4 ' THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY. JUSE 7. 1911. 10 Mavor-elect Lacks Fewer Than 800 Votes of Having Majority Over AIL ELLIS RETAINS HIS SEAT RUSHLIGHT HAS 4937 PLURALITY Jlrcall Apparently Has railed Id Tenth Ward Wllhelm and Joy Win Coneannon. Uridine and Knbll Beaten. votb i-ob tton 01 ea-t xd w UT MDU. rUsmpWls aaofrirtal rture ebow the faUo2 vote far atarsr ea both aide ea the rlTr: East West Hid. aide. Total. Ntfrttn ( Pro.) -.. rtta oc M Ti IW H!U (Hp...OT 44SO W.T4S CM (4.-C O t 3111 T714 IC4 TIMua (Dm.) ...SsS 1 KwMUbK aisrallty. 4WT. The ts4l vote cut la XornOmW ln was SS.XS. eyiatrtaated as follow: Kast aid. Ia.es!; West SMa. 10.144. Complete unofficial returns from Mondays muni. Ipal election kit A. O. Itua&l.a-ht. Republican nomlnM and Uaior-dKl. a plurality of 41T our Mayor tlimoo. the Independent Commls-alon-Ooverotnent caa.ll.late. Mr. Kusb llat larked fewer than votes of bavin a majority orr M four op ponents for In office. Tne combined vote aalnat Hr. Hushllaht. who polled 1J.:1 vote, vat only H.io. Comrllnaa Cwnrannou. of the First . Wajd; UeMinc. of tho Plvth. and KublU or tho Kla-hi.l. wm all defeated for re election, arrordlnc to tho complete un official return Tho official count will not materially change the lead rita tered acalaat them. Two Beat Concaaooo. la the three-cornered flaht la tho Flrat Ward. Concannon was retired br a decisive vote. being outdistanced by both Ton N. Monk. Democrat, who eucreeda blra la the Council, and by Jordan V. Zao. tho Republican nomi nee, aa welL la the Sixth Ward. Councilman Bld Ins waa defeated by John Nontax, 1 vmnrnt. a member of Mayor IVn no)tri Executive Hoard. es-Councll-man and at one time candidate for .Mayor. Mr. Montac baa a majority of 101 over both beldlos and the boclallst nominee. William "chmeer. a Republican, who ran aa an Independent aaatnst Council man Kubll In the Klchth. won by a plurality of II. Councilman till. In tno Tenth Ward, apparently haa re tained hla seat la tba Council, the ef fort to recall Mm bavin- failed, ac cording ta tho unofficial return. Theea flaurea Rive Ellis a plurality of Jl vote oyer hla closest competitor. James Jtlaerutre. It l not likely that the of ficial count will change this result. W.lhelm and Joy Win. Frederics: R. Wllhelm. Republican, will eocceed Georae L Baker aa C6un rllman from the Fourth Ward, bavins defeated bis I democratic and Moclaltat opponents by a majority of 3S. The, same Is true of AlUn 1C Joy. Republi can, who lias been elected Councilman from the Seventh Ward to succeed Mayor-elect Rushlight. Mr. Joy had a majority of 15 over his three com petKora, Vote In Detail.. The following la the complete unof ficial rote on all candMales and meas ures la the municipal election Monday: J Alie Hmn .pro.) h. it. itii.ii isn. 1 vs..-. A "- R.IhHhl .lieP-l Joeeph sttmon limit 'Vn ixors 11. Taomaa Dm.) .iO . 4.MT .SI TM . l.OK ..11. 04 J RtoMlfht's plurality lty Aedller. Wart-ur lf?p. Illflr l!inc. i..dea tlTOkl Barber's majority City .Aitarre iReo.) tCnMale .) Moras Pre- Adajne" majority I'tty Atlaewey. 4; -met Rr ce toc. 1 Oraat'a majority Meatripat Jadse. Ttwrtp 4S.4C.1 Taaaell iKp- Taaweira ASJortty tee raker .Rep.) W.r 1 Kep. J.nr.'l (Rep.) ... ' T 1 trlHn.4 iSotl .. :oMne-.n IMC. ) ... II. I .1-ro.i emaJI irr) Tau (Pre.) nkr-a plurality 1J.V11 ti' p'.araiitr li.e jeoaias plur:ity .2. J4 feaarltmae st-Uwre. (To MCceed Tbemae C DeeTta.) )mrl Rp HdlUl .! . .rr .3.ie lT.Slt IT T 1 M TI3 4 .--'l X.lX X.4IT l.TTJ uri-d"a majority 1.71 Caaaitlmaa st-Iarga. i To succeed Oay LecBbard.) -Tde R- laelT latt il.dl ...................... 1 UeeCricb tt-ee-l -. s-ZTa ClroVe avajerity 1-kret Ward. Ttnrke et ( o-AJ"fi llnd.1 .......... Monk Iaa.l ............. Za iRa ... Masks plurality Fe U.S1 Ml 14.1 . . Ill Vei-ahe rm.) Nraa l.w.l . Wllbe.m KP. 4n X4J l.l.j WiUMlm's majority ii1h TK areV yMti Ra 1TI SO" .................. IIoim ilta.) Msataa's majorltr event War. JT 1 Rep .., Xats is-) ...4 v.:rk il'r tohile tt)m. Jay's majority Elshtk Ward. Ami trre.1 Kel T I lm. V ,M I Hep M'-Heery 9ec.l ............. 0.mr (lad.1 Schmeers plurality Teat h Ward. Ambroe fla- ...... L. . .a tKp.J .. ..... ...... ..... 453 ..... ir.n sre 1.2:1 t.M l.o-J n.mnrlel Had.) 11 Mmr (Ind- 1.1 (!( 1 lad) -3- Slepaeas Had.) ia Kilts ploraJlty - 1 aewtk ratlaa Brlesr. l- T t'l" ll Xe v Majority aaalaat 1.1X1 Oae-Min aueet Oasalm Tax. 11 Tee lit" Majority for niina a reaakaa Fead. Majerlty aaaJaet ' Kahwac City All eej Mary. 1 Tea ls.SI 11 No .ll-' Majority acalast :-tl rettceaeaa's Fiaalin rand. 1 TS .2"TI! 1 X ,li.M Majority aralaet -T Jtew City daU. ITS Tea 111 Ke Majority for 1J.1M Fi 1 baas of Cawartt Creet. "3 Tee 111 So - !" Majority asalnst .., !. Fllllaa Oalrbea aad itavtaea. lit Tee ""I 1H No !'" Majority for .1" rablle AaeBterleas. lt Te Ill No Majority aaalast . Msalrtpa. Cerkaae CeUectlea. lit Tea 'J-'?! Ill 4 .......................... --Ii Majority for s.M Ralalac City Earlaes tkslary. 1I Tee !H. 121 No ............................ .It. Majority aaalast Ill Mre4-Cleealac resrtaMwt FisiHa Faad. 1SJ Ts l"J 11 .No -le Majority aaalaat lt.il Beejedreaa; tiaiilllUa te Sewer Ceatrarte. IJ Tea 1.1J 14 No s.aul Majority for . Me Beal. K BUde. 1M Tee .TM UI Ne .ITJXl Majoeity acalaat (.MM Tax aa Cress keeetpla rreaa aaie ef Oa. l: Tee 1I.T3T 1 Ne 1U.T1I Majority for 1W4 Taslac Cireea stereriwe rreaa Sale ef Kler trtclty. 13 Tea 11.408 TOTAL TOTB OX MAVOB BT rmECINCTS. PRXCINCT. 2l 14 IT 34 3 14 SI 33 M i 4 ST 34 39 4 41 43 43 44 4. 44 4T ri M M M r' zrrrmrrmrrr Total. West Side. r.T 4 ! so ill 3 M T 4 A3 70 Tl T3 Tl T4 TJ T4 TT T4 T Ml St S3 M f A M T 4 3 01 P4 J 4 WT - 4 - V I'M lot 1"3 1. l.4 1" 1.-4 1"T 1" 1" 110 111 113 Ill 114 .... ....... HI . 114 11T )!4 11 l:a - 1:1 it: l.-i - 1:4 - - 1:1 1.-4 1 --T i: t 9 !. ..........-- 1-1 - i;i ........ isi 114 11 1M 1ST 1.14 1-1 14 141 143 143 144 14 14 14T 144 14 IS 1.M HI 1M 1 .14 lis TI F.at Bloe. Total Wr Sid. T 4 la T 33' 3741 : I 3! I4.M 3 1U4I ."l 2: t. "J an 10 S5.I S.1; l?oi 1! 13' 1.-0. SO 33 I31 134t 1 171 TIi 10 6l 4; 7 S 47 1U 111 s III u I sr. I M 5 111 HI1 14' 1131 3' 70j j 44l 111 SI I si l: t n M 1101 11 II1 3 111 19' ll 5! 73! 171 3 S4 17 Tl ... tM! II 34' 1.1 1K 13? S3: V) 11 111 3 33 1.1 '"I l IO, a 14 10.1) 14 t ll 7 4 14 T 14 t) 104 11 1AI 14 t 14 14; 11 14 1? 11 11 14 II 30 ri 13 IT 13 1 1 14 14 14 30 2.1 11 2 13 34 14 IO S3 IO 3 11 17 iM 31 114 SI, T3 T3 si 32 SO 1141 4T 1! lua 4.1 -t 471 412 111 1241 S3 4.1 3 t4 14 SO 7V. 4AW1 J714 , S 3. 131 13.1 41 21 loj 741 M, 2: 1 101 24 S, lo S-ll 14 121 12 i-l 1! ft! 52 10 M 111 loo !."! l 1V l.VI 6 34. J T7 2 .li 4l T 14' 10.1 34 1M l"l f. 1.M 1.1' H2l 1 i! B' U' til i! 14 21 421 17 27' SI 321 321 41' 111 11, 124 1 1.VV 4 74l SM ' Jl'4. 14.V 431 32 m' 7I 1331 SI 71' 11 1 1 114 7T Jl! 171 102 It 23 43l i 7.rf 1 1 fM l.l' 4U I 1' 1'! API -1 1 4ol 4.1 1..' ll' f.C 4 Hit' 101 111 IKS! 4itl 11 irV 34 114' 111 14l t-'V S4l 111 1271 142, tl 4 11' Si 14 ll! 113. 11 i 14k 1 S31 1311 Si 132' IOTI 4V ST: All SI 83' 133! .Tj 43. ll Si 14 .1 .? .:a SI 1 113 104l 37 12 1TJ 21 121 H-"! a T4 11 ir-'l 12 K .' km! il. f-4l rul 1.-.4 ai . .1 u. .V 134) Tl l 2.1 ITI LIS 11 Hi! 1.1 l.ml S 4 J livt 11! s: si; 14' 1'.m' 4 74 1 se 71 T" II 1-4 llll JO v u 1.- i4i : 44; J 43' 411 1A llll 241 1. V ! 12 U 11! 421 4.' 4 !? SI' Ml :ii IT 2.1 30 It 33 114 14 22 1 13 10 20 20 IS 23 IS 13 21 21 SO 22 2.1 -' 23 2.1 1 1 44 40 13 1 31 3 14 41 4U 2tl 24 IS IS T IT 41 34 4S 23 22 40 4 14 11 11 14 ST 14 ss 14 21 24 41.1 1 11 44 11 2S IT 11 IT 17 IS 12 34 S3 IT S 24 24 14 SA.l' V -T3 4112 M 4W TA3 4A3TI4. ai3 Th rrand totaa Frt ae We Me. are- Brr.o4l. 441: inten. 11.T63; auaea. S-a. Tbeaua. SeOu, 131 Ne -10. Majority for rabtla genlto Cammlailaa 135 Tea " .5T 13S Xe -11"1 Majority acalaat 33 MIUIs-Dellar ravtaa; rtaat. 134 Tee t.S 133 .No 1.1 Majorttr acalnat a.01 rrahiblUaar Tacatlea of Water Freed. 134 Ta -. 14.; 137 'e -S24 Majority for Aati-BUlboard Ordlaaaee. 134 Tea 139 No .2 Majority for Otviac aarU Ceatrel Over Mreet Impreve meala. 140 Tee : 11 "J 11 Ke ; .10.P41 Majority for 1.00S Aatl-Banaer Carrytec Ordlaaaee. 144 Tee 143 Ne -le-774 Majority acalnat S-SP4 Aati-Bayrwtt Oc 11 nance. 144 Tea 12.rf 14T No -13.271 Majority acalnst 1.00 ACDITORICM IS l.V 6IGBT tayor Simon to Name Board to Ie clde Ic tails. Mayor Elmon will appoint the com mittee of five cltlicns. called for In the act adopted Monday by the vota of the people, to have chars; of the public auditorium project, for which there was authorised a bond Issue of 1600.000. The appointments will be made wttbln 10 days, as provided In the act. After the members are appointed by the Mayor, they are required to meet and orsaniie within 10 days by the election of a chairman. The City Audi tor Is required to act as clerk without extra compensation. The members ar to serve one. two, three, four and five year terms, to be decided by lot. The commission Is empowered to buy a site either outright or by condemna tion proceedlncs; to advertise and sell bonds to the amount of f (00.000 and to construct the auditorium and have chares of all the details, employment of help and rentals. The City Council Is authorised to make up deficiencies from the general fund, should any occur. , Qalck Realisation Probable. Following; out the terms of this mea sure. It will be less than a month nntll the commission Is appointed and organ lied for business. If It hastens th work as It Is empowered to do, the auditorium should be realised within a comparatively brief time. Close scrutiny of the amendment au thorising a bond lasue or 175.000 for th Installation of a garbage collec tion system discloses the fact that all of the employes under this plan, to be under supervision of th Board of Health, must be subject to civil ser vice rules. This will plac this sec tion of the health employes under this classification, while those working la the other departments of this branch of the city government ar not under civil service. This amendment, aside from the au thorisation of the bonds, empowers tho City Council to fix a rate for the col lection of refuse and every house holder must pay this rate, as all will be required to have their garbage re moved. However, this rate la to be fixed only so that It will cover the cost of operation of the system, according lo the terras of the amendment, al though there Is no limit on the Coun cil In this respect. The Board of Health, consisting or three physicians snd the Chief of Police, Is to have charge or the system, but th Council makes all appropriations and sells th bonds. The bonds are to be sold for the purpose of buying equipment and after that the collection ratea are to defray the expenses. , Council to Buy Ette. Under the provisions of the amend ment authorising a bond Issue of 1200, 000 for the purchase of ground and the construction of a municipal building, the Council Is empowered to buy the site and to sell the bonds. The Execu tive Board then takes charge, awards a contract for the building and has charge of the building after It Is com pleted. The building Is to house the police department. Municipal Court, City Jail and Emergency Hospital. The amendments exacting from gas and electric companies a tax of three per oent of the gross receipts become effective as soon as they are pro claimed by the Mayor to be laws. They were aimed to work with the proposed public service bill, which was defeated. In that they were calculated to pro vide the revenue for payment of sal aries of three fr.OOfl.a-year commis sioners and the Incidentals of opera tion. The companies coming under this provision are required to furnish the City Treasurer with correct statements of their receipt by March 1 each year. The amendment authorising the levy of 1 mill annually for the use of the street-cleaning and sprinkling depart ment serves only to decrease the bur den on the general fund. It will not provide sufficient money to defray all of the cost of this department, based on the present assessed valuation of the city, but will help considerably. The remainder must be paid for out of tbe general fund. Fills on Tar With Bridges. Under th provisions of th amend ment authorising payment for all fills costing more than tlS.000 out of the general fund, abutting or benefited propertv will escape the cost hitherto Yes, Swissco Will Grow Your Hair Preventa Baldness And Dan droit Ed itor Gray Or Faded Hair To Its ftatnral Color. Mi Hair Are Xeaiser4. Are Tees I Swleeco stops dandruff quickly. gro-i new hair and restores gray and faded hair to Its natural youthful color. Swissco stops baldness, bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, brittle hair or any hair or scalp trouble. To prov that our claims are true we will send you a large trial bottle free ir you will send 10c in sliver or stamps to help psv cost of postage and pack ing to Swissco Hair itemedy Co.. 13 p. o. Square. Cincinnati, O. Swlsaco will be found on sale at all drusKlsts and drug department every where at 60c and II.0A a bottle. Kor sale and recommended In Port land by THE OWL DRUG CO. Reo Two-passenger Roadster Top and Merger Automatic Windshield extra $1050 The difference in value between this Reo and other two passenger cars can be seen at a glance that is, when you bear in mind that it has exactly the same engine and frame as the regular Reo "Thirty" Touring Car and the well-known, thoroughbred reliable qualities of that car. , Powerful and speedy, it is the ideal car for light touring and for busy men who have a great deal of ground to cover in a day, and who want to be absolutely sure of getting there and back. Being of light weight, it is very economical on gasoline and tires; its springs are easy (comfortable), and even on rough roads you can make full use of the power without discomfort to the passengers or injury to the car. It is strong, finished up to the last minute in every detail of construction,-luxuriously comfortable and handsome. No such car has ever been offered before at anything like the price. ' The Northwest Auto Company 493 Alder Street Jew.-y.4yWL'J753P4j ' charged against It. This places fills of this class on a par with bridges. Sewer competition is provided for In an amendment that was carried. In stead of the City Engineer furnishing but one set of specifications for sewers, as in the past, two sets must now be provided. This means that cement pipe will have equal advantage with terra cotta. The antl-hlllboard ordinance, which passed, restricts the size and number of these boards, charges- a rate per square foot and specifies the character of them. The amendment to the charter chanr Ing the mode of calling for bids for hard-surface Improvements was carried. This measure takes away from the Executive Board all power of awarding contracts, this board having authority only to do as directed by the Council. Formerly the board advertised .for and awarded contracts when ordered to by the Council. The amendment Just adopted gives the Council full power over street improvements. Berries Bring $3.50 tor Crate. WHITE SALMON. Wash., June . Tho fruitgrowers' shipment of berries from White Salmon station Saturday nfsrht was 673 crates, of which 450 com- posed a carload of Butte at $3.50 a crate, the highest price ever received on this side for a car lot. The Union also obtained $2.09 a crate for goose berries, 76 cents higher than last. year, For independent shippers of strawber ries to Seattle commission houses the i sales were 50 cents less than the Union was obtaining. BANFF THEBEAUTIFUL. There Is only one Banff a Summer resort without a rival. Low round trip rates via the Canadian Pacific. i uuitMiijiaajiBiiaasi imiimwiiiwiiwuiluii'Hn.iilil.lW!Hl.,l'l" i'"'.!JJJ .i;s.iiiijiuuiimi1 r(, VISIT THE PACIFIC OCEAN AT CLATSOP BEACH Bii'iriTl imJ W Vi )i " Leaves Leaves Columbia Eiver Scenery to the Sea. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES. $4.00 Daily. $3.00 Saturday and Sunday. SEA SHORE LIMITED, DALLY Portland 9:20 A. AL Arrives The Beach for luncheon. The Beach after dinner. Arrives Portland 10:13 P. M. WEEK-END SPECIAL Tmvm Portland 2:30 P. M. Saturday. Arrives The Beach for Dinner. Leaves The Beach 8:50 A. M. Monday. Arrives Portland at 32:30 P. .Other trains leave Portland at 8 A. M. and 6:30 P. M. First-Class Hotels at Seaside and Gearhart. i Observation-Parlor Cars on All Trains. Parlor Car Seats at CITY TICKET OFFICE, Fifth and Stark Sts. All trains use . THE NORTH BANK STATION. Eleventh and Hoyt Sts. - Mi I 3 fiiJr Observation-Parlor Cars on All Trains. jseS" 6; I: Tickets and Parlor Car Seats at -k "tlif;? " ' CITY TICKET OFFICE, - M I A Fifth and Stark Sts. i"'"- J& i Jrs-c51T' v. rL. All trains use . f 3 Pi I !ci7??ew ' THE NORTH BANK STATION. SX 2f 1" i'fT''g' i i hi i in m rm-.mmmnm mmmmminir.)Bmmumimi-v9"m - I l.aw?g'arx-i i i Jin.. jiii in I i -i i sinnr-" '"'-rr 'in rTrt 'liir i aaiwianam i iiiiii - - J 'Has LINOCORD Buttonholes i front ,fg- and back. JTatnlefat front close-meetJcz ef fect that stays closed your.dealer . will supply yon. r-r i giwnyi U"'y LINOCORD BUTTONHOLES: .are easier-to-button and they' don't tear out. sTaOT.N.V.N The Yretchedness of Constipation Can quietly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable Carters KITTLE ilVER JPiLS. cRQtly on I bra. Care Head-ache. nes, and Indjgesboa. lacy do then duty. Small P3L SauII Dose. Sasall Price. Genuine smrtbou Signature j RELIEF INSTANT the DEAF Accept Our Offer Today and get the old reliable electrophone on " on nnvci home r.;;JH 0 U Un 1 O TRIAL. hi' It is a tiny but powerful e 1 e c incai ...ft " vice. Call or write for i.articulars. IVIS1 Die. ' . s'i-4.1 w El ECTROPHOXE CO. 228 Lunbermeiu Bids; Portland, Or. Electrophone In U3 e almost Invisible.