oo - the sionxnro oregoxias. Friday, jtxe 2, 1911. ; ; I 1 1 III FEDERAL ENGINEER PRIMED BY TRIP Secures Useful Data on Visit to Marvelous Dredge Columbia. WORK DONE WONDERFUL Major Mrlndoe Plans Two Addition al Piercers Improving I" pun Pat tern of Mammoth Machine Already at Work. V?hn Majnr J. F. itclndn. Corp of rcilnnrt. United Etatea Armr. leaves fr Washington Monday to confer with ths Chief of Eniners reg-ardlr.gr two suction dreljres to be bulll this rear, fcetldr dlst-usslnr with Mm matters pertaining to the Inauguration of oj sratlnns on the north Jetty at the mouth tf the Columbia. will have an arm ful of data covering the operations of dtgger In loral waters to refresh his memory, on which he made a special trip yesterday afternoon to the big 11t Columbia, as the guest of the I'ort of Portland. PrrdRe In Full Operation. Accompanied by Gerald Bagnall. of h ITnglneer Department. In charge of ths construction of th south Jetty. Major Mclndoa left In ths Port of Port land launch Marls at t o'clock yester day afternoon. Captain Hugh T. Groves, superintendent of ths Commission dredges and J. B. C. Lock wood, archi tect of ths Commission and designer of the Colombia, being on hand to guide the party. Ths Columbia la working on ths eight-foot stesmboat channel to ths westward of San Island, sear the lower end of the cut and when the party reached there she was In full op eration, her 10-Inch euctlon-plpe run ning full of sand and water. Despite the fact she Is pumping the material on lowland that requires a mils of pipe and the elevation Is about 14 feet, ths jlps was carrying a capacity volume and shs wss seen to the best advan tage. Ths Government officers made a com plete Inspection of ths dredge, from ths iiol.1 to quarters of ths upper deck for officers and crew, and Major Mclndos pronounced her "handy and well ar ranged." He regards her as one of ths best Illustrations that ronld bs cited of a type for local waters, as shs Is ths largest single-auction dredge In the rorM today. There are others of ths double pattern that can handle more material, but ths Columbia has pumped St.OOO cubic yards of material In 4 hours and her fuel bill today, sawdust telng consumed. Is but 1730 a month. Hrlft Forced to Surface. On ths present work she Is handling ntween (004 and ll.Ooa cubic yards front ths channel, because considerable Is lost through ths unusually long pipe line required. At the sams ttms ths material Is deposited on land with such force that at one point, where there Is slough, ths layer of sunken logs and other submerged drift was forced to the surfacs by ths discbarge from ths pip The Columbia Is i; feet long, has a Beam of 50 feet and Is 13 feet deep la the hold. Major Mclndoe's Idea for ths two dredges to be constructed Is to bare them nearly as large as ths Co lumbia, except that their suction pipes will hav a diameter of Z4 Inches snd the pump of a proportlonste capacity, which will generally reduce ths cost of operation. He estimates that prelim inaries could be disposed of In the way of drawing plans, cumrlllng specifica tions and receiving ths approval of Washington officials so that bids could be opened hers In sig months. BFLT XJE SWITCHING FKKE TorLownrrs May Handle Cargo by Water for Transshipment Here. West fids dorks located south of ths ftteel bridge, where rail facilities are not available except at night and then only through the payment of a switching charge, may enter mors generally Into the transshipment or cargo and a few owners may Install spur tracks connecting wttn ths belt line ss the result of notification yes terday received from F. 11. Fogarty. assistant general freight agent of ths 11111 lines, who wrots that after June the switching chargs applying on ths lines of ths T'nlted Ralls ays and Oregon Klcvtrlc within the city limits would be eliminated. After July 4 ths same rule will apply on cars routed via the North Hank line and Northern Pacific system, ths additional ttras being required In which to make the order effective In thst regard because tt has to be sanctioned by ths Interstate Commerce Commis sion. Often goods are received on docks having spur tracks that could bs handled on other docks so thst steamers wouM not bs moved so often, sad on some lines shipments are re fused st California ports when not In sufficient quantity to Justify harbor movea being made In order to reach a berth with rail facilities. Now freight ran bs loaded In cars at n!ght which ars 'spotted" oa Front street, and If short spurs are pat In they ran bs loaded during ths dsy. ths elimination c-f the switching chargs being strong Inducement. COMMISSION WORKS IX PARK Washington Law (iotrrnin; Strain, crs Is Kffecflie June t. Steamboatmea having buslncos along t:s north back of the Co.umbia River, which brings a portion of their trade ndr ths Jurtd!ctlon of ths Washington PuMIc l'ti:iis Commission. Ali bo comes a sueevssor to the Wsshlngton fiats Railroad Commission Juns a, srs wondering what step will bs demanded of them to coirply with ths provisions of the new statute. Ths same Indefinite condition exists ea Pt:g"t Sound, and a series of meet ings of the commissioners and stesm sMp men is belr.g held to determine on what ground they meet. It has been announced In advance that all craft tin der f.ve tors, er.ic-d in rj passenger or frrigi-t trade. w.:i be governed by the rv regulation. So far the commission ers have endeavored to Interpret the law to steamer owners, saying trat they srs sot fi.TlMm- with martr.e affairs ar.d a1mitt!rg the difference between steam gh:p and railroad affairs. Ons difficult feeture Is a reculstlon of log towtnr. and to ths establishment of a taj'.ff for that Is a problem to bs so'ved. as rsfts are bsrd'ed from vsrlous points and consequently for different dis tances. V Ith f-e steamt"Oat business In cuany places lh-re la no competition. , Bayocran Trial Not Sri. . Until SUars ax A finishing carpsntsr complete their work on ths new gasoline yacht Eayocean her trial trip will not bs mads from Supple'i yards. Her machin ery Is virtually ready, but as much tlms would bs lost If she were taken out for a spin within ths next fsw days, thst It waa deemed best to wslt until she was nearly In condition to be turned over to her owner. Steamer Back In Coos River Service. MARfHFIEU). Or- Juns 1. (Spe cial.) Ths river stesmer Alert hss been put bsck In the Coos River service from MarshUeld to Allegany after hav ing been on ths dry docks for repairs for soms weeks past. Ths boat Is In flrst-c'.a.a shape and will maks dally trips earl way together with ths Mllll coma, giving two boats each way for the people of ths Allegany district. The boat Una will run In connection with the new automobile 11ns from Allegany to Drain and It Is expected that by IIUMU INTEIXJCEMCm. Daw te Arrive. Frem. Data . ... Snn Francisco In port . . . . . lionckong. . . .In port , ... . ban Kranclsoo la port Kan idptt la sort Tillamook.... in port a r.-ir... . junw 11 Kara. Falcon . . . . fttratblyoa Bear Go;dn Gate Breakwater. . . .Coos Bay June eue II. t mnrm lilrro....Jur)e Oeo. VT. Elder. .Sao Diego. ... J una A'lls-ire. ...... Eureka. ..... June Anvil ....Olandoa Juns fleeter. ....... an Pdrs. ... June Riverside... ...Hslboa Juae Roanoke. ..... .San Diego. . .June cawdslsd Is Depot. Kerne. For. tst Bear. ......... Fan Pedrs. ... June S Fsicon Jao. Francisco June 4 Go;drn ;ate. .. Ttliamook. ... June S Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay June 6 Nme City ban Francisco June e Sue K. klimore Tillamook. .. June Roes City. .....Fan Pedro.... June 7 Ceo. TV. Elder, .ran Diego.... June T A a.s. ......Kurrka...... June S Anvil ...Ban'lon .June S Ftrathlyon.. . . . Hongkong. . . . June lo Beaver. ....... Fan Pedro. ... June 1- Roanoke ..San Diego. .. .June' 14 Hiveraide......Balboa June IS river-boat and auto passenger can bs taken from Marslifleld to Drain In Bin hours. Marine Notes. Lumber lad-n for the Golden Gats ths barge Amy Turner was towed to As toria from St. Helena yesterday. To load lumber for ths south the schooner A. B. Johnson yesterdsy ar rived in from San Francisco and will be towed to Westport. To be lifted for cleaning and repaint ing on the Port of Portland drydock, the tug Wallula left up from Astoria last evening, and will reach St. Johns today. To begin loading lumber under char ter to the American Trading Company, ths German bark H. Hackfeld will be towed from Linnton to the dock of ths North Pacific Lumber Company today. Vntll ths East Slds plsr of the Broad way bridgo is finished ths tug Cruiser, of the L'nlon Bridge Construction Company's fleet, will remain Idle, she having been ordered out of commission this week. In general cargo ths French bark La Blanche, which is under charter to load out with wheat for the Portland Flour ing Mills Company, aalled from Havre for this port May 131 as reported yester day by ths Merchants' Exchange. Deputy Collector of Customs Barnes will conduct a sale at 1 o'clock this aft ernoon In ths Government bialdlng of Italian marble, cigars, cigarettes, fire works and other gooda that havs accu mulated through duo process of law. When ths steamer Golden Gats sailed last svenlng for Tillamook she had a full Hat of passengers, thsrs being In cluded In ths number 14 members of a ball team Journeying to ths Coast city to engags In a few game. Carpenters ars completing ths third caisson for ths Union Bridge 4 Con struction Company, which will bs used to excavate for ons of ths center piers of ths Broadway bridge, and It will bs launched from ways near ths elevator In a few days. With most of her cargo mads up of Japanese oak logs and the remainder bereg about SM tons of Chlness mer chandise, ths Oriental liner rjtrathlyon entered yesterdsy at ths Custom-Houss snd begsn discharging logs at Banfleld'a dock. Shs had an uneventful voyage. To bav worn carta replaced with fit tings of 1911 manufacture, the snglns of ths Port of Portland launch Marls hss been shipped fest. and she Is being propelled with a substitute. When the old engine Is returned and Installed ah Is expected to lncresss ths speed. Superintendent McDonald. of Ths Dalies. Portland A Astoria Navigation Company, has contracted for an unusual assortment of music for the Sunday ex cursion of the stesmer Bailey Gauert. York's mllltsry band and orchestra hav ing been engaged, the former toplay oa the upper deck and the orchestra In ths cabin. Coming to losd cargo for ths Orient under charter to ths China Import Kinort Lumber Company, ths British tramp Oswslstry arrlvsd yesterday aft ernoon from Redondo and left up. Shs will berth at ths bunkers of ths Pacific Coast Company to load 150 ton of coal and then shift to St- John to begin working lumber. In connection with ths participation of the stesmer Ross City In ths Rose Festival marine parade. It was an nounced yesterday that shs would leave from Alnsworth dock at 10.M o'clock Monday morning and proceed down stream to meet Rex Oregonua. returning at ths head of ths column of 100 vessels to ths foot of Stark street, where ths festival monarch Is to land. Entered at ths Custom-Houss yester day, ths stesmer Casco, Tamalpals and Shna Yak from San Francisco: British steamer Strathlyon from Hongkong and Japanese ports, and the steamer W. S. Torter from Monterey. The Casco cleared for the Golden Gate with a5O.00O feet of lumber: tt Tamalpal for th same harbor with a Uko cargo; ths Porter for San Francisco, and ths Bear for San Francisco and San Pedro. Movements of Vessel. PORTLAND. June 1- Arrived Steamer Falcon, from Fan Francisco: steamer Aber deen, from baa Frsncisco; British steamer OeweaUT. from Redondo. Sailed el'amar w a. Porter, for ban Francisco; steamer Tamalpaia. for San Francisco: Jf" Washiest", for Sao rraoclsco: Brltlan steamer St. Ror.ald. for Shancbal. via m-atlie- steamer tiolden Oate. for Tilhvmook. Astoria. Jure 1. Arrived st S and left up at 3 A. VI Steamer Falcon, from Fan Frmncsco. Sailed at A. M t;''""1" J?."" soke for San DIro and way porta. Arrived at 15 aooa and left up at 4 P. M. Steamer Aberdeen, from ban Francisco, via kureka. arrived at 1 M) and left up at 4:-0 l M.. British steamer Oswestry, from Redondo. arrived at - IS P. M.. steamer J. A. hans Icr. from Monterey: arrived at 4 t. Ja-, echcaer A. B Johnson, from Reond v. baa Francisco. June 1. Arrived at 10 A. it bteemer Washtenaw, from Port land: steamer J B. bists-n. from Grays Harbor, ba.led Steamer Beaver, for Ran pevlro: steamer Helena, for Grays Harbor: steamer Ler.s ns. for Vancouver. Feattle. Wean . June U Arrived Steamer At'sa. towing Barge j. from San Fran cisco. Sailed Steamer Northwest, for Lor deva: V. S. S- Armerla. for Astoria. Ts.-oma. Wash. June l. Arrived Steam er Mlssourlan. from Sallna Cms; British steamer orterlc. frvm Portland. . Cos Bsv. June I. Arrived at T A. St. Steamer Breakwater, from Portland. T.-.ooal la'.aad. June 1. Passed Is at T A. n. ltnv.an steamer Ortarie. from Port land, for Tacoma. Havre. Hav : SaUed rreack bsrk La Banche, for Portland. ...,,. Tokoft.ma. juie 1. Arrived Antlloehus. frem Tacoma. Tides at Astearta rrlday. Low. M.. a 4 feet tile. 4 ?) A V....S feet 11.17 A OT P. M . feet Tt Coraaa elites st Seoul. Fusan. Cite malse and Plng-Tase lee bavs sxoelleat ajssams sat waxes snasly. SHIPPERS GET AID Switching Charges Will Be Paid by North Bank. RATE IS NOW $5 PER CAR Move. Will Benefit Front Street and North Portland Business Bouses and Give Competition to Har rlman Line on Coatt. Freight patrons of ths Oregon Elec tric and t'nlted Railways will bs re lieved after July 1 of the switching chargs of 15 per car on all shipments routed over ths North Bank snd Great Northern rosds. This charge will be absorbed by the North Bank and paid to the United Railways. 'which operates ths Front street belt line by which a great number of shippers on ths Wsst sids of the river ars served. All shippers were notified by Archi bald Gray, assistant general freight and passenger agent of ths Great Northern, yesterday, of the proposed change. This arrangement will place the West Side shippers on an equal basis with other rortland industries having direct rail connections. Ths saving of to per car will be an appreciable Item to nu merous wholesale and commission mer chants on Front street, and to a, large number of small Industrie in South Portland. Increased activity In the affected dis trict Is expected to result from the agreement of the North Bank to pay the switching charge. Many concern there are operating on a narrow mar gin of profit and relief from the to per car switching will be a great bene fit. This move, on the part of the Hill line. Is taken to counteract the effect, as much as possible, of the position of the O.-W. R. & N. and Southern Pacific roads on ths East Slds giving shippers there direct connection wltiiout extra, switching charges. Notice of ths intended change of col lecting this charge was sent to the In terstate Commerce Commission, and to the Oregon Railroad Commission yes terday. As notice must be posted at least 30 days previous to the Inaugura tion of the new tariff, the change must be delayed until July 4. instead of tak ing effect Immediately. POKTLAXD TRAIX TO BE FIRST Honor or Entering New 920,000,000 Chicago Depot Assigned. Portland will play an Important part In the formsl opening of the new $20. 000.000 passenger depot of ths Chicago Northwestern Railroad at Chicago on Sunday morning as train No. (, which left here Wednesday night ovsr ths O. W. R. & N. llns. will be ths first to op erate Into the new terminal. R. V. Holder, general agent for the North western In this city, yesterday received telegraphic advice that ths honor of be ing th first to enter the station will be reserved for this train. The new Northwestern terminal is probsbly the most modern structurs of ths kind In ths West. It Is located In the heart of Chicago, at Canal and Madison street. So long as the Union Pacific continues Its traffic arrange with ths Northwestern, Portland peo ple traveling over the Harrlman sys tem lines, will arrive In Chicago at this station. CLAIM ADJCSTMEXTS SOCGHT Railroad Would Expedite Settle ments for Shortage and Damage. To bring about a quicker settlement of shortags and damage claims accru ing In ths handling of freight, traffic officials of the O.-W. R. 4c N. Co. yester dsy conferred In Portland. In attend ance at the meeting were R. B. Miller, traffic manager; W. D. Skinner, of Seat tle, general freight and passenger agent of the second division: Frank W. Rob inson, general freight agent, and Har vey R. Lounsbury, sssistant general freight agent. Th company Is endeavoring to elim inate as much as possible delays In ad in.tu , ri.lm, and la working- along lines by which they expect to reach this end. Sunday School Visitors Due. A special train bearing EOO delegates to the International Sunday School con vention at San Francisco will pass through Portland on Thursday. June 16, allowing the visitor a day to see the sights of thl city. The traveler will be recruited from St, Paul and point south and east of that place. They will leave over the Northern Pa cific on June S and will travel in easy stagrs, stopping a dsy each In Butte. Spokane, North "Yakima. Seattle and Tacoma. An entire day will be de voted to seeing Portlsnd. Local Sunday school workers will entertain them dur ing their stsy in Portland. UMATILLA OFF FOR ALASKA Departure From San Francisco Re calls Klondike Rush. SAN FRAXCISCoTjune 1. (Special.) The daya of the Klondike were re called when ths Pacific Coast Steam ship Company's steamer Umatilla de parted this afternoon for Nome and St. Michael, first of the San Francisco- OWES HER HEALTH To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ScottTille, Mich. "I want to tell you how much good Lydia E-Flnkbam'a v egeia Die com pound and Sanative Wash hare done me. I live on a farm and hare worked very hard. I am forty fire years old, and am the. mother of thirteen children Many people think: it strange that 1 am not broken down with hard work and the care of my fam ily, but I tell them of my good friend, your Vegetable Compound, and that there will be no backache and bearing down pains for them if they will tako it as I nave. I am scarcely ever with out it in the house. "I will say also that I think there is no better medicine to be found for young girls to build them up and make them strong and well. My eldest daughter has taken Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for pain ful periods and irregularity, and it has always helped her. "I'am always ready and willing to speak a good word for the Lydia E. Mnkhams Remedies. I tell every one I meet that I owe my health and hap piness to these wonderful medicines." Mrs. J.G. JoHTsoN,-Scottville,Mich EJ.D.8. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases. Alaskan fleet out of here. There were 400 passengers on the steamer and a large crowd at the Broadway wharf to give them a rousing sendoff. The fact that Captain Tom Reilly. the veteran Alaskan navigator, waa not on the Umatilla's bridge, which he has oc cupied for many seasons, was re gretted by many. Captain Reilly is recovering from an attack of apoplexy and his command Is filled by Captain A. G. Harris. The Paclnc Coast Company's freighter Montara. Captain C. C. Moore, also got avray today for Nome and St Michael, chuck-a-block with provisions, general merchandise and mining machinery. Blunt's Reef lightship No. 83. Captain Ward, came in today for repairs. The schooner Honolqu from Hana with sugar, was the only windjammer to arrive today. With many passenger and a rich cargo of Oriental merchandise, the Jspanese liner America Maru arrived at noon from China and Japan. In ballast the Union Oil Company's tanker Washtenaw, Captain Graham, arrived today from Astoria. MOXEY AVAILABLE FOR PORT Delay in Supreme Court Decision Causes Xo Embarrassment. Port of Portland Commissioners of the old board are not worrying this month about the source from which funds are to be drawn to meet ex penditures necessitated for the May payroll, for Major Mclndoe, Corps of Engineers. U. S. A., today will turn over to them a check representing money due for dredging during the month, for which the Commission re ceives 1350 a day of 24 hours. In addi tion Superintendent Campion of the towage and pilotags service ha taken in from ths operation of his department approximately $5200. The monthly payroll Is less than $10,000 and the surplus either will be held in reserve to meet June's ex penses or applied on accounts that have been owing for more . than a month. It was believed that the Su preme Court would decide the legality of the new Commission this week, but it may be a week or ten days before the question Is ruled on. Meanwhile the appointees of Governor West are resting on their oars, no meeting having been called for yesterday as there was no business before the body to be disposed of, pending a report from Salem. LOS AXGEXES COMPETES HERE Business on Southern Ronte Grows to Benefit of Portland. Los Angeles manufacturers of fruit baskets and other articles In which light woods ars used have entered Into active competition with Northwest firms. On her last voyage, the steamer Bear brought a carload of baskets consigned to Wawawai. Wash. It was second ship ment of the same size to be received for that locality, and It is said the southern houses are seeking Northwest markets for other goods that are turned out in a small way In that section. The Harrlman Interests are Increasing trade between Portland and Los Angeles gradually, and a portion of the north bound business regularly consists of ce ment and ashphalt. while a small amount of fruit and fresh vegetable are routed by steamer. Southbound, an abundance of Oregon product is being handled, and with fast time guaranteed there is a larger movement of cargo, much of which was formerly handled by MEN CURED $5 to $15 By DR. LINDSAY, the Eminent, Long Established Spesdedist WHY PAY MORE for Inferior treatment when you can get ths verv beat medical attention at a fee of from OXE-FXJURTH to ONE-HALF that charged bv other specialist with my reputation? Re member tht you are not asked to ray for nv -xnerlmenta or anv failures. If your raa will not yield to trestment I can ascer- 'a i.in thr at the flrat examination, and will !. frankly tell you so and give you advice how to take care of yourself. yji-j Mr SPKCI ALTIK ARE vvoaa OebllltT. SS Blsaxl Allaeeata. Piles, Varleoss Veins, Kup- ''-JS tareak Kldary, Bladder all aU aieata pecu- f liar ta bkb. COME AND CONSULT US FREE OF ALL CHARGE. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST, raaraer Aider aaal red Streets. K a trance 12SV, Sei-osd Street. FUtl UawU Or. Offte Hamrs A. M. to 8 P. M. Soadaya 1 A. M. ts 1 P. M. 1 Afe mm Cured in Five Days ,v ivv riAy.:4 aai,iaataMWa1ailaa,1ir' lnSiii i li nfalill'r Dr. A. O. Smith. I am the only specialist in Fort land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you irill know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill ind experience, acquired in such a ray that no other can share, and ihould not be classed with medical companies. It is impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. WRITTEX GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee maans a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to oure cerl? 'i1? . J ? v5,t every dollar you have paid me for my services. My service cost you nothTng unless I cure Pyour Varlco.veins. Heruja. Pile.. Fistula Blood Poison" or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you ars able and willing to pay for benefit. Office hour A. M. to I P. M. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood Poison Ita, Detention From Oeewpatloxt, Family or Hobm NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. MAXT CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVTNQ, MOST NAT URAU MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURB. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT 13 TRUE. I Invite you to come to my of rics. I will explsln to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia. Nervous Debility, Blood Poison. Piles. Fistula, B 1 a d d s r. Kldnsy. Prostatic and all Men' Ailments, and glvs you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a mlcroscoplctU and ohsmlcal analysis of secretions, to deter mine pathological and b a o t e r to logical conditions. Evsry person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cur la what you want. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose veins can b cured in nearly all cases by ons treatment. In such a satisfactory way that ths vital parts are prs ssrvsd and strengthened, pain cesses, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established, instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured r remind th money. HERNIA (RUPTURE) Disregard of existing hernia ha cost many lives. The smallest hernias ars ths most dangerous to life, because of the increased liability to strangulation. I curs rupture in selectsd cases with per fect safety and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay oursd In on treatment. "goe" FOR BLOOD POISON. I use Professor Ehrllch's won derful new discovery, " SOS." In cases of Specific Blood Poison. It cures In one treatment, and la the greatest marvsl of medical science. This new r s m e d y has been successfully used in thou tands of cases. Let me explain It to you. Dr. A. G. Smith 234 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. The Tr. Green OITer fre: FOR ALL AILING ivi in- i rail. When the Bear reached Los An geles she discharged nearly 1000 tons of Portland cargo and loaded back with approximately 600 tons. That business gives the three steamers more than ballast cargo between San Francisco and Los Angeles, and makes Portland the transshipping point for con siderable freight that finds destination In Washington. The Bear sails again today with a large cargo, and the Rose City, due this afternoon, has an average list on her manifest. PIEDMONT WANTS CLUB Institution Hi Irrington Will Be Taken as Model. A. F. Flegel, Dr. I. N. Plumer, P. L. McKenzle, P. E. Sullivan and M. G. a committee from Pied mont Walnut Park and the surrounding aistrict to prepare a pian lur mo ui (satu ration of the Piedmont Club. George P. Lent, who was chairman of the meet ing Wednesday night when the com mittee was chosen, saia u tuo mgve ment was for the purpose of buying a A v..ulnr a nlnhhniiiiA for the ruuuu aim vui.u.i.q, . neighborhood, modeled after the Irving- ton ciuo. W. F. Woodward, president of the Irv- . . .-.,..1. .. klolwo a. thn nr- V1UU, buvv J - ' ganlzatlon of the Irvlngton Club, and told about the financial plans that made it a success. He said that there were three "Ironclad rules" no liquor can be used on the premises, gambling Is not permitted and there must be no debts contracted against the property. Mr. Woodward placed at the disposal of the Piedmont committee copies of the con stitution and by-laws of the Irvington Club. P. E. Sullivan said he had made a canvass of the district and found the people unanimous for the clubhouse. It was the sentiment of the meeting that between 15 and 20 lots would be neces sary for the club grounds. Daily River Readings. STATIONS Wenatchee Kennewick Lewlston . . Riparta .... Umatilla The Dalle Vancouver . Portland . . Eugene Harrisburg Albany Salem Wllsonvllle 40 24.0 0.4 SO U.4 0.1 24 9.8 0.T 80 10.0 0.6 23 40 21.9 0.3 17 13.10.3 15 13. Ol 0.3 10 4.0 0.0 16 1.9 0.2 20 4.0 0.0 0 3.6 0.1 37 6.l 0.2 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .Oli .Ou .00 Danger Lurks in Neglect SECURE THE SERVICES OF "THE FOREMOST SPECIALISTS' "HO IVES T TREATMKNT POSIXTViQ RHSTJIrS" My Claims -Axe Founded on Cures If yotj ar a weak. aUinr man. atop and think what you could accomplish If you wer atrony and weil what a aonrce of happlnesa, good health and robust strength would be to you. It takes more strength to be sick than well It takes more strength to 11 under the conditions of Illness than It does when In health. All my life I haro been studytnr this problem curing complaints of men restoring to strength weak, ailing men. I know that Z can quickly, and aoraly gestora you to health. fy Immense practice, ray large medical orncea are mo result 01 cure iur, wwai. you. ' $S.OO My Fee in Many Cases CURED IN FIVE DAYS VARICOSE VEIXS OBSTRUCTIOXS PILES FISTULA. Detention from Boaaneas er Home. "e Sever Operations. Manx Casea ThoronghlT Cured In One Treatment. I hs.TS Proof for Ktsit Statement I Make. I can ours YOU CAN PAY AFTER CURED INQUIRE Investigate for yourself. REMERBER, IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to have the opinion of the best. A thorough, painstaking EXAMINATION given ach and overy person by mo personally. WEAKNESS To any man who Is suffering from WEAKNESS FUNCTIONAL. DECLINE, or PROSTATIC DIS EASES let me ask you the question: Will you put your time against mine? If I fall to cure. MI SERVICES COST YOU NOTHING. This remark able treatment you can only procure from MS, It consists of 21 TREATMENTS NO MORE, NO LESS. Each and every treatment Is given by me, as It la too valuable to intrust to an assistant. I can cure you and make you as well as you ever were In your life. I will tone up your sys tem, cleanse the poison from your blood, give you a healthy color to your cheeks, a brightness to your eye, so that In a very short time you would not know that you ever had tick day In your life. ABSOLUTE CURES Ton can't afford to experiment with your HEALTH AKD STRENGTH. My Jong years of experience as a SPECIALIST In dtsaaaea peculiar to men have proved to m. mat 80 per cent of th. men are Buffering from one or more of the following conditions: VARICOSE VEINS, DISORDERS, RITTCRB Specific Blood Poison, Contracted Disorders, Kid ney and Bladder Troubles., Postratlo Disease. Piles, and all Reflex Pelvlo Ailments. Examination and Consultation Free I MAKE NO CHARGE "WHATEVER TOR CONSULTATION EXAMINATION AT FULL INFORMATION. AND YOU HAVE NOTHING TO PAT FOR EXCEPT SATISFACTORY TREATMENT. Medicines fnrnlsh.d from my own laboratory. lm to ..... p- " tot call, write for particulars. Many cases are curable at home. Hours S A. X. to 1 P. M 8undays 10 to 12. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. JO YAMHILL ST., COR. SECOND ST. PORTLAND, OR. We want all ail ing; men to feel that they can come to our office free ly for examination and explanation of their condition without being bound by any ob ligation to take treatment unless they bo desire. "We will make a thor ough and -scientific examination ol your ailments free of charge, an ex amination that will disclose your true physioa ditlon, without a knowled which you are groping in the ! If you have taken treatment where without success, we will you why it failed. Every should take advantage of th: portunity to learn his true tion, as we will advise him h best regain his health and str and preserve them unto ripe ol If your case Is curable, the DR. GREB svstem of MAX-BUILDING ment will give you Immediate fit and a quick and lasting There Is no uncertainty abo No risk to run. Our sruarantet MONEY REQUIRED UNTIL. S PIED Is your absolute protc We cannot tell you in tnif nouncenient all we would 111- but will fully and freely explai proven methods to all ailing who come to us for the help need. AFFLICTED MGV, before elsewhere, boneatly inveanara proves) methoda. Yosi will then fund how eanll!. we enre all rasea of VARICOSE VEINS, SPI ni onn poison, nervo-vita BILITY. OBSTRUCTIONS, BI,A a.ri KTDM'.V troubles. CONTR allmeata, PILES and alt- RECTA menta. what von want is a cure. to us and get it. Once unde treatment vou will quickly r how simple a thing It Is to get in the nanus oi a speciausi known his. business. ' Our cure not only years to life, but 11 years. Office hours, dally 9 evening, 7 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 1 DR. GREEN C 362 Wa.hloKtoia St Portland, Their Properties Known for Centuri As Effective for Sickness Tod When First Discovered. wo t In the different Chinese preparf which I dispense for many or tne v sicknesses which they were Intended t tnrs. ihura arm no harmful Inirrediont.'- as mercury In Its different forms, and virulent poisons. Nothing that after would leave anv bad effects on the a Only such herbs, roots, barks and budl my forefathers, who were eminent clans in their time, found to be marvel urfltlvA have T imDorted from remote I ters of the irlobe to my laboratonl lltU Virat street. Their discovery a. rpsnt one. Thev have been used fo:l turies with success. I can show testlm I for years back recommending their us I People out of town write for consul I blank and circular. Inclose four ceil stamps. THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEIlCINi rirst fcjt., tor. .iiornwu. Portland, Oregon. I Cure Me IS MY Fl Fay When Curl aria.... i iatahiiitv. u'nk Nerves iomnia Results of exposure, over-J nfHAw . i..iu(iina nf lVature'a 14 riiaaosac- RlmMa fl nri 11 idilfTI. A I cone Veloa, quickly and pennant I cured at small expenac. SPECIA L AILMENTS Newly burning'. Itching- and inflammal stopped In 24 hours. Cures effectel seven days. jonsuiT.axion iree. xi Kin writtt fitr list nf finest: Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P.I Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 t. M. oniy. PAnnr. roAST medical WASHINGTON STREET, corner iri. SAVES TIME and ENERC Lightens All Housewoj SAPOL Cleans, Scours, Polish from cellar to garrl WORKS WITHOUT W; s Mir, a u ntvr vmv t3 i-T w '-m CATARRH OF THE BLADDEI RellBYsd In 24 HouH Each Cap- . sale bears the MID Beware of counterfeits L. T. YEE & SON Tbe Old. Reliable CUI Doctor spent lifetime study I herbs and research in Chl'l was granted diploma by Emperor; guarantee, cure ailments of men and wo. when others fail. If yon eii L ' 1 fer. call or wnte to im ttoS MEDICINE CO., It asl T it ifril SlrsaVCor. Alder, Portland, Hi "al I