TT1E MTmXTXO OREGOMAy. SATURDAY. JTTN'E 10. 1911. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF TTWttyg-FI W ..... J.t. tlilor'.. v.. a ? '! .: I" ' i.r L tar ., C eoi a . roasa. ...... All 1T A " -!aae twuol, 2 Toniaat. .ca. a.f tmATin-itim"' ."fT" VWa,- Tkj H'.UMM 4 I t at It. -si aa WM!llH"VMl . af.rao ai t la aaa taaigkl al 1:1a. FlSTiOK THItTMl -rfa af T..d!.l. Tula ataraai a KM ulli aa4 a. .AD THHT-ru aa Weahta- s . Ta'.l.:, Th: axtaraaatt at a-w; a-a t ai I M aa a t THCATm (Twn aa4 M'vmaoa t.l Maalwl cm5r Cm IB T5 rvk.aaal l.:l IW fm-vii at 3 43 aad loaigol at T eaa It Tab;. AM' A OB. OH JOT. OtrKO. TJ-vou-jr im axtuna. 11 A- at- 1 Oalta nr- Mnrt en maatcal v ra..! r. Tna kt.rMoa aad t.aliL. !: liwu l ta Aa a. rufi.tu. 1m A.rmMit at 1 tcwck. Ihl (CKTITAL WtK. Mail aa M Mifc la law Fas TW oihim ii ta ra tlral .Nk. aactaalaa M Jaas aa4 asanas vka IB sMt af lfci Jaat II- ssas) nasaNtv upas-la atlia awawan Ha rtae kaUfiaao lllaatratlaaa via ka tnlvt4 sVsily. Ta -s11aM -Baal Ksos IMInl aa kaaa a-Mrty aliMllw lsraal lb laits-d MUn aa4 aa aura attrmrllva Mtt aaaalal la Mf frtaaate eaaM Wtlr aara taa aaasrt. Orskw (le) at sasul ta Tka Oraaalaa aUI ratal praaaa attaatlaa. a lptl prW far taa aattra aaak. tarlaalaa- am AArartaaraaaata laf raa.4 tar tka City Hrmm la Brkrf aalaamaa la luair la. as aaaat ka kaaWt la Tka Orrgaataa kaataaaa afftca kr a-aiack; lalarda rvtalag. Wir Cina Hracra'l Anttrr Tlrad of brln bratvn. which she declarrd hr huabnd'a habitual trratmrnt of hr. Mrs. Claud C. Carmaclt. wlf of aa Icamaa lltn at 1 Eaat Twan tlrtb atrial North, awor out a war rant for hia arra-H yaatrrdar- Cannae It waa broucht to tha pollca atatloa and lxla.d In )alL Tha rllma of tha aflair waa a Bfkt at tha tarmac It homa Tourida; nlicht. la which Carmack la aald ta baa ao bata hla wtfa that aha ran from him aad aacapad to tha horn of CXtactlv Kndlcott. Woan to Hold Maa Mrmrtso. A woman a maaa maatloat to which all woman ara cordially larlt.d will ba hold la tha auditorium of tha Ftrat loDsratlonal Church. tomorrow ftaraoon al 1:1$ o clock. Tha prin cipal addr.a will ba (Ivan by Mlaa klarcarat tilattarr. of B-toit. wall fcnowa educator aad Sunday achool worker. Tha programme will alao In rluda aa addraaa by Mr a. Ueorce W. Ilmman. of California. lo by Mra. Clyde IV Altchlaon and ka orak recital by Mlaa Alda Hrounlitoa. ttlow proareea la betne mad on tha lmproment of Lombard atreet. Con tract waa let to tha Orto Haaeara I'avtnc Company many montha ao. Tha atreet railway company hae relatd Ita tracka with hey ateel rmlla. The paTlna- company baa atarted work, but haa accompiiahed ery llttle. Tha Im provement extenda from MKenaa kira una nearly to the r.nln.ula. Jim Itntwrk WraT Pira. Mra. Trenca Curry Webater died at her home. ST1 Kat Thirty-fourth atreet, at ine ae of (1 years. Oha was the wife of Maurlr C. Webater and daushter of tha lata ex-Governor and Mra. tfceortre I- Curry. The funeral eervtrea wrr held yeaterday faom her lata hm and concluded at tha Port land Crematorium. To aa tha cost ef at or as oa twa isa-horaepower return tubular Dollars which wa ara now taklnc out. ws anil sell them at a barraln If taken at sacs. Tbeaa hollers ara of the Kewanes type and In rood condition. Complete with all BMIne and feed ater equipment, ready for tmmediats InataJlatlon. For further aartlcalara sail al raoBt Ml Vrettonlan bide. Fuxk Cot. una Tn Irui Tha an pual commeacement exerolara of tha academic department of tha Columbia l'nlveretty will be held June St. Arch klanon Chrt.tie will prealde and Frank C;iirr will deliver tue addreas. Four atudnta are to graduate thla year. TinT'a ATTRACTM.xe. Today only IS women's allk Hale he. apeclul. :ic a pair: 1 2 So union auiia. i.ul. f 1 91: 11. i lone hid lovca, tl . colore. tvery whits article reduced F. P. Tount. 221 Mor rison atreet. Marquarn bldg. e Fv- Salk it a PiCiTX Polld ma hncaoy millinery flxturea. comprtalnir wail caea. floor caaee. chalra. tablea. hat..tand.: coat new. $150e: la uae one year. Arply at Grand Leader. Fifth and Alder atrecta. Ak for Mr. Verthelmer. a 8-mns to La a as. Fob Ti op T ears. lx7. In HtT er Rrran. Dtrrntcr. No BrTTsn Location t! Cm. A 141. OUOONU.1. a Fan fnoitn'i DaTtoKrrkATtoM. Her man Wulff. profesaor of cooklna:. la itit Inn free dcmonitratlon dally. I to P. M . on a re At Mil's'tlc ranee, at William Uadaby Sona. Waahincton. cor. lat at. Ir yon hare any na at all for a launch, here's a barraln. We will sell on terma or trad for real aetata our fine 2t-foot. la horeepower cabin launch. I'oetnfTU-e box 42. Fortland. Fia'T PxETTriiAX Ciri-i-H. Alder and Twlf:h. children- day exrrclea at l.Si o'clock, with addreas by Dr. Uvy.l. "F:rht!n Llona"; etrrnlnc worahlp. 7 45. theme. "Toe Real Bual ceaa of U(e." TV Ex-KeaI. Ka-raTB Vo on Othxh. We hare two excellent life lnur- ance agency propoeitlona to make to rtftt pariirA Apply American Life 4l Accidrnt Insurance Co. Beck bids. J. Lewi. M. T. Scientific manipulation and leucodeecent lia-ht treatiner.ta. radiant beat. Itimlnoua and blue-violet ray. Office. 61$ Mtrquam bide. Portland. i"r. ticvxvn-FiYK KTaira In Hunt Cluh runntnc race Saturday afternoon kt Country Cluh race track. Roe City park, t F. M.: faateat horses In North weat. Pctrtc Stat Fir TxrA(- Com Paikt. home office. Portland. Kr-. room iy Chamber of Commerce bulldlna;. I honea: Marshall . A 4111. Taxi car for Hunt Cluh running racee on Waahlnxton street, between rVcond and Fifth, coin east. OkisxTAi. rux at aeneatlonal low prices At'.yeh Bros. removal sal. Tentk aad Washlnxtoa atreet. Hnaas ItArrs. (iaturday afternoon. J.ina 1. Country Cluh race track. Roes City Park. , Cnio CABjciVAt. rAJtv-x. Rlncler'a new hall. Id and Morrlaon, Saturday. Hi'vt Cu-a runnlns races. Satur day afternoon. June 1. Tws-rTT-FtT-nt Anwiir man r Gbapcat ixo Kxxarratw. Tbs iitb snnlveraary sraduatlnc exerclsea of ths Christian rtrother Colxa, Grand avenue and Clackaroaa atreet. will be held Jun 1 aad attendance will be by Invitation. An elaborate prnsrsmm la belna; pre pared. There will be a larae clasa to rsduats from ths bnalneaa and pre paratory departments. Gold med.i!a and premruma will ba presented to tha atudenta who have dtatlnaelahed them- aelves for ceneral excellency durlna; ths year. Ths alumni medal, presented by ths Alumni Association to the etu des t reeelvine- the biaheet credits In all atndiea. will ba presented. Alao tha archblabop's sold medal for the beat competitive examination In Chriettan aoctrloe Is belna" strtvsn for by tn atadents. The sraduatinc claaa will be an of th larseat In th hiatory of ths collec. Whan th eollece opened Ita doora la th new building; on tb Eaet Hid It had 70 pupils and th en rollment has reached 10. Mxxr. Cream of tomato, boiled halibut, mushroom aaaoe. crab cocktail, club booaa aauaasrs and mashed potatoes, chicken frlrasaea and noodles, baked beans and Huston brown bread, calvea' liver and broiled bacon, lettuc and ohees sandwiches, roaat lea; of veaL with drvanina;: cold roast, lamb and potat aalad. crab meat and mayon naise, eturf.d tomatoes, oocoaatit cream pie. tnarahmallow lc cream, straw berry shortcake, caramel custard and whipped cream, honeymoon cake. After noon tea, coffee, chocolate, lea raro and cake aerved from 1:1 to a:10. Woman'a F.xcban-. 1 Fifth etreet- Mas. Makib fui'rvrre Prxs. Mr. Maria riadentiorff. wife of Krneet Olden dortT. an old resident of thla city, died In Butte. Mont-. May 11. Ph was th mother of 13 children, four of whom ar still llvlnaj. They are: Herman of Hoaarto. Ara-entlna Republic; Edward. Mtnlater at Llabon. PortuxaL from Ar xenlln Republic: Iopld. a mlnlnx man at Butt, aad Mrs. lleiene Brown, of Chlraxo, 11L Mr. Oldendorlt waa k resident of thla city for IS yeara and her death Is mourned by a host of friends. Boot Btncr to llxt Rrvxx. John O. Col far died at th horn of hie counln. Mrs. James Lacey. 1(1 Cook avenue. Thursday at the ax of IS years. He waa tb husband of Mrs. Joeephlne Colfer and son of Jamea Colter. Th body will ba sent to Hood River today, wher tha services will be held. Rctmino Hon Racss this afternoon. 1 o'clock. Country Club race track. Take car on Waahlnxton street, be tween Second and Fifth, xolnx east. Visit ths Portland Swlmmlnr Baths. 17 4th. elexant pluns. ateam. tubs. howera. ISc AT THE HOTEL PORTLAND Th pen-alr concert at th Hotel Portland have been a feature durlnx Rose Festival week.- Th balcony haa proved an Ideal location for th Of chtra. and has enabled larx number! to hear th music to advantage, partic ularly tha dinars. Director Llnd has root to xreat pains In preparlnx th, and many selections ar found from th latest operas, mixed with th daisies'. Sunday evenlnx th orchestra will xlv a xrand symphony concert, which will Include the cele brated Bulner lymphony of Schubert and the work! of Beethoven. Tachal kowsky nnd Rubeneteln. Th pro irammt for thla vnlna; follows: ktarrh. -Rertln Scboe- Unrke s.i.olloa. Aia.ri' H.rbsrt Bal MM la Hind Prleata b) Ir- vlah Hernia Overture. Huaaarlan Corcedy . .Kel.r-l.-a ri!t internio -ana aoun" Von Bi'B Hmti (mi 'Tbe O'.rl la ine Train." Lo Fall uiie "from the eovlh" Jitroae 'lene Oaprlce" GrlcX Orai.d eeleouoa Hacaei aad Oretel .... Humperdlnek Wait 9ut- 'X' Wtleon aeiecUoa. "The olrl aad the Kaleer". .Jarne Th decoration In th larxe dlnlnc room and xrlll ar very pi canine:, and th Hotel Portland has been very poo alar for dinner partlea all week. COAST EMPLOYERS UNITE Federation Is Formed In Meeting Tacoma orfrrerm tlcctcd. Tha Federation of Employars Aaao cratlona of the Pacific Coast was or ganised at Tacoma Wedneaday night. Ilexatea were present from all of th Important cities of ths Farina Coast. Th scop of th work of th new ar xanlxatlon will ba alone; th line of th National Association of Manufac turer. W. R. Ruat, president and manixfr of th Tacoma smelter, was elected president of th association. H. S. Haatlnxa waa selected as secretary and xeneral manaxer. Ha will have hla headquarters In Portland. iL C. Ban field, of Portland, waa mad a member of the executive council of rha or ganization. OAKS PARK BAND. Open-air concert this afternoon and evanlna. direction Philip Pels and Quar tet, from Metropolitan Opera Company. New York. AFTETtKOOW. Selection. --weet.t tllrl In Parla." Hoa-ard Ta.-'e Tom fabla" Lamp "frireauiaa I'ance I'elg P.,pu:a mil Quartet Varcb. -Kanfare". ."d. M.rrv W I or wtnaor -Mill la the Koreet" ..... .1i:i. Tiber WaiuleutU lfceitB. ""ole:r rTS-TiMlXOv Overture. "Reveille Pa Lloa. ....... Kontakl Ii.h. -Lee Spall" Wlunark S.t.vtloa, 'VaroBeo" .................. Q-i.M.l wililAia T.U." overture RneaJnl "Love e Prram After the Ball". . . .Cmlbu.ha Chara-'teriatlc. -An afeulla" t:t Vuart.t "Oread Aaaerteaa Faataela" Tebanl YE OREGON GRILLE. Its lupetiorlty as k dlnlnx pike la kcknowledxed by alL If you ara a atranxer In the city, join th throne of Portland a beat people that dally crowd the tables of thla. th handaom eat trill in tha city. Pletro Marino and his unexcelled orcheatrs. supported by th llneet vocal tolont obtainable, every day at luncheon snl at nlxht from t to 1 and from li to 11 -S4. OREGON CTTY BOAT. Sunday rlvar trips. Leave Taylor atreet dock. A. M . IX M . I P. St.: leave Or. con City, lo 5 A. M, 1:19 P. U. and P. M. Round trip. 45c WHEREJTO DINE. All th delicacies of th season at tha Portland Restaurant. Fin private apart ment for ladles, lot Wash,, near Stb it. Small Theft Reported. Prowlers entered th residence of Rev. W. B. Hleeon. pastor of th Whit Tem pi, an Eleventh street, aorr.etlm Thurs day afternoon, and rsnaacked the home, but took aothlnx but a brooch. Mrs. D. A. fAmlth. staylex at th Hotel Parson, reported th theft of a watch from her room. Three dosen fork and apoon were taken from th horn of K. A. Marshall, ail Multnomah atreet. No depredation from pickpockets were re ported fellowlr.x th parades of Thursday afternoon nnd vclcx. Th Plummer TTn Co. cordially In. vltea Its out-of-town friend and cuatomere to call and make their store r .ad'j uartere while In ti.a city. 1 Third SU Cor. Madison. 0P1H10HS ARE OPPOSED DISPOSAL, OF MAKRIAGK 1.1 CKSSK retS Pl'ZZLKS. Iltrlot Attorney In Late Decision 8aT Cash Mast Be Paid Into County Treaeajry. Tw eontrary opinions h been rendered by Dlatrlct Attorney Cameron rrxardlnx th rlxht of Justice of th peace L retain fee paid them for per forming marriage ceremonle. but County Auditor Martin said yesterday that ha would follow th opinion re ceived yeaterday from th District At torney, which 1 to tb effect that th fee muat be paid to th county. The amount of th fee wilt be re tained from tha salarlra of th Jus tice of th peace, unless they volun tarily pay them to th County Treas urer. In th opinion rendered by Mr. Cam eron yesterday. It la atated that th County Clerk may retain one-'ialf of th fee collected for naturalisation parpoea. but that from th fee he muat pay th salaries of th men who perform th work. Th salaries la th past have been paid by th county and County Clerk Fields has kept the fee. Fred L. Olson. Juatlc of th peace, obtained a written opinion from Mr. Cameron on May 11 which contains th following- conrernlnx the marriage fs for tbs Juatlce and Judge: "I am of th opinion that the Judi cial officer referred to by you In your letter for an opinion In this matter ar entitled to collect and retain the same." This opinion was addresaed to S. B. Martin, auditor, although delivered to Mr. OIon. In th letter received by Mr. Martin yeaterday from niatrlct Attorney Cam eron la the following opinion In re gard to feea. Th law pawed In 19 with refer ence to Justice of the peace, affecting th present question, has not been ro pealed. unless It may be by Implica tion by the law of 1507. which pro vides that th clerk shall collect all fees from "lltlganta" and furth.r aays that th salary of tha Justices shall be in full compensation for all service or duties performed by them, and no other feea commission or compensa tion whatever shall ba allowed to or received by them. VI1--K LEFT OS WKDDIXG DAT Mr. Carson Tell of Sudden Deser tion and Get Divorce. How ih wa deserted In San Ber nardino. Cal, on her wedding day by her h a abend. Fred Caraon, waa told by Mra Susie Carson In Judge Gantenbeln'i court yeaterday. She said there was no reason for her husband's action. Th dlvorc ah asked for waa granted. Mra Caraon' testimony was cor roborated by a nephew of her hueband, who testified that Caraon bad met him on th street after the wedding; and told him that he was going away and would never live with his wife. "Did Mra Carson give her husband any cause for deserting; her!" th wit ness was asked. "No. Indeed." he replied. Ther waa no reason whatever for bis leaving her, and she did what she oould to get him to llv with her." There were no children or property rights Involved. Leona A. Boylan received a divorce from Charles W. Boylan after she told the court how sh had been married to her husband a second time after belna; divorced from him. and had found that hi cruelty wa mor than ah could bear. Bhe aald that he locked her In a room tor a long time when he was angry at her one time. He carried a butcher knife, ahe said, which caused her much fright and worry. They were married In Portland, July 14. 1110, and have on child. Other divorces granted were: Lulla. from Z. L- Sselrv. for cruelty. They were married In Multnomah Coun ty, January 11. 108. Grace, from T. H. Williams, for cruel ty. They were married at Vancouver, Warh.. August 8. 1S08. Marie, from Lloyd Burtls, for deser tion. They were married at Oregon Cltv. April 1. 101. Roa T, from S. E. Wright, tor de sertion. They were married at Newton, Iowa. June 10. ISSt. J. E from Teena Brady, for desertion. They were married in Waahlngton, D. C. January :&. 1K?. Jacob, from Karah Solomon, for IB- fidelity. They were married at Phila delphia. July 7, 1KS. Anna, from B. A- Heaselea, for cruelty. They were married at Van couver, Waah., December 11. 1891. Morris C. Martin filed suit for divorce against Edna M. Martin for cruelty. They were married at Vandal la. 111., July 21. lv. A suit for dlvorc was Died by Hiram F. Stevenson agsinst Anna F. Steven son for desertion. Tbey were married In Montana. October 11, 15. .' Notes. Howard Msnnlntr. Indicted for the SEALY-LOWELL CO. GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS Owing to the vigilance of the fire department, last night's fire was confined to our bakery, on the 3d floor of the building. Our salesroom and immense stock are not damaged in the slightest, either, by fire or water. "We are ready, as usual, for busi ness this morning. There will be no delay in filling orders. , , Phone Main 7200, A 6181 288, 290, 292 STARK ST. Few people realize the many dangers to which ones title is ex posed in making real estate transactions said a new patron recently; "I realized it too late after I had lost $4500 and hereafter I propose to have protection through a Certificate y of Title." Profit by this man's ex perience. Investigate th question before yon mak your next deal. Call for our booklet. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Lewis Bids, 4th aad Oak, larceny of the tor of A. II. Metzelaar. on April . wa acquitted by a Jury In Judge Kavanaughs court yesterday afternoon. H. N. Hicks. Indicted for obtaining money under false pretenses, pleaded guilty to the charge before Judge Gantenbetn yesterday afternoon, and was aentenred to an Indeterminate term In the penitentiary. He was then paroled during good behavior. Th case of W. H. Hurlburt against Morris Brothers, Involving 1000 share of stock of the Portland Railway, Light at Power Company, waa begun be for Judge Kavanaugh yeaterday afternoon, and will be continued to day. TOrXQ CHINESE LOYAIj TO WHITE STEPMOTHER, Father Accused of Brutality to Son Who Testified Against Him In Divorce Trial. Loyalty to th divorced white wife of hi father was given a a cause yes terday morning by Twee Toy Lee for th cruelty h had been forced to suf fer at th bants of his parents. Wing Lee, a Chinese doctor of 17 North Fifth street. Wing Lee was arrested by the pollc yesterday morning for beating his son, who Is 17 years old, and the case was referred to the Juvenile Court, which will give It a hearing next Saturday. In the trial of the divorce, suit of Wing Lee against his white wife on April 12. the son of Lee was placed on th stand to testify in favor of his father. On crosa examination, he said that he had been beaten on several oc casions when he bad refused to speak against his step-mother, and that be had always enjoyed good treatment at ber hands. When taken to the Juvenile Court yesterday morning. Toy Lee feald that since he had testified Wi favor of tils step-mother at the dlvorc trial, his father had beaten him almost dally. He asked that be be turned over to his step-mother, but until the ease 1 heard h will be held In th detention home, and if the boy's statements are proved t will probably be. taken from his father permanently. Since ber divorce from her Chinese husband, Witig Lee has occupied rooms In hie house and of late has been em ployed In the Grand Central Hotel. Ruth Richards, Mra Wing Lee's daughter by a Tormer marriage with a white man. hurried to the police station yesterday and reported that the boy was being cruelly beaten by hi father. The pollc found the boy bound tn ropes and being whipped. He was placed In a patrol wagon, still bound, and taken in that way to the Juvenile Court, wher he wa untied and told to tell hi story. THE BOWERS GRILL. Th perfect dinner Table d'hote and a la carte. The finest orchestra. The superior soprano. Miss Ethel Lewis. The celebrated baritone, Lowell M. Redfleld. The perfect service makes the Bower grill the popular place to dine crowded nightly. f LINE SERVICE V To Pnget Sound and ; British Columbia Ralama. Kelso. Chehalla, Centralis, Ta'oma. Seattle. Everett, Beiiingnam. i-w Westmlnater and Vancouver. B.C. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 s International Limited ' Tb daylight train. 10 A. M. THE OWL For busy business men, P . M. SHORE LINE EXPRESS Tne night train. 10:30 V. at. AH train from North Bank Station. 11th and Hoyt St. Tickets. Sleeping and Parlor-Car Reservations at City Ticket Office. 122 Third Street, and at Iepot. H. DICKSON, C. P. T. A. ARCHIBALD GRAT, A. O. F. A P. A. 309 Morrison Street "The Onyx Hosiery Shop We Are Now Sole Agent for Phoenix Guaranteed Silk Hosiery Men' Women's Fashion Says 'Wear Silk Hose." Economy Says "Buy at Lennon's." Common Sense Say "Buy Phoenix-" The women's are 75c the pair, $3 for box of roar pairs. Tha men's are SOc the pair, box of four pairs for $2. Box of four pairs guaranteed for a quarter year's wear. When yon see them well only need to say: "What sice and color, pieeae? 1 'J ' uana.eint.n i.i&MuIiZS White Temple Pulpit ai' - i all III II 'nil'lliltiUlUltlil'i lilt WALTER BTEVvVELX HniSOU, MINISTER Twelfth and Taylor Street. Dr Rlnson will preach In Vancouver, B. C next Sunday, at the dedication of the pew 1150.000 church bulldlna of the Flrat BapUat Church of that city. Dr. H. Francis perry, pastor. Rev. Donald I. Macl-aorin, T. r.. of Walla Xt'alla, Washington, vlll preach at tnOTE TKM7LE at II A. M. Subject: "The Promlae of God, Life Eternal." At 7:39 P. M. Subject: "The Mighty Inquiry," Who la Thla That Rules the 'Wave? Next to Dr. Hlnaon. Dr. MacLaurln Is the ablest Baptist preacher on this Coast. He Is building A new Ji!5.000 Baptist church In Walla Walla. For nine yeara he waa the pastor of the WOOD ARD-AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH, of Detroit. Michigan, one of the greatest Baptist churches In thia country. STRANGERS INVITED t3EATB FREE. el. near Srinford UoiFCTBTT. Home ana uay acnooi . D-m aeariUed by eollete. EaeJW C. and Pn ipiWr. Foot new bniUino. a Residence lor 40 STrSiauoo H.Il of U rooms! Crmnx.lam.nd AjdWitan: a Domestic Science BunrAlow. Zilc. An. Domemc Science. 0co, r icxl Trsinini. School opens September 4. 1911. Focillas tcKAlowe. .sddrr. ;tbe Principal. MAKX i. LUt-M STIIX8 COLLEGE. Near Oakland. The only Woman s college on ine racinc .wmu it tered 1685. Entrance and graduation require ments equal to those' of Stanford and Uni versity of California. President. Luella Clay Carson. A. M.. Lltt. D.. LL- D. For catalogue addteaa Secretary. Ml US College P. P.. CaL Foster & Kleiser High Grade Commercial and Electric SIGNS . East 7th aad Eaat Everett Sta. Fboaee Eaat 1111; B-2224. ICE Liberty Coal MAIN 622 A 3 136 & Ice Company V aV y.. IJtk ,, -,J; A V Wr-TJ - ?':i-y I rWt I e yLiz; TELEPHONING TO THlNTRY SHE City and the Country are bound together by the telephone The farmer and his family use the rural telephone constantly, calling up each other and the market town on all Borts of matters and for all sorts of supplies and in formation. City people also find the rural telephone of great advantage. A traveler from his room in the hotel talks with the farm folks miles away. Without the telephone he could not reach them. The farmer himself may travel far and still talk home over the Long Distance Lines of the Bell System. The Pacif icTelephone & Telegraph Co. EVERT BEI.Ii TELEPHONE IS TOT CENTER Of THE SYSTEM. r MUnitc. Citv and New York i;,0 V 1 Pemsjivaiiia -Lines Pennsylvania's Portland City Passenger Office 22K Third Street Or address F. N. KOIXOCK. Dhtriat AgU PORTLAND, ORE. Excursion Fast BEACH trains leave NORTH BASK detot at 2:30 P. M. and 6:30 . P. M. Saturday, and 9:20 A. M. Sunday tor GEARHART PARK "BY THE SEA" Returning Leave GEARHART PARK S:41 P. M. Sunday and 8:5 A. M. Monday. Three Dollar for tke Rooad Trip. View the Pacific Ocean at Oregon' Famous Resort. Rooms at GEARHART BEACH HOTE1, can be reserved from H. C. Bowers, Bowers Hotel. Portland, Oregon. Railroad tickets at Fifth and StarH streets and Eleventh and Hoyt treets. HOT SPRINGS HOTEL FT " M W- ' The Pic Wic Seaside, Oregon Rooms, $1.00 up; 6team heat, baths, hot and cold water. Lo cated cottier Oceaii Front and Shell road. Magnificent view, protected from eold wind. Service night and day. HaKe Your Collections Carry Your Business. Get the Money In. NETli a CO., Collector. Wereester Bldar- Mala ITS. AY 139a California Metal Plating Works A. MetblTler. proa. OOL1X - :LVt. BRASS A4U KICKEI, PLATIKQ. ktetal Colortna; a Specialty. SS MECOKB 5THK2T. Atala Tilt a'oruand. Orasjoa line. r LowRound- inp rares Good 30 days plenty of time to recuperate at cool and delightful At lantic City or to see the sights of New York. Stop-overs include Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. Round Trip from Chicago New York, - $30:22 Atlantic City, 292 Norfolk, - - 27:22 01dPointComfort,27-i!2 Daily from September 30. Jane via 1 to BTKVKXSON-, WASH. Eteain heated and eleotiio llKbtad. Situated on ths Columbia, Rlvar. Reached by tha 8. P. 8. Ky. (North Bank), Staamsra Bailey Qattart. Dalles City and Q. N. TeaL Automobile meets all trains and boata fits minutes' rlda to hotel. Hot mineral batha Lady and gent, attendants. Baths recommended by physicians for rheumatism, stomach trouble and xeneral nervous debility. Rates on application. FREE DEMONSTRATION! HOW TO REMOVE WRINKLES I-V 15 BIIXUTES Just put Neo-Plastlque a harmless Vegetable Jelly On your face. Let It dry. In 15 minute wash It off. That's all. No peeling or other drastic meth ods. Delightful sensation. Refreshing. Scientific. Guaranteed taarmleaa under pare food law. SOLD OX APPROVAL Instantaneous results. Fine wrinkles disappear, deep lines soften, sagging lifts Up, face becomes firm, skin tight ens, complexion brightens, face looks and feels years younger. Ail in IS min utes. Neo-Plastlque Is not expensive. In close io stamps for particulars. Satis, faction guarantee!. Present thi ad. when you visit Portland during the Rose Festival. We will give you a free practical demonstration. It will do what we say it will, or we could not afford to make this offer. KEO-PLASTKUJE AGBSCT, Dept. F, Selling-Hlrsch Bids;, SMtH Washing ton St Portland. Or. HARRIS TRUNK CO. TET7NXS BAGS Suitcases 132 6th st Opposite Oregonian