Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 10, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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1 1 '
Peninsula Annual Festival
Feature Success.
QiwoHurl Reigns Graciously and
Girl Who Accompany Her oa
Trolley Train Ar 6ubject of
Moclr (Favorable Conunent.
Thoroughfare la the butUiMi dtatrtct
re llT.raly carpeted with roaa yn
tarday mora in t, when n-re troLay car
0114 with r-ay glr! of tha Painula
boeaberdad A cheering raultltode wiu
freeh. frasratit flowtn pl-ark.d from the
lawns and garden of East gld
Rld!ng to Meat ea bar ornamented
throne vaa aflae Hasal Warmouth. whoaa
beauty and popularity ha caused har
to be li-td 'ljuaan' ef Kenton, from
which place maay ef tha Moiiomi thrown
la tha peiael4 ware vaeurad. She was
attlrad la a gorfeoua rob mad by th
worn. a of Pealssula and bearing trlra
mtcffi ratuad aq SlJdt The garment was
mxi.lal after Uta coronation roba that
will be worn by Queen Mary of Ens. and
at the fortheotnjcg caramonlea In Lon
don. Uutn Hn.1 "was attended by M!a
Flarnael Jonnson and Him Conatanca
Woodward, who rival her In beauty and
w aa received tne .icart support of their
reapartlv friend and admirer In the
preedlna popularity conteat. Little
Allen Simmoiu. bashful and demure, waa
Cower glrL
tlrnl la Big tuccea.
Re.Ment of Penlnaula bad labored
patiently and dtiia-ently to make thia
feature of th Koae IVstlval an event
unique, apectacular and typical. In every
point lh?y euuereded. AUtiough It took
p!ara In the momlrr when carnival
vrostde e.r. not la tfca habit of com In a
aut onto the stnrats. th entire route
through which tna pageant pasaed con
tained Ita capacity of humanity.
TV-ae of thousands of outstretched
hand. eaf?rly vraspa.1 tba nowera aa
tney ware cast by the girl In the lowtjr
movies cara. Kaatern festival vlattor
ware particularly pleased with the dem
onstration, and their comment oa tha
patriotism and tha enterprise reflected
by tha display wara many and uniformly
Ky courtesy of tha Rosa Festival offl
clala tha t.o grandstand on Morrison
atreet and one on tkrand avenua past
which tha floats passed were thrown open
to tb public and pantile wer admitted
free. All were filled Ions before the an
ao'inced time of the shower. There were rosea to supply eerryone. Tha
Sir. a ware constantly engaged In spiink
llne them amors tha people. Many fell
to the street and were crushed under
foot. Home had been pulled apart and
the patala were acattered by the handful
onto the heads. ahouMera and arm of
tha admlrlns throne. In tha residence
district a w:i as la the buslnea m
tioej people lined the curb to witness tba
I 'low ere OatlMTed Early.
The ears left the KIlllnworth barna
early la Use momtnc and proceeded to
at. John and to other points In tba
Peninsula district to father flowers from
the a-rowere Great boxea. basketa and
bundles of them were delivered and they
were plied hlga oa the seats, floors and
Not until the Intersection of Front and
ftornstde streets waa rearbed did tha
shower bes'a. Front then until the ST
procession passed Into hl.tory via Grand
avenue "battle of rosee" waged Inces
santly. The route lay alons FturnslJe street
to Third, to Alder, to Second, to uH
Inston. to Twentieth, to Morrison, arroa
Morrison brlds lo tlraod avenue, to
Holladay. where It ended.
On the forward car waa the Festival
bead, which played lively airs. The
ral float came next. It waa a ahowy
affair In whlrh beauty and brilliancy
combined to make It attractive.
Queen Maael waa greeted with thun
derous applause wherever she went.
R. I. Byrne, of San Francisco, Is at
tha Lenox.
W. r. Vincent, a banker of Spokane.
Is at tha bower.
Mr. and Mr. A. . Benson, of i"alm.
are at tba Cornelius.
C. M Avery, a business man ef Lin
coln. N.b, la at the lnox.
E. T. t'oroan. a banker of Spokane. Is
rratstrrrd at the Portland.
t P. Zlelr. a merchant of Astoria,
and Mra. Zlrgcr are at tha Oregon.
t;eorga Roger, ex-Mayor of Salem,
and Mr. Roger are at the Cegon.
I". 8. Grant, a hepman of Ia!:aa.
and Mrs. Grant ara at the iVrnellus.
Ramsey Morris, of New York, regis
tered at the riowera Hotel yesterday.
A. it. Marshall, of the Marshall-Well
llardeare Company, la at the Oregon.
Robert K. Twory. a real estate man
of fpokane. Is anions arrivals at the
Mr. and Mr. Charles ,e!nvr are reg
istered at th Oregon Hotel from Eu
gene. Leon P. Mask Ins. a bualne man of
W.dford. 1 among tha arrivals at the
Ho wars
Mr. and Mra. Frank M. Rea. of Pllto-
burc. are among the arrtvala at the
P. M- Burel!e. a merchant of Mont
clalr. N. J- and Mr. Uurelle are at
the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hallborg. of IUI
rlr. are at the Cornelius. Mr. llall
borg Is a merchant.
Mr. ant Mrs. Jerome lvdmn. of
Pendleton, are visiting Mr. Friedman's
mother. Mrs. Me Raum.
TV. I. Ford. City Hrhool Superinten
dent of Pallas, la apemtlng a n-w days
with relatives In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A Oakley ara Rose
Festival visitors In Portland tbla week.
They arrived last night.
Mrs J. A. YVakefleld. of Seattle, and.
the Misses Nell and MMa Milne, of
X anrouver. R C. are vt.tilng Mr. and
Mra. II. YV. Scott, of 4 Jefferson
CW""Atl Jure f tSpe-lal. Port
land people registered at Chicago ho
tela today aa follows: At th Congres.
Mrs. T. H. Uage; at tha Rravoort. K. B-
T xx-k wood Given 1-ovlnx Cap.
A pi .asset surprise waa sprung on
ft. P. Lorkwood. vice-presltlent and
general manager of the Columbia Life
Trust Company, yesterday noon at
his o!ftc la the Spalding building,
when about li of the agents, who have
been attending the flrst annual con
vention of that companv. presented
Mra with a beautiful loving cup. en
graved with their nasnes. William Ma
tne. auperviaor of agencies, made the
brae as ta lion.
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XV. R. Mlxlcr. of Portland. Surprises
All by Qualifying for Final
Match With R. L. Latham.
mi.. N'nra Combe. Il-ycar-old "phe-
nom. ' of Victoria. B. C. won the wo
men' golf champlon.hlp of the Pacific
Northwest In the snnual tournament
ye.terdvv afternoon at the Waverly
link. Mrs. Curran. of Tacoma, euccumb
Ing In the ftn-vl bra. ket t up and 1 to
Vfl.- f-nnthA I. th dsUKhter of SC-
reiary Combe, of the Victoria Country
W. R. Mixtrr. of the Portland con
tlnaent. caused great surptise by de
feating li. H. llargreaves. of Victoria,
conqueror of Champion R. L. Macleay In
... .. ....i. in th. seml-flamla.
Thl leave the 1911 championship be
tween himself ana t. J-
S.ttle. who won from D. Martin, of
Victoria. . .
The final In the mens division win
k. ni todav. IS hole in the morning
and 1 In th afternoon.
V. R. Mixter. tne OAra iw.
.l- ..1 t 1 ...n h..t If arc-reavea a
ine -
up In the forenoon and ftnl.hed the 3s
hole : up and 1 to plsv- iJttliatn clo.d
th first IS holr ( up and ended tha
competition up and to plV. Mlxter
has been a member of the Waverly club
for but one month. He won a tourney
last Summer at Peernan. out naa noi
been figured as championship timber.
J Z-in. of Portland, won the first
mgni in - - ' . ... ... .
Cnmmon. of Butte, the second flight and
Harold Wheeler, of 1 aroma, ine imiu
right. .
R. I. Latham, of Seattle, took the 60
i mmn'm a nnroach I ng. with
the beet average, and William Sample,
of Portland, the best ball f"r approaching.
Mra. Prtr.p.ey. of Tacoma, won the best
average approaching and Ml Panaher.
of Tacoma. the beat ball.
t'orrallls Cancel Game.
Or, June . iSpeclaI. Manager rsoi-
llngsworth. of the Willamette Lniver-
. ....k.ii im received a com
munication from Manager Cox. of the
Oregon Agricultural College ball team.
cancelling the game inn was ro ns
been played by w niametie ai lot-vallts.
AntolMs Return by Steamer.
Puget Sound Tlltor to the Koe
FestlvsL who made the Journey In
autos, are planning to return by water
far aa. Kelso, and th Kellogg
Transportation Company haa made
reservation for 1 machines that are
to leave tomorrow morning. It Is
thought from the number of Inquiries
that about IS will be carried, tha river
trip being - made rapidly and a large
part of objectionable road evaded.
Convenient for Travelers.
Baggage checked at your home direct
to destination. B. O. Tranafer Co.
Park and Davis tracts. Phone Slain
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Prefeasor Robert Kreha. Wfeoea 7
Masterly Training aad find- J
Itaa: ef Chlldrea la Pa-
rsrie Kvekrd Mmrtt Pralae.
Large Number or City's Guests Made
Comfortable In Local
Although the great ush of the Roe
Festival crowds to the hotels will be
over Saturday night, clerks are receiv
ing dally requests to renew the rooms
taken for another week or more, to al
low visitor who have come to see the
Festival to remain to look over Port
land and vicinity before leaving for
their home. The demand for rooms
will not be nearly as great next week
a In the week Just past, but a large
holdover crowd i expected to keep the
hotels full for the next two weeks.
Throughout the week the co-operation
of the hotel people for the conven
ience of the public 1 a subject of fa
vorable comment anions visitors, and
especially visiting hotel men, a number
of whom are arrivals at Portland
houses. In every case where there was
a known vacancy In another hotel the
clerk who received the call for & room
gave the name and location of the other
hotel to the visitor and enabled him to
And accommodations. When the festi
val i over the hotel people feel that
they have accomplished something in
the way of taking care of big; crowds,
which have not in the past taied their
ablRty to such an extent.
People's Amusement Company An
nounces Big Production.
The' People Amusement Company
yesterday received a telegram from
film headquarter authorizing the an
nouncement of the forthcoming pro
duction at an early date of many ex
traordinary photoplay. Among the of.
ferings are "Faust." In two reels: "The
Hlstorv of Moses." In five reels: "Enoch
Arden." In two reels: Alexander Du
mas' "Three Guardsmen," In three
reels: "The Leather Stocking" series.
In three reel: "Falstaff and "Ten
Nights In a Barroom," In two reels.
The future policy of the licensed fac
tories will be to put forth as many of
these big production a is possible.
Hitherto it has been the custom to'
Issue subject that were about 1000
feet In length. The ucces attendant
upon the revival of "The Passion
Ply" and the recent production of "A
Tale of Two Cltiea" J-.aa shown the
wisdom of the big pictures.
Many of these featurea will be of
fered within the coming four week at
the Star. ' y
Tennis Tourney for Katy Cup
Begins Monday. '
Thirteen Teams Will Play in Dou
bles Division and 41 Are List
ed for Competition ' In
Single Matches. .
Though the- entry list closed and
drawing were made last night, the
Spring handicap tennis tournament for
the Katx cup. will not begin at Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic Cub today,
matches being set forwarded to Mon
day on account of the Roe Festival.
However, matche may be played be
tween member by mutual consent-
Thirteen team have entered in the
doublea division and there are 41 en
tries in the men' singles. Only the
two eventj men's singles and doubles
will be held. It Is expected that the
tournament will be completed next
Saturday. R. C. Gorrill, winner of the
Katx cup last year, has not entered
thl year's tournament. The drawings
are as follows:
Singles Stubbs receive 30 vs. Rothwell
receive 30, bre: Ewlng owe IS vs. Ladd re
ceive lSS-o. bye; M. Frohman receive IS vs.
E Frohman receive 30, bye; Kats receive
IS vs. Marias receive IS 3-0, bye; Klehle re
ceive 1SS-6 vs. McAlpln. scratch, bit: A.
Frohman receive 16. bye: Shore reoeiv 30
vs. Starr, scratch; Jordan vs. Ttaorne re
ceive 13: Loushman receive 15 vs. Rohr owa
2-8; 8mith receive IS 3-6 vs. Jones receive
13; Butterfleld receive 30 vs. Brewer receive
10- "Warrlner receive 13 vs. Wakeman owa
IS: Ames receive IS vs. H. Gearln receive
IS 1-6 - Kerrigan reoelva SO vs. Wicker. ham
owa 0: Flnck receive 15 S-fl vs. P. Lewla re
ceive 13: Morton owe 2-8 vs. Knight receive
13, bye; Hughes receive 15 vs. Mackenzie
receive IS. bye; Chlpman racelv 15 8-8 vs.
Dewert receive 13 3-8, bye; Nunn, receive
IS 3-e vs. W. Gearln receive 1S3-6. bye;
Holt receive 30 vs. Bllderback receive 15 3-8,
bye: J. W. Lewte owe 8-6 vs. Ellsworth re
ceive 15, bye.
Doubles Lewis snd Lewis, owe 15, bya,
'Warlnner and Knight receive 13 va. Marias
and Butterfleld receive 13 3-8; Morton and
Brewer owa 13 S-8 va. Starr and Jordan
owa 8-8; Frohman and Jones scratch vs.
Klehle snd Chlpman receive 15 3-8: Longh
man and McAlpln owe 13 v. Ames and
Kats ecratch; Rothwell and Stubba reoelva
30 v. Frohman and Hurhe cratch; Gearln
and Gearln receive 15 3-8 v. Rohr and
Ewlng owe 30, bye.
Albany Students Beat Teachers.
ALBANY. Or.. June 9. (Special.)
The students of Albany College won
the annual "student-faculty baseball
game on the college grounds thl
afternoon S to 4.
Plan Your
."f -",":
Have Grand Opera, Comic
Opera, Vaudeville, Band
Concert, Minstrel Show
whatever kind of entertainment yon -want right
in your own home with a Victor.
v The world's greatest artists to entertain you
and your friends to perfection. And you arrange
the programme to suit yourself.
Cotne in and hear the Victor and Victor-Viotrola. Let
us show you the different styles $10 to $250 and explain
our easy-payment plan. ...
Store Open Tonight
Sherman (pfay& Co,
Steinway and Oiher Pianos
weighing 160 pounds or less at the jlu-
Jltsu style. ' - ,
Naps to Train In New Orleans.
uimiTQ Tonn . JiinA 9. BefOrO
leaving for Chicago last night, Charles
Somers. president of the Cleveland
American League Baseball Club, closed
a contract with Charles jtihi, rep"-
l , V. a mirchABe.rS of the N 0 W
Orleans Baseball Club for Cleveland to
train In New Orleans tor iuo -
Kling'B Brother Signs.
DETROIT, Jane 9. Harold Kllng.
shortstop of the Syracuse University,
. t . v. i-'hicacrn National s
catcher, ha signed a contract with the
Detroit Americans.
Centralis, Plans) Biff Celebration.
CENTRAUA, Wash.. June 9. (Spe
cial.) Centralia means to break all
record of It past years In celebrat
ing next Fourth of July- A committee
composed of leading citizens has been
appointed to raise funds for the pur
poae and an effort will be made to
gather a host of out-of-town visitors.
One of the features will be an aviation,
meet. A big parade, with, athletlo
sports and other events on the fair
grounds will complete the good time.
Flans may be arranged; to celebrate
two days.
Condition of the Xreaaury.
WASHINGTON, June 9 At tha beeln
nine of business the condition of the united
States Treasury waa:
Working- balance In Treasury of-
flees ..TTT. ....425.839.6i9
In banks and Philippine treasury. 5.114.S4i
Total balance in general fund.... 87,113,853-
Ordinary receipts yesterday 2,386,303
Ordinary disbursementa ......... 1.732,87a.
The surplus to date this fiscal year la
19. 792. Ml. as against a deficit of I11.4T0,
635 at this time last year.
These figures exclude Panama Canal and
nubllo debt transactions.
For Summer diarrhoea In chQdren al
ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil.
and a speedy cure Is certain. For sale
by all dealers.
White Man Has No Chance Against
Jlo Jitsn Expert Suma Styles
- Shown to Spectators. .
The Japanese wrestling styles of Jln
Jltsu and suma were presented before
several hundred person at the Armory
last night, when, in the main event of
the evening. Professor Ito defeated
"Farmer" Watson at the former tyle In
two straight fall.
Waton proved himself to be a gamey
grappler. kut his opponent was not only
his uperlor at the Nipponese game, but
was also the stronger of the two men.
Ito Is possessed of wonderful muscular
development, which, with bis superior
knowledge of the Jlu-Jltsu art proved too
much for Watson, and he succumbed to
the application of the strangle hold In
successive falls.
Previous to the main event an Inter
esting demonstration of the Japanese
-,, n, . was staeed bv four.ajrlle
Japs, and after this four more pupils J
of the Portland Japanese rammii
School gave exhibition matches of Jlu
Jltsu. The suma style, as demonstrated
by the quartet, was the most popular
event of the night, aside from the main
Ito scored the flrst fall on Watson In
five minutes and S3 seconds with an
arm-bar strangle hold which put " the
white grappler out of commission for
nearly one minute. He rallied nicely
and after the customary intermission,
came back for the second fall amid the
enthusiastic plaudits of the crowd, which
showed its appreciation of his gamenesa.
The second fall came In three minutes
and thl time the trangle was fas
tened on Watson by the use of his own
Jacket: Ito cleverly gaining a hold from
which Watson was unable to break loose,
and Referee Mike Butler declared the
Oriental the winner, when it became
apparent that Watson was In distress,
though the white man did not give up
or contribute the customary signal de
noting he had had enough. After the
match Watson announced that he was
ready to meet any l5-pound grappler
at the catch-as-catch-can style, while
Ito issued a challenge to all grapplers
TIow on sale in
our Portland stores
SOlWaduBrtaaSt. 147 Third St 274 Wastingtos St. lOOFonrtiSt
Surf bathing best on Pacific Salt Water Natatorlum Hot Salt Baths.
First Class In Every Respect.
HOTEL GEARHART, open all-year-round.
Why Not Spend the Week-end at GEAR HART f
Talk with our building department about a cottage or bungalow over-
looking the Pacific Ocean.
Hotel reservations may be made with H. C. Bowers, Bowers Hotel. Port
land, Oregon.
Ask for Details and Literature at GEARHART OFFICE.
Portland, Oregon.
dJk si VS Vsja t2) "53TPr
Always in the lead regarding superiority in Subject Matter, Dramatic Expression, Quality of
Photography. The management announces for the next four weeks the presentation of a list of
The Most Remarkable Photoplays
Of Trom 1 to 5 Reels to a Subject That the Picture Patrons of Portland Have Ever Seen
The Sacrifice.
Miss Helen Low.
The Professor's Ward.
Mr. Jean "Wilson.
Dave's Love Affair.
Thorn & Carney.
Her Fate Sealed.
A Convict's Better Self.
Our Peerless Soprano.
Charming Comedy.
Our Popular Baritone.
A Biograph Farce.
Masters of Piano and Organ
A Biograph Comedy.