11 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. MONDAY, JUXH 5, 1911. Vehicles Crowded Out V V ':.Y Prices Gut In Two . The removal of our West Side, First and Taj lor-streets store to headquar ters. East 2d and East Morrison streets, forces us to dispose of still more of our HIGH-GRADE SUERIES, STANHOPES, TOP BUGGIES, RUNABOUTS AND OTHER VEHICLES OF QUALITY AT CUT PRICES. ROSE FESTIVAL VISITORS Take advantage of this sale get a good rig for less money than is ordinarily paid for a poor one. They Won't Last Long at the Prices We Are Making. CONDUCTORS GIVEN JOY AL1XR.MAS IX STKCIAL OF SFVEX CARS AKKIVE. Xanl llod IMiLloa K.alrrtalns Itratfarr Railroader Who Aro t'.n RmI Horn) From Bl( Trip. After ehattlna; with lh. federal and rerwl renerala at Juar.. taking aftar na t with tn president of tha 1 nll-4 states, dininc with Mayor Gay ir of Near York, and twins' carried from their train bjr tba cllUena of Wormirr, Ma, tha 110 nwalwrt of party of California railroad cn luftnra who hart toarvd tho lnlte4 seat cturtns; th past month arrived In I'ortland y.sterda on tha Iat lap .f their trtp. and ar.ra entertained laat nlarht at tho Commercial Club by th mnlrt of Mount ll"od Itrlsl.in No. M of th Order of Railway Conductor,. Iromlnnt nra among; th conductors and tii of M -!', of th road nlrlna "urt;anl wrr presanc Wbra th conductor, who ara all nwmlxrt of l'lvli-n Hi. Ordor of Hallway Conductor,, arrtr In Pan Francisco, leavlnc fort land ovr th rtouthero ra-lft? tonlirht. thy will hara ro,rd 1S.J: mil' of travel, probahly th longest continuous trip by on party la a (. tal train. Their train la of een coaches, a diner, a basaaica nr. a compartment car. thro drawing morn ran, and an baercatlon rar. Tha trip la for pioaaur and education. Thla morn In to party will so r rortlaod In four cam supplied by th Portland Railway. IJht rowT Com pany, taking two hour to th trip. Th t-ommlttc. from th Mount Hood dl iaioa. whl.-h la conducting th visitors In I'ortland. la heade.t by J. W. Beam, Th management of th trip In th haada of a commute, of which C E. Ilaoahman. of fan Tranclaoo. la chair man; P. P. Cuttina. vlro-cbalrman. and r. r. Cox. crlary. Arror.1lr to tts Aritl oil-a-at rhririMiA. arrar.amta hav , a m.l for a un. of .1 : r. t ,tr atwaa cajr aal Anfattaa. Alaaka baa au: Of wafoa CLASSIFIED AD. RATES tnM " ruo Oa rta fa Ma. 4 IM aa i ralW Uaaaa II a ad taa-o nllia ataaaa aaa aa ota a aaa atJt o-aaaa aaa kua oa oaaa) aaV aa i.i. aaal a M a i aala t Imm aaa, taao t . . uaaa kia aa adaonkiaaaaat a M raa aa aa. aaa4 k n tao ill naao ami IIMM ua k.a aa ami La Hara aiU 0 I an a mm aaa alaal a iaaa I uaa vi n. ua u aaa-li I aa ta. aa aa aaa aa w loaVa. aU ai ai in i aa law ara akasoa M aaa ara A. a ava- a ta a IM akiaaraaaa ayto aartta a aaa, im. aaaaajiaa aa. fwi i. . aaai an HI aa oaalia. Maaak auaaiaaa ... 11 III ) aw. an. r' raaaltlaa. - - - aad ataara. rTtaal ll.iUia, ti ipirj ktaaaaa. fii... taanilaa la rala m aaoaa-. aaaaalll allia k 1 Paa ta a i laam i lain a a ,ilr n. Ta Qr 1. 1 .1-1 aM mmmm!Sm aaWatha aaaaia - IOii a a. arwaaaaa I a. aa imaa) ka a aakaMiaa, aa alia. pliaa . awaaaa aiVU a .- aa liu, baa a.a w.q a a i a aa ll. -aa aW. kaHWf i '"" ''I "aj'a Ja i"" wUaI a i i a i a i 1 1 ad ia a, ail aa m4 t.iapk ..a a, i - ii - - - aii.Hia tkaaaaa aaat Par- i iai. an .in a a. oia I a. liini. Oraa f- mmm linnlal aair v a a.i ana Ml "M i aaaa. Inakaia a. ai." -alalia I I UNia LI aaaaaalaaj aaa. t V ! X r y-t - AJftSEilEyT. Cartala Klara O-CVa- HKILIO THEATER Mim BEUIMMXO tOSkjHT. axial Prtca Mating WadaMdar and Haturoay Taid wiac Praavnta Raao rratlal AmacUaa -The- LILY VlSCS CVSrll CMAItLK CMtTfl RIGHT Famoua Blr foapia, ralrr: Ur B r i I.S": kjlcoor. ro a i 3a, a row i. a row a Tie. t row Oc. Entlra llry ooc. Both natlaa II JO. 1 1. TV. aoc. . Sc BAKER TTtKATTK Maia t aad A aa. IM. I. Rakar. M(t F;f.r-n"! Rrnritv! tonmoht. MAT. TOP A T. J IJ-TOXI'ilIT Tha anilnt ator John .lPiJa. upportad hr tna ikr 1hift Company la TMl: OaVKT I1VIIB. Aa p:ad by Hnry IUr. iaparb tVaatara P'ar. alaninont Bcna RrTn-ta Bp-tal aammvr prK-a 13a, 0c Matlaaaa ?3 all aaata. OAKS PARK thr Big Attrart.n. Jan UCmloum Cnua4 IUvr Cavmikl ei th ftlvr ftt th 0ka, In honor of Ra Oriium. Bn4 o rria t-rr afTvrnoota 4 titnlnf. AH othor t-arll Altnnlona mm utiML AdmtMloo, Children, ie: Vndr Tr, Fr. Th ran at in rat a4 Alilar lltrts. PORTLAND MOM. A TUES. JUNE 5-6 100 ACTS IN 100 MINUTES TWIN' KLKPHANX3. 03 INCHES TALL STRANGE AND WONDERFUL ALSO HERD CF BIGGEST ELEPHANTS SUPERB. SPECTACULAR. ORIGINAL CIRCUS, 633 People. 450 Animals BABY HIPPOPOTAMUS 40-SELLS-FL0T0 CLOWNS -40 FIGHTING THE FLAMES Gorgeous Street Parade 10:30 O'CLOCK EACH MCRMIMa ?ie?Vta General Admission folks aad ar for yoaratlf a riftr-0t Cir ca for 29 ccots. t aaa f talaa. at I aaat 1 p. aa. Door Opea On Hoar Earlier, "f ft ft Admittmf of a Visit t tk Bn aaaU U khuct Seat Salt at Saeraia, Clij t U i mm El II B II X B uUIIILV aril m. W I VEHICLES. IMPLEMENTS. E. 2D AND MOR RISON STS. l.tlWIOTA MAT? . A lot MJLZYXXS KVSBT DAT 155-59 MIGHTS I5-25-50-75C TJ3( Jt'NK a rjiwtKft Anriix Ki t -O.JO.. -HK TKJFlla TO BE Ml fc" Tti IVacaa I'bayora, Kaynaand aad favorlr. fWI 4air ilraabora, Albort Hoi. Jar la aad liar, rl.aa. Atloala. Orrhaatra IlctaTra. Kt.ii taax prtoaa: IK, S&r. Mc and c. IMally anaxlat ISa, tic, ao. Motiday aaatlaaaa Mtat rrtroa. raiaaallid TaaaVatlUk AU Thla Wfc. ritorrrald'a KTitT FNOLJSH Jl t.lJNtl tilRIJI MlTata. Tb Umaand Im. tirom C Taavla. raatajii'aiapo. Tba Moalcwl ailpta, Caaaoraw and ttokjiord. Tbroa Knslinh tlrla. fapalar fraraa. Malta IVally. Cartala, I: J. 7 : aad t:o. GRAND Week of June 5 Anvrrtna'a final at MlUlary Mlty rd U. 1 A. EOYS Maaa Fraaka aplal M fraaa. ljonx ar f'ottaa. Moa tmx. Nello. iR.MAM'OrE. Malta rry day. S:tO any aaat, 13a. Cvanlna; parformanea at T .30 and IMS; balcony. 10e: tawar Coor. 23c : box aeata ftoo. BUNGALOW V2Ty. Mr In 117 and A 4114 AMATKI R M'iHT TiXI;HT. MaTktfnabal avarv daV. !? 4 TaVO Vfatnar tmnamacm. iV mix Th opuir LVKIC MIMI AIj l OMRI'I . in THK POIJCKM KN S B.I.KW Vothlrc but laushter and muatc. New onira, chorus. cotumtv All th favorite: Ut mm A Vw k. Jan F1etrhr and th others. Frlce. lie. 2.V-. Miti. 20c. Chorus Girls i V-fi-a' v-'-1-tv V'rh! MEETING NOTICES. WILLAMETTE COVNCIU ROYAL A RCA NX M tnects mt K- P. HaJl. 11th mnd Alder strtaV, th first and third Mon dara of rh month, at ft P. M- F. H- Nolnr. Mcratary. car Orlbbea 8xtoa Co, 17th and Cpahur trta. A. F. Jk.SU A. M. Stated com- a V, mur Ir-ai i.m thla lllonuarl arenlua wvA at T .IO o'clock. Hualnraa. Vlalt- laa brcthran arilcom. W. b. WEEKS. Bc CAMEIJA CHAPTER, NO. 27. O. av a 8tated communication thla t Monday av.nlns. at Wct did. Maaonlc T.mpl. Social. By onl.r Worthy Matron. LYD1A BLTTEHWOHTII, B-c. FTNKBAL XOTOM. HEtTKEMPER Tha funaral of th lata O. ii.Mk.mpar will b h.ld from tha family rrald.oc. J4 E. 11th at. North., tiionr tMtnda'l. Juna S. at S:4; tb.nca to Holy Hoaary Church. Sl and Clackamas sta.. a-h.r. a.rvlra will b. h.ld at A. M. Krl.nda r.prtruHr Inrltad to attend. In terment Mount v'alaary I'emet.ry. arv Icm at tb intra prlvata. fleaea omit Cooera BODOERS In thla city. June S. Oarollne C. Kodera. acad M yaare. 7 months. 1 1 day, beloxrd mil ot J. W. Rodirera rYlenda lnlted to attend th. funeral aervlcea, which will b. held at Holmia'l "ha p. I. enraw Third and Salmon sta. tomorrow t Tuesdays, at 2 I. M. Interment at Ktvar vlew Cemetery. PETERSEN Tha funeral service of Hen rtalta Minana Peteraoa, beloved wife of T C. Vetereoa. will t. held at th lim II r resldenc. iM 1Z. Salmon street, today t Monday i. at 3 P. M. rlnd lorllad. In. terment at Hoe City Cemetery. XVTH tLOHC LOZ MAbU4('VM bUKi, MWi l lt--los. Mala l: A UK. In M M'tam. .rml Dlmten, lA4a aa eta mm I'lna. aaaaaaa. ofrte ear Ce ty c. " i. T- FIIJ: a ao. Sd aad Mediae a. la4y alteaeVuil. raaae Mala a. A IJM. HIiM A Klf M oTTw A N c.. rnDMj I I Iretl ar. tr a at. Lady aa.lwa.t- I'twa at. aal. AT MIIK raueeemlHroctaea. enaessaars as a. LMaaalac. la, fc. A3. B tit. iF.M r-BVKE ro.. Wllllaaaa ara. Ti" loaa. C loss. Lady atteadaas. "LriUH. ladaetaAee rr. JTa.t Alder (ft.- t mm V THEATER XtEO. RIOHASPi-ON ta tMa dty. June 4. at Ms late residence. 1101 Francis annua. Dr. Jamea A. Richardson. aed 7o years months and 19 daya. Tha remains ara at Flnl.y'a parlors. Funaral notice In a later Issue. Xivo la this city. June 4. William B. Kins, lata resldenc 1421 East Stark su Funeral announcement later. DOANE At Fan Francisco. June 1. Irene T. Doane. Funeral announcement later. ACCTION SALE TODAY At "Wilson's, corner Second and TaraMTL Pale at 1" A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL Mala IM. A tSsa. BCHAVR OFFICalR. Borscaat Crato, Hesldaoc 34 B. 24th. N. Kast 477. m. A. Uaaaalra, Kea. tit Wasco St. W. a. Katoa. Kaa. II K. 14th. ivaat Usi. Hera Ambulaaa. A 10J: Pr. Es. 4. K'lstata. aundajra and atoUdar. A aioftt I. Kx. 4: Trunk 1. trmw todai. FOR SALE! APARTMENT HOUSE 23d Street, Between Hoyt and Irving We have an apartment-house, 56 rooms, 2 and 3-room apartments; long lease, reasonable rent, easy terms. Apply to Alex Gevurtz, of Gevurtz & Sons, First and Yamhill streets. BARGAIN FOR SALE Model Theater SS N. Third Ptroet. Nob Hill For sale elirht-room house, 7S4 Hoyt street, at 10u0 less than market price. Terms. J. M. ACHEBOX. 307 Morriaoa St. Investments in , Portland Real Estate Are Profitable. Hartman & Thompson RECOMMEND these tracts. Each the best of its kind. Rose City Park Momingside GLISAN ST. 12 ACRES City Maps Free Hartman & Thompson Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE 100x100 on Northwest Corner Sixteenth and Savier with buildings, paying; $125 per month. Only one block from terminal yards. Price $30,000; special easy terms. Russell & Blyth Commonwealth Building. . From Owner Irvioglon Residence Now, modem, east front; brick veneer and shingle; hot water heat; four bed rooms second floor and finished attic 633 Rut !3d at. north. If Interested, rail Marshall 1SSS or B. 6031, or at 510 Henry bids;. Mortgage Loans on city property at reasonable rates. CLARK-COOK COMPANY. 6 Board of Trade Building. MORTGAGE LOANS SUMS TO SUIT: NO COMMISSIONS. PACIFIC TITLE at TRUST CO. 5 MORTGAGE LOANS EDWARD K.OOrDEY, Lewis Baildlas;. MORTGAGE LOANS 0 JOHN E. CRCNAN, HO J JO 03 Spa Ml as B!dr- C REAL ESTATB PIALEM, - Bock. Wimaxn Q.. 812 FaJUn bldg; Bnrb.vk4tr 4 8n4.ct. 303 McKay bldr, H 4ft. CbrplM Htrlow. riiamtr rommtrc. Cook. B B. Co. WS Corbctt bide Jaalnra Co- MH- 1SS. EO0 Oronlan. PALHErMONKS CO- U. 213 Commif cLtvl Ciub bide Tait orvroa RtU Xat V"".. Cr-.rd mm& Mlltnommh st. (Holladar Addition U. . THOMPSON CO.. cor. 4th and OaH it, KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Lrota. CREOORT HEIGHTS lot. $2t0 and tip, on y irrm; end of Rosa City Fark car line. . $i0 LOTS on W. Stark aad &2d atv.; carllna bulldinc: bt buy la tha city. Empire Realty 4t Truat Co Xaraball 402 Two bid. 1425 BCT9 lot with foment basement, tx2A: l fruit tree. Cai! r addreia D. L. S-, 3u-4 f5"tU Kern Park atatloo. ML. Scott car; tef rn a. FOR tha bMJt ofrr. property at 16T.8 Ma cadarn Road, Fulton, i'ortland. or. Ad drea tha owner, L". 3. Will lama. F.orance, Cal. FOR 6ALE by owner, 4 lot. University park, cieared. ready to build; near City Park and car line: E Z terms. Clark C. Foster, 727 Chamber of Commerce. BUSIN ESS corner, suitable I atores; ' heart of business district, oa Alberta, ai.; $4Z0 cash. Phone Wood: awn 27 14. WILL PELL my equity ta orner lot. Rose City Park, at lesa tha a coat. L 140. Ore lonian. ROS-tMERlv. E tth and Thompson ats KOxloO comer: 1700, term. Phone book keeper. Main 1417 or A 1417. Owjir LOT bara-alne Kast Side, on business cor ner, one reaaacaicei tow ma vrw so&iajw SEAL ESTATE. For bale Lota. LOTS. $100. RIGHT ON WEST SIDE CARLINE. BETONU CITY PARK. ItlH AND W. YAMHILL, &TS. New addition, ten minutes from bua. Bess center; -on new Waahir.aton-at. car line: lots AOxlOO. some iariter. $250. assy pa-mecta; these lots are beautiful home sites. National Realty A Trust Co.. Kflia Wajhlpaton il. room 5ltV 31004 IBVISOTOX BACRIF1CB Corner lOSxliX south of Braze. In tha most desirable part, reduced from M'aO; terms. MERCHANTS 8AVINGS AND TRUST COMPA-VT. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE SITE. T5HOO feet, on E. 32d St.. opposite Tennis Club grounds, on carllne. paved street. In the center of the mn,t attractive portion of Irvlnrton. prtce. K50o: terms. 11. P. PALMER -J ONES CO.. ZU-CIS Commercial Club bid.. Phones Main tn99. A205S. 6ELLWOOD CORNER. DOxlOO feet, at corner E. th and Marlon ets.. on frelrht sidetrack and within one half block of O. W". P. carllne. Thla la luaineas property with a future. Price, tM cash. H. -P. PALM EW-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club b'.dc. Phones Main SOUS. A 203. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE SITES. Vuuarcer riiocus ana lus.uw. w; . .... . . , . . . r.iwiAA ef lots In best portion of this beautiful re stricted district, at attractlva prices and terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club hide Phones Main Su9. A 20i3. ilOCNT TABOR Oa and adjoining- new hard-surface street now belnr constructed to top of hill ; mil superb view building; Itea. from one to fire, Iota each, $1500 up; your own terma. In small monthly pay ments If desired, positively an opporun Jty. Phone Marshall 1585 for appointment to Investigate before passing up. Hart Land Co.. 910 Chamberof Com me rce. $2600 CORNER, 80 by 100, on Borthwiek and -Skid more streets; improvements paid for by owner; terma half c&ah, balance on time. JAMES D. OGDEX S4S Miasissfppl ave. Wood lawn lioii. C 2008. 00x100 LOT, E. 27TH. NEAR MORRISON. Nice lot on E. 27th. between Morrison and Alder, street Improvements paid; a bis bargain at $2250. half cash. GRUSSI 4 ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. VIEW LOT. 1 have a beautiful lot. located at tha southeast corner of MM and Salmon ats.. size 60x100. Price $1650. terms. Phone Main 6813. or aee Mr. Kibbe, 922 Cham ber of Commerce. CHOICE building lots, SOjfcOO. with city water, on good carllne, $400 ; nothing down, $10 per month. Inquire for Mr. Leonard, 84 4th at., Columbia Trust Co. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared fur free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON lot. east facing, Stanton St.. close to Irvlngton carllne; $1150, owner must sell at big loss; this la a real snap. A. Backus, 61 it Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 7584 today. PORTLAND HEIGHTS For Bale, aightly and highly Improved lots, one or two; good house. Inquire owner, southwest corner Chapman & Clifton, block and half from car. BARGAIN Beautiful Westmoreland lot, 3 blocka from Sell wood car. Leaving city; will sell for $0O0; $377 down, balanc terms, $9.90 per month, 6 per cent lnter eat. J ISO, Oregon tan. TEN DOLLARS. Monthly payment; fine corner resldenc lot on carllne; 6c fare; small cash pay ment. Owner, residence 424 E. Harrison st. Phone East 3706. THREE BLOCKS from new Mt Tabor Park, 100x100 (.2. full lots), for sale at a bar galn. A 162. Ore g on lan . SACRIFICE SALE. Beautiful view lot. 40x115. Se owner. Janitor, g0 Flanders. LAURELHUR8T Equity In 4 lots,. $520; Cne view; price $1075. B 1077. ALBE RTA business corner, suitable for stores, and block. Wood i awn 68. For frUe Houses. HOME IN IRVINGTON $6500. AU ready to move into; Just completed and built for a home: 8 rooms, hardwood floors downstairs, finished floors upstairs, handsome woodwork, cement basement, furnace, 2' fireplaces, lighting fixtures, shades, large attic, faces east, lot 50x100 feet, hard surface pavement, on car line; price $6500( terma, $aooo cash, balance on mortgage. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-218 Commercial Club bldg. 1 Phones Main A 2 653. IRVINGTON. High-class home In the best part of Irv ing ion, can be handled for $looo down and $50 a month. This place Is one of the best bargains that wa have had for the money, JTnoO. Thia Includes the asphalt paving, two fireplaces, sun parlor, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, built-in buffet; in fart, everything that you want In your own borne. H. P. PALMER-JOKER CO.. 2Li-2l3 Commercial Club bldg Phones Main 86119. A2053. DO you want a home in Rose City Park? Just finished a modern house In every octal I; two-story and attic; hardwood floors, tinted walls, cement walks and basement, furnace., beam ceiling, veneer pnri wa inset? i ing, a en. giassea sun room, cedar store room, solid brass hardware; thla must be seen to be appreciated. Call and see owner at Tabor 2212 or at 47th aad Siskiyou, Rose City Park. Terms to suit. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN" INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLAN'S FREE IF WE BUILD. OUR REP UTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC., CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS, 3-14 AB ING TON BLD. DO TOU WANT TO BUtLD? T MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DESiGX ' ING AND BUILDING UP-TO-DAT3 FLAT BUILDINGS AND HOUSES. WHEN I BUILD NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. I CAN SHOW YOU A BIG INCOME ON THE INVESTMENT, AND WILL Fl'R K1SH YOU WITH PART OF THE MONEY WITH WHICH TO BUILD. Z. K. LOCKE. 62 HENRY BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. A flne, modern. 6-room. 2-story house, doubly constructed. furnace, fireplace. Bleeping porch and all other lateat conven iences; corner lot 50x100. half block to car on 64th and Sacramento sta.; price $3SOO, $1300 cash and - per month, GRUSSI & ZADOW. 327 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. EAST BURNSIDE ST. ft-room house on SlxloO feet, between 22d and 24th sts improvements In and paid for. Price. $8500. 7-room modern bouse, between 20th and 22d. Price. .1ot0. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg.. Phones Main S6;9. A 2653. $250 CASH. $15 MONTHLY. ' ROSE CITY PARK. 7 -room. den. solid oak floors, built-in buffett and bookcases, furnace; mirror door. etc. NATIONAL REALTY 4 TRUST CO. 320 Wash. St.. room 516. Main 5129. FORTIaNDHEIGHTS FURNIS HED BUN GALOW. This Is a real little home of S rooms; fine furniture, swell combination fixtures, gas and electricity; close to car; $.1500, $750 cash. Fred W. German, 329 Burn side. M. or A 2776. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Best location. Irvington, finished In Oak and very select fir; modern aa possible; lot 75x100; also lota, all prices. East 273, C 1S66. no agents. W- H. Herdman. $500 DOWN. Just finished last week, elegant 7-room bungalow In Rossmere, modern In every detail; lot lies high, has fir trees and ia close to car, l-none owner ar. iaoor L'tioS. FOR BALE or rent, a furnished house on Klrby and Webster sts., opposite the Jefferson High School; $30 per month rent or will sell on easy terms. Inquire Calu met Hotel. 160 Park st. NEW, modern. 9-room residence, 552 Ladd ave.; 2tO feet to 5 cariinea; corner lUth and Hawthorne. Phone East 6178. The house you want if you have the price; i5o0. K. L laney, owner. FIVE neat home, furnished; chickens, gar- j h.raaln la. roih. W tr-st- auuKu FIVE-ROOM cottage, well-built, splendid IOOUUD, M;a. " ' , gooo terma. vu'-'. COTTAGE nice garden and fruit trees, 3 tots in all, near St. Johns, for sale, part cash ; balance on time. Inquire 12tefo 3d st. FREE rent in Gregory Heights, end of Rose Ciir Park carllne. . iuy rrGREGORY IXy. CO. v MODERN 6 -room house and two lots In Arlcta. equity $185, $16 per month. Own era. 1 93 X-'ou rth. M ainS4 1 ". BARGAIN Attractive 5 rooms; Tabor car; near park: $-u0. Owner. Manhall.1564. IN Irvlngton. for sale, modem 7-room real 6eao. paxUculara. telephone C.23d4. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honse. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Owner offers for sale splendid new Heights residence: strictly modern, 6 large airy and well-lighted bedrooms; also 2 sleeping porches with dressing-rooms, mir ror doors. living-room 20x;4 with large fireplace; dining-room 20x20, beautifully paneled, large tire place and buCet; large kitchen, pa&s pantry, tiled sink, cool cup board, etc; paneled billiard-room and den, cathedral beamed and rustic fireplace : wine cellar and fruitroom; lovely screened dining porch and large porch off from living-room; 2 complete bathrooms, 3 toilets. 5 lavatories, hardwood floors, x woodllfts, wood, coal and clothes chute; roomy closets, 2 lota, driveway, garage, lovely native trees, everything that makes for attractiveness and comfort. A se cluded location, beautiful surroundings. Price only $14,000. Can arrange terms. HENRY C. PRCDHOMMK, Owner. 906 Spalding Bldg. WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES TO BE AS ADVERTISED. Rose City Park. We have some new modern fc and 6 -room bungalows with oak floors, built-in buffets, bookcases, fire places, furnaces, price from $3500 up; very easv terms. We have also 4. 7 and t-room modern houses. I-tory and full cement basement, furnaces, oak floors on the first floors, built-in buffets, bookcases, paneled walls, beam ceilings, sleeping porches, all mod ern improvements. prU-es from $3750 to $4i.0O: terms from $350 cash up. with monthly payments for balance. DAVID A CUTTLE CO.. M. M73. A 8117. 60S Yeon Bldg. TODAY'S SPECIAL (MONDAY). Today's offering is a decided bargain. On Quimby St., near 25th. a substantial 8-room house. 2 Bleeping porches, modern, built thro years ago; investigation will grove this the best buy In the neighbor ood; price J6700, terms. Fractional lot. house cost $5500 to build. La Noir A Co., Chamber of Commerce. EAST TAYLOR ST.. NEAR 23d. Nice 6-room house, 2 Stories, full base ment and full plumbing, a nice home: lot 60x100; Improved street, 6 nice fruit trees, plenty of roses; pric $5000, $1000 cash and $23 per month. GRUSSI & ZAXKW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. E. COUCH-ST. HOME.-9-room modern house, bungalow style, faces south, lot 50x100 ft., on E. Couch st.. near E. 24th. between carllnes; price $6500, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8639. A ire;.3. ELEGANT IRVINGTON HOME. Just completed, including hardwood floors, $ toilets, furnace, beautiful lawn, etc; worth $7000. but $6000 will buy it; terms. C I Bamberger, Lumbermen's bldg. Marshall 712. FOR SALE or exchange. bouse of 12 rooms, laundrv and cold storage, and lot 60x100, at 373 Cable st., lO minutes' walk from the Postofflce; beautiful, high loca tion, overlooking Uie city. Phone Main 16G5. or A 7426. 50x100 on 42d St. and Hawthorne av. ; busi ness property', with a good 6-room bunga low on it; will be worth double in a few years; $4500; terms. C. L. Bamberger, Room 2. Lumbermen's bldg. 9-ROOM modern house, very reasonable. East Side, best residential section. If you are looking for an ideal home or good investment, phone owner for particu lars. Main 3602 after 6 P. M. 40x100 FEET with good 7-room house, Market, between 12th and 13th streets; prjee $9000; terms. PABRISH. W ATKINS 4 CO., 250 Alder St, BARGAIN New 5 -room bungalow, fire place and all modern conveniences, fine district, one block from Laurelhurst, two blocks from Rose City car. Owner, Tabor 2101. ; TWO lots 60x100 each and 6-room house, all in large bearing fruit trees, berries, garden, shrubs, flowers and lawn; a com fortable little home and a bargain, $2000; easy terms. Marshall 363. FOR SALE by owner leaving town for Just what it cost two years apo. a five-room modern cottage, 1058 East Salmon st. Price $2.",00, with $1500 cash. Main 4744. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Homes, all prices. Can suit homeseek ers or bargain hunters. Main 3551 BROOKE. A 3339. EXTREMELY neat and convenient new modern 0-room house, walking distance, two blocks Sunnyside car hot water heat. See owner. 743 E. Yamhill. FURNISHED home. Rose -City Park, cash, modern 5-room bungalow, y block from 'sandy Road, all new, $8200; $2200 cash. Owner. AF 155. Oregonlan. . FRACTIONAL lot. with house, on East 11th, near Washington street; Income $240 per year; price $2400. See owner, 32 E. 15th street. ANYBODY can build a house, but It takes brains to build a home. Call Tabor 1953 and let us show you a strictly modern. 6-room bungalow. Business Property. SNAP. - Business property, two lots, corner, buildings occupied by most prosperous merchandise and hardware business in West Kelso. Owner; $2600, terms. Box 712. Kelso, Wash. WOULD you Invest $7500 cash in West Side apartment building that NETS better than $ln0 month on 5-year secured lease and Increasing In value? Think it over. Y 143. Oregonlan. GRAND AV. 50x100. NEAR ASH. $20,000 for quirk sale; watch Grand av. property double in value. C, L. Bamber ger. Room 2. Lumbermen's bldg. GRAND AVE.. $i0.000. block, with fine 3-story brick; rent $640 per month, half cash. Hart Land Co., 910 Ch. of Com. Acreage. B0 ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE. 40 acres cleared and fn a high state of cultivation, right on the main county road, close to elec tric and steam lines. 40 acres In good timber. We will sell tha cultivated land for $200 an acre and the timbered land for $125 an acre, 10 per cent down and the balance 10 per cent a year. We will cut this into any size pieces yiu desire, all in cultivation or part In cultiva tion, part in timber. This is flne garden land and is below the prevailing prices. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 170 Fifth Street, Opposite Postoffice. ACREAGE. 1. 2, 6. 10 and 20 -acre tracts, close la on Fourth-street carline, at $2-"VO per aero and up, payable In e8jr monthly Installments. See us before buying. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth SU Main 85. A 3500. ONE and three -quarters acres of fine gar dening land, nearly all cleared, with a pretty running brook; right on a county road, near Multnomah Station ; only 20 minutes out; for a very low figure; owner anxious to sell. Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. . 2 ACRES AT BEAVERTON. $1000. 2Vs acres, all In cultivation, with a 3 room new house, good well, oa main county road, 5 minutes' walk from Bea verton. This Is a bargain and must be sold at once. This is extra fine garden land. $280 cash will handle this, good terms cn balance. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. MY misfortune is your opportunity; will sell my 4 -room house. Just completed, com pletely furnished, chicken-house, 50 chickens' splendid well; two acres rich soil, part pfanted in growing crops; locat ed at Tigard Station, Salem electric Ad dress V 159, Oregonlan. ONLY $375 FOR 10 ACRES Best garden 'land, on small creek, no rock, can all be cultivated; near school and county roads. Can show you In 9 hours any day. Best buy near Portland. 612 Couch bldg. 109 4 th at. ONE acre poultry ranch, rh garden soil, 'half cleared, wood enough for years, with neat little house, 7H cent fare. West Side, price $000; one-third cash, balance easy ' - a r 1 r.rt Or"imn!BJl- L 2 3 5 AND 10-acre tracts, close In. good electric car service. $100 to $200 per acre; big values, easy terms. J. W. Hefferlln Realty CQ-, -3 Corbett b!d g., both phones. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre UD- large ard small tracts. Call Kinney - p. -.v.-- Ra t nmhar Rtchanri bide BY OWNER Small tracts near Oregon City carllne and on Willamette River. J. W. Meldrum, Meldrum station. SA ACRES, cheap; 8 miles from town; flne black aoil, small house; been cultivated. Call E- aoue- CITY acres, near Mt. Tabor. Phone owner. East 356o. j 14 ACRES, buildings, fruit, running water, xiear Oregon City; snap. A 123, Oregoniau, REAL ESTATE. Acreage. ACREAGIS $23 to $70 per acre; S400 acre, subdivided Into loO tracts of 2, 3, 10, 3. ft to 100 acres each; beat fruit and gar ten land, deep soil, fine water, ne roofci ene hour's ride from Portland, rail and rieer transportation; town and school 13 center of tract; good roads in front mt every tract. Your chance to get an ideal money -making home. These tracts sell oa sight to practical people. Call and malce aa arly selection. McFARLAND INVESTMENT COw . 1Q CorbettBldg. GET NEXT TO NATURE. RAISE YOUR FAMILY ON A FARM. I HAVE SEVERAL SMALL FARMS, 6 TO 10 ACRES EACH, IN THE BEAUTI FUL TUALATIN VALLEY. SOME WITH HOUSES AND SOE WITHOUT; SOME WITH ORCHARD AND SO.MB ALL CLEARED: SOME PARTLY CLEARED. THREE 10-ACRE TRACTS SOLID FIR TIMBER. CAN SELL ON EASY TERMS. INQUIRE AT 33S CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. CONGENIAL neighbors wanted: fruit land, beautiful scenic surroundings. rivers, mountains. boating, fishing, near electrlo line, one hour's ride from Portland; am Improving 40 acres for my own home, want congenial neighbors on remaining acreage; will sell in 1 to lO-acre tracts. If you wsnt an ideal location for perma nent or Summer home, this Is your op-p-rtunixy. No better land in Oregon. Ad--, dress owner, AT Jnu. uregonian. 5 ACRES at G an". en Home. $450 per acre, all or part; good auto road. Wolcott. 1S6 Madison at. . Homes eSsds. ADVANTAGES OF ORBGON 100-page boost givas amount of Government land open tar homestead. In each county In the States mt Oregon and Washington, and descrlptle mt same; gives home'.:ad. desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two map ef Oregon In colors, 21x28. showing R. R In operation, one showing all proposed R. R and electrie lines. Including East era anal Central Oregon. 20o each, or three 60a. Map of Washington In colors. 21x23. SOo, : Slxnmo, Runey A Co, Hamilton bldg. For B-He Fruit Lands. FORCED sale; obliged to return East Jul? 1, 40-acre ranch, fi miles south of Mosler; 8 acres young Newtowns and Spit, r en bergs. 2 acres bearing orchard, new 6-room house, painted, papered and fur nished complete; Bell telephone with long-d Istance service ; new barn, new outbuildings, chickens, fine cow and calf, Al team horses, new harness, new wagon, farm Implements, tools, etc. ; will subdi vide if necessary corn and potatoes planted between trees. This proposition an't be beat In the Northwest; $2000. balance easy. Owner will be in city few davs onlv. 170 North ISth st. Phone Main 925:i. FRUIT and nut land. I0.0 acres In proven district, cheap, terms. Aildrcss E 150, Oregoniau. ORCHARD 6 YRS. OLD, $300 PER ACRE, choicest varieties of apples; in Mount Hood Vallev; terms; $30 cash and $4.50 per month per acre. We turn you over the above In tracts from 5 acres up; location second to none In our state: your Investi gation will prove this best offer In North west, a chance to get our orchard at bed rock figures. Hart Land Co., ftlO Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland, walking distance to good town; runnnlag water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River aad now peaks; 2 acres $:!50; 3 acres $300, 1 acres $500, 20 acres $800; 10 par oaal cash, easy payments. FRANK M'FAKI.AND REALTY COU 809 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. REGAIN your health and accumulate wealth growing apples In the famous Hood Blver-M osier district, on our new plan. A small cash payment will start you right. Call or write for beautiful free booklet. HOOD RIVER OROHAiiii LAND COMPANY. 907 Yeon bldg. X ACRES level, cleared. 3 blocks station, Oregon Electric: IS minutes out, 5c fart; $1950, terms. 713 E. Stark. For Sale Farms. IDEAL LITTLE DAIRY. 65 ACRES SANDY LOAM RIVER BOT TOM LAND. NO OVERFLOW, 40 IN HIGH STATE CULTIVATION. BALANCE PASICRE AND TIMBER, GOOD BUILD INGS, FINE WATER, LIES LEVEL, FENCED AND CROSS-FENCED, FINS NEIGHBORHOOD, 25 MILES PORT LAND. WILL SELL THIS PLACE WITH ONE-THIRD CROP FOR $400. THIS 13 NOT A RUN-DOWN PROPOSITION, BUT THE BEST FOR THE MONEY IN THIS COUNTRY DON'T FAIL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TO INVESTIGATS TIKEASEY. HUMASON & JEFFERY, 2112 Chamber of Commerce. ' $25 PER ACRE. lfiO acres, 6 mi. from county seat ana railroad; Vi mile from school; 120 acres smooth, rich tillable land; balance good pastu--e; good improvements; orchard; abundance permanent soft water; will take some trade; owner lives on place and can give possession any time. Send for our fist of Irrigated and wheat farms. Investigate Wallowa County. ENTERPRISE REAL ESTATE CO-. fc,nterpng, igmi. YAMHILL. COUNTY FARMS. 124 Acres, 3 miles of thriving town on railroad. 50 acres in cultivation, balance In pasture and timber; rolling land, good soil, fine for fruit; house, barn, spring water piped to house. Price $45 per acre. $2500 cash, balance to suit at O per cent. Also good buys in improved tracts of 10 to 1000 acres. W. E. Kidder, Carlton, Or. t 20 ACRES, half in beaverdam land, with good buildings, close to electric car; 400 bushels of onions were taken off of an acre last year; big revenue producer; $t)00; terms. C. L. Bamberger, Room 2, Lumbermen's mag. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain o u th hv owner. 132 Morrison st. FOR SALE Farm of 134 acres; horses, cows, and all farming implements, terms. See owner. 552 Commercial, Court. DON'T DEIAY Six acres, fine location, buildings, orchard, etc.; $750 cash, balance time. E. E. Eaaton. Canby. Oregon. FOR bargains in ali-purpose farm lands sit uated in Linn and Benton Counties, call 1 . t it -DlnA AlKanv HrlitfOn. on or write . . r'f- -"'"' 0 ACRES near North plains; all level. $70 per acre. East 2337 or Marshall 13i7. REAL ESTATE. 31 i seel 1 aneous. GARDEN HOMES. GARDEN HOMES. 2. 3 and 5-acre tracts, ready for plant ing, adjoining Hillsboro County seat of Washington County. "Fifty Brief Min utes" from Portland. Ride through the tr In1 abfewayears Portland will have 500, 000 population and these acres will be worth what similar acres are worth adjoining cities like Omaha, Kansas City and Chi cago, via., $3Ot0 per acre, and not for Our prices. $200 to $S00, liberal terms. Come out to Hillsboro or call at "Wash ington County Land Co., 419 Lumbermens bIWe are grading streets and clearing land. Can give work to par t i binsff land. Go see this land today at Hillsboro, take Oregon Electric at Front and Jef ferson sts. Make a small cash payment ana l no tm.ns.in-c W H. GRINDSTAFF buys d sens real estate, mortgage loans on real 20 years experience in Portland real estate 1125 Yeon bldg. Main 8,5. A 734J. W ANTED REAL KSTATE. WANTED Modern, new 4 or 5-rocm bun- ealow, with Kiicneu -A-i $1500 equity, payable in 17 quarterly payments in whole or partial payment.. Frank C. Hesse. 212 Fenton bldg. FOBS A LE-TXM BK R LAN P. TIMBER LANDS . BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. BY owner, 160 acres timber In Douglas Co., Oregon; certified cruise 4.467,000; 5'JC per M. F. X. Parent, Fernwood. Idaho. WANTED- TjIBEB LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. i04 McKay bldg. C. J. McCrackeo. TO EXCHANGE. A GOOD PROPOSITION. Have a $3100 mortgage to exchange for an unincumbered bouse, Bloch Kealty Co., 206 Alder at. SALE or trade 179 acres, 10 in crop, 3 miles fence, buildings 4 miles from Blodgtt, ' $JS50. Chas. Mason, Philomath, Or. 20 ACRES, fine land, at Hood River, fur good 5-passenger automobile. Call 613 LOUCn mug, ui puui'c MODERN 6-room house in Sunnyside, for team, harness, wagon. Tabor 2136. SO ACRES Crook County, for good 5-pass. auto. AH 156. Oregonian,