Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 07, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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coxnrreT club, akd his wite.
Aviator's Thrilling Flights De
light Thousands at
Country Club.
rv... if :
... yrX
kT X aviator Finds Hlmrlf FY-
qarraUr la Peril Trip I Made
to Vet-Miia to Orrgo
nlan Belldlng.
Krut ka lifuhiriti of high
wind, wnoa. tenaa croea-corrente aad
unexDected pu'fe momentarily threat
ened destruction to hlrr.elf and hit
frr rrkfl KuDi iV TeaterCAy
riiot4 an aaroDlane throuch three
Ion f.tghta. eetabllel-.lng a new record
. . - . k - n Pnn.
inr aif'aaci a.r, r - - -
land. Kly remained la th. air tor mora
ttta Jt mtautee annni ma turw
Tea daring Curtiss elrdman narrowly
- . i . - iimti In r I -
Mil ft:ihunr. It waa In th. upper
rurraau that tia wind became ao
...a... A - hiirir Af annroxt
id, ?ut tf niiDi waa caught
In a vre puff of wind, and KIT a cap
loosened. Beating of tha flare ol
Ma cap upon M ra caused tha aviator
to fifKeod aunnr mf iuim !
u hH u!athiln.r from thla flight
turn af wind etrucfc tha craft and
nnniiiii mat nil It to tha ground.
i . I ivt.t ma mA.-hlua and
hrourst It fiy to atop. following
pretty run tna iraca.
y ,. ... k f-, th. r.rltlt exhlbt
tion of aviation awn In Portland,
c.ncw that of Ctarlea K. Hamilton
nor of'TYaiah being ao good. Ruing
. ..... inrv wtth tha eaae of a
bird Eire mac-hine aoarad high nbov.
tha track and Into tha surrounding
roiia a minute, and aitgntlng. axcapt
in Ona IAAIABI., Will ... - -
All unknown to tha great throngs of
viauora upon iw - . . y
tadd from tha Country Club to tha
Orgonlaa building and ratara. On hla
lut filant of tha day. Kly area, and
aftar going 1000 fet aloft, made a
rretty awaap around tha Country Club
rark and man beaded straight tor tha
rummer and dimmer grw tha atr
craft antil whan at tha wter terminus
of tha flight tha air craft appeared to
.. . w. - - . . - ma laniir than a
f.i railed bird, keeping high to avoid
tna dangerous air current, whoaa
. . .- m.t t . AAAfh of
many daring aviators. Ely piloted th.
v uriia vipiaA" -
above biath aireeu r ecu. lax air cur-
carried the r.our la all direc
lew on Street See Aviator.
Tha bird man waa aeon by many per
aona la effica building and a law
raveerbva on tha at reel. Tha noisy
irurn of a busy metropolle prevented
tie note of tha avlatora engine being
Tee couraa from tha Country Club lay
paal the northern portion of Mount Ta
bor, fallowing Knet Stark atraet to tna
river. There Ely turned aouth and fol-
inviq mv river w M
Ins lia veered toward Portland Heights
and then paaaed over tha bueineaa die.
tru-t and beaded tor too eceaa of hi
pf.rt. Returning to the atartlng- point, went to Rocky Butta and mada a
long g.lisa te ewu.
. . . . . . -1 v ki. MAtitne
ai i w f ' r r
t oa toe track for tha flrt flight.
Miking a rua of perhaps it feet tna ahot lata tha air amid U
rheerteg of a Urge crowd moatly on
... . .k . mi. .. . .
tna oaiaiaa 1 ui i i. v.
around tha track three tlmea oa tnia
night, a nee going almost to tha Co
lumbla River. Kly waa la tha air atf
niinutes and 21 second a.
Aftar having his seat ra-ad'uated. a
-rew having rome loose, cauatcg tha
aa-ent. Kly acaln aacended. dexter
jua.y paaaing a w ft above a tlr
tree In going to tha higher altltadea
Attar being In tha air 1 mlautaa. tha
si-ap of el cap broke and he cans to
arth. having remained II mlnutee and
l seconds above tha ground.
Crowd Chovr ITlglita.
His laat flight waa tha pretUaat and
moat seaaa:ionaL Tb crowd cheered
fir several minutes upon Ma return
fmm tha laat f!!e;ht. Today Ely will
attempt a -timb Into atill higher a:ti
tudea Mra. Ely greeted her hueband after
ea-h nisnt- tha was perJcctly at ease
v'.l.e the daring birdman waa In the
ar. Urn Ely la eaaer to accompany
her nuta4 on a flight w.Mle la Port
UnJ. Tiie aeroplane l an Improved
l urtlas type, plane Zi fret long. It ts
m'.of the smaileat passenger-carrying
niarhlnee mada
Taa management of the meet tried
to outwit the crowd which remained on
tha eutaide of the fence by pouting
crude oil about tha ground. Rraldenta
of tha neighborhood objected to the
petroleum and the men were arreated.
lata recelr'.a yesterday amounted to
appro-xlr-.ately with tre expensea
cr V-v ToJay xhlii:lco will bgln
at J when tre meaagement topca for
liberal patronasa
-:A v.:w.. ?'K -i'--'':n
J er v ia - .V - "v ' . X '. " . ' I I
: fc-.r.'.. - "'3 j
. . . . . . l
AeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevAAAA--. .
i! i 'i iii
Doelnes Men Will Bo Protected
Aralnst DUhoncsty by Vleor
oo tothcKli.
S.mnrr t. Williamson, of ManlU. In
Portland With Iticnds.
f.mner C. Williamson. IVputy Col-!v-:or
cf Cunorra at Unlla, Phlllp
p ne r:and. anl a brother of W. E-
illUrrecn. a!tnt postmaster of
o PcrtianJ cflTic. I In TortUnd rls hi rela'lvee anj friend. II
e bn three month making t:
t-ip. earning bv wav of Europe and
. ...... i.j b.. tie atODDed at
nrln.'.Ml cltlce I'f iror on h'.s
r. vr. Will'imion h many friend
r . . . 1 1 f . . . member of the
s-oond oreaon Rc:niert In the Phll-
li me m 1 and a member of Mult
n. mah ClnhL lie ha been In tlie cut ervlc at Wni;a nine yeara.
Tfce rrA a rotchnlcl dtvptav. which
--i wirh . a sreat ac.-c t ie Oak
f nte-ht will be reoeat'd s'nday
. r'-t with aded featarea. Srectators
. - w ,...n nvr-r en hour nerve-
l.-i'.'.rf ard enatlonal entertainment.
-A-.l Warfare." tha principal peo
tacle. la sore t ring new la pyrotAchnlca.
ard mora thrilling than anything ever
before snown.
A.AA,h:a at I -nr. rial Hotel 1 clock
Tha Portland Association of Credit
Men has now practically completed tha
formation of a guaranty f and of fX.M
la be utilised In the prosecution and
punishment of deotore who fall In bual
actAi fraudulently and dishonestly. In
violation of the) stata and Federal
statute. A committee on Inveatlgatlon
and prosecution, composed of B. K.
Knapp. E. B. Rutherford and Tsui Da
Haas, waa appointed last Fall, and
throuah their efforta Portland Jobber,
manufacturer and bank have now euto
scrlbed to this fund under a gusrsnty
plan, providing for proeeciitWm and pun- ok ma hml v - w
Among the for mo t object for which
the National Aasoclatlon of Credit Men
waa organised was to guard agalnat Im
position and fraud and to Induce lel
latlon by which the conduct of buslne
would ba eair and leas subjct to loae
through tba dealing of dlhonet retail
merchants- Not until tha laat few years,
however, has any dcHnlta arrangement
been agreed upon, but It la now
settled that tba prosecution fund la tha
moat affective agency. Many cities sra
r protected by the iuuua. "'-''
New York. Chicago. Cleveland. i";
K.,r MUwauke. Baltimore. Denver ana
Cincinnati, and O cltlea maintain bu
reaus equipped for tna purpo...
Tha Portland committee, which win
ba maintained permanently, expeci-
keep constantly on tna aierxior ;-.
and whenever Portland members of the
aaaoclallon hava evidence that a dla
bonest tallurs ba been perpetrated upon
" . - - either bv flra
creuitor ojr m .
or otherwl. and particularly In
ruptcy raattsra. tna oi"' ---EtecTlT..
in th. city will b. cialled upon
to unearth tha fraud and bring about
the punlhmnt or tn " ,
Thla comminee - 1
every commercial center In the Lolled
Btatee. and th National association aup
port. another commit whoa, fle.d I.
th; fVirurca'of ...y.-s.
to tha member of th aocl.t Ion for
many year, haa been the practice of
compromV.lng with th. partle. to fr.ud
uTent.Uure Th. Portland comrnl tea
has recommenaea -
1 ' And that legal procedure
Z r.rtad to ..J.7
nompromlss is propoeu i-r - -V,V.
Tn this, and In all of .".m"" honeS
Uw. I, la bn h-AOD
a certain c.. mVur. that
land wmminn PiU1rv. "
iu.t.c. b. dealt out I. .-T."'
a prouuon , - .,.,
bonet )'. 7V, ,
client will receive full measure.
- r. w.,,.- of teat tie. I resls-
r-.- . Jl" ..' -.I. ad.
tere at mo .
-I.A a W I pfllAlA Ul. v.
Suihrltn. U t th Bowerm.
Mlchl Ellin. merchant of lUlnler,
J. i..asA t th Oreon.
- i...,.- and fiftmllT
u -r Karicv. m -.. -
.. ..- i.,kiiL from HllUboro, Or.
- nki..A AABtlnt. of 8eat-
t!a. ts" among th arrivals at th. Bowers.
Judge It- A. Booth, an attorney, n
t- ...k..- i reclstered at th ImperlaL
- w vaat.iot. a real enate man. 1
reg'.tcrrd at th. Portland, from Spo
n r-. iiAiimAAtAr of Ashland
I at th. Terklna for r.oje Festival
A. J. Oliver, an attorney, from New
. rr ia among arrival at tha
X J. Ahola. owner of tha Central Ho
tel at Uoldendale. waan I at ma it
v a Mnitllt of Seattle.
and Mr. Jitruvaw are reglatered at the
vi. .ba Mr. M. R. Tomeroy are
among th. arrival at the Prk!n from
Th. Los Angeles basaball team la tha
s. . i ta iiATins thla week at
.. . . m it tha flftrtiam
v imam e. --
Rubber fompany. of Sa Fraaclaco. I
at th. Bower.
.f i -. mwwaa if eeveral salmon
,nn.ri. at Prookfl'ld. t realjtered
. . ... t'A.f iAtnd.
iurf c babin. a merchant, of
r.T-vnte Pa, and family, are registered
M. C Atwell. of th. Btat. ttomcui
tural Society, of Corvallls, is an arri
val at th. Oregon.
Josgph LltfRett. hotelmsn of Med
ford. Or., and Mra. Llfrnett. ar. arrl
vala at th. Orsgon Hotel.
T-w A Vf Jl.nn merchant of Al
bany, and Mrs. Madison, ar. among
th. arrivals at th. Oregon.
Captain Arthur Rlggs. of the' steamer
T..n ri u nf lAAlnlnn. Idaho, Is
the arrival at th. Perkins.
. r . . . va Vnv wholesaTa
jar. euu i - a . .
s-rocer of Saginaw, Mich., who crossed
. . . . 1. . n . . T." M . 1 1
the conunant to -
i ... . . v. . D..W Ira
Waldo a. Paine, of the Spokan. and
Inland Empire Railway, of Bpoe:ne,
wnn ar. uouir" 1 """"" 1 .
are among th. golf enthuslaata at th.
TAT T ITmrr nf th OrSSOtt
rniBiuvi ' - ' '
Aerlrultural Collette with Mr. and Mr.
O. F. brown and Mr. and Mra. J. B.
Milney. of Corvallls, Is at tha Imperial
after an auto trip from th. college
Captain M. R. Creswell. representa
tive of tha ranama-Callfornla exposi
tion at San Diego, who la seeing the
. i c.tlval fnr 'nolnterS.
I a guest of William Frailer, of Port
land, for two weeks.
Auto parties to th. Imperial mim-
. . .L . I . - r .2 WllllATTiM.
oerea tin r-w jrsmu.j. . .: .
ex-Mayor of Euirane. and Mrs. lllism.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Lmrens and Amy
I Minn came from Eugene. Mr. ana air.
IL K. Kelly motored from Eugene. Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. McFadden and. Mr. and
Mra. R. R. McClalian, oi .orvauia,
formed another party.
For 1912 four chassis are presented with super
structures of new and approved types.
. ' .
Deliveries Begin in June Six-cylinder Three Models
' D , tv a 38-Six $4120
Tops, Complete with Peerless Storm Curtams Bnker Jmd F. O. B. Portland
Shield. Bosch Magneto, Imported Fulman Batteries, toot Kest, tOOIX dlzv
Robe Rail, Fire Irons, 4-cylinder. 60-Six $6180
Four-cylinder One Model
Peerless Tire Inflating Pumps, Gray & Davis Dynamo Lighting 40-Four $4420 F. O. B. Portland
System, lighting all lamps
The perfect motor car will do what is required of it easily,
smoothly, quietly and for a period of years with only gradual
Aear. It is rich and beautiful, and its comfort is absolute.
Such a car can be produced only where there is not the
slightest tendency to allow cost to dominate quality, v
Peerless Commercial Cars
5-4-3 Ton Capacity
H. L. Keats Auto Co.
Burnside, Seventh and Couch Sts.
Demonstrating Cars
En Route
I w.eM-BsaWeewaewieeewaw
Car Is PcmolWhed and Telephone
Pole Is Cut Off Clean F. E.
Ilarmar, Driver, Bruised.
r ... . I .Va flfknA SaJDArltAB
Hopltal with broken bona and their
man companion ia at nia noma niarnni
from sever, bruises, aa tha result of an
automobile accident on the Llnnton road
. i ki.a -Ka .hlla waa rat-
Tesieruay. iu wiiivii t "
duced to junk and sn slsht-inch tele
phone pOle WaS IHWIBU Via Parana.
above the ground.
X. U A -
Tha car was ariven vy r t i. ...
mar. head of the Fran narmar
Company, manufacturers" agent, with
othces In th Mohawk building, and for
merly a memoer or in. uuiuiuuiau
football- team. With him wer. two
women, said to b. Mrs. Jennl. Allen and
Mrs. D. E- Brown, resiueni a. m
lanao apai uitru...
Tha party nau dbbh ww a-
isg ana ' ..... e ---- -
. . . .-ia ,A .... heen very
a rat. oi . " . , " .,
high. when, opposlt. th. tnlted Rail
way power-nour, in. v -" -
T . T-v. AAnnanla were
atrUCK in. puiv. " -
pitched out and Mra Allan s body struck
ths pole witn sucn imt" ",' . "
' . . V. nafl MVITA
was nroaen ana
bruises Mrs. Brown rec.ivsa a eu
th. for.head ana it ie
kll.J law An .a. avA
v. i anA iarTia v vi-v'-
ho-pltal. To avoid publicity, the li
cense tsg wss tsken from ths machine.
which was left resiue m. -
w-reckeo conumou.
Reports of the accident reached tha
iia .a-vl Ca r aan t Ira a. II
police station quicaiy
less mad, an Investigation.
Bottle ricked Vp at Lone Beach.
Wash., Tells of Wreck."
From Long Reach. Wash, has been
received a communication from Frank
L. Duke. Inclosing an alleged mes
iVa from a sinking vsss.1. th.
.chooner Raleigh, which wa. found
June 3 in a bottle.
Prefaced by the word "H.P nd
?tatVa- -Shipwrecked in mldocean.
Wtreleaa telegraph busted. Mate dead.
Don't know where wa are Lost com
rsss. Philip Mlnsrd. captain, schooner
Raleigh. May JO. ls- Georg. Minard,
"ITn Tt Du" ppar.ntly In all .ar
ne.tness. aks that th letter b.
printed, a mean, of notifying rata
uvea of men on th. T....I of their
fa'.a. but had ha been awara of th.
fact that wlrele. was not perfected
in t and sven today It ts not titll
Ued on . hooners. other thsn thow In
iervl.e fur the benefits of pilots off
harbors, h. undoubtedly would tav.
thrown th. messaga aside, whlls It
cartalnly Is fsr from marine customs
for a ateward to Join witn me himi
In sending a message and In any case
th. skipper would not sign hlmseir
Emergency Cases and Others Agreed
Cpoa Are) Provided For.
Emergency Circuit Court cases will
ba beard by th. Judg.s who will tak.
turns In rstnalninr on duty at ail times
itiirin tha coming Summer vacation.
This was decided yssterdsy by all th.
Judges of tha circuit jouri a m morn
ing to arrange for th. vacation sea-
?i addition to emergency cases, other
cases will b. heard if the opposing at
torneys agree to tna searing, n a jurj
case I. to be tried, the opposing at
torneys must agree to bav. a special
Jurr drawn for the purpoee. aa It waa
decided that to keep a regular Jury
would ba too expensive.
Judges will taks their respective
turns in holding sssston during th.
Summer months, and each Judge in his
turn will act as presiding Judg. for
the time b. Is assigned to hold a ses
sion. Ths regular Bummer vacation sea
son for th. courts will begin July
and and September 4. Th. Judges hav.
agreed to serve In turn as follows:
Judge Oantenbeln. July to 17. In
clusive: Judge Morrow. July 1 to 89,
Inclusive: Judg. Kavanaugh. July to to
August 11, inclusive; Judge McGinn,
from August It to 18. Inclusive; Judge
Gatens. from August J4 to September
4, inclusive-
No case, unless In emergency will be
tried without consent of opposing
Man Falls Three Stories to Death.
Harry W. Mills, an aleotrical worker,
a recent arrival from Seattle, fell three
stories to his desth at tha Flshbeck
ld1ng-house. lfd Socond street, yester
day morning. He was found by Byron
Thomas, an employ ui
under the lodging-house, whea he went
to open his place of business at 8 o'clock.
Mills struck his forehead on a pile of
planks, and the skull was badly crushed.
He died Instantly. He was S8 years old.
Jury Decides In Favor of Warren
Construction Company.
The suit of V. Georgeff against the
Warren Construction Company, for the
recovery of $10,20 damages because
a rock fell on him, was decided In fa
vor of the construction company. The
verdict was returned in Federal Judge
Bean's court yesterday morning by the
Jury which tried the case.
Georgeff was working at the com
panVs quarry in Marlon County. A
rock which he was assisting to lift
broke, falling upon him and crushing
and Accessories
y :
Direct Factory Branch
Seventh and Burnside
Home Phone, A 6 SOS States Phone, Main 8SO
Cementless Patches
Phix Pernicious Punctures Permanently
Ask any member of the 'Woods
Motor Vehicle Company what he
is striving for and he'll answer:
And there's nothing that you
desire more in an electric car
than that. Its need is constantly
arising, every moment the car is
in use. ,
It's because of "efficiency in
the car" that we make less profit
than any other concern in the
car-building business.
We spend more time on the
Woods we take more, pains
we use better materials (some of
it imported) and we bank the
honor of the institution on every
car that leaves the 6hop, '
What we want you to do when,
you buy an electric car is to see
them all, then make compari
sons. You haven't any right to
buy a car -without making com
parisons. There's too much
money involved.
When you buy a "Woods, you
buy for years not for a season
or two. Remember we are firm
adherents of the . solid rubber
tires. Magnificent springs ab
sorb all shock that may come
therefrom and you are never in
fear of tire trouble. That's one
jf the big points in favor of an
electric car.
Twenty-firat and 'WaahlngtoB Sta
ll's a
'That's all yoo need to know
about a
today to Jctn parade. '