the srcmxrvG oregoxtax. MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1911. BLES SHUTS OUT M'GBEDIE'S FLOCK . m Scries, 5 to 0 Locals Use Two Pitchers. '.lURRAY'S ERRORS COSTLY Catcher' I ndijK-mlon rnfortnnata for film, ho Give Way to Ikontnrr la roth Eighth II Lank for Wolvrrton Cm r. Harry olvrton Hil Harry Able. Bis v i vxas ierT.-rBoer. uuui ronjiua la the (itr game of tM Oakland series yesterday, and I ha b!g chap hut tha Iloarera out by a acora of to . Able pltrhed flaa ball, tboaa-h ta- ir,l ih. nt e N vrnrna tha !trTf1 collected a few blBctet. but avea the bunching t two la succession on rat thlna la the shape- of results arroea tha register. The Oaks heaver provea mae tr of tha situation. -Big P!x Steea oceupt4 tha bill for the Baavers ana na naa m tuna to have hla battery partner. Tommy Murray. ,ipr!m an off day. Murray's errors letting la two Oakland run. And Artie Kronr misjudged a ball and then fall down la tha effort to mnnr fcfmeelf. which allowed reerco to r -al a two-baCKr which would ordln arTIy berre been an easy catch for tha nifty left-fielder of tha Beaver leem. Tmm mlscoes tallied three Oak runs in different Inning. Fiji lllla to Fence, la tha first Inalnir. Pfyl kit to tha fence but waa tossed out by Chad bourne whan ha tried to taka two base. Coy walked and etola second. going all tha way to third whan Tommy Hurray's t'.fh throw got away from J'ocaUnpauga. Coy then scored tha first ran on CuuhevWs short hit to right. Tna Oaks tallied another In tba third. AbW-s slnaled. and rfyl doubled. put ting tha Mtcher oa third. Steen thea fanned Coy. but Murray dropped tha bail and Ablea scored, rfyl going to third and Coy to second. Pfyl was forced at tha plala and Coy waa caught off third by (lot fleldlnic on tha part of Steen. , In tba fourth Wolvrrton walked and scored whaa Krneger slipped to tha ground In going afar Pearca't fly. With Pfyl stowed away la tha sev enth. Coy laced a long homer over tha right garden wait and Hoffman fol lowed with a alnrle and sule second. I'uutnw brought tha latter homo with a two-baarger to left, and that ended tha acortn. aa McCredle aent Koestner o to bat fuc Steen In tha home ctub's half of thlo tnnlna-. and tha tall slant artist finished out tba nam. Eighth Inning Blank. Incidentally. It might be mentioned that tba Onhs failed to acora la tha e-icbth irnilna. for tha nrxt tlma dur ing this aertea. At that. Wolrerton laced ona of Koaxrtner's curves for a doublet and waa tha first man up aa wall, but tha bl Portland pitcher rimed them out without a ma scor ing Tha Oaks left hast atrht for noma t- imet tha Sacramento Club, while the Heavers will entertain "P" Ptllon and Ms Angel crew here, commeaclnc to morrow afternoon. Tha Wednesday and Thunutay iramea this week will be started at o'clock because of tha af ternoon paradee. Tha other famea will be played at tha regular hour of o'rlH-B. Tna score of yesterdays irama fol- o-aa: . ... rf '4 I RTan.ef . I 1 In 'Ta If a I a O K.rua'r.lf JOS 4 1 t ail aL.-r.r--f a I iJ V,r. Ai. i '- ; i l.e.e 4 1 lS:eea... t 4 1 a a 1 V.uh.e.. 1 1 err.p a a a Ta:sa:ill Tetaa r U aims bt ixixo. r1 II if :JTT,! KHMART. Kaea "T fl. Heffmaa. Walertea. A'-we. situ, eat Hy Hl. 4. Kaeet J. fcr AMM I. Be oa be:ie 1 m X e Kolir . Al.. L Two Cm b4- rtl. f.erce. Cot.hw. !'" t... H rvo ''. S'.'l-a fcaare Co,. ut.nw Werra. t4-(tR)aa. lilt t, ..irHl e.t Kn- tnnins pttcheU br t. li hit off steaa S. runs &. Time I 44 t ropire ran.y. M1VL-S ASGIOJ1 11RCVK EVEX llrrrj's Club that Oat la Jtonxlne, bat 1 1 eta 1 La tea la Aftrrnooa. HAN rRANCISCO. Cal, June 4. Ixa Ancelea retaliated after a abut-out In Bia mornlnsra Kama bera by defeatlns; do -ranrtaco In tha afternoon match, s to a. The mom Ice neore waa a to a. faa Francisco clnchim the (a ma In tha Brat lnnlnf. when relhl allowed foar runs and two bits. Three error were charsed aaralrst the tteuihernera and they were outplayed and out-batted at arery turn. Heavy bitrtna- waa tha feature of tha afternoon aeeeion. Iloward landinc a home run and a two-baae hit: Bernard and Shaw two-baaiera each, and Ten nant two homa run. le Aacsles braucht la two runa In tha aacoad. ona tn tba third and three la the fifth, toore ; KOXXINa OAMC t Am aaa rranclero' Ab-M-yokA.K. vin s 4 a 1 awcf. 4 1 a 4 a 4 aMA. s 1 l i rf 1 I i ti l, .'" 4 a 1 a iT. i.i 4 a a , ..1.1 4 a iv.i etrrr 4 t 4 e a ,. rr- 4 1 1 eisi.r.? s 1 t I 1 S e - .-r.-ww... . tm ri.e. 4 t s--i:Ji t l e s e l O a a a a.s e a w a a a s Ts-aU i 4 : 1 a xeiaia si s i raU U I4 1e COM BT iNXi.voa. AaseUa ... Hit. .- fc-Taarf-lace . line laaia eesisie j a i l s i a 1 1111 MART. I; ,- 'Anlx "f. -,., roe. i X'tiau. ymt rune an4 1 -ff I- M la fr. taala. Tan . . j y , M . rTtae hrre - Mn'i'tl. fiea b-e Heeard J Klrat - ra: M!:-" De al k erT Cri j . a t l r PeiM 1. tr ataeAtmaa . . i-a-r - Mt b eitrbed ea'l. I'aaril, V r tr r, "n thwh . - ... Vi i-r te ateuaer ta XJaea. Il. inla. AMERICAN GRAPPLES WILL PIT SKILL AGAINST JIU-JITSU EXPERT BEFORE PORTLAND PANS. I l laa-aw : ( v r V . i . - . e - 'J . J I : : -,: I ',. 'm't. - . 1M Jla-Jltaa nald. M. Ito. Japaneaa Jt'4-Jltu expert, ac rompmaled by Tom McDonald, hla rug. ajter. arrived In Portland yesterday from Seattle to prepare for hla catch- catch - can wreatllnx match with Farmer" Wsteon at tha Armory Fri day nlaht. Ito Is one of tha moat noted Jiu-Jttsu ex pert a who ever came to America, and Is known aa a fourtn- elaea man anions; hla fellow country men. There are etarht clasaea In Jlta Jltau wreatltns;. tba beietnnera belnc known as flrst-claas men. Ha wlha l1; pounds. Watson wete-hs 1SS pounds, "and ta noted for his perfnrmancea aratnvt Fred Peel. Olson and other arapplera. Wntaon will pit tha ratrh-ao-catch-caa style of crappllna- against the Jap's knowletlare of Jlu jltru. to yhler te TeB&ant. Time IM Uraatoa Hildebraadt. AFTCn.SOON GAVE. Po.A E TS.w cf . 4 1 S t 4 Akla.Sb. S O 3 1 V M.-A l.3b a O 1 1 M.r.:b 1 a O 0 we 4 o s a a H-rtid.rf 4 1 a O 4 Sit O IaJT.rf 1 o 4 a )'r.rf 1 Hoe d.lf 4 t 4 a VUohl'r.IX 4 0 11 3 l s e i'neeM.11 s o l o e I'Hion. i I 1 B O O k-i uu 3 O S Pmith.e. a T O Ofiutor.p.. 1 o o 1 1 I!hLD .4193 1 HenleT.D S O twrea.: 4 10 4 0 Totala 31 T37 1B 2, Tota:a St 4 27 J4 t SCORE BT IXN1NGS. Aa(elee. 0 I I S S O O O 4 Hits .........O 3 1 3 1 o o o T ton Francisco 1 1 ooaloa 1 mta v 1 a a rCMMART. ft aaa Bernard. Keley 43. Reward 3K rhaw. Wevr. Tvnaaot f t. Powau. I4acn-fl.-e nr w-hmldt. Taree rane. S hlta tftt auter tn 3 3-S Innlaca Home rune Hoe. a rvl Tenaajit t J t, Twe-baae hits ehaw. Ilowaru. li.rnanl. nacnnce rtite uaiar. Stolen baee Itowmrd 3. mht. Ten- naat. Fow.iL First base ea calico balls I ift Pa tor 4. off Delhi 1. off Ilanler X struck out Ity bator 1. by P:bt 6. br Hen- X lilt br slt-ber Hernaru. br Hanlay. wild pltrbee fiuler. Time 1.43. Cmplce Mllvlebraadt. M IX ll-I.XMAG GAME Vrroon Drraka Tie Score la Klhth Inninx of Afternooa Game. LOS ANGELKS. CaL. June 4. Tha Penators and Vernonltes broke even to day la games both full of excltament from start to finish. It took eleven Innings to decide tha first game In fa vor of tba Benators, t to 1. tha latter score standing for homa runa by Cat Hale. Kane and I-atttrson. A totsU of five homa runs were made by the two teams In this contest. la tha second gama. tna Benators found Carson for aavea hits and three runa In tha first three Innings and ha waa replaced by Castleton. who shut out tba vial tors during tna remainoer of tha gama and thus enabled hla nine to break a tla la tha eighth with the decisive run. Scores: 3COFUCIXO CAME. rajflaxef g 1 4 i v rninn, a rr- e a v . Xaa.:a. 3 1 irit aa.e . rat's. lb 4 I i a vann-B-cr e i v I III I 0 KAh r.rl 4 3 3 O Irtin'oa.rf S 1 M te Lit M'K'a as a V I HarVJ S S Ol.awavlf. o a a 0 Thomaa.e 1 S 0 iroea.e. a a oi.ri-b a.ta a 1 x i e Oltram.o. 1 a Hoaprf. 3 aoa.a a a r..f i i stasi a, a tee aaeaB'a.a S Totala 40 lO 33 1 4 TMale at 13 S3 IS 1 ineba batted tor Salaigb la 11th Intra- BOORE BT nrxlKtJi TerrKra Illte 1 V T iiirii 1 Hits - SV at MART. Race Taulaie. Kaae. nttarerm. Shrna. r x, ...... MiAimr. Halatar. ttlia t careaa. ami maj. - KM a. lazvis. aciwia. a.n t-e' Tee-baee hlta vavlJa. nwie. a an. Ntolaa baeaa Carllale. McLonBU. p'Orrell 3. Baea "a bai-e Off Kaialch S ort Iryram 3. erroca e ar a. a. II r ran a. Doable Blare artlaie te Pea- Time 110. IDipua jaoureevy. AJTfcKNOOX OAME. Ab.K. PovA-K. rarTkacf 3 3 a o ntrra.Sb. 3 11 Kane. 2b. S 0 3 1 la i a i i 1 3 1 1 O 4 VOH ke,:b a Vanil'B.-f 4 0 e a e iiaa ar.K 4 3 P U.H. 4 5 O U'lTHT e 4 a 0 4 1 OThim"a,p S 1'at'sa.ib a sttn a.rr a bt win s U'k'a aa S Kurl. Aa 3 ll-araa.e. a . r ... r n 1 (.aalta. t a 1 o u.iatar." l Tocal 1 T BS LI Ol Totala SS104 1 Hclsttr Batted re 1 eempwDW rK-ORS BT XNIOJCoa. ...i isoaaal 4 Hlta . . . Z J na.-rajaaate --- T ? r ? 7 ? r blita . Bt-aUaART. a... Car!t.'e 1. Kaae. XcXm Lewta. laUnta lrcaen. Hlta made off taveoa . ,.,,,. iB g uinlnsa TttJ'i base hue rwl. laJoaT. Te-baae bits I a larvae. Iacatc VaaHurea. aaenOce bite kaae X lturraU. liaae on baUe wfT 1'aetletoa U firrack eat ly Cmraoa 1. br Caatletea 4. br Thasiiaua X uoaoie p.aj -oaitra a iv ,l jiTKare te Kane te Pattereaa. Time l.ea. latin a Cmtiam G labia Are WlJtnera. Tha Ores nam Giants a train damrrn Iraied their aurartorlty ovar tha Dll- . rwrMaa be wlnnlna on their borne grounda Sunday 4 to 4. Xoralaad slammed out three hlta ana Baaer. ato- een. Gaines and Tatea two apiece. Score: B. H. aw reshara ...1 1 M I i 1 Derblea 1 I 1 11 Tr.rf.rl. a Oeeaham: Toarnsend and Kelt iMrblea: aiaraland and sfrK Inlay. - . -aj - , 4 f. X 1 r- " Farmer " Wataoa. Roadsters Secure Outfielder Pettigrew, of-Wichita. HE IS TO REPLACE ORT EsWrte-rn. League Player Is Re. , ported Heavy Hitter and Fast Fielder and He Is Expected to Strengthen: Tourists. Outfielder Pettigrew. who until re cently, a ported the livery of the Wichi ta Club In tha Western League, haa been signed by Judge McCredle, and will Jolq the Portland Roadsters during tha week. He will be stationed In left or centerfleld In tha bole made vacant by tba transfer of tha wily Oeorgw Ort to the Seattle club. PatUgraw batted .2(1 for Wichita, la 143 games last aeaaon. and fielded at a .tat clip. Ha la said to be danger ously fast. Tha record-book credits Mm with 21 stolen bases and XS sacri fice hlta George Ort made a 'hurried trip to Portland Saturday night to straighten out soma ' business affaire when In formed of hla sale to Seattle. Dugdale will naa him at first, switching Weed back to the garden. Miller la filling in for Nick Williams In tha meantime. If tha new man. PettlgTaw, oomea up to hla batting recommendations he should prove a strength. to tha Road sters. With the present array of tal ent. Spokane. Tacoma and Vancouver seem bo be tha contenders. Portland ranks a shade under tha class of tha leading trio, but local admirers of the class B squad are looking to tba new acquisition to change tha balance of power. Charley Swaltt oftheVancouver club. Is to be sold to Milwaukee, says Ian Rumor. Swain la not needed, aa Harri son, the New England League recruit Is bitting lust as well and fielding and running tha bags la even better faahlon. Bwala tried out witn washing-ton this Spring bat failed to make good. Jess Baker. flat-hoofed eouthpaw who held tha Portland Coasters dawn to a 1-e score tn tba Spokane' Inter league gama la this city last Fall. Im personated tha clinging worms Satur day and turned. Baker waa sold by Spokane to tha Chicago White Sox. but tha loud vibrations of his training Bea ton renown proved excess baggage whaa Comlskey'e pets returned to Chl- -eago SOU ana n is soie occupation naa baaa catching tha ball lor the batter knocking up fungo hits. Last week he waa taken to the effete Fast, with Its Bowery. Broadway and Bunkar Hill, but when called upon tn Boston to re lieve vaudevllllan, "Doc." White, he re eponded nobly and held tha Bostons batter than aver. Baker will probably be used mora frequently from bow on. Xlka Lynch. of the Tacotna Tigers. Joined the Elks in Tacoma tha other night. Ha wore sliding pads and a Barrel of thrUla oa tba trip homes ard. ' '0v. .. ' , J4 t : ;t r - '-a :, i AN - . w v" ' "' - . -"V . ' ' i NEW mi COM NG itipcdc nil imnu MDLIId II1LL Ul Ull BUTLER MID WIN Heavy Hitting by Tacoma in First and Fifth Loses for Roadsters. "SEMI-PRO" PUT ON HILL "Dake" Campbell Holds Home Team Down go Well Afurr He Goea In Box That He Will lAkely Become Kegnlar. TACOMA. Wash June . (Special.) Tacoma won again today by falling upon Pat Butler In the first and fifth lnn lnga. In these two sessions, eight of tha 10 hlta were made and five runs .v. In left field. nuns- war " ; ' Hutlcr, who has lust been signed by 1 Wtlllajna. waa released last week by Se attle and his exninuion tootty nw.t.. that Tlgha showed some wisdom In slip ping him the blue envelope. -Duke- Campbell, a local semi-professional who haa also been garnered by Williams, succeeded the festive "Pat" upon tba rubber and during the three Innlnga of hla Incumbency held tha Tlgera to one hit and no runs. Campbell looks good enough to stick with the Roadsters and Williams will probably make blm ona of tha regular heavera. The pitching staff of the Roadsters la so thoroughly disorganised that any one with a curve bnll and a glove can get an Interview with the Roadster manage ment. Annls won his third game against tha Tourists for this series by keeping the eight hlta which were obtained off his delivery pretty well scattered. Hbj own error In the fourth Inning permitted Speaa to score. Fpeas had gone to first on a safe bit and Annla tried to catch him off tha bag. Hla throw waa low and 6 peas went to third before It had been returned to the Infield. Bradley walked and tha double steal waa effective. The second run made by the visitors came in the seventh inning. Bradley singled and Campbell followed suit; Miller drove out a aafe one and tha Portland catcher scored. Campbell was caught while nap ping off second base and alundorff ended the suspense by driving out a long fly to tight field which Kennedy garnered with great eclat. Score: Portland I . Tacoma Ab.H PO.A.E.I iu.n.r. S 3 10 l!Baasey.lf 4 11 re a 4 0-lin'n.3b I I 0 Casey. 2b. S Mund' 4 SloVH.rf 4 A' l 4 M na' 3 Br-d y.2b S Uutler.p. 1 Cmpb'l.p 3 OSS O ll'k B'd.ib 2 1 S 0 3 10 Morse. aa. S I 4 O 8 O O.Ksn'dy.rt 4 14 16 1 0 Lynch. cf. 4 1 S 110 OBurna.c 4 14 14 1 SIT 0 0 1 1; Annla. p.. 4 10 1 0 0 ot Totsla 33 S23 11 S Totals S0 102T t rnrh out on infield fly. which a ai 9 1 i not causht. BCORE BT INNINGS. Portland. Tacoma. . .. .00010010 0 2 20003000 S BUMMART. Hnm Speaa, Bradley. Coleman 2. Rock entleld. Mores. Lynch. Stolen baaea peaa, Casey. Double plays Rockenfleld to Fiahar. Tao-baje hit Lynch. sacrifice hits Coleman. .cb.nfleld. Pitchers rec ord 0 hits off Butler In B lnnlnsa: 1 hit off Campbell In 3 lnnlnsa Struck out By Butlar. : by Campbell. 1; by Annla. 4. Bases on balls Off Butler. 2; off Annls. 4. Hit by pitched ball Klaher, Rockenfleld. Time 1:30. Umpires Kline and Baumaarten. GIANTS BEAT VICTORIA TWICK First Contest Garnered In Ninth; Second In Eighth on Error. SEATTLE. Wash.. June 4. Seattle defeated Victoria twice today, winning r. and the second. me urn " ' 1 1 " - - , 2 to 1. With the score tied and two men out in the ninth inning oi m n. game. Crulckshank and Buea singled , ... t.1. wn haaes. driving ana vres. . " . In the winning run. The locals won . a a i Ai tit inninir the second game in mo . ... Um.Ja ennnerl Pril irK- wneu juv i" ..... -i-i shank'a drive and Leard scored. Score: FIRST GAME. Victoria .n.Po.A.E. Ab.H.Po-A.E. Seattle Leard.2b Lavrn.lf crkk.rf Buea.Sb. . Weed. lb I'oc'eh.ef Kay' i n a s 0 Davts.lf . 4 O o Karer.2b 4 S 0 0 O'Keller.aa 4 1 0'Oood'n,3b 4 2 0 H eh'l'r.rf 4 0 OMIH' S S 1 M M' do. lb S 4 11 2 3 0 0 O 0 2 0 1 00 4 1 O a o srlea sn.c s WIS.S.P. S 0 2 t 0Beirrd.p S a 197 14 ll Totals 32 8 2016 2 Two out when winning run was scored. SCORE BT INNINGS. B.attl. O0 1O0 4 00 1 8 v'?t"r?a 0 0010002 2-S BUM MARY. Rons Davidson. Crulckshank (2). Weed. Cocaah. Raymond Goodman. Houaeho der. Davidson. Crulckahank. Bues. Weed Mac- v . . j inAii ms ri Kav-nriraB nit Muruo. . num. Y 'UlT.--rL H--i Cocaan. Btoian nan . . t.. . Ppleaman. Double pla-e Raymond to W refl. sVcnck out-By WIS , J. ,by B.lford S. Wild pitch Wlssa BeUord. Passed balls 4nea: Lett on baaea Seattle . Victoria S. Time 1:40. Umpire atccreery. SECOND GAME. Raattle Victoria ab.H.Po.AE.1 Ab.H.PoK. Laard.Sb 4 S 4 8 0 Davlah. S 0 1 0 0 lavl-n.lf S 0 Crk' 4 11 Rnlb.. SIS O 0 KeUor.'as 4 0 4 S O u voooa a w v o w Wead.rf. 4 O 0 OH'aeh'r.rf S 0 2 O 0 Ort-lb.. S 1 0 2 Million. cf 4 0 3 0 0 KtrniLH - l l m m do. lb a u v x i Skeils.iC.' S10 0titark ll,p S ieais.p. Totala SO 2T 3 Totala SO S 24 14 1 t O SCORE BT INNIJTOS. nvattle 0 0 O 1 0 1 2 vtor!e I loooeooo 1 BUMMART. Rune Leard. Sh.a. Householder. Two- baae bite Leard. Sh.a. Sacrifice hit David son. Stolen bases Houaaholder. Double -lay Ooodman to Itaymer to MacMurdo. Etrickmitr-By Skeels 7. by Starkell 3. llaaea on balle Off Skeels 2. off Starkall 1. Caaaed balle Devort 2. Shea 1. Left on baaea Seattle 5, Victoria 3. Time 1:27. Umpire Mccreary. INDIANS TAKE CLOSE GAME Vancouver Pitcher Allows Only Five Hits, but Is Wild. SPOKANE. Wash, June 4. Spokane won the final game of tha series 4 to 3. Eiickson held the Indians to live hits, but was wild. Score: Vsncouve r Spokane Ab-H Po-A.E I AbH.Po.A K. Hara-n.rf 4 1 4 0 0N.tiel.3b S 1 1 S 0 Adama.rf S 1 8 O 0 4 12 10 Ban tt-2b S 1 S O Frtik.rl.. S 1 0 0 0 Hrafr lb S S 8 3 0 7.lm an.lf 4 0 10 0 Jmes Sb 4 10 1 lS'rdyk Mb S 0 4 I 0 Lai. at. S 1 0 0 O Klp' S 1 T 0 3 fcbaa-V-es S 1 S S HJarttVt.2b 3 17 2 0 SheTT 4 14 1 O Oatdlek.o 4 0 4 4 1 Krlck'B.p 4 12 1 0Holm.p.. S 0 1 1 0 Totals Sill 23 12 2 Totals. 29 B 27 17 S One out when winning run wss scored. SCORE BT 1XNINGS. aneo e r e 0 0 0 1 o 3 BfJiane::...- 00103000 14 SUMMARY, stone Harrison. Adams, Bennett, Klppert, CartwnM 2. Ortdlek. SacrlBce hit gaaia. Aioini. ew - Irkt and oetdlek. Struck out By Ertck son. 4; by Holm. S. Base on balls Off Erlckeon. 5; off Holm. L Wild pitch- Holm. 1: Erickaon. L Left on bases Van courer ,7; Spokana 7. Tims of game 2:03. NATIONAL LEAGTE. Chicago , New York 5. CHICAGO. June 4. Chicago defeated New Tork today before an immense crowd. 6 to 5. tielng tha visitors for first 1ft.. , rwr mj, rr out in the eighth inning. Tinker and Kisser singled ana nung ana Arciier men uuuuicu, tio- Ing the - score. A Texas leaguer off ama I tha nlnttt v. i- the locals the game. In tha eighth Inning Tinker hit a swirt liner to v um s- siomacn au the latter did not recuperate till after -Kaiser gave New Tork their first run; a triple and a single neiuta auouivi mi. and run. Score: . nun R. H. E. Chicago 15.6New Tork ..5 7 0 Batteries Brown. Mclntyre and KUng; Archer. Wlltxe, Ames and Myers. Um pires Johnstone and Eason. Cincinnati Boston S. CINCINNA1T. June 4. Cincinnati in dulged In a slugging fest this afternoon, while Boston was piling up eight errors and the combination resulted in the lo cal team winntng. 26 to S. which score Is the National League's high record for the season. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Dnilnn 3 S 81 Cincinnati ..26 23 2 Batteries Ferguson, Curtis, Parsons and tianaen: Qmttn, ocreioer aau ait Lean. Umpires Rigler and Flnneran. St. Lonls 7, Brooklyn 2. ST. LOUIS. June 4. The local team hit Brooklyn's pitchers hard and won the third game of the series today: Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. 3rooklyn 2 l;St Louis 7 11 2 Batteries Scanlon. Knetxer and Ber ger; Salles and Bliss. Umpires Klem and Emslle. RAYMOND WINS SERIES BREAK IS EVEN AVTH CENTRA LIA ON SUNDAY. Feature of Slornlng; Game Is Wild ness of Reed, Who Allows IS Hits, Walks 12 Men. RAYMOND, Wash, Juno 4. (Special.) Raymond lost the morning game to Centralia In the State League today. to 4. but took the afternoon game and tha series, B to 3. Reed, who pitched for Raymond In the first game, was wilder than a March hare, walking 12 men besides allow ing 13 hits. The game was lost In the third inning. Three men walked, two were hit, and a rwo-bagger an! a homor resulted In six runs. The afternoon game was one of the best of the season, Hemelcke, the youngster secured from Mike" Lynch, allowed six scattered hits. The feature of the game waa the home runs of Wlneholt and Rfd, who scored two runs on their timely hits. Scores: Mornlngr game , R. H. E. i R. H. E. Raymond.. 4 6 2Centralia. . 9 13 Batteries Reed and Wineholdt; Guyn and Whits. Afternoon game RH.E. RILE. Raymond.. 6 7 4Centralla. . 3 6 0 Batteries Hemelcke and Wlneholt; Hollis and White. Umpire Hall. RAGGED BASEBALL IS PLATED South Bend and Cheflalis Put Up Poor Exhibition. CHEHALIS, Wash, Juno 4. (Spe cial.) The morning baseball game went to South Bend In a poorly played exhibition-. 2 to 1. Broughton. a high school lad, pitched for South Bend and only one hit, a home run by Sparks, waa registered off him. Kane and Cole man pitched for Chehalls. - The afternoon game went to Che halls. 16 to 10. Fltchner pitched for Chehalis and Baker for South Bend. Baker was hit at will, two and three base hits and singles coming frequent ly. It was a poorly played game. Minor Baseball Games. At White Salmon, Wash. White Sal mon 2. Hood River 1. Disputed decision In fifth inning causes forfeiture of game to White Salmon. At Carlton Carlton "Cons" 6. Neu stadter Brothers 4. The Neustadters play at Beaverton on June 11. For out-of-town games address Lee Roberts, 658 East Twenty-fifth street, Portland. A Sixth and Grant! South Portland Juniors 13, South Portland Cubs 11. At Arleta Peninsula 3, Arleta 2 (ten innings). Pat Raddy. Arleta's new southpaw, struck out 19 batsmen. At Camas. Wash. Escheles of Port land 4. Camas 0. Batteries Goddard and Brock; Winterbotham and Gleason. The Greenfield team desires a game for next Sunday. Address Vlo Eaton. 686 Everett street, Portland. At Beaverton Greenfield Shoe Com pany of Portland 6, Beaverton 4. (Ten innings.) Batteries Tucker Hubbard and Lengascher; Mercer, Hardy and Desslnger. At Vancouver. Wash. Vancouver In dependents 4. Meier A Frank 2. At Falls City. Or. Falls City Com mercial Club 15. North Salem 1. Falls City haa lost one game of six played. At- West End, Baltimore Lunch 9. Red Diamonds T. Batteries Fay and peeves; Wlrth and Rasmuseen. At Oregon City Weonaa, of Portland. 6, Oregon City 4. Batteries Nelson end Emrlch; Long and Thompson. At .Troutdale Popcorn Kings, of Portland. 5. Troutdale 4. (Seventeen innings.) Batteries Klncald and Daw son; Sprague and Leader. Pacific Coast. I Narthweste . W. L. P.C.I W. L. P C. Portland. S5 2 .574Srokano. .. 80 15 . 807 Ban Fran. 86 SI e537raeoma 2S 18 .609 Vernon. .. S4 32 .615;vancver. 220 .53 Oakland.. SJ S3 .615 Seattle 2124 .47 Eacxa ento 30 34 .4S!Portland... 10 24 .442 Los Ana.. 241 .88S Victoria. .. 1134 .244 W. L. Pet.! W. L. Per. K-ew Tork. -IS IS .819 Detroit S4 11 .754 Chlcairo ...:4 1 .419 Phll'delp'a .24 IS .41 Pbll'delp'a .24 17 .603Boaton 21 1 .5S Pittsburg ..14 18 .STlphlcaso 11 II -S2S St. Louie. ..SI to .S24V Tork.. .11 tl .600 Cincinnati 23 .47 Cleveland ..18 27 .400 Brooklyn ..IS 2S .H9!Weehlnrton 16 28 .843 Boston 11 11 .2jO!S1- Louis 13 II .296 TesterdayB Beeults. Pacific Cosst Leasue Oakland 5. Portland 0; Ban Franctaco ss, Los Angeles 0-4; Ver non 4-3, Bacramento 3-6- Northweatern League Tacoma 6. Portland j. gattle 6-2, Victoria 6-1; Spokane 4. Van couver 3. National League Chicago , New Tork 5; Cincinnati 24. Boston 4: 6t- Louis 7. Brook lyn 2; Philadelphia ana Pittsburg not sched uled. American League Philadelphia-Cleveland traneferTed game postponed on account of ratn; no other American League games scheduled. BASEBALL IN EPITOME Poor Leasees at a Glance. JOHNSON MAY GO DNWITH LANGFORD Labor Day Bout Near Wash ington Is Planned by Sporting Men. MARYLAND LAWS PERMIT Recent Legislative Act Gives Avia tion Company Right to Conduct Limited Boxing Contests in State, Is Asserted. WASHINGTON. June 4. (Special.) Jack Johnson and Sam Langford will fight on the outskirts of Washington on Labor day, if the plans of a group of sporting men are successful and Governor Crothers of Maryland does not order out the militia to stop the bout. On the closing day of the last session of the Maryland Legislature a bill waa rushed through giving the Internation al Aviation Company the right to hold all sorts of sporting and athletic events at College Park, which adjoins Bladens burg, on the District of Columbia and Maryland state line. In the last paragraph there Is a clause which allows limited boxing events to be held. The company al ready has leased a large tract of land and Intends to start the construction of an arena as soon aa the fighters stg. Xelson Due Here Tonight. "Battling" Nelson, erstwhile light weight champidn. will arrive In Port land at 8 o'clock tonight over the O. W. R. & N.. bringing with him his cherry smile, cauliflower ear and his optimistic promises or runner cxiam peening" In the squared circle. The Hegewisch lad is coming ostensibly for a bout at Vancouver. "Batiler" tele graphed to a Portland friend last night that he would remain here for the Rose Festival. T IS III L CHA3LPIOX GOLFERS MEET OX WAVERLY COURSE. Five Professionals Will Compete in Two Final Rounds Today Aniateurs Start Tuesday. George Turnhull, of Portland, Waver ly Club' g-olf Instructor, leads In the first day"s play for the professional championship of the Pacific North west. His score for 86 holes over the Waverly course Sunday was 162, Barnes, of Tacoma, being his nearest rival with 164. The five experts entered in the title competition will go twice around the 18-hole course again today and the lowest total for the entire 72 holes will decide the professional championship. Play starts at 9 A. M. ana again ar, 2 P. M. Yesterday's scores: Turnbull, Portland Out 39, in 40. Total 18 holes, 79. Out 41, In 42. To tal second 18 holes. 83. Total 86 holes, 162. Barnes, Tacoma Out 40, In 42. Total 18 holes. 82: Out 40, in 42. Total sec ond 18 holes, 82. Total 36 boles. 164. Johnston. Seattle Out 39. In 43. To tal 18 holes. 83. Out 3S, in 46. Total second 18 holes, 84. Total 36 holes. 166. Guthie. Vancouver Out 44, in 41. To tal 18 holes. 85. Out 40. in 45. Total second 18 holes, 85. Total 36 holes, 170. MofTatt. Victoria Out- 46, In 49. To tal 18 holes, 95. Out 42, in 45. Total second 18 holes, 87. Total 36 holes. 182. The winner of the competition will receive a cash prize of 3250, the seo- SPORT SCHEDULE OPENING DAT ROSE FESTIVAL. 9 A- M. Third round professional golf championships at Waverly links. 2 p. M. Motorboat races on Wil lamette, foot of Stark street. j p. M. Amateur baseball. Over lands vs. Oregon City, at Coast League Park. Overland lineup: Brinkerhoff, lb; Wilson, 2b; Benolt, ss; streeter, 3b; Fraxer, rf: Lynch, cf: Parkhurst. If; Foster, c; Ken dall, p. ond man $100 and the third $50. John ston, of Seattle, holds the title now. Play In the men s and women's ama teur championships begins Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. According to talk around the local links, Mrs. Nora Combe, of Victoria, seems likely to carry home the Northwestern title In the women's golfing. Mrs. Combe ar rived In Portland the latter part of tha week and haa been displaying rare form In practice on the Waverly greens. Mattnison, anotner victoria craca. went the 18 yesterday in 79, which equals Turnbull's best mark Sunday In tho professional division. EASTERX DOGS TO COMPETE Field Trials for Hunters Will Be Held at Mount Vernon, Wash. Cnortsmen in tha Northwest are in terested in the announcement that tha AU-Amerlcan Field Trials Club, an or ganization of wealthy Eastern dog fan ciers and sportsmen, will hold the an nual field trials at ' Mount Vernon, Wash., near Everett, during the last week In September. The Eastern hunting dog fanciers will hold their trials at the same time the Paclfio Northwest Field Trials Association, comprising the Oregon, Washington and British Columbia Field Trials Clubs, is holding its an nual test of hunting dogs at La Con ner, Wash. John W. Considlne, of Seattle, has been elected president of tho Pacific Northwest Association, and nnder his leadership the organization is prepar ing to welcome tha Eastern club. The All-Amerlcan Club will come West In a special train with, their dogs, trainers and handlers. 61 ATHLETES AWARDED "W Eight Washington . Varsity Girls Among Those Honored. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, Se attle, Wash., June 4. (Special.) CLOSING-OUT Si4LE MEN'S CLOTHING All Men's Goods to Be Sold at Cost and Less Because This Depart ment Is to Be Discontinued. PRICES REDUCED AS FOLLDWS MES S13.50 ALL-WOOL COATS now reduced $4 95 MEN'S S15.00 ALL-WOOL SCITS now sacrificed 85 MEN'S 1T.50 DRESS tfJQ QC SUITS now cut to aPOaaaJ MEN'S FINIS! $25. OO 4Q fti SUITS now reduced to.. P17b f Ladies' Sample Suits $25.00 to 135:00 values no two garments alike. Spe- 50 During Tbls Sale No Goods Charged and Alterations Extra 245 Morrison St, Bet. Sd and 3d, Sixty-seven University of Washington I Athletes have been awarded their offi cial "W." Since the minor sports wrestling, tennis and basketball were taken over by the A. 6. TJ. W.. the num ber of "W winners haa Increased. Those . awarded the letter by the board of control of the student body are: Baseball Harold Kerry. James StuTglss. John Johnson. Ward Arney, Charles Fitzger ald. Everett Lock wood. Charles Hughes. Mellville Muckleatone, William Coyle. Fred Hlcklngbottom. Robin "Welta, Gene Beebe and Dlllard Beck. Track Hugh Bowman, Claire Bowman. Frank Brokaw, Brailey Glsh, Garner Wright. Johnson Sherrlck. Maxwell Eaklns, Ira Courtney. John Patten, Don Evans, Clifton Condon, Edward Lange and Walter BtolL Crew Henry P. Tledja, Walter Dunbar, Newton Bnlth, Royal Pullen, John Summer sett, Walter Wand, Claude Catlln and Levi Carroll. Wrestling J. Will Prater, Huber Grimm. Michael Hardy. BenJ. Robblne, Gordon Dick- , son snd Gail Shadlnger. Basketball James I. Si. John. Charles Clementaon. Elmer Sugg and David Olson. Debate Glen Hoover, Raymond Clifford. Charles McKlnley, Rueben Hllen, Elsa Dick son. Ivah Everett and Nellie Biggins. Girl ,-W" winners Beryl Dill, Geneva Brill. Harjorle BorrilL Sarah Powell, Beaa Eakina, Mabel Furry, A- Tenneson. Mildred Loring. Pendleton Swamps Echo. PENDLETON, Or, June 4. (Special.) Pendleton defeated Echo at the lat ter place today. 17 to L Other Blue Mountain League scores were: Athena 4. Milton 1; Walla Walla 1. Weston 0. HEW "HOPE" IS FOUND XEEDLES, CAL., MAX ASKS FOR CHAXCE TO MAKE GOOD. Tom McCarey, of Los Angeles, Says He Will Match Davi With Kaufman on Saturday. LOS ANGELES. Cat., Jane 4. (Special.) Tom McCarey, manager of the local boxing club, baa discovered a new "whits hope" at Needles, and has signed him for a try out here in the Vernon arena on next Saturday afternoon, as tho semi final for tho Dlxon-Rlvers main event. He is six feet four Inches tall and weighs between 195 and 220 pounds. The name of the new fighter is Davles, and it is said that be is a son of old Jack Davles, who once fought Joe Choynskl a hard battle. If the old man did fight, the son ought to be a good one, for the toughest fight Corbett ever had was with Choynskl, and If the new hope Is anything like his father he must be something. McCarey confesses he does not know much about this new hope, other than that he has been writing in here for a match for weeks, and expressed himself as willing to take on anyone McCarey could get for him. Davles declares he haa had a number of fights and that his last one waa with Tesry Mustaln, whom he knocked out in two rounds. Terry is not much, for he is too good natured to be a fighter, but anyone who can knock him out in two rounds is far from being a dub. He did not say anything else about what he had done in the fighting line. NEW DEPARTURE The Cost of Interments Have Brea , Greatly Reduced by the Halrass Undextaltlna: Company. Heretofore It haa been the custom of funeral directors to make charges for all incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking Com pany, the leading funeral dlrectora of Portland, have departed from that cus tom. When casket is furnished by na we make no extra charges for embalm ing, hearse to cemetery, outside box or any services that may be required oi us. except clothing, cemetery and car riages, thus effecting a savins of S3i to 375 on each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. S30 THIRD BVm COR. SALMON. YOU KNOW SAPOLIO WillDoIt CLEANS, SCOURS, POLISHES i . 4 Works Without Waste