THE DtZENtXFr. HTH iT., NRAft TATtOIt Te e.rant eV-r"m urffn.ei.ed part r.ait&k are co-a,?atd, r 1 j1 la iri brn of te ci'i. wrhta atlrte vt t. t-t'.ra eerier. Tri-y !-. d iawse, ;.- r--a4" a I'.-t-im --. and bar:-. - r.c i.or a-.d d-i-s wai-r, - y-A.-ir js. p.-!f!a wtpooH t'J lr o.rtfAM Isl Cl ". Krt.uci Dttj be from ewaer r pram. r a. .. Maa 47vi. A 44. CaraaT f Mta ae4 Jefr a fw 4 p-a-fxnm iMru&MUk o,r teAe, wtia recpiae. hat. Lmtt -la, l-a-rifl t:e T'bboB ta -ry ipwi iboc and t aa to-ei fcolra coo (mi! ta the c lo aiau A. Vl-s A..a. ia miif. IU you th-- t tp4ruut r u a UiS Of.c. MaMA Ct ilHCRLAND APAHTJtKNTl"WtrJk in (-:. nrsi-c.ea 3 1 tw.rn furn.afA-i 4fiU u-Turn .d apart rrau. (ir.u.i biiui. lare ir n - C 4,.;-f b, bu..(-la off s. Pr'" : and aj mu4ert cr.r.c :. e-c. e sr -., ( Iax'- " Jn c ty. evv.k t par au-i en: m.n utee wa. trwrw tie e ft'.r; price r m.i.ft.. Avi. I b. r. TUt, ilAN.NF.U APAKTilENTA Mm kviM-c( suit wer As. r:.e. .-. ir.-- rates In- iLK'TKli.' Li -d T. fcAM HEAT. !r w auk. tAT ua p.iun. JA.vir"2 itfcHVl;:- N'1" h'lw'fii. TrtrW fctl.Mi",Ht. th:t, d yu ljj no fru-er. Cij st.. near l:.i st. t;iv: i.o tJut. 7?9j .NUH1H Wril T. 1 J-ron p. 1-7. au. J l-roura I --"'- N cf. nrL pnt hth. tonl fUrn;hU (, lray-r.inl kry ApAXtxi: r. tm l-.n-u Cf or CAT HVRE7IA COt RT AP A RTHSXTA rCN'INSt'T-A AFtrtmntt On of PortUnd'a fmat akartinnt-hu. a-ir.lnota car MMct. bli pri city to u. llii' Aibua aa cor. Ki:iiaartbi uk al- TP. ! r Kotn carnal TbiJ and Hit.i '.. li mm. n J. 3 n4 rooma. riup.atir trniaoU. II i ijo u-.furaunrJ au "i.B wq. Cor. ft! a anJ M nUJmirT yr kru a bu..Hn. r w t jrotiura. all ii4 2 ad J rot.itt uit-. diii;'ifin a:. aaaitar ou ba. ttrtvat w ttc rh.'Ura. ry mi(n cn no ir r t py. U ch-Un ay la t&a cttl lo UupM-ata tha aui:-a al oaf pf-' hi,.Ni, Af AKI H KNT, Uth and Cotumbl. 4 bicK i'ata trunk ilorrLaa airal; n ri.- bj.lJiaa. r-oiUt-iy tirt-c;aaa. fa. iri4 a A, S arj famtjr apart- aun;a. pfivato t-tb. raptlwa ball. aiaa aat. b( atr, aatr. traa pnoaa. om- ra4 atf carpt e.aift. jaaur ar-i-a. rai pr tuqib t - aal ; taaat a- a)a u ba ap'a- ta;d- THt EVERETT. 4 Cral& U Nar a4 tBaiir Xurataaad apart anD . I room. rv a and P- Ira pvrr b . 4tiai fciri alaOr aaa fciQ4 Cipr.oi. k:l la ana a( tna c'iicat rauiaea diri?ta aur-l-jn 4d b t a 4 an 1 buait; 4ia( 4a- KIN;nt RY ArAKTWF.NTS. E ul ar biUtUinaa. eoup.aia and tio.:a la ry 4ti. rdy fr rurr.:7 Jun 15. apr ailoo and tnfc,.t auf cuoiPt arrana Biout ( aiarnc Jtir m Ota p;iffliK& MriiaU 1 f . t'-n a. a K--arn. y. Now ana bwtU.lj- fhunamod and f un&it t(ntunia of tur f anl tat pi. tarn itr- iorat.oa; rnta r",-tl-na.l riB. fa. I prf.alf or pb a a f il'lt raaa raa Ia. cl 'Ji.-ircn U , )UMUR APAHTWIV. IM ar t a. K iaat tbra-r m kart'B vcn prl ba!-Bf. Mrg r ry a Ura aai h ' rrid a.o--D ofcaxtiaaai. f-ri ISA to fcjk-rr :rn and a r k k k r. u.Jn 3- r m flta, hf ar.j ut ar taKicrn cr.r .a. in'.ul.'C f-P-. rno ana Un'.u in a..ciia a4 bairtfstu; rvat B taon-- t p. fAl Mr:Jt-JiK r I' . a a V i a A -A. H'X.'tf f'ot at ttth acj C!mM ata; $ ;a pr mAn'i It. P. rr-J.a t . v.oa i: -r . t ub bulf. i'flcl A H-kl wipf rtav. r'ta br Ja A a-y ror.iaitM. jm at? fncoc. i a t I aoa U.a CO MI'I.F TEI. T twriahl i-nxtrn ffal: anod- a ti oa.kuij diABca I A ttwt ao JsJvv & r ,rn V. n. walira di- -i' A- t;a. or ltaruorca. E t a : .U. a-foSo a r M . -3 A.ia-nr. S X"".V "A-"r"onriu- lro u'pr rial; saa atoT aad oa'-r fc:"r. 4 jwl. rmi iJ. Irk. .u'liufl a-tr. I'Uuaa A.ao4 A1 1. J-AT of o m.-ira Hc.l rrn. tara frort p-r-h. an a. Sin bt-. I'orviaad i-ia'- f;: Bat. ha watar. gaa rang asJ Una r-.r JCaat ltfttx ami alain. alay at I- i.rv. io j .'(1pi :rr r. -roi i-.u. u. C At : :a upper f omr aad Kaar R "A -;-yr a r. t. an Mara I'l l $13 IH'vi-0r 'n-t- raum i'pr ft. el'ioa !a. ltfta ma i rti at a v N r --4- VAon mi. I 1 J- or Sat. iT'.a and I'atU- 4,.r.j.K ac.a fit. aao.f t:rtd. 115 s !.! t. U.T dnaia:ra I'awca C liTa. All l-KU'll utpaf fU It Vauho- ;l-Two 1 rvsrn appor f i : Vtaihn. ?!(:' l N KM At vr.TMrNT.i J'Vri' ."'. :. t ratr ir.- . .a fc-:.t ui ;ar. htam unr. yr IV TEH. ra1 aad pe. JATT-""i SFi.VI-'K wa - .1 nc. NKW ...; SPk M.W r, RVIT Hr t.-m. a&4 ) 14 ui W bo f .irtrtr. 4 Cjr rf !l!h IhC liCAXKK. ii-tt aad aiarahaiu fr a.ahad boawikOpttia. aaa rr. a aioc -tr'a iiabta. aot ;r. bat a. launCrr. fro; HI pr m bp: a cta r boat la CUT l.f BC.'IT. .w: Ire or lta at, cara jrtx t oft at Vrha.t at d-sa hcuM. Tata, mrn; atl.LrtRNHHKO iiii, l nvnin . a not."r l.;s-. nt'ri t''nJ h-vaak?:it -o II li'V H- m -.'. 3, Jl-V A; Pjt - 4 t m. V" mr fr 'm dp.u o'a. aat oa J to h. PUh k north. Wi Ta' l.W Wa.1 K cioaa" furmlJ cuaAp.f a rttu4 fra lauadrr. bat a. phoaa .--a Uaoa. haaL 4 Vaoeoar a. a&J i MntcB. laka U car -jfr WHAT TOV WANT" Fur7.4 cr ur.f jrr.iAd roma air.f'.a an r.: a.l -a.n a. bot :c:ioa, "V.!rs I ." -a W rfion :. M L : ou a-.-i-iPC nJ a -?.b riw. $: W to $i a r-k. I aot a Hoao, ;l 4 ia;" E ST iJrT,n. -nar conr:ot:r f . -n .t 4 ijom4M( n aitoa. a.aia c t n. . t-V MONTH, 'tt-nan. fco.!rvm. ua of pr kr i aad taia. aat .d. cloaa is. u:n a , , 1; rv -rva. furntaod " fo Is tnsa k p f a .i K;i MUaaaa-a at i't.'a Main lit. S.X b' -oar ' fvorr. furmabad. 2.4 k . r-U, e.'r ar of 1VX M lawkwtM K I rrtvota laaaalioa. 5li .kf fv;rB.a ! huHilwt.r; r 'rr-.a. fi-t-.t a.v .ir dJtarra. LV Uib. ax ! .iront. I ona Eaatt:-i $:4 THKK2"brrVtrruaiaaad btaokoor:ni krg-a T!"--!!! rooaa, 3 V r:aJ-1 t"- uopiBa - t r arftor. ixf'd- 1 Ki a Bt frni-. t. bomak. bafkt'cf roaA aroaad Ai . IXK BJELVT. " H n' b avl iTKrt ta rrtrmK rn"aalT. KRNISHEn bouaok'Mptnc room a. privata farnlir- 6T4 Oaa.aab:n. cor. Karfa. B- car. t off Firfo. 1 block oaat of ear. ; t r arg 1. 3 b 1 o.kt araat. TWO complota t aad alcoly furaiahad rooma. mo lra ho.aa. uaa ac;chtoraaod. oar wa;kiec dian aa1 d car aorwo. a.o a;.-a :pias r4osna 690 ETratl.t M.n v 47. 1'ITE f ta boaakarnc room. vh hat irr than tba ordicArj . aacond tir. f rtntin aat; Iiht ar. 4 airy; Wt Sid AA-i ciuaa la. Ca.l tomorrow 341 Utav FOR RE.flf"toi3 TS"Vaa Nowly fur eiabai boaaaMfibs rtxuaa. aaa of phorta. tu, .aur.Cr). ba.;n. yard. fto Cammarcial at.. aAf Knott. C car. N('K front room. tiawiy furntahad fir nAuak-f I-; aloetr.o l!abu ( - batb: e-r A.a:a diatacca. aa X. Slot, aaar Wui :EtVTT fumiahf4houiko-'pinB' rVrmo to two ard tbrro-roouk u.tti, aixtctiy r : 1 N , u t aa u TWO at", frwabiy raprd front room. larfa wui1j. :ajo ai tottm for n eruo. orruyJod. 413 luta at. rtLIOiTri't- mom wttb mHJra kite ban; in I ark ttocka. Caii aoroir.(A ii'-a MtlL ' rCKNISRED hukn roomi that ara ostramo.y p.asan;. vjr rraaonab. aad Aira w.t ;o-A.d. H.l t TWO larir furcAbovl boiakrapiaaj room. witb aturaroom. 3A North 2-J.f 1 A 3 Ht'ITE boqii"g:nr rostra. TU Ftrat aU OCT a nic root apartmont or botta tbl Biivrntr. TV a baa aarythia frm 3 to 13 raorn. in arr part of th city, r. J ROfKNPFHO At CO : 4, Lanrmiu b: !. iiarahali A 4.'.. IS ACHES MO.NTAVIIXA 4 -fvom huf an A outbuilfltna:. 1H aero roady for crip: Al moatby. caa arrana-a l-a 1 yoa.-a, rrol W. OarmAA. l.$ JurnM. M. or A S'ti. UolK4 and rtara for rnt aom fumlanad. aiekora.n rs BAVIN'SS A TKCST . COMPANY. FT map of cit 7 43r ft ranyara, l-ROOll btfoao witb BA19. iAra baaamant. brand nr furoaca. window abadaa. fti in4 aiactrlc lrbi. 192 alally U. bu o ubs -d Urovar. rant 340. Pbon Ma. a 14A. 'latdaya call lift 141. T ROOM3 and b a tlC modern, ba and alactr! ItrhLa. ncwlv rtintr1 and raHnlfhed tbrou(bout: far abova tha avaraaa; ranted b ouKi Rit TAjnhllL Apply 1 Eat 3d.cor. BtimonL MDRN f.roorn houa. fumlihd; 3 bloka from ear: irardao la and atrawbarrlfa now rina; .: 4 enap If taken at one. O .t. Oron:iB. l-HOHM boao. wlh batfi. tn Hoiladay'a AdiJ.tion. two blocks from Uroajway and Irvinfttun crlina; rant lo. Fauna X,aaC 141. Tk'H H UNT o an -mom housa. Nob Hill rttorv No. Fiannara at.; rental iU. 4'.s Railway cbaA4a, ar phon Xaia FOR RE.ST CottA and H cr ground at tlwahurt atatlua in KlvardAia euMirb. $HZ month. t ail l'!iunmr, 2$0 Third au. or phona Main 27- -li'Xi( modora houaa; lot tffxioi; oa Eaat loth a:.; Ill par month. MaUa Sit. a!lwood IZt. . SNAP Nw 7-r-om rittAce. f.rdon. $IS a month Inquir 11 k'rancia ara. WW tar to 87 tn- POH RKNT 7-roorn boaaa. naw. furaaeo and f:rplaro; mo lrn In aary way. CaJl up Mala i-1 or Kaat WO. rOR RENT F(na a roon feouao, naw. Irr C 14. Eaat 2Tl W. li. llard- mao. O'R- 14th and F. Aldor. 4-room modara houa. f 1.3 ,r cio. lb on Mar. 74S ea 4C4 4th -HChM cottaca. $3S par Thompan at ro.. 3d. M'IKRV 4-roim bouaa. caa. alactrlclty. n-vptac acd furnaa. Inqli 341 Dakuua bri4 . T-THWtM houo with ffar. Eaat Bid. I'ton K. J'r4. or AiarJ.all ITad. b.K HKNT-SH-r DioUfrn hoi uaa, 31. lriui 9it t'if:nd r. U rar. 4-l:HrM houao aad bath. 77 J Trvlrc. Bar 3-ld. Apply Xi3 th. nm en '-ROOy boiv and batb. E, ltb N. Ertt. At ply I-J 4th. Main 4:74. ST- M ml R X aV ro-m " h u aSu t -.' J 0. w 1 1 h" yar J AVoodia a 17. T I' t o k h,;aa f r ror.t. 3.X 3s3 IUt la N 'rtrt. I'hofta EautSttA. A mitlrw Hnax FIN Et.Y furniahd houao la ratrl Caat l'rt and. to ral for tha to ra ;H.r;0.a party; room; arry modm r.orrBlac; lr lawtw afiint aaih aorfiood. two b o ba from tunaya!d and T :r Una. For part ley .ara phona lwal 1 a ftr.l.I. KI USIMIf P boua. flata rooms. 4 nxim cottsa. tZy month: anchor 117. to; uif. J t .irniafird boaakplb rnvtna. M lia, i mnth: 3. liA. Apply 944 lrth at. Nt'th. ' cr from da pot. Bta. tHt on M'rrt-n to 24th. block north. lv UA I'M VN. oor. Ta lor. 4-roora flat. rly furn hd. w CArpota. naw piano, t t.a ba A. instaatanoota aa watar boater f r bath, fti cookira; rasy. a 4o. rvrxt to. N F ATI.T furalahod houa of T UrgA choor fil rvMttil. piano; a. I wodrn coavanl- r-.-aa: nir f icst:oo: no eh 11 'Iran; would Call SM SL 47tb at. bouth. tlaw thorn 4. Ni'H H ILL bou. alocantly furniahaU. T64 itiiaatt at., ata-nt rooms; trinta4 r:a 1 h ru-hout ; raud piano, l'boo Mam 4;'l. BNTIK K aocord floor. 4 rooms and brth. rural ;!. AUi 40 ronih. inaiuiltr.a; wator nd Uabt; a-o front partor room, (round ft'--r. rvip. walkl n 4 d'atanra. 43 Ci A-ll.fM furnishad f at; 3 minutes from fntr o city. 2& Grand ava. f 2i a Ml'KKN 4-room fiat, one a : has d- h4imn:o a.. U furniabad: raf r Fboaa C 1140. FT K Mori ED modara rotlaaoa. a room and r :h. 1 a atutv, aao a room fiat, bath and f- at.. 3U E- ?lst.t W. K. car. KRTUVl WEIGH 1 rvanport. 4 : iawa. croand r.ioni f jrnlhaj ft 34 porch A KLR'Ii'HErt h usa, room. conTaaler.t tr l't!j in cn.-ii-o prt f city. CU 5jI ltrrwr 1'hona E 1413. gl llM a'l m-xl'-rn hua. Irrincton dla tnri; t'T!i:v furnitti: July and Au at- 47 cufciniM it- rbKi Eot SAQ. FvH KKVT. Ju!y and Aufiat, coroplatoly furnlafcod bouao witn atoaptaA pwca and food yard. fcaat AAA L fRO'M-fxjrnTd houa on Proadwny. la Irvine ton; c-od ha1a and yard; will rant frm Jun jjtaK pt. W t all C rt'KMHKD him for rnt. Summer months, ma rwiw larva pT.-h and rl, r Atda. moJr: rrou Phona A 4rt7A KaT SIDE. walkii dtstanco. until 5pt. L. pa:tta lu kiAAl, a am ail chiidra iy b ir.iiw. c'mp;atalr fumlshrd. SO u:a from roatotllc. Et Side. 7.SOw Fiona Vain 7i- Fl'TlN'ISHKr 3-royim ctta, modorn; Wast iia. waiklbAT dutaao; ro nab I a. 3o3 Fourth au A hlX-KoOM. completely foralsNad bu: Nob H.r djtr.ct. par month, lhon Ma.n 4. 34 v fl Ut'. modem. Fat JfOI-ERV" fura'shad housa from July 1st to yt. 1st. inciu4ina; piano. "0d MArahAii. riVR R'OM ijrn.s'ied rouse to rant la Ro fuy Park. AJ i'-X Orcontan. SIX -ROOM "fum'shed. houa. M4 Eaat 3ia U cor. harer. 1 04 u 1 ra o n p r rn uaa. COS4PUKTKLT furnla!-.ed ftra-room fat; prl- aa ha:h reaaor.aa.a. 301 KoilaxlAy ava. Uowaea fr Beat---rartiftara far Mla. VIR Y daatrab! 4-room wodrrn flat pr lth at 4 Uas.huvton. rent nn.y lV far ravf ( aa an 4 lev t fie Kg h ta. yore .ai Q ka'h. avry room ;arta and Urhf naw ?n1 4 fumtura for sa.a at a barcaja; $350 rasa do on. $:o. Th 1 deairab: tn evtrr reaper t. piarnad ao a to rant room At jou doalra t V K IX i M tTH At CO, l:iA Waanlna-too . Rooms 2I 1. ll-P.'XDM b us. hAmaat aad Lawn, oa loth. Ja4- furrtitura- d!ana. at. In cat. Must U. Prtc 3;03o. tarma. :r..-.;; 4-ROOM hau f-r rart or furoitur for ala. r-cih.. 3 r s rii4 aapaaaa. 3C3 rf ;:jt st. M:o 4. CI-'B tn. Try dalrab: flat, naw fural- t u r aiv-iy a rr r s ad for ran uaa room; rssh or tarmA. 3-i Allll at- 43 "TH ST. Hojst f "r rant: foniltar for aa:. x., fm- Main N Ki-T furrlahed 4 now tor aaia chaap. -OI4Tt cor. Taylor. i.kikM flat mm 1Mb. cboap rant. R a 1 rrv 1. on;r Marihall 3 ITRVIf MEP 4-room bouaa at Coarbart : 3 bedrooma. aVrop.a. runalac water: 1403 foot from -a. 144 ft front Blank road; rAt. - r ct4. Fhoaa wow- a 3a. N"!Ti' k : "f 7-r -om coua at a aac aaiaKr R-rra. TUT. SrORXISO OKEOOXIAN. 3IOXDAT, JCXE FOR RENT. FOR RENT at S-aview. Waah.. for th ea on. wa.l-furnisbed cottafa containing ait-ttr.r-room. dminc-room. 3 bedroom, krrben with new stova and tare attto acd atAb'.e; aod water; 3 block from ta t on. Prion A. 4a3 or P. U. boa 14. Main !4r-3 F-R BAXR 3110O At T.ah Hwb. Waah.. on t rldra; Una Tlaw. 3 minutes from poatoft. a:a t:.a nd store: 4-room cottaca. furnished. Una baach. 1 squar from hot tatha; cot tat rnt f -r 11 per acasna. Apply John T. Staok. Waiia Walla. Waah. FOn ALE Botwsll apiin. rtiirla Coaa ty. OreBn. on 8. P. R. R. Sbaa.a rout a. Addreae owner, E. B. Itoawall. S-7 la aat Waatioftoa lU La aVACaiaa. CaU MAKE your roortlora now for camplnf and hotel accommolationa; s -.0 e,irut. beautiful actuary, sieutit locat. n. a'i cioue and h- i th-slvir.: pric-a rvseoo.J.t. luj Chamber of 'omnwrce. FOR RENT-Eir;ht-room'cott-e, cornplately furnished: porcelain bath nd toilet. 00 riOar. TiofA. oreriookin: ooaaa; r round a apaciou And attraotir. Phon Eaat 414- nRNISHED 4-room bunraloar frr rent At I.ocr Ii-u h. Wash. Inquir Mf 7th st. Pfiona Ma n 3944. CLAlU' 3 iaa(da cottac to rnt for tha aAsoa; unobstructed viaw oa th rids. Phone Main C3 49. FOR RENT Seaside Webb cottace; strict ly modara. e.ropiely furnlahed, Oraplace, city water, electricity. Phone Eaat loll. fOK KENT Mr! TorkT cottAfia at S-a Vlaw; a lac trio llffhta, a:raa;a: oa boula Tard cloa to boawh. Z'hon t SSoA. FCRVISKKP 4-roora buriralow tor rent at Lonr Brarh. Wash. Xnjuir 64ft 7lh t. Phon Mala 3'M. ROOM cotiAKo at PeAalde: prtl fur nlshed. Inqmr LTaylor. 370 E.&4th it. t-ROOM eo 'race at Bvlw. Phon A St0 or Main FL'IENIPHKD cotta- for rant, C H. Pro ceniodgr. BeaiidaOr1 , FOR RET at Seaside, a rery desirabla 5 room cottage. Phona A 4$u'. Ii. V. Jonca. STORK TO LEASE FOR l'KHM OF 1EAR3, 1Mx47, IS HEART OF RETAIL DISTRICT. fcO B3CTTCR LOO AT I ON IN CITY. A 142. pREUONXAN. HAWTHORNE AND UNION AVE, store In new trick building with front me oa B aw thome sva, tn center East bide busi ness district. reAAonabi rent. II. P. Palmer-Jonea Co.. Commercial v'lub bids;., phones Main b'M9, A o.3. oViM'rt FEaT.T store for rent, on First and Tavlor aia; rood location for a Uv busi ness man; will make Alterations to suit teoanu Call2ulFirstsu SEVEKAL atoros at cast and Madlaon-at. brldffo S20 tn 310. accordla to Si a a. Ia ouira r7l Hwthorn ava. FO R RE N T O na store, also two ten-foot sioarcAaoa tor aal cheap. Apply 44 N. 4th. - STOKE A-l locAtloa for detlCAteaaoa and bakery good, lc cream, ctnara. bror shop, druaa. cash grocery. Maid otJ41. Office. OFFICES FOr"RENT7 311 AND IT. MERCHANTS 8AViNi;s A TRCST COMPANY. DESK PPACE FOR RENT tn promlnont around flo.r off ice. with tt pbona and 9teno:raihIc aervlce. lnquira. NORTH KHN TKl'PT COM PAN Y. :TO Siark btrt. FINE location for dentist or physician oa East bide: cheap rant to proper parties. McCARUAK. BATES A LIVELY. SUl Yeon llldg. FOR RENT Larr "ott'aldeofftc with ra-ccp'ion-room. phone a -id aeaogrupher. U'-t Chamber of Commerce. FOL'R aood-aued offtcaA good light aad raa t nation, at SOU per mouth, at lb2 Mocrl aaa at. FINK location fr a dentist or a physician. n. d. Cal or phon A 3ovt mora laga. htosT eentratly located office, all-night ala- ator aenric. 3 Swatiaad bidg-. laa I tor. th and Wuhinitos. DESIRABLE OFFICE LOCATION. -MILNKK BLDO.." ST-OV MOKRISON ST. M ODE 1 CNC EN TR AL. ItE AS ON A BL E. DKriKKOOM tr rent In furnishad offic; both phone. J13 Iward of Trade. br.oK"room. 3:3 Railway Echang bldf. PARTNER IN CASH IlC? IN . Man who h more work ;han ha can do, can't depond on ae!p. 4nii an cone I prtacr; wfti guarinte A i per ek; $.'.o required. Cu room 3lo Lumoer Etharga t;Jg. MERCHANDISE BARGAIN. g7(Kn stock of merchandiae; good valley town; aales 3.u. ORVHSI A IADOW, SIT Fonrd of Trada Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SEAL- E.-TATE nun want sober young aiaa, partner, to show land; no xrerl anca nccoaaary; tittle money required, partlculara National Realty A Trust Co., 334 Washington at., room 61. CASH grocery" aoreby owner, with good home, lot 4'H" terma; ry littio money rwqalrcd. End Brodwy car. C3 K. t- N. RF.AL TAROAIN. 43A. RestAurant. fActory district, money maker; tfsnafi heaith bad. K. 13i Or- g- WANTED A stock of mere hand la: If you waat to !! for spot cash at a SAcrlflc. let m hear from you. Oao, C burn ley, p. O. box 3T, bune. Or. . FIRST-CLASj plc"tur show, nicely eoulpped. Vst Sid location. Join One busings, at aarriflcw if miX at one. AN 143. Or auatan IANCH counter: one of tha beat In carter of city; long lease; reasonable rent; will e !- Investigation ; a bargain at V.imA AlC 1S1. Orvgonlan. - HAVE for aal manufacturing; business; ft rennc unneceaarv. profits a ro large; ii t.a money wil i 1 A ml i t h ,. 2 4 2E if t hs U FIItQT-Ct.A SS cash meat market, reason ab:e. account leering loan, li isi. Ore-g.tilAn- l r's'jrant for sale In the employ ment offic locality. Inquir owner at St'T CO" tw you ar looking for a genuine business, snap at a great discount fur SltfOO caU la CLEANING and dyeing works, splendid lo cation; leaving. cu; a bar a in. Alaia t4'jT. . , OKA IN feed and fuel bualnaaa; clears .V0 to .VM month; prtc at Income atout Call I1M 4t: st. FtR SALB or trade, a restaurant In 6a Diego, long lease, low rate. Call at H'S 3th - WANTED rartnor with I4i3 to take haif 1 eta root tn motion pi tura theater at Sum nw reoorc 6JiS 3' VhlniQpr-AIia FOR BALE by owner, oonfectionery and cl ear store, chrap rent; living rooms It da- -r,1 25 Sd St. ATOCKfl of march andls bought for cash; atrirtly ooandeaUaJ. ti. W aatoa, 414 d FOR SALE CHEAP. ta1oo. 1nt,.epar4r.t 1. cense, doing g-ood boaineaa; I: Inquire ijVAjthsu North. A. NEAT little cigar ard confectionary store, no rant, mony besides tak car of haiL aL 443. WANTED at 3414 Mississippi av.. man of c;en habits and soma cash to learn barber ftuatnaaa. j. . " CLOTH 1 NO atore, with leaae; best location; will s;t I lou; good for any busl- TDm. SO 84 at. North. CV N Ir'EC T ION -TI. Y and groeery store for ale achoollHHik rd students' supplies; es.abiishcd trade. Prion Columbia 117. BAR PER 0 1 d eetailhnd. ti! -paying eh op for aaie. Doing bta; business, long Call S334 Lumber Exchange Blug. SAl'HlN and sta tu-nished rooms, rbean If taken at once; atck&aa. 144 MacaaIaiu road, corner Dakota. - . "MlNINO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Te:ephone and otto a r hoc da bouaht aad '.t her lav.. C. o Abiastoa, FOR SALIS Holler. r.g:n and buIMIrg; a a;tod factory ait. AD 14S. OregoniAn. BOOTBLACK-stand for sa;. fin location for cASh Apply N. Cth su Barker shop. tgntiy ntted. trms it disired. 3o0 3d at. 11 shop; R ST AV R A NT Oood location iteaa: Uaae; low rent. V rood boat. Oregonian. iiOME r,rlt- oon.'ecUocery and lunch Owner, living- rooma. Rueseil St. BARR "BOTElTTarbr shop for sal cheap, at 30 vii:io st. , V KIX-F..-TARMnCD dye worka Books open for inspect! oa. N 1&3. Oregonian. NICE Htt: 'bArdlng-hous 1-1 flna lo.-arcn; a TOapJftAaen at oace. Thon A 3oL IOC BCtfLNBoB card. 31 OO: yo moat bng? lAi ad. AW City Friaiery. 12 Xaird . BCSTNESS OPPOKTXNlTTXa. Ca N a D A' S irVet and' rich eat province to British Columbia larcer thAn the state of Washington. Oregon and Idaho com bined. Mlillona of acre of th t-ricultural iand for pre-emption. For tune to be msUe In timber, coal and min eral landa Fort George is the geographi cal and etrateiric commercial center of this vast empire and la oa th lia of f-h Grand Trunk Pacific transcontinental id 11 other railroad chartered or building. Fort George ta at the Junction of llwO mllea of navigable waterways. All rail road must run to Fort George In order to get north, south, eaat or west througn Central or Northern British Columbia, 3D "J .OOO.OtsJ will be speut In nxt flv yrara in railroad building alone, "rt ar Joint owner and sola aganta of this town- site. Writ quickly lor ii miormanou- . Let us aend Aou fre of ehrge a copy of B. C. Bulletin of Information, riving up- 10-date nea of Inveatment opportunlllea, synopsis of government land law a, J Natural Reaourcea Security Company, llm- Iteu. 543 Uranvllla Sir eat. Vancouver. B. C. Portland salts a lilcltor. Kichsrd Obee 407 Wella-Vaigo Blug., Portiaad. AlarhU Lr-l9 AL'TOAfOBILE BUSINKsS. Paf inveouiiept and doslrabla poaltlon. capable man with from lo to H'VOw cash capita: ran Identify himself with a thorougnly eaiabllshed. succeasful, gTOwing corporation, located in Port. and: the Ap- HH...I v. mhn-m runrnach eOOr- getic. un!enttand gt-neral office work and be able to ri.l a responsible position. In vestment fuliy aecured. No information given except to principals st interview, after muiuAily aAllsfActory references have bn exchanged; J ISO. Qregoulan. m FOR SALE A 6-year lease suitable for any busjnf In a growing mfg- and lumber ing city brlnKs In o.ear of rent 3" Pr month, will double In 4 months; iso a good, clean stock of gents' furnishings csn be taken over If wanted; Invoice of stock aoout 30Ot; Investigate; reason, I h4 too much business to attend to.. L Moi ris, Raymond, ash. YAMHILL COI NTY RBALTY CO.,'" 410 Rothchlld bUlg., 4th and WashiDgtoA streets. Portland. We have farms from ltf to Uo acres, hop yards orchards and orcba-d land, timber, ehtnsle mills, hotels and city Property : we locate timber claims and omeateada; always reliable. FIRST-CLASS confectionary atore In good loan within an hour's rid of Portland; well located, long lease, up to flat fixtures, one year's pruflts will more than pay for the business; I will guarantee this. Try It before you buy; price ooW) cash, or trad for housa and lot or Improved acreags m Afldrrsa owner. A S 103. Orego nlan. -COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD. Agents wsnted In Paciflo 3orthwec Pacific Mutual Life. 43 yesrs old. 22 millions asset. Wa loan money. H. H. Ward, Mgr 713 apaldlnr bltts, CIOAR. confoctlonory and le,-cram itand. will sell cheap on account of other busi ness, dolns; a food business and in a Hood location; on. of th, t-st places to be had on the' Kast Side. 303 Eaat 11th. rnons cast 11.1. J1UJ M. nwjia, r. Tola Is a laboring1 man', hotel; owner la compiUrd to sell; will .-l..-ar over 100 per month; will sell for 4i-0. iauu cash. tn!n.-e on time. CaU room Sii Lumber ISixO ESTABLISHED , BUILDING MATE BIAL Bti(I.NESS tor sale; will stand risid Investigation; location n,ar heart of city; do not answer unless nn.mciaily able to hondie abov. Addresa W ' ld, Or coniao. . . B AKFTRT. Well located bakery on West Sid,, mak ing a net prom of 10 to U per day. l'ric, -uoo. GRUSB1 ft ZADOW. SIT Board of Trad.ldan andOak. BfibwRE'Tnd-plumbing business: nnest pavina' bunlness outside of Portland; lo cated 33 rulles out In thriving vailey town: will sell on terms. Full eartlcuiars 191 4that. fOfSa MAN. STRANGER. Make careful Investigation at eipns, of seller belore you Inv.-st money In -any proposition. . Advisory Department. T. M. C. A. TOn SALE reasonable Planing mill, cen trally located In manufacturing district. Includes 8-year leas, on premises; must l .old at once. Inquire 475 East Alder St.. Portland. F. C. Young, assignee. WANTED By an experience! hotel man. a furnished hole! for rent. Willi o eject of buying: must have good trade; slue, par ticulars; good country town preferred. AC tlUlbij rAR13I.r. Half interest to la &-:oom hotol; . hue ooportunuity for man and wife; only .'.oo requirod. . Call 314 LU'T.ovr r.xcnangoomi HALF innnit In an old-aalabllshed busi ness, doing a good busincis For full par. tlcular, call Kinnay Siampner. Lumtl llacbaitga bldg..rooma t31-&a2. t Hx"VE"good arretige. town or city property In Oregon and Washington to exchanco for stork of merchandise in Oregon or V.' .sh in etii. Address A3 1T0. Ore torl3. Foil FALE iotMM) business for $4600 casa If takrn at once; good money-maker; f wneV slrlt; might consider terms, it 163. WELLEivLirPKD eoal bank, producing to 200 tons dally; l&o mile, from Portland, on two rallruada. P 16. Oregonian. KKSTAURANT and lunch counter, doing fin. business; all newly furnished; rent $.'; leaae. An, location; prlu, IlltMA Call 1U1 4th st. r SNAP Oood cigar stand, not.ons. soda foun tain, etc.; close to Union Depot; rent SH-I; good trade; will bo SJCrilced. AM 168. Oregonian. WILL sell H Interen In clothes cleaning and pressing establishment cheap; fine Watlon. cood trade. K. Moore, OliSia Washington st. OVE of th. best paying groceries for Its sis. In the city: I am In a hurry to aell. lltt., money required; Investigation Invited. K 1. Oregonian. LUNCH counter wlth good lease, good busi ness, for .'.'0. J 16a. Oregonian. ttOOMINO-MOf SB3. TUB PACIFIC REALTY CO BOTEU ROOMINO-HOl SES. APABT. X UNT-HOtBKS, pral. ESTATE AND tXCHANOM Phone Main bi&O. A 347a. 122-24 Failing bldg.. 3d and Waah. MAKT E. LENT. Portland's "I.EAD1NO HOTEL BROKER THREE-YEAR leas, on W-reom house suit ed f'.r boarding or rooming-house; cheap rent. monev-maker. Investigate. Hee-drl.-k ft Winters, 4.3 Chamber Commerce tddii. 2U-ROOH apartmenta. hot and cold watnf In all rooms, n.w brick building. years' leaf,; clears Sloo abov, rent. be. owner, 1HU E. Belmont. FURNITURS-of a 9-room. house far sal, by owner. Rant 50. Prlca700. Loa. Partlcs moving oa a ranch. 44 Tamhill. cor. 14lh st. . TEN-ROOM boarding-house, all room, filled g.x.4 Incom.; will sacrlfic aa mult l-ae cityJ D 1:X Oregonian. a" BARvJAIN M-roem hotel on Waah. St.; strlctlv modern, litijn cash required. In vci.lli:ata. ilarshall 303 A SNAP Tmenty-flve roomed boardlng-bous-. full of boarders: cheap rent; two yoara" leas; terma Phon, Kaat gad. rTENTtOOM roomlng-houa, for sa 1 . I n qulr, TJ 6th st. Owner Having alty. EPEC1AI. yOTlCEcV rron4uU,InTited. SEALED HIDS will be raelved at the of. rce of Bridge, A Webber.' 4K3 Hamilton b lildlng Poninnd. Oregon, until 10 A. M. Wednesday. Jun, 3J, ll'll. for the con-strui-tlon of a nurses" horn,, to b, ,rectea on th, Multnomah Hospital grounds at Second and Porter streets. Portland. Ore gon. Plans and epeclflcallona may b, ob tained at th, odice of th, archltacta. No proposals will b, considered unlesa accompanied by a oheck payable to tn order uf the County court of Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to ten per cent of tt', aggregate proposal, and this check Is to be forfeited aa fiaed and liquidated d-mages In case th, bidder neglects or refuse, to enter Into contract and to fur nish a aultaOIe bond for th, faithful per formance of th, said work. In th. avent tno contract la awarded to him. Th, light Is ,xprM3ly reserved to reject any and all bid, received. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge, W. L. Llghtner. Connty Commla sioiiexjDjy. Hart. County Commissioner. SEALED proposal, will be ncelvwd by th, undersigned until 1 P. M.. Jun, 2T. 181L for construction of two brick and con crete dormitory buildings, a brick boiler house and plumbing and heating at Stat, School for Blind. Vancouver. Wash. rians and specifications at thta offic, and pacific Bulldw A Engineer. Pacific block. Seattle: fcullard 4s Hill, Provident bldg Tacoma: Secretary of Chamber of Commerce. Portland: School for Blind. Vancouver: Olof Hanson, architect. 60 L-owna biock. Seattle. STATB BOARD OF CONTROL. Olympla. JuJr, B. 1 1 1- - C E ENGINFER-9 OFFICE. Portland. Or.. "lay 14. 1V11. Sealed proposals for fur-tisr-lng and Installing aboard Uie L. S. dredge "Clatp"" a complete fuel oil burn ing evstem. and for th, necessary alter ation. In the dredge to accommodate th, new work will be received at this offic until 11 A. M.. Jun, 14. 1911. and then prbllcly oper.erl. Information on applica uoc J. y. Uclaio. alajor. Hag-jim 12, 1911. SPECIAX. JfOTICXS. ! riupooala laTtted. afrLTNOMAH COCNTT COCRTHOCSB: Sealed nropoeals will be received at th,. office of Whidden 41 Lewis, architects. .01 Corbett Building, rortiana. yjr.. unui .o o'clock A. M.. of Tuesday. Jun, 20. 1911. for th. ateel cell, and other work for the eountv Jail, as called for In the epeet catlons for the new Courthouse for th. County of Multnomah, istate of Oregon. Plans and epeclflcatlon, may b, obtained at th. office of the archltecte. No pro posala will b. considered unless accom- hv a eheelt D.vabt. tO th. Order Of the County Court of Multnomah County. certified by a responsibl. bank, for an , amount jual ke 10 per cent of the ag- . gregat, proposal, to be forfeited aa nred and Iquidated damage, In ctM th. Old der neglects or refuses to enter Into con- ( tract and to provui. a euiia-n. the faithful performance of said work. In th, event th, contract is awarded to aim Th. nirht to reject any and all b.ds Is hereby eapresaly reserved. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge; W L. Llghtner. Coun-.v Commissioner; D. V. Hart. Coun ty Commissioner. i be i 1 T" g- V. 1 A rwav 111 Via ceived at trhe offic. . of R'. H. Thomas. Sdhool Clerk. 403 Til- for the construction of a new achool building on Block NO. 10. Broadway Addi tion, known aa th, Fernwood School, aa follows: (1) General contract. I Painting. (3 Plumbing. 4 Healing and ventilating. Epecirlcatlora and plans may be ob tained at the offic, of Atchltact E11H F. Lawrence, lull Chamber of Commerce building, Portland, Oregon. Bid, must b, made separately on each Item as given ui..b., km, will h. n.rmltted on more . than one of the abovmentloned . Item,, provided, tb, bidder haa submitted l separat, oiu, on items j . blanket bid. Certified check payable to the order of R. H. Thomas. School clerk, for 10 oer cent of th, amount of each pro posal must accompany eaoh bid. Board of Director, reaerves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Jun, 8. 191L . H. Thomas. School Clerk. Mlscellaaroua. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Notice Is hereby given h, legal voters of School District No. 1. Multnomah County. Stat, of Oregon, that th, annual ,-hool meeting for said district will be held In rooms of board of directors, 414 Tilford building. Portland. Oregon, Mon dav. June 19. 1911. at 7:80 P. M. Th, meeting 1, called for the transaction of such business as shall properly come before It. 1ated this &th day of Juna. 191T L. W. S1TTON. Chairman of Board of Directors. Attest: R. H. THOMAS. Clerk. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice 1, hereby given th, legal voters of School District No. 1. Multnomah County. Stat, of Oregon, that th, annual ' school election for said district will b, held at tho varloua polling placea provided by the board of director, from 2 P. M. until 0 p. M. on Monday. Juno 19. 1911. for the purpos, of electing on, director to serve for nv, years. Dated this 9th day of June. 1!1L L. w. SITTON. Chairman of the Board of Directors. Attest: R. H. THOMAS. Clerk. I WILL not be responsible for any bills con tracaed by my wife. Mrs. Myrtle Schroe der, aa ah, har left my board and bed. (Signed) C. T. SCHROEDER. LOST AD rOUXP. FOUND Whor, yo, can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; wa renovate mattresses and return same day: we also renoval, feathers. Portland Curled ililr Factory. H. Metzger. 22S-22I Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. WILL party who found pin aet with 12 or la rnlnestones, with patent ciasp. lost at merry-go-round at 24th and Thurman. please return to 612 Thurman and receive suitable roward. Valued aa a keepsake. LOST oald watch, bet. Portland and St. Johna on road. Engraved with nam, and Initials. Reward of $23' for return to Phil Oavurtg. 14 1st. LOST Sable and white Colli, dog. heavy build, avmewhat woolly coat, wore round leather coilar. name Robin. Reward. 701 Talbot road. Phone M. 236T or M.. 2:112. FOX Terrior dog loat: 4 months old; had bob tail, white dog with brown eara; near 10th and Market sta., at 0:30 Saturday evening. Reward; 402 Market at.,A S723. LOST Illack and white collie dog; nam, of owner on collar, H. W. Metzger, 434 Park at. Main 24S1 or A 28111. 18T On, bull pup. ail white, with on, yellow act on lcrt side; months old. Pleas, call Main ::57.1. LOST Small brlndl, French bull bitch. heavy in whelp; liberal reward. 645 Mor- rlson. A 7741. LOST Black purs, between Eellwood and th Oaka. containing about $14. Phon, E. 590a. Reward. LOST Large Waterman fountain pen. Re ward If returned to Oregonian. LOST Red memorandum book. K-turn to T1S Rothchlld bldg. Reward. FINANCIAL. wiT.T. .ell no .har.a of stock In local Insur ance company at aaciifice; stock now s.11. in g '2v0 a share. AJ 12u Oregonian. LOANS made on Improved city property: no commission; funds Invested for Indi viduals. John aln.50fibpaldlngbidg.- $3000 TO $10.00, to loan on city real estate; no commission: no bonus; describe prop erty. K 14 7, Oregonian MORTGAGE LOANS. E. C. EASTON. iui BOARD OF TRADE. aiooex to Loan Real Katatc 130007 PER CENT. West Side. $4000. $luo0 fixed amounts. Larger and differ ent amount, also, M. E. Thompson Co. Henry Bldg. ground floor. . LOANS. MORTGAGE LOANS. 0V to 8 per cent J. FRANK PORTER, 904 Chamber of Commerce- ilSOO. $2000. $4000. $4500. $5000, a $0000, $10,0OO. ,110,000 to loan on keal estate, easton. 2i2 board of trade. FLENTi of money t loan at 6 and 7 per cant on real estat security. DW. P. MALL 104 Second st. t ,iO0 ON improvea city or farm property; building or small loana at lowest prices; larse loans a specialty. J. H. alciiena.e Co.. 5I4-515-ol6 erliuger bldg. FIRST and aecona mortgage, and contracts purchased on farm aad city property any where In Oregon or Waanington. K. L lver,aux. Fenton bldg... ,4 flth su llOKTOAOC LOANS Kxcluaively. EDWAitD U. UOUDII, L w la Building. WE HAVE plenty of .money to lean on Portland property in sum, from $1000 to oou at lowest current rates. Morgan. Flieduer Uve, Soa-Oo Abtngton bidjf. wE can help you finance your building project. Oregon Construction Co., Mciaybldg. MONEY toloan wa improved real astat, or for building Columbia Life Trust Company, kig bpaiding bldg. MONEY ioanid without broker aa. If we build, current rata, L ii. iiailey Co, $24 Ablngtonbdtf. $2ft00 TO loan on good 1 Reproved real estate, ,;urity must be. worth at least $600u. aie. Attorney 4i, opoijiga. IMPROVED or unimproved property; email builulng, loana, coutracia anu mortgages boughUW- U. Nunn. 448 Sherlook bldg. SfioOo TO $7000 to loan at 7 per cent on cloae-in Improved reai estate. Al- 101. Oregonian. ; vioKTUAUnl loans on city property; lowest rateaT A- H. BlrreU Co, 2tu MciAy bldg, 2dnd Stark. 200 000 TO LOAN, large loana a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. li. Beck. S iaj!i"ngb;dg. mortgage loans at seasonable RATES- F.H.Lil WIS. SLE W IS BLiU. MON'EY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, i; H. HARLiLNG. SlS Ch. ofCom. ' " MORTGAGE LOANS. E. C. EASVoN. VM BOAKD OF TRADE. TO loan on good real eatat, aecurlty. a. Chamber of commerce. TiTivATai HONaiY SS0.UO0 or portion, lm- proved city. Call 726 Cham, of Com, bldg. ftooclal 24-mortgag real estate loana on monmly payments. Room Hi A Hamilton. lluoO TO LOAN on city real estate. Call ai. Chamber of Commerce. aiwio" TO $2000 to loan on Improved prop Hrtr A 16a. Oregoaia-. as s'ate agentulmoman Co, 40o a ofC. Kin loan$10.000 or lea, real astat, security. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. IiriNEY any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good- nouljeltA, tin Spalding bldg. iIoanS on all kind, of security, w. A. jliuiaway. room 10. Waanington bldg. JJ77vtY f-r goooj inside loans. . 7. . r-ir;ock at Mueiiaaupt. 1032 Caam. of Com. tTUTvATK money loaned on rul estat, mort. gai'es. A. H. Miley. K. 2Q4. Gerlinger blag. iuRIOiOS LOANS. 8 AND 7 PER CSNT. I iVALOilON, 2i STARK. 6I J rrVAXTltl. Money t. fcoati Re40JBsttu TOLOAN for"thre, years on PorBan J trn proved property $10,000 IWOW. tS'WQ. fl'DO at J per cent; $2im). -0u-$00 at a par cent. For any of h amounts make application to Ooodscll Erot.lers. 4113 Worcester bl.1 . Main S4... MORTQAOE LOANS.. On Portland real estate la our are elalty; B to 8 per cent. Se Mr. Hlatt with CHAS R1SG1XR CO.. 211 Lewia x lo.- ON IMPROVED city property or for build . lrg purposes: I It i years' time: liberal repayment prlvllegaa; money ad .-anted a building progresses, Th, Equitable Sar lscs g: Loan Association. 540 Stark at. trtiva on reai. personal, chattel or collat Lari Purity. W. FaXl.tu guJ M oney to LoaoTo o C hat t e U and Salaries LOW RATES. WLIOK LuANS. NO BED TAPE. NO DELAY. AST AMOUNT FRuM J10 UP. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, livestock, diamonds and. all other kind of iiraonal property; payments arranged weekly or monthly to suit your conven ience courteous treatment ro all; private oSicea and ail business atricUy connden- UL GRAY CUNNINGHAM. 201-i Hothchlld bldg.. 237 s, W ashlngtoa Hi between Fourth and Fifth sta. I I $ $ t $ I JO X IJ U iMVCa JU. V X 1 w. will furnish yoi strictly confidential and without aeiay. a loan in any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage iwc-ipt and all kinds of securities; on lima to suit; also weekly or monthly payment. On first and second real ulais mortgage, f S KEALEiTAIE A BROKERAGE CO. $i J Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d. Mam r0S4. . $ $ . .. Mc?NEYFORVACATIONS. DO YOU NEED ANY? $10 $20, J30. $10, $6U. tld.$70. 1100. CHEAPEST AND BE.ST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. REMEMBER. IF YOU WORK WE WILL LOAN YOU MONET. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. B SIATE SECURITY CO, 308 FAILING BLDG. 11$$ $ i i . n t l- n Ilflll'l V MONEX r"s i--""1"1- - . Women keeping house and other, fur nished without security; cheapest rate-, easiest payment!. Cm, and get money when you want It. and pay a. you can. Offices In all principal cltiea. D. H. Toi man. S17 Lumler Exchange. ' MONEY ADVANCED. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, ,tc Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO, S07 spldlngbldg. , LOWEST RATES Loan, on all kinds of - cu.-lty, chattels or real estate. Union Bro kerag Co., 513 AbingtonldgJ6j3d. UONEY to loan on short time, large or amall amounts, on what you have W. Lawrence, 316 Lumbor Exchange bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamond, and tewelry. Marx Jt Bloch. 74 3d. aanary oajbldg. or ciatteL The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum LOANS on diamonds and dTher securities Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, itrlctly confidential. 141 V Sd. near Alder. Loan, Wanted. WANTED FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. $50,000 on gllt-edse West Side business PrPANFORD. HENLEY ft WAITS, 416 Spaldingbldg. WANT $5000 on gilt-edge security: will pay 8 per cent quarterly. Mr. Stijej. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO, . 620 Jtaliway jMii.iusc. WANTED To borrow $.2000 Im m.ll.l.lV! $20,000 farm as aecurlty. Call at 424 Yeon oiqg. WANTED $1500 for three year, at $ pel cent; wJU pay costs, but no commission -i 171 fr cumninn. 11.-00 WANTED ON FIRST MORTGAGE 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE! PARI I. AR181pREGONIAN. . . 7T7.,w. V,. t . T-Tjirr wt-t?o.t BOMS - - ll I'J J.t liilUl.u"". ' . . Will pay 8 per cent. AT 1S5 Oregonian. LET us place your money, good mortgages, referenda F. H. l-ewls. 3 1-ewls bldg PERSONAL WE HAVE the finest equipped Ptt""?, flees on the Paclno Coast, furnished wltn every therapeutio appliance used by the most advanced men In Europe and Amer ica, we use no urus. " " " 1 j We have aomethlne better. We use every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens, X-Rays. static, colls, violet lights and ultra violet ras. Hlch-frequency. ozone, sinusoidal, halloa, solar, giant and King lights. We a.. the only physicians on in. r-ul : using radium to treat patients. Come ana v. 1 i . BBtM nor offices. VY l ii E.autiucu . . ii aiiu - . have been In Portland over nv yar and treated thousands of patient ana never had a death. . we take no contagious or ' . eases, neither do we go out of the onice . . - -ttt3C! An cure and have cured thousands of so-called iiicurHom ana " - foe vours.lf. W, occupy in entire north half of th, third floor of th, Rothchllds bldg. Dr. W'. E. Mallory, r.aturopath. r.o . T in ' nfJTTTir visrun ox women anu, cmiumu. . gery; chronic and nervous diseaaea treated ccvrains to in. latest nieiuu... meat cared for; consultatlod fr. ,. . 81St - Washington st, . Main 8U2S. A 5607. . .i r m it i in nun TJATR. 8wltchei, puffs and curia. German par, Bvl.fKe. &nV cut nair m any iiiau't , . length. Prices Just half. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4U0 to 412 Dekum bldg, over i.ip- man, Wolfe. Third and Washington ata. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician'a direc tions; baths, masseuse." No. 7 East 11th at, second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone Eaat 260,B 1S03. "tEBVKT a HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest tock df human hair gooda: halrdressing. manicuring, face and acalp treatmenta. 147 7th at., near Morrison, phone Main 346. HELEN SORNS and J. E Perry, magnetlo healers, treat all chronic diseases. 267, Russell st, Portland. Or. Phon. C 2127; hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur. n Holmntrom. Nerve, rheumatic and stom- aoh di. orders: free consultation. 30H-1 Oregon Ian bldg. Phone Marsnail .8.6. MH9- Stevene. 18 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her lata took. "Palmistry Made Eaay," on sale at S4-r- Yamhill, corner Seventh at. DR. A- A. AUSPl-U-SD. piseases of women and surgery. Exam Jr at ion fre. 302 Merchant Trust bldg eth and Washington. Fbone Wain 4U47. "EX Try" f0. tablets tor debllltyfrom any cause; price iX, any address; money returned if it fails. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., aorriioiiK. PKEati suit lor rent. fi.SU month; kees your clothe cleaned, pressed, bnttoa sewed on. rips repaired.. Prompt calls And deliver! ea Unique Tailoring Oo.. 3(itf :ar. MEN tf yon are weak, nervous and run down write for the wonderful tonic vltaiizer, -V-V-V," Information free. The Vltaiizer Remedy Co., 2i4fc Wash., Portland. DR WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin aliments, kidney and biadder troubles and piles. Consultation free- 181 1st Portland, WME. Courtrlght, feature and skin specialist- Parkhurst Apts., 20th and -sorthrup. Apartment B. j ' OUT OF COMBINGS. twitch. W5c. curls and puffs. 75c. Sani tary Beaut ypariors.4w0 Dekum bldg. MAGNETIC treatments by a competent nurse at your home; charges reasonable, phone East 317. mrs Sophia S Eeip, mental scientist; daily; Wednesday meeting 8 P. , 86 hi Washington St. Main 6ti4. LAlJlES Lorens antiseptic cnes are soti ing safe and sure; SI per box. Stipe lay lor ' Drujr to.. J Morrison st. LORENZ' KERVETONIC TABLETS resror lost vitality. -5c box; 6 boxes f 1.25. sStip 'j;aylor urug wo., gJ i au W'ORK done " at your home; halrdressing, manicuring, shampooing, facial massage, M- 351-. WJ. do everything In ladles tailoring; suits to your me-ur from $30 up. J. M. v.hriici- Co.. Phoenix bidg., Cth and Oaa. rTljj ag1 FIGii Uemedies lor ' diseases -7- Uavl st. ilain B215. EXPERIENCED detective, all lines of work; results guaranteed. Y 161. Oregonian. HOLS-, S. wrtxi-iea, lopeiuuui- uu- remoTea. M. miU4a Fileaner bldg. M a4 Mrs. BUSlS'ESS DIIiXCTOB-r. Accountants. COLL1S. BERRIPGE & THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS.- Cmmrcial. County and Municipal. Audning. Investiisating and Systematizing. 2-4 Worcester biock- Phone Mam ttitil. . . vr v y i h R a I R n rr PUB L1C ACCOUNTANTS. AUIITORB. 2-4 Worcester Block. Main 7ba A H-U, T 13 BrsrxEss directory. Architects. j- A. SWINGLE CO.. architects and su 'perlntendents. Sec 9 about your buildins uJCt.SuS McKaybldg. W. A. CARPENTER, architect and designuy removed to 139 Chamber of Commerce. Asaayer and Aaalyat. Wells Proebstel, mining engineers, chem is ta and assayera. 20 4 a W as hing to n MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory .nrt ore-testing work. 1S6 Morrison su Attorpeya. L E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General pr&cticet, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. S73; A 207L Batha and Swimming. Portland Swimming baths, "167 4th Elegant plunse, steam, tub and shower baths. ;ac HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatio treat ment, elegant plunge. 5a Front. M. 4oL ItraM ndllarhine ork. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and macnine .o.a. iv ji.m ..u. Chiropractlo Phjai-lan. Dlt. TICKNER. Columbia Bldg, next Star ThterA255irea. 169 E. 5Jth: B 29.0. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estell, and Floasi, Deveny. tha oniv sclenuflc chiropodists in the city. Parlors 303 Gerlluger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. M-s. M. D. nil, room e-v im,. ...... , Civil Engineer ORRIN E. STANLEY Railroad and munici pal engineer, cuwc ..w ...... . shall 1544. Collection. PORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Alisky UlUg. All UtTOL. i-m.i-i-.. Contractor. FRSB PLANS FOR YOUR BUILDING. The Oregon Construction Co. will plan your house and build it; no charges tor plana when wo do your work. Temporary office 302 McKay bldg. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and ji, - .; vnrk O. r. Bliss, 122 Stark. Phona Main 017. W. L. BLCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, oi- fice and store setting. 8 . am au K)ti1- X 7tl2 Woodiawn 562. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. ... ... f,n &40. Dentl9ts. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work ta impossiDie; aoes a.y uiJ 'v. u brideework; we cure pyorrhea (p teeth! abnolutely: terms to reliable peoP'J- AOCUlBr UCUlu I. .m.w, " THE old reliable Union Painless Dentist. 1st and Morriaon ata! MuslcaL ISmll Thlelhorn. violin teacher. Pup.ll,f Ja'c'k' ' 1100 Marquam. A 4160. lliigine (las and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast asta. Seabury. steam engine and boilers. g?"nS, f?5 Bines. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 1 Feed Store. ZIGLER ft MIS.NER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 2i4 Grand ave. E. 4S-. Leather and Finding. CHAS. L. MASTICK 4 CO.. 7 'i jfon t. Leat her J. A. STROWBRIDGE LBATHt- Co. - tabllshed 1858. IDS Front st. Osteopathic Physician. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate K-'rJ'V?' Mo, class of 1S98: pojt-graduiie la under Dr. A. T. Still, -ounder c pf t he set 1M1 qlHne bide. Ai. l9Si. A 1JBJ- Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-40-17 Mm "g. Nervous -nd Chronic Diseased Phone Office M. 349. Res. East or B 10-a. Paperlng and Tinting. TINTING, painting. Paper hanging, k clean work. Phone Eaat oS. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish is oes. adapted to the Coast climate. BASo M gpTER PAINT .CO.. l$lScOTd 5XSMUSSEN ft CO, Jobbers P1"1!' yio glass, sash and doors. Cur. 2d and Taylor. : Patent AttoruP s. PATENTS procuTed by J. K. Mck. attorney ?! 'e.'Board- oPf?adeL iJNDElGNMPAARTTBNTS procured by 409 Chamber of- Commerce bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and f'8h P T. infrlnirament cases. 604 Dekum Diag. "Paving. TH3 Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 60S tiecirio un. - . . Pawnbroker UNCLE MEYERS-ColYateral Bank. 40 year in Portland. 71 6th st. Main 910- Plpa Plumbers. FOX 2d st. CO, PLUMBERS. Main 2001; A 2001. 209 COFFEY "PLUMBING-CO, iam 4fl2 Glisan. Main Rubber Stamp. ALSO seals, -tenclls. choice r"iiTt nine-ham a, 2-ix oiarA- stationery, otc Main 1407. Rug Weavers gfffva. nr. E. Morrison. " Safes. Second-Hand Goods. r: , : rTrir-pi for second-hand Bankand I how rixtnres T?,5 kn-7wKc-eMCoU; tttb and HoyL B. Lutke, manager. , 5 tt KIRDSALL 208 HAMILTON JtLDG, R.hw?a.D?nk; prompt delivery. Sale. agent. M. Winter LumberCo. JTTSThal MFG. CO, 4th and Couch; ntw Mnd s"cnd-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. fetem-liips J -: T ALLEncruresque St. Lawrence Route. Weekly Saiilnps Fiom . .ON-TKEAto VEKPOOL GLASGOW. T.ONDON and HaRE, ka , uc". SplJdTd scenery, .horte.t passage, low rates. Any local agent or AT LENT k CO, 127 N. Dearborn Bt, Chicago Storage and Transfer. Cn 'PTflC Transter ol Tsti..a w, . o.,i;- i..inrv hrck ware xTr(T Transfer & house with separate iron rooms and fire 'n?oof vault, for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d Jnd Pine sta. Piano, and furniture moved ant pkedlor shipping. Special rates made on goods In our through cars to all SomeBtlS ind foreign points. Main Sad, A ivyo. n.D . fC IPRTTW All household goods go nto brlclc warehouse free for the first SO day. and It the lowest rate, thereafter; moving and Sacking done by eiperta. Van Horn Trana- fer oo. j"'"6B- . . r. rr-O iVCPFTi rTl. OLfcUis-lioD . ...... .. .... General transferring and storage, .afe. TilarTos and furniture moved and packed ' ?o? shipment. S7-S9 Front at. Telephone Main 547 orA224.J OREGON TRANSFER CO, established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents-Storage office S10 Koyt t, between 5th and flth. Phones Main 60. A 1100. Taxidermist. MOOSE, elk head, fur work. Aii Columbia. A lo4 F. B. Flnley, Typewriter. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change.287 Vi juhliiwnjt. TYPEWRITERS, all mkea. $20 to 0. fully guaranteed. easy paymVits. rentals M , per month. Pacific Statlolaery - Printitng f-o.. au3 2d at. vfw rebuilt, second-hand rentals, s e..ia p. D.'C. Co, 21 Stark. M. t cut I 1407. i Wood and Coal. rjRT BLOCK WOOD, mixed with .mailer i wood $3.90 per load delivered any place i in the city. Portland Wrecking Co., 105- I 107 11th St. North. Main H7. A S7oo, ; BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re- , tail 4-ft- sawed fir and hardwood. Offic. . and' yards at 125 E. 7th at. Phone ,East 724. B 2777J . . THE Irvington Fuel Co.. wholesale and retail, fir cordwood. Phone Eaat 835. C23221 SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. 9th and M. 6358.M835L A2415. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coaL Main lQg. A 1106. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 3HD ST. WOOD NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal and wood. Marshall 960. 3.S7 Waler s:. WVU Drilling. DRILLUN'G wells a specialty; priced reason able. Call Main 1340 or write Miliar a, $vat la- Morrifia at, Portland. i