TITE MOKNTNG OIIEGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, JVJTE 7. 1911. 18 SERPENTS LEAD 11 PARADE Auxiliary of Spanish War Vet erans Will Pilot Military . Pageant. FINZER IS GRAND MARSHAL Hrrton National Gnard, rolled Stair Infantry, Woodmn of World and Other Noted Or jsnliatlon Wilt Participate. A'ljutant-Ceasral Klmsr. who ta I h a-rand marshal of th fraternal an jnlliiarr parada wblcb la to tra-ran i;raad and Hawthorn avsausa Thun nla-ht. has iaauad orders cOTarla t.-a mobltlxatlon of tha Integral parts or tha parade. AmAnv t K n a wKa will talfA nST i.rjr A ef th eorearon National Guard Vnittd h La tra Regular Armr Infantry Xi i . .. W" lak nnlfnPm Knlctit aad Ladlre of Security: Moose. l a. floral Nelabbora or America. I ni nrn. Modera Broiaarbood of America. ivnixnia ok me now, iiva uiwna hrra of tha Itailsa Society and several tends. Tha Military Order of tba Serpent, an auxiliary or toa taiiM spuisn In tna Una 1 ta members will constitute tna aoancn (uaro. wmcu ba under command of Captain H. V tl llllama fnlnnal fl V U-lnn- r.s'e will ba la command of tba Klrst jnranirr. u . sv wmrn. wiin n own , ban J. will conallluta tba first division. Daobar to Ilrad Division. Tha second divisions compoaad of tha T'Hr. Infantry. orecoa National Ouard. Lie rearimental band aad flattery A. will b under Colonel T. N. IMinbar. Dr. Iranna rraa will laad tba third dl Mamn. wblcb will b mada np of tba combined rvnp of Woodman of tba World and Tomllnson a band. l.oyal twder of tba Mooaa. Called Artisans. Maccabeea and Iucas band. it whoU under Ed al. Laaca, will mailt np tha fourth division. Tna Knights and I-adlee of fWtenrtty and Modern Brotherhood of Amerlra niernars. wblcb. with ! Caprlo'e band. will form th flrtb division, will ba Mr.rtr f. P. Fisher. Tha alith division, mada op of Mod ern Woodmen of America. II row n'a band and Royal Neighbors of America. will b under Major C C Hood. I ta liana Brine 1 P Itcar. Knights of tha Rose, a fife and dram band and Red Men. under Ir. Oliver C Klatchcr. will constitute tha seventh uiTiiion. noflai e iisiian pua uw members of tba Italian Society, all un der the command of N. Casriato, will brine; up tha rear. Tuere will be a band In each division and each commanding orflcer will ba attended by a brIilLantly-unlformed staff. Tha parade promises to ba tha greatest In Portland a history. Tha de tails of tha ordera laeued by Ueneral lnar are as followa The column will move promptly at :i P. M. Thursdsr. Tba organisa tions will ba ta line at S:lt P. U. at their designated placee. Commandlnar offirera will sea mat their own dlvi alnna awing Into Una at tba designated points. Formation I Given. The formation, of tha parade will ba aa folio Advance mard. Jtnitsrv Order of the fia:a. 4aDiala II. W- v llliama nemina li-. bpealM-Amartcaa IVar Vetarana. Jee-pa R M JacebT. t'- S A. V..; Department Ko- runeaM or waehlnsten. J- B. w lin iimi. ntaimaadlnr; apanna-Amtrkaa War traaa. aVeul Idoaf camp A 2. a. fa.iaburv. roaanandlns F.atnoa moantad police; company ef pa- Iir. I'aptaia C IL Haly. commanding; po-tl- bead; grand mrfiJ aad ataff. . Flrat dlvlaiaa. "nlal O. K MrOnaaecl. rontBiandlnf. gtaff. nrec Infaatry bead. lrt Infantry V". B. Ami. Inroad dlvlsluo. Colonel T. w. tnbar. rm man ding. StaC Third lafaatt band. TMrd lafaniry. IV. N O . Hal tar y a alald Jkm;lrr. IX Jf. k. Cantata IL V. Welch. rommuJlBi: Anmbvlaaca Coaapanr. O. N- O. Third atviali. lr. STmarta lraka, com mandtns Plan. ToeallDaoa'a band. Wood ma or the World, eoeablaed campa of the M. t'oarth dlvtalaa. Has. Ft at- Lance; etalf. ) acar bead. Loral rder at the Moeea. Ma.-rabae. tB4tad Aruaaaa Finn aivtateau Hon. P. P Planer; etaA. Ti aprmi bead. Kalabta and Ladtee of eo vurttv. afodara Broiherheod of America. Statb dlTteloa. atajor C. C. Hood: etaaT. yiruwn'a bead. Medara Weedmea eg Aaaerlca ffval Kalghbora eg America iTnth dlvtaena. I Jr. Oliver O. Fletcher: eaff. rife and drum band. Kalgnte eg the 1.... p.-d Maw KisMh gitlaloa. X. Caedato; ataS. Xosat Xta..a tend. Itailaa goRletr. Tna Mttltacv Ocdae ef the girpaat wilt f "rwi aa Mawtaerae aeeaa. factag eat Oraad avvnea. Trta polar win fena on Sixth street, soath ef aad faring Hawthorn avease. T.te apaaiaa H ar Vtiwmaa win form ea tta etrvet. aorta ef aad feeiaa tiawtaorae av-nne. Th graad wierabal aad etast vn a ea Tlawthorne attaex tr ia Sixth aad v-aath atreeta Th Srat dlvtalaa win form ea gevwnth af i. aorth eg aad facing Hawtaeree aval no. Ta I dtvtetoa will farm ea ae-verta ai r t. asata d aad facing aa llaataarae T third eUvtataa wOl form a Eighth efra-t. aerth eg and f actus Uawtaoraa ifitia Tha fearth dtvlslea wilt form ea Ktghth a rt. soaUi eg aad facing liawtheraa a.ontta Tae arth drrtassa wm farm ea Xlatb at real, eewth eg aad tactna Bawtaorae aiMa The eiith givtaaaa wtti form ea Kwia at a ef aa factag Uawthara nth diviatea wia farm ea Tenth eg aad faelag Mawtheaae avanaa The eighth dlvtalaa win form ea Kleveath etrwat. eoath eg aad faetag Uawthorae avnea Th rata eg marts, la aa follower Weat ea Hawthorn avaaa la Oraad awes, aertb ew Oraad avaaa IIUa etreet. east ea ;ear etraae to atsth errwet. aenh en grata airaal te Watdler an), waet aa Watdlar atr- te oraaa anavx eoath ea Ui aeaa ta Morn atrt. OLD BEAR HAS REVEMGE Polar Makes) Foot-Mat Oat of Tosng RHsJ la nig Hoaaebold. rortSHAOrX, June 1 ("redal ) A royal tragady. fuU of aeaaatloa for th Immediate loeallty. has Juat ben enacted bora. As a result, a Una young polar bear la about to return ta King Frederick a palaca at Pradaaabora; as a floor rug. . Whan tha Slat visited Ireland a few rears ago. bo waa given a One polar bear aa a present and on his return the bear became pet of tha palaca. Put last Fall tha rooag bear grew too trooMewoma for that palatial abode, so ta was sent aa a (neat to tha Zoo. There ha waa placed temporarily with an old female polar bear, wnosa ordi nary mate waa Inclosed la tha next cage to grow accustomed to tha new visitor before being allowed In cloee contact with him. Tha old lady bear welcomed tba youngater and tbey be came great friends, while tbrougb tha bare old man bear watched them with atony eyea. But a day or two ago tha keepers decided old man bear could now Join the party. Th 4wr waa opened be tween tba cagea nd. Immediately tba veteran stalked Into hla own home, crossed the floor grimly, gripped tha young Intruder by the neck with an awf j I scrunch, djeked, him under tha water and held him there till be drowned. When all waa over, ha hauled tha body out of tha reservoir, ordered his quailing wife to Join tha meal, and proceeded to eat tha bead of hla bated mayor eiwnw rrLl.a vacavjct OX CBARTtCR COMMITTEE. lleary E. Reed. Mavor Flroon yesterdsy appoint ed Henry E. Reed to fill tha vacancy on tha commission char ter committee, mada by tha declination of Dr. Harry Lane to aerva. tr. Lane waa unable to accept tha appointment because ha had already agreed to aerva on a similar committee of Kast Fide cltlsena. Mr. Reed la a well known man. an old reetdent of Portland and as familiar with the city business and needs of changee In tha charter. Ha waa campaign manager for tha citi zens' committee having In charge tna Independent candidacy of Mr. Simon. rival. It took the keepers a lone time to drive off tha Injured husband from the carcase and to aava what waa left of "King Frederlck'a boar." SUN LEADS IN HOMES NORTH AND SOUTH END PRE CINCTS TOR RUSHLIGHT. AnalreJa of Vote Shows How Candl- dalea Ran In Different 8cc llona of tbo City. Anyone having any doubt whether Mayor-elect Rushlight In Monday's election received the almoet unanimous support of tha voter In tha North and South Knds of tha city need only re far to tha vote In tha precincts In thoaa aectlona of tha city to ba convinced. While Rushlight carried those same precincts la tha primaries, tha vote cast for him Mcjay In Xboae districts waa In many Inetancee from two to three times greater. Contrasted with this showing In fa vor of Rushlight, tha returns further show that Mayor Simon. Ilka Lombard In tha prlmarlea. received a flattering vote In the residence oistricta. it waa In those aectlona of tha city where the business man and homeowner live that a full appreciation of. tha services of Mayor Simon aa tha city's executive waa shown. It wss In tness precincts that Mayor Slraon outdistances his suc cessful rival by a vote of from two to one to four or five to one. Some Idea of tba aceptablllty oi nr. Rnahllaht as Mayor to tba habttues of the North and South Rnda may ba ncrriATTTT! trM APTBOYID IV TUK VOTEJU4. Complata unofficial - returns of Mondays election abew that tba volar approvrd It of the S3 Initia tive or -iwfereadam measuroe sub mitted te them. Tbo approved by th Vetera were: Special o mill lvy for etrt cleaning nnd sprinkling department. Bond emu of 1200.009 tor mania pal JalL ruling of gulches sad ravtaae at th xpae ef the special artdg fund. Bond Issue ef 100. 00 for pabllo auditorium. Boad lava f tTS.000 tor municipal a-arbae eellaeUea ertm. Competitive bidding ta eawer aoa strucoea. Tastag gross gaa receipts. Taxing si una eleouic receipts. PrehiMtiag vacation ef public property ea waterfront aad la Tl elslty ef terminal yards, Aatl-butbeerd rdinaaoa. Traaaferrtog froan Kxrttv Beard te City Council th geaeral euparvl stoa ef all street Imnrevementa, gathered from tha following compara tive vote cast for him aad Mayor Si mon In soma of th mora or ls prom inent precincts In those sections oi the city: precinct. XoaMlrht- glaven. a amh aaa rana w -J ltn and r;anars. ...... i j Third and tla t: .1 Fourth end Columbia. .. .1 IS St Third aad ataikat US to Market end 8enta..... T TMrd end Mill ' 4S Flrat etreat .10 eo Front nnd I'onar 1 Mamuioa. near Cornell. .1st as KX. It waa la the residence district that Mayor Simon polled a heavy vole, aa tha following abstract of tha voting In several precincts will show: Rashlisht. L ZMh snd Tnurmaa...... i .14 and Overtoa. . ... ... Tt 2d aad Jobnaea 41 log 111 li in 19S in J l.-d US 1M 1M ta, 11. 11. Slat and Ollann lar. oa'a homa prclnct).. SO la. So. Sth end Wnarlcstoa... S7 Slat and Waahtnatoa... 4T K.:a aod Waahutstoa. .. 53 1Kb end K;m o r. lath and hm:tnoaah. ss w. St, nag Broadwajr... M K. ITlh. noar Hrvawar-. 4 Steamer Korem Kans Aground. TOKOHAMA, June T. Tba Pactflo Malt steamer Korea Is aground near this port. AU bar passengers have been landed. It ta expected tbe a tea mar ba refloated at high tide this after. noon. !. if "VW E IS STAYED Ziegler Measure Strikes Blow at City Progress. INDUSTRY IS SHUT OUT Hardships Imposed on Factories SeeklDff Sites Proposed and ExlstlDg; Railway) 6hnt Out From FaclllUes. In tha adoption by tha voters In Mon day'a election of tha so-called Ziegler Initiative measure, prohibiting tha vaca tion for any purpose of any street or other public prorerty within 2000 feet of the waterfront, or 1000 feat from any railroad depot or terminal yard. It la believed a severe blow has Deea struck at tha future growth of Portland com mercially and Industrially Enforcement of tbe provisions of this measure will not operate to tba disad vantage of tha large transportation companies already established and do ing buslneas In this city, for several yeara at least Theaa corporations now have ample terminal and other facili ties. But tha Ziegler ordlnanoe will hava tha effect of discouraging If not keeping out of tha city other transpor tation and manufacturing concerns which naturally seek terminals and building altea In as close proximity to harbor facilities aa possible. Both Sides of River Affected- The terms of tha Ziegler ordinance apply to both sides of th river and Impose tha same limitations as to the vacation of atreeta and public property for any purpose whatever." said C K. Henry, "and It seems Incredible to me thst tha voters of this city would give their Indorsement to so vicious a mea sure. -It Is renerallr believed that tha Chi' eago. Milwaukee St- Paul railroad ex pects to enter Portland, probably on tha East Side. Naturally tna queanon arises, where, under tha Ziegler mea sure, will this company obtain desirable terminal facilities? "Furthermore, It will not be long be fore tha growth of tha city and the demands of the people will require tha bul'dlng by the street railway company of adsqusta depot facilities la different sections of tbe oongested districts, un der the Ziegler ordlnanoe. where can they ba located T "The time la not far distant when tha problem of affording adequate trans portation faclllUaa aero as tha river will neceealtata tha construction or a tuns. If tha entrance to this tuba on both sides of tbs river must be 2000 feet from tbe wstsrfront. the enforcement of this provision will mske the cost of the Im provement absolutely prohibitive. Factories Are Discouraged. "If factories or large ahopa seek a location In Portland, they will ba dis couraged by the conditions of this met sura which will force them back at least 1000 feet from tha river in order to obtain tha necessary space for their respective enterprises. "The enactment of this measure by tha people presents a situation that Is most serious when the growth and progreaa of tha city are considered. The situation Is sufficiently serious that the commission appointed by Mayor Simon to draft a commission charter should give It due consideration and so amend tha conditions of this ordinance that they will not prove an obstacle to Portlnad's future growth in any way." Prowlalons Art) Severe. By tha terme of the Ziegler ordinance. the vacation or any street or otner puo lle property within 2000 feet from "any meander Una of any navigable water." or 1000 feet from any railroad depot or terminal. Is sbsolutely prohibited, much orooerty. when beyond the limitations already given, can be vacated only by an ordinance which must receive the votes of at least three-fourths of tha members of the City Council and the approval of the Mayor. Another .section of the measure authorlxes tha sale by the city of any buildings owned by the. municipality and for which It has no need. All such salea are to be mada only at publlo auction and then only when approved by the passage of an ordinance, "sup ported by two-thirds of the members of tba Council and approved by tha Mayor. The Executive Board Is also empowered to rent any of the city's property not needed for publlo pur. poeea for a term not exceeding five yeara. BANK EXPERT IS ASKED Vancouver Prosecutor Wants Books of Wrecked Concern Examined. VANCOUVER. Waah.. June . (."pe dal.) The question of appropriating about tlOOt or 11100 for an expert ac countant to delve Into the books of tha defunct Commercial Bank of Van couver, which failed for about 1100.900 December 1. 1010. will be taken up by tha County Commissioners and de cided at tha aesslon which began to day. Fred W. Tempea. County Attorney, who has bean making a personal In vcatigatlon. told the Commlaaloners It waa neceesary for an expert to go through the books, thst In case any thing criminal Is found, hs could ex plain It In an Intelligent manner. Tbe Commissioners promised to take tha subject under advisement. TAFT MAYVISIT COAST Flan a for September Trip Xot Fnlly aladw and May Come Here. WASHINGTON. June . Governor Hay. of Washington, today was In formed that, whll President Taft at FREE DEMONSTRATION! BOW TO RRWOVR WRINKLES I IS MIXCTE3 Just pot Neo-Plastlqus a harmlene vegetable Jelly on your face. Let It dry. In IS minute wash It off. That's all. No peeling or other drsetle meth ods. Delightful sensation. Helreahlng. Scientific, (.warn teed aarnaleaa aader par load law. OLD OX APPROVAL Tnstantaneoua results. Fine wrinkles disappear, deep line soften, sagging llfta up. face becomes firm, skin tiarht ena. complexion brightens, face tanks snd feels yeara younger. AU In IS mln ntea. KoPlastlque la not rxpenalva. In close 20 stsmps for particulars Satis, faction guarantad. Present this ad. when you visit Portland during the Rose FeetlvaX We will give you a free practical demonstration. It will do what wa say It will, or we could not afford to make thla offer. urn-nttTiora aoexct, new, r. 4llBg-Hlrwrn Blag, SSSV, VAaahlag. tea l reruaae vs. ADVANG The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 Booms, J 04 Suite, With Private Baths. JTEW rXREPSOOF BUILD DTG Moderate Bate. Phil Mrtschan & Sons, Props. PORTLAND HOTEL Za. Q. ejPaVglU IEFT, Its. FRIT ATE tiaiSiri,..?.: ?:SSiim.tl HOTEL LENOX M. D. aad V. H. JOROB.1SKI, Prepe. aad Marra. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. Et aad Cold Water, tag Dlslaaee Phea ta Every ftoeea. RATES 91.00 amd Dp iTT- a list-. :(?,.., i'BBo J;,,- laa.Ji-5J8.eJi-,4 -TVy-a ..n-a. Hotel Donnelly TACOMA, WASH. Moat Centrally Located Hotel in the) Gty Racantly Modarnizexl RATES 75c TO $3.00 European Plan Free) HOT SPRINGS HOTEL I v"KS aau---- .hiiiiii!i. r-aii5tW'; this time does not contemplate a visit to the Paclflo Coast, he will give care ful consideration to an invitation to visit that state when the schedule of his September trip Is taken up. Missouri Africa. mulaa ar being shipped to CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Ov tlm faaasna mA fhfM COntJCCU t lT ttmM IW fteae-B -4 satX T gira CCMC11tl v tills, .ft turn miim mewufuxj u.mm--w rUatsa. VbsB u i Trt Urmat la mot ram ta ana cuUvi Uhm Um oa-Um nu ppUek saJaaana 1 bntM xl rrtaeMa it, tbm (BheWrl Will ! baa? M Ul CittHl BiimbeM 1 iirw xiu iai1iia Ui ut papr, raarili saj (UttAaa9r C wrmm ia mmcm Um. ta cw XxUr -t-u MT-nwa-aa mn a-Sa U9 aixMiira aai. u-vw ta um Uca. Ttk abora rai4M applr ta advartlaaBMBti Mniaair "e ItxiMf a" aU ataar ctaaXloa' pfB Xa7eaptaaI LUe XUiJep asruLar ( Blloatioaa anteaL, Ma-- f.taU4Ma nco. vntala. or Kul, HMmm, Frlvata X-mllla Itootsaa aa4 HoAi-tl, trtvais 1-miLim. liummfc -riling Itootas. iTit-n t ntiU . lb rata aa Um abo-a clalflrMiiw a) I baas- tKaa 11 I II Will la si 1 1 fl II of DatTOaL TtM Ortrcoolaa tit rvpt immlfUi aavriaa tjmu Tftr Ul WeVMm9. IrniTltUBg iur - e,crtJar la a mubmcrtbrr ta catbar paaaa. a art- will aa uo(l r th aiua, but bUl alU be reader)! tba loUowins da. Hbrtbcr Mbaexxqaatu adTafaaaraaaaia wlil aa ccp44 aver turn pboaa. arpcaitla aaaa Um pruipu-a ( tba pa maat ol caiapbvaa a4 vartiaaamanta. Mtoatiaa Was tea sxna lr cooaJ avaarttaaaiaBta will aat ba accaptad avar tba trLrpioa. ,mm for aaa laaartiwa oly H ba accrptrd for Uoaaaa for Haat, r umltur) far ala,- "Baals Opiaartaaiw ttea. "BaiinliU'iniaa" aaa aaiad la Kaa. ACCTlOy KALB TOD AT At wnaon', corner Brmd and Tarn Kill, Bat at Hi A- M. J. T. WlUon. auctioneer. pi tn. BATTSI Tda Taum. daughter of th lat I.opold and Amelia Katim an1 tTr t Abraham, Lou I and 8axah Bioa and th 11 Htnr.lv M- Baom- Funeral from th famllr ri!(!nr, Wt Main street. . imp iWvHlnrrity) aTtrnoon at S a'c.ock. aVclaDda InvUad. r .-0-5 - il 'l h rJlBSa a . a. B . B W d a J Jgi The largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan $1.50 per day and upward. O. J- KAUKmAvX. Manager. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. OPENED TUNE. 190S A hotel in the Tery heart of Portland's busineag activity. Modern in every respect Bates, $1.00 aad up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. Swetland, Secretary and Manager. THE CORNELIUS! The House of Welcome, corner Park; and Alder; European plan, new, modern and strictly up to date: fine sample rooms; ratee $f par day and up: rooma with bath. $1 per day up:, all outside rooms; our omnibus meets sll tralna. C. W. CORNELIUS, H- E. FLETCHER, ' Proprietor. ' Manage HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth anJWashingtorj Itw Hotel. Elegantly FwrnlahV Rates $1 and Up FKC1AI. RATE1 FOB PFiBM aNBJlTa ntuiupcaa Plan. Una Meets All Tralna, M. B. VOLET. PROPRIETOR, BATH. The Bowers Hotel Klva t a. Near Waahlagtaa Street. Urged Cafe in the City Service Unsurpassed 50 Rooma $1.00 Per Day BO Rooms gi.30 Per Day T3 With Bath 2.0O Per Day ample Reesna far Cammrrdil Travwlera. H. C BOWERS, Pres. and Krr. Vei-xeerly Maaager of the Portland Hotel. U!iaMlB'r?EfRt.i "Bos STEVENSON, WASH. Steam heated and electric lighted. Situated on the Columbia River. Beached by th S. P. S. Ry. (North Bank), Steamers Bailey Gatiert. Dallee City and G. N. TeaL Automobil meets all tralna and hosta Flv minutes' rid to hotel. Hot mineral batha Lady and gent, attendants. Batha recommended by physician for rheumatlam. atomach trouble and general nervous debility. Rstes on sppllcstion. MEETTXO NOTICES. NOTICR. Portland Lodire. No. 291, Ioyal Order of Moo, meets on the fonrth floor of th old Old. Wortman & King- bids., 5th and Wasb Infrton at. every Wednesday Tenin; at 8 a'clock. W. I. FT7LMER. Pecretary. W. K. QAlKNa, Dictator. ZiOTAXj ORDER OP MOOSE. Portland Lodge, No. 291, meets ovary "Wednesday night at Swiss Hall, od and Jefferson si. V 11 tins Moose Invited. WAL1ER M'GOVETtl. Secretary. W. N. GATES'S, Dictator. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 40, A. t AND A. M. fctated com manlratlon this (Wednesdav even. Ina, 7:SO. 8th and Burnslde. 31. M. deirre. All offices to be filled by p as l-ni altera, visitors w el com a J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communi cation this (Wednesday) evening- at' 8 o'clock. Wast Park and Yamhill ta. Visit Ins; brethren welcome. C E. MILLER. Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO- 2, A. F- AND A. M. Special cotn m an 1 cation this (Wednesday) renins; at 7:30 o'clock. Work In E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. B. WEtKS. Sec W. O. W- All members of the camp and the team In full uniform are requested to Mtembi at the East Side W. O. W hall. Thursday evenlnc;, to participate la the pa rade, 7:30 P. M. GEO. W. T ABLER, Clerk. C W. HOWARD. Con. Com. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. T. O. O. F. e Reirular meetlns; this (Wednesday) even Ins;. 8 o'clock. Initiation. Visitors always welcome. R. OSVOLP, Sec. IXXEBAL NOTICES. ADAMS Juna 6. at tha family reldenca, .th avenue S. E. and East 7Sth atrept. Ren D. Adams, aged 22 years 10 months 15 days, beloved lfe of B. E. Adama Funeral service will bo beld at the above re-id an c at 2 P. M. tomorrow (ThursJay), Juna a. Interment In Multnomaii cema tery. ROWLIN In this city, Jun 6. Haxl Row lln. seed 18 years 6 months 2- daj Funeral services will b held at Flnleya at 2 P. M. Thursday. June 8. Friends In vited. Interment Rivervlew cemetery. TERWILI.IGER At th residence of Mr. t'eglement. 43 East 6th u. June 3. Cyrenus Terwilllger. aged 75 years. Funeral serv-lo-s a ill be b;d at Lerch's Chan!, 420 East Aldr. Thursday. June 9, at 2 P. M Intarmcnt &oa City cemaiary. AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Fhonra Mala I aad A list. SPECIAL TRICE MATINEE TODAT. S:S0 O'CLOCK. Curtain Tonight. s:30. Engament All Thla Week. DAVID BEISCO PRESENTS TKe Lily )9 0NeU-Charl Cartwrlght and Fa- ' moos Belaara Company. Evanlncra: $2.00, 11.60, JJ1.00. 75c. BOc. Matinees: $1.50, Jl.00. 75c. SOc. 35c. 55c R A T-T T? MatoVTnd A 536a A- -AV A- A V Geo L Baker. lgr MAT. TODAT. 2:15 TONIGHT 6:13. The eminent actor JOHN 8A1NPOLI3." supported by the Baker Theater Company lB "THE GREAT DIVIDE." As played by Henry Miller. Superb Western Play- Magnificent Scenic Effects. Fpclal Bummer pricei 25c tSOc. Matlnsea 25c all seats. Next week "A Parisian Romance." m MAW . A 1030 V AtATUTC-nl VKT DAI aT'.fk aaa. . NIGHTS 1S-25-50-75 WEEK JUKE fi KVWAED ABKI.E8 SUC CESS. "HE TKIKD TO BE NICE." The Bersere Playera, Raymond and iivrrly, Bel. chair Brothers, Albert Hole. Jarvla and Hsr. riaon. Adonis. Orchestra Pictures. Even ing prloesl 15c, 25c, 60c and 75c. Dally matinee: lie, x&e. ewe. Holiday mauni A lent races. PRIMES Jneanslled VandrUla All Thla Week. FHzserald's EIGHT KNGL1SH Jl GiIJNO tilTU-S Olivette. The Dumond Doo, Georfte C Davis, Psata-escope, The Mnalcnl btipta, Cameron and Gnylord. Three KnajUab. Girls. Popular Piicee. Matinee Daily. Curtain, i 2:30, 7:SO ana :UU. GRAND Week of June 5 America's Greatet Military .Novelty THE U. S. A. BOYS Maaa Franks 6plea;el ft Dunn. Xxjnc a Cotton. Mcrt fox. Nello. GRAiDASCOPE. Matin e (very day, I 80 sny seat, 15a, Evenlns performances st 7:30 snd 9:15; balcony, 15c: lower floor, 25c: box seats, 60c, BUNGALOW rlLer. Mxr. Main 117 aad A 4-2- Matlne every day. 2:45. Two evening- per lormancea. 7:45. 8:15. The popular LTP.1C MUSICAL COMEDY CO.. In "THE POLICEMEN'S BAM." Nothins but laughter and muaic New sonKS, choruses, costumes. All th. favorites: West and Vack. Jean Fletcher and tha others. Prlcea, 15c, 25c Mats. 20c Chorus Girls' Contest Friday Night, PEOPLE'S AMUSEMENT COMPANY. WEDNESDAY OTn Cardinal's Edict, very dramatic 01 nil The .smile of a Child. Where There) Is a Will There I a Way. Nitrate of Soda In Italy (Industrial). Dream land Fire, Coney Island, special. APPAnC For Her Brother's Sake. Mon HnuKUC tana Anna. Their Inheritance. It Served Her Itltcht. nil ny The Flag; That Did Not Rise. Ull JU I Advertislnar tor a Maid. Alone at Kl&jnt. Jinuny, the Sportsman. Tlnl I JT,a Friend' Wife. Niece of the IllULI ( horns Lady. A Clever Fraud. OAKS PARK Band concert every afternoon and evening. All the usual Park attractions. Take cars First and Alder. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vans-tit and Twenty-fourth Sta. LOS ANGELES PORTLAND June 6, 7, 8, 8, 10, 11. Games BeRln Weekdays at 8:00 P. M. Sunday Z:3u f.m. LADIES' VAT FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers. Wednesday. GRAND STAND Tenth and Morrison Sts. RESERVED SEATS Now on Sale at 8,61 Morrison St., and Sherman. Clay & Co.. Corner Sixth and Morrison. ALL, PARADES PASS THIS STAND Reserved Seats $1.00. General Admission 50c . OAKS PARK THOUSANDS DELIGHTED. FIREWORKS FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 'S MANY ADDED FEATURES. FREE BAND CONCERTS EYERY AFTERNOON and EVENING ALL USUAL PARK ATTRACTIONS Admission. . 10c Children - 5C Under six years FREK Take Car First aad Alder Sta. GRAND CARNIVAL DANCE Given by the WEDNESDAY SELECT CLUB. Opening Party of Ringler'e New Maple nau, corner oi ciecooa ana Morrison Streets, TONIGHT VISITORS ARE WELCOME. FUNERAL NOTICES. CHANCE In thi city. June 6. at the resi dence OI J. J- nenry, lot iNonn liin, Mra. Myra W. Chance, agd 75 years 1 month 5 days- Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman'i Chapel at U A. M. today (Wed nesday), June 7. Interment at Rldgefleid, IV ash. TUN kill 1-LOKAL CO., MAK4UAjkl BLaliG.. LUisAL UEMONS. phones: Main 6104. A 1109. Dunn Inf 41 M - En tee. Fune ral Iirectora, 7th and 1'lne. Phone Main 430. Lad? a Utant. Office of County Coroner. J. P. FIN LET hO.N, Sd and Madias. Lady attendant. Phone Main 0, A Knn AKI HOI. MAN CO.. Funeral Dtrect- ars, 140 Sd st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 601. EAST MUB I-'uneral Directors, saccesaors to F. a. Dunn Inc. inc. E- 5Z, It r5"iS. ZELI.ER-BYRNKS CO., 594 Williams ara. Fa ht C luS. Lady attendants LEKCH. l'nd-rta!;cr. cor. Fast Aider and Uiiu .taat ! ft !&& Iadx aaaUtaai. fCAfVAal MfchWirc,sj V THEATER OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICK CITT HALL Mala 838. A WSS. nCMANK OFFICER. Seraeaat Crate Kesidenc 24 K. 2tb. N. East i. 11. j,. Daaiulr, Kes. 536 Wasco St. W. G. baua, Kes. 7J E. 16th. Kast 17K Hon. ambulase. A 6101: Pr. Ex. 4. Kfsbts. fiundaya aad Holldaya A 610a: . 4: Trunk 7. JiEW TODAT. TO SPECULATORS WITH MONEY a OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME SUBDIVISION 85 acres east of the city, already surveyed and platted for the market, Tou can double your-money within 90 days. The 0. P. Electric line runs through the center of, the tract. The railway company is now buildinsr a new depot. The highly improved Fos ter road runs the entire length of the land, and almost every subdivisional tract faces Johnson Creek. Will sell on reasonable terms, ori would consider some city property in exchange. For particulars see W. H. GRINDSTAFF 1125 Yeon Building. Tel. Main 875, A 7342. . j GEO. D. SCHALK 228 Stark Street i TeL Main 392, A 2392. FREE TRIP GET YOUR ROSE CARNIVAL TRIP FREE Come in and let us tell you about t- 1 ,A .iA ato- f mini aitn at tllA J 11)1,1111.1, ,uu hi- " . 1, . . Junction of three railroads now in operation, close to the best markets on the coast. Factories are going; up. new stores and houses are being- built ana people are Duyiug iii&b wmiiuo. PRICES WILL RAISE 50 JULY FIRST Tinw nnw nt thi nneninir nrlce. Don't wait until prices have been raised. Let someone pay you a prom, cuy a. iw of these fine level cleared lots and in a short time you can sell them and make more than your trip to Portland has cost you. Enjoy the Kose Carnival without its costing you a cent. First come first served. While they last we will sell level, cleared lots right at the junction of the Northern Pacific and Milwaukee railroads, toivonly LEVEL CLEARED LOTS Three hundred lots have been sold In Portland in the last month. Every body that froes to see Rochester buys more. We make no misstatements, we practice no deception. If you don't find everything exactly as we represent it we don't want your money. We can refer you to hundreds of satisfied cus tomers in Portland. REMEMBER This Is your last chance. Don't waft until the best are gone, come in today and see photos of Rochester, or write for Illustrated booklet. Wo sell on small monthly payments. Warranty deed and abstract showing good title free with each sale. AMERICAN fiOftOVESMT CO. 1016 Chamber of Commerce. On Stark, Between Third and Foarta. B A Restricted District With Beautiful Parks and Boulevards U Every Lot a View Li - 1 ,15 Minutes from M the Heart of y- the City Most Beautiful f Building Sites gt snd Best Invest- I I N tnent in Portland p" WEST -SIDE- CO. MADISON BL0G. 5 TO MADISON MARSH SSO A 4747. ACREAGE PROPOSITI