TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1911. Our Store Remains Open Tonight Until 9:30 Watch Sunday's Papers for the Highest Contestants in the Teachers' Travel Contest Last Day of Gossard Corset Demonstration Manicuring, Hairdressing, Shampooing and Children's Haircutting, Balcony, First Floor $ 1 Dinner Tonight Orchestra Music I'M US delicious $1 Dinner served from 5:30 till 8 tonight A in the beautiful 7th Floor Restaurant. Music by Rosebrook's Ileilig Theater Orchestra. 25c Byron Collars 16c MEIER aft FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ...-- O PECIAL lot of the beautiful, new em broidered Byron Collars, as illustrated, pure white or with dainty colored pipings. Regular 25c Collars, on sale today for only A OC 25c to 40c All-Silk Bibbons all plain and fancy designs, 5 and 6 inches wide. Dresdens, Print warped Moire and Taffeta. Today, yd I 1 C Maraaralaa Paara. Naaat MallH aarlak klrara, Oar- raat Jell. Raaat Prtaa HIKa ( Bf aa Jaa, l.rk.blrv laaMlaa. Xa la I rtta. l.aarasaa. Ilra.l Hatiav. T.M.I i aa4 l'aaikev 9ala4 LaMa Narlaaa law I ma A.aa1al akra. awtaa Ikrm aaal Taa.tral tracker. IMMal Taatae. I'rnk trail CawllfaM. - faaaa.aaaM' Iar-llaar. Crarnaa Krv.h A rt aana CraaOM. 9ml baT.laa. Cim OUvaa. 1la ala Ka.lt Haae. rvauara JallraaaN f.ttb-. rmk Crab l Ukt rwkan. 4 23 .Bij.VrpSwjiJ.. csr. -a'fraaaaa-a -'' Men the City Over Are -..Talking of Tliese $15 Suits! WASTED Experienced Bnshelmen for Men's Clothing Section. Apply at once, prepared for work. MEIER at FRAWS, THIRD FLOOR. ORDER BV MAIL. I IKE wildfire, the news of these astonishing values in Men's Summer Suits has spread to every part of Portland! You never bought better Suits regularly under $20, $25 and even $30! Every Suit hand-tailored with hand-felled collars, hand-worked button holes, and unbreakable haircloth fronts. Models for the young man distinctive, ultra effects. Models for business, for outing for the most conservative. ALL SIZES FOR MEN OF REGU LAR, STOUT AND SLIM BUILD. Splendid All- Wool Blue Serges All the Smartest Shades of Gray All the New Browns and Tans Over-Plaids, Self-Stripes, Checks Most Famous Makes in America Boys $7.00 to $10.00 Suits, $6.35 "We've gone through our entire lines of $7, $8 and' $10 Knickerbocker Suits and selected a splendid lot to sell today at $6.35. - Snappy, clear-cut models in double-breasted and Norfolk with extra full cut, peg-top Knickerbockers. Handsome new grays, ft C browns, tans. All sizes, 7 to 16, included. You may take Q m J your choice today of these handsome Suits for low price, r " Great June White Days Hundreds of New Bargains AS FAST as the lots have melted away under the tremendous buying of these great 11th Annual June White Days, we've replaced them with new bargains many even at bigger re ductions than before! Practically every article in our immense "White Stocks re duced Every Muslin Undergarment is Reduced Every Infants' Garment is Now Reduced Every Piece White Wash Goods Reduced Our Entire Stock of Table Linens Reduced Wh ite Gloves, Parasols, Neck wear Reduced White Waists, Suits, Skirts, Coats Reduced All White Footwear at Reduced Prices Purchase of Photo Supplies Brings Big Savings Today! KODAK enthusiasts will come from miles around to share in these ex traordinary savings today! Of course, we carry an immense stock of all Ko daks', from the $1 Brownies to finest grades at $75 and $100. fic Pea Crystal Hypo, special, 3 lbs. 10. 25c M. & F. General Developer, 19. 75c Oil Dark Room Lamps, today 59. 25c Printing Frames, up to and including 4x5 size, 20. $3.25 Metal Collapsible Tripods, 4 sections, $2.69. 6c Photo Blotting Paper, 19x24-inch, each, 3. 15c Beveled Egyptian Card Mounts, 3x and 4i5-in. sizes, today, loz., only 11. 25c Post Card Hangers, brown or gray, today, 19. 10c Albums, 5x7, 18 leaves, special 5 15c Albums, 5x8, 16 leaves, special 8 Gotham Under w'r Sale $1.00 to $3.00 Shirts and Drawers for 69c MEIER afc FBASK'5, FIRST FLOOR. - 10DAY'S the last chance men 1 will have to buy these famous Gotham Athletic Shirts and Drawers at a half to one-third regular price, just be cause some bear trivial -imperfections. Plain, crossbarred and checked Nain sooks ; Soisettes (like silk) ; even pure Linen. All sizes in the lot $1, f f-1.50,- $2 and up to $3 gar- F9 fV ments now on sale for only , Sale Gotham Union Suits Today 98c The Gotham Union Suits sell regularly . at $1.50 to $3. Plain and fancy Nainsooks, Mulls, .Soisettes, in white and colors. All have the Gotham patent adjustable waist band and drop seat. All sizes, on aq sale today for low price of only 5OC $2.00 Soisette Shirts Today $1.39 Men, here's a splendid saving today on the latest style in Men's Summer Shirts. Made of genuine trade-marked Soisette (hard to detect from silk) in white, tan, gray, pink and blue. With every Shirt comes a separate soft collar and tie to match. A fine $2.00 value $1.39 $1.25 Funnel Photo Colors, special to day, 89. 10c Engel'i Art Corners, today, 2 for 15. 25c Developing Trays, 5x7-inch, 19. 20c Albums, 7x10, 18 leaves, special 10 25c Albums, 10x12, 16 leaves, special 15 Men's Oxfords $3.85 $3.85 MEIER at FRtXKm THIRD FLOOR. ORDKH RT MAIL. lUCEX, here's $1.15 clipped off the price of our finest $5 Summer Oxfords for today! All the season's smartest shapes and leathers Blucher Lace Styles Tan Russia Calf with broad freak toe. Fateiit Colt with medium swing last. HIaek Russia Calf with high, knob toes. Also 3-Button Model of black Russia Calf with high, knob toes. Kvcry pair with genuine Good-year-welt soles and military heels. All sizes ami widths in each d0 Qf style. For today at only vD300 Childs' Wash Dresses Worth2to$3,98c MEIER FRAXKS, SECOND FLOOR ORDER BT MAIL. A MAKER retiring from business, sold us every Child's Wash Dress he had on hand many at less than the actual cost of material I The entire purchase of over 1100 goes on sale to day Made of sturdy Ginghams, Percales and Chambrays in a wide range of pretty, new styles. The ages range from 6 to 14 years. Plain colors of blue, pink, tan, red; also all sorts of attractive plaids, stripes and dots. Russiun, one-piece sailor and jumper styles, some with the new kimono sleeves. All have full-plaited skirts. They're $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 "Wash Dresses in every particular; on sale today at All Straw and Panama Hats Reduced Today! MEIER FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. FOR the Great 11th Annual June White Days, we've reduced our entire new stock of Men's Straw and Panama Hats ! Plenty of extra sales men to wait upon you today. All our $2.00 Straw Hats at ?1.79 All our $2.50 Straw Hats at $1.98 All our $3.00 Straw Hats at $2.79 All our $3.50 Straw Hats at $3.15 All our $5.00 Straw Hats at $4.79 All our $6.50 Panama Hats, $5.89 All our $7.50 Panama Hats, $6.89 All our $8.00 Panama Hats, $7.35 All our $9.00 Panama Hats, $8.15 Order By Mail All our $10.00 Panama Hats, $8.95 98c Specials on 5 th Floor ak. www $Z Canvas Weave vjggj1 I lUlIllllUUHCi p 1 .T7 Our brst tightly-woven Hammocks, inaile with large thrmbvk tufted pillow, full width valance, head and foot spreailor. Mz-M - by 36. Spocial at O 1 TJ $1.50 Canvas-Weave Hammocks, OS Baseball Accessories $1 Black Kid Fielders' Gloves, on sale at 79 $3.00 Baseball Shoes, all sizes, at only S1.95 $1.00 Famous Reach Baseball Mitts, only -49 75c Baseball Stockings, on sale at, pair 59 $4.00 Single-tube Bicycle Tires, 28-in. S2.G9 - 'meTm,'fm aj'l .--ai au aafaual VS AKL I i. 71 H '.Tfr- lS rVJ $3.50Double.Ply Hammocks $2. 49 Large double-ply Ilammocks, 90x41-inoh size, with large throw-back tufted pillow, wide upholstered valance and hard wood spreader at head and foot. Extra strong and dur able; our regular tf0 1Q $3.50 Ilammocks $2.50 Closely-Woven Hammocks, $1.9S The Fishing Tackle $1.00 Jointed Fishing Poles, on sale for 73 20c Best Fishing Lines, 84 feet, for only 15 25c Tin Bait Boxes, on special sale for 19 $1.75 Split Willow Fishing Baskets, only 9S 50c Adjustable Multiplying Reels, only 39 To $7 Brass ware MEIER FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. IT'S really marvelous how these rich, massive pieces of Russian Hammered Brassware can be sold at $3.19 if we'd bought them regularly, they would be $5, $6 and $7. Hundreds of pieces went to eager buyers Thursday and Fri day. Sale ends at store-closing time tonight. $5.00 Hammered Brass Hanging Baskets, now $6.00 Hammered Brass Pedestals, 23-in., now $7.00 Hammered Brass Flower Baskets, only $5.00 to $7.00 Brass Jardinieres, 8 styles, for1 $6.00 Hammered Brass Umbrella Stands, now $3.19 Women's 25c Hosiery 1 7 c TODAY ON THE BASEMENT BARGAIN SQUARE EXTRA special today on the Basement Bargain Square, Women's splendid 25c light weight Summer Hose in black lisle. Also dainty Lace Boot Hose in pink, sky blue, gray; in fact all wanted shades a. special three pairs, 50; pair for X f C Specials on First Floor Women's 85c Silk Plaited Hose Light weight, but durable. Wide garter-proof tops, double heels and toes. Black, white, sky, pink, etc., special today, at pair 59$ Women's 50c Fancy Summer Hose, q black and colors, now on sale, only jqC Misses' 35c Lisle Hose, black and all wanted shades, the pair, 19 Infants' 20c Silk Lisle Hose, light weight, in all shades, now 12V Boys' and Girls' 20c Hose, light, medium ribbed, black, tan, 12V2t Saturday Sale of Our 30c Fresh Roasted Coffee at 23c MEIER FRANK, BASEMENT ORDER BV MAIL. EVERY Portland Housewife has learned to look for this Saturday Coffee Sale in The Big Store's Pure Food Grocery! Splendid 30c quality of Coffee, a delicious blend, roasted fresh every hour, right in the de- no partment. Special today, 5 lbs. $1.05; lb5C Meierfrank Superior Blend Coffee, per pound 37 Early Dawn Coffee, Mocha and Java style, at 29 Royal Banquet Coffee, real Mocha and Java 45 Japan Style Bice, special today at 5 lbs. for 21 Famous Supreme or Butternut Butter, 2 lbs. 51c See Big Table of Non-Advertised Grocery Specials. Royal Banquet Butter, special on sale, a roll, 55 Domestic Swiss Cheese, special, per pound, at 22 Mild Cream Cheese, special, on sale, per pound, 17 Sharp Cream Cheese, special, on sale, per pound, 17. Fresh Russian Caviar, one-quarter pound glasg, $1.35 Bakers' Premium Chocolate, one-half pound cakes 18 Snider's Catsup, special at low price, per fcittle, 19 Bine Label Catsup, specially priced at only, bottle, 19