. ... t t it YT" -. 1 . lr Hot Weather Needs of All Kinds-Window and Door Screens-Oas FlatesWire Meat oaies- jewgi -cxx v Porch Seats-Lawn Swings-Sanitary Self-Closing Garbage Cans-Tents-Canvas CHairs and Stools-Ice Cream Freezers ART NEEDLEWORK SAMPLES AND CLUNY PIECES Vz PRICE Today only in our art NeedleworK department 2d floor, we will sell beautiful hand-embroidered Sofa Pillows. MarKed $1.25 to $15, hand-embroidered Linen Towels, Cen- - : i . . 1 . r- ; : : c-tv nn;i;c mrh IZr tn Tahlp Plnths worth tin to 1 TH -r;-e on1 Tin lie iL'nrt ri roonlar I 11(1 to HIT firilnn rar. Pic. AISO LlUny tenieruiCLCJ, ocoxia oiiu uu'i-j, yy 1 v T r, .nrW pliinrf nnlv vnn m a v rhnnP frnm this enormous collection at half the regular price. You should come early for best choosing on these -, .lnt June White Days' A Great $1:32 ale Und'rmuslins S2.50 Drawers $1.89 In th hlg unJermuslio tnir, second floor, we offer Women Irrawer, open or elosed, tut . .-.-r. n.l rr.nlr cuts, made of fine riij ' - -- r ' - material, with deep flonnr of luce, fine Swis ttbmidery or hemstitcn1 Inrkt; ri "J U our re cnlar value to fi.'iO, pair, V X - -r Re.S2.50 Corset Covers for $1.39 rrv, rnrtot fnifn. read of fin nain- took, mull or fine muslin, trimmed in dainty lace of every description or line etEDroinery Mpnjr. beading and laee. uur Deal c j J U J30 ralnes peei-lly priced, V $2 SKirts at $1.39 Women's Tine eambrie and lonyrloth Petti coat, with tucked flounces, excellent styles, pood, durable, value to .uu, tr-i J U specially barjpiiniied at only, ea. P J Ref S2 Chemise Special at $1.39 Women ' Chemise, made of fine heer Bain ook. with yoke trimmed in lare iniertion and finished with ruttle. pIen- P fl did $-00 value, peciai, only ?- S2.50 Combinations Special, '$139 Women' Combination Corset Cover and Drawer. prince and corset cover style, open or dosed. Made in the popular wide butter fly effects, trimmed in lace insertion. Torchon tact inset or medallion., lace and CI OQ insertion. Our rrg. va!. to tJ.50, Sale Nemo Corsets $3.5Q Values S2.39 S5 Values for $3.49 The popular "Nemo" Corsets; line discon tinued by the manufacturer; made of heavy- eight euutil. heavy brocade and durable ba tiste materials trimmed in lace and ribbon at top, four hoe snpporters. $151) model for T2.3Q; resutar fl.00 model for $2.9S. and our regular fcj.00 models banrainized (jJO A Q at the venr specially low price of "June White Days" Sale Hand-Made Inf 'ts Wear Our entire stork of Infants' Apparel is on sale at re duced price. Extra Special All Infants' hand-made Slipe, Short and Lon? Skirts, Short Dresses, Pillow Sl.p and Bibs, ete. Comprising the most com- la plete stock in the eity. Placed on sale and reduced MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED BY US. K, $2 SUede Hand Bags 98c r" . spOOiF nana oags cpo.o All iha newest stvtes in Women's Hand Baes, they are styled with the newest eordelier handles, novelty shapes with plain or fancy frames, colors are black, brown, navy, gray, green or blue. Our regular $2.00 values for only QQ 9SS and $6.50 values now at, each ORDER BY MAIL. WE'LL SELECT THE BEST Mail Orders Filled Automatic Refrigerators Phone OrdersFille4 "Vudor" Porch Shades "June White Days" Sale All Depts. Sensational Sale Boys' Wash Splits , - - - ' ' T " " " ' PicKed Up by Our Clothing Buyer at Less Than Cost of Manufacture Our Summer Lads will rejoice at this sale, for tney Know mu well that their wise parents will taKe advantage of these low prices. The lots were made up of house samples and suits left over after filling Summer orders It's the biggest lot you i ever had an opportunity to choose from; 5 prices, 100 styles. Sale $2 Wash Suits for 98c In this lot yon will find some of the best Utile suit you ever saw, ven at twice the price. Sizes from 2lj to 8 years. They are all well made and of good, de pendable materials, that will stand the laundry. The value are exceptionally good at $1-50 and (2.W. For this sale QC we price them at only, O $3 Suits $1.48 Boys' Wash Suits, in sire 2'2 to 10 years, styled in the Russian blouse, sailor, military and regular blouse effects. The materials are galateaj French madras, reps and percales, in tans, blues, brown, white and black and striped effects, all differently made and T" 10 trimmed. Beg. 12 and $3 suits for P X $5 Suits $2.48 Here's a lot that mothers will go into ecsta cies over. The assortment is unusually good. The materials are Imported ginghams, linens, in white and colors, galateas in light tans and blues, French ginghams and woven madras, ducks in white and colors, all neatly trimmed and well made. Come in Russian and Buster Brown styles; single and double- CJO A (I breasted. Best $4.00 and $5.00 vals, P0 $4 Suits $1.98 A splendid selection of styles in little suits that the maker thought he should hold out because they were so exceptionally good; sizes ZVs to 10 years; no two styles alike; all well made and trimmed. Materials are reps, ginghams, ducks and piques. Splendid $3.50 1 QO and $4.00 values, very special at P" $8 Suits $3.48 This lot is composed of fine imported mate rials that go in the best suits only. Sizes 2 to 9 years, in Buster Brown and Russian blouse styles, military and sailor collars. The little fellows' eyes will dance when tbey see them. Pure linens and imported reps and piques, and beautiful lot of light colors, trimmed in embroidered edgings, silk and wool braids, etc. Extreme novelties ia A.SI (6.00 to $8.00 values, special at PJ"0 Boys' $1.5Q Shirts for 98c Boys new Soisette Shirts, sizes 12 to 14 years. Colors are tan, white and cream. Neat silk stripe effects, attached or de tached collars; extra good $1.50 values, special for this QQn sale at low priee, each $4QEmpire Coats $24 $lO Dress SKirts $4. 95 The new Empire, the most popular style of the season, will be shown in KnglUh serge in black, navy blue, tan, black and white checks, etc., trimmed with bands of satin around the waist and sleeves. Many have the long col lar effect trimmed with piping and large button. Well made and very attractive; value to CO QC $40.00, specially priced, i''J A special purchase of Women's Press Skirts enables us to offer high-grade mohairs and serges in gray, navy and black, mannish mixtures and black and white shepherd checks. Plain three-piece skirts, trimmed with but tons of same material; also with panel front and back; regular C4 QC values to $10.00 each, for P $6 Wash Dresses $2.89 S12.5Q Petticoats $5.39 Fine Silk Petticoats, messalines and jersey tops in a large variety of styles and colors. Tbs messalines are styled with plaited and pin tucked flounces, with adjustable tops, color are black, tan, gray, green, wistaria, blue, ete. Tko unsij tnm have Persian claited flounces; bodies are black and colors. Reeular values each, special :dies are DlacK ana colors, lues to $12.50 (tC 9Q ally priced at P 0.057 For today we place on sale 150 Wom en's Tub Dresses of good quality per cale, gingham and chambray, suitable for street or house wear. Neatly styled and trimmed in plain bands or braids with high necks and long sleeves. Skirts are plaited or plain. An at tractive lot of exceptional tO QQ values to $6, special at only POZf June Sale of Wash Goods 20c Values at lOc 45c Values at 23c The ' aisle of cotton" has gained an enviable reputation for showing the best patterns. Here's an assortment of Scotch cheviots, ma dras and zephyrs, very serviceable materials. The laundry has no terror for them.rtO Values to 45c, special this week, yd.,1 OC FLAXONS, fresh from the weavers' hands. 300 pieces to choose from. Convention- OZ bL floral and other patterns, the yard,1-'' Madras Waistings in the plain and corded ef fects, the best and most serviceable fabrics for outing waists, street and house dresses. Goods that are made to stand the laun- - r dry. Regular 20c values, special, yard, -C WHITE GOODS 10,000 yards of checked nainsooks, dotted Swisses, fancy plaid and striped lawns, suitable for every pur- -j r pose. Keg. 15c and 20c values, the yd., The "Aisle of Cotton55 20c Batiste 12V2C 30c Zephyrs 2Qc Batiste Argenton, an ideal Summer cloth with white or colored ground, patterned in the most pleasing effects, neat dots, stripes, etc. The ideal Summer fabric. Sells regu- - larly for 20c the yard, special at t 2C IMPORTED ZEPHYRS Those very beautiful flaked plaid effects that make up so very pretty. For Summer dresses for street n f wear they have no equal; 30e value at The "aisle of cotton" offers beautiful Printed Marquisettes, the choicest and most popular fabrics of the season, fine sheer cloth q q in exquisite patterns. Reg. 65c yard atOOC DRESS GINGHAMS The largest assortment in the city. The most desirable patterns and in every way reliable. High-grade mate- q rials, on special sale this week, the yd., 85c Ribbon 10,000 yards of, all the newest Ribbons. Dres dens, plaids, stripes, checks, Roman effects, etc. Every desirable color combination, in widths to 6 inches. A special purchase enables us to offer values to 85c for 33c SHIPPERS ARE BENEFITED ACTIO Or NOKTU B.VXK IM PROVES CITA TtRMfXAI fiwttchlns Charcr Will Be Mater ial !j I!cdocHl Manufacturers Sr rtrvrlopmrnt. Mor. far-rcchlnf than was at flnt rulliij I. th. announc.mer.t mat. f.w days aa that th. vltrhlr.f charr f a car on gjo-'- d;iv.rel t.oni t;.. 11a. of th l"nlt Kallwaym Kront-;r-t 1 Hr t atorP by tti. North Han tin. This rra.inr.t air!la not only t. blulo hara.cJ l ana from comp.ll iki points, but on all htpa-rnu In non comp.tlilv. t.rritory a vt'i. ln o:r.r wortla." tl W. E. Coman. SMxraJ fr!ht anJ pasnr ac.nt of lh. Norta Ban and .ctn- ltn. y t.rUy. "t. tracks of lh. N'Vth r.ank. th lnitd Railway, and tn. Orrgon K:ctrte lthln th. city limits of Frt land har. ..n mad. common t.rratra'.s for all tsr lln. and urdr thl ar rarcam.nt car'.cad rirmrtt to or from any point on tM. Nor-.h Pana outld of our awiU-Mn limit, will be hanJ.od to or fr.ni a.-.y p.mt on th. Nartn Pan ostald. ta. .w.t.Mn limits. a:o to or t-rn joint, on a'.l Un. ri.hd via t... North Bank wur-.out th. pr.a.rn switch- 'irtwo .locrrle lines hay had of th. North Ban terminals In U.ls mann.r for t. paat vral mortri. T:a will r.au.t not cn:y In th. " In of a ! amo int In switcl Inf ,Urm whicS hr.:otor. fcav. teto pjd (.r th. h!ppr on FTont str.t. .toath Portland sad North Tortland. but hou'.d pro. an Imr-ortant factor tn th. o.y.ioonwnt of Portland aa a. d:trit.ut ln sad maaufacturla entr. for th. ,H,o3 that lar. ara ao-tb:. t. traeksf. for ahlppm v n a. a rvniin - " -' Pioneer of lI0 Is Ied. John Marians dl4 yeaterday mom-na- a: th. r.t lnce of hi son Jchn l Mrg.n.. Sl Ka.t Fr.rett tr..t- M. was born In Germany. H. ram. to th. I ni'.il tats in ! and loeat.d on a fa.-m I" Minnta. whin h. remained .t!l 1'". wbi h. moved t" Portland, wh.r t. rMidtd until hi d.ath. 81 children .tirvir. Mr. Merens. They ar. John 1. Merirena. it. K. Mera-ena. Robert Mrrirens and Mra. M. Vadne. of Portland. Or. and Mra. Anna Sllvaln and Mrs. Agn. Clayton, of Seattle. Wash. COMMISSION RULE URGED Kaat Klde Baptist Concrcratlon Ask Mjor-eict to AcX. In Ms sermon Sunday night. Rev. Albert Ehrg-ott. pastor of the East Slfl. Baptist Church, dlecuaaed th. r.sults of th. recent municipal election, particu larly a relation to th. disposition of th. It Initially, and referendum mra suraa. At th. ni time th. clergy man congratulated Mayor-elect Rugtv llxht on hi ..action and remarked that the people of the city would expect Mr. RuihllKht to use his best endeavors at an early date to bring about th. sub mission tn the voters of th. city of commtsKlon plan of Bov.rnm.nt for their approval. These sentiment wer. concurred In by th. au.llanc. with th. result that the Est Plde pastor yesterday sent th. following- letter to th. Sfayor-elect: Honorable A. O. Fuhllht. Mayor-Elect r.r PIT. Me-nr of the Eiit Sln Pap ijt Chreh ani conrresatloc representing: a.l r-kllt:ca: ta-tlee in.-.uld la the reeent launicipal ele.'iiea. hereby canfratulat. year eceeefwl ntlDtm.Bt. W. recosslxe with tbe splendid epportunity confrontln We axur yea ef ear united os-eperatma la every effert yoe make la enforce the lawa te la every way te make Pert- lard flourisa. It la our expectation thai promptly and w::hout neeJleM delay yuu will uee your cfnc'al powers le suenilt to the people the aJptioa ef the commission form ef sov- mmrnt Main eurselve. thus partners with yes la your purpose te ee Utyor of all tiie peopio for the eeet aool of the whole commun'ry. Will aeceeaarliy k-ep our. sel.es taformed ef the pregreee of events !a thla wa are .wre. veto, the mind of beets ef w.en w.o are Jeal.me for the ad vaaee ef pertleaa. Very s-e-eir yeura. ALBKRT KHKvJOT. at .a later. esae s tilvw lllaa Mew a teams rk. l suffered tnterely after eatlnc and a. n.edl.'lne or treatment I tried se.rned to do ary (voa. writes n. m. touna reters. I lltor of Tlie t in. Lake View. Ohio. T. e flret few dorrs ef Cham- j her. ain't Stoma -h and I.lver Tablets I cave me aurpnaln relief and th. sec ond botlie seemed to ie me a r.tw e-onia: and perfectly (rood health." . lor ... by all dea.era. I Cdlafsen slabwood la superior. NURSES' WORK SHOW.1. COXDITIOXS AMONG POOK OF CITY IXVESTIGATED. One Family Found to Be IrWlna- In Poorly Lighted Basement Tu bercular Patient Menace. Th visiting nurse reported lit patients for May at th. regular monthly meeting of the board of directors. Of this number 1 were la th. tubercu losis division. A total of 475 visits wer. mad. by th. nurses, of whom there sr. now four on th. staff. Th. association and Multnomah Hos pital have completed arrangements whereby a nurse In the graduating class of th. training school will be given six weeks' work with th. visit ing nurse, as part of her regular training. Under th. careful direction of Mies Grtttmyer. th. supervisory nurs. of th. association, th. proba tioner Is assigned to th. various divi sions of th. work In systematic man ner, so that she has her experience In th. maternity, tubercular, surgical and general work. In th. report of th. work among th. poor of the city Is emphasized the need of better living quarters. A case was reported ef a family of four living In a two-room basement, lighted by two tiny windows, th. floors damp and cold and th. plao. most unsanitary. The discovery of tuberculous patients In rooming houss Is voiced by the nurses as a menace to th health of the com munity and a most prolific source of contagion. The commftt.. on tubercu losis has In hand plai for th. Isolation of such cases, as far as It can b. man aged. This class of patients la mad. up largely of th. drifting .lement, WORK WILL CENTER HERE Railway Plelslon of Y. M. C. A. Ke labll.hr. Headquarter In City. Portland henceforth will be headquar ters for th railroad division of tn. Toung Men's Christian Association on the Pacific. Coast. Although there ia ne railroad T. M. C A. In this city. W. H. Darr. a member of th. International ccuav- miitM of tha T. M. C A. and In charge of the railroad work In the states west of th. Rocky Mountain, ha established permanent headquarter In the Portland V. M. C. A. building. Ha will hav. offices in connection with I. B. Rhodes. Oregon-Idaho secretary of th organiza tion. Mr. Day ha chosen Portland as his headquartera because It Is central and also because several important projects are In vi.w In this state). Most Im portant of these Is tha probable organi sation in Portland of a railroad T. M. C. A. Mr. Day and others hav. been working on this project for some time, and hve received such encouragement from railroad officials that they r highly hopeful th. enterprise will b. successful. Portland, as th. recognised railroad center of the Pacific Northwest, offer, an unusually largo fleld for this work. Mr. Day Is known a th. fath.r of T. M. C. A. work In railroad construction camps, having first directed his efforts along this line In South Dakota. It was he, also, who established tha T. M. C. A. In th. construction camps along the Deschutes River, where they ar. now being conducted successfully. THROUGHSERVICE To Yellowstone Park. Through standard sleeping car serv ice between Portland and Yellowstone station will be inaugurated by the Oregon-Washington Railroad Navigation Company on Thursday, Jun. IS, the first car leaving Portland at i0 P. M. of that data and dally thereafter for th remainder of the Yellowstone sea son. Make your reservations and ob tain all desired Information as to rate and routes at our city ticket office. Third and Washington treet. A LEADING CALIFORNIA DRUGGIST Pasadena, Cal.. March 9, 111. Foley at Co.. Gentlemen: "we hav. old and recommended Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for years. We be lieve It to b. one of the moat efficient expectorant on the market. Contain ing no opiate or narcotics It can be given freely to children. Enough of tha remedy can be taken to relieve a cold, as It has no nauseating results, and does not interfere with digestion. Yours very truly. C. H. Ward Drug Co., C L. Parsons, s-ec'y. end Treas." Get the original Foley' Honey and Tar Compound In the yellow package. Sold by all druggists. Plummer has the highest quality ollvs .11 In Portland. Sampi. free. Call or shorn Plummer Drug Co lit Third. SELL10D 15 THIRSTY WATER FAMINE CAUSES RESI DENTS TO PROTEST. that another street be selected for the main. - Meeting; of Commercial Clnb Will Be Held to Decide on Artlon to Bring About Remedy. Residents of Bellwood are experienc ing their annual water famine, and ac cording to report yesterday from many sources th. shortage la worse than in former yeare. There will be a meeting of the Sellwood Commercial Club to night at the clubhouse to see what can be done. Since last year many new building have been erected In Westmoreland and elsewhere In the district tributary to the ten-inch main on Mllwaukle street, and the draw on this source Is much greater than last year. Dr. H. C. Fix ott, president of the club, said yes terday: "There has been a general water fam ine all over Sellwood during the past few hot days. This morning I had no water In my office on the second floor. Th. same experience Is reported from all the buildings and the people of Sell wood ar highly indignant over the sit uation. We think that the Water Board should have laid the reinforcing water main In time to have prevented what was Inevitable, a water shortag. for i0 or more people. It was prom ised us a yesr ago that we would get this reinforcing water main, but the hot season Is upon us and it is not laid and our people are suffering Intoler able hardships." The Water Board provided a lS-lnch reinforcing water main for Sellwood. Kenllworth and Westmoreland and th. territory tributary to the present ten Inch main on Mllwaukle street, and th sections of the pipe were distributed preparatory to being laid, but the oppo sition of certain property-owners on Esst Twenty-sixth street, between Di vision and Powell, to the widening of that street has delayed th. laying of th. main. Th. pipe 1 lying along th Street now. This Is the reason that th main has not been laid and tha cause of the water famine ia Sellwood. Th. Sellwood Coauaarclal Club will arg Astoria to Improve Street. ASTORIA. Or., June 12. (SpeciaL) The street committee of the City Coun- cil awarded a contract this afternoon to Alexander Frederickson for the Im provement of Commercial street lead ing to the depot, a distance of five blocks. The specifications call for an expenditure of $22.740. ll's-fi''11' !! ;i! !:!: iii'lliii!?! I III up! as Ml lima -W IK U1 " U I im'W.W SsViAsSSi if'-, .in .ft " - , abac- - - 'J II of. .J mi mwrrt , I I I Still ice T rifasaiii 1 1 j From Bath-Time to Bed-Time You're Cool In B.V.D. BRACING air floods your body in Loose Fitting B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts, Knee Length Drawers and Union Suits. You avoid that "all gone" feeling so distressing on hot days. Thim Rad Woven Label B. V. D. Union Stilts (Pat. 43007) $1.00. S1J0, $2.00, $3.00 ana $5.00 a salt. MADE FOR TH. mm BEST RETAIL TRADE B. . D. Coat Cut Under shirts and Knee Length Drawers, 50c, 75c $1.00 and $1.50 asanneaU .1: i;Ve iu,;i::i:: (Jradt liark Reg. U. S. Pal. Of. and Tar civ Countries.) i.nyB.V.D.Uaanraraiant. Take ondereiraient nkrrthia Ubel. The B. V. D. Company, New York. ;1i:,i'!;;:j'i!!ri:.i;';i;!' ! Will I "Ml'.. Sli!!!!!!1!!!;!!!!'!!!!!!!!:1;