THE JrORNIXG OREGOXIASV FRIDAY, JTJXE 2, 1911. Retain Your Duplicate Sales-Checks for Votes in Teachers' Contest See Bulletin of Highest Contestants in the 7th Floor Tea Ko Wanted 5 Extra Teams and Wagons With Responsible Drivers Also 100 Extra Salespeople Apply at Supt. Office, 8 to 9 A. Friday Butter Surprise! Two Pounds Today 50c Continued Today Men's Fine Gotham Underwear and .Pajamas at Big Savings. See Them! Great Sale of $5, $6 and $7 Russian U 1 riff J CO TO Eir.ll Jk rRAXK, BASEMENT ORDER BT M AIL. FOR Friday only, our splendid, freshly-made Cfj Copenhagen Creamery Butter, special, 2 lbs. Supreme Batter, 2 lbs. for 49 Boyal Banquet Batter, 2 lbs 55 Bntternat Batter, 2 Ib, 50c Granulated Suar, 20 lbs 51.00 See Biff Table of Xon-Advertised Grocery Specials. X9 Ihe 111 3th Friday Surp Great "Annual Jime ' .White ( Originated by The MEIER & FRANK STORE April 28, 1887 )Rjea S fit Pays Cnnn Great Trimmed Hat Surprise Worth $5 to $8 at $3.49 si for S2 to $3.30 Hats, in Basement A price that will, hurry out hundreds of these Trimmed Hats today I Fully 1.10 Hats from rejrnlar $2.00 to $.1.50 lines. Also a lot of $1.50 and $2.00 Sailors in Mark, white and J CC burnt ; Friday only )X.vJU MEIER Jt rRAK SECOND FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. SCORES of women are wait ing for this opportunity to reinforce the Hat they bought pearlier in the season! lor the 1113th Friday Sur prise, 200 charming Hats in jaunty Turbans, tailored and semi-dress .effects, including most popular shapes of the season. Marked $5.00, $6.00 and $.50; Jnday Surprise Sale only $3.49 . 9 8T Dashing New P 1 J Straw Sailors You'd be glad to pay $2.50 for any one of them I Smart, new Straw Sailors in the most ap proved broad-brim shapes. Black, white and burnt; Friday Surprise $1.75 Silk Hosiery Surprise To $2.50 Onyx Hose $1.00 MEIER Jt FRANK'S. FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. WOMEN- will pome from far and wide for this sensa tional Silk Hosiery Surprise, for $1.00 is less than ordinary wholesale cost on these famous $2.00 and $2.50 Onyx Silk JW. Only reason for the price is that we're clearinir out all incom plete lines of Onyx Silk Hose. Just about 300 T pairs, so you can't come too early. Assorted 7?J 1 fill colors. For 1113th Friday Surprise Sale, pair W 300 Charming $7.50 Wash Dresses Only $4.85 MEIER Jt FRASK'S. SECOND FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. NO timelier news in this whole stirring Friday Surprise announcement than the exquisite little Wash Frocks that will sell at $4.85. Vish we had . space to picture every one of the five dainty models. Made of splendid quality "Washable Foulards, Lawns, Dimities and Batistes in pretty dotted, floral and foulard designs. Four of the styles have cool Dutch necks, the fifth a becoming lace collar. New kimono sleeves and smart high waist line effects. All sizes. 14 Misses to. 44 women s. louTl never buy such pretty Wash Dresses. regularly under $7.50. For the 1113th Friday Surprise Sale ;.v$4.85- $2 and $2.50 Cool Summer Waists, Friday Surprise, Only $1.18 At a sensationally-low price, these dainty Summer Waists will melt away by the hundreds Friday. Five of the prettiest models from our regular $2.00 and $2.50 lines go on sale 8 o'clock Friday, $1.18 ' One style is of fine Batiste, with imitation Irish yokes and collars. A. jaunty Dutch collar model of allover embroidery, with, chic kimono sleeves. And three other styles of Batistes, all Dutch necks, with kimono sleeves, fronts trimmed in the popular ' d 1 1 Q colored embroidery. Special for 1113th Friday Surprise ij) A JL O Tf M ft verv item: e..Uhabate $3.22 for Finest $5 to $6.50 Silk Petticoats MEIER FRANK'S, SECOND FLOOR. ORDER BV MAIL. IT S a bargain that 11 make women remem ber this 1113th Friday - Surprise for .! months to come ! '.' V. Over 600 handsome All-Silk Messaline and Taf feta Petticoats the best youH ever buy regularly for $5, $6 and $6.50. All wanted solid colors; also narrow and wide stripes. Flounces variously pin tucked, or with bias folds or tail' ored bands. Splendidly made. ' There 's mighty few women who do not need a dainty Silk Petti coat complete their Summer wardrobe. White, , pink, gray, rose, lavender, light and dark greens, Copenhagen, tan, navy, red, light blue, brown, wistaria, black. ' Also changeable shades. For the 1113th A n O O Friday Surprise Sale at only, each wJium See the 5th Street Window All Framed Pictures 4 Less MEIER Jt FRANK'S FIFTH FLOOR. ' ORDER BT MAIL. As a Friday Surprise extraordinary, we offer All Picture Framing at lt Less All Framed Pictures at V4, Less . All Sheet Pictures at V4 Less 'Hurt" Pictures t o Vi Regular $2.50 Kayser Silk Gloves 98c MEIER FRAXK-. FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. m si -in WE'VE never heard of the celebrated Kayser Silk Gloves being offered at such an astonishing price ! A special purchase of genuine Kayser 12-button Mousquetaire Silk Gloves, beautifully embroidered. Large assortment of all staple shades. For the 1113th Friday Surprise Sale; our f q regular $2.50 Silk Gloves now only OC $1.50 to $2.00 Cloves, 98c Big lot of real Kid jG loves, also Chamois f ana tueae in one, i u sua mree-ciasp styles. Odd lines of colors and sizes $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 grades at QQ only pair J70C Women's 25c and 35c Vests for 1 6c For the 1113th Friday Surprise, great lot of Wom en's regular 25c and 35c Sleeveless Vests with fancy lace and crochet yokes. Buy a Summer's ! supply today X OC The Undermuslin Surprise $1.27 $2 and $2.50 Gowns, Combinations Skirts, Etc. . MEIER FRANK'S, SECOND FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. course, practically every garment in our huge Undermuslin store bears a special price for the Great June White Days but this extra special is for Friday Sur prise only. Gowns, Combination . Garments, Skirts, Corset Covers and Drawers, taken from our best $2.00 and $2.50 lines. Best grades of Muslin, Nainsooks. Longcloth, trimmed in dainty laces, embroideries, fl 09 tucks. On sale at 8 o'clock I this A. 31., Friday Surprise, $3 Emb. Strips $1.39 MEIER Jt FRANK'S. FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BV MAIL. O 1G St. (tall manufacturer's entire accumulation of Sample " Embroidery Strips! Lengths 41 U' and 5 yards, of Edges and Insertions. 1 to 9 inches wide. Also handsome Swiss and Nainsook FlrHiut'in;:. 12 to 1? inches wide. Hundred of lovely pat- t n terns. Strips worth $2.50 to for 1113th Friday Surprise O l.O" 85c to $1.50 Baby Flouncings on Swiss, with hemstitched andjQ ruffled edges. For the Great 1113th Friday Surprise at only, yd. O C &ju unes io. 7 -7 Sufi!: MEIER FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. MKIF.H FR RS B t9CtDT. $4.25 Mowers at $3.19 ORDER BT MAIL. POK the 1113th Friday Sur- prise, splendid easy -running Lawn Mowers, 12-inch sue, with four steel cutting blades and 9-inch high-driving wheels. Our very best $4.25 Lawn Mowers, on sale one day only; for our Friday o f r Surprise Sale at only L i $1.35 Wire Meat Safes, Friday $1.19 For Friday Surprise, Wire Meat Safes, well-made and stained. Size 13 inches deep. 27 inches high and 17j inches wide, (f -f g Regularly $1.35 for one day only, Friday Surprise Sale J) X X J WEDNESDAY night's express brought this special purchase of 200 dainty Summer Parasols, to sell in the Friday Surprise at $1.39 1 , Pongees in plain and bordered effects, all silk Taffetas in solid colors and set-in band designs ; also white Tucked Linens with hemstitched edge. All made on 22-inch frame with fancy handles. Splendid $2.00 rf f OA and $2.50 Parasols; 1113th Friday Surprise J X .OS y A Lot $4 and $5 Mesh Bags at $1.98 MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. - IT was splendid luck that brought us another purchase of these hand some $4.00 and $5.00 German Silver Mesh Bags to sell at $1.98. Our buyer secured the . first lot early this year, when in the East every one the maker had on . hand. But we induced him to make up 500 more, and they've just arrived in time to advertise for the 1113th Fri day Surprise. Assorted sizes, made of strong mesh, with., beautifully embossed frames and long chain handles. . Lined in white kid and moire silk. They'd never sell under J V $4.00 and $5.00 regu- Q I larlv. . Fridav Surorise. 15c Colored Batistes at 8c MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. COULDN'T find a much better warm-weather bargain than this! Over 1200 yards of sheer, dainty Colored Bat istes the kind always sold for 15c. Dozens of daintiest floral and fig ured designs in pretty light blues, pinks, lavender, etc. Full 32-in. Q wide and a splendid quality. For one day, 1113th Friday Surprise OC $11 for Men's Odd Suits Marked $15 to $22 MEIER FRANK'S, THIRD FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. NOT over 75 suits in all, one and two of a pattern, left from our regular $15, $18, $20 and $22 lines. Good, neat styles and patterns. Practically all sizes in the lot. For the Friday Surprise Sale, $11.00 Men's $2.50 Corduroy Pants Dark color, well made, and just the kind for outdoor. wear. In all sizes. Special for Fri- rr day Surprise at O 1 .OO Small Lots of Men's Dust ers Tan, gray and brown mostly small sizes, 33, 34.' 35 and 36. Formerly $3.00 and even higher. Friday Surprise at OC 1 Boys' $2 Cool Blouse Wash Suits at $1.25 MEIER Jt FRANK'S, THIRD FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. SAVE almost half today through this splen did special purchase of Boys' cool Wash Suits. Smart Russian Blouse styles of sturdy Madrases, Galateas and Ginghams in solid colors and fancy effects. Splendid $2.00 Suits; sizes 2 to 7 years; a- ori for the 1113th Friday Surprise Jj) 1 .ZO Boys' $1.25 Corduroy Knickers; sizes 7 to 17 85fr Boys' $1.25 Shirts; with attached collars. Fancy tans,' blues, and white stripes; sizes 12 to 14 89 T