Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 03, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Visitors to the Carnival Are Invited to MaKe Headquarters at Our iStore Our Rest Rooms, Phones, Etc. Are at Your Service
Store Stays Open Until 9:3Q P. M. Carnival Bunting, Flags, Pennants, Festoons, Tissue Decorations, Carnival Caps, Etc.
. ii
P&ys Sales
Raymond Duncan's
Final Lecture
Thi Evening at 8 o" Clock. In Our Auditorium on the
Fourth rioor. a Disconrse on
"Individual Liberty"
And a practical step toward giving
mean to attain it. Thi will be Mr.
to the workers a
Dnncan's last ap
pearance la our Aulitnnim, and the suhjert pmmL- to
M mt interest irjr of all the series. Ail inrited. Free.
Hams, Su gar Cured,lb. 15c
Picnic Shoulders, lb. 11c
Reg, $7 Folding Go-Cart Now $4-95
A folding Go-Cart with 10-inrh wheel. 3-8-inch tire. gnod spring in seat, double frame. GA QC
very l.ght weight; well finished; Un, black and green color; regular $7.00 Tallies at V-.'
Women's 45c Hose Only 29c
SOc Hose. 3 Pair $1
Woman's blark Oaujte lisle Hose, full-fashioned,
extra reinforced heel and soles, and
Hennsdorf dyed; our regular c29c
values, offered special at only, pair
Women's extra fine quality imported black
or tan Gauze Lisle liose. The blacks are
fa.-t ; the tans are the new 1 Clf
shades; .Vtc value, three pairs
of I
Grand Exhibition of
Coronation Robe
2 to 4:30 P. M. today, an exact du
plicate of the gorgeous Coronation
Robe to be worn by Queen Mary when
she and King George are crowned, will
be exhibited on a live model, in our
raiment department, second floor, this
afternoon. Do not fail to see it. This
will positively be the last opportunity.
Bental -Department, Bu
reau of Equipment, locat-
on the Third Floor.
All White limit Underwear
at 'June White Days' Prices
$l.QO Lisle Vests 63c
$1.25 Union Suits 95c M
Unprecedented values are offered in the knit underwear store, on main
flour. Every kind, every quality, every style is on sale at greatly reduced(
prices. Women's swiss-ribbed" Vests in the low-neck, sleeveless CO.
stvles, with plain or trimmed yokes; values to f 1.00, special for
UNION SUITS of snnerior quality cotton, styled in the low necks and
res, plain or fancy-tnmmed. witn tne tient Knee or i-Uk
il, umbrella style; regular $ 1.25 values, offered special for wJv.
no sleev
93c Union Suits 79c
Women's Union Suits.- in low-neck,
sleeveless styles, plain or fancy
trimmed, fashioned with tight knee
or the loose, lace-trimmed; regular
5. values, offered during VQ
this sale at low price of, ea.
50c Merode Vests at 21c
"June White Pays" in the main floor underwear store bring out
some of the ro.t n-uiarkaule values of the season. Here's a line
of Merode" Vests in the medium weight, low or high neck, long
sleeve or sleeveless; very good 5V values, offered special O 1 c
for the "June White Days" sale at low price of only, ea.
95c Swiss Vests 69c
Very good quality swiss- ribbed
Vests in the low-neck, sleeveless
styles, and plain or fancy 7Q
trimmed; 95c values, each"''
Our 50e low-neck sleeveless A O
Vests, offered special, only"c
15c Vests for lQc
A lot comprising 1000 Summer
Vests in the low-neck, sleeveless
styles, in Richelieu or swiss 1 C
ribbed; 15o values at, ea. Avfl
Iow n e e k, sleeveless 1 O J
19c Vests special at,
III l E 1 ' 1 rl
35c Vest at 25c
I This lot will show up above your ex
I rotations. Tlie quality is unusnally
I cod at 3.'c earh. Kor this ereat June
'White lale we offer J'tnr2Rr
I ehoi'O at low prn-e of only. ea. '
AH White Underwear gTeaily reduced.
Kayser SilK Vests
Every woman who wears fine underwear knows
the superior merits of Kayser-made goods. We
offer in the main floor department. Kayser Vene
tian Silk Vests, low neck, sleeveless styles, in
white, pink or sky, seasonable and (1 CQ
very serviceable garments; sp'L, ea.
Women's swiss-ribbed umbrella style
Tights, lace-trimmed, regular CO.
OHe values, special, the pairC
Kayser ' Italian Silk Vests and Union
Suits, in white and colors, all of- m
fercd for this sale at reduction of
$6 Union Suits $4-97
S7.50 Union Suits $5.39
These will be shown on the second floor. 1000 Italian Silk
Union Suits, so essential for the present style of gowns. They
are Iiirht eiht. strong, snug fitting; values up to GA 07
tAXfl. social Jttne White Snle price, the suit, only
KATSER ITALIAN SILK Union Suits in the umbrella style,
wuh deep bem.-lttrhed flounce, finished with lace, beading and
ribbon; our regular stock values np to 7-V). offered CC OQ
verv special dnnn- the "June White Days" at, suit
S4.5Q SilK Vests $3.49
$3.75 SilK Vests $2.94
In the undennuslin department, on the second floor, we offer a
special sale of women's Kayser Silk Vests, extra long, reinforced
shields under arms and with band at top. A beauti- 0 An
ful $4.50 quality, offered special during this sale at
KAYSER SILK VESTS in white, blue and pink, embroidered
in floral, conventional and eyelet designs; some in white with
colored flowers, finished with tape; our regular (JO QA
$o.00 values, special at $3.95; regular $3.75 values at PtT
5Qc Box Stationery for 23c
Hurd's Writing Paper A Off
nurd's finest quality ribbed finish
Writing Paper on sale by the J
quire .at off regular price
Box Paper Autocrat Linen, 24
sheets of paper and 24 envelopes;
our reg. 35e and 40c "Q'lP
ers, special, the box, today
Wax Paper bv the roll at only 4
White Shelf Paper, 10c grade 7
Beresford Linen Box Stationery,
50 sheets of paper and 50 envelopes
to box; good 50o stock, of- OO.
fered special today at only''
75c Wedding Cake Boxes for 60
85c Wedding Cake Boxes for 70
$1.00 Wedding Cake Boxes 85
Fine finish, with lace and protect
tive leaves. These are all bargains.
Discontinued Lines
Nemo Corsets Reduced
Regular $1Q Vals. $5.49
Regular $5 Values $3.4
Three specials m Nemo Corsets
which every woman should in
vestigate. They are lines which
we wish to discontinue; styled
for stout and abnormal figures.
The only corset made that re
duces the abdomen with absolute
comfort and safety. The Nemo
Corset is guaranteed to wear
longer than other corsets be
cause they are all made of heavy
materials and are double-boned
throughout. In this sale we of
fer a full line of sizes. Regular "Thensw
$10.00 values at $5.49; regular 4g222
$5.00 values at $3.49; regular fAsrrrop
$3.50 and $4.50 val- QD Corset.
ues at low price of V"''0
$12 Bon Ton Corsets at $2.98
A special sale of discontinued styles in the famous Bon
Ton Corsets a corset with a record. Carried exclu
sively by Olds, Wortman & King for 20 years. The
ideal corset fox the American figure. These are made
of fine batiste and coutil and a few brocades; trimmed
in lace or ribbon, fitted with hose support- CJO QQ
ers. Values np to $12.00, offered special at pA.70
200 SilK Dresses
$40 Values
for $15.95
A more sumptuous gathering of Women's
Silk Dresses has never been seen in Port
land at such an extremely low price. The
variety is something unusual, including
Foulards, Taffetas, Messalines, etc., in
black and white, blue and white, brown
and white stripes, figured patterns, Tjor-
dered effects, etc.; trimmed with piping,
braids, fancy buttons, lace yokes and
sleeves; very seasonable dresses for the
Bose Carnival. Regular values up to
$40.00. Specially priced for
this great sale at only, each
$10 SilK Petticoats
to MatcH Them $4.39
From6 to 9:3Q P. M.
65c Neckwear Only 12c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, a sale of odds and
ends in fancy Neckwear, all selected from
our regular stock because they are slightly
soiled or mussed. There's every style 10.
in the lot; worth to 65c, special, ea.
$4 Auto Veils at $1.48
6 to 9:30 P. M., main floor, a sale of extra
long Auto Veils, made of good quality chif
fon cloth, and hemstitched all I1 Afi
around; worth $4.00, special at P"0
$2 Hand Bags Now 98c
6 to 9 :30 P. M., main floor, a sale of satin
or moire silk Handbags, long cordelier cord
handles, black or white, gilt or sil- QO
ver frames; regular $2.00 values for OC
$12.50 I4'en Suits $4.95
Women's $4 Shoes $2.98
$2 Canvas Oxfords at 78c
V rreat unloading sale of woiwn tan calf Pumps nd Oxfords in the new lurht willow
ihadc . ver popular Ibi seaxm. trimmed with neat flat tailored bow, n ?9 QR
ort .lase U.t pattern; our repilar $4.00 values, special today, at, pair V
Velvet" Pnmpa, in the golden brown and
bla'k. made with intep strap, with turn
sole-: a ry few line and nnusnal val
ues at ? .00; offered very pe- 19 QQ
rial for this sale at.the pair V ''
H) pairs of women's white Canvas Ox
ford, all our short lines, made in blnrher
styles, with turn or welt solos; good selec
tion of lusts and patterns; all "70
siies; values to 2.00, the pair oc
Women's $5 Oxfords $2--&2
Men's $5 Oxfords $S,85
Basket Lunch
For Two People 75c
For Four People$l,5Q
For today in our grocery and delicates
sen departments, we will introduce a sale
of picnic lunches, put up in baskets, as
follows, for parties of two or of four:
FOR TWO Kipe Olives, Sweet Fickles,
Underwood Deviled Ham, package of Va
nilla Snaps, package of Soda Crackers,
two Oranges, bottle of imported C
Ginger Ale. 1 basket, all for only "C
FOR FOUR A splendid picnic lunch;
plenty for four hungry people. Sliced
Boiled 11am, 4 Oranges, package Graham
Crackers, package Tea Biscuits, Sweet
Pickles, 4 bottles of imported Ginger Ale,
Ripe Olives, Cheese. AU in a T 1 Cfl
lunch basket, at low price fPJU
200 Messaline and Taffeta Silk Petticoats in a broad range of colors, suitable to wear
wiin me auove aresses. ine messaunes are styled witn plaited Ilounces. Xne taltetas
have deep flounces trimmed with tailored bands or pin tucks, and with cotton dust ruf
fles, string or adjustable tops; colors are light blue, pink, navy, emerald green, brown,
lavender, iigni and aarK gray, rose, red, wmte, black and changeable. Our CA. xQ
regular values up to $10.00, offered special during this sale at low price of
Dainty White Waists
Reg. $4 Values for $1.39
"June White Days" sale of 160 Waists, made of dainty lingerie
materials in a good variety of styles, trimmed with colored embroi
dery, Clnny and Valenciennes lace, fashioned with high or Dutch
necks, short kimono sleeves; well made and finished; djl OQ
good assortment of attractive styles; values np to $4.00 J
Regular $2 Mattingf Suit Case for $1.39
Reg. 37.5Q Leather Suit Case for $5.48
Lightweight Matting Suit
rases, 24 inches long, with
steel frames, brass locks
and catches, linen-lined. A
substantial case that will
stand a lot of hard usage.
Thev sell regu- CI QQ
lar at $2, spec'l P1.0P
Matting Suitcase, 24 inches
long; with steel frame, brass
lock -and catches; two straps
all around the body. Good
strong handles; linen-lined.
Selling Tegnlarly at $2.50,
offered s p ecial 1J 1 7Q
for this sale at 5
A genuine cowhide Suit
case, 24 inches long, steel
frame, with brass lock and
catches, ring handle, two
straps all around the body;
linen-lined, with shirtfold
and inside strap JC A (2
Reg. $7.50 val. jiJ.0
6 to 9 :30 P. in the basement underprice
store. Women who study economy will take
advantage. Linen Suits in white, pink, bine
and tan; good, heavv material, medium
length jackets; modified skirts, perfectly
tailored. Regular $10 to $12.50 &A Q C
values, offered special at only
Men's $1 SHirts for 45c
6 to 9:30 P. in the basement store, 500
men's Shirts, made of fine grade percale, in
neat patterns, plain or plaited bosoms; cut
full and correctly sized; best regular! C
$1.00 values, offered special at, each"
85c Union Suits at 48c
6 to 9:30 P. in the basement, 50 dozen
men's Union Suits in the Summer weight
balbriggan and "Poros Knit," made from
best Egyptian yarn; long or short sleeves;
Sizes 34 to 44; regular 75e to 85o AQf,
values, offered special at, the suit "OC
Beautiful Trim'ed Hats
$6 Values Special at $1
900 pair of women's Oxford, in patents. and mostly factory sam
ple; and some taken from our renlar
etock. Very f4 value, to (JO fiQ
$o.tX; special, the pair,
Men's Oxfords, this season's best sellers.
The new tans in Russia and willow shades
of calf; box and velour ralf, in black, also
vici kids in values to $5.00; Q QC
S7 HammocK 54.95
S3.50 HammocK2.95
A verv fine trade Hammook. double
tapetrv weave, jaoouard le:irn ooiy
and valanee; has concealed spreader
at bead; good. wr!I-fi!!.'d pillow, di
vided uienjion. dmhle strincinr
ith rope ard cord: adjustable rope
and knot.; our . szA CitZ
value, offered special fvr VTU
HAMMOCKS, ia cloe twilled and
satin weave, of jiwimard dosijra body
and valanee; eoctinnous stnnring.
woo.! br at font, with patent tin,
adjustable hitrh and rinsr. QC
Very good $3.W seller at
OPEX-WEAVX Hammotks with rsl
anre; rf jlar 2.i values for 81.-15
special for this sale at, pair
Hot Weather Needs
Special 45c
Solid brass ; m a k es
soft spray and is
easily moved over
the lawn w i t b o n t
turning off the wa
ter. A regular 60c
seller for only -13
S5.85 Garden Hose Spe
cial $4.65
50 ft. of piaranteed
Rubber Garden Iloe
complete with coup
ling and noir.le; our
regular $3.85 seller
at this price 34.65
Refrigerator $22.7Q
The Automatic Refrigerator. The dry and
perfect circulation is the secret of its refrig
eration success. A great favor- COO 70
ite with those who know. Kach V"" v
50c, 75c Sox for 27c
50c Belts Only 29c
A great assortment of men's fine cotton and lisle Socks in plain
or fancy colors; very nnusual quality and the proper pat- O 7
terns for low shoes; all sizes; 50c and 75c values, pair" '
MUX'S BELTS A big lot to pick from. Belt season is here.
Don't wait until the lines are broken. Come in early for yours.
They come in Black, gray and tan. Our best regular 50e OQ
grades, offered special during this sale at low price of"'
Men's Fonr-in-IIand Ties, the narrow
pinproof kind. The proper tie for the
close-fitting collar. They come in all
plain colors and striped effects. They
are made of splendid materials that
tie np smooth and wear well. They
sell everywhere at 50c; ourOQ
tpeeial price now, each, only"''
H Shirts
at 89c
In the men's corner, main floor,
a sale of Carnival Shirts, made
of imported percales, woven
madras, ginghams, Russian
cords, etc. The most popular
coat styles, with cuffs attached;
plaited or plain bosoms, white
and colors. All well made and
correctly sued. A full line of
sizes and sleeve lengths. Our best
regular $1.50 sellers, "QQ:
sale today at only, each OIC
6 to 9:30 . P. M. today. A sensational
sale o beautiful trimmed Hats, 50 to pick
from. Every one of them splendid styles.
Trimmed in flowers, braids, ribbons, eto.
Small, medium and large shapes; good color
combinations; regular $4 to $6 1J1 ff
values, special evening price, ea. K w
Regular 4Qc Coffee 26c
St'f d Olives 3 Bot's 25c
Choice Herring Can'ed
in Tomato Sauce for 9c
5Q Dozen Pajamas
$2.50 Values $1.15
50 dozen men's Pajamas go in this lot. They are well made and
neatly trimmed with silk frogs, silk loops, etc. Plain colors, cut
full; all 6izes in the lot. Our regular $2.00 and 1C
$2.50 values, on special sale at low price of, suit ? X A J
Onr own Imperial Roast Coffee and select
ed Olives and good Herring, on sale at the
above special prices, 6 to 9:30 P. M. only.
Regular 5c Silk Thread
Special the Dozen 15c
6 to 9:30 P. M., main floor, good quality
Sewing Machine Thread, "Sublime," all the
wanted shades, including black; reg- l C
ular 5c a spool; evening price, dozen iJC
25c Card Hair Pins, lQc
lQc Hair Nets Only 3c
6 to 9 :30 P. main floor, a sale of Bone
Hair Pins of the finest quality, crimped or
plain; best smooth finish, 3 nches "1 fif
long; 3 on s card; regular 25o card vJC
HAIR NETS The "Sylvia," 36 ins. long,
tied at both ends; extra wide; best quality
silk, in all shades; our regular 105 0
values, special evening price, each J
TEOXJSEE HANGERS, cloth-cove 'd clamp,
adjustable catch, folding hook; one 1 C.
of best 25c hangers made; special