19 ITE 3IORXTXG OKEGOXTAX. WEDNESDAY, JTJXE 7, 1911. yrw too at. BEAUT FUL 0 Co You Want a Beautiful Suburban Kcms?- 8 LARGE RCOUS B Haf fireplace, modern toartnimaem, 3 3-5 Acres of Highly Improved Land and larfs beautiful grounds, laid oat attractively, hea oak tre9, fir trees, laurel trees and Cower in pro fusion; splendid private water sys tem ; cioM to school, dose to earlinc ; aa ideal place to live. Don't live in town with it smoke and heat. Don't j.aj twjre as much for a place in trnrn as this one and a food automo bile can be bought for. Enjoy life in the suburb. The fruit alone on this place will pay op-keep of its prrrate park and a lair interest on the investment, whCe Riving an ideal place to live. The price is on'y $12,000 Reasonable terms. Call forenoons. L. E. CARTER 414 Failing- Building. S. E. Cor. 3d and "Wash. St Bargain in Hood River Orchard SIH-acTS orchard In the famous JTood Rir Valley, beautifully sltuat 4. with a plcturaaqua lew of the Tnovntaloa nd alle)r. acres In fcearisa orcearO. arfordina" a family horn of luxury and imlul eur rnuQdlDcs of unsurpassed eeenlo rraad.ur; ton acres of younc orchard, and four and one-half arrea that can he r.lily put tinder cultivation. Good farm house. r.re, and suitable out buildings: sprioir water plpeJ Into hmiw. Team of horses and all Imple ment, ro will p!ar. TMe iia-e l an hiOKC PIODKIR SOW. Will if-r-pl moj.m Portland r.l1en-e aa part payment If unencumbered. ilOO caeo neeeeaary. Devlin & Firebaiigli Swa-7-S-S Yeaej Bids. T area, all In eo'.lretlo. 1 erree berrtee and ihM. balaac la eeorta frulta. aew 1 ra-ina h u-. 3 tlr Ire In TmU alee lawn aaa rmrd. (nod W.JI. barn. f.we n two count? reJa B. F. !.. phon. from c.ima. i minute erlc; l-0. Slloe cash. St, a.-r-a. atl la eultlTatle. S-raoni fair h.u.a. -od wall. mil :tn atatma: ! lM ea.H. h:wc food tlm. r raa h... cnm a)otnn( wiir 4 In m:t!railoa Mr 91?. Tbeee are totaled ovar the hill la trie Tualatin Vtltr. 1 1) ttna aa alactric Una atl la eultreatlea ith barriee aaa troll. eanseiow. bare and fi4 wall, no two roata. So. rommunlfr and oue nil. Tualatin Vblfl; IJjO 10V caaX a-r-. all ander relocation. Ilaa In a euare. rood ft-rnotn hou. and good barn. wn.wt ahaU. tr MoM-a - hou... anod we.l. 3 acra onMM. Juat aarlna. aU.IT lura'lnrm, etrawberrl.e. bUi-at rrtee. ra.ptOT-nea. an. -Ka f acra pjlat-we. .eian-e all la .eta aed vat-h: aaa o4 taam. aaa ew. a aw waoti. ftuacr. hamwa. p..w. barrow. culUvator. tiar rark. t calckaaa S ton hay In barn, l wa ncSt II H k atatloa. . faat from iHin-hM. atoraa and a hno!. la a Meaty ml tt,atal w-lort rjhMrhJod. S1mk taaaa ovarytalaa, S300O caaa. a-ma. I btoch a'-f la atatloa, at am pa and aaMad It yraaa: li caali. ta'.anca aaa J ; pnea SIM par acra. la mi.oa rartnd. HUHASOHJEFFERY ) 232 Chamber of Commerce. C RICHEST LANDS IN OREGON PAYS FOR ITSELF B AXD lO-AfRi: TRACTS OIEHilLEM ORCHARD DISTRICT IS m! from Portland: Tad shot" oil. Partly timbarr.i, timber worth mora tnan prtca of land, which purrhaaara may cut and ahlp na In payment for land: wa pay differ anca la caah. Theaa luda aro of fabulous rlrhnaaa equaling la valua tha IRRH.ATKD Ian da of North Taklma. watch brine $150 to $.40 an acra Hi ml. from Portiar.-l Ot:r "red hot" lan'la requlra " IHKUilTIOV. ere within aieht of Portland city llmtta. and ara aold at vsat'v lower prlcea t."iin Yalctmt. Kool Kivar or Kocuo Hivar fruit lan.la The view from the landi la one of the moat beautiful In a 1 1 the nnrld. emtraclne many town and cltlra. thcuaauda of acre of or rliir.ii and ttia bo-ncs if tea thou sand people. FIRLANDS TRUST CO. MMl-MM Saaldlaa Rlda, l-wrtlaaa. urrcaa. BARGAIN FOR SALE Model Theater 0 Jt. Tkird fUraaa. BRICK PCS SALE .rlJ rry-Pra-d Hrkk Suitable for Kactn t . H. P-asa. Raetlw. IwT Sheelweli Rlaa. 5 MORTGAGE LOANS KO WARD r. (ll DEI, loia BaJlaias. IW TOD AT. Way live on a narrow, crowded lot in the city, when yon eaa ft an ASCO! ACRE FOB. 750 and f 800. on rery easy terms. Ton will have the best of soil. pare air and exceptional opportuni ties for home making You can raise practically everythiijr to eat and thereby overcome tl.e high cost of living. Give this some deep t nought, then come in to see us and let us tell you more about these acre tracts. Also remember that you are only 39 minutes' ride from the business center, which is closer in than many subdivisions. Phone Main 11S9 or A 3S14 for res ervations in automobiles, which leave every hour. HUMASOMgJEFfERY VD 232 Chamber of Com. C SPLENDID BUY A BUSINESS LOT IN LYLE ob graded a treat, with sldawajka. curbs and water Included, only $500 Quarter down, balance 1 par cant monthly. The many advantages possessed by Lyla make the purchase of residence and business property at present prices an Investment beyond comparison. CALL A.D ARRAXGB TO SEE LYLE KEASET, HUMAS09I & JEf FERr DEALERS IX UD, Serwad Flawr rbaaalerr et Caa aerea, Pwrtlaaa, Or. ilOTii Better hurry up lots of people buylnc. Apartment House NEW; BRICK. FULL LOT t fart-t) FOE FIVE YEARS. $525 A MONTH. LEASE GUARANTEED. PRICE $51,500. OVER 12 PER CENT. TERMS. R. F. BRYAN 505 Chamber Commerce 14 Per Cent Apartment-houss on corner yield ing 14 per cent on the total cost and a much higher rate on the amount required to handle. This house brings in &U50 a year, and can be had for $16,000 on good terms. R. F. BRYAN 505 Chamber of Commerce, Mais, 1963. A 1227. Beautiful Grounds and a splendid 9-Room House For sale on reasonable terms or will trade for vsrant lots or equities in Portland. "Will take $3."00, in mortirapes, as part payment. Any reasonable offer considered. See OWNER, forenoons, at 414 Failing hniMins. Swell Iniagtca Home Vary aa ell. modern, seven - room houee. four bedrooma; on a comer lot. 0xl0: atreet Improvements all paid. On C 15th atreet. North, rlirht on car. Moat be sold at one. I'rue I Jo 00. l:i0 caah. crtri at S ADO w. SIT Baaed at Trad Bldat, lb and Oak. RIVER DALE DISTRICT. Thr Quarter of aa aero, near station. 21 minute out. owrtoowiinv river and view of mounuini, tlidO. CHPIX .ft HFRtOW, S33 Claailr of Cmatrerr. MORTGABE LOANS SUM 3 TO 9tTT: NO CONTMISSTONS. raciKic titls at trcst ro. xrw TOOAT. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 S. JiiJ1 7 MAL EST ATT pgAtE14 frock. U-Uliui O.. tU r&lllav bUl BrvbalMr 4k BmnrilcU hot MclCa? bid. M . Ctkrptu Vvrtev. t1 rrifttDir fem-MWw. Cvok. B. 1 Cow. aoa Cortxrtt bid. J nine- Cx. StJ-sia Ita. SO Ortrol4U. rALMKR-JONRS C2w U. P SU Coauaar Cisa Tfe Ortf-i Kal Crt oras4 aa, aa4 M. K. TUOMPtON CO , cor. 4th ud O ata, REAL ESTATE. AMOTI A'HW, t7-M-J"0 Ob Powoll Vat1T mad. KO-wcfw PAm. tH of them old to aausrw tuytra. TO l(t ffr othvra wbu will b atlned; on market only two mooLu. BttT i-oX Iti:o th!i today. (ihAI'Li) .STREETS, water nlaf praur: nrr carMna. HOWAHU b. AXON COMPANY, flJi-A Teoa 61!f ataia 1404. a iia. COWS TO CULVER, OREGON. For full information relattva to tha bot town to Centrai Oregon belna on two lines of railroad with brat and Jx el f kvrmin coun t rjr trl bntary ; wi t n a sp'eodtd watar supply from tha famous Op-U fiprincs eontrad : with a good co ; i . witb rneral iaw:nesa houses, with chare has and schools, with no saloon or "bilnd p'.vs": with ovsrythlna; to maka and build a rood town. Just writs to tha addrasa below. Ther 1 room her for a good preaaad-brlck plant, tha tt ma-t-rLaJ for such a p. ant la rlrht here: tha best location In CentraJ Oregon for a lax if a flourlnx mill; alactrical po-r can b had this Fall aa the powar plant is now welt uoder way and will have, tha first unit completed by October or No vember. There ara rood openlrjs for man business enterprises. Writs and find out about tbem. Coma and make your home with ua. for we hava a beautiful location, lal country with 10 snow capped peaks of tha Cases dej Mountains vitibla, pleaant cllmats. spiendid trout flihlnr. A clean town with business en ery and enterpriaa. Address "D." car Cui rtr PcTelopmrnt Lagua. Culver. Or. LAURELHTRST. I bav paid $.1 on oholr lot In Iaurel burst. Am coins; East and will aacriflca my equity for $200, Her la your c bancs to aecur a choioa lot and sav 400 over tha present price. So my axent. CHA& RIM31ER C03CPAXT. til Ltwla bids. $5.-4)0 SPECIAXt BAROAIN. This is a strictly modern 6 -room boas with hardwood floor downstairs, furnace. n place, combination fixtures. wash trays, full baeement, noar 2)th and Clackamas, liolladay Park Addition; now completely fumlebed and will throw in furniture If taken at one. Easy term to ngbt parties. M' CAR GAR. BATES A LXVXLT. 201 a eon Bldg. LOTS LOTS LOTS The larc. roomy kind: V fin on, ach 40x15. with alley; oast factnjt; base ment on on partly finished; cleared and ready for bulldlnr; ft blocks to good car line; 100 will five you a chanc to own tbem on a balance of any term. Buy These Now. CHAPIN at H KK LOW D SStf-Ss Chamber of Commerce. LOTS. $100. RIOHT ON "W EST 8IDI5 CARLIN1C BEYOND CTTT PARK. tVTH AND W YAMHILL ST3. Kew additioa. ten minutes from buai aea center; on new W'ashlncton-st. car line; lota 60x1 oO, some larrer. --0. easy payments; these lots are beautiful home sites. National Realty Trust Co., WaahInton t.. room 5ld . A 8NAPPT CORNER. food ones, 40x100 each, faclnr hard nrfac avenue, fin sbade tree. Bull Kun water: come and let tis show you them. The prto will certainly suit you and terms cn b sivn. PUT KOW. 1 4TIAP1N A HKRLOW. Ul-SSe) Chamber of Commcrca. NEXT ATTRACTION. Fin location for home In tha sijrhtTy, restricted district Just north of Country riuh. 1A0 feet to Ros City park car; lot boaioo. cement walks, curbs, vrsda. water In and p.ild, price l75; can make terms to suit; also new up-to-date 3. u and 7 mom hon.fi on easy term a. Jaa. C Logan, Bit Spalding bids'. ROSE CITT PARK. PORTLAND'! BEST nErilPENCB DISTRICT. A fin lot In tnls section, reef rations, except knai;y cood view; price 9tU0. In dudinc all stree-t tmprovementa. CA.VN U HKlUr. 482 Chamber of Com mere Bids;. sXc RI K I CTSr Ig comer ibo"x 3.0; uual to 1-4 city blocks. . or 14 loiM &xUM; between 4 and 7-mlIe circles; just out side the city boundary. Grad ed street wattrr under pr ure : 9 130. Call up owner, A SIMS- $2SOfi OOKNER. 0 by 100. on BorthwicV and Pkicimore streets: improvements paia for by owner; terms half cash, balanc on limi JAVIF3 D. OC.DEN. Mioslsalppl ave. Wood lawn 202. C 3Qi- FOR SALE Lot 10x100, northwest comer Hast ihth and Hancock; shade tn-es, two rvKm tent, water, card en; an Ideal spot for anvone: " cheap; terms. Take lioae city Park car. walk two Mocks north. Owner lNavin; city, now on premises. il'OHOUPlCESf-BIDr-f250. Fine, modern, new. 6-room hous, walk Injt distance on C.lbbt si., street work all paid; price. 1.1700, i;:.0 ca-h. ORCSSI A A DOW. R17 Foard of Trad Bidg. tth and Ok. FXHT Y lots. 5jx100 each, srwer. cement walks jrradeo srreeta. u..m1!; juji tne thine for a builder or they will retail readily at large profit. W. H. ROSS. M 8pa:dlng Uldc S10 DOWN. 10 PER MONTH. Pine view lot, matured fruit tree, re stricted1 district, bear car. cement walks. Full Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 20? Board of Trad bldg. FOH SALE 7 -room house, furnnhed com- rlete; lot 00x113 reel. lawn, flowers, gar den, berries, two blocks from nr. : min u'. frnm city; Ac fare; $-ltr0. rtmna Pe'lwood V?T. CliOI.K builtiing lots. SxlOO. with city water, on goca canine. 40; nothing dwi, $i per month. Inquire for Mr. Laror.ard. H 4th st.. Columbia Trust Co. ORK'lORI HEIGHTS lota. IOO and up. on eesv unni; en a ok no my vmrit car line. . GREGORY INV. CO. IN fin manufacturing district; must sell; wiu put you in possession. iu per month hal.irce. I hav- 3. AttxlOO. Call HuriSert. 30 I.ewle bldg. $50 LOTS o"n!"w. tarkT'and'oSd sta.; carlln building, ten truy In trie city. Empire Realty A Trust C-x. M-raball 4v3 eon b.dg. FvR th best offer, property at 1639 Ma raHim Rnail. Pulton. Portland. r Art. dras th owner. C B. Williams, Florence. Cal. WEFTMORCT.AND FNAP. Milwaukee ave., price $-;7".; sdjo!n!nr lnt nwnera ask 1 1 Forcevl sale. Call S lth. r.ear Stark. AFARTalKNT SITE in Eaa; S:de. comer Oml". n E. th N-; $:.:W; terms. JIc A'.hster ' Jk Laeddemann. 1 E'.ectrlc bldg. RO?MERE. E SS:h and Thompson sa I'f'Xt ."V timaT. .v. .jruia. rr.nno doo. keeper. Me a 141T or A 1417. Owner. THRFE BLOCKS from new Mt. Tabor Park. I 'X i W t. tun . i'r aaie ai a car- fa . a. A 1?2. Oregon! in. ?5s 100 Moit sightly building sit In Irv ine: on doe In 00 : ) su C. J. X Oat-ken. S"4 M"Kay Bldg. APARTMENT alt fir i-0; Orand ., near Broadway- Phoae Main gift". LA'.'RKl.iU'R.T- Equity In 4 lot. $i-; Due view; pric .vaw o ivii REAL ESTATB. Kor Sal Lola. anPT PELL I Ixav-a flTt-er lrtt In rap.d!y jrrowln arrrmf addition east ot city limits. ith gradd streets and mater Tinder prewure. Will H part or all at $ 7 . .V per acr lot. Bwy tarxn. Talk wit a onr. Main 14H. LOVELIGHT ADD. LOT $100. A fine lot. .Viajoo, on Camden st.. near Yforgan; a snap at I'M; $100 cash and $15 per month. GRCftBt 4k ZADOW. PlT Board of Trad Bldg. Th and Oak, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful home and homeeltea, all price, can suit homoeeekers or bargaln- nur.ter Main 35.M. BROOKE. A For Sal -Hon HOME IN IRVINGTON tJ0. All ready to move Into; jxirt completed and bui:t for a horn?: 3 rooms, hardwood triors downstairs, finished floors upstairs, haodsooj mood work, cement basement, furnace. 2 fireplaces, lighting fixtures, shades, large attic, fare east, lot 60x100 feet, hard surface pavement, on car line; price IriOu-; term, aiAnx csh, balanc on snort g act. IL P. PALMER-JOXES CO.. 212-21X Commercial C.ub bids. Phones Main 8ti99. A-65S. DO yon want a home in Rose City Park? Just finished a modern nous In every detail; two-story and attic; hardwood floors, tinted walls, cement walks and basement, furnace, beam celling, veneer panel wainscoting, den. glsased sun room, cedar a tor room, solid brass hardware: this must be seen to be appreciated. Call and see owner at Tabor or at 47th and Siskiyou, Ros City park. Terms to suit. TODAY'S SPECIAL, WEDNEPPAT. Our offering today Is a money-maker from the jump: a house that cost more than $XK) to build on a 50x100 lot. which Is now worth 4iX; this house is at tha present time yielding a large Income and Is especially good for renting rooms; fin neighborhood, on Hort su: $fi?o, terms. This hous la absolutely a splendid In vestment. L Nolr A Co., Chamber of Commerce. MTRRTMEAD. Modern 7-room bungalow. Including two Inclosed sleeping porches, suitable for bed rooms; furnace, fireplace, beautiful fix ture, built-in bookcases and buffet, full cement basement, gas and electricity: on Ox 100-foot corner; overlooks city; street nuw being paved: price, 4S50. $lttr0 caah, H. P. PALMER -JON KS CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bid. Phonea Main 66J0. A 2633. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT Tt'RN A BURDEX IMTO INCOME PKOPERTT? IF TOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PUNS FREE IK WE BUILD, OCR REP UTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WLLL PAY TO SEE US. U R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT TNCJ ARCHITECTS. 524 ABINGTON BLD. SWISS BUNGALOW. Fin 7-room bun galo. 4 bedrooma, hot water heat, fireplace, doubly constructed, finely finished, auto garaife. lot 47xsi. east front, street lmprovemnta paid ; price, $4700: $K'00 caati. 5-0 per month. On E. ttth st., Brooklyn Heights. GRUPSI 4k ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg. ith and Oak. IRVINGTON. Fin new 8-room horn for sale, hard wood floors, beamed celling, paneled wainscoting, plate and art glass, fine sleerping porch, gas and electricity: strictly modern and up-to-dat In everything. Tel ephone Main 15L'l, or call 078 East LJth 1 st. North, cor. Knott st. Take Irving ton oar. Terms. $150 BUNGALOW $150. Swell 5-room bungalow, Juat completed: fireplace, paneled dining-room. Dutch kitchen, attic and foil basement; modern throughout; two blocks to the Hawthorn ave carllne. Prie $-'.vV; $150 cash, bal ance monthly payments; faces eaau Kar nopp 4k Kopf. 3-5 Ry. Exchange bldg. $250 CASH. $15 MONTHLY. ROSE CITY PARK. 7 -room, den, solid oak floors, built-in buffett and bookcases, furnace, mirror door. etc. NATIONAL REALTY TRUST CO. 12' Wash. St., room 614 Main 5129. RICHMOND. Well-built 7 -room home. 1 block from rar; furnace, cement baeeraent, shades and fixtures; owner leaving city; sacrifice prlc $JO0; SlflOO caah. H- P- PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club FMg. Phone Main aufO. A 2653. JUPT computed. 6 large rooms and bath. 5ox1tn l'i t. full basement, cemented, ftre pla.'j, china cloaets, bookcasea. douhle ronntructed. located 41st nnd tSandy road, 1 blrok from Laurelhurst; good car serv ice, th minutes to enter of city; terms, for sale by owner. East 44:?3. B I34o. COMPELLED to sell a modern l-room home with sltely lot on Willamette heights; the property Is easily worth $iH0, but on ac count of mortgage foreclosure our client has authorised us to sell for $4500; present Income Sb per month. See attorneys. 414 Spalding bldg. ONLY S10O DOWN. Irg 6-room modern bungalow, 26x5(1. brand new. well-built, H block to Mu hcott car, 26 minute' ride, ro.id neltn borhockL. prlc only $2300. $100 down. $20 month; only few days on these terms. Jaa. C. Logan. 815 Hpaldlng bldg. PO rVlaN t HEIGKTt FURNISHE DBUN GALOW. This Is a real little home of 0 rooms; fine furniture, swell combination fixtures, gns and electricity: close to car- $3."00, $7.0 cash. Fred W. German, 29 Burn side. M. or A 2776. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Best location. Irvington, finlnhed In Oak and very select fir; modern a possible; lot 7:xl00; also lots, all prices. East S3, C lAoi no agents. W. 21. Herdman. SNAP. 6-room house. East 80th and Davis, modern, hard-surface street, nice lawn, full basement. I'rice S4H. half cash, bal ance 3 to ft years; abstract to date. AT 172, Oregonlan. FOR PALE or rent, a furnished house on Kir by and Webter at., opposite the Jefferson High School; $30 per month rent or win sell on easy terms. Inquire Calu met Hotel. I.) 1'ark st. $1600 FOR BUNGALOW. Neat 4-rvwjm oungalow. 00x100 lot. cor ner Sitth and Tibbtts, $440 down, balance very ea?y monthly paTnents. Portland-. Pacific Inv. Co., 419 Railway Exchange. "Trom, HAWTHORN E. s'-Fo'om. $:"v". $2vo. Close to Hawthorne ave. New, modern, with every convenience. Reasonable terms. Owner. 413 Corbett Bid;. A BARGAIN. 5 lots, 50x104 cai-h, and -room house; I block from car; all In Unre bearing frutt tree", beirles. grapey. gnnlca. law n and flowers; a very comfortable little homo a id a good investment- Mar-snail 363. N E W, modern, 9-room residence. 652 Xadd ave.; 20O fvet to 5 cartlnes; corner 12th and Hawthorne. .Phone East SITS. The houte you want If you have the price; $et0O. R. M. Wldney. owner. IRVIN G TON Ch arm iKg. a 1 1 ractlv home, choice surTOundintjs. owners will sacrifice tf sold this week. Phone East 3U4 for particulars. FRACTIONAL lot. with houses, on East Xltn. ncar ashington street; Income S240 per year; price 24uO. See owner. 32 K. 15th street. 5eNTjTNE bargain from owner direct. mod ern 7-room Dm, 2 lot. Irvlntnon uis trtct; a snap, Marshall 1847. 5u8 Wiluv Farto bldg. afOtST beautiful and complete 9-rootn bunga low In Irvington ; lot 73x100; will take well -bwa ted vacant lot la part payment. J McCracken. "04 McKay Bldg. FINE eat home, furnished; chick ena, gar den: bargain, cash. W 13o. jre soalsn. frREE rent In Gregory Heights, and of Ros City Park carlina. Gregory jyrv. CO. MODERN 6-room houe and two lots In Ariet a. equity $18.". $15 per month. Own era. 1 J3Fo j rt h. 11 ai nM ti 7 $ MONTHLY, Just ltke rent, buys 5-roorn "house, bain, basement, laan; price $2150. phone owner. E- 2741. BARGAIN- Attra.-tlv I rooms: Tahor ca"r"; nar park; $r00. Owner. Marahall 1644. LN ltMngton, for sale, modem T-room real dene. parUcula-rs. telephoa C 264. RE AX ESTATE. For Sale PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Owner offer for sale splendid new Hetcbts residence: strictly modern, 6 lsxge a.ry and well-ligh:ed bedrooms; aiso 3 sleeping porches with dre-aslng-rooma, mir ror doors, living-room 20x34 with larg fireplace; dining-room 20x20, beautliu.iy taneled, large fireplace and buffet: large kitchen, pass pantry, tiled sink, cool cup board, etc.; paneled bllllard-room and den, cathedral beamed and rustic fireplace; wine celiar and fruit room; lovely screened dining porch and large porch off from living-room: 2 complete bathrooms. toilets, ft lavatories, hardwood floors, z woodilfts. wood. coaJ and clothe chute, roomy closets. 2 lots, driveway. lovely native tres. everything that m" fr attractiveness and comfort. A se cluded location. beautiful aurroun-llnKa. Price on!v $l4.foo. Can nrrsnge terms. HENRY C. PRUDHOMME. Owner. 6 Spalding Bldg. WEST 81DE HOMES. If yon are in th market for a bom on the West Side, we can supply your want. We deal exclusively in West Side prop erty and have th largest list of West 6tde home. , . . Many of our clients do not wish to nav tht.r homes advertised, and we never nsa siens on residence property: but If will call at our offices we will be P to submit to you som of the best ana most reasonably-prioed property market. W have thoroughly nyeaUgttd. and all are below th prices of AJfe;t property. Many decided barralns rarig ing In .prlc from $22O0 to 340.000, Th West Sid Is the side. LE NOIR CO.. Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON- , , . Fine lot. high and sightly, nlc viw esst front, on 12th st. 3 b.ocks car; a snap; $1325. terms. PORTSMOUTH. w 100x100. 2 blocks car. all out In bearing; fruit; some old buildings on property; pric $1250. 50 caah. balance 3 years, 6 per cent. D E. R. MARKHAM. 203 Oerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. WAVERLY-RICHMOND". $100 CASH. 7 rooms, new bungalow, laundry trays, built-in buOe:. every modern convenience. A SNAP AT $2iKM. DETSCH A WITWER. Main 21Si. A 1569 840 Chamber of Commerce. $2600. Very sightly SO by lOO-foot corner on East 20th st.. 8 blocks from carllne. Im proved with new 5-room bungalow; hous has full cement basement, bathroom, fire place and is piped for gas and furnace and wired for electricity; will sacrifice to make quick sale: terms; a snap. KAUFFMAN'X fc MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. AM selling my 7 -room house for $400 less than I paid for it two years ago. It is In perfect condition, roses, fruit trees, fur nace, laundry trays, terraced lot. east facing, block from car, combination fixtures; price $3650; I am sacrificing to go in business in California and cannot afford to tak less than $1650 cash down. The property Is easily worth $4500. Inquire 533 Ei 85th or phone Main 2162. JSE W and modem residence In finest Ir vington district on East 20th st; 6 rooms, handsomely finished and very attractively arranged ; large living-room and dining room, with beam celllnps, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. 3 sleeping rooms; cement basement and furnace; price reduced to $6t00; $1000 cash, bal ance easy. McAllister & Lueddemann, 0.21 Electric bldg. THE HOME BUILDERS build BETER CHEAPER QUICKER, On small monthly payments. UNION SECURITY COMPANY. 602 Beck Bids.. 7th and Oak St. HOUSE AND LOT. 1250, Lot 45x110. house. 3 large rooms. block to car. fine location, beautiful views of city: a bargain. E. R. MARKHAM. 205 Garllnger Bldg.j2d and Alder. ELEGANT IRVINGTON HOME. Just completed. Including hardwood floors, Sf toilets, furnace, beautiful lawn, etc; worth $7000. but $6000 will buy It; terms. C L. Bamberger, Lumbermen's bldg. Marshall 712. FOR SALE or exchange. house of 12 rooms, laundry and cold storage, and lot 60x100. at 373 Cable et., 10 minutes' wal-t from the Poetoffice; beautiful, high loca tion, overlooking the city. Phone Main 1665, or A 7426. -ROOM modern house, full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, lot 8 feet above sidewalk, parked street, only 80 feet west of Union ave. on Fargo sr.; 83000 cash. $2000 S years, 6 per cent. Gantnar, 4K6 Henry bldg. 6250 DOWN. Nice, new, modern bungalow, close to Hawthorne ave.; fine bath, full basement. electric light, paneled dining-room; pric $2'.00 and easy monthly payment. 418 Railway Exchange. P hone Tabor 2i42. 1JO you want a home on the East Side? We have some beautiful places, cheap and on easy terms. In Irvington, Laurelhurst, Rose City Park, and other attractive dis tricts. McAllister ' fc Lueddemann. S21 Electric bldg. 9-ROOM modern house, very reasonable. East Side, best residential section. If you are looking for an Ideal bom or rood investment, phone owner for particu ara. Main 3R02 after 6 P. M. 50x100 on 42d st. and Hawthorne av.; busi ness property, with a good 6-room bunga low on It; will b worth double In a few years; $4300; terms. C. 1 Bamberger, ' Room 2. Lumbermen's bldg. BARGAIN New 3-room bungalow,, fire place and all modern conveniences, fine district, one block from Laurelhurst, two block from Rose City car. Owner, Tabor 2101. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, 1 block car line, close In, and a fine home; have $S00; take $400 cash or trade; must be sold at once. Inquire S8 10th (near Stark). FOR SALE by owner leaving town for Just what It cost two years ago. a five-room modern cottagr. 105( East Salmon sL Pric $2. 7o0. with $1500 cash. Main 4744. 7-ROOM. modern house, beautifully located, convenient for street cars; a bargain; $.t25o. 1750 cash. J. H. Tipton Co., 1108 Fpauldlng Bldg. EXTREMELY neat and convenient new modern C-roora house, walking distance, two Mocks P-innyside car hot water boat. See owner. 743 E. YamhiJI. FURNISHED home. Rose City Park, cash, modern 5-room bungalow. S blof k from Sandy Road all new, SX200; $2300 cash. Owner. AF IS 5. Oregonlan. ROSE Citv Park bungalow, partly fur nished, 60x100 corner, shade trees, easy terms. Tabor18btf. PORTLAND Heights, 6-room house, lot 60 xll5, ten fruit trees; $2850. Marahail 16. FINEST view home at Mount Tabor, about one acre; 512,000; no agents. Ad re as AN 104, Oregonian. 5-IlOOM modern bungalow. 608 Holgate it, near Sellwood carllne; rent $18 per month. lUQuir 624 Holgate. J TWO lots and an 8-room n.urn houe; will trade for Portland property. Call W oodiawn StKi2. . . . $3050 CORNER 11th and Hancooft; now 6 room bungalow. Owner. East 2227. xlnelnes Property. GRAND AV. 50x100. NEAR ASH. $20,000 for quick sale; watch Grand av. property double In value. C. L- Bamber ger, Room 2. Lumbermen's bldg. LOOK LOOK. LOT in heart of city, near Morrison, $."5. ijuO: bargain; good reuuil. J 163, Ore gonlan. Acreage- A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. Quarter -acre tracts. No better can be found In the locality. Close to car; $0u0 buys on of these tracts. BUY NOW OF CTIAPIN St HER LOW (R) 232-S3S Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. 7 miles from Courthouse, West Side, blocks from electric railroad sta tion, to ssll or trade; 3 to 30 acres, partly cleared. Hurlbert 303. Leis bldg. L 2, 3, 5 AND 10-acre tracts, close in, good electric car service, $100 to $250 per acre; big vaia, easy terms. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co.. 2"3 Corbett bid g.. both phon es. 1 ACRES level, cleared. 8 blocks station, Oregon Electric; 18 minutes out, 5c fare; $1100. terms. 713 E. Stark. FIVE acres of level land, no rock, fine soil, at Boring st..; sale cheap. Nei.sen, lb5 Ru saell St.. Po rt'.and. 4CRAi3E and farms, Irom $12.50 per aert up; larse and small tracts. Call Kinney 4k Etampher. 621-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. I HAVE 10 acre sagged off lcd; will sell at once. $20 per acra if taken at onoo; a anap. V Itil, Oregonlan. BY OWNER Small tract near Oregon City carllne and on Willamette River. J. W. Meldruxn. MeUlrom station. 80 ACRES. 12 miles from LIe, Wash. Call 87 Nebraska st.. Fulton. GARDEN HOME acre. 20 minute out, 10 cent tare; $-'.V). Tabor 97 6. CITY acre, near Mt- Tabor. Phon owner. East 8mkV REAL ESTATE. xAMON-S ACRES. j73O-$S00 On Powell Valley road; loO-acre lots. 90 of them sold to satisfied buyers, 70 left for others who will be satisfied; on market only two months. Better look Into this today. GRADED STREETS; water under pressure; near carllne. HOWARD S, AMO.N COMPANY. 623-6 Yeon Bldg. -Main 1400. A 3213. MUST SELL. I have five -acre lots In rapidly growing acreage addition east of city limits, with graded streets and water tinder pressure. Will sell part or ail at $7.50 per acre lot. Easy terms. Talk with owner. Main 1400. , -SACRIFICE B lg" com er, 220r 320: equal to 14 city blocks, or 14 lots 50x100: between 6 and 7-mile circles; just out side the city boundary. Grad ed streets, water under pres sure ; $1520. Call up owner, A 8213. ACREAGE. 1. 2, 5. 10 and 20 -acre tracts, - close In on Fourth-street carllne, at . $250 per acre and up, payable In easy monthly installments. See us bailor buying. . THE BHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3500. BE INDEPENDENT. GET OUT ON A FARM AND STOP- PAYING RENT. WE HAVE THEM IN SIZES FROM 4M ACRES TO 20. RICH, BLACK, LOAM SOIL, ELECTRIC STATION WITHIN ONE-HALF MILE OF ANY OF THEM; HOUSES ON SOME OF THEM; CAN TAKE PORTLAND LOT OR EQUITY IN BUNGALOW ON ONE OR TWO OF THESE; HAVE SOME ESPECIALLY GOOD BARGAINS. INQUIRE OF iU M. HICKOK. ROOM 338 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WATERFRONT ACREAGE. 20 A QRE3. right at boat landing mile to depot; 16 acres under cultivation, bal ance second growth, easily cleared; 6 acre the finest peach land in the valley: balance slightly rolling and excel lent for apples, pears and all kinds of small fruits; right In organized fruit dis trict; quick service to Portland markets; for Immediate sale, price $150 per acre, one-fourth cash. See Mr. Carr, 503 i-um-bermens bldg., 5th and Stark sta. 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 14 4 acres, all In crops. Including 5 acres of hops, 1 acres strawberries and a good family orchard; good 7 - room bouse, good bam and well; price $35 w, on good terms. Inquire of Mr. De Young. CANN A M'BRIDE. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance to good town; runnnlag water, best soil, tree wood, splendid fruit 6 f strict ; view of Columbia River aad snow peaks; 2 acres $250; 8 acre $300, 1 acre $500, 20' acre $800; 10 per oA caah, easy payments. FKANK M KAKLAND REALTY OOu 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. THREE MORE TRACTS. Close to electric line and Portland, at $60 per acre; easy terms. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch bldg. 20 ACRES, 14 MILES OCT. A fine chance for small dairy, fruit or chickens; near electric and river transpor tation ; good creek; will tako some city property; price $2500, terms. CANN 4k M'BRIDE, 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BIG SNAP. 2O00 acre land, Muluiomah County. 23 miles from Courthouse, on fine auto road; lfe miles electric line; 20,000.000 feet iaw timber. Look this up. $25 per acre, terms. L 161. Oreconian. StiO ACRES, partly cleared, finest of soil, best part of Willamette Valley; all stock, machinery and crops go with place. Pric only $25 per acre. Easy terms. J. M. CAMERON, 210 Lumbermen bldg. Honrs! eswia. ADVANTAGE! OF OREGON 100-page booB gives amount of Government land opea te homestead. In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington, and desert plies ef same; gives homestead, desert, timber, tone, coal and mineral laws: two mas f Oregon in colors. 21x28, showing R. R. In operation, on showing all proposed R. R and electric lines, including Eastern and Central Oregon. 20o each, or three 50a Map of Washlngtoo in color 21x2. 2ta Kim mo. Runty Co.. Hamilton bid-. Irrigated Lands. IRRIGATED FARM. 160-a.cre irrigated farm, of which 80 acre is In cultivation, with 40 acres in tamo hay; good berry orchard: land all fenced, fair house and other farm build ings; 140 acres Irrlsable with good water right fully determined by court decree; s:x miles from town of Sisters, in Crook County Oregon; one mi!e from school; about 14 miles from railroad town of Red mond. Some farm machinery and livestock go with the place. Price $0u per acre, $0000 cash, baiance terms at 6 per cent. Address Lock Box 7, Culver. Or. FRUIT and nut land. 1O50 acres In proven district, cheap, terms. Address E l-, Oregonlan. THE NEWEST TOWN IN OREGON. To the first person combining the greatest number of words out of tiie word ORTLEY, We will giv absolutely free a trip by train and anto over our new townsite at Ortley. on of the grandest scenic trips in America. Contest closes Satur day evening. June 10, at 6 P. M. Ad dress your reply to Ortley Contest Man ager, care Devlin A Ftrebaugh. 907 Yeon bldg. HOOD RIVER SNAP. 20 acres, all good apple land, 10 acres cleared, part In orchard, large creek and spring, fair buildings, on main county road, only SH miles from town; biggest snap ever offered; price only $200 per acre; SI "00 cash will handle it. A 153, OregonXkvn, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Lands. BARGAIN IN HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. ' - Sm-acr orchard in th famous Hood River Valley, beautifully situated with a picturesque view of the mountains and valley. Seven acres in bearing orchard, affording a family a home of luxury and ease amidst surroundings of unsurpassed scenlo grandeur. 10 acres of young or chard and 41, acres that can be readily put under cultivation. Good farmhouse, barn and suitable outbuildings, spring water piped into house, team of Horses and all Implements go with place. This place is an INCOME-PRODUCER NOW Will accept modern Portland residence as part payment if unencumbered; $2000 cash, necessary. DEVLIN fc FIREBAUGH, 906-7-8-9 Yeon Bldg. ROOD RIVER ORCHARDS. Invest your savings in a Hood orchard on the 5-year-car basis, for S50 caah, balance in monthly payments with in seven years; we will guarantee to turn over at the end of five years a bearing or chard In perfect condition; our tracts ara In the heart of the valley, opposite school, close to stores churches and shipping sta tion. We invite comparison of price. Call, writ or teleDhone. OREGON-WASHINGTON DEVELOP MENT CO. 711-12 Couch bldg. Marshall 1693. Hood River Office. Third and Oak Sta, ATTENTION. ROSE FESTIVAL VISITORS. Durlnjc this week I am offering beauti ful 10-acre orchard tracts In the heart of the famous Hood River Valley at a bar gain; only $200 cash, balanc monthly payments. N 162. Oregonia. For Sale Farms. FARM BARGAIN. 320 acres in famous Opal Prairie of Central Oregon ; fine level land and all In cultivation except 35 acres in pasture; one-fourth mile from railroad town of Culver, which is the Junction of two rail roads; railroad right of way though nlaca takes out about 100-foot strip; land all fenced and cross-fenced, good six-room house nearly new, stable, granary and other outbuildings, two cisterns ; good soil; house is but half mile from the town school; good church and school privi leges. Farm la leased for this year and buyer assumes lease and takes owner's share. Price $35 per acre, half cash and balance terms. Address Lock Box 7, Cul- ver, Or. 160 ACRES. SO In high stats of cultivation new tt-room house, new barn 6vx60, o.d one 50x54, other buildings in fine shape; 14. cows, 6 head young stock, 1 Durham bull. 5 horses. 3 hogs, poultry, binder, mower, s rake, 3 wagons, fanning mill, hack, plow, 2 harrows, cultivator, grain drill, separa tor, harness, hay fork, hay. grain in barn and all small tools, running water and food well. R. F. D. and telephone and but u. miles from town. This is one of th best 160s in Clark Co. and at the low price of $100 per acre, only $6C00 down, balance 6 per cent. W. S. HARVEY. WTashopgal. Wash. $23 PER ACRE. M 166 acres. 6 ml. from county seat and railroad; V mile from school; 120 acres smooth, rich tillable land; balanc good pastu -o ; good Improvements; orchard ; abundance permanent soft water; will take some trade; owner lives on plac and can give possession any time. Send for our list of irriguted and wheat farms. Investigate Wallowa County. ENTERPRISE REAL ESTATE CO.. Enterprise, Oregon. 40 ACRES, 8-room house, good barn, out buildings, 83 acres in crop, 4 cows. pigs, chickens, farming tools, household goods, on county road, mail route, milk route, 2 miles from town on R- R- and H mile from electric carllne; price $3800. $2900. balanc 3 years. 7 per cent. Weat ern Land Co., 246 4 Stark st. - WILL SACRIFICE Going away, don't want to leave my place in care of tenants; will sell cheap; 13 acres, 6-room house, all improvements, 12 miles from Portland. Address O 161, Oregonlan. No agents. 42 ACRES, river bottom, 80 acres In crop". 5-room house, barn, chicken-house, well, good team of mares, cow, wagon, buggy, plows, cultivator, harrow, all small tools. 20 hogs, chickens, m miles from good R. R. town, less than 30 miles from Port land ; price $t5Q0, $2000 down, balanc terms. Western Land Co.. 248 Stark St. ALL-PURPOSE FARMS. From 40 acres up to 3000 acres at prices from $20 per acre to $125. These are real farms in cultivation in the best part of th Willamette Valley, close to good towns, transportation and schools; re liable Information given. 219 Lumbermen bldg ' SACRIFICE. OWNER LEAVING. . 13 acres, fine soil, good home, all Im provements, on country road, near Beaver ton, right by school; part cash, balance time. See Mr. Camp at Hartnxan 4k Thomp son Bank, 4th and Stark. 20 ACRES, half In beaverdam land, with good buildings, close to electric car; 400 bushels of onions were taken off of an acre last year; big revenue producer; 35000; terms. C. L. Bamberger, Room 2, Lumbermen's bldg. SO ACRE. 12 acres clear, orchard, good house, barn, 1 acre of beaverdam. J horses. 2 cows, chickens, wagon, plow, mower and rake, small tools, 2 miles from town: price $2700, $2000 cash, balance terms. Western Land Co.. 248 Stark st. . SO ACRES Carey act land In Crook County, Oregon; must be sold at once; one mile from town and school; five mile from new railroad, paid up water right, $2500. M. S. Shrock. Banks, Or. 40 ACRES, of a mile from town, small house, 5 acres clear. $1600, $600 down, balance 5 years. Western Land Co., 248 Stark st. ' RANCH, 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 152 Morrison at. FOR SALE Farm of 134 acres; horses, cPws, and all farming Implements, terms. See owner, 552 Commercial Court. FOR bargains In ali-purpose farm lands sit uated in Linn and Benton Counties, call on or write J. V. Pipe. Albany, Oregon. Mi&ceJ 1 aneous. GARDEN HOMES. GARDEN HOMES. VEGETABLE GARDEN HOMES. 2, S and 5-acre tracts, ready for plant ing, adjoining Hlllsboro. County seat of Washington County, "Fifty Brief Min utes" from- Portland. Ride through, th tract by rail. In a few years Portland will have 500, 000 population and these acres will be worth, what similar acrea are worth adjoining citiea like Omaha, Kansas City and Chi cago, viz., $3000 per acre, and not for sale. Our prices, S200 to $S00, liberal terms. Come out to Hilisboro or call at Wash ington County Land Co., 419 Lumbermena We are grading etreeta and clearing land. Can give work to parties buying land. Go see this land today at HIlIsDoro, take Oregon Electric at Front and Jef ferson st. Make a small caah paymant and the balance monthly. REAL ESTATE. W. H. GR1NDSTAFP buys and sells real estate, mortgage loans on real estate 20 years experience In Portland real estate 1125 Yeon bldg. Main 875. A 7342. WANTED REAL ESTATE. RANCH in Willamette Valley wanted in ex change for a nice Portland home in Rich mond district, worth 84000. PortlandPa cific lnv.Co., 418 Railway Exchange. Tabor WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow, not over $3Xr0; am responsible party and will pay $2O0 cash and balance $30. Including in terest ; will not assume a mortgage. 1 lti. uregonian. WANTED to purchase or rent on lease. 6 or 7-rocm, modern house; West Side or Irvingt.ia district preferred. Apply, stat ing full particulars. AP 161, Oregonian. A HIGH-CLASS 6 or 7-room house or bun galow in good district. $3000 or $4000 with S-V)0 down; give full particulars. L. 163. Oregonian. WILL purchase standing timber on electrlo R. R. within 10 miles of Portland. Hurl bert 303 Lewis b.ag. WANTED Lot as part payment on splen did new 7-room home, $3830. Owner. East 1115. B 1437. FOR ISA I.E TIMBER LAND. TTVFtTTR T,lTl9 BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. BY owner, 160 acres timber In Douglas Co., Oregon; certified cruise 4,467,000; 50 per M. F. X. Parent, Fernwood, Idaho. "FARMS WANTED. WANTED 10. 60 or 160-acre land warrant. Address Thomas Anderson, 2il Jefferson st., Portland. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE. EXTRAORDINARY fine buy or exchange for real estate, 40 horsepower Chalmers, in elegant condition: owner is leaving city. David Lewis, Lumbermen's bldg. 10 ACRES, all in a high state of cultivation, close to carllne. to exchange for Portland property. David Lewis. Lumbexuen a bldg. e