Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 02, 1911, Page 23, Image 23

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    THE HOKM.Nti UHKOO.UAN, FK1IA1- JLAK g. 1911.
hmise cf 12,000 Bales of
Heps This Year.
1J of Washington ti mated by
m MXctt at 20.00 to 2Ct-
600 fl.- Market and
rro pre U In California
-nnat favr-l lto.prv!icfnc t!ea la
world at th prat its ! t T
4 y?rv.y aftr tar waa ptnt la
!"?. em la aa wU a4rano4 aa la
r ifaioeC ba aad. -ma4 th proapacta
dM4'ir sood for a yid af laLOa
-a Wtm Wublafiei abmttd
to lo.aeo baJa. bat tha ew ta tbat
I: af tha la a l!t:ia bakr4."
rt-;!oT of hxaJ bpntto dirfr aa ta tha
i it-om ta Oraa an4 tr-a tt!m!M
e apart ta ba of aar raia. a
mn la patrc. tthT ta tata atata ar
urfarat m.l adlcaa ytrday
ma ta un to eatd far aav. t mm ih fert&a ta
I -r atioaa va U1 bava thm aama yUi4
rb bt affr mad tor Ilia haa ba
- was. avwaw lhara -r!l that aktUal
f a?ak at 3 eat&. Opt! oca bava
i tka at j3 tau oa aonoma latOa. and
enra u rr4 for ta rrr lot la
:r Cowatr. Tbo 3rbr lot of 119 9ac
Biua m Dovasss nr idudui -
L4aSoa cabla rprt4 ttca cavral ta
Esn b rard aa4 abolatlx aa
i Ttc of a hvrc eropL
aula atacka of llt hap a Korop ar
foUoo-i: Grmur. lo et; Aoatrta-
icarr. Soa evt.; Kngtaad. 120 rwt.
ba Loado piwrr JovreaJ rvparta Ear
arkt oa4itlooa:
, raibor ba-ir damaad Ibaa ta aaual at
i tim of tha yar cbaraetortavd tba mar-
durtBf tha meat, and prteaa bar ap-
elabiy bardad. tha adraxtca ata fraa
Ia 10.. rprMatd prtacrpJlr by a
hx.y Inwar quality of bo pa roalof aama
r . Th an tfptloa ta Pacific at
. bi-h. qualify fr qoaiitr. r rtun
at Ust tu nr thaa a xr.ootb
tt tataat trado elrcolara of tha Landoa
fact ora ar aa folio.
Viid. Nina A C Thar baa ba a
hT tfmand fr bop of laat yaafa
r X of fitch thr aro no b-jt fw ro
n:n nn-id. aad cn iQtly valuoa
E'nu to bardra. Puyora ara crmiinoo
to pay thair attanttoa to oldr date.
-h ar aio -r-, and a od many par-
bavo chnd haata dartny tba laat fv
k at full rultnr valom.
(ciir a J otady demand
'mvj, th tm m rvrualnina parrai ar
-iuIir jinf lato ciuumrf aaada.
m ar vrr firm tttdd. with a atroac
iiontng: tn-io-y.
v. H. a H. !. Vt Purine tb paat
k tn nocit of bop baa hn fnrtbar d
J, and pt'icva cuulinu to hardca.
Vilt'am I htraaaa. of 7 York, a mam
of th firm o( & F. V hi ma an. and
toa Waavormaa. of Vaata Rta, tha CaU
nta aant of th firm, war ta Portland !
and 4a.rM Ar X-;layta Caaraa
r.raima Aivadjr.
rha araia markat aa qalat yastarday.
: r aa a damand for btuaatata wbaat.
Iclx vaa qaoiad firm at 95 canta. bat
i b and t-fuld vara aclctad. KaJa of
latter at 3 cnta vera raportad. Tha
I irM graiaa vvr at cad r aad unchanarrd.
.Vhcat ahtpmanta from ladta for tha vk
1.9i.ovO buUla. eomparad with
vt.ono buha last week and 1.13 2. OO
hla la.t year.
al r-! p'.a. in car, wcra reported by
Merchant a R&rhanc aa foiiowa:
Wheat Barley rioor Oata 1 lay
nday ..... Z . . LI
Had... ' 17
I urvlav .... M .. It
to date. .ITTH
ir aa .... uo U" ju
i adeaaavMW by Mat Aatbortlle Caoaea
Th prodn- trad La aufferlnc from a
'rtac of new pvtatoa. Nothing but
i Torn! atixrk waa available yratarday
1 It a 4uotd at T ernt a pound.
Th horticultural aathortti bar da
oyd oua rar of Teiaa new patatoea. b-
l i of th prvsnr of potato bcra. and
uUl har cooked a a con 4 car yaaterday.
wr prevnt-J by th Txaa ailpper
ur'.r c an tn Junction rvatralntnc them.
! th.ppr aarad ta fumicata th car
it bak ,s .tli shippinc point. la
mfjn:im th market la practically aat
nair pot a t cKe,
It Care ac Greea Frntt Ar Baia Irod Btl
rWa rittfal.
ThT la a - wrrlty of rip baaanaa aa
! onf atrret. car arrived yeatarday,
I t t-ey war a'.l re"a.
IiTTUt wra in ro-d aupp'r and aald at
1 wlta rug of prtroa. aa thr waa mack
Trf In the quality. Many af th
al ahipnaan? war la rather poor coadl--o.
Tim bt Orrioa beme aold at $3.50
1 X7X
A car of Tta piaappa waa rrrtre4
.1 thry wra quotJ loaar at a crate.
rnt arrr pnt'ful ard vtik at 91. SO
r bos. Lotuoue were atroac wttb teVM
! top aa fancy.
Paattry Market Ovaratarkeal.
Ti po:try markat waa ovaretockad wltb
I v-a and Fprlrf chkkaa wh!rh wr wak
d m-aa wcra atrady aad there waa a
I demand tr fancy eeaL
The ax market wa ftrra at th priced
vch fca pTt:d for th paat month.
Hu:ir aad cbea wcr acaady aad a
fbrtter PrWa for V alley Waal .
The Irmrr fc::nc ta the wool ntarkat Caat
t of e- pr bina paid In
e Wti:iinti Va;iy tor th new c:ip.
irn are amer 1 y offering 15 cen: a row
On wo4 and eom p-jrehaee at
n: bave been niad.
Aaatber Tra la Turpaatlnek
An,thr devltna la turjwntin waa an
unc 1 jeeterMay. tlie lateat drop being
, cania a gauoa. ir.t new pncci icuow.
ivi, T-i, cera. wnx Darreia. a centa;
a barreia. S aeate: lv-caa lota. 74
Bank Oeatrtng:.
. W .iMftnfi of th Nthvcafin ell lea
I iorday wax aa foow
r !-d
$;.v ..;.ri .;-ia.3
, l -v"4
........... V.,J 41-t
,. aa.a 7d.uto
. "Hi ,
Grata. rVaaar. rw. Ete
t ! V; Kataa. bac; Va;:ay. bc; o-
H 4K1.1 feed. :- 5
i rrs rrn. . - 2j per ton:
, .iJ!t.- ill : Mhorta. I.i W w :4; rolled
oK. hoi, ra; rraraeo. J par teaa.
iM N ol 1 wft:ta, j:i i:io..
FLOUR Patent. l pr baraali
atraighta 3 3: porta. $!.: Valley. -0;
graham. $t-. abal ht, $.7.
HAT Timothy. Etr Orvioa. N. 1.
Ill oV2: brht mtaed. iad K: heavy mixed,
bit :3a)i.&: alfalfa, mflUM; -claitf,
i2.iaL4. grain bar. Sl.eOtl.a,
Tacataalea aad yrvlta.
I a par boa; California grapefruit
AJrt3.: bananaa. Ulitc pr pound: plna
appiea. IS par crate; lamona. 5j.3a
FHKSH KKt'IT Strawberrlea. Oregon,
12 u 3 72 per erat: Cattfmia. tfl.Ta pr
cra:ei coaoearrle. eo pr pound; ap
p lfj per box; eberrtee, SI-60 pr box.
b'jLTAi'Lfcs a.apaj-aw.
Iwo: baana. iae; cabbage. SivO per
k 1 ii ai t rer
doaen: eagplant. 14c pound; garlic 10011
per pound; lettuc. SOpli par dosea; bot
bouaa lttuce. Sl iiJLTi par box. pa Ha
per pound; pep perm. 30 Olio per pound; radishes,-
li n Pf doaen: rhubarb. 1H JC pr
pound: tomatoe. 1 1 t iX
BArK VEOETAPI.I:- Vt carrot a. 2
per -k: larnipa, .; pei e
POTATOKS orrn and Eaatern. S1-j
per hundred; sear California. 7a par pound.
SXj; redw SJ per hundred.
Dairy aael Caaatry fWarw.
pntXTRT Hena. ltfltTc; brolr.
G :sc; ducka. young. 2ic; gae aomlaal;
turkey a. 14c: deaaad. Choice. 2Sc
oregoai ranch, caadWd. tie per
dosea; rut count, 20c per dosea.
ItrTT t'.H City cimry extra. 1 and T
pound print a. la boae. 14c per pound; lea
than bx loia. car toa a aad deUTery
CHEUNG Full cream, twtna. lo pr lb.;
Young America. 1-.
poKK Kancy. loffllo Pr pound.
VKaL Fancy. 1011 per p-und.
li AilJ W ta Se) paaada lStfila.
Rtaada G-er1ea
FALbfOX Columbia Rlvr. 1-pound tatla.
$2 lo per dosn; 1-pound tali a. 1
poad f:ata S0; AUaka pink. 1-pound
ta a. Si
corrt:a Roaated. la drum a. S3Qve par
N I T WaJauta i:HH Pr pound ;
Draail nuta. 14f le; euerta. lac; almond.
lw;; pecan, tic: cocoaauta. ecSl par
doaen; cbeataata. 12 S pr pwaad; hickory
ante. I fif. lua per epund.
liONtT Choice. par caae; trained
boaav. 10o par pound.
ALT-Ormaaiatcd, Sl$ Pr ton; half
grouad. Ittua. per ttm: Sua. a par ton.
I'KAVS 9mall whit. large whit.
4Sc; Uma. c; plak. a)0; red Mexi
can. ?: bayou, ac.
KICK No. 1 Japan. 4c: cheaper aradea.
1 WfiU; Southern bead. bl7c; Im
ported Imperial, ftc; imported cxua No. 1.
I v 7 s?-
bt'OAft Try granulated, fruit and berrr.
S5 40; yeUow 1a SA7u; powdered. Sa.oS.
Terms a remittance within IA daya, de
duct ie par pound; If later thaa la daya
and within JO day, deduct o per pound.
bfapTr sugar. 11 tf le Pr pound.
I'HlfcU KRl'lTd Apple. 120 13 par
pnuail. apricot. lAr. pearhaa. 1VW lio;
pruaea. Italian. 10vllc: MIr. lac; f-g.
white and black. currant a, luw
11c; mtatr.a, loo bluacataL dTWa;
bleached Thompooo, llHc; unblaohed nul-
c; aeeaad. aUe.
Be, V a4 aam Hlej.
HOPa lll con tract a SS per pound: Itll
crop, iic: crop. ltfUSo; oWa. iflOo.
blOHAlR t'hoic. ltKb Pr pound.
WOOL) Kastem Oregon. ISO lSo por
pound, accord mg ta abrlakaga; Valley. 14 ty
lie par pound.
pct.TS Iry. lac; aaltad lamb pelta. SSa
lilUfc;.! ealted hide, t S Pr pound;
aaltad calC lc: aaltad k?p. lc; salted ataaa.
c; green hide, lo leas; dry hldee lie;
dry calf. 17 WI; dry at ara llfMSe.
CAA'ARA PARK Per pound, lo.
liHAi.v BAOt Wheat, ae; aata
Ftailal .
HAM 10 ta 13 pounda K.tTc; It to
II pounce. ISH liWc: It to 14 pound, IS
Oldc; 1 to IS pounds. 130 16c; skinned.
lc: picnics, 11 He: cottage roll. lao.
filOKtP bl EATS Beef tonauae, 65:
dried bf aata. none: auuddea. a one; la
aldea. Uc; knacklea. 30c.
HACUN Fancy. Sac; tan d ard. tea;
Choice, 'ic ; En g lih. 1 Ac.
DRT 6AX.T CLUED Regular abort clears,
dry sa'.t. USp; smoked. 13 Sc: backs, light,
salt, lie: smoked. le; back, heavy aalt.
i: S: amoked, 12 axporta, salt. Uc;
rooked. M c.
LARD Kettle rendered, tierce. ll4c:
tuba. He; choic. tlercea. 9ic; tuba. 10c;
tuba He; choice tierce. 9c, tuba, 10c;
hortenlag. tlercea. ac; tuba SaC
X.1NSRED OIL. Pur raw. la barrela. S9c;
bo.leo. m barrel. SLl; raw. In case a. 14;
bo. led. in caae.
TLRPBNTINJB Caaea. 75Hc; wood bar
reia. 7e; irua barrels. Mfec; 10-caaa lota,
7-4 SO-
OASOLINE Motor gaaollnav iron barrela
1 Sc ; case, lie ; IS gaeollne. Iron baxrajs,
J.'c; caaea. Sac
COAL. OIL. Ordinary teat, caaea. 1llc;
bulk, la tanka IS: blgh teat. SSa.
Strawberry Kecnlpta Are Below Re
qalrrntcntA and rrlcr KemaJn
Uih Ecr Go to AUsksw
FEATTLE. Waalu June I. (5pec!aL)
The grain markat a were easier bar today
oa lighter, demand ail around. Wheat waa
especially weak and lower at 93 cants,
plasty af oata war offered at $2X Winter
wheat la already beading la aome parts of
Eastern TV ashing too aad graia man declare
that a targe crop la assured.
WM1 raw berry rcipt today war con
siderably heavier thaa on Wedaeeday, tha
aupply waa atl.l below requlremeata and
pn.ea remain at a blgh levaL
The supply of potato oa Watarn arenua
area beavy. Th street baa a larva accumu
lation af email, oa-grade atock that la
moving slowly. Good atock, bowvver. la la
rxcUent demand. Aaparacua receipts were
not so heavy and th maract was steady. A
carload of Mlasiaelppl tomatoes baa arrived.
They ar quoted at 44 to S4-0.
Keceipta woro heavy and order tight la
th dairy pro-doe market. Stocks of ail
kinds tend to accumulate. PrUe war unchanged-
If veal aniee aa freely aa It has this
week. Tower price ar likely to result. Con
siderable stock baa ben carried ovec In aome
uuartora every night thta week. Owing to
the warm weathar. reuuiera ara Inclined ta
buv la amailar lota.
Heavy aMpmenta of egg to Alaska attma
lats tb freb- market.
Qua talla fanreat la tba Bay CHy Mar.
ft AN FRAVi'lW Jan 1. Th follow
ing produc price war cuxrent today:
Vrgetabica Oucumter. e',irV; garlic,
Sec; green peaa. Sl-iHL74. string beana
I j asprua I'ftf S1-&0; tomatcea, $1
4j 2 eggp:ant. lO 13-c
Iut:er Kancy creamery. STSc.
:! bVr. 20 Sc: (ny reach. 3a,
t Srse Toung Amern-a. Hald-nC.
Mi'iatuffa iiraa. S- U nxiJJUngs.
Si- ft a
uit Applaa, cbotce, t- common,
II M'ttran Itmea, iSbi.So. ra:ifornia
lemons. Vimce. SVo, common, f i.JO; or
anree. Bri. 9LS-
Har Wheat. S.luMM per ton; Wheat
and oata. S'."l-: a.r fs. $oMl.
l,o!w"-irc 'Ci, SJ 46 i7u.
OTiior s Sltf 1 -i.
Receipts Flour. 447 quarter sacks;
wheat, 1343 centals; barlay. 4W."3 centals;
oata. 745 centa.s; ptatcea, sack;
bran. 10 sacks; bay. to; tana
Irteel fruit at Xew Tark.
NEW ORK. June L Evaporated applee
ecarc. Spot. fncy. lbc; cbotc. 11 49
HHc: prima, IliyllVc.
Fran e in m'tw damand. stocks email,
price firm at Psjl4 for Californiaa up ta
I'v-aoa and 11 49 1 ftr Oregon. aOa to
Peackea firm. InaetJve. Chofce, H0Pc;
extra choic. tfbsc; I aacy 0 lic
Xew Tark Ctta Market.
NEW TORK, June 1. Cotton future
cTosed ateady. net 3 potnta lower ta 1 point
hlcher. June. 11.4V4-; July. 14-74c; Aug-uat.
14-lAc: September. 11 44c; October.;
November. 1113c: Iecembr. 13.12Ci Jan
uary. 13 I V; March, It lc hpat closed very
quiet. Utd-upiaada lic; do. Gu,f. la. 10c
b;ea, bv baea.
India) nia a aat Rat Fall.
BOMB AT. Ju:y 1. Tha rata of dieronnt
af the Bank of Ytornbay and of tb Bank
of Bengal waa reduced Irwxn d to ft par caat
Announcement of Financial
Plan Helps Market.
TAbacco Decision Vlrwed in More
FkTorabla Light Steel Doea Not
.Yield to Bear Attack. .
Bonds Are Firm,
NEW TORK. Jun. 1. Th trcm and cm
HJnt Ion. of th. Mock m.rk.t totf.r MWncd
to Indicate th.t tb. mlsslrlnca which ver. rK.ntlr h.d g.rmn w7 to a mor.
hft r f ul vt... Th. .cut. ralnrtn of T
t.rJ.y th. Trot TJ which
f an (hortir bor. th. cIom of th. pracwl
Inc alon bnc carried forward tttrndilr
Th. announced p!.xia for readjustment of th.
naacw of the II ill railroad, we. perbapa
th. moat powerful factor la Improving; aen
tlmect. That the ninunMnt of th. HI'I roada
ehould hav. aelectl th. prMant Urn. for
announcement of aucb a hua. financial rrans
artlon waa accepted Immediately aa a m.nU
rr.tatlon of eonndenr. that th. preaent alt
oatlon at bottom wa. Mund.
Oreat Northern preferred advanced three
points and Northern Pacific almost af much,
K.aklna new hlch records for th. rear. Chi
cago, iiurllng-too a Wulnev Joint 4 per cent
bonds advanced from 07 to pearl r par. in
anticipation of their possible retirement
throuch a new Issue secured by th. eduX
OOft.otA) mortaaaa.
Th. American Tobacco decleloa waa viewed
la a more favorable laht In th. financial
community today, chief emphaele being
placed on th. featur. of th. decision which
Indefinitely stipulated that realignment of
the various companies shsll be accomplished
uncler the supervision of th. courts. Some
further uneasiness wss shown by holders of
American Tobacco securities, although ther.
was non. of th. of yeterdeys de
cline. Tb. common stock fell 23 points oa
th. curb today and American fnutf. a sub
sidiary, .old TS point, below th. previous
transaction last week.
United State, steel, which baa borne th.
brunt of iwent bear attacks, was unyield
ing and (ained more tbaa a point.
in the copper market ther. ws. a better
sentiment said a substantia Incrsaa. In de
mand Is expected. Th. fortnightly state
ment. Issued today, showed -a further de
rreae. In th. visible European supply, tb.
shrinkage for Apnl and slay aggregating
mor. than 24.0OO.OO0 pounds.
Th. bond market was firm. Total salsa,
par value. 4.ioOGO United State. Gov
ernment bonjle on call were unchanged.
. ... . . SaJ.a High, Low. Mid.
Allls Chsl pf ., KoO u 3.1 sjui
Amal Copper .. lCgoo SOS c a
Am Agrlcult .. luo ftS 6S C
Am Reet hugar. l.Si BtV, MS UT4
American Can 1.1MO li'. 11H H
Am Car gt FdyH 3' O &c, 5:s 041
Am Cotton Oil.. 1.2VO 61 . ioi. M
A,n Hd a Lt pf .....
Ara Ire KecurL. 100 30 20 2i
Am I.meed .......... ..... ..... io
Ara Locomotive.. ..- ..... 41
Am Smel Ref i.400 a0 ' ?U
do pref.rrL lOtUg
Am 8tel Fdy., , 42
Ara Sugar Kef.. eOO 1H. limi
Ara Tel g Tel.. ex 14J 14S J4S
Am Tobacco pf. 1.SO0 Pei. 9H
Am Woolen , 83
Ana-onda af Co T0 40 40 40
Atrhlaon 1..3O0 114 113 114'4
do preferred.. JoO 1(4 14 l"3Ts
Atl Coaat Ulnt. 4'M) '; l'JHVi l-'SS
Halt at Ohio ... ei0 lort, I117 lo7"j
Hethlehem Steal mo S2'i S2' ;t3 14
Urook K Tran.. II.inio MS KO. 81
Canadian Pao .. S.2"l 23SS Z.17. 137.
Central leather 2.8O0 SIS 801 1 81 S
do preferred ..... ..... 102
Central of N J. 2S4
Ches a Ohio ... 23.3.00 Si 84 h5
Chicago A Alton 30
Chi Ut West ... 2O0 22 21 H 1
do preferred.. - 43 44
Chicago a N 'VT V 14S-. 148 148i
C, M A St Paul 22.100 lliSH. l.'24 li.S'i
C. C. C SI L tkl
Col Fuel Iron 33
Col at fouthern. 100 RS M M S
Consol Gas .... l.r."0 14S 144 143 V
Corn Products 1.7O0 IS. IS 14
D. I gt Hudson .. SOO 170 17o 170
D a R Grand... KOO 81 81 (1
do preferred.. fiK 70 1 R9
ntstlllenr Securl 8'0 3 8rt 88
Erl. 10.2O0 33 3.1 .13
do 1st pf .... l.ooO IV3 K2 ha
do 2d Pf .... POO 42 41 41
General Eleo .. K.200 lrt K'.4 HV4
Gt North pf ... Se.nuO 131 1.1" 1.13
Gt North Or. .. 1.20Q 82 Rl 2
Illlnola Central. 1.200 140 13 140
Interbor Met .. 600 111 18 14
do preferred., l.lno 62 61 61
Inter II arvester. 1.0OO 126 124 123
Inter alarln. pf 10O 17 17 17
Int Paper 100 11 11 11
Int Pump 1.800 41 41- 41
Iowa Central 19
K C Southern .. 800 33 83 84
do preferred.. ft
Laclede Gas ... 600 104 104 104
I.ouis at Nash . 1.000 14s 14S 148
Minn gt St L. 82
M. 6 P at S S M 00 1.18 187 187
Mo. Kan Ter, 8.60O .18 8.1 38
do pref erred.. 20O 7 7 87
Mo Facade .... 4.700 61 4 60
Nat Uls.ult ... ..... 134
Nat Lead ...... ..... ..... 66
Hex X Ry S Pf. 21
N T Central ... 1.700 108 10T 1P
N T. Ont Wea 20 78 76 73
Northern Pao .. ST.fcuO 183 13o 33.1
Paclne Mall 26
Pennsylvania ... 22.0O0 128 121 123
People's lias .. 2O0 106 ir.,', 105 ii
P. C C gt St L. loo iM P4 3
Pittsburg Coal.. l.i") 2.1 22 2.'
Pr-ased 8 Car- l.HOO .l.'.V 33 85
Pull Pal Car .. 3o0 101 1.1 181
Ry Steel Spring. .14
P.e.dlng P8.8O0 160 167 1M
Republic Steel 1.0V0 80 2 30
do preferred... ..... f4
Rock Isisnd Co. .8H0 8.1 82 82
do preferred... 2o0 61 63 63
Pt L. 8 F 2 pf 1.DU0 42 42 42
St 1. Southwest. ..... 81
do tlrererrecu. ..... e--
toe. thefT'.eld 40 49 40 49
Southern Feo .. 13.2"0 .120 118 11!
Soutbern Ry ... 8 " 21' 2 2
do -wef erred. . 2.4"W e. e, r. 1
Tenn Copper ... !. 3M 8S 88
Texas a i'atno ."U e. -e - 20O 21 21 21
60 preferred.. " 6" 60 60
Union Pacino .. 61.S.J 1 lf4 1K8
do nrel'rred.. 1.100 M M 14
TJ 8 Realty ..... 78
tr 8 Rubber ... 20 41 4t 41
IT 8 Steel .2"0 76 73 76
do prer-rreo.. iv if. 1 '
rtah Copp-r ... 27.-J 47 4T J.
Va Caro Chem - 7..V" 61 68 60
WabaVt ........ i; 1 15
do .referred.. i" "l
w,,ro Ml ....,") o 60 JO
Heeling E:e .. e.ToO 7 76 7
Western Union . J-SOO 2 81 82
JehTah Valley V. " S.iio i7 i77 178
Total xor int a. w-v.ew l
VEmT TORK. June 1 Closing; quotations:
c'a. r,f. a. reg.100 N. T. C. gn 8a. M
do coupon ...l' No. raclrtc 3s... 71
a . r-mw 111 V No. facirta 4S
do coupon . . . Ml VTnlon Psclflo 4s.l"l
1? Knew 4s re.114S,W'ls. Central 4S. 3
do coupon ...114SJapanes. 4a .... 65.
tX gt R. U. 4S. 2B
Morka at Beegesa.
pOTOV Jan. 1. nosing quotations:
Amalg Copper.. 68SVohak 43B
. x. U. Sm.. 2.. Nevada Con. ... lt
Artiona Com. .. Itf. Nlplsslnc Mines 10 SB
Mlantlc .")2"r'S futt.... 81
H a C C S M. 14 North Lak.
Putt. Coalition. lHVOeceola I01B
CaL a Artxona. 6sPaTrott (B. gt C.) 12
Cat. A Hecla....- .Qulncy 7o Ran- Co. - Shannon 11
F. Putts Co. M. 12 -superior 33
rank'.ln lllSup gt Bos Mtn.. 6
Glroux Con. .... 6 Sup gt Pitta Cop. i
aranhy Con. ... 35 Tamarack 36
Greene Cananea. 6 U. b. I B. a. Hi
I Royale (Cep- IS I do preferred .. 47
t Ske. ea-dlv 68 'rtah Con. 16
Cake Copper 38Ctah Coppe Co. 47
Miami Copper... 30 Winona
Mosey. Irhaaura, Eta.
NEW TORK. Jun. 1. Money on call,
steady. :V2 P' rtlla !,!
elo-tng bi3. 2: offered at 3
Time loans firm: 60 days. t03 per
cent: M daya 23; alx months, 3.
p'rtm. mercantile paper 8 4)4 par cat
Sterling exchange steady, with actual
business In bankers" roils at ior v-
dsy bills, snd si ee-e.i iw utiwiu.
Commercial bills 14.43.
Itax St. vex 63 c
i!cl'cen dollars 4Sc.
Governmsnt bonds steady, railroad, firm,
LONDON. Jun. L Bar aUvsr. steady at
34 g-16d per ounce).
Money. 1 per cent-
Tb. rat. of disooua. lntba opesi market
for abort bills Is 1 1-18 p cant; do tor
thra. months' bills. 3 1-16 per cent
8AK FRANCISCO. Jun. L Sterling" on
London. 0 days. 84 84: do sight. 4.t6.
Drafts, sight. 2c: telegraph. 8c
CHICAGO. Jun. 1. Exchange oa Hew
York, 13 xireminm.
CeadlLLon af tha Treosury.
WASHINGTON, Jons L At th. begin
ning at business today th. condition of tba
United 8tateo Treasury was:
Working baianc la Treasury of
fices 84.792.904
In banks and Philippine treasury 8&,S$.4NT
Total balance In general fund... 86.477,947
Ordlt-ary receipts yesterday 6,761.127
Ordinary dlsbursementa 8.263.463
Tha surplus to data this fiscal year bj
$4,876,914. as against a deficit .of 313.276.110
at this tim. last year. Thes. figures s
clude Panama Canal aad publlo debt trans
actions. Toffe. aad Sugar. .
KKW YORK, Jon. 1. Coffe. futures
closed steady at a net advance of 1 to
points. Sales. 36.260 bass. Closing bids:
June, 10.70e: July, 10.7Sc; August, 10.74c;
September, 1O640; October, 10.61c; Novem
ber, December, January and February.
10.47c; March. 10.4Sc; April. 10.48c; May,
Spot coffee quiet. Rio. No. T. 12 c: San
tos. No. 4. ISc. Mild coffe. quiet. Cordova.
13016c .
Ka. sugar steady. Muscovado, 8.36o;
centrifugal. 8.80c; mo lease a 3.11c Refined
sugar stesdy. Cut loaf. S.Soc: crushed.
6.70c; mould A. G-36e; cubes, &-26o; XXXX
powdsred. 6.15c: powdered, 5.10c; granu
lated and diamond V, &c; confectioners A,
4 Sic: No. 1. 4-SSc; No. X 4.80c; No. 8,
a76c; No. 4, 4.70c; No. 5. 4.6.'.c; No. 6,
4.60c: No. T. 4.Wc; No. 8. 4.50c; No. 9,
4.46c: No. 10. 4.40c: No. 11. 4.35c; No. 12,
4.30c; No. 13 and No. 14. 4.25c
Only Three Loads of Cattle Are Sold.
Six ' Car aArrlTO From
Moat of tba trada at tha atockrard yea
tardar waa In the mutton dlvialon. Only
a tw loada of cattla wera old.
Wathara brought S.8a and $17
awaa 93-slaS. Lajnba aold ateadr t 50.
Two lunda of atocker atara war aold at
$4.30 and a load of aood cowi at $5.13.
Six loada of rattla cam In from Sacramento
lata In tha day. .
Recalpu wera 184 cat t la, 1T aheap and
$1 horaea. j
Fhlppara of' tha stock Included Charlaa
Donnel 1 y. M adraa. 1 car of b ora ; Earl
Wood. W adraa. 1 car of horaea; Clauda Dun
ham, al adraa. 3 cara of aheep; I. C. Kolay,
Condon. $ car of ahap; P. J. Brown. Baker.
1 car of cattle; H. S. StanUeld. 6tanfleld. 1
car of abc-ap. and J. K. -Pelt on fc Co..
Roaftburs, 2 eara of aheep.
Tba day 'a aalea wera aa follows:
Welht. Prlca.
M0 Bhaep CT $2..'-0
29 ateara &77
SS ateara . 008 4.!0
2G wathara w 3.35
Ssft wethara 1 8 33
US cow, 1034 0.15
109 abaep 2
102 aheep 2 60
irj wethara 81 8.75
143 wet h era - 89 $ '3
V4 awea 03 3.25
194 awefl 94 3.23
79 awea .25
11T iamba
$ delivery horaea, each 125.00
8 draftera. each 2w.0Q
Prtcee current on tha varloua classes of
atock at tha Portland Union fitocltyarda
wra aa follows:
prima h rain -fed steers $0.006 $3.35
prima bay-fed ateera 6.00 6.115
Choice steera ....,.. 5.759 -W
Fair to good steera 5.60 i 5.75
Common steers r5 B-5
Prime cowa ..... 6.75 y 0,23
Good to choice cows ......... 0 a.23
Fair to good cowa ............. 4.75y 6.00
Poor cawa 4.&0O 4.75
Choice balfera .................. 5-7)
Choice bulla 4.759 $-23
Good to choice bulla 4.230 4.75
Choice llaht calvea 7.uoy 7.2S
Good to choice light calvea ..... t la'tf 7.00
Choice heavy calvea 6.009 6.60
Choice stags ........ fi.75cy a.115
Good to choice staca ........a., iiiiitf 5.75
Choice bocs ......... 6.509 0.85
Good to choice bogs ........... C.&0
Choice beavy 6.009 .i:5
Common 6.00 v t.ot)
block hoga $.769 7-3
Choice Spring lambs $.259 $-5$
Good to choice Spring lambs.... t.OO C.J5
Choice yearling 4. 80 iff 6.00
Good to choice yearlings ....... 4.609 4.76
Fair to medium yearlings 4.00 4.25
Choice ewes 4.009 4-25
Good to choice awea S.7&9 4.00
Fair to medium ewea 8.60 9 $.75
Good to choice beavy wethara... 4.009 4.50
Old heavy wethera 3.009 4.00
Mixed lota 4.009 5.00
Tha following quotation represent prlees
an this markat for tha different classes of
boriea: pi afters, extra beavy. SdOi9C00;
drafters. 1400 to 1700 lbs.. $1509350; draft
era. 1200 to 140O iba. 100 9 20 ; chunk a.
80laV0; plugs, $10940; driving horse. $75
and up; saddle, horaea, $60 and up.
Chicago aUTcaiocat MarkH.
CHICAGO, June 1- 7attle Receipts es
timated at 6000; market, steady. Beevca,
$5.2096.45; Texas steers, f4.tk95.60; West
ern ateera, $4-bo95.60; atockera and feed
ers, $.30493.75: cowa and half era, $2,309
$.83; calvea. $5-259 8.
Hogs Receipts estimated at 20.000; mar
ket. 3c higher. Llrht, $5.7396.10; mixed,
$5.7096; heavy, $3.3396; rough. $5,539
5.75; good to choice heavy, $3.7596; bulk
of aalea 5.909 6.
Sheep Receipta estimated at $13,000;
market, steady. ( Native. $3 94.30; Western,
$394.36; vearllnra, $4.159 6: lamb a, native,
$4.2396.03; Western. $4.25 9 6.75.
Market Shows a Rise of Five Cents
Since the Opening; of the
BOIiB. Idaho, Jane 1. (Special) Idaho
woola sharply advanced In price today,
bringing down aa high aa 17 cente per
pound, much to the satisfaction of sheepmen
of this state. This price waa secured by
Fred W. Ooodtng. of Good tag. by the sale
of 200.000 pound, through the Chicago
Wool Warehouse. Mr. Gooding deciding to
permit that much of the dtp to go at the
advanced price, although be looka for It to
go higher.
Scott Andereon. of tbl city, sold 150,000
pouQde at 16 centn to K aat em buy era A
total of 300.000 pound waa aold at Cam
bridge yesterday at 13 cente.
Ted Jobnaon. of Bolae, was today noti
fied that the Chicago Warebouae Company
dlspoeed of 200,000 pounds at a price bet
ter than 17 cents.
Within tha paat few days tha prlcea for
Idaho wool have bounded from a fraction
over 12 cent to a fraction above 17 cent.
Thoae eheepmtn of this atata who be
lieved that th?y would be forced to aacrl
flca their wool at a low price are now op
timistic over the advance and moat of
them will bold for even higher prlcea.
WaolaYi-wercrs af Karraw Omnty Ara Beady
HEPPXER. Or.. June 1. At tha first
sealed bid salas today the folowlng clips
were dlspoeed of:
Mollahan Broe.. 19.000 pound at 12 He.
to Frankenstein; J. M arena, 5O0O pounda at
llaC to ufour; la. Groshens, ll.OuO pound
at 11 H. to Dufour; O'Kourxe Broa., 10.000
pounda at 12 Sc. to Dufour; J. A. Busick.
HO.OuO pounda at 12a, to Angel; E. Coch
ran, 10.000 pounds at 15 Sc. to Frankenstein;
E. Cochran. IS. 000 pounds at 12 c, to
Jonas; Cochran A Swlck. 25,000 pounda at
llfcc, to Del lee 6 enuring Mills; Webb Bro..
ll.OuO pounda at 12Sc to Frankeneteln;
William Barrett. 85.000 pounda ct 13So. to
Dufour; SbalTer. 15.000 pounda at 12 He to
Angel; K. Rob l neon. 52.000 pounda at 12Hc
to Dufour; Pat Curran. 17,iKK pounda at
11 Vo. to Dufotlr; HolTord Bros., 11,000
pounda atH'aC to Kuhn; C Brocklv, 15.0u0
pounda at 11 We. to Kuhn; J. Donahoe. 15.0j0
pounda at lUSc to Burke; H. Kourke, gooo
pounda at 10ac to Dufour; Pat Carty. 10.
Owo pounda at llc, to Burke.
Energetic Buying 'Lifts the
Price at Chicago.-
Crop Expert Estimate) Condition in
Winter Wheat Belt as S to 4 Per
Cnt Lies. Favorable. Than
a Month Ago.
CHICAGO. Juns 1. Knenstlo btrytnr forca
appeared In th. wheat market today and pnt
price, up with the help of statexnenta ty
crop experts estimating th. condition In th.
Winter wheat belt as S to 4 per cent less
farorable than a month ago. At on. tim.
July wheat reached a level two cent, above
th. final figure, of yesterday, aa a result,
the question was promptly raised a, to
wheather a new "corner" was being at
tempted, although th. echoea of 'he May
deal were still to be heard. Acctrdlng to
aome authorities, th. leader, who hav. re
cently been prominent on the bull slds were
taxing hold of th. July option on a .big
scale. A favorite theory to explain this ac
tion was that the trad, had been too gen
erally bearish In the new-crop months, ex
pecting a development of weakness wlh
May contracta out of th. way. It waa no
ticed that there was much, selling of Septem
ber on the part of the chief purchasers of
July. Very little reaction from top prlees
took place. During the day July ransed
from 89teO to 91fcc ciosing firm lfco up,
at 0T.c ,
Corn was w.U supported all day. July
fluctuated between fi3.e and (44o. with
the close steady at tu c a net gain of
Trad, in oata waa lively and prlcea sharply
higher. High and low points reached by
July during th. session were 36 6 361.0 and
R". Sc. with last sales 540 net higher, at
Buying of provisions waa stimulated by
grain strength and th. good cash trade.
Pork at the end of th. day waa 20 to 25c
dearer and ther. was aa advance of 1 10c
to 12 lac for lard and ribs.
Ths leading futures ranged aa follows:
Open. High. Low.
1 .tot.
July .34 I'i t
tept...... .071. .sn-. .811,
DeoA 19?, .90 .19)4
July -ti -544 ."H -eH
Sept...... .it .C4 .S3 .64
Dec. (2 .11 -2 -
July .tl .31 ."H
Sept S5 .S6-, .354. .SS.
Dec. .: .
July 14.8ft, 14.871, 14.774 14.80
Sept 14.12 V 14.22 V 14.4U
July t.Ot 8.1S t.05 Ml
Sept ' 8.1J S.2S 8.12. 8.27V.
July 7.85 -7.S7'. T 85- 7.H
Sept 7. us .ais ..7S
Cash quotations were aa follows:
Flour Steady.
Rye No. J. l9Se. , .
Barley Feed or mixing, 40 0 70c; fair, to
choice malting. 80 0900.
Flax seed .No. l Southwestern, nominal;
No. 1 Northwestern, nominal.
Timothy seeil 12.
' Clover S 15.75.
Mess nork Per bbl., $1515 5.
Lard Per 1U0 pounda 88.10.
Short rlbes Sides (loose), 7.87H7.87.
Sides Short clear (boxed), 88.11 14 8.25.
Grain atatlstics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour wer.
equal to 437,000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 472.000 bushels, compared with 260,
000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomor
row: Wheat. t cars; corn. 658 ears; oats,
234 cars; hogs, 15,00 bead.
Receipta Shipments.
Flour, barrels 29.000 14.700
Wheat, bushels S06.4O0 17.900
Corn, bushels L47.900 821.800
Oats, bushels s"-i' "J'JXi
RveT bushel 3.000 L100
Barley, bushels 57.000 14.800
Grain at Saa Francisco.
SAW FRANCISCO, Jun. L Wheat Firm,
Barley Weak.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. 81.4041.50 per cental.
h..ih ireri SI. 856x1.40 per cental:
brewing. 81.42Viel.47 per cental.
Oats Red. L801.4O per cental; white,
nominal; Black. C1.13L32tt per cental.
Call board aaies:
Wheat No trading. ,
Barley December, f 1.28 (4 per cental.
Knropeam Grain Market a.
LONDON. June I. Cargoes quiet; seller,
firm; buyer, quiet. Walla Walla for ship,
ment at 85s Sd.
English countrr markets easy, ad lower.
French country xnarketa quiet.
LIVERPOOL, " June i. Wheat Jtily
6s. 10 Hd; October, 6s. 8d. Weather
Grata Markets of the Northwest.
TACOMA. June 1. Wheat Blnestem, 95
60c; forty-fold, S8c; club,. 8788o; red
Husslan. - 84c
Receipts Wheat, 10 cars; oata, 2 cars.
SEATTLE. June 1. Wheat Blnestem,
Pic; forty-fold, 87o; fife, 8"o; club, 8o; red
Russian. src.
Oats, $2.oO per ton; barley. $27.00 per ton.
Car receipts up to noon; Wheat 83 cars;
hay, 15 cars; barlsy, 1 car.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, June 1. Wheat, July,
Mltc; September. 91?, 992c; December, 02c;
No 1 hard. 9ac; No. 1 Northern, 97 9
98c; No. 2 Northern, 94097c; No. i
white, 8a93c.
Metal Markets.
NEW TORK, June 1. Standard copper
dull. Spot, June. July, August and Sep
tember, 11.70 12c. London dull. Spot, 55
Is 3d; futures, 55 12s 6d. Exports of copper
for the month of May, according to custom
house returns, .were 26.655 tons, against 20.-
i-mt ve.r. Lake coDDer. 12.25012.50c:
electrolytic 12.258 12.S7V4C; casting. 11.S7V,
Tin dull and unsettled. Spot, 46847c;
Time 454S.25c: Jul'. 4243.75c; August,
41 S04j42.25o: September. 41.25d42c. London
strong. Spot. 1X14; futures, 190 10s.
Lead steady at iwufcwc rw igrs aiiu
4.17H 64-22ViO East St. Louis. London, 13
2s 6d.
Spelter dull at 8.83 9 5.400 New Tork and
5.204,5.25c East St. Louis. London, ii
Iron Cleveland warrtnts. 46a Sd In Lon
don. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foun
dry Northern. $15.25(4 15.75: No. 2 foundry
Northern. No. 1 foundry Southern and No, 1
foundry Southern soft, $15 15.00.
Chirac. Produce Market.
CHICAGO. June 1. Butter, easy. Cream
eries. 13 'a --"c . dairies. 16720c
Effgs steady: receipts. 27.670 cases: at
-hece .tadv. Dnl.les. U411o;
701-2-3-4-5 Lawia Bids;.
Portland Orwgjoa
Merchants National Bank
i -
Capital and Surplus $350,000.00
Ths policy of this Bask ia to cultivate helpful business relations
with its depositors, and to render at all times the service which their
needs demand and which our equipment insures. Every courtesy con
sistent with prudent banking is uniformly extended by this Bank ta
all depositors.
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of tho -Rocky
Bank Notice
Security Savings and Trust Company
Corbctt Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets -,
Capital and Surplus $950,000
Invites Accounts of
Merchants, Individuals and Savings
Twins, lOKfyllc: Young Americas. UHO
ll4c; Long Horns. lleilc
mark cases included, 1212tfo; firsts,
14c; prime firsts, 15c
Hop. at New Tork.
NBW TORK, Jun. 1. Hop. steady.
Of all
of the most
Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu
minous Pavements. 605-60S Electiio
bids;. Portland. Or. Oskar iiuber.
Travelers' Checks
Letters of Credit
Drafts on Foreign Countries, Money
Cable and Telegraphio Transfer of
Money Payable Throughout
the World.
American Express Co.
Seventh and Stark Streets.
Th. most dellghtrul spot on entire world
tour lor your Taction. Delightful bath-Ine-
at the famous beach o WalklkL Tha
splendid S3. Sierra (10.000 tons displace
ment) makes th. round trip In 18 days, and
one can visit on a slds trip the Uvlna vol
cano of KJlauea which Is tremendous. y ac
tive, and see for hlmsekf the process of
world creation. No other Jin compares
with this for the marvelous and wonderful
ta nature. Visit ths Islands now. whlls you
can do lt so easily and quickly and whlls
ths volcano Is active. Prompt attention to
telegrams for bertha Ballings: Jun. 10.
July 1, July 22. Aug. 12. etc.
' OCEA.MO S. 8. CO.
71 Market street. Saa Francis..
Lovr Rates, Schedule Tlma.
SIS Railway Exchange Bldg.
Portland. Or,
Mala 117a, - Ami,
PORTLAND, 0 RECKON. ' ijj .u-a:.'..x&:ili
Amerika,Jun.S, amlJtPretorla... .Jun. 1
Pres. Grant June lOlCinclnnatl. . Jun. x
tRltz-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant.
t2d cabin only. rWlll call at Boulogne.
Will call at Plymouth and Cherbourg-.
t9. 8. RATA VIA Jan. M. 12 noon
. s. HAMBURG .June tX
JW1U not call at Algiers.
Land Midnight Sun
CILIE, METEOR, from Hambnrs; darins;
June, July and August. Hraliirg-American
Lin. 160 Powell St.. Ban Francisco, CaL.
or Northern Pacific, O.-W. R. & N.. Burl
ington, Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Bound
By., and other R. R. offices, Portland.
...i mn-uD a vcsni(a'rmw rrk.
s at a
O 1 1 LrVL.
Freight received
Sally at Oak-st. docks
for The Dallas.
Hood River. Whlta
Calmon, Tjmatllla.
Kennewlck, Pasco.
Richland, Hanford,
White Bluffs, Lewis
ton, Idaho, and Inr"
pf .r.KM-
Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Tu" ;
Thura, 7 AM. Returning leaves The Dalle. ;
. . V.. ., i.-... t a hm . rrl v1n ir at Fort- !
land about 6 P. M. same day. W
Buchanan, 6upt-; W. 8. BmaUsses, Cnl
S i f..f oma a r,27.
aiKr. i uuuu
The Tourist Hlghwsy ij
aal Scenlo Rout, to Surop. j j'
via i .
Th. St. Lawrene. River. ,
th. Shortest Ocean Passage, j
Less thaa Four Days at Sea
by the , !
Weekly sailings Montreal, Quebec, to Liver.
pocL First cabin, 90; second cabin, 5L25.
one-class cabin (called aecond cabin). 47.jU;
third cabin. 30 and SL2S. Ask local
asenta F. R- Johnson. G. A. 142 Third St..
or J. J. Forater. T. P. A, 609 First Ava.
From Alnsworth Dock, Portland OA. M.;
gs. Bear, Jun. ti Rosa City, June Beaver,
From 'lin ' Francisco. Northbound, 12 M. :
SS. Rose City. May 31: Beaver, June 6; Bear,
evSrosan Pedro, Northbound, 12 M.:
SS. Beaver, June 8; Bear, Jan. 8; Rose City,
HTo""smlth, C. T. A 142 TMrdSt.
j i Kansom, Agent, Alnsworth Dock.
" phones: Main 402, tSS; A 1402.
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Pedro Direct.
North Paclflo 8. S. Co. 's R S. Roaneka
and 8. 8. Eldir sail every Wednesday altsr
nately at 6 P. M. Ilcket ottic. laa Xolr
St.. nsr Alder.
MARTIN f. HIGLEY, rassenger Ageas,
W. IL SLCSSER. Freight Agent.
y bones si. 1814. A 1814.
Galls from Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 9 ,
A. liL May 1, 6, 11, 19. 21. 28. 81. Jun.
S and every five daya Freight received at
Alnsworth Dock dally up to 0 P. M. Pas
ssnger fare, first-class. tlO; second-class, ,
7, Including meals and berth. Ticket of
fice Alnsworth Dock. Bhonea Mala SoS
Main 170. A 124.