Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 10, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tin: 3T0R3TXG tmEGOSlLS. SATTJRDAT, J USE 10, 1911. '
Spokane Murderer Who Elud
ed Posse Threatens Lives
cf Farmers.
JvWAkl I
Eastern Washington and Xortlsnni
Idaho Aroascd Over Wbcreabouta
of Dnpmdo rnfltlra IUi
Coa aat Ammunition.
Mar than a score cf men. Including
Fhertff EUu and hta cblaf deputies,
today scoured the bills southeast of
Fpoku la a vain .area for William
Pyrd. who killed Join Maaskcr and Q.
H. Whierla as 1 probably fatally
oocil G W. ileUner. at Dlshman.
The puriutrt beat about the amlHe.
InveatlKafd every clump of trMf u4
interviewd every homesteader and
hnnar within a radius of SO miles, but
all trace of tha fualtive vn lost at
Mica, Peak, whm the country U wild
and I ample opportunity of bla
hiding tor months, subsisting on iml
whlca Is plentiful la that region.
Irr.l Is believed to bo beading for
tha Coour d'Alane reservation, which
In times gone) by baa hidden many dee-
The murderer la known ta tin at
ast 40 rounds of ammunition and Is a
dAad .hot having perforated bla last
victim with a bullrt firod from a rlfla
b.ld at bla hip. the tax let being a
hundred yard. distant.
Farmer'! Life Threatened.
The only man known to have aeon
Fyrd la a farmer driving alone a
country road, and tbla farm.r was
warned on pain of death not to men
tion caving seen Kyrd. The whole
country east of the city la excited, and
comparison of Byrd'e lactic, with thosa
of tbe noted Harry Tracey are beard oa
all aides. Dyrd Is regarded aa even
more danreroua than Tracer, for be Is
eT.a a better marksman, mora vindic
tive and knows hanging la certain If
be la raptured.
liloodftouada from Spokane picked up
the acent of Kyrd about t ocloca
Thursday night In the bills Just east
of the railroad running down the val
lxy. They coved rapidly and soon tha
trail grew warm. Unmistakable signs
of the hunted man found and tha
alow speed be was making and the fre
curnt atopa ahowrd he waa undecided
about bla route. Finally tha trail waa
lost lb tha dust and tha posaa returned
to town, resuming tha chase again thia
Poaao Abandons Chase.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon tha posaa
aaain came In. but the search will ba
continued for days. Tha sb.rirfa office
es;'cts to bear at almost any moment
of country folks belnc bold up by the
desperado, and baa warned ail officers
in Kastera Washington and ftoru
Tna desperado la 40 years eld and
about al f.ot tall. Ilia balr la dark
ul his eyes blue. Ills eyes are larse
and .tick out from bla bead, while nia
aoe ta thin, lore and sharp. He w&lka
erect, with a ewlnglng .alt. Ha wore
a array coat, soft yellow shirt. blu
overalls and a eoft brown baa.
I la I. e la Bankruptcy Case Cause
Arrest of Aberdeen Man. -
ABERnEDT. Waah, June .Spe
cial.) The simple word "never."
epok.n by Ir. A. W. Luedera. a me-ll-ral
specialist of this city, during tha
supplementary proceedings of bis
bankrupts case, which waa held In
alonteaano last month, reauited In bla
arre.t this morning on tha charge of
perjury. Aa the result of bla pre
liminary bearing before Judge Tucker
thia afternoon ba waa bound over un
der bond of litf to await trial at the
next term of Superior Court.
lurtu the bankruptcy case Ir.
I.uedere was aaked If ba did not pur
chase a draft of SlSue) and transmit It
to I'ortland February a. 111. To the
question Luc tiers answered: 1 never
sent such a draft." It waa later dlscov-
rrd thtt a draft of a like amount waa
sent February 1 U 1HL leaders eon
ten,ta that h. meant be never sent such
a draft on l!".cito. Tbe court ruled,
bow ever, thai "never" meant for all
time, and therefor bound tha defend
ant over to await trial befora the Su
perior Court.
Lad I.oe Skyplcco 'When lie At
tempt Text In Fbjslc.
VANCOUVER. Huh. Jane . (Spe
cial ) In an attanipt to decorate bis
little blue cloth cap with hydrogen
balloons at a circus beld here today.
;erae Morgan. years old. lost bis
headgear In the clouds.
lAt.r Ocorue had come to Vancou
ver Crom Salmon Creek, a few mllea
In the country. He waa eupplied with
lj cents, with Mfh ha boi.ght three
talloona, lie tied the ends of tha
strings of the balloons to a email but
ton on the top of hta cap and then
mar-hed down Main street.
When the balloons and tha cap dis
appeared In tha dim distance, little
(,orw- broke Into tears and ran to
fid bla mother to tall bar of bis trag
Charlea Tatdson. of Albany, la Vic
tim of Heart Disease.
A L RANT. Or, June (Special-V
CVarles rart'.soo, Or.non pioneer of tha
T.te. ard aa Indian war veteran, dropped
c-ad from heart disease at bis home
noer iikvli:. last r.lgit- He was 17
years cf aire and had lived ta Linn
i'ounty more than talf a eertury. He
Is s-irvlved ry four children, Airs. W. E.
t'.rlion. cf Portland: Mrs. Ansa Barton,
of Aibary: Mrt. F L. illlbert. of twet
Hone, and John Iatt:son. of Oakvllle.
Willamette- Cnlveraltr Orators 'Wmi
Hold I ntrl Society Contest.
TXAif i.'1'i H CXTVXR5TTT. Salem.
Or. June (Special.) Tha annual
lnur-aoolaty oraxozlcai corneal will ba
held In tha oollesre chapel Monday even
ing. June It. at 1 o clock. Each of tha
four literary societies w-Ul anter a can
didate for the eventa. Tbe conteat
was first scheduled for laat Thursday
nlcht. bnt on account of confllctlna;
with other commencement activities It
aa postponed.
Tha event is one of tha moat Impor
tant of tha undergraduate functions at
The young ladles of tha AdelantJ and
Phllodoalan societies will each ba rep
resented In tbe contest, the former by
Miss Lettle Grefrson. of South Dakota.
and the latter by alls One Edvlng
ton. of Hood River. The men's socie
ties, tha Phllodoslan and Webstertan,
will have Harry U. McCain, of Salem.
and Carl Ilolllnffsworth. of Salem, aa
their representatlvea.
In connection with thia conteat Miss
Hammond, tbe physical director for
women, will gtva an exhibition of fancy
club awlnKlng by her classes. Following
the oratorical contest the societies will
unite and glva a reception to all their
members and alumni. Large numbers
of Willamette graduates) will ba present
at this event.
Details From fort land and Cooa
Bar Divisions Will Brine Boat
Here lTom Bremerton.
e.rvl rw Tii n SfSrjeclal.) -V.
L. Coltman. Rear-Admiral at tba Brem
erton Navy-Tard. baa notified Gov
ernor West that tha cruiser Boston, for
IK. Oree-on Naval Mllltla. will ba in
readiness to ba manned by Oregon of
ficers on June 15.
w... - . - m - In iha liuitor-v of
..- i . . . .,) tnlllfla Will VW-
. - --I fMin the bands of the
Government at a navy-yard and take
It to It. future nome pan. wneo or
alis from tha Coo. Bay and Portland ih lloeton June 1.
and bring her to the port of Portland
by an eaay run, axnviaa ui wva., dum
day. i t kmUp t .leu fen nf -Com
mander, will leave Portland Sunday for
Bremerton, where no wui prepare iu
receive the Boston In tba name of tha
s.te of Oregon- tm oetaiia .rum
ortland and Coos Bay will leave
'Wednesday for Bremerton.
The Boeton has been refitted at a coat
. end la in
about tha aama condition aa In 1S&S,
when she waa a memoer oi ui uecv o.
Admiral Pewey. Several months ago
ia wnia to be or1erea soia a. jio
of use In the Navy. Bl.!s were about
to be opened when tna onicera o. me
Oregon Naval MlllUa petitioned for 11
i a training snip.
CommercUl Club Confident That
Carvbop Will Go to Town Sta
tion Tnder Construction.
GRF.5HAM. Or., June . (Special.)
It has been announced tnat cara wni
ba run regularly over the Mount Hood
road as far aa Gresfcatn In about six
weeks- Tha first service win oe
by two locomotlvea and a gasoune mo
tor, making hourly trips from Portland.
Tha run will be made In 45 minutes.
The company will open a ucnti ana
express office as soon tnereaiier a.
i'lec for a moaem siaiion - .
, mmA tee atrutcure will ba
built at once. It will ba altuated at
the head of Roberts avenue, wnera aias
tracka have been laid.
delegation from tne iommercia
Club waa Informed that tentative plans
ara being made to sstabiiaa tna car
ehope here an a 0-acrs tract near tha
eastern boundary of the city, now
owned by the company. While no defi
nite were made, the commit
te4 wu left to infer that free water
and an extension of the proposed sewer
system to their location would brlnaT
the shops to Gre.ham.
Tha Commercial Club favora tha
bonus of free water, as the Increaaed
taxes to be aseeeeed against the com
Mnr would more than offset the cost.
The boundary lines cf the city wou d
ba changed so aa to take la tha eom-pany-a
property, as It baa been requeau
d that euch action be taken.
Xha location of tha caxahopa here
would mean an addition of ISO families
to tha population of tha city.
Tha company will glva tha bualneas
men of Gresham a free ride to Bull
Run ona day next week, and In return
the Commercial Club Is planning a re
ception and banquet to tha railroad of
ficials on soma near date.
Oversight In Aaseaament Is No Re
lief In Tax Duty.
OREGON CITY. Or, June 1 (Spe
cial.) County Judge Buttle today de
nied tha petition of the Portland Rail
way, Light ck Power Company to act
aside the penalty and interest on taxes
on the canal and locks at tha falls of
the Willamette. Tha company alleged
that tha aaseaaor In making out tha
tax bills neglected to Include the canal
and lock a Later tha company was
notified of tha oversight and a penalty
of ia."S and interest of 1111.74 ware
Tba company pleaded that owing to
tha mistake of tha aaaesaor It should
not ba compelled to pay tha Interest
and penalty. Tha property waa valued
at (300.000. and the tax levy was
SaSST.SO. Judtra Beetle held that tha
company should have discovered the
oversight Itself and paid tna taxes
when due.
Infected Canned Salmon Fatal to
Boston Man at Everett.
EVERETT, Wuh, June 9. In-reetl
gatlon by tha Coroner's office today re
sulted In an announcement that tha
death of Albert A. Borosky, of Boston,
who died suddenly yesterday, waa
caused by ptomaine poisoning. Tba
Coroner loaned that all tha members
of tha household where Borosky waa
staying became 111 after eating noma
canned salmon.
Tha attending physician accounted
for Its fatal effect upon Borosky by tha
fact that he was subjeot to Intestinal
trouble. Borosky came to Everett a
week ago to marry a daughter of Dr.
I- B. Molln. Tha wodoing waa to
have occurred next Sunday. Tha body
will ba aent to Boaton for burial.
Mnaio Student Wins Medal.
LEGE. Juna . Special.) At the grad
uating recital of tha school of music
given by attss Queen Inex Johneon. of
Corrallls, who completed the four-year
course In voloa thia year, ahe rave a. dif
ficult programme of classics and op
eratic, arias. She waa aaalated by her
alater. Miss Lilian Johnson, and by
Genevieve Baum-Oaaklna aa accompa
nist. At the close of the programme
Mlsa Johnson waa presented with a
medal by Professor Gasklns for excel
lence In scholarship, sha will return
next semeater to continue piano study.
School Bond Issue Upheld.
CENTRAL! A. wash.. Juna i. (Spe
cial. ) A aecond election for tha voting
of school bonds to flnanoe the build
ing of Centralla's new flSO.000 high
school has just been completed with a
aubatantlal aavlng for tha school dla-
trlct. Tha bonda voted at tha flrat
election were found to have a alight
defect and were aold for five per
cent. The defect haa been overcome by
tha aecond election which resulted In
a sale at four and one-half per cent.
They ara In denominations or 11000.
Rancher Gain by Salt.
ASTORIA. Or, June 1. .(Special.)
The Circuit Court Jury In the combine
eaata of the Sorenaen Logging Company
against Emll Mattaon and Ell Makt re
turned a verdict today, awarding Matt
son damages of .400, .while Makt re
ceived 1150. Tba suits were brought to
secure rights of way for the construc
tion of a railroad acroax tha defend-
anta' ranches near Sevenson. Tenders
of 1100 to Mattaon and f 100 to Makl had
been made before tha suits wars
- Woman ex-Governor Die.
GUTHRIE, Ok'.a, June 9 Mrs. Alblna
Bekemeyer. who was Acting Governor
of Oklahoma Territory on aeveral occa
sions, died here early today. - In tha
territorial days sha was a confidential
clerk of Governor Barnes. Governor
Ferguson and Governor Franx.
Lady Declea Recorerins.
XEW YORK. Juna I. Friends of Lady
Declea. who waa Miss Vivian Gould, say
that sha has practically recovered from
her operation for appendicitis. She Is
taking dally drives in the London parka
and wt'.l be able to take part In the
coronation festivities.
Th iiniiiwi aeveramcnt proposes tne
cce tractU.a of various a.rrow-t.ur. rail
way, t. rural dtatriet. with SB sgSTecete
lecth of approximately 1M aulas.
Disagreement Expected In Bribery
Case of ex-Chier of Police Wap
penstoln of Seattle.
SEATTLE. Wash., June 9. The case
of Charles W. Wappensteln. ex-Chief
of Police, accused of accepting a bribe
for permitting the operation of dlaor-
darly houses, waa given to tbe Jury
thia morning, and lata tonignt inert
was no indication of a verdict.
Judars John F. Main announced that
If a verdict la reached before midnight
he will receive It, but It no agreement
haa been reached by that hour tha Jury
la to ba locked up for the night.
At lunch the Jurora wrangled loudly
enough to be heard In the corridors.
This is taken aa foreshadowing: a dis
agreement. After the Jury In the bribery trial
of ex-Chief of Police Wappensteln had
retired. Wappensteln waa formally ar
raigned on four Indictments charging
him with receiving brlbea on two oc
casions from Tupper and Gerald for
protection of tha Midway and Palis
houses and tba Northern Gambling
Club, with conspiracy for the protection
of gambling, and with maintaining a
nulaance which the grand Jury found
the Arcade dance ball to have been.
He was given until Juna IT to enter
his pleae.
The stata announced that it will ba
ready to try Wappensteln on-June IS
oa tha Indictment charging that he ex
torted 1300 from the Pacific Coast
Company, and on June 26 the Indict
ment charging' acceptance of a bribe of
11600 from Tupper and Gerald for pro
tecting the Northern Club. .
Holland Gets Hero Fond.
THE HAGtTE. June . Andrew Car-
Hair Producer
Stop Ealineas, Dandruff and Scalp
Disease and Restore Gray or Faded
Parr To Its HatuTal Color.
laatl aresl Swisses 0MI
Swiraco produces astounding results
so quickly It haa amazed thoae who
have used It. "We will prove It to you
If you will eend 10c In silver or stamps
to pay postage and we will send you a
trial bottle and our wonderful testi
monials. There Is no excuse for baldness.
Write todav to Swissco Hair Remedy
Co.. (637 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Swissco is on .am at sui oruBKi.iw
and drug departments at 60o and $1-00
a bottle. .
For eale and recommended in Port
land by
Pure mountain water and elec
trio lights give health and comfort
The ideal spot for tho
It can be built for this season.
235 Stark Street; Corner Second.
. llil
JiXsr Mr Business-man, -V Srl
I I e
Mr Business -man,
you want proof of everything
before hand, -s- -
You can get it absolute
proof in advance of everything
you want- to know.
The proof is here. So is the car.
493 Alder Street
X I I JITCJ -aa-aaW----aa-imj. 'kw ",.. .. tf'. B !,. Lti A V fcA t HiiUfrll - , ' 'Ml::.,
1 VAJ. X, ':.-J
I tt?" ' . I I XiaiiillliMilfli.lrlMI'lliUliliiMliiUtltua EJi
4.. IHI-'T !''f
negie haa donated 1205,000 for the es
tablishment of a bero fund In Holland.
Hood River Extends Borders.
nATfTYvr, Or- June 9. (Special.)
Secretary Olcott has been notified that
annexation of certain territory to the
City of Hood River carried at a recent
election and Be aeciareq eucn territory
annexed today. The vote In tho city
was 141 in favor to 6 against annexa
tion, while In the territory to be an
nexted the vote stood 18 In favor of
annexation to one against.
Summer Residents Oppose Liquor.
ASTORIA. Or, June 9. (Special.)
At tho session of the County Court to
day a petition from G. M. Brown, ask-
lngr for a liquor license for the Bile
Creek, or Cannon Beach, division waa
set for hearing tomorrow. A remon
strance against the granting of the li
cense has been filed by a large num
ber of the owners of Summer houses
in that section and It will also be heard,
Harvard has the greatest list of gradu
ate. In the colleges of this country.
Every resource of the manufacturer has been exhausted to enable us to offer this
cigar to the smoker
It costs the dealer more than ordinary cigars sold for the same price.
Tbls drf la fwerally packed
00 to a cedar box. W mJo hav
It packed aspectallr or TtcaUon
time, 25 ta a decorated tin box.
No danxT of braaklns or drrtns
Allen & Lewis, Distributors