Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 10, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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    Tire sroRxryo otiegoxiax. sattjisday, juxe 10, imi.
Our Delicious $1.00 Saturday Night Dinner From 5:30 to 8 o'CIock Music by Rosebrook's Hdlig Theater Orchestra Splendid Men
Store Will Close at 8:30 Saturday Evening, in Order to Let Our Employes See the Electrical Parade Consequently ShoEar
6.00 Oval Casseroles,Today $3.49
Fancy Cut Tumblers at 11c
IJERE'S a rare offer in
high-grade Covered Cas-
IT ISN'T often that yon can get such
fine grade Tumblers as these at only
lie! A special purchased Jot to offer at
this price for Saturday only.
They are of fine, clear thin-blown
eeroies, or enirce uisnrs.
2?s Handsome 2-ouart fireproof Cas-
1 A J
v?lseroles, with heavy filigree silver-'
r ,1iT'sU plated frame and handles. Made
glass, richly cut in a handsome floral de
vVFto j iCt rl-t A If Jnst shown in lllnstration and sell
signs, just as pictured
here. Tumblers that sell
regularly at $2.25 a doz-
afrft&as&sr srswiis $3.49
S one dX only, at T " J 1 1
1 1 C
baturday, each, only
a' a
900 More Silks From A.
f Entire Surplus Stock of)
Trousers on Sale
Today Nearly Half!
OUR Clothing Manager made this big purchase
on his last Eastern trip. Present & Company,
506 Broadway, New York, had just 1800 pain of their famous
"Nnfangl" Trousers left after all the season's orders were filled.
We bought every single pair at a splendid discount. .
Snappy Trousers for -young men, full peg style, with or without
torn-npa. Also semi-peg and medium styles of fine all-wool
Worsteds, Cassimeres, Velours, in scores of the latest patterns
grays, browns, tans, blacks. All sizes; 30 to 42 .waist measure and
31 to 35 length. The entire purchase goes on sale at 8 o'clock
this morning
Meier-4. Frank's
Third Floor
$4 and $5
Trousers Today
$6, $7, $8
Trousers ,
n ft a a tr ef
Suits at $3.65
EIGHT big stacks
of these splendid
Knickerbocker Suits on sale
Saturday at $3.65, though
there's not a one marked
Jess than $4.00 and the. great
est proportion. $4.50 and $5.
Some even have two pairs
of knickerbockers, think of
it for $3.65 ! practically
doubling the wear. They're
our famous Sampson Suits,
double - stitched and rein
forced throughout. Light,
medium and dark grays,
browns, tans. All sizes 7 to
17 years. Take your unre
itrained choice today
Boys' $1.25 and $1.50 Waists Well made of good,
firm madrasses and percales, in light and dark col
ors. Have plain and pleated fronts, collars attached
and detached and attached cuffs. Fine Waists for
the boy of from S to 17. On sale Saturday r7Ctt.
at the verv low Tjriee. the carmen t. onlv
We're Out for the Biggest
Clothing Business in Our
History Today! $20, $25;
and Even $30 Suits, $15
Third Floor 7 Direct Elevators
IF YOU men will just realize what
an unprecedented opportunity
this really is, we'll beat every Cloth-
i j.1 a. l.: - j -
lug l etui u in mcMurc suiMui y tuuuy.
Another huge Eastern purchase of 900
smart, new Summer Suits from A. B. Kirsch
baum, just down from the receiving room for
today's selling. Our" Clothing chief bought
every single surplus and sample Suit they had
on hand.,
And the purchases from other country
famous makers, including the Adler-Roches-ter
System. Splendid All-Wool hand-tailored
Blue Serges, new Grays, Browns, Tans
every possible shade and pattern
of the season. Models distinctly
for young men, for the more con
servative. All sizes for men of
all builds. Not a Suit in the lot
worth less than $20. Many $25
even $30. Choice today, only
6000 Men's $1.50 Soft Shirts Now 95c
MEN will buy these comfortable, new Jsoft Shirts by the nali-dozen and dozen lots today.
Onlv our enormous Quantity-buying brought them to sell for less than $1.50.
- w
Made of fine, silk-finished Soisette, in plain white, tan, gray, cream, laven- ' Pf
der, blue, also -with fancy stripes. Coat style,, with smart French turned-back, y JH
cuffs. Full cut and splendidly finished. Regular $1.50 Shirks, in all sizes, today
See the
Panama -Straw
Hats Reduced
(2.00 Straw Hats at $1.79
(2.50 Straw Hats, at $1.98
(3.00 Straw Hats, at $2.79
(3.50 Straw Eats, at $3.15
(5.00 Straw Hats, at $4.49
(6.50 Panama Hats, at $5.89
(3.00 Panama Hats, at 57.33
(10.00 Panama Hats, at $8.95
Men's 50c-75c
Neckwear 25c
Men's $1.50
Over 5000 beautiful Ties
to choose from. New silk
Four-in-IIands, French Folds
Ratwmg Bows, Flowing
Ends, etc., in every imagin
able color and
pattern ; real
For Saturday, 100 dozen
Men's fine mercerized lisle
Shirts and Drawers in blue,
flesh, ecru, white. Long or
short sleeves, ankle-length.
$1.50 Union
Suits, in all
sizes ; today
:b, Oiliuc-icutu.
iOc, 75c grades
Men's 50c Silk Plaited Socks, 3 prs. $1, pr. 35c
10,000 Men's 50c and 75c Fancy 'Kerchiefs, 35c
To 65cSummer Hose 38c ft Seven More Days
: I eachers Contest
Avrnr &ww
a aw mmi i
ONLY 38c a pair today for "Women's fine quality
Hosiery that you are always glad to get at 50c
and 65c.
They are imported grades of lisle and silk lisle Hose, in '
black, white and colors. A splendid assortment of plain,
lace embroidered and fancy Hose, in light and Summer
weights. Get your supply of Hosiery today, Q
and realize this generous saving.. Splendid jOC
50c and 65c Hose, special, per pair, only
$2.00 Silk Thread Hose ffor
women, in a good variety of col
ors (no black). ( This special
group includes the famous
ONYX hose a general clear
ance of all odd shades and sizes.
While lot lastsj. to
day at half price
65c Imported Silk Lisle for
women, that are correctly pro
portioned and of the famous
Hermsdorf dye so they are
guaranteed fast " colorings.
Special for today only, CO
the low price of, pair
25c and 35c Hose for women. .
They are good quality plain and
silk lisle seamless hose, correct
ly fashioned in black and all
new Summer shades. To be on
special sale Saturday Ofl
only, priced at the pair""-
Children's and Infants' 20c
Hose in fine light-weight black
and tan cotton.
See also the Hose for infants,
of fine silk lisle, in black, white
and 'colors. Choice of infants
and children 's hose, 1 O lfo
at only, the pair ZC
INTEREST has reached the higb
est pitch !
Everyone 's ' guessing the win
ners, but they aren't decided yet
by any means. Here is the list of
highest contestants up to 5 P. M-
Rm, Mt Anna, Ladd. .- ,1 18,450
Dickinson. Mlra N,. Sbattack... ,U6,S23
Porter, Miiw F. G., Failing 1,823,07s
Hegle, Miaa Mande, Davis 1,5?5,S50
Bingham, Mrs. D., Conrh 1,297,610
II. .1 It,. '. l I J ,M OTK
Chance, Ml'sa Winifred, Failing!! RKM75
Barnes, 31 ifw Caroline, L'n 11 ... .
Mulkey, Mlwt Kva. Ladd
Bleeg, Hisa H.. Lincoln High
Murphy, Miss Cora, Highland 2.7M.8M
Catlin, Miss Blanche, Hawthorne. 2,870,MO
Taubenheimer. Miss M., etel'ir'd.S,06',20O
Black, Mrs. Laura E., Peninsula. 1.4H8.S.V)
Chaney, Mrs., 8unnyside 1,250,275
Keaa, itirs. Anna, ticKiey ureen. . i,u i,i it
BushneJl. Mrs. Jennie, Irvington 956.025
Mlkle, Miss Vivian, Hawthorne. .
Schneider, Miss Marion, Jeff'sn H.
Cowan, Miss U., Vernon..
Tennlngs, Miss Bronte, Harmony.
Carter. Miss Irene, Mllwaukle. .
Gist, Miss Freda, Yamhill
BadoUet, Miss Dora. A't'r'a H. .
Cosper, Miss M., Salem
Webb.-Miss Jfora W., Union....
Ostrander, Margaret, Cent., St. J.
Thompson, Geneva, Huntington.
I.iUy. Jennie. Oregon City High.
Nlckerson, Miss A., Springfield.
SO 1,400
Another Lot of Child's
$4 to 7 Dresses $2.52
EIGHT O'CLOCK this morning won't be any- too soon
to come for these charming little Children's Dresses,
if you want to secure the rick of the purchase.
The daintiest of White Lawns, Linens and Batistes, trimmed in
fine laces and embroideries. Also sturdy Chambrays, Madrases,
Ginghams and Tereales, in solid colors, plaids, checks and stripes.
Dozens of the prettiest models (five illustrated above) in jumper
and Russian blouse effects; cool low necks, ff
kimono sleeves, and full-plaited skirts. All sizes, Jrt j
6 to 14 years ; regular , f5, $6, $7 Dresses, today, .
AU Misses' and Children's Sweater
Coats Reduced Today $ 1 .45, to$ 3.98
Now 23c
Y?VER tried this M. & F Bpe
eial blend Coffee 1 It's
delicious I Roasted . fresh every
hour. It has a rich, pungent
flavor thai is most appetizing.
Trv it! Special, 5 lbs. OO.
51.10. A lb. now ViC
Early Dawn Coffee, pound 29c
M. & F. Superior Blend, lb. 37c
Jloyal Banquet Java and Mocha,
special for this sale, lb. 47c
Supreme Butter, 2 lbs. at 48c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, doz., 22c
Last Day Drug Sale
THOUSANDS of eager and thrifty buyers have at
tended our phenomenal June Toilet Goods Sale!
There are hundreds of bargains in wanted articles and
Saturday is tbe last day tnese prices are ui eneci,
Leader. Toilet Paper, roll for 3c
Okayed Toilet Paper, roll, at 6c
50c bottles Listerine, special 33c
60c Pozzoni's Powder, special 29c
60c Java Bice Powder, special 29c
60c Hinds' Almond Cream for 29c
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 2 for 25c
60c Wisdom Bobertine at only 29c
$1.50 Oriental Cream, special 98c
50c jar Creme Elcaya, special 31c
25c Hydrox Peroxide for only 14c
25c Parker's Tar Soap, only 14c
Pears' Scented Soap, cake, 15c
Satin Skin Soap, cake, special, 12c
25c bottles Olive Oil, special, 16c
25c Graves' Tooth Powder, at 12c
Violet Imported Soap, special, 19o
10c Oatmeal Soap, cake, only 4c
25c Allen's Foot Base, special 18c
California Syrup of Figs for 20c
50c Danderine, special at only 33c
10c Ammo, to whiten clothes, 7c
Women's $2 to $3 Canvas
Oxfords, in Basement, 49c
IT'S because they're in broken sizes
and some show slight handling
that we are making this remarkable
price reduction! Really fine appear
ing White Canvas Oxfords in blucher
and. regulation lace styles, with good-year-welt
and hand -turned soles.
Leather and covered Cuban r heels.
Most all sizes in the lot. A 4fo
Made to seU for $2, $2.50 liiSJC
and $3. Today, Basement
Popular 15c Music, 10c
T"WO big counters filled
popular, music of the
eluding Iloney Sal, Ciribiribin,
Make Good, Good Old-Fashioned
Me An Irish Song, Come Ye All,
of Smoke, Since Mamma "Wenl
Away, Antlers (March), Doll
Bags, Eagged Edges; choice at,
with the
day, in
You Must
Love, Sing
Little Puff
Af 1 C "Kiss Me Honey, Kiss Me," "Put
rU UV Yonr Arms Around Me," "Stop,
Stop," "Think It Over, Mary," "I Love It,"
"Vale of Dreams," "Portland Wants Us in
1912," and scores of others.
tjjl . TWW .-it T1 1
.TV.. r-jK; 13QC Sheet Music at 25c
Letter Song (Chocolate Soldier.) f
That Would Be Lovely (Chocolate Sol
dier.) Stars Are the Eyes at Night.
Such Is the Love I Have for You.
Every Little Movement (Madams
Birth of Passion (Madame
Great Sale of Army Goods
- ' B"'"-' ' J !fcEE!IIanttlImsasi)sfil
an 11 uea i maue no
THESE 5-shot Hammerless Repeating Beaumont Army Rifles cost
the U. S. Government $30 apiece in immense quantities! Made as
illustrated above. Magazine holds 5 cartridges; every
Rifle equipped with adjustable, long range sight. The
greatest Gun bargain we ever offered. Priced only
Ammunition for Repeating Army Rifles, 43 caliber, 20 in box, for 75
U. S. Army Pistol Holsters at only 50
U. S. Barracks Half Shoes at only 75c
U. S. Army Leather Knapsacks, SI. 75
U. S. Army Saddle Bags at only 2.95
Springfield Army Bifles for only $1.95
Springfield Cadet Bifles priced at $2.45
Swiss Army Bifles now priced at S3. 95
We Have Ammunition for All Bifles.
U. S. Army Remington Shotguns, $3.95
U. S. Army Rubber Blankets for $1.25
Yea, Boys, wt i nave a
(Blanche King.)
My Hero (Chocolate Soldier.)