Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 10, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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- - - - - - - - - - " . . . -i -rr 11a O T.. T7sts-k-m !. V TTlrf
Sfis-All Parades Pass 1 his 3tore-Luncneon aervea g , -y
Uore Open TonigHt Until Parade
ITrTlTHirdressir, 2d Floor-Rental Dept. and Bureau of Equipment 3d Floor-25c Dairy Lunch in Basement
Oc Neckwear at 29c
nther b:j purrha of men's fin
ckwer in tb narrow stiles, suitable
r the eloe-fittjnp mllin; they re
ie rt pinproof t!k; they m ill be
own in a brad nnr of plain colors
d stnpen. Uonrf 5V ties'. OQ.
the special mf f nlr
LL MAIL OiDERS promptly filled.
Men's Fine SilK Lisle Sox
75c Values at 27c the Pair
A special purrhas-f of 200 doien splendid quality men's Socks in fine
plain ll-lr thread; alo silk-!ii-!e3 in plain shades and fancy colors. These
are the short lines left ovr at the factory after Tilling orders. Most
remarkable 50e to value, spe- OC
cial for todar's sale at. the pair "
Tewelry Polished Free on Main Floor
Principal Portland Agents Vudor' Porch Shades
Full Line of Camping Outfits and Sporting Goods
Complete Fishing Outfits
$3.00 Value for Only $1.95
In the Sporting Goods Store, fourth floor, we offer complete fishing out
fits, consisting of round willow basket, one double-multiplying brass reel,
half dozen fly hooks, one good braided line, and a good, strong, flexible
rod. with extra tiv. Fisrures ud fi? 1 Q C
just $3.00, special for today at
$5.QO FisH Rod $3.45
A 3-pieee Rod, with extra tip, nickeled
ferrules, wrapped in black and. green or
red, cork handle, snake guides, put up in
green flannel-covered form in canvas
bag. Our regular $3.00 val- (CO 1C
ues, special for this sale at PJ.r
FLY BOOKS, made of good grade seal
ette, 50e values, specially priced at 35
irrr.t. Porch Swings. Porch Seats. Etc.
iPgg5 Refrigerators, Gas Plates, Electric Irons, Etc.
ORDER BY MAIL Garden Hose and Tools, Lawn Sprinklers, Etc.
Amnmuaal Sale
miT its
June Sale
$2Paiamas $1.15
$32 Pajamas $1.65
LOT 1 Thia lot comprises 75 dozen men's Pajamas, in blue, tan and
cream colors, made of good, dependable Bummer materials, CI IK
aU neatly trimmed; all airrs in the lot. $2.00 valnea for
LOT X Only 25 down in this lot, but they r gems, mad of fine qual
ity woven madras eloth, in noat striped patterns, blue, tan, preen and
pink; all well made and perfect fitting; silk trimmed. Keg- g c
n!ar $3.50 values, today at the special economy pnee of only r
$1.50 SHirts
Men's eoat-style Shirts in white or
colors, made o! - very high-grade
materials, correrrly sized and cut
roll in the body. Tbe white
shirts hare plaited bosoms, the col
ored shirts come in both plain or
plaited boeoms in a good assort
ment tf neat striped patterns. Sub
stantial $1-50 values, for on
this sale at low price of OUC
$2.50 Shirts
Only $1.35
$1.5Q Shirts
For Only 98c
Another lot of men's French cuff
styles in the plain tan color only;
collar to match. This is the ideal
Summer Shirt for street or for
outing wear. They are cut full in
the body and very well
made. Reg. $1.50 values
We have the Bedford Suits for
men. They come in the tan shade,
and are splendid for your outing.
$2.QO Shirts
Only $1.34
This lot comprises the best genu
ine soisette and crystal cloth shirts
with collars attached. The popu
lar Summer shirt for solid com
fort. They come in white or tan,
correct sized and well made. They
sell in all first-class stores at $1.50
and $2.00 each, our 1? 3A
special price is - only P .JX
Three tables loaded down with
these high-grade shirts, all taken
from bur regular stock. This big
lot comprises all our short lines.
The patterns and materials are the
very best; coat styles, with cuffs
attached; a broad assortment to
choose from. Regular C1 OC
valnes to $2.50, spl at P
$2 Shirts for $1.45
Men's French enff Shirts in the plain white "Soisette" material.
Two eollars to match go with each Shirt; there is a full line C 1 AC
sizes and sleeve lengths. Actual $2 values, specially priced at V 1
Our experienced mail-order shoppers will make good selections for you.
All- mail orders are filled the same day received. ORDER BY MAIL.
$25 Values Special at $15
$35 Values Special at $2Q
Some men want strictlyhion-made clothing. We have it,
and it's always up to standard and far above Jhjordinary
clothes. Inthislot we show various maKes of strictly hand-
taiinrori suits frill nf character and expression. The ma
terials are all first-class, the linings of the very best, the
most pleasing patterns. Suits which you d pay
$20.00 to $25.00 for elsewhere. Special at
New June arrivals in Men's Saits; soft, rich worsteds and
cassimeres, made expressly for fine trade.
Neat silver grays,
light and dark browns, fancy mixtures, etc gyp f ((
Suits which sell in all stores at $25 to $35; only pvw v
Boys' $7.50 Suits at $4.35
Boys' NorfolK and HnlcKerbocKer Suits, made of high-grade
materials, pure worsteds and soft wool cassimeres, tweeds
and novelty materials. Extraordinary values bought at a
great sacrifice on the part of the manniacturers. yj
Well-made $6.50 and $7.50 Suits; sizes 7-18; for
k-, IIS T.H'
$4 Mesh Bag' $2.4
(Irrat Saturday sale of Mesh Bags, just what
Carnival visitors will choose to take home for
?ifts or personal Small Alesh German
Silver Hags, 4 to 7 inches Ion?:, lined with
white kid, with pockets, all one-piece frames,
plain or etched designs, "with, shirred tops.
K'ectilar $4.(H) hags for $2.40, $3.50 bajs for
$3.49, $1J0 hacs for 94 JO, our dC QQ
f7.5() bags for S-I.S9, $10 bags at PJ'7
75c Neckwear S7c
$2.25 Neckwear at 98c Each
Three rousing specials in AVomen's
Iancy Neckwear, comprising every
want in Dutch or sailor collars. Fichu
effect, jabots, stocks, etc., in a large
rariety of styles; 75c values for 37S
reenlar $1.25 values 67, QQ
retrular $-.25 values for onlyJOC
In the Basement
"Underprice Store"
2QO Splendid
Wash Dresses
$4 Vals. $2.25
la the Iiasement "t'nderpriee Store" we will
pi are on ale 200 attractive Wa.-h Dresses,
made of good quality cotton foulards, neatly
MvW and trimir.rd with plain bands, buttons.
I..,- ! tte. Smart, serviceable dresses lor street or
4 3 'J for house wear. Reg. $4.00 values CO OC
$10-50 Pongee Coats $9.95
1C0 uplendid coats jnst arrived. They were bourfit espe
eially for basement I'nJerpriee Store. Full length, Kmi
fittinir tle, some have deep sailor and embroidered col
lars. They are made of food quality pongee in PQ QC
the natural colors; f 16.50 eoaU for only VJ
15c Wash Goods lOc
In the basement "rnderprice Store" 5000 yards of Wash
Goods, consisting of Ginghams, Percales. Cheviots, Madras
and White Goods. A splendid range of colors and pat
terns, all desirable fabrios suitable for every par- 1 Q
pose; 13e values are now on sale at this price '
ggylS $2.98
In the basement "rndrrprice Store" a
rare trrat for boys. 2lH) splendid iuits,
made of teed materials in smart patterns,
neat strijvs. grays, tans, green and brown
mixtures, etc. Well tailored ; sizs 6 to 16
years. K.-?ular $.Y0O values. CO QQ
now oa sate at very low pnee V-fc4J
Boys' Wash Suits at 48c
1000 of these splendid suits, plain and
striped. Materials are pir.rham and cham
bray. all ncvly made and trimmed; sixes
2 to 8 years. Our regular 7"e suits A fir
row on sale at the very low price
Boys 4Qc Blouses at 19c
In the basement "Underpriee Store" we will place on
sale 2000 splendid Plonses. made of Ginchanj and Cham
brav materials, in solid rolors and stnpes, sizes 2 1 Q
to 15 years, Kegnlar 3.V and 4ie values are spl
Wool Dress Goods at 44c
50 pieees of wool serire and mohair in navy and black;
splendid for bathing suits; corrert weight. Tbeyf
are priced very special; on sale now, the yard, at
11 r WmmmtmM
31.QO Doll at 69c lJteSsg
aturday Sale of Hid Gloves
$1.50 to S4.00 Values at 98c
Today Last day of the Carnival visitors will be given a real Kid
Glove treat. A lot of real Kid and lambsKin Gloves, two-button, over-
seam and pique styles. Regular $1.50 and -$2.00 values. Also 12, 16-bat.
real Kid Gloves in blacK, tan, green,
brown, many other colors; $4 valnes,
98 c
Buy the little one a new doll for
Summer to -take to the beach or to
play upon the lawn. Papier Mache
Dolls, with bisque heads, light or
dark hair, sleeping syes, with lashes,
curly hair, sewed wigs, full 23-inch,
Sweetheart Dolls, $2.50 tf QQ
values, special today for?0
DOLS with papier mache body, bisque
head, sleeping eyes and eurly hair,
dressed in Cowered goods, shoes,
i-tockiugs and hats; a full IS-inch doll,
worth regular $L00; pridQ
for today at low price, only-'''
KTO BODY DOLL, bisque head, light
or dark eurly hair, sleeping eyes, with
lashes; full jointed; regular QCp
$1.50 values, on sale at just'''
$2,5Q Vests at $1,59
S8.QO SilK Gowns $4-49
Women's Kayser SilK Vests, made of the best ma
terials, with silK crochet tops, all sizes Beauti
ful garments for anmmer wear vai- g j-q
nes regularly worth to $2.50; today aty0"
Women's SilK Gowns in the slip-over styles, short
sleeves, beautiful lace yoKes SKirt trimmed In
lace flounce The newest thing in the marKet
for Summer wear Our regular val- q
nes to $8.00; specially priced for today tpKx"
New Potatoes, bestC
California, per lb.,"
Fresh Pineap-- C
pies, Florida, at
Coffee, Imperial o
Roast, 40c grade Ol
$2,75 Gowns and
Combirtations $1.69
Women's Crepe Gowns, in the slip
over styles, round necks, lave yokes
and full lace butterfly sleeves. Our
regular values to $2.75, on C 1 CQ
sale now at the low price P
COMBINATION Corset Covers and
Drawers, also princess and corset cov
er styles, trimmed in linen torchon,
German Valenciennes and Swiss em
broidery. Drawers cut full fr 1 fiQ
and trimmed to match; at r
$4 Auto Veils at $1.98
$1.25 Wash Veils 47c
The best Auto Veils to be found
in Portland Every desirable
shade Extra long, hemstitched
all around, best chif
fon cloth; $4 values.
Wash Veils, 50 dozen to choose
from, many designs for Sum
mer wear Values worth
to $1.25; offered today at
3.5Q Wash Boiler 2.75
$6.50 Garden Hose $5.25
In the big Hardware Section, third
floor, we offer all copper Wash
Boilers with cold riveted handles,
double seamed bottoms and extra
heavv seamless covers. Our regu
lar $3.50 valnes are of- CO 7C
fcred now. each, only P -
Liquid Veneer in large sise bottles
for furniture, pianos, ete. Our
remlar 50e grade, now of- OQ
fered special, the bottle atJv'
Garden Hose, guaranteed five-ply,
in 50-foot lenpths, complete with
couplings and nozzles. Our retru
lar $6.50 values, now C HCZ
on sale at special price VJ"J
Garbage Cans, self -closing ; retru
lar $2.25 values, are CI QZZ
now offered special at ?Xi7J
50e Parlor Brooms, at only 39i
35c Window Screens, at only 29
Girls' $4.QO Dresses $1.78
Great sale of little Ladies' Dresses, made of good,
quality Gingliams, in the Scotch and French Plaids,
neatly trimmed in piping' and braids; also a beauti
ful line of BlacK and White ChecKed Dresses, trimmed
pique in yoKe and piped with same. They are the
popular waist style dresses, with plaited sKirts, long
and high necKs. Sizes 6 to 17 df 70
Values to $4.00; special for today, P 1 O
S3.5Q SilK Hose $1.29 Pair
5Qc Hose, 3 Pairs at $l.QO
Women's BlacK Thread SilK
StocKings, the "Onyx" Brand, with w
silK-embroidered insteps, beanti- f
ful new floral patterns Values?
to $3.50 the pair for to-
day's sale at low price.
' C1 OQg
Imported BlacK Gauze Lisles and
the new tans and bronze colors,
with high spliced heels, extra re
inforced heels and toes The best
Summer Hose one could wish for Reg'u- gi
lar 50c quality; today 35c pair, 3 pairs for P 1 UU
Evening Specials
From 6 to 9:3Q P. M.
$6 SilK Waists $2.48
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice
Store," a sale of 500 beautiful Silk Waists, including
many of the season's best styles in messalines, pongees,
Japanese and taffeta silks. A splendid range of colors
from black to the very delicate evening tO A Q
shades; regular $5 and $6 values, at only
$2.50 Lingerie Waists at $1.19
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice
Store," splendid waists will appeal to our visitors. Fully
2000 fine marquisettes and lawns, in all wanted styles,
daintily trimmed in lace and embroidery, all well made
and perfect fitting. Our regular $2.00 and 1Q
$2.50 values. For the Evening Special today P
65c Neckwear 12c
$2 Hand Bag's 97c
6 to 9:30 P. M- today, a sale of odds and ends in fancy
Neckwear, all selected from our regular stock because
they are slightly soiled or mussed. There's ecery - n '
style in the lot; worth to 65c, special for today
6 to 9:30 P. 1L, main floor, a sale of satin or moire Silk
Handbags, long cordelier cord handles, black or Q
white, gilt or silver frames ; our reg. $2 values, f or C
50c Violet Cream 19c
$1 Perfumes 29c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, a sale of Wisdom's Violet Cream,
for softening the hands and face, the most exquisite
preparation; sells regularly at 50c a bottle. Spe- 1 Q
cially reduced for this sale today at low price of
PERFUMES of the finest make, both American and
French, all odors true to name. Regular values OQf
to $1.00. Special for today's Sale, an ounce"7'
85c Castile Soap 29c
25c Talcum Powder at lOc
Spanish Castile Soap, very fine quality, 4-lb. bars, dried
and hardened now in the best of shape. Sells O Q
regularly 85c a bar. Special from 6 to 9:30 today 'C
6 to 9:30 P- M. today, a sale of 1000 cans of Talcum
Powder. Several makes, large size sifter top cans.
Best air floated. Many odors. Values to 25c vC
1 Middy Waists 55c
6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, a sale of 1000 Middy Waists and
Sailor Blouses. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Styled with
deep sailor collars and ties. Made of good quality
Indian Head. Recrolar $1 values, special, onl
ily 55c