Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 02, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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,-.Ar a w T-n-miT" .TTTXTT " 1011.
THE 31 ( 111 A I A It UUHrl-aA. a
The Word "Value
The Word "Value"
No Pots and Pans
. No Crockery
No Liquors
Having long since lost its
sicmification. and viewed bv
No Groceries
No Meat Market
No Restaurant
As commonly used to create
False Price Reductions and
Impossible Bargains is
the public with distrust, is
NEVER Used by This Store
1 Merchandise of Merit Only--
NEVER Used by This Store
Men's Soft Shirts Selling. Regularly at $1.50 Go on Sale Friday and Saturday, Special $1.15
... s s t w v- -r- -wrrt A -ri rrT Cl'DTC" ..m monn lidhhneiaht soft materials that will stand the strain of many wash-
Garros Joins Beaumont in
Rome, Almost Collapsing
on Arrival.
Men's hot weather shirts, and when we say "tiui vycsi i nciu f &
ings and come horn the suds as crisp and new as the day you bought them , .
-Ordinarily at this price we could not make this assertion Jfe h 5 you wiU find the pretest assortment of
-JfMA: ?ttre S itk'aThettr generously fulled cut on perfecting models.
,. SI W a, T T T
Un sale tnday ana Daturaay.
Beaumont Will Start for Turin
and Garros Also. If Injuries AI
lowFrr and Vldart Ins
tanced by Mishaps.
ROME. June 1. Andre Bnutnont and
Roland Garros, the two leading- avla
lon In tha irt Paris-Rome-Turin
race, ara tontKht In tha Italian capital.
Tha other competitor hare met many
mishaps and aom ara at 111 In Franca.
Beaumont, who arrived yesterday, la
resting preparatory to essaying tha
third and last stale, from Roma to
Turin, a distance of fit kilometers.
Garros baa a bad shoulder from tha
wrecking of his aeroplane near Pisa
yesterday, lie made the trip from Ms
here today, nearly collapsing when be
Beaumont, hearing of his arrival,
rushed to greet him. The vast crowd
burst Into cheers when the friendly
rlvala appeared on Uie balcony grasp
ing bands.
It Is probable that Beaumont will
tart on tha last leg of the Journey be
fore Garros, who. If he continue to
morrow, will do ao only by reason of
sheer grit.
Frey. tha German representative,
who also waa Injured by the wrecking
of hla machine near Pisa, la atlll await
ing a new machine there.
Vldart was delayed for about three
hours at hla last amp. From the lat
ter place he flew direct for Rome, but
waa compelled to land. In landing the
left wing of his aeroplane was broken.
Lieutenant Lucia, of the French
army. who. under orders from the Min
ister of War. waa accomparylng the
contestants on the first staifx of the
flight, was forced to land at Hyeres. In
Southern France, owing to a thick fog.
f'amorra Trial Again Knds In Vio
lent Vproar.
VtTF.RBO. June 1. Cuoceol. a Nea
politan barber, was the star witness at
today's session of tha Camorra trial,
end his testimony caused such an up
roar In the courtroom that tha pro
ceedings were adjourned.
The witness described the habits of
Gennaro Cuoccolo. who was murdered,
tha prosecution alleges, by members of
the Camorra Society. Cuoccol said that
he saw among the rings worn by Cuoc
colo. the one sequestered by Carabi
neers following tha arrest of tha Ca
norrlsts. Tha barber's statement called forth
loud cries from the prisoner's cage and
counsel for the defense protested ener
getically against the admission of the
testimony. The lawyers recalled that
Cuoccol. at a prior examination, had
testified that he had seen no rings on
Cuoccolo's fingers. The defense then
demanded that the witness be prose
cuted fir perjury.
The court refused and the argument
between opposing counsel became so
heated that President Blanc hi adjourned
the sitting.
Intlk trd Onaa Takers Are Ar
rested. TACOMA. June 1. Indicted by the
Federal grand Jury for frauds In the
taking of the census In Tacoma. Ave
enumerators. Foster Qulnlan. Fred H.
Alien. Charles T. Jaeger. A!phonse Car
bone and C. J. Foley were arrested to
day on warrants from the I'nlted States
Marshal's office. They were released
on II3io bonds each.
A I .en Is a nephew of Oeorge S. Long,
resident agent of the Weyerhaeuser
Timber Company and secretary-treasurer
of the Mineral Lake Lumber Com
pany, lie la accused of adding i fic
titious names to his lists.
Qulnlan la charged with adding 411
fake" names: Jaeger with adding (IS:
Carbons with adding 7J and Foley, ac
cording to the Indictment, added Hl.
Foley la a city patrolman.
Jaeger alone talked as to a possible
defense. Individual census slips which
were passed about tha streets and filled
In. he says, were turned over to the
local census headquarters and tha
names were added to tha lists filed by
the enumerators.
Vestcm Vnlon Men Arrive) JLat
lght on Inspection Tour.
T. TV. Carroll, assistant to General
Manager Urooks. of the Western Vnlon.
whose headquarters are at New Tork.
accompanied by C. H. Gaunt, general
superintendent: TI. F. Podge, division
commercial superintendent; Mr. Chase,
division superintendent of traffic, and
Mr. Gray, division superintendent of
plant, of fan Francisco, arrived last
right In General Superintendent
Gaunt's private car "Electric."
The party was tret by Superintend
ents Koenlng and Hood and Commer
cial Superintendent Jones, of Seattle.
They will remain here until S:30 P. M.
today, when they will go to Seattle.
Fp kar.e and Helena. Mr. Gaunt will
return to Pan Francisco from the latter
point. The visit It made for general
Inspection of the company's offices
and eervlce. Mr. Carroll having covered
the entire system In the West.
Assignment on Ikrder Is Only Tem
porary -No Change at Vancouver.
ington. June l. I'nder orders Issued
hv the War rvpartment tWiy. General
Mais will ropt:nue In command of the
Ivpartment of the Columbia, though
there will be a change In the command
of mot other departments July 1. Gen
eral Mans' detail to duty on the Meal
ran border la only temporary and.
when relieved, he will return to tha
Vancouver Barracks.
account of the maneuvera of the
regular troop, at cn Antonio and Kan
Iego. there will be no Joint maneuvera
thta Summer, though the militia of the
Northwestern Statea will head the
maneuvera of their awn at American
$2.00 Hammock, Spcl. St. 59
$2.50 Hammocks, Spcl. $1.95
$3.00 Hammock; Spcl. $2.45
$4.00 Hammock, Spcl. $3.19
$5.00 Hammock, Spcl. $3.95
$7.50 Hammock, Spcl 5.9S
Supply your hammock wants
early. Our stock is large and
well selected. Hammocks of su
perior quality., made of extra qual
ity hard-twisted yam, in light,
dark or medium colorings. Com
plete with upholstered pillow,
deep valance and concealed
Hammo-Port $9.75
A swinging davenport with all
the comfort of the regular daven
port, with the stuffiness and the
warmth eliminated. Comfortable
couch hammock for porch or gar
den. A hammock luxury made on
sanitary cotton felt, leather hand
tufted. Built on hardwood
frames with non-sagging springs.
Hammo-Ports are 6 feet 2
inches long and 2 feet 6 inches
wide. It has a rigid adjustable
back which adds much to com
fort. White Goods
Special 15c Yard
Selling at 25c and 35c
A hundred pieces, no ino
alike, in an immense assortment
of mull checks and plaids, dimity
checks and stripes, lavm checks,
plaids and stripes and shirting
All in self-colored while de
signs. In sheer and medium
weights. Fabrics that are suit'
able for ladies, misses' and chil
dren's dresses and teaisls.
5c Borax Soap. 7 for 25c
10c Palm Olive Soap 7c
20c Pears' Glycerine Soap.. 15c
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste.. 18c
25c Mennen's Tal. Powder. 15c
50c Pompeian Mass. Cr'm. .29c
1 5c Juvenile Soap. 3 for... 25c
25c Wms Tal. Powder 13c
25c Corylopsis Talcum. ... 15c
1 Oc Fluffs Moquet Shampoo 7c
10c Wanous Shampoo Bags. 7c
25c Dressing Combs 15c
35c Hazeline Snow Cream. .25c
50c Hind's Cream 29c
25 c Espey's Cream 16c
50c Espey's Cream 36c
50c Mission Olive Cream. . .39c
25c Frostilla 14c
50c Stillman's Freckle Cr'm. 36c
25c Creme de Meridor 16c
25c Peroxide Cream 18c
25c Eversweet I6c
25c Spiro Powder 1 6c
SfV De Miracle Cream.... 29c
The Season's Best Offering in
Untrimmed Hats at $1.95
Selling Regularly From $3.95 to $6.95
Another big hat manufacturer sends us his surplus stock of
untrimmed Summer shapes. ' These hats are the cream of the
Summer styles, as you can judge by reading the following de
scriptions. White hair hats burnt and butter-color hair hat white
seven-end chip hats extra fine grade of white and burnt milan.
straws also featherweight midsummer java hats in medium and
large garden shapes. i ne
These hats go on sale Friday and Saturday, Special .... $ 1 .95
Flowers for Large Hats, Special 25c
A very attractive table of French flowers, suitable for trim
ming flower hats, now certain to be in vogue this Summer, will
be found most attractive.
Small, medium and large roses in natural colorings poppies,
field flowers and foliage in immense variety are offered in this
Friday sale.
Flowers on the Bargain Table 1 7c
An assortment of samples, also odds and ends from our regu
lar stock selling as high as 50c a bunch. These flowers go on
sale Friday at the bargain table at 1 7c a bunch.
Cool Neckwear
At 25c
Delightfully cool and most be
coming Maude Adams collars, in
plain white and polka-dot patterns.
Also some very smart White
Jabots, Rabats, Tabs and Cascades.
New Voile Waists '
At 50c
Voile waists, stamped for making
up in the popular butterfly style in
various designs for beading, couch
ing, Bulgarian and combination em
broideries. Crepe Waists 75c
We have just received 500 new
waists, stamped on an extra quality
imported crepe. These waists are
ideal for traveling and they need no
ironing and do not show the wear.
Here Is Another June Sale of Silk Dresses
Based Upon Comparative Competition
i .vi' ft
it ""r-t e-aT 1 -
A complete stock of vests, tights, drawer and unionl
... .ie,- f J v
uifs in every wanted raortc, regular anu m
. r r r I '."-
prtca extremely low ror sucn rinc uuuu
White ribbed cotton vests with pretty crochet
necks or plain low necks with Picot edging.' White
. . .a a
ribbed union suits with lace knee.
Light or mediumweight white cotton, low neck
vests, also several new patterns of crochet necks.
MilTe brand of hand-finished while medium
weight cotton vests with high neck and tights to
Forest Mills brand of hand-trimmed union suits
of white lisle or mediumweight white cotton with
low or high necks.
T .isle vests with Irish hand-crochet necks. Kaysei
brand lisle vests with band tops, also shield shape.
ha-j: vpsts. low neck. Wide
lliWluutrtvi... "
knee, lace-trimmed drawers of white lisle.
Union suits of white lisle, crochet necks and wide
lace knees. Shaped lisle vests with the durable
ribbon band tops.
Fine white lisle suits, low necks with hand-crochet-
inz and knee length; also white lisle suits, plain or
. - era. . Ill la. a
lace-trimmed, fvnee and necks nana-crocnei inm-
med in pretty patterns.
White ribbed union suits, light or medium weight,
low neck, sleeveless, plain knee; also with lace tops
and wide lace knee.
TTn.oci- Milla riranrl of hand-finished medium-
X V1-JV A " - 1 1 1
weight white merino union suits, low or high neck.
Knee or ankle lengths.
Smart Models in $13.50 to $20 Silk Dresses
Friday Very Special $9.75
One-piece dresses made of fine quality messaline silks, chiffon taffeta
silk, foulard and fancy silks in plain, striped and figured patterns.
Some are made with high necks and others
with the popular square ana uutcn necR.
Triumphant Sale of
Thousands of Garments on
Sale at Half Price
Economy Sale of Summer
$2.00 W. B. Nuform Corsets $1.39
.ir-j ui. 1 ,,.,i;t,r onutil Willi np.w medium bust, long
over the hips and back. Wide embroidery banding, nbbon drawn
top finish. Two pairs hose supporters auacneo.
Nemo Self-Reducing Corset $6.98
SeUine Normally at $10.00
Made of finest quality imported French coutil with wide lace
beading and ribbon trimmings. Extra abdominal support, t-x-
ceplionally long over abdomen, hips ana Daciu i aiwi un
attached, bizes ZU to JU.
Swan Shape and Nemo Self-Reducing
Corsets, SPECIAL $3.50
Selling Normally at $5.00
d cordurov batiste, with wide,
ui me iiucsi Muj - - - , . , ,
fine lace finish. Some with medium Dust, omers wiui du.i Suh-
snnnorters attached, oizes lv to JU.
Doners iiioa-ih-vi. r
Pork Only Article Sold at Low-
er Price in Market.
Little Hope for Housewife Who Has
llrra Looking for Redaction In
Household peases In Spite
of Warm Weather.
CHirAOO. Jan. 1. ISpselaL) TTia
. Inn. krt,., lltfla hon. tA tha
housswlfa. who looked lonxlnrlr for-
ard (or a drop in prices 01 iooa wim
arrlral of tha warm Summar
Lno spinach, which a faw dars aso
was a drug on tha market, baa tone
up to 3 rests a bushel.
Pork Is tha only standby that la
rhMrr than It was last month, straw-
berrl.a aJoaa among tha frulta and
'enables asctn to oa ina en. loina
iat Is looklnc for buyers. Turnips
... i... I .... . ... In k. hul at Sft
cants a bushel ara making- their debut
this season at aa advance of 100 per
cent and eren mora, some unwiuj
and 70 cents a ousnei. -"".
thoua-h cheaper than a few years afro,
la higher this year than laat, as ara
onions and potatoes.
Lettuce that was offered least year
at 40 centa a bushel In tubs Is scarce
now at tl centa a bushel. Tomatoea are
higher, selllns; In four-basket crates for
ti. against ll.'e tha aame time last
year. Lambs continue to ba the atar
performers In tha meat line, soaring
up each day a UtUa bit above the day
bLsat" year pork that is now selling
for IS centa a pound brought JJ and iO
centa per pound wholesale. It offers
strong contrast to tha Increase notice
able la tha price of vegetable thta sea
son. '
Dartd B. Rinehart Began Fruit
Raising In Oregon In 1863.
FAKER. Or, June L (Special.)
TAarid B. Rinehart. known aa tha pion
eer orcnardlst of Eastern Oregon, died
at hla lata home in thla city thla after
noon, aged ti.
Ha was born at Hagerstown. Md, and
emigrated to California In 1S5L He
came to Eastern Oregon in 18S and be
gan tha development of orchard lands.
Ha was eminently successful and re
cently at his advanced age consummated
a doal with Chicago capitalists where
by the Rinehart Orchard Company was
formed- Tha company took over his
Grant County property which la now
under development.
Explosion at Managua Aimed
to Kill President.
Revolutionists Attempt to Kill Whole
Cabinet Terror Reigns in City,
State of Siege Exists and Many
Are Confined in Jail.
MANAGUA. June 1. The explosion at
the fortress ULomi on Tlscapa Hill,
overlooking Managua, yesterday re
sulted in tha killing or wounding of
i;o soldiers.
It was stated today that tha blowing
up of tha fortress waa the result of a
political plot. Many followera of ex
Presldent Estrada have been placed un
der arrest.
The President, against whom the plot
Is said to have been directed, and hie
ministers escaped injury.
So far as a widespread revolutionary
movement Is concerned, the govern-
Ki.t situation n WonaniA 1ft nfl .A-
rious as that which arose when the
attempts were against president Es
trada last February. Troops are guard
ing the palace and public buildings and
detachments of cavalry are patrolling
the streets. Tha capital city Is In a
state of siege.
Up to tonight 117 bodies have been
taken from the ruins. Including those
of a woman and a boy who were sell
ing fruit to the soldiers.
It is said that the explosion coin
cided with a revolutionary movement
at Leon, which failed because of meas
ures taken by the government.
Civil AVar In Nicaragua May Follow
Managua Horror.
NEW TORK. June 1. Nlcaraguans in
this city were disinclined to believe to
day that the explosion of Fort La Loma
last night was an accident. They were
sure that It was part of a plot by the
rebels, who have headquarters at Leon,
against the administration of President
Adolfo Dial, and they expect reprisals
to follow.
Fort La Loma was perched at the
summit of an extinct volcano and
looked down on Managua from a height
of .2000 feet. After the government
arsenal blew up in the heart of the
city, nine years ago during- the dicta
torship of Zelaya, it was re-established
at La Loma, where there was a regular
garrison of 250 men.
Four hundred persons were killed
In the first explosion, which probably
was an accident, and for days the trees
of the city park adjacent hung draped
with tatters of humanity and the sky
- wl,h Mltitm 7.IKT. aniie-ht
br Bramisaa of immunity from prosecu- J
Wool at St. Lonls.
ST LOUIS, June lj Wool Unchanged.
Territory and Western medium., 15 17c
mm a
I f r- sVtl .
Too will ret greater wear, rreater
tlefatlAn nr1 m nra Knaiitv In vour
like gloves If they ar the "NIAGAKA
in tVi. hem for tha words.
"NIAGARA MAID," and look In tha
or tne guarantee ticicec inis
i Insures the wearer against
...nal all Lr trlnVea Tail It ft flnfT
tips wearing through, while the rest
of the glove is yet good. The Anger
tins of "NIAGARA MAID" SillC
V10VC9 B1C Ul uuuuib luiLaUCH euu
will withstand a surprising amount of hard
Tou will find "NIAGARA MAID Silk
Gloves a big economy, as they sell at tha
nsnal arlllr trlOTA OliCeS.
Most good stores aio carry "NIAGARA MAIDrt
Ellk Underwear which U a dainty economy for tha
articular woman.
Ask your dealer to show It to yon.
NIAGARA SILK MXUL8. North Tonawtndft, X. T.
ew York, Bssvo Francisco. Chicago,
83 Union Sqr. 25 Kearney St, 33 S ita.te St,
Stock carried. Stock, carried. Btock carried.