THE MORXIYR OREOOXIAX. MONDAY, TTSE . 12, 1911. BEAVERS TRIUMPH BY 3 TO 1 SCORE Henderson Is Steady Through out Contest and Locals Take Series. MNTH VERY DANGEROU! Rapp' and Bu' toe a too elusion Nearly Allow Visitor lo Scon, but McCrrdle Are goprerae at nnlsh. FT W. J PETRAIV. With B-niy HenJer-.n ,.! fj4 . .3 All tb. r. Water M - red! a 'Bearer, ee.ebrat'd a--t-wa day- at ,h. Vahn-trl p-k )-"""' na b d-f-atlr.g tr, An.'. wilt -nam" tiM .n.-rir.-. tr. of to 1. In-innt,;-.y. th vl.-.ory gav th !! th r"1 ll" rl four n- to two ' ""'", I sot kit nicely for al Inltln-, .Turin th r.r.t f:r of h. rot allow a Mt. "t In th -.entb th leavers lr-'k hla meaaur nice. v. and t.i iM ti " m'n 'r "Ji,: Krwier open. th Ten:h wltn a tap waVh grt a-.v fr..m Akin, who tried to .tab It bar.-B.nd-d. IUri tl I:ni. f..r n out at oral, witch ed urrd Krurger t second. ' Ml tap f M'l " -K"", tMrd fkln: ih. who earlier bad bnM on Whl f..r the nrt hit Port land mart.. fnled off several r-fth ...d out and th'n w.d. Itca atnla a-ond and Toaar .Murray t rxlbl lota tha hoi. and lb. a Lir.d b: crtprla-- f w two aacaa. awt am..r and l"oalnraush. Wltb loodraon worklna la rrana atria. tha to nu 1wh1 Uk voontala to h ,aT ood naaura th Pa.ra jut run Srrra In th. .Ishth. la thla Inalnt rhartoourna tn'o a ainl tlftipri had. and R.1iter aacrtfVad. By,n eouUl r..t n th. pill rat Irl aiav nt Chadturu. 'a at thlia. .nd.wh.n W-u-r fUaU4 Kmr.i alow rroon.Ur. fha.lsourn. actrd "ia third run acquired by tha homa t.aja. la tha rlnth RJl-pa and Kyaa ratna arar rramblin all tha r and aUow rna th. AM.IM to tla up th. W tnca. bot llnderon wa .ifadr In th. . pinch nd worniJ out of th. h J. with th. allowtrc of bat on. run. thcti a ftlt .fon. na of th. Inn1n would kav. tlrd tip tha aror. Akin op-nrd th. ninth with a pop r.r to rcklnr". hu Harnard anoirod a lnl. paat K.Klerra. lH.ljr bontd to R-kPPa. who mad. a t -pea'- to rarkln twuah at and. ami Both Ansclc. wer. aaf. H'mard lit MCnd ! raly at fln.t. Smith walkrd. .:ia th. b-i.r. an. only or.a mnn waa out. M.twr to Rran. on which Brmard tountrd. and pudJr. m.tead of holdloa Ialy at aec ond and 8mKh at flmt. tried to t tli. ap-iy Prnard at th. pUto. whuh al lowed both AM'I mrnrra to advance to third and . w.d. Ilm.i wa the bat ter to faca llondrmin In thla pinch, but he failed to deliver, fcia arvuudrr to Rodaera belnw fleU.d claniy and t!ia waa over. Ivan II ward. tlia Amrfi dartae baaa runner. doubled In th. aeventh and In a!idln Into third l. wr.ncbad hla In lured knea - eeve-rty that he had to b,. carried off the field. Howard a In jury m.iy ba worae than the cursory ex amination, twe.all. and In any event he will ba out of th. nam. lor aeveral WBoVh teama left lat nlsht on th. Bha.ta Limited. Pivrtlond oea to Ia Anaelea to meet Vern-.n commenclna Wedneaday. whUa th Anielea hock op wltn th. Oaka, eoram.nciu tomorrow afternoon. Tha tain) of yeaterday'a aama la aa followa: Akhvtb. 4 a o x xh.1--.rf IMM C,'!A rt six Hoaaeza a o o 4 luwd '.f X 1 OKruea r lf 1 a Z'.TSrl. i s a 1K.PI...H. a o ; I -.rru. rVi O T 5h.ii.Jtt J 0 1 IT J miloni lis lr""" a ! ! a I Ortade.. I 1 0 Murray. c 1 1 (MM p.. a 0 0 tUciaW. till emit a. lf0O Tstal XO 14 18 l Total XT 21 11 1 CORS BT INNINOat Aaaatea 1 1 prt -a ; ;;??; IJ Hit. 0 0 0 1 1 X 1 VatMART. Hnnopmar. Otadbenrtle. Kraecer. r- iBpaus euf- Pr !"" r " Pu- oo kal'-'rt H li'i X. of tv.hl X. Two mm hi: l" Ion. Ho"A Murray. ee t!ce hit. tba.1!"'urB. KJ:r .e.-rlt..-e 1 T v ' i r at.-trn baa-e H-trt. I ecA lapauh. Time 1 lo. Iroplre rionej. Ilaaeball Xotra. Pecklevaeah rtpp-1 ot the Brat hit of Uii avede br Port.aod wh h. Iacd eire-uy ever aeeood baa In the fourth In an. la lN at Until. llenderaoa atnaled. bat waa l-tt te a.e. taa H wr4 mw be mere evr!T In nrrd lit. a k. ne jtp-d. for the knee he injured he. b-n w.-k a former In wir wt.l make It eerl-r le torrA 14 haa beea aa lntluBM ao.Htlon to l!t Aa.el team else, ate retura to the gama. Pert le:maa, .rm hJ a ehn-e to be a ber and tie up irte an for hi. teem mata la the r.r'h. ! a ..-.! an rn trie Be d. He ha:-.! rour..1 ba . ntnj and M r.-a a n Hire lwlmaa aaa 11 1 pyta Bee aa.l around mvow! h.e arley aloere. Prt;ar.t bey .- brotaer Otte will in Nire, tv illlanva iam ta-U WM be as. te -t lete te lint Cek.kad lli.a - a&J li..rd. B... . mi ; r. t be o ee.ere.y f-lt br t?l A.A.. wee. taaj youac.t.r la ab.e t pr fFXATORS T IKE TWO CAMKS Seal flay Saprranr Con toe t la A ft frnuun, bat Sacramento Win. SAV rRANtSt-C Cal.. Jur.a 11 atrtmni. won two tame from th. l.-M'.m to.iT. taklt.ff the aertra 4 to 2. Tit moroi-i anie waa J-to-I 1et." and t. afternoon Bine went to ti v'.iltora by a 7-to- a.--re foat'T er rora by In the afternoon en abled the Itv-a'a tt acore. st-ator rf Fran -la.-o t'ru -k out ten m-n t?t t - af:ernoon uif In a: ar.d tera-tMrJ Innmca. but at the ra-iie tlnte he waa fvur.t f-r I'tfn runa ard ten hlta. M'imii went la ard k. rt the tri.tier from lareaslnc teir lead. Si -ore ; MOnNIXO GAME, aarate--' Saa rraa.-i-e Al II fvA C ' A- ii I OA E. Mn! 4 o w I t v.w :f . ; i A o e II-l r .b 4 1 VanH'a..f 4 1 t .ri a lb 4 2 17 o e l Ar ii X Q P 4 a o v .1 .r . 4 1 1 1 0 e e Tr. rt. lb 4 O 1 e V. arrflOOlO v 1 - V' ... r jo 4 x 1 7 ar -an I t . a X -t idt.e x o laeiai xa S w o a o o e-nkr j . a v v .o e- i a 1 I 1 I o 0 O 0 1 e rrrj ' Uabn ) rl I l . . i. f 1 Lal r X l..rr a 90 3 T om a X V. ..' B..1 H k m Neure.p y Mala IJ 27 14 l! Totala S 77 14 Patted for In t.tlrd tnttlra. ..:td foe Thomro l I amtaj lan.tiB. eeBx:ad far Carmaa la U- atAta Baittd for M:kl. la lb ninth Inning. 6CORL. BT INNINGS. firnmnn oeOeO a o o I 1 1 3 o o a .Twac-ec .OXOO liiu O 1 s 1 o u SUMMARY. kar-Hfku CKwr. Throa. S4iw. ll.M.t. Tu tu (rRou.a.. K.ier. r,l bli. MrArl.r. Shew. Krt t. on Ttnr.p 4 lo1 t- ft;.. Mro-k out liy Trioaupeon a. bv M-1..1. N.ur-. 3. Lvub. p.a McArdl. to 3d--ilr to T'DDUI to Mohlr. Two run. five ht'j w..e ' vft TbimpMn. In elgr.t In atre. i rlit .-l-tory to Tuompeoa. Tim. 1 J". I oi .r-IL4lrnl AFTEJtKOOK GAME. Serxnnt Aa!,--o A! H PwA.E ' AB.M.1-O.A.E. Chtrtn SH I u a tf . 3 1 O O o n r. est : I.iri U " Vlfl'. D & 1 X 1 (I W.LVr A 4 t 1 a o o 1'inlll I III I IT.i Dll Sit a 0 M.S , j-f 4 I a a U'Ubrrf 4 11 v urm :i i a 4 m .i.twr .o 3 Tnir. e 4 1 t C Uad rn.rt t I I a 1 I i a a o t-ic i. 1 1 Or- n:ult.c S luun.p. 4 X V a t ?iutr.y . a Iier.a t 1 X I Mea a.p t tat Tvtala sal If It : Tetaie U axria I aCte l)T IKKIKGS. 1'iuutit a T u.i a t a l i In Kreaciace i a a a o a 4 H.ta 1 a l i a rCMMAaiT. Kuaa at law Z. OHearka. TanalC Vaian. ebaw, TMttUt. M.culr. k4uao. fva. r A ruj4. a .a ruw. 1 title A? eut. U 1 Imttuci Tl)re k.ta Ijui.. T4-ta lute 61ia. VKourk. lt. V &u rlura. ef-Jia aeeee anua. trr. wr. earrxce bite McAr..e. tA. d'C X t-r. tul bM eo ta.wl ba. l-ff Fucr i. ts .auiu 1. atruca out B7 .tee iv. b ItAm X. lvubU p . tobU-r. Tiariani. fund fca.le TUwntae. 1A : . i pt. u.klmaji. TUne 4.4a. L m m U..4 tUtt d. WOLVKRTOX TRIES TO PITCH I ' JII Work. tmiU lo fctop VrraMjt. Vat Oak M lo In Morning. L'S AXcHXEd. Juoa Jl-After aand ln la three pttrhera In rh. afternoon cam Uxlny, ilaaaser Wolvarton, of Oak land, went Into til. bos lllmaelt, but waa naall. to etp Vartton. TLa acor wa 11 to 4. Stewart, tin tha other band, held th. rVfitmutera down to eiKtit wMely aaf.rrej hlta. I'earca hit two runa In tha momlna .mo. and Wotverton haa Mm to thank for I tie .ran break uf tha Commuter on tt. day. Hourea: riKtrT OAJf & Varaaaj I OaJtlaad A H Pa A E ilUMil Cru.ef tlXM V PfrL lb. 4 III Si Kan If. 4VI0O H f n.rf I Hi ll I HMM'tlf 4 I S O 4 1 4 o a o 10 0.0 4 1 a 4 S S 0 4 S 4 X T 0 M'ea.rf. 1 a V-'l vid I r( 0 a a . 4 i z l f iiei m M K .e KrrtUl ah a n c . ro a.e to k 4 e.p R I aa.p 413 . Ware.a 4 11X1 Kiarco.e X 1 4 X l'i ire l.p. SOU x l 1 v 1010 Tet.U BS T XT U . Touk a ST X 1 CUKE 11 T 1KKIKOU. Veraoa 1 1 0 0 1 1 4 Haee klU . ... I X 1 S 1 7 Oaikieod O X 0 X X 4 feeee Slta ...tfX01t S PfMMART. R.oe Part.raon S. Pheehaa. Hrck- rld.e. Hetlinr. Ware. i. . bit. and X luaa aiada off Itrackeorldiie In T X-S iisalnaa. Moaaa runa Pearc 1 ahea hia. Thresh... k'ta-C.rllala. btolaa tn.w Kaoe. Wax-a aecrillc. hltbtla . Haoa on bel.a rm CrejotT 4. off Hrecaauridae I. l-utle pU. liraorr to Ill leerce te Hetllna te Pearce to Cal .hiw. Hit by pitched ball Patt.raea. 1 uu. 1 beura. Vmptre McUraaey. SECOND OA11E. Tarnon I OakUsd T.rwon A0 n P. A E 1 X 0 OPfyllb.. 4 1 0 0 Kaa.lf. 4 X 0 1 lioff a rf 4 S S 0 0 I'.tt a.l. 4 a I I r T ; etln nrf 1 S S o ut. wi McK'e.aa X S ? It-tl a 3d 4 1 0 1 n o n 1 I OMltxe.c. 4 1X00 lin.-n i-a 1 0 S O !. hrl.t n.p 10 0 1 0 i : n . . . a l a a e I tb i.u. w w v 1 . n a a a a u Wol't'0.0 S 1 0 0 0 0 T.tala T 17 XT 1 . Total X4 11 SCORE BT INNINOU. Veraon 0 t 8 t 0 JJ Paw alta ..1 1 1 SI ISO a 1. OaV.end S0 2O000O O 4 Itae. blta ..3 I 2 0 0 1 S 0 0 S iTtieerian batted for Brown In aecond In nlnc aHoaa batted for bheehaa la touitb lanin.. DfU VI A 13 Fttms Carll.l. Kane X. Pattereon Mc Kune. McUeaald. alocaa S. Btewart S Ptr'. ilaaaart, Out.aaw X. Two hlta mad off peraoll. X on Attro. I i .IT (.hrlatlaa In I 1-1 Inelnaa. Two-baa nlt ptyL I'atteieon. Ptlnaon. Wolverton. Zacher and ate art. Stolen baaea McDon. noil, ilrtmaa. ataaaart. Cut.haw. tacrine hlt-McKun. X. va.ll.le. Kane. Patterson. Him ii belle OB Chrt.tlaa 1. off Bleeait X off X. H Wolverton X. btruck out By Chr-Jllaa S. by Pleeart . Uou b.e laj-a eteeart lo Broan lo alcKune. Zacher to l't L Time hour and 10 ouautea L'mtre McUreevy. BEATERS HEAVIEST HITTERS McOredle's Men Outbat Angels in Recent Series. Portland outbatted L3a Aniral. dur ln th. aerie which cloed yesterday, for th torn team et up a team aver ace of .234 aa-alnat U) low mark of .14 for th vlaltor. Moat of the game were marked by th nnill number of hit allowed by the oppoalns twlrler. "I'a" llllon waa tha leadtns :ucer In th erle. with an areraue of .44 4 for th lx pame. In only one of which h. failed to itet a hit. Chadbourn. of fortland. waa th leading hliter among McCredle- brave, lie batted for an average of .34 aaalnat the Anael twtrlra. and Ilka Llllon. h failed to hit In only one game. Ryan and Bernard both managed to hit .! The avera-. for the week wer aa followa: rortuad t-oe Anaalei v.aver Atv,lt.Pr .riay.r Ab.H.P.C .IS X .444 .i .a o .21 .- .14 4 . 4 1 .2 " . 4 . . 7 1 .I4t .17 2 .H .SI t 03 .22 I 1'. . 0 '" o T " . 1 0 .'oo .10 .0fO tnuu 1 . - - ' " ; . jo -it'"' Hrnrd f. r.-eera 24 "r -l Howard Murray at"n X rlt..lle l "r r I'r.'.pi'll 14 4 IJ 1 i a l.eiht . Kter... :.l 4 .17 V-titT .. hla ...l S -I" l-elmaa ... lien.l-reon . 1 . I'- Akin ..... K uAua 1 " e""i K..;oer .. I . Tloreea .. mi, on 1 0 ."' Aaaew ... ..ertoll . . a' W l-.eeter . 1,m ae.17.4 :? T. ra r.lM .1M Western League Rpenlt, At rearer Fioux City. !; Pnvr. 4. At Top-.-lta Topeka. : te Molnea. 4. At Pu.-bl v Omaha. J: Pueblo. Is. At IJnco.n l.lncoln. i nt. joerin. ij. Pwem Cea.1. I wrthw.tera. Poland .. x:'T ;.... - !; fj .-! . a atom " - - . . - b'ramtl . J. fW 'HlUl.. .... a w- Aaaootraa. et I I rro.t i -4 14 7.' Var TOTS. 11 1 " I 17 ..--v OMraa ...J'M .- --I I'hM Ui 'o i-Kt.-Kl .-inc' ... - - ;? 1! til HMlkllB i ; . 1 1 St. 4ou...l XJ .ilXU.wtoa UiS.tO j VeMeeda)' Reaalla. Ar".-i 1; X T. 8aa rrancla.o I 2 err.--n 4-11. V'.lnd 0-4 I'.era L..u, rortAr.l 7. an- c . r ' .pokar.e . - . - v .... - .. V. t.-a CM- , Naiionvl Ln-CMf X". Boaton X; a n-w T.k 3. St. 1.'jla e. phlla- i d p.-.. a . Puteaar aad Btooa.n gam aot enou U- A.-Bn a Leaau Ho Amerleaa Lea 4 J game cbedoled. BASEBALL IN EPITOME FWaur Leaerae at a bleat. nrriT Trvrnnrv "JT T-TPT A T TyTTTTa r. ' .i - unit 1 xuuilliM rv tnw a I WDfGED-M SQUAD FOU SEATTLE CHAMTIOKSHTPS. - . .VI l...t " a.. n. V '"j " . ' ' - -' . ' t . -r , " .'i r ; ; . . - aare- - T : - r " ' " " i - -' '- i . v -i ' Ai- . - - -i Ly: 'N-7 v'r" - ( - - ' 7 ; 1 . . , ' ' :i l.e, 1 ' ' i i -: - ,l..,;,;.a.i 1 WILIUM HITWAKD, TXirEBalTT VT OBCCO.. HAYWARD TH GOAGH Oregon Man Will Train Ath letes for Big Meet. MULTNOMAH TEAM STRONG Hawkins, Hardier, and Xelll, Jare ltn-Thrower, will Go Others Ar to Be Choacn Sound Metropolis Squad Largo. William Ie Hayward, who for tha paat few years haa trained and coached th various athletic team at the Uni versity of Oregon, will have charge of tha track squad to represent the Mult nomah Athletla Club at the Pacific Northwestern championships at Seattle on Jnne 17. . Trainer Hayward arrived In Portland yesterday. He will besln th work of assembling his men at once. Martin Hawkins.. Oregon's premier hnrdle. and Will NelH. formerly hold er of the Northwestern record for the javelin throw, will be two of the wing ed M stars, said Hayward last nlght. Hawklna will probably enter the broad lump In addition to the flight and Nelll In tha thr.. weight vnts shot, hammer and dlacus. "Karl 1-atourette, low and nign hurJler. and Ben Williams, vaulter and lumper, may also Join the Portland aquad If they can get Into condition. Bar the veteran trainer. Two Portland lad who are being strongly boosted for places on the Multnomah team are Dick Grant, the 100-yard. UO-yard and relay ped merchant of ttie Washington High School, and Wilson, a Washington mil runner. ' . Seattle. Wah.; Vancouver. B. C and Portland will be the chief contenders at th Seattle meet. Seattle has a large quad out every day. as the Jun 17 meet will serve as a weeding out for th team which wlU go Eaat to Pltta burg. FAlELUSlTLEflSED M'CREDIE DROPS PITCHER, WHO GOES TO XEW ORLEANS. Bearers May Take Vp Sanches, Youngster Given Tryout Daring Training; Season In South. Before leaving for th south last night. Walter MoCredle handed Pitcher Harry Fanwell hi rolea.e by Tortland back to the Cleveland American Leojue team. -a .i.n turned over tn him tran.norta- ' tlon to New Orlean. to th club of 1 v. i -v. . 1 . haa a.alened him. Fanwell cam to Portland optional on his making good with th Beaver, and when McCredi derided that he would not do for th Pacific Coast Leagua team. Cleveland recalled him and sold him immediately to New Orleans. Mc Credle wanted to get Fanwell for th Northwestern League tm. but yester day the Cleveland club exercised It op tion and notified McCredie to send th pitcher to th New Orleans club. A firet-cias pitcher will oon be added to the Beaver staff, for McCredl ha lines out en a Men-class box artist, and while at Lo Angeles this week h Is a:o going to try to persuade George ttanchex. the young Ventura pitcher, to lo'n the Beaver. Sanches deserted th club at eanta Maria last Spring, as h became discouraged at th prospect of ).. hi i .mrh of pitchers being tried out by McCred'e. and left for his i home. Th Beaver leader rauier uaea I Ranches, and hope to try him out thor oughly In the ner rujure. Th Portland team left for tha south with but fir pitcher,. 8;en. Seaton. . - .... and Hankie form. I . k. 'c.ooe rwirlln staff, but the ' Portland leader expect to return with I . ... i . .... . n.v m-n In ha.rae.e . DO 1 .1 oan-i,t-a ,. - ... Wt-.en Nick William and hi North western League team rch home to day the blonde pilot -III be Joined by . ,n Uoa.. the Orecon Acrlcu.turai College youngater. and Out fielder rettigrew are r.rr. ' - po-x fa Wliiia-Tts. and Johnson, th Whit man Coil recruit. Is slrsdy with Jack Coulter, shortstop of th Vlsalia team, an Independent ciuo in vamuroia, Is slso on his way to Join the Roadsters. i u, ..til iiWotw aiinnlant Eddl Mensor at shortstop, and that worthy will prob- TTff PnPTT.ATiTI TO ASSEMBLE 4 i t -,v . o. . .. , e-r t r,,-,,. -II Aikl'lia.iT bai-i-a-taaai.nMi t I,,-, v ' i '- Martin Hawklaa, Oregoa'a Craek Hardier. McCredie is also negotiating for two pitcners ror tne isorinwestern team, anu will probably shake that club up con siderably on Us arrival home today. . . K. r.n.m.. Onhnnt ttae.k.ll I K. . i. ...,, .e . 1. n vt flr.,-ia. , . th gam between Portland and Spokane. X tie uuii-ici, avtuo o- . uuiu may w big league players years hence, will at- ..n-l V. ., ramk In . KnH ,- ..a will htt In charge of the principals of their re spective scnoois. j ne grammar ocnooi Laague comprises 33 teams, and all of them have been invited to attend this game. Kohlenilnen Fastest Runner. y.-ttttt vnDL' m Trnn.n L'nhi-. minen. cnampion tong-aistance runner oi riniana. won tne international zu-rau race for professionals at Celtic Park to day. The winner's time. 1 :!: 41 3-5. is three minutes behind the American rec ord. There were 10 starters, but only . . . Anlh. TV..,, tnhninn . C..l.n was second, 401 yards back of the win ner, and Jim trowiey, oi lonkers. was third, beaten by about the same dis tance, but half a mil ahead of Niente man, of Finland. PENDLETON IS WISHER WALLA WALLA BEARS BEATEX BY -TO-0 SCORE. Berger Strikes Out Ten Men and Allows but One Hit Athens and Echo Win. PENDLETON. Or, Jun 11. (Sp- .1.1.1 The Pendleton Buckaroos de . . ..) th WallA Walla Reara thla aft ernoon 4 to 0. Until the last half of the eighth Inning neither side scored. Walla Walla had not secured a hit and Pendleton had not made an error. At that stace of the game "Mysterious" Mitchell, formerly of the San Francisco i" . T a no to.m who w. . on th. mound for the visitors, weakened and allowed three nits, on or mem good for three bases. These brought In four runs, winning the game for Pen dleton. Berger. for Pendleton, struck out 10 men and allowed one hit. This was the last game of the season between these two teams of the Blue Mountain Athena defeated the Mllton-Free- watrr team I la t and Echo forfeited to Weston 9 to 0. When arrested In Berlin recently a beggar was tound to poseer I14.O00. which h ad mitted bad been gained by begging. .-v. v-V-p , V , f.7 7- 'i-zPzii ilfrtt TfnnnncTrDC PIHC nilhUU I Lli U Q1VL CRUSHING DEFEAT Portland Is Oirthit, but Super ior Playing Enables Tour ists to Win. CLARK IS VERY GENEROUS Ex-TJnlverslty of Oregon Star Free With Passes and Williams' Men Plant Their Hits Oppor . run el y During Gtvme. -SEATTLE, Wash., Julia 11. (Special.) Bob 'Brown sat on the bench for the first time this season but the presence of tha peppery leader of the Vancouver Beavers did not save them from crush ing defeat at the hands of Nick Williams- Portland Boadsters. Score. 7 to 0. Th fielding- of both teams was good but Jimmy Clark, th former pride of the fnivarslty of Washington, was as prodigal with free transportation as th railroads of old about the time th Legislature convened. To make matters still worse, the Boadsters .j , i. .. v.1. now and then wouiu urii " - - where it did the most damage. Before . i ., ,DnuhAil Clark had walked nine men and the count was sis runs and four hits against him In four and one-third Innings. In each of . i Ti.nn.r handed OUt til inree mums. - J ; , - transportation to three, although on of the walks was cnars" shear. ,,,. j rt th, mound two Etrinaer r oiiio.o - . . . , and two-third Innings, during hlcn Portland got one more run on ' -steaL a low throw to second by bnea and a wild pitch. Brlnker walked oniy one man who did not score. Vancouver out-hit Portland nine to . . m .v.- V. I - wore doubles. nv ana tnreo ol - - , In four Innings two hits were drojped but Archer's pitcning. wi. . 1 i JX rivA 4 dkll V Vl fc nBina excellent support, unus" gerous points. One of the best plays of the gsme in the fourth when Brashear had opened with a double. Swain then drew a pass. Bnea Dangcu "'' " ---which Shea returned accurately to the plate, retiring the runninr anu yi oo..v Ing Vancouver from starting a rally. Wltn on exception. " couver o hits were clean, and Portland Is entitled to credit ror pmuus -fine defensive battle as well as. taking ...t... of the Door pitching against .v.. o ret their runs over. Score: 'Portland ' Vancouver JU n r o Ab tiroac. V'd'f.M 1 4 o'TT'y'B' n.aa a O Caaey.Sb 0 4 t 2 10 o a 0 11 12 1 1 0 o 0 10 1 10 0 0'Ad'ms.rf 4 O.B'nnt.'Jb S OIB's' 4 0 .Tames. 8b 4 0 Brk' 4 0 Swain. If 3 O'Shea.c. 4 0 C'k.p-lb-cf2 iMdvor.p 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 S 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 M'aor.3b Br'dl'y.c Arch r.r, p Totals 22 5 27 o Totals 34 27 7 3 SCORE BT INNINGS. ., a 0 3 021010 o l 0 0 0 0 Vancouver . . . ooooo SUMMARY. Runa Mundorff. Speas 2, Miller, Bradley. Archer A- j. u-uao - - Sivain. Home runs Speas Tiae tly . " . V... ... Kl -.T- Btl ."AT- Williams, titoien pase aii - " , four hits off Clark in 4 1-S inning. 1 run ?Sna and no hlta off Brashear In no innlnga. no blta ana no runs oo - nln Ptruck. ottt-By Archer J by Clark 1 by Brlnker 4. ny jii-t.o. - l-Off Archer a. off Clark 9. ofT Brashear 1. Bi&kiV l. Wild P'tch-Brlnker Dou ble play swain to "rVr;. Portland . Vancouver o. garten and Longanecker. VICTORIA IS SHCT OCT TWICE Tacoma Wins First Game by Heavy Hittlns; Pitching Wins Second. TACOMA. Wash, June 11. Tacoma on a dcuble-header from Victoria this afternoon. The first game was nr by heavy hlttln. tne" advantage and winning by a score of g to 0. McCreary was driven irom mo mound at the close or tne mai ...i...s and was replace! by Sage McCreary pucnea iu " 71 and lost only Decause i work of Schmuta. But one of the visi tors got past nrst oas. .u game. 6chmuts had rar mat"". . fng out six men and walking none. Scoie: FIRST UAM K.. Victoria , s 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 0 2 2 O10 2 2 Million. cf 5 v i.oie n..u BayT.2b z Kellev.2b 2 1 0 Roc'ld.b 1 i 1 O-Abbott.rf 0 0 Lynch. cf 0 1 BurnStC. . 0 0 Fisher, lb 2 O.Hall.p... 3 o; 3 .3 Good'n.3b 4 2 .5 3 4 4 House'r.rf 4 M' 4 4 r..vl..lf .s Sple.'n.o 3 vrr'n.D " o 8 o 6a.p.- Totala 84 24 11 U Totals 81 14 il a a SCORE BY INNINGS. TaVaml :::::::::::::: 0S02 oo 2 5 SUMMARY. . R.., (2). Coleman (2). Rorken- I Left on base.-T.coma Jo victoria I Stolen haseBa.aej-. Morse. 1 iv ThJie-bae hits Morse. Coleman. 0. H?t by pitcher-Abbott, by Sag.: Davis, by Hali. Time 1:85. SSCOND GAME. Victoria Tacoma AB-n-ro."-", Ab.H.FO.A.H. Tho' 4 1 Bassev.If Keller.2t s Good'n.3T 3 Houl'r.rf 3 8 Ward. .a. 3 S SpHs'n.c o fC,ry.p 2 Starkeil 1 0 Rotrld.ib 0 0 Abbott. rf 0 . O ClVit f 0 Ftshe'r.ib 2 6 1 11 0 2 OSchmutx.p 3 Total. 2S 3 24 12 l! Total, 2S 6 27 15 1 Batted for McCreary In ninth. SCORE BY INNINOS. ,...,,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Tomi 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 1 1 SUMMARY. - Baasey. Stolen bases Bassey. RocKAnflOld. Morse. Double plays Ward to McVIu"do.- Struck oue-By Schtnut 6. by Sf-rtarv 4. Baaea on ball! Off McCreary a. Time 1:21. SEATTLE DOWXED BY SPOKANE Giants Turn on Strand in Xlnth, but Rally Is Xot Strong Enough, etinr itin Waah.. June 11. Spokane won the last game of the series, 5 to 2. Strand pitched a good game up to the ninth, when Seattle hit him hard and scored two runs. Bcore: KeattI Spokane Ab.H.Po.A.E.1 .- AO.H.PO.A.E. Leard 2b 4 1 4 4 O' 3 12 10 E.a d-n If 3 0 O 0 c 4 1 i 3 1 .rulk k rt , 3 0 0 0 Frisk.rf . X 1 0 0 r!uea 3b 4 1 2 4 0 Nord 3 2 3 0 0 Coc h-cf .in; Zim an If 41200 4 1 S 1 1 8 0 3 0 0 4 13 1 0,cartht.2b 4 1 4 0 ... . o a 1 O.f . i 1. - S 1 S 3 0 I Seltonlp. 2 0 12 0 strand.p. 1 0 3 0 Weed-.. 1 0j Totals 4 10 24 13 1 Totals 80 10 27 12 1 ECORE BT INNINGS. b eeoeooeo 2 lan. -:::::::::::...a o o i SUMMARY Rnaa Crulckahaak. Bnea. "tael (2. Cooaey. Frisk. Zimmermaa. Two-baa nils -Bu.i. Three-bate hit KetaeJ. ordyk. Sacrifice bits Davidson. Seaton. Norajae. Kirpert. Stolen base Cooney. Struck out B v Strand 1. by Seaton 5. Base, on balls Oi Sealon 3. Double play to Nordvke. Left an bases Seattle 7. spo- Kane s. Time ins. i uiyir V"J XATIOXAL LEAGlTE. Chicago 80, Boston el. CHICAGO, June 11. Boston's pitch ers were wild today and Chicago romped away with an easy game by bunching hits, stealing bases and taking advan tage of misplays. Zimmerman made two home runs, each time driving in two men ahead of. him. Evers, who had been 111 for several weeks, par ticipated in the game for one full in ning. Score: R. H. E.t R- H. E. Chicago... 20 14 llBoston 2 6 3 Batteries Cole, Ritchie and Graham; Weaver, .Te-guson, Tyler, McTlgun and Rariden. Umpires Flnneran and Rlg ler. St. Louis 6, Philadelphia 3. ST. LOUIS, June 11. St. Louis hit Philadelphia- pitchers at opportune moments today and won. spectators in the left field bleachers threatened to break up the game In the eighth, when they, hurled" bottles at Umpire Bren nan," who had called Bliss out at third base. The game was stopped until the, police had cleaned the field of glass. Score: , R.H. E. R.H.E. Philadelph. I 6 0 St. Louis.. 11 4 Batteries Humphries. Moore and Dooin; Steel and Bresnahan. Bliss. Umpires O'Day and Brennan. Vew York 5, Cincinnati 0. CINCINNATI, June 11. Wlltse was in fine form today and Cincinnati failed to score. New York winning. Fromme gave two bases on balls with the bases full. In the third, and forced two runs across the plate. Score: R. H. E. R- H. E. New York 5 11 12;Clncinnatl.. 01 Batteries Wlltse and Myers; Fromme, McQ. uillen and Clarke. SALEM TRIMS HUBBARD ALLEGART'S SIXGLE IX XIXTH BREAKS TIE GAME. Visitors Get Ten Hits and Six Runs, Making Three Errors, and Vic tors 14 Hits, Seven Runs.. W. L. PC. ..S 1 .7.10 ..X 1 .1M . 2 2 .51.0 ..2 X .400 Falem Woodbam . . . Albany Hubbard SALEM. Or , June 11. (Special.) Al legaxt won his own game for Salem from Hubbard today In the Willamette Valley League, when he drove a single through short, which scored Colbath after Colbath had landed on second with a two-bagger In the last of the ninth. The earns was fast throughout with the exception of slow delivery on the part of Jones, Hubbard's slab artist. The attendance waB the largest here so far this season. Score by innings: ?uoard 1 0 ? 0 8 2 0 O O-fw'ji BatterleeH-O. "jonea and Whitney; Allegan and Jones. WOODBCRX DEFEATS ALBANY Colts Lose, 4 to 1, and Patterson Is Driven From Box. " WOODBURN. Or.. June 11. Special.) In the best game of the season, the Albany Colts were defeated by the Woodburn team today 4 to 1. Wood burn took kindly to Southpaw Patter son's shoots and started a swatfest tn the third and fourth Innings, which re sulted In his being benched. Lyle fin ished the game, Holmes allowed Al bany's heavy sluegers eix scattered hits. Score. R. H. E. " RH. E. Albany 1 4Woodburn.. 4 8 2 Batteries W. Patterson, Lyle and D. Patterson; Holmes and White. Umpire Richardson, of Portland. Mercury 8 7 In Vancouver. VANCOUVER, Wash.. June 11. (Spe cial.) The hottest day of the seaebn so far was yesterday, when the Govern ment thermometer registered 88 degrees. Today it registered one degree lower, 87, but it seemed as if the air was more sultry. Minor Baseball. At Camas Camas 8, Wabash 1. Bat teries Donaldson and Mullin; Senner and Baty. Donaldson allowed three hits. At Aurora- O.-W. R. & N. 7. Aurora S (ten Innings). The railroaders have now won 10 of 13 games played. At Anabel grounds Portland Empo rium 10. White Caps 8. Batteries cth.iriv Dealv and Nash. Helmberg; Piatt and Samuelson. A homer by Ar chie Wright featured the game. At Brooklyn Brooklyn Juniors 17, Aliskva 3. Batteries Howard and Rienkel; Hyronomun and Wertz. At Crystal Lake Socialists 6, Y. M. C. A. 2. At Columbus Club Columbus Club Grays 15. O.-W. R. & N. Shops 3. Bat teries Thompson and Haworth; Hub bard and Sears. , At Donald Weona 20, Donald 1. Bat teries Nelson, Webb and Wentworth, Long and Fuller. The Weona team will play Tillamook at the latter place next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Any 14 or 15-year-old team wishing a game for next Saturday or Sunday call B 2157 and ask for Raymond. A 15-year-old lad would also like a posi tion In the infield with some East Side aggregation. At Giants' Park. Peninsula Portland Giants 14, Nez Perce Indians 10. Bat teries Server, Henry and Couver; Benjamin. Spear Fish and High Eagle. At Arleta Greenfield Shoe Company 7, Arleta 6. Batteries Beeson. Tucker and Lengascher; Lund, Samuels and Williams. Lund was batted out of the box. Next Sunday Greenfield meets the First Infantry at Vancouver Earracks. At Vancouver. Wash. Vancouver In dependents 6, Piedmont Stars 0. At Ridgefleld, Wash. Ridgefleld 7, Ka lama 3. At Anabel grounds Greenfield 7, Ar leta 4. Arleta battery Lund. Raddy and Brown. Errors cost Arleta th game. , At Junction City. Or. Junction City 3, Harrisburg 4. Batteries Keene and Moore. Morris and Coshow. Stanford Trainer Here. "Dad" Moulton. the' famous Stanford University athletic trainer, arrived in Portland a few days ago for a visit with relatives. FUST THE MADE AS CYCLISTS I M G. Graves Motors Mile on Track in 48 Seconds, Mak ing New Record. BIG CROWD IS PLEASED In Twelve-Mile Race Coe C. White and Charlea Dyde Make Whirl wind Finish, Being 3-Sths Seconds Apart at Finish. Setting what is said to be a new world's flat circular track motorcycle ra.nrH fr.r nr.., ml. Hf ,1 f . 1- VM ves- terday sped around the Country Club track nn hist sevan-hnrftertower Merkel racer in 48 seconds flat. Courting ac cident perhaps death on every turn. Graves, who is a professional rider, gave a splendid exhibition of speed, bettering a mile a minute in both dem onstrations. His first ride was a one-mile run against time with a flylns start and he circled the track, taking the outside path. In 61 2-5 seconds. Later he rode a five-mile exhibition run against time, making the distance fn four minutes, 23 .j seconds. It was on his second lap in this ride that he made the mile in 48 seconds. Speeding at the rate of a mile a min ute and taking th sharp curves at full speed, the riders of the Portland Motorcycle Club, under whose' auspices the meet was held, made it the most spectacular and pleasing: motorcycle racing card ever given in Portland. There was "something doing" every minute. Contest Is Close. Few better races have -ever been ridden here than the 12-mile race for five-horsepower machines, Coe C. White, on a Thor, and Charles Dyde. astride an Indian, finishing th lone; speedy grind one length apart, White being: the winner. The time was 13:83 1-5, Dyde's time being 3-5 of a second Blower than White's. It was a beautiful race from the start. White and Dyde Jockeying aU the while, first one going ahead, then the other. On the 10th mile White grot a lead of 50 yards on Dyde and looked an easy winner, but on the final turn before coming into the home stretch, Dyde sped faster and nearly overtook the flying Thor rider. Both men were roundly cheered for their thrilling work. Another pretty battle was the race in the .four-horsepower 15-mile race. Fred Nowotney, riding an Indian, lanped all the other riders in the race, passing the last man on the home stretch of the final mile. Round after round Nowotney traveled, passing ma chine after machine. It was doubtful until the last few seconds whether Nowotney would pass his team mate, Ed Barreth. Nowotney won the race by one mile and 10 yards, the time be ing 17:22. The prettiest amateur riding or tne . . - r..v..ll hla day was none Dy v erao xo,on.c. . two-cylinder Indian. In a five-mile ex hibition ride, he covered the distance in four minutes, 55 seconds, with a flying start. In the 25-mile endurance contest his machine was handicapped five miles against the four-horsepower machines. Nevertheless, he went 25 miles in 25 minutes, 19 seconds. Fred Nowotney won this race by sending his machine 20 miles in 24 minutes and 20 seconds. Otto Muessig was third, after riding a daring race, hugging the pole all the way. In the first race of the day Ed Bar reth beat Fred Nowotney in the four horsepower, eight-mile class, the time being nine minutes, 25 seconds. Both men rode Indians. Race No. 3 was won by Tex Schureman on a Thor, Charles Dyde being second. This was the f lye horsepower, eight-mile race and the time was eiSht minutes. 56 seconds In a special dealers' race of 10 miles for four-horsepower machines Ed Bar reth beat Fred Nowotney in 12 min utes. 11 1-5 seconds. Nowotney was less than a second behind the winner. It being a pretty race. -,-. There were no accidents during the meet, although as a precaution the Portland Motorcycle Club had an am bulance attend the races. A large crowd was present and apparently weTt away pleased. Another racing meet will be held next month. Ralph R. Ruffner was starter and E. Wilkey P. G. Abbott and C. H. Mead wire Umers. The Judges were Robert Hendrickson, P. L. Abbott and H. A. Jurgewita. ' ' Marksmen Flock to Eugene. EUGENE. Or., June 11. (Special.) Ab a sample of what will happen next week at the big shoot. Lee Bark ey, of Seattle Friday made an exhibition score at the Gun Club grounds, mak ing a perfect score at doubles, break ing 12 pairs of clay birds straight. Good scores also were made by H. E. Poston. Clarence Haight and Mr. Blair, advance scouts of the Pacific Inaians, who have arrived in Eugene several days in advance of the main body of shooters.' Three traps have now been installed at the Gun Club grounds on College Hill, snd everything is in read iness for the contest which opens Tues day. NEW DEPARTURE The Coat of Interments Hnve Beea Greatly Kcdoced by the Boimao Ladertaaua company. Heretofore it bas been th custom of funeral director to make charges for all incidentals connected with a funeral. The Ednard Holinan Undertaking Com pany, th leading funeral directors of Portland, have departed from that cus tom When casket Is furnished by u we make no extra charges for embalm ing hearse to cemetery, outside box or any services that may be requiroj o us. except clothing, cemetery and car riages, thus effecting a saving of l2o to $75 on each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. B20 H11K0 S'r- COR. SALMQV. YOU KNOW SAPOLIO Will Do It CLEANS, SCOURS, POLISHES Works Without Wast