Famous Lightweight Chats Cheerily About Life. - HE TALKS ABOUT WEALTH cUoa fcUH Confident of Ability Va Whip Any Maa of Hi Weight la World. bat He Rfoe to ttj. ' BT IlOHCOB FACCBTT. Oxir (Battling) N'laon. -!lg'ht-wslght champion of th 'world. el brai4 a portion or his Jtn birthday on Jan i In Portland, th lata -mayor" of Hrgswlch. IlL. reaching? Portland Monday night for a ls" of a w. or It da) duration. H Is tb gust of Jack Kin. well-known local sportsman. Arthur, a ounr brothar. arrompanlea hliu. H had aa opportunity offend her yesterday for a flln.1t with Eujinl Ely at tha Country Club. "Glr ir two mitts and a canraa floor and I'll nml any fighter In th world at my weight on tha ground. But that aerial atuff Nix on that: No! Tell" him I'm a airk man." So pake tn gam.st little lore wlrlder that ever lived. The Durable Dane Is slightly over weight but looks five years younger, lie Is ostensibly to exchange courtesies witti Bud Anderson at Vancouver. Wash- but now that th authorities have nullified the Jig-feet Nelson prob ably will continue down th Coast to mh Francisco. He Is as confident aa ever of Ms ability to stand th gaff. II doesn't claim to be fit now. but believes two or thre stiff goes will put him back tn th championship running. Th popular llglitwelght explodes a story going th rounds crediting Jef fries with be!ng th richest pugilist living. He also made public last night, for trie first time, th exact stat of hi finances. Sharkey Is Wcli-rUed. -Tom Sharkey can buy up all ties ether fighters who claim th earth." exclaimed tbla rough and ready young real estate financier. H owns a swell raf In New York and can write yon a check for a quarter million, counting everything." Th Battler ranks tnpnotch fighters as follows: Johnson. to to KOA.SoO: Jeffries. i:S 004; Tommy Burns. tlSS.ono: Tommy Ryan. tie.S."; Freddie Welsh. ;f.oo0 to llaOOue; Htm Longford. Si.00 to I7S.SA0. Battler's pile Invested la busi ness ventures and realty totals cloaa to SlOO.vO. -I figured out th other day that mv total ring earnlnga reach close to i:SO.0." continued th Dane, flecking a spot of dust off his natty blue sera vestment. "My (Jini bout In tloldfield In 1 netted m KJ.OO. plus i0 for the picture. I made tll.000 with Brltt the aext season at Colma. 13.00 In mv last fight with Wolgsst and $ll.7 with M.Oovera la Philadelphia. March 14. in, a eix-round encounter. My last two flxhts with Uans netted me a lata! of 31.t.- Uhrrr Bat Haa Money named. Whr Is my coin Invested? Well. I ll show you where mnet of It Is." said Bat. "In the first plac IT got houses tn Hegewlech which I rent oot; I hav a -a. re farm at Hegewlech for which I plunked up 3S.o in 10: I own aa S-av-r vineyard at IJvermore. !. which cost me $1S.V and a : acr ranch at t-bar. N. M.. upon which 1 have rnt !; another lie.' Is planted In a business venture at Cleve land, ix. and smaller Inveetmenta are scattered all over the conntry." Abe Attell. Owen Moran and Nelsoa are about th only veterans who sr still In the ring. Attell haa boxed for mora than tn years. Moran. 11. and Nelson, la. In contrast to Nelson the Hebrew lad Is no richer than when he I. Kan. Attell Is very fond of games ( chance Playing th races, shooting rrp. and poker have been fatsrt In vestments. Several bookmakers have ten backed by his bankroll to no pur pose. He Is on of the biggest at tractions In the world. reclvee big pay and supports his wife and mother, but has never begun to aava. LIQUOR CONVENTION "DRY" Wholesaler, nbu Sell Mhlky lrlnk Water at Meeting. CHirAi; Junl t (Special.) "W manufacture and sell It: other iopt drink It." sens to be th motto of th National Wholesale Uqunr Dealers' AssoWatlon. now In session In th Ho tel rihermsn here. Hundreds of dele gates ar present from all over th country, devising meana to spread their business and to throw np breast works against Invasion by the tem-jern,-e forces, but a singular fart Is fiat the delegates, as a rule, drink oater. In the list of delrgalea a poll shows many teetotallers. Clerks ar.J bellboys at the hotel say the line between tie conference cham ber, th lobblea and the bar Is very thin and straggling. To all Interna and purposes the convention Is as "dry" as that of th prohibitionists held la th same hotel re-ent!y. Several addresses opened th day's session, the tenor of all of them oclng for uplift of th saloon and for mors thorough regulation. JURY RESUMES ITS WORK "llirr-r Wit new In Dj nam lie Inves tigation Are Called. INDIAN tPol.lS. Jiw Th Inves-t-cation tf Jvnamlting cases. In connec tion with the arrt of J. J. McNamsra, was rrourtrM today th grand Jury her and thr wuntnn were heard. Jam' A. rVotl. of Cleveland, who was (nre-nan on a local bull.lltig which was dinamlted In !. was one of th wit nesses. :iir witneseea today wer Jprt Ft-Slson. business agent of a !; unlor. and John Ziu-htr. a struc tural tronworker. Ia jj. Karpaport of counsel for th ef.n. In the J J. MrNamara cases, conferred with th prosecutor today, lienrv Jrfrl-d. aociated with Kap raport. m-t theater Kern at the court house and :nf -rmed Mm of the lahor i.te ef trie I !! hldnaplrg of Mc mara from Indianapolis. Virginia I Mill on lteef. HAVANA. Juno 4 t'mmir K C FWnedut and his party arrived here to day on the wrecking ateamcx ITemler from th American yacht Virginia, which Is s'lll ah.r on -ol.rado r.efe. TT yachts crew remains en board her. Do You Want this Handsome Shetland Pony, Prize-Winning Queen Wilhelmina and Her Beautiful Little Colt, Princess of Sunny brook, Only Three Weeks Old? - They are going to be given free to one of you, August 15 est: IMA, 'lajtaai-ai 533 This $500 Outfit includes the pony the colt, the cart and a brand new set of harness. Most generous FREE OFFER ever made in the City of Portland. E V-sPt tt.V e--0f"V.-M;f''M seweawasassa. i a sn m i 11 s itj a itmsi UtaisH s sy s ,jm J ss t "'UJJf ' "g -. ... x ' c . s.-- v-- ?Tir " X"' i amsae-si i saw are -roe i .. C V"' "tT"J.--'? Fr- -r : .- ' J- ' e? . ' i 1 ,v "A i ; fwnW'i.ftmvs -. r cr . . J . - - - -- - - r - it. V fiisi"'H'li'"'iini"WHJIHl sji.isiisai !.,!ir'"IT'W,iyCTsj s-ianrritVT-l -"iiiiWsfcirirlaVijiaaig Contest ends on August fifteenth. Every child has an equal oppor tunity. No time too late to enter. You might as well have it as anyone i il t"i ' '-'Yi''r' ' The Shetland, Her Colt, Cart and Harness Full Particulars Furnished at Either of Our Two Stores Entire Outfit on Exhibition Daily Third and Morrison t-i; -:r: - a4Aww4en onrrto hnnrav Knv ri cf.rl of Portland is one wav we have devised to 1X119 IIXCXILIL 1V.C111 UUllUUUil s-v-e owaaaw "fx-.7 ''J o call attention of parents of Portland to the equally magnificent fact that All-Oregon Suits are best We nave maae a. staple article or our Aii-uregon oun, made of Oregon Cloth, Oregon Wool for Oregon Men "From the Sheep's Back to the Man's Back, With no Cotton Added in the Making" VILLE WOOLEN MILL FOR SIS BROWNS THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS (TWO STORES) THIRD AND STARK STREETS ENTRIES ARE GOOD Classy Horses and Fine Pro gramme for Races. MUCH INTEREST IS SHOWN llant Club Conteeta Will Bo Satur day Afternoon Itose KcstUal lVatarrs at Country Club. President A. SI. Crontu. of th Tort lani) Hunt Club, last night mad public th entry list and procrramni for th annual Hunt Club races, whlrn will b th Saturday afternoon" feature of th Rom Festival at th Country Club. Th events ar better filled than at any meet (riven by th rlub. II. C. Corbett'a Cloanthus and E. K. (ippenhelmer's Oregon Frank are fea turea of th Hrst event, th three elshth mile dash, although ntn other classy steppers excel at the short dis tance notably Misty Pride. Jobnnl IL ajid tUlmey. A itreat deal of Interest also' Is mani fested In the mile run. which will bring together such fast performers as J. M. Bennett. Oregon Kid. Wallace I and Kitty Storey. The programme, which will start at 1 P. M.. la aa follows: Threa-Elgfatas-Mll Iaa. I63 pounds.) (Miss Ea Kiernan Trophy.) Will Wchninf. Junes Nlrol owner; Ptlmer. T. O. Iornln owner. E. M. Las arua rider: Utile Joe. Portland Riding Academr owner. Walter A. Orutter rldr: I loanibu. If. L. Corbett owner and rttr: MWt Prld. Kramers Riding Bchool ownr: Queen, Portland Rldlns Arademy twaer. E. T. "hase rldsr; Johnnie It Mrs. W. U Wood owner. Wm. Albee rtdr; Oregon Frank. E. K. Oppnhlmer owner aad rider: Uustrr. James Mcol owner. Mil Boa. !S3 pounds.) ( Portland Rose Festival Association Trophy- J. If. Fnnett. W. ! Darls owner. E. K. Opp.nhelmer rider: l-dy strrtle. Portland Riding Academy owner. E. T. Chase rider. Or-son Kid. C J- MurphT owner and rider. Kltly Story. Kramers Riding School owner; Waller. J. P- Portr onrr. Walter A. Oruti.r rtdr: Tamarack. Portland Riding Academr owner. Twa-MUe Relay Rare. (Dr. W I- Wood Trophy.) (Catch welehtal Rattler. Rodsrt. Bandit J. P. Cronln rider tred: Ulsle. I'an. Koi-R. B. Um n rider .-hit..: Oym. May. Colonel JaeK ueutrnant W. H. Rocker rtd-r h'V, Tamarack. Roxle, Fl Joseph k. TUT ""ieTll'rtdra "to go full two miles, changing mounts snd saddles at each one-half mile.) Mil Trof. (Catch weights.) ir B. Lame"! Trophy.) l.yon. Kramer-e Riding School owner: Br.gada. Portland Ruling Acad-my i'r. Mi" h7). Uuffum rider; Bill Hoc. . E. pVudhomn;. owner. Miss Kllsah-th Will, rider; Jim Johnson. Portland Riding Acad VT otner: Mis. M.he. Molra. II C Oorbett owner; Inca. Mis. ?eciha Wiley owner and rider: Albert Wilkes Portland Riding Academy owner. Mrs James Nlcol rider: Emma, Kramer. iiMlna Academy owner: Jerry. Portland Academy owner. Miss Rally J. Uead better rider: Cortina. Mrs. W m. a. Blddl os nor and rider. Oae-Qoarter-MLle Iaah. Pol renlee. (Catch wetghta) (Kramer's Riding Bchool Trophy.) (Ponies 14 hand. Inche. and Under.) Mldgle - Ambro- Cronla. Jr.. owner: tacJr fnlted Hlate. Army owner. Lleuten C P George rider: Light Foot, Krnrn- BEATJTirTL EQUINE ENTERED IN HUNT CLUB RACES SATUR DAY AT COUNTBY CLUB. : . - : A -w. tQ: TV. i .iiia .sr'"'"""'.'-' -"' ' I : . .A: r.rV-::.. 1---! rr- -I-- . rv"v-. c::-r : H 1: rVTO, OWKO T I. RUTH JE-KI?. T"n RMtnc Academy owner: Mldcet. Port land P.idlnir Anlemy owner. E. K. Oppen helmer r1dr: Bronco. United iSTatei Army owner. Ueutenant W. H. Rucker rider: Miaty Pride, Kramer' Rldtna; Kcho.il owner. C G. Murphy rider; Spot, Jamea Mcol owner: Fair Boy. Douftlaa Nlcol owner: Htumpy. Tnifed Statea Army owner; Lieutenant Keth 8cofleld rider. FlTc-Eljchths-Mlle Daah. . (IAS pounds.) Oaltar R, Huber Trophy. Jimmy tHua-an, H. I Corbett owner: Oretfwi J-fald, a. B. Lowenbenc owner, S. K. Oppenheimer rider; Mike Wtldom. Port land Kltlfnv Arademy owner. Walter A. Orutt-r rider; Will Wehrunjc. Jamea Nlml owner; Kitty Htory. Krumer'a Rldlna; Hchool owner; 5r Anthony. Kramer' a Rld Ing Srhool ownr: rT pnnrl. Portland Rld- ina; Academy owner; Badle T.. Portland Rldlns Academy owner. E. T. C'base rider; Buater, Jamea Nicol owner;-Billy. Lieuten 'ant C P. Oeora;e. owner and rider. One-Wuarter-Mlle Dah. Ji0 pounds and over.) (Iouia G. Clark and Wm. F. Woodward Trophy.) Riders H. C Campbell. Dr. W. A. Cum min.. W. M. Davis, lr. Emmet Drake and D. A. PatuJlo. This raco la for cold-blooded horses only and riders are to draw for mounts. Mount and position will bo announced before race. A quarter-mile pony race will precede 1U One-Qua iter Mile Dash. (Stableboys rare. (Catch weight. fash crises: Winner. $10; second. $5; third. '-. .V. .m This race Is confined to Portland Rld lna; Academy, Kramer's Riding: School and private stablea of hunt club members. IRRIGATION FIRM SELLS Chicago-Rogue Klver Concern Takes Oxer Josephine Ditches. GRANTS PASS, Or.. June 6. Spe cial.) The Josephine Irrigation & Power Company today sold to the Chicago-Rogue River Company all lis rlfrhts. rights of ways, ditches and franchises for J35.000. It was agreed that the present ditches, 14 miles in all, will be repaired, and the two pumps will be set at work flushing them to distribute water through Fruitdale district and the territory north of town. The new owners announce that the ditches on each side of the river will be extended Ave miles below, town by next May. This means that all tha valley below Grants Pass will be in the water district. At least 20,000 acres will be brought under a high state of cultivation. It Is said there are 3,000,000 women smokers in trie United States. We will pay $20 for the best slogan submitted to us; $15 for the second best; $10 for the third begt, and $5 for the fourtti best. Slogan must contain the word and is to be used in connection with the adver tising of our STILETTO Tools and Cutlery. Contest will close August 1st. Communications 7hmild be addressed to -STILETTO," care of acitic n 13 ta BU H El 11 lara war Twenty-Second and Nicol ai, Portland, Oregon