Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 02, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    the 3ioit:ayG oRrooxiAy. fbipat, Juyr: z, mi.
Governor's Policy of Parole
end Pardons Has Good
Penitentiary 1 Well Crowded Nov.
lift? Mea Given Chance to Work
Upon Roads and at All of
Stale Institution.
KALXM. Or, Juu 1. Sj-ial.)
Wltk 19 convict "trusties" working at
th state Institutions already and with
10 mora to be sent to tha Institution or
ut on road work next week, tha re
cently announced prtun jllcy of Uv
inor West la now In active operation
and ao f-a-r. cording to reporta of tha
authority, r.t a tjiaa baa escaped or
kit attempted to racan.
Tha men at tha In.tUtutiona are paid
as centa a day. thla m:.e to mo Into
th tuLnd.4 of tha ram thernselvr and
bo d:,ued of bjr triera o-ernor Wat
sld tolay that it will ba Ms plliy to
TKoaaw tvtr rrcommetL'l.ttin n;d
to him by tha partle burd.
hit the bw le not riu!re rne
to parole every nun that th bord
racoir.nien.ij fr parole. I lulf.J to do
eo, navertrirl, a." he a;itl. "I Intend
to work on tue bo:e that every man
who does not blon In tha l'enlten
ttary aaould ba removed from there and
every man that dee blon.r In tha
prlaon ahould etay. Tha parole bord
makes a thurout'n examination of the
u broiieht before It and their rer
DmroemlaUon la sulTlfla-nt for ma to feel
eauened that the prisoners so, recom
mended are worthy of erery oppor
tunity to make good.
Leniency Given forty-Seven.
Rajrardtes of the fart that Governor
Weat baa ao far a-rantvd paruona. pa
role or conditional pardona fr 47
prtaoners. there are now t.j ronvlots
at tha rrnltantiary. which la within a
few of ih hth-recor.l mark fbr tha
prlaon. Kort -two rdona and eon
dltltal pardota and rive paroles have
Wen granted, exclualve of the !1 pa
.rotes recommended by tha board.
"Men are comic In ao rapidly that It
Is neccaeary to thm the ranka to keep
the coat of Uia Penitentiary donn to a
baala where tha appropriations will al
low tha fetal Board to pay out without
deflrlenciee." aald tha Governor. Soma
of the men must be turned loose and
tha men that are beir.a turned loose
are. lo the beet of my knowledge, men
who ahouid ba out and JU' an oppor
tunity." Governor Will Maintain Secrecy.
iooif tha men paroled today on rec
anoMiuU'loi of tha parole board ware
John M. tncklnson and Walter Sinclair,
who were aervlB acntencea for Impll
ration la the murder of a UUulu In
f'lackama County. They have been
In tha I'enltenttary since April. 190.
No established policy of eecrtjcy will
be maintained. In all probability, by the
executive office surrounding paroled
r pardoned men. although It Is equally
probable that tha Governor will request
In many lnstancea that names be with
held of paroled and pardoned men
when be believes that It mlKht ba det
rimental to their future chances to
sk good outalde of prison If It la
generally known that they are former
con vie is.
f-pokai" Men In Foildlnr Trades
Make Kffort for I.lne.-..
PrOKXXE. Wash, June 1. Spe-
A concerted effort by all per
sons connected with the bulMlne
trade In th: city to etlmulato busl
aeaa Is propoevd by Spokane ardil
teeta. The plan Is to hold a conference of
representative arehlttxta. bulllers. ma
terial men and workmen, at whu-h
local material prK-es. labor prl.-es and
working; con.lltlona will be compared
with the eonditlona prevailing la other
caiFts titles: after which such re
vision may be made In the local
bedules as make Spokane con
ditions in bulMing Industries conform
with I Boa of tha ether cities.
It has been susgested that the
Vaaks and trust comt-iiite which make
bulidiaar loans be requarcd to aend
alany priposed butldlnas have been
held up partlyen acrount of tha Mn
riea wbicB have been charred for
maney. Ta money n.ajket now. how
er. Is ea.iaa- up sal It Is expected
there will be no difficulty In securlnc
the cash sniuuy fr the erection of
firt-cLa bui'iin.'s.
Julius A. rittei. presllent of the
peka&e Arvhttrcturai ('lib. believes
tl at a -er.rvl k IuciU q of 10 per cent
la ha cot cf building would result In
an Inersaaa of at Ut 1 per cent In
tLe total amount of buildlna;.
Orrroa City )Lan Serli $3000 (or
AUejed Sbndrr.
OTUEOOM CITT. "r Juna 1 t6pe
rtal.r AUritine" that sie called him
taief falsely and maliciously and
etaerwtea slandered him. George
Clarke of C.ackamae Station, has so.d
Awgusta IU.Krlsift. ao cf Clackarr.aa
relation, for ltfVO dan.agca.
Tr plaintiff asserts t.Tat on April
; I the defendant la Oicirvn City. In the
presence of many persona, Includm
frank Oldenburg, lierta Oloburg.
K.tta IJvc.s ai.1 I..I layers sid to
"Y are a tui.f. you make your
living by stealing proertr of otlier
persons. an4 1 H1 get you la :tl
yet -
Tha plaintiff assert trat as a re
ar: 1 1 of the c.iare he has been viewed
with ausplclon. hatred and contempt
by fcls neighbors and ac lua'ntances.
lie allegea that t.e charge a as made
maliciously and for the ao'te purpose
cf Injuring him. and causing him to
bo arrested and prosecuted.
Sootit IVr-nJ-rUjrmond Railway Line
to Be Began at Once.
SOUTH BEST. '!-. Jur.e I. .fpe-lai-
ray n:cfer and P. I'ruU'r.l ar
rived here yesterday to take crane of
preumlaaxy wars; for lie cocs'-rucuoa
cf tha e'.ectrte atreetcar line which 1
to connect South Eend and Raymond.
They nave opened an offlca in this city
and will start two erews) of mea at
work tomorrow morning, eoa at sur
veying between thla plao and Ray
mond and the other at preparing a
portion of tha Una In tula city for the
CJMng-la process.
Mr. Fuicher la construct Ine engineer
for fandersoa 4c Porter, of New Vork.
lo whom the Crary franchise for the
e'.ectrte Una la aaid to have been as
signed. Ha declares that a full corps
of engineers wlU arrive tare aoon from
tee '' and that the work of conatrne
Uon will be rushed.
Pacific miveralty Jeaderg Conduct
f jciting Track Meet.
Or.. Juna 1. tSpeclaL) To aay that
this week at Pacific has baa a "freshman
week" would not ba out of placa. Tha
leaders of the younger generation have
come forth very boldly In controlling
achool Intereata for several days. The
freanman glris eonduoted one of the
most exciting girle track meets aver
held at Pad to V Diversity.
Tl-.e usual order of auniiso open-air
meetings was dona away with and tha
gymnasium was used as tha arena for
ti.e aspiring feminine athletes, Tha
Lincoln County Has Educa
tional Body.'
Appointees W lU Meet In Sbort Time,
It Is Expected, and Prepare to
Berin New Unties Two Phy
sicians Are to Serve.
SALEM. Or, Juna J-Spelal. Ape
polntmenta on tha educational board
for Lincoln County were made thla
week as follows: K- J. Mlntfeorn. J. H.
Glines. W. F. Wakeoeld and W. R. Hall.
The members of tha new board ara ex
ported to meet In a few days and pre
- ; a , awgaMsBsssaSSaW ' ' n -f 1 n "il
meet was among tha girls cf the fresh
man Class icimitny.
. . a . m l.tlina
jiau siii - '
. . .nil Kj.rtr. train
in mora iuu-w
members known as the "Pumpkin Ce
clipped off In the remarkable time of
minutes ana - -v um.
Another Interesting feature seen on
ma campus - -
edition" of the Weekly Index, the col-
J a 1. ( eaal Inn nf
lCia paper. Lirnor ! u v.sss
Miss Oraet Tkomas litor -C4 Ho
sw t knalnaia m si l al ar a 1" I it br the frehmn cIsm Ut
year In .tteinpUiir to divplay Ulorary
Albert Matson Mar Have Been
CTOLfKNDALn. vVash.. June 1. (Spe
claL) Tha body of Albert Matson. who
ass supposed to have been drowned In
the Illg Klickitat River May 1J. was
found thla morning about tlve miles
abov Lyle on the Klickitat River.
The Coroner waa aoiltted and he. with
tha County Attorney. Sheriff and a doc
tor, ara leaving for the placa where
the body was found.
They will make an examination to
determine whether or not tha man was
murdered and placed in "the river by
his companions.
Kcho Blacksmith Injured Oddly
When Horse Kk-ks la Shop.
WUA WiLU. Wash, June 1
(Special. John bcrlvener. of Kcho, Or.,
was injured In a most unusual manner
while shoeing a horse. Tha animal
kicked while lis leg was between
fcriveaer's knees, and tha pincers were
knocked from hia band and hurled Into
his face. The tool struck tha top of the
right eys and gouged the ays out of Its
socket. ,,
bcrlvener cams to Walla VAalla to
have the pain relieved. An eye spe
cialist readjusted the optle and tha pa
tient, able to aee. left for home.
Injured Railway Employ Pies. .
claL) Eugene Van tlordon. IS years
old who was hurt wnen woraiua
loggtng train for tha Washington-Oregon
Lagging Company sear Cape Horn.
Wash, two weeks ago. died today of his
Injurlea. The parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Doyt Van Gordon, will take the body to
v i f'ntoa Countv. Ore.
goo. forurlal. Be'aldea tha parents, ba
is survived by lour sisirra u
brothers, lie) was a member of the
Brotherhood of Hallway Employes of
Portland a ad bad been working for tha
company 1 month a.
Cleveland Yonth Injured.
.... . . . . tx- t. I . . 1 iSnsMiLl
AALAS'l. ' ' -- ' '
Wtl.iem I-ovelle, of Cleveland. O, fell
under a orrnern i i.w.iki.. - - -
last evening and sustained Injuries that
will result In the amputation of both
legs below the knee and the Angers of
the right band. lvelle was trying to
beat cm way when the accident oc-
. .a- It Han at . . and
curreu. na is wva j y
Oregon City Saloons rrepare.
AnAv -ttt rw June 1 teclal )
The new ordlnaaca. wbick provldea that
the aaioons sLail have g asa fronu will
become effecUve neat Saturday, as a
result eaners or saioona wera ousy -day
having tha old fronts taken out. A
heavy nne la provided for violation of
the ordinance.
Oregon City Fines Portland Autoist.
ORMON CITT. Or, June l.-Speclal.)
V. K. Buratt. a plumber of Portland
at 41 Grand avenue, who came to thla
city in his automobile Monday, waa fined
fie today tor speeding. Complaint was
nude sgalnat burntt as ba waa return
ing bJme. and Chief of Police 6haw
took bis aumber and through It Iden
tiSed tts autolat at Port.and.
One Denoaltor for roetal Bank.
I.A GRANDE. Or, June 1. (Special.)
The Government opened Its postal
savincs bank lrre this morning and one
depositor patronued tf-e Institution
during the Initial day- This la the nrst
bank of thla sort to ba opened la East
ern Oregon.
Sherwood- May Mall Heavy.'.
SHERWOOD. Or, June 1. (Special.)
Fifty thouaand pieces cf mall of
various ciasees were handled by the
Sherwood postolT.ce during May. In
that me nth ail postefBces wsre required
to classify and count ail mail bandied.
Train Kills Foreigner.
THE DALLES. Or. June 1. (SpeclaL)
An unidentiOed foreigner waa struck
by train Ne. If this evening sad In.
ttaatly killed when walking oa the
-. . ' -1 . . kiulv was fearaii.rtit
- itich el V t 1 1 - .
to The L'aUsa
. i- j
r J
i ' r a'
pare for the carrying out of their new
duties, which will consist of visiting
the different schools throughout the
county and attending to the general
welfare of the schools of the county.
II. J. Mlnthorn. one of the new board
members, is a prominent physician of
Newport, where he has lived for many
years. Many of his earlier years were
occupied In school work and the New
port schools owe much of their sue
isss to his help. Mr. Mlnthorn has
sereed faithfully on the Newport board.
J. If. GUnes. of Waldport. Is a phjr
alclan also, hlr specialty being treat
ment of cancer. He has been a resi
dent of Oregon for to yea re Ha Is
owner of the water works at Waldport.
W. V- Wakeneld Uvea on bis farm at
Eddyvllle on the Little Elk River. He
Is engaged In dairying and stock rais
ing, and during bisresldencs there has
been an active supporter of the schools.
W. R. Hall, of Silets. Is In the mer
cantile business at the Stlets Indian
Agency. He was educated in Michi
gan and came to Lincoln County soon
alter graduation.
Celebration Promises to Be Best
Ever Held Prizes Amount to
fl,000, lUce Pnrses 9S,000.
SALEM. Or., June . (SpeclaL) In
Issuing its premium list today for the
Itth annlrorsary celebration and beme-comlng-week
of the Oregon State Fair,
plans for the big stats exposition are
for the first time fully outlined. Re
gardless of the fact that money for
appropriations to Improve the fair
grounds with additional buildings was
ut off "by the Governor's veto, assur
ance Is given that this will ba the best
sad largest fair ever held in Oregon
under the auspices of tba slate.
Premiums amounting to I It. 000 will
be awarded and Hi.suO In racing purses
will be hung up for the harnesa races
alone. In addition to the purees for run
ning races. The runnlug race speed
programme has not been made up as
yet, but otherwise the general plans for
the fair ara well under way.
The fair will ba held from September
11 to 1. Ia outlining the various days
for the fair Portland is accorded
Thursday with the tilt Lewis ClSst
!as0 trot as the feature raoe. Tha
Germans have been accorded Friday
and the German la (1000-derby will be
tha feature race. woodmen of the
World have been given Tuasdsy, when
the new log cabin of tha Woodmen
will be dedicated. The . Wood
men of the World trot for a flOOO
purs will be th feature race of that
' ,1 .
Millions of Pests Devour! nf Vcgo.
tatlon on Haydea Island.
VAXCOUVER. Wash, June 1 (Spe
cial.) Caterpillar are rapidly strip
ping the leavea from tba trees oa Hay
dea Island and making Ufa burden
some for those who live there, or who
have to pass through the timber. Mil
lions of the pests cover the trees and
are eating the leaves.
Many of the trees are beginning to
look like they do in Winter when al!
ef tha leavea have fallen. The pests
have covered walks, paths and even In
vaded th buildings on the island.
Two Have Honor at Xevrport High
School Exercises Held!.
KEWPORT. Of, Juna L -Speetal)
Tw girls had the honor of being the
first gradustes of the Newport High
School. They are Viola Ganno and
Hallie George Exercises In honor of
the eveat were held at tha opera house
Monday night.
professor Ressler. of the Oregon
Agricultural Colleg delivered th com
meaoaaeni addreaa.
$L00 IL L t5. t
No. 2
$1 Carlsbad
$1 Steam's
$1 Pierce's
P reacriptior
$1 Wampola
Cod Liver Oil
$1,00 Pinlc
63 c
$1 Kendall's
Spavin Cure
50c Wizard
33 c
$ 1 Potter's
Walnut Stain
$1.00 Ayer's
Hair Vigor
63 c
$1 Stuart's
50c if urine'
Eye Water
75c Brice
Pure Malt
50c Celery
25c Garfield
$1 Hostetter's
Today and Tomorrow
Price-Reduction Sales
The response to our first-of-the-week special sales has bees very gratifying-. Now comes for today,
and tomorrow and end-of-the-week sale of equal, if sot greater, benefit to our widely increasing
cire of customers and friends! W heartily appreciate your patronage. Ton nave learned that all
through the years reaching hack for nearly a half century pur promisee n the daily and weekly
papers have been more than fulfilled at our counters. Shopping is easy here. An ample, e nthusiastic
ales force to serve you intelligently, helpfully.
Be one of the throng today Mid tomorrow. We will save you money on every item Quoted below
and on many others, all through our five well-filled floors. . .
60 Tanglefoot Fly QO
Taper, box faiOC
3 Belladonna and
Capsicum Plasters.. . apC
&0e Wyeth's Sage O""
and Sulphur 3 i C
lOe lioofahs (Japanese J"
Sponge), each.......... DC
10c Sassafras Bark.
package KJ vie
10c Moth Balls,
package J C
10c Whiting,
package OC
10c Cascar Bark "T
(Chittim) pkg. C
10c Chloride of Lime, O
pound Q '
10c Lye (Babbitl's),
pound I
10c Machine Oil (Many-
Use) Oiler -DC
5o Epsom Salts, O
package eJPv
35e Absorbent Cot- f J
ton, pound .'. it i d
35c Boracic Acid , 04.
Powder, pound fcdTCC
20c Wool Alcohol, I A
bottle .JLt:C
10c Camphorated Chalk ?
Powder, pkg OC
10c Chalk and Orris
powder, pkg OC
10c "Woodiark" Pure y
Spices, Pepper, can C
lOe "Woodiark" Pure
Spices, Cloves, can f C
10c "Woodiark" Pure y
Spicfes, Allspice, can C
10c "Woodiark" Pure -T
Spiees, Sage, can C
35o Sigma Violet 1Q
Deodorizing Powder. X 7 C
60o Berry's Freckle QQ
Cream O Ci C
25e Sana Dermal 1 O
Talcum Powder IOC
25c Graves' Tooth O fj
Powder, 3 for....... jC
50e Pinaud's Eau de O Q -
Quinine QQ C
25c Swansdown Face Q
Powder aC
25c Antisepti Soap 1
Sheets 1 C
$1.50 and $2 Fold-
ing Auto Pails I OC
$1.85 4-qt. Wat. d -1 Q y
.Bottle, gntd.... sjp A ,Q
85o 2-quart Water C'Ta-a
Bottle D C
75c 2-qt. Fountain (J O '
Syringe ' OejC
$L50 ladies' J f fif
Douche P 1 U
$2.50 2-quart (- a Q
Combination . ...ep X O
All Rubber Bathing' Cl"!
Caps, all colors OvrC
Bath Caps, 1 Q 1,
lit and rXZfC
Water Wings, O r
25t and JPC
75c ladies' Dress- JA
ing Combs . . : O J C
35c assorted Tooth Qg
Brushes t O C
50c gents ' QQ
Combs 37 C
50c Nail I OA
Brushes O J C
$1.50 Hair Brushes, QQ
fine assortment cQ C
$1.00 Hair Brushes, 07
fine assortment .... O C
$1.00 Cloth Q7
Brushes Q C
off on all Military Brushes.
Sanitary Drinking Cups, alumi
num, 5S 10, CA.
15t, 25 and JUC
Sanitary Drinking Cups, (J
Paper, 1 to OC
30o Paper Plates, for
picnics J C
35c Dennison's Lunch Ag
Sets, plates, nap., ete. tfapC
Dennison's Doilies, J
pkg. of 12 , OC
19 c
Dennison's Fancy f T?
Napkins, per 100. . . . t O C
'Automobile Drinking Cup, with
leather case, tf ! f f
75? and j) 1 tUU
$1.50 ' ' Woodiark " AO
Ft a. Pen, guaranteed jQC
50c pt bottle "Rites- QQ
well" Ftn. Pen Ink.. J jC
S5c Vs-Pt, bot "Rites
well" Ftn. Pen Ink.
1-lb. hoi "Woodl'k" Q C
Linen Writ'g Paper. tteiOC
Souvenir Book, Pro- Ofi
gressive Portl'd, new fai JC
Calling Cards, Wedding An
nouncements, printed or en?
Autocrat Linen Paper aj?d En
velopes, assorted eol- )'
org and sizes OJC
Headquarters for Waterman
and Conklin Self-Filling Foun
tain Pens. Pens filled free.
Box Dominoes free with each
50c purchase.
8-yeaMld Chicken Cock Bour
bon, bottled in be
100 proof
bon, bottled in bond, Q Q
$i 00 Pure Old Bourbon
$1.00 Fisher's Pure J "
Rye . 1C
$1.25 Carlisle Rye,
$1.25 House of
Lords Seotoh ,.
$1.00 3-Star Calif. QQ
Brandy, 100 proof...
$1.00 Juniper
$L00 Apricot and
Peach Cordial ....
6O0 qts. Pure Concord QQ
Grape Juice OOC
75c qts. California Port, Sherry,
Claret, Zinfandel and Jk Q
Hock, 6 for $2.50..,. ft JC
Wster Plant for gold fish bowls
and aquaria, some- "
thing new, bunch -, 1UC
Woodard, Clarke & Go.
Washington and Fourth Streets
Rest roo and correspondence desk adjoining prescription section, main floor. Public telephones ad
joining elevator, fourth floor. Visit our cool, restful picture gallery on same floor. Bee the demon
stration of the "Prana" Carbonic Byphon in Washington-street window or at the sundries section, main
floor AH orders by telephone promptly filled and delivered. Canadian money received at par value.
10c Bay
Rum, bottle
$2.50 ladies'
$1.00 Bath
50c Rubber
50c Pazo Pile
50c Doan's
Kidney PiUs
$1 Cuticura
25c Menthol
atum 15c
50e Sempre
25c Satin
25c, Sanitol
50c De Mrr
aele Cream
50c Malvina
25c Batha-
sweet, 2 foi
25o Kolynoa
Tooth Paste
50c La Blaehe
75c Pinaud's
Iilas Vegetal
JatiS Monro TaVes Action Al
tboagh PlainUrr Admits His
Action Practically Lost.
Uas ANGELES, CaL. June 1. (Spa
clal.) Judsa Monroe yaatarday refused
to dlamtea tha GUddon divorce-ault
upon raQUst of D. McDonnell, attor
ney for the plaintiff. De Putreon
GUddon. Thla caae waa bearun more
than a year ago. Mrs. GUddon filed
a crou-oomplalnt for divorce and
named aa co-reapondent Gladys Lam
barton Woodvard, who, according to a
deposition filed In Los Anselea several
weeks ago. 1 accredited by the Bryson
helre with having received from John
Bryson. previous to bis death, an agr
trresate sum of 1500,000. DePutreon
GUddon stated through his attorney
that It Is vary apparent to him at this
time that be would not win bis divorce
on tha grounda of desertion.
"Tha evidence I (cava before tha
court In the suit sustains th charge
of adultery made by ' Mrs. GUddon
agaluat ma. and I find that Mrs.
Gladya Lambertoa Woodward, also a
erosa complainant who was named
co-respondent, has no answered, al
though, copy of th egmplalnt and th
defendant's answer hav been served
upon her." waa GUddon's statement.
"Neither Mrs. GUddon nor her attor
ney have aay Idea that application for
withdrawal has been made," aald
GUddon last night. "The facta are
simply that I knew enough to realize
that I reaUy have no case, and don't
think it worth while to boleter up an
already lust cause. Aa may be remem
bered. I filed my ault charging Mrs.
GUddon with what was only technical
desertion, alleged to have taken place
on August 12, 190, after she had -actually
stated she waa going home to
her mother, but that her leaving was
the result of her discovering Gladya
Lamberton Woodward, then Gladys
Lamberton, with m at Hotel Archi
bald In Seattle, at 1 o'clock in the
Royal Chandler, of SUets, Most Now
Face Murder Charge.
NEWPORT, Or., June 1. (Special.)
Jim Warner, a Siletz Reservation In
dian, who was shot about eight weeks
ago near the Siletx agency by Hoyal
Chandler, a white man, died last night
from tha bullet wound.
Chandler, who has bean under bonds
to appear at the August term of the
Circuit Court, will now have to face a
charge of murder
Sixteen Take Bar Examination.
Or.. Jos I- ffpclaL Sixteen out
of the it graduatea from th Colleg
of law ara taking the atata board ex
aminations that are being conducted
her this week. The two members not
taking the examination before the Ore
gon board will locate In Washington
and will present themselves for exam
ination there. Thla year's graduating
class in law 1 th largest in Willam
ette' history, and ranked th best In
scholastic attainments. -
Spain mekee only about 40.000 tons af
paper a year, halt ef it for tha use of
printer. .
A week-end trip will satisfy you
that '
Gearhart Park
Is THE ideal. location for A teach
On the Pacific
Details at BoOdin? Department,
Ruth Trust Company
235 Stark Street, Corner Second,
Curing Catarrh
Accept Our Advice and Try
This Remedy at Our Risk
Catarrh la a disease of the mueous
membrane. Th mucous membrane is,
one may say, the Interior lining of th
body. Catarrh therefore may exist in
any part of tha system.
When the catarrhal poison attacks
th mueous membrane. Inflammation
and congestion are produced and na
ture fails to throw off the accumulated
poisons. The organ which has bees
afflicted ceases to perform its propel
function as nature intended it should
The result is, complication upon com
plication, which may lead to other ve
mbre serious afflictions.
We honestly believe Rexa.ll Mucu-i
Tone will do wonders toward overcom
ing catarrh. It Is mad from the pre
scription of an eminent physician who
made a long study of catarrh, and his
great success with his remedy was an
enviable one.
We want you If you are a sufferer
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all Mucu-Tone a thorough trial. Us
It with regularity and persistency fos
a reasonable time, then If you are not
satisfied, come back and tell us, and
without question or formality we will
hand back to you every cent you paid
us. This is certainly the fairest otter
that any one could make and should at
test our sincerity of purpose. It eomes
In two sixes, prices 66 cents and $1.99.
Remember you can obtain it only at
The Owl Drug Co., Inc. er, Seventh
and Washington sta.