1911. of larceny la a dwelling-, and another acatnst Junior Thompson, on a chars of larceny In a dwelling, and another against Junior Thompson, on a chars; ot "aasauitlnr aa officer to aid the eacapa of prisoners." Th latter Indictment Is a direct ra nlt of attempt to break Jail on last Monday night, when Trompson assault ed Jailor liuy W. Spicer. The defend ant Is accused of having- attempted to aid Ogden and other prisoners In the jail In escaping;. Th penalty provided for a conviction under thl statute la Imprisonment In th Jail from threa month to one yar. or Imprisonment In th penitentiary for from two to ten year. Several new matter har been brought to th attention of th grand jury, and th indications are that body will not complete its work befor Tues MEETINGS FAIL Rushlight Partisans Routed In Efforts to Break Up Gatherings. day or Wednesday or next week. CHANGE NOT DESIRABLE AT THB THEATERS m-nx- vnpvTYP. m?TT.nTA. SATURDAY. J U E 3, ' ' " z i ATTACKS ON SIMON i ''.eDstiiLLeosMe)stNCi tsvhi run Voters Trged to Take Action Tht Will Insure Commission Charter and Meanwhile Bnslneee Atfrrilnl-strntlon. gIVO JfCETlXOB TOXIGHT. Tom Kkkardm sad A. A. Bailey !U addrea the voters of Sellwooa mt aa epee-atr meetlns. corner at Fnia tllla Spokane avenaea, at S lock inliM. At - P. X. tba aana speaker will talk to the Tot.ro of tao Alberta district at Sixteenth mMA Alberta otnofa At both ot these meetlass too speakers win be aocotapaaltd by tho Orron stale Quartet. e An onranlsed and prearrans-ed effort a tba part of Rushllaht partisan! failed to break op meetings arranged for and bold br speaker for Mayor Mmoo last night. Tom litcharrtson and A. A. Bailey. who presented to claims of Mayor Himon for re-election. suc ceeded In disbanding tho disturbing; lenient and at tho earn time concisely presented tho reaoona why Mlmon should be re-elected. In both Instances the meetings, through tho efforts of Rich ardson and Bailey, were won or to ... I. ... 1. 1 1 h I InirloiMri tOOK advantage of the advertising of the fSimon meetings ana uu . sought to break up tho asjjemhlaaes. -The commission form of govern ment, advocated by Mayor Simon." aald Mr. Klchardson at the Albtna meet--m- v business propoal- i nis the transaction of tho buatness of this city by a com- -. it.. n .wn membora mimun " . " vm - rather than by a City Council, ouch aa yoo ha or 1 memoera Commlaaloa Flan Proved Good. Mr. Richardson related tho eiperl- following tha disaster which that city nine years eo " auditors of tha remarkable record that was mad by tha people of that city, through a comtnlt"n form of govern raent In re-eetabllehlng order and at the same time giving to tha taxpayer and homeowner reasonable oonaldere- llon. . , -Why should we make a change In the present administration of our municipal business, particularly In view of the probably early adoption of a commission form of rnmtntr In quired Mr. F.icherdaou. -Wo hare ex perienced two yearn of unparalleled prosperity uader tha administration ot Mayor blmoo. Mora atreeta have been Improved durtnc bis term than during the preceding years. -1 araia ask yoo. why should we at this time make any changes In our present municipal officials. Ton know Mayor Simon and what bo atanda for. What la tba poaltloa of Mr. Rushlight with respect to any ot tha Important questions or Issues relating- to our municipal effalrst Hit ha committed" Mmeeltr Doei anybody know where he stands? lie ha had nothing- to say for himself. Ha anybody heard htm say anything for himself" Mmon'a Enemies) Classified. yir. Fall ay explained that no was sup port lnr Mayor Simon for re-election (.cause of the enemies Plmon had made, lie followed this by saying that Simon was being opposed by tha paring; com panies. Int moving- picture trust, tha City Hall and County Commissioners' machines simply because In hi efforta to give to the peop'a of this elty a sane and reasonable business adminis tration of Its affair he had entailed the misfortune of enlisting tha oppo sition of thoso elements. Proceeding Mr. Bailey declared that Vr. Rushllcbt had mads promises to tha laboring men of the city that It would be Impossible for Mm to fulfil. Mr. Bailey frankly admitted that h had opposed Mayor Simon politically for tha last It year and was support ing. nim at this time tor tba single rea aua that he regarded Plmon superior to Rushlight In the way of qualifica tions and otherwise for tha o trice ot Mayor. Mr. Bailey, as a man who for mora thaa t yearn was Identified with the labor organisations of Portland, made effective addresses before each of the three meetings held. The entertain ment of tha audiences was further con- . trtbuted to by the Oregon Male Quar tet, wht'-b, will also appear at tonight- meetings at cWlwood and at Sixteenth ' and Alberta atreeta. Thia quartet In creases In popular favor with each aucceoilna appearance. Mr ,Rlohardon and Mr. Bailey spoke at Williams avenue and Ruaeell street. Union avenue arid Fast Ituroslde and- Grand avenue and Past Morrison. 6 MAGAZINES IN COMBINE Hampton' Columbian. Hon and Other Publications In Concern. NEW YORK. June 3. Announcement waa ma-1 today by a consolidation of maaaxino Interests la which six pub lications will be brought under on control known aa the Cmumbtan-Strrl-Ins; Company. The evnsoltdafed maca slne are Hamptons Mjgaitne. Colum bian Maaailne. Homo Maranoe. etterl tng Maasjtne. Orfre Farm Kevtew and the American Woman- Review. Krank Orff. of the Western Magajtna Publishing; Company, will head the pew companv. whirl waa Incorporated today for It.. The main manufacturing- of t!"e consolidation will be done at ft. Louis, tha pre.nt home of the Western Macaslne Publishing; Com pany. NINE INDICTED IN ASTORIA forrcry. larceny and Assault Are Charge Preferred. ASTORIA. Or. June J. peclaL The Circuit Court grand Jury today re turned a total of am indictment One of them Is arain.t a defendant who Is not In cusfKly. so It nature was not divulged- The others are aa follow: Two asalnst Raymond Cocly Tnotnp .00, on a charge of forgery; threa ag.ln.t J. B. ogd.n. on a charge of oo lemma money aader false pretenses: net against Harry Clifford, on a charge of obtainias money under fxlse pre t.ases by pasatna a aoeua check : on aaiaa XncUor Ih.y.jsoa. o a char l MrTHKKX AXO MARLOWK. t la -Twelfth Slawx." Presented at t I the Urillg Tbeater. Cast. .. j Orslne Frederick lwls t cbuiiu Srdasy Mather I Antonio William Harris T A te Captain John Taylor V.l.ntlne P. J. Kelly I Curio William MeCoomls J : Sir Toby Belrh... Rowland Buckstone i Sir Andrew Aauecheek Malcolm Bradley iMalvolle Mr. Sothsrn I Fttit Thomaa Coleman 4 Fsblsn ...Albert 8. Bawson a Priest Prederlck Roland f T OU la y Alma Kruger J I viola Mlas Marlowe e Maria. .Nora Lamlsoa e leeaeee .... WHEN played by actors of tha fin est equipment as are those In the Sothern and Marlowe Company, that fin comedy of Shakespeare's, -Twelfth Night. make for delightful and Im pressive entertalnraent. No ona part la played by an unskilled actor. Usually the associate players have been cut by nearly half In num ber, thus forcing the stars Into dom inance, evidently the prime art aim of Mr. Sothern and Miss Marlowe Is to revive classics as completely a pos sible. Sir Arthur Wing Plnero says that "comedy Is fare by a dead author." The Sothern-Marlowe players frankly treat th lighter parts of Twelfth Night" as a farce, and It bounds along In a wholly agreeable and fascinating manner. Yet with It all on Is con scious of a rich F.llxabetban quality. Mr. Sothern. who has the natural gifts ot a comedian, as he first dem onstrated mora than 30 years ago, ac complishes the portraiture of that princ of coxcomba, Maivollo. Almost unrecognisable Is th external Pot hern with his added girth and bulk of frame To tha character he gives every shade of meaning Its author could have de vised. He give to th word and man nerism of th pompous steward to Olivia a personal drollery that creates galea of appreciative laughter. Ills lofty consequential air Is vastly amus ing, as In contrast with the dignity of Lady Olivia or th unassuming gentle ness ot Viols. Tha actor's foolery la beautified ex ceedingly in the seen with Sir Toby, unci to Olivia. Feet th clown. Maria th quaint attendant of Olivia and Hlr Andrew. In this th four arch-conspirators crouch behind a low garden-seat and send out th fin quips snd clever bon-rnot put Into their mouths by th poet, while all alone on the center of tha picture struts th conceited and domlnatory steward, dressed In hi gay feathers, reading- and pondering In Si-andlloqu.nl styl over Olivia's letter to another. Mr. Eothern throughout has all the artiste s comedian's facility. Mlas Marlowe s Viola I maidenly modest and modeetly maidenly. Tru h dona hose and doublet, but she dons also a long enveloping cloak, and her boyishness has every sens of effemin acy. Her Viola Is roguish. Bhe plays with a delicate strength that Is none the less delicate) because of th strength. Above all else, her portrayal has th evanescent charm of sincerity and an abiding to the text. Miss Alma Kruger succeeds admir ably aa Olivia, and n pert little maid, Nora umtson. plays Maria with a buoy ancy that nvr border on bolsteroua nes. Rowland Backstona Is cast as Fir Toby, with a habit of looking on tha win when it U red, and a Joviality that la contagious In tba drinking scene In Olivia's kitchen when Maivollo de scends upon th revelers and roundly denounces them. Mr. Buckstono, wbll a bit clownish. Is very agreeable. Malcoln Bradley aa Sir Andrew Ague cheek I snother comic actor who merits praiea. Frederick Lewis Is Orslno. and a very manly clean-ent role he makes It. Th clown I g1vn to Thomaa Coleman, who makes muoh of tha part and its humor ous lines. This afternoon "A Ton Uk It" will b th offering. "Hamlet." Mr. Soth rrn In his favorite role. Is tha bill this evening. CASHIER $14,000 SHORT Cnlverelty Emjloje Who SaJd He tCae Robbed Held Embexxler. MINNEAPOLIS. Mlnn Juna t. I. D. Rren. a cashier of the University of . . wka mimHmI that he had been robbed by three men of I14.S00 near the campus ycsieraay. wa pmceu under arrest at 1 o'clock this morning . ... v. - I tn?if Ktatton- tnil Ht.Q " " - where he was charged with embexxle- menC TAFT LEAVES FOR CHICAGO President Will Continue Campaign for KeclprocJly There. WASHINGTON. Jun 1 Presider.; TafU accompanied by Secretary of tha Interior Fisher and Secretary Hllles. departed tonlicht for Chicago, where to morrow he will continue his campaign for Canadian reciprocity by speaking before the Western Economic Society. Man? North westerners In Gotham. NEW YORK, June !. Special.) Pa cific Northwe.t arrivals at New York hot. la tortav were: From Portland Mls E. Faillnjt. at the Seville: F. O. Ante. Mrs, F. O. Arate. at the Untnd Union. .. a 1 ck n.h,m kL fl- r rom f ; r. .,j 1 v-. . Oaks, at the York; Mrs. M. Ranlk. at tha Grand I nion. From Woodland. Wash. R. E. McNeal, at the Grand Union. From Sesttle R. E. Pllxer. t the . . . 1- - i... v .stx.decker. at tr Hotel Astor: E. Wiener. Mrs. E. Wie ner, at the York: F. Laroche. Jr at lb Grand: P. M. Henry, at the Ott. Tracliera Hold Convention. x,e. f.i..... were present at the annual convention cf th school offi cers ef Multnomah County fcald at the Commercial Club at Oreeham yester day. County Superintended ttooinson ti school ra.thods and equipment were th subjects of the day s wirk. Luncheon was served by the Ladles Aid Society pi tn tirwomi Methodist Eptacopal Cturca. RIVER CLAIMS VICTIM WILLIAM MODDER IS DROWNED IV WILLAMETTE. Whether Death "Resulted 1-Ynm Ac cident or Design la Not Known. Body I Recovered. i,it- -4riAite dpownett In th Willamette River Jut south ot the Hawthorne-avenue oran "- o'clock yesterday evenlna;. Whether h committed sulcid or aceidentaUy feU out of hi boat th Coroner la unabl to determine. Tli body wsa recovered, at 8:10 by Hufta Brady, tha city gran- Pler- w. . M odder rented a ooai at no boathons at noon yteraay ana to th Oaks. He was seen to leave th Oaks about Bo'clock by ona of the employe ot th boathouse and start down th river. About 7:S0 P. M. th captain of th Stlmaon saw the empty boat and about the same time an unknown man reported that h saw a man flounderlnr in the water. Modder'a coat, vest snd bst. which had been removed while rowlnsr. were found in th boat. There was no wa ter In the boat to Indicate that it had been tipped very far to on lde, A recommendation from C I Idle man, a horseman iu MontaTtHn. saylns; Moddsr had worked for him a year and paying; a hlsjh tribute to tha man. was found In his pocket and served to Mentlfv him. Mr. Idleman said lsst night thst h knew very little about Moddr other thaa that he waa trust worthy and thoroughly understood the handling- of horses, it Is said Modder had no relative In the city and that a brother Uvea in Montana. Modder wa about 40 years old. Th body will be held at Dunning; McEntee s by th Coroner until called for by relative. Mr. J. A. Sloore Dies. OREGON' CITT. Or- Jon t. tSp- claL) Th funeral of Mr. J. A. Moor. who died yesterday, will be held from St. John's Catholic Church at noon Sundav. iir. Moor was th eldest Juf titer of Mrs Emma JicDoOsid and . Portland, "Or., June 3, 1911. TO THE PUBLIC:' . , . . . Is there any good reason for voting the billboards out of existence? Do you know that they give employment to 150 skilled medianics? Do you know that the billboards mean a payroll of $3000 weekly? Did you ever see anything advertised on them that is not clean, wholesome, honest and fit for ? anyone to read? , Do you know that all billboards are all on private property? Do you know that there are billboards much larger and more numerous in every city in the world? Do you realize that there are no billboards in Irvington, Portland Heights, Ladd's Addition, ..; Laurelhurst, Nob Hill, Kings Heights, or any strictly residential section? Which looks the best to our visitors a vacant, unkempt lot covered with weeds and rubbish", or a neat, businesslike, well-kept 'billboard? " Has there ever been an accident from a billboard in Portland? Do you know that our billboards are built of iron? Do you know that billboards 40 feet high are allowed in New Yorlv Chicago and an large Eastern cities? Do you know that Portland at present has an ordinance which wo are living up to, which regu ' lates the erection and maintenance of billboards and signs, which limits their height to 20 feet, compels their being built of iron, specifies the size of posts, braces and anchors, prohbits objectionable adver- . tising and regulates them as to safety, morals and health? Do you know that the title of the billboard measure on the ballot is misleading? : j' Do you know that this measure, If passed does not mean regulation but prohibition, - ' ' ; notwithstanding statements to the contrary? Do not be misled. We call upon our personal friends, business assjciates and the public to vote down this unwarranted attack upon our business. ' Think over the above questions and then ask yourself if any one would be benefited by voting us out of business. VOTE 139 X NO. tha lata Josh a McDonald. Sh was born at Salem July 18, 1864. and came to, this city with her parents wnen young-. She was married to J. H. Moor 24 years ago and her husband and four children survive her. Carl Moore, one of the children, was called recently from Philadelphia, where ha waa attending- college, on account of the se rious Illness of his mother. Mrs. Moore ia also survived by two Bisters. Mrs. Arthur MlUn and Mrs. Leonard I Piokens. Party to Take Long; Auto Tour, 43RANTS PASS, Or.. June (Spe cial.) Ex-Mayor Kinney, merchant. banker and pioneer business man, left today for a two months' tour of Cali fornia by automobile. With him ar Mr. Klnnev snd their son Paul, and ajUff If! Svvissco Stops If lA&eZ XSIAX BOTTLX TBX3. Dandruff Is MarMsnlns. Swlssco stop dandruff quickly, grows new hair and restores gray and faded hair to its natural youthful color. 8wlssco stops baldness, bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, brittle hair or any hair or ecalp trouble. . To prove that our claims are true wa will sand you a larg trial bottle free If you will aend luc In silver or stamps to help pay cost of postage and packing to Swlssco Hair Remedy Co, J63S P. O. Square. Cincinnati. O. Swlssco will be found on sale at all druggists and drug department every where at Sue and tl.oe a bottle. por sal and recommended In port land by THE OWL DRUG CO. a5Vj PORTLAND OFFICE ; Per r- ,-: Very truly yours, FOSTER & KLEISER. SUMMER LIMITED TRAINS DAILY, BEGINNING SATURDAY, TO ASTORIA AND CLATSOP BEACH POINTS SEA SHORE LIMITED, DAILY Leaves Portland 9:20 A. M. Arrives The Beach for luncheon. Leaves The Beach after dinner. Arrives Portland 10:15 P. -M- WEEK-END SPECIAL Leaves Portland 2:30 P. M. Saturday. Arrives The Beach for Dinner. Leaves The Beach 8:40 A. M. Monday. Arrives Portland at 12:30 P. M. .Other trains leave Portland at 8 A. M. and 6:30 P. M.. Observation-Parlor Cars on All Trains. Tickets and Parlor Car Seats at CITY TICKET OFFICE, Fifth and Stark Sts. All trains rise THE NORTH BANK STATION. Eleventh and Hoyt Sts. JUNE 3D ' ' , - I