmnia m.i'-d f REE. Xddraaa, snr substitute. A. S. OLMSTED, La KofltLY. 1 HOT WEATHER CLOTHING Summer Days Demand Lighter-Weight Suits Popular Norfolks for Sum mer wear. Rich new tan, gray and blue Chesterfields; always cool and comfort able; stylish and neat You owe it to yourself to dress as cool as possible. Gray's clothes keep the body cool the disposition sweet. Summer Suits, $20 and Up We Will Appreciate Your Call R. M. GRAY 273-275 Morrison, at Fourth her eyes, she admitted having hidden 122,040 In money for Cooke and then declared that ha had told her that it had been taken from the Big Four Railway. She said that' she had received 11200 or 11600 of this amount for herself and then, when a check signed by her and Indorsed by Cooke for $1000, said that the bookkeeper of the railroad had Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery This supplies pure blood by aiding digestion, moreasiog assimilation and im parting tone to the whole circulatory system. Its a heart tonic and a great deal more, having an alterative action on the liver and kidneys, it helps toelimiaats the poisons from the blood. To enrich the blood and increase tha red Mood' ooepaseies, thereby feeding tb nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous irritability, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and do not permit a dishonest dealer to snsuk your intelligence with the " just as good kind." The " Discovery " kaa 40 saars a aura behind rt and oouteins no alcohol mt narootica. Ingredi ents plainly printed on wrapper. Dr. Pforoe't Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent fret on receipt of stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing saia. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the French eloth-boamd book. Address : Dr. H V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. cT AWARD HE-.. (M5kJ$t - A; : 1 qrlnnouncemem cigars ' made annualpai ThmmHa. beirw 90 Yallihe Havana Cigars produced in ihe United Steles " A jupyfreJpers awarded firsl prizefir general excellences' Qualify workmamhip5elec1ion io ihe JOSE VILA brand y Havana Cigars ihm permitting the siaiemeni IhebesiAll Havana " Ci$artade in ihe Untied Siaies tftiiaiemeni ihai consumers may depend upon. hCo. '.,. RmsL Mxeurszvf wnoiXSAiK DMtRlBtrf&S JjemmQii uro& - popnAwoooc Mahers.Tampa.Fla. forced her to return that amount to him. In all essential details her testimony fitted Into and supplemented that at Warriner. Warriner had related that when he discovered that Cooke was short, the defendant had promised to return some of the money and had sub sequently visited Warriner's home and had given htm 12000. If the blood is poor and filled wKk the poisons from diseased kidneys or inactive liver, the heart is not only starved but poisoned as weU. There are maor con ditions due to impure blood such as dropsy, tainting spells, nervous debility or the many scrofulous conditions, ulcers, " fever-sores," white swellings, eto. All eaa be overeome and cured by a 1 A . . - J. . - i 1