21 THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN., FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1911. TO hnnM Ir'rf n : -. ad eat, piano. llrwr, M-4 can-aa t. i mil or pr.-ia.jv-".. 4 an i . M. C rh.Mren. -Tta hou lo Jrtnt-n. roorr.. .1 ihvl. wrs. etc.. ur.Til ft. mon t to rpc paJ'or. C" s' -r" he f rr 'K :t & tv tart itiuoo. Aft. .in. F ' -1. u Tsot rIU bom ?r the Summer mnta. - "f-irtitssed torn. Irv.t.-i"0. or loefcr. room. ptaaa. . H r.D- hrr. cn w rt si"? of Vt. for bummer monU.a. J 1. Ore- IHTABUS h-me of e.a-ht romi w.ts li-et and e tor - , . . r. ' M. j ' 1 -- u A " - YL K. Rr rjiipm n Ntcely l ir- f -far-it. .J 4 - room cut' w.fclnc n -Urn. ft r..m f r:il:-1 huri In ::fv to ffiiBni rrty 1 nO f rn i hoaM for rent. $:. ..l bw acd m-'i-m. run i f. lznt fmtiDr for Sal. R eiite. neiy furnih-d. - It fr-.m r.t ..::.; -ay -. .-"- and lry e U ' d r.-a lurnisnew t ,T nt f r -i-asl l. Ji 1 vto UM. f"f Aply James l'e.er- rt. t. 4 h mr. .e--i f-:rnih.L r-ni i-1-. .41 lien-: DO oner. K 141. O.-vfn r.. oa ITta. f i-r.:u. At. -n-.p all r,t. I.S tnrA or mua 4 flat fr roi t p-- rr-wn; "rr a-i o. t- a: i. C i til ri IT.hliL "B.t1h..rh4: c-vrn-r h-i: ro- v.. prt-m $:Su. -.- IT- l1- ;T' f 1 1 room fci ffr atw I' an! trvir. ata joatlt for 'nn Mainli-. Tt'KK a-roon : cha. 0J S 4. lnuira A'J L .T" .KK "at" room lAi X-r rau (Mir rom r at HiwJt for th n Phon Va'f r A 1- 4 c-tca. fur.tur fir , rat ab t a-i !- ma . THTMNA1.1.T C)Ol HAKilAlN t,o at T o.. V Axhiatwa i. b ; -4. houM ti'b m ry fkr tiouaa-pina for prona. ;ir of tia roai in bt . firp iA i-il tolit. ftui.t djr wra; douu.a 5 -xra o.a: l't Ij"!'"'. who u a Lf fMrr: prt. .;. A. Ii. itir- Cov. 33i Ky b:da-.. 3i .B'jg.:rL RENT at alr. Waaa- f"T tho room. am 1 1. -r ! bUrn s-n wlt?i atrtva anl lart a:uo ao A or A. U. boa 1 14. "I 13 Or-, on. cm if- I' IL K. rout. r wr. E. JC Haa:C Wool Uiotwm at-. Ia Asii, Cai. IV f I If Ai-K 9 1 lvX I la-a. vh.. ncr. .r. alnra aVruumaJ COltas. fur- d. fln t&ch. 1 a-juara from hot a eof.At rort f"T 1 1 P-r Mwn. :y Jo&n T. f.ra. alia Wa.la. Wah. l.MR COTTAOK In Hrmoaa Parlt rnt f"r mooini w-n 1 and ' t. oriu Apply Mr ; Kaid. M Ja t- . KKST at aai. Wah.. my T-room imr bom. eomp.tiy fura!i'4. a.ao 4-roocn cott. AUraaa Alra. T. J. i.ra. !'!". h. count of ikkri'M I wi:l aH my aw eomplt!y furiiUcl c-itt at Lone w t a bar fa! a. oa owar. H a H t. -rvm m M m huaav r- ir.a ' ' o.Mn. alao a. .ruoia coum n Varhil i:1. Uu Turn ran 4 co:iac f r rat nr n. taroia raaouab.a, I'hona Lst vs 9iV r traa" to rant for tho ttnirn:tf4 it on tho rUa. .n Waia !-::. , in Iwt. ii.ap. Lni Hf- Main 4J .a. irOBK TO LEASE. :X HEART OP RETAIL DISTRICT. OX IaHINOTvX FTRCSTT. PKTTVEEN SST fARK AND TKNT1L SIZE 20 BY ITIX fl A? EV irNT. ATTLT AB 14. '.EOOMAX. ht'"r: to tr.9 FOR lliKM t lk.AR3L IX FT-AUT OF 1'- r" V AIT pr!THlCT. A 1 .'UP.v.4.. I rrht oa .ranl a". ; ! for abr or or : i..w rui B.- " r T ttrrf on 'n tBiaa i r aety ? cuconoa nw tnua Mail - . E Btor tru Bilta r? f"r WArh3akar. ;,.ir r t mr. 0-4 Waaa.u&".oa su -.na Va!a I-. atro. UtS avi4 i:fira; will C M AL '-ra at aat and Uad aoa-a. tr acrd:ii to biao. la- j-a ;I IUlrt naa"' wra n tut aa a:r.-t. U H. ts, a.l L-aa l.J Jl ra.l IvTO. KB t r-; i lm:!. r a'-o. Ca.I t'liy Urkt "oT'Kiota roii i entZ" 111. 4) and la VITa'HANTS AiN'.- T Kf ST l,u f-r d-n:;t or pbT"n I mt - rot T r-ror-r rar..a ate AHUV't TiAit.' a jot T-an h R " oUai I afTu ao. -o4 Uht aod ti a. at $aV vr octX i W A4ocr- BL H F IN T Furriaa or aaf imta-lad cor- r iui' of two roome Id Tfooj ,xx aw ..n'fM wa:a4 etTicaa. all-a'BM alo- ;r 4h lad W aB.-.ina"0- "rESIHAFLa; OFFICE I.OO TT-V. h tv x. i'riMmi, K t. A ' Mi' i- a. , m tii7ir a.t to aaJ pr; to r cf t'OiBior"" KToVrna 1' 1 ' :ut !.. r-o'h u K. Mooro. t:T 1 ard rf Trad. ltXSHT ofV- fr r-r.v ua f roec-p liAIF aj.l f'trii'.ab oa!!! oft a. ' ' 1 a- : v - ; :: r A1 1 S HAbl K Ol rt. V-. M NOHt.TFa rOR RF'T. rc-R BEVT-Bwm-nt, rod for rroro r om. $;3 a m nto- 4-3 WajMnc'on- TO LXA5K. ENTIRE c"or.d and third ToorB of Wmma V'c . at B"aihcjt corner 7th ae Cm Bta j-mltui ?f-t. third Btory baa map. 4no inc f.o-r. without pata. If. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. SlJ-SlS Commercial Club bldaW P.io&ra Mala ti. A-i Wa SH I XOTU N5T! rroVtajr. rorpar Park t.. croacd f or atorao, baarment and aeond f 'T of.'ic In Now M-O'Tlo Thatr tuij; 6-rrar 1 IT. P. Paimor-Jooa n.. Aii'-r.ta. 21 UommarclAl Club bldg. liAWTHOHNE nd t'nloa a: atoroa ta r. w bnch bulkl.nc w:tb front ax on Haw i lorr.a it., in cntr F.ut bull busineaa st:rtct; rOAon)o rnt IT. P. Pixar Joeea Co.. Aa-nia. 2U Con. TtTCiai Club b -la- Pnonaa Main hk. A 2W1 BCSIvrsoi OPPORTrMTIF CAVArA'3lrr-ft and ricbot provlacw ! Urtt h Co. umbiA larwar than tho atata rf Wohifscton, Orrffoa acd I!ho com-b-.rart. M.Utona nf acrt of tb flnawt art culcural lacJ for pra-mpt!on. Fortunoa to b mn!f m timber, roal and ilnral landa. 'rt i;ooro la tho j crap b leal and Btraracio commercial ccntar of lhl" rrnpira and 1b on tho lino of tho orand Trunk Paeif io transcontinental and 11 ohar railroad a chartarod -r bt:ldlna Fort Cora-a La al lh junction of HvO ml lea of BavijiabU itrwi)i All rallroarfB moat run fo Port iionro la ordar to t north, B-Tith. aaat or rat thrub Crotral or N"rU.am n-ltnh ClumbA lJ0.0OO.K0 will ba rpant la nut flo yoara In rail rood buiMmf aJma. V o aro Joint owrora anl sola arnta -A this toarnaito. Writo quickly for all Infortna'lon. Natural Iiaurra Scorlt Company. Itd. 6-43 Oranruia atrt. Vancouver. TL C I ort'ar.. a;a aoil'-ltor. Kichard Obo. 4 -T ;ia Pata-o b.Ja.. Portlajjd. btarbil Hr.rn iota ar sp4endlil laTawt iuaia. T.rro proritB ar tnada thrmiH Ji'!h-i u purchaaa of lota la r-d--nca b n pr.irrt.ra. l 'NbKT IlKAH! Wi:T soon ha tna b-at b--h rraort within aasy d lxx cm of Portland. fnd fnr lliustratad boo blot, mapt. pricv Itat. tic KEA5ET. Jft VJtO?f a JEFPERT. laara In Land. Cbairbar of Commarra, Portland. Or. HAVE Tf 2 1 C" If ao. hr ta 9l car profit for yon: o n-r two rawir but?t b-jniralows IB !wthorr illt-lot has lft Portland for a - ar.d o- 'ra oa i a1 II h:s oqulty of 4 for 3l -O cah. balanca of naluo IB In mirt(if on each property : "n wtll -U t r th other f.r r. lOx and w wi; sii thara for yoo If yoa say v Porttand-Pactflc In. Co.. 41 Hallway T7X rharc. Mara bail ox vcnlna Tar tor 4. A GKVEUAL stock of tnorhandlaa : nr bi:.J:r and lot. mil for about $.:'4. and vnlr from city; beautiful and prvurrouB country; no nod of any bad arv.-ouna: fir. a transportation oa nw al-"-t'.c ratlroa 1; dn t haauato Lo Auk par-ticula.-a. ill Cham bar of Coromorco; P'iooo Woodlawa 144. TOJIB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARXX- Arnt wantM la Paclflo Xorthwoat. Pkcin.- Mutual Llff. yaars old. 22 anllHons aaa ta. Wa loan monT. U. U. Ward. Mgr TU tfpaldlaa bldaV REAL ESTATE FI'SIXFJSA OTd-ratabllahrd r--Jtl (ta bua;naoa for lilf. c.rjrrj ovar la tbo laat two J'a.ra; S finely aiuippd o(Tk-s; yp-to-njata b.k boka. maps, typewriter, aafo, ate. I'riro (.; ow m rs ub lo rotiraX Ad drraa All to. Oraaootaa. CAU, and sat m r Hat of criK-rry store, cirar aturMa. manufacturing buaincsa: have o-;frtunity to tla-o you io aoiid busiooaa tth iruaranteal aa:aria and larro profits that will bo fully curad. bo boauA Room V K b. a tin hummer horn a slta mX Oak t;r-vr; T I-t watrrfroDt along- tho W "U lmtto Hirer; flne r; llttlo brtter than bi.f an aero: wilt trad Lilt for a food automobile. rlr wnVAV-MOOKE CO. HARDWARE. furnUuro and Implfinffil bcal tir in a faai-a-rowins; town In tho Wil lamefa Vtl.ry. dome fln buainaaa. Prtco. Ip.-iutiinc bulnllns-B. MO oa H ill tako part I'rt:nJ property or s;d farm land. Ad- -ra v) w nrr, I. O. HoxlT. Portland, or. POK KALE Tho beat paylnc rrocfry la renter of fcat Sii; low rant and lona; Kaji-; hnra made my atka and want to r.tir : S.'VH w iU inks it; no artnta or rommUsioa mea wanted. W Oro- Bn iru TVANTPI by a !Uw bualnia man. position rnuii.-c not or s!x hour's itmo ev-n la, afternoon or ro--rnin. books, office. ir or anthlri whara brains and akill are an at Lwk b x 3C. Arti. or. t T R EST A I RANT. Dandy hi tie muy-mtur; rent $30; r'-cut Uowa town; c.vars aboat I1.V month- ; pr.f $'' cash; Una for coup la. X 1 0. rvroulan. 4V :i vil houie. ulcoiy furniahed; owner rrtmv'ed to sa at sacrifice: small amount of win will buy it : will bear r!tt InvastiKAtloa; no aanta. AM 142, Orravmlan. i COSr"EnONERT fr aaie; Brer a aaJea pr month fr 11 l aro vo; Invoico will b"H for $.9AO. For further In formation writ B la bay Broa Cottaa Croa, Or. THO ;tor SKI T competent bote! muiccr and wife wish to ; As a furnished botl. or will acrx't manncerial .wuitton: Orat r!ass references. Addraas P. O. Box ft. I'aatt. I J ho. VAXTEh A thorAuch'.y competent man to a.-l In tho cl''ity f ao-rrtary and treaa v.rT of a r.iy inrorporaird company: $ .4 to tio.tvo ro.uiraU. Address m :C ?wet:an.lb 2t. LAPIFir tal!r!nc. presair.g and clennlnB. r. rstnl ihal buatnesB. cood location: rnt 1.. Irao: prl.-w I-"-; ownar will tru h i' t the bU'lneaa. ThtS plac claaTS $w weak. Call MrkBU Bti1H "t Ai mot:on-plcturo theater In d Katt.n: rorfi-rmi t- latat tiro oHi br.'t : w 'I itrnl only wit h part having at lat -.'0B cash to toveeU AR lii. htnr ta a rbt- rt c.aa ahapr. A years' lease, tn trv)ir: diatrtct of Portland; cheap for cah; i.kna the c' of aellinc. Ia Quirw of owner. 149 Kiillnrsworth a. MOVING PliTl'KE THE ATE KA. F-ur to cnooee from la Portland; on rw Urf r.r!.- (n .r. I ALL A OU.-TJX. 61 L-orT0'. RFTAT'H NT. d 'lnc a" busneea, rrr.t .. mor'.U; owtir has other rustna an- m l attend to It; plico Call 370 t t AT k OH K'jihT a: lno.-. In ?he bet location In tha cHt: dolf-t T a ay. with only 10 rr.t: must aaj oa account of beau to. H M. Orv vi!iB. UKNERAL KTOlUCa. S rood oar a, oca coo te) CitJa tlftOOj etb.rs at In" . HAIO. A OUSrLN, All LambarntM Bide rivr vp!n for a bustler; you caa maka 7t prr m ntb from atart and mora. In -q iim Waatara IaiMUnal C'a, 4lT Board of Trm le. I Al'TNLR wanted tn r'.lat:o real Batata iTi.a. refareac n"hinJ: eaa c.osf par week, oniy ruirad. Call .Itf t'rk St. Ct CH AM E f ' buy w;t-atabjhrd S.v.a. atMonrT, art BtTe. r' t Iwb; c - a atok. aoui Iiwia AV 7a. Oreoa- U&. BAt-F tcTerest ta aa oldeatablltfcad bust-r-aa. d-.rtk a rod buir.a. For full par tl.-u are call Kicney A S amrher. Liuubor :i-hanc bid-, rooms m-MI X" V1U1-". 7 per cant cumulative, pre frri. nii'I stock of as"m cojpo nr;i, fl.Md-iiJi pAjab:a quartar. N 17. Or'rn ia. nr.AK STAN IX On tnT W a: :-U street; lease; food HALL iilPTlx'. lt Lombermens H'.Af. i; iTTf'I n Gb j.nto. ppn:r,c f r enerct:e TT. n ; dut'-a learnr-i. will pay (OoU p:.f:ta. p articular 2i- ftark aU CK VERT. lJh Uvtr.f-roorra caJh trade; rnt l worth: u; lavoica about ItjX t.A-l r: stark a. M ' I t.I N KK T ST 'H ri. Btrn-k and flxruree; In f'.tVtt) cm' disc ; bcat location. rr bu!M.ic Uaj.. A V IT. On-c-nlin. f 1 1-T 0t ul'. Co :r estB t a N : 1 h ed 1 n COO.1 tnc t-n. at.. I a.t cheap for cb. AV XTa Craonan. i: ,i a:rt ou in a e0vd bua.ncss. a ir.onopo y. lo not aaawar un.eaa ou bar tha ca.. AM 1 Ora.ntan RF.TAt RAM !n a?od lcK-aT!-n. with lie. i-.t r-:ii. or wtU e&chanf for lot or a-rr.xa. H 14X Oraonlan M : N INil AND INDUSTRIAL ITOOKl TBhvnB and ovhar bonJa boucht aa so d. Flat.-hrr In. Co. 23 AbtnrtOB. RV.TMR SHOP: want steady partner; don't rl nre eiprlncr : hava plenty bualceas; f tCe.reAtuuad, caU ;- to Lark L BrnxEM oppo RTrxrrTES. HERE I on that wilt make ymi stand op and take notice. Confectionery Btor In city of 3000. located on main street and dolns; atrart dally business of $Ml ravrr p.aced on Bale bfor and will bear thoroucn investigation ; owner will per in it frt-e tnai of tbe bu!cesa and aell for cah at material reducUon from actual Invoica value or allow liberal terms to rellabi party. Vntent reason for sen trc All statement made to buyer will be backed up by a dapit uf wtil thalr truth can be proven. It will pay you to lo-k this up. as there Is no thin wron with it in any way. shape or firm. Box 4SZ, ItaJr.ter, Orotfon. TO TUB RIGHT MVN HERE IS AS OPPOBTTJNITT To astabliBtt ft city real estate bcsineavi finest location In, porUand; ha large win dow apace, unitary furniture, all ready. Will laae srjia-T and arrange oa permanent bast, win not conflict with other busi ness. This Is worth investigation, "tt"' f T appointaient givlac releranca. K 14j, Orexooian. fl!A'E a bauttful furnished 2i-room houso that I will lease for o or lo rear. Can be arranged for a. a or c-roo:n apart menta or bedroom. Beautiful lo-atlon and only tea minute walk from poatof nc. Pumttur and house all new and ciean. No agents. Am maalns money. 1AV1KLL COt NTT REALTT iu, 410 Kotbcbild bltlg.. 4th and Washington streets, Portland, W have farrr.a from 10 to 40 acres, boy, yards, orchards and orchard land, timber. shingl mills, hotels and city property: w locate timber claim and homesteads; always reliable. BARBER sTlOP fCR SALE. 144 lo.h at. In Hotel Hoyt. feme rrom North Back depot: 2 nw -nir and pool taMe and 3 living rooma In rback. Cheap raat: light, heat and wai ter furnlahcd. tin a p. Owner ultiing Kba XVE1NCI. pressing and clearing: owner has A p-ae and is r'pontbl and wants rartner to help him run one of the places: wi!I start you In with t-5 weekly; duty to deliver goods, particulars, room Lumber Exchange. WANTED TO BUT. Want to buy. in good town In Oregon or Washington, a o, 10, J.Vccnt store; must etacd Inresilgatlon: g!v full par ticulars, Frank 1L Mayer. 245 Boss bu. lort!ana. GOOD BARGAIN. . For ale one of the best located shoe sV.ops tn the city for repairing and cus tom work: have a fine trade, established: I am worked do a and need a rest. 7ut Wi:;;ams ava, WILL Invest a moderate amount with serv Ira In small manufacturing enterprise; give full particulars and amount required; yfrrenrea furclsbed and required, V 145, Qregonian. YOLNJ MAN. BTKANOfcR. MaVe careful Invent l cat Ion at expense 1 f seiier beforo you invest money tn any prvpoaiUoa, Advisory Department, X. AL CHANCE FOR Bl-SINES. Butchr shop: Una location, cheap rent al, srood lea', good business: a chance for a buatcers man. Inquire room Cham ber of Commerce. iD). URtX'KKT on principal street, strictly cash trade, no delivery, big transient buflneast. ran b tncreasetl; 9aV required. Call -70 htark st. OPEXINil for steady man In solid business: will pay 1 1 :s month salary, also profit besides, money secured; bank, reference. Particulars 34b S Stark t. BRIkh.fe"lS4VoomB. at Troutdale, always full: feed oa average 4o peopl each mtal; ."too cash. William Uessan, manager. Troutdale, Or. CONFECTIONERY ST) HE. On at Vox. another tOuY another at $7 a and one at flltMj. n.l good. HALL A GUST IN, Cll Lumbermen BIrlg. HAVE you ll'.'0 to inv.st In a reliable contractlns? ctunpany? On of the b-st In the city. Position if desired. Telephone A 1W9. KEaTA'JRANT ftnd lunch countarl good jlar for two partner, never chnngvd hand la S years; oUU U 140. Orego titaa. Zi9 WILL give half Interest In buslnoes that will pay not U-as than 30 per week; man with common sense required. West ern InveBtmentCo.. 41? Board ofTrado. GEN. WD.rl for sale. In voire about S1000; rent with S living-room over store. 1-3 month. Call on or writ to M.. box S4 Eagle Creek. Or. GROCERY STORE. Clean Block, rood trade; no competition; Invoice about $KO0. HALL A GUST1N. llLumermnsBldr--CONFECTIONERY for al or will trad for lots; dotng a fin business. Bloch Realty t'o.. 2vd AUer iu SALOON dolnr big business will ll on ac count of health of owner. C and C, 40 " N. th at. " ' A SNAP Rooming-house atid restaurant for sale, cheap rent, best business location in c 1 1 y. A H 1 iK Ore g onlan. CM A R rtand. c!ose In. one of the best In the citv; 4-year lease, dally average sale W; price Uk0. Call -76 Stark bu BEST AURA NT, heart of city: cheap rtnt; busings " a day: well furnished; HtUe cash necessary. Owner, fufi Yeon bldg. PARTN E R W A NT ED; cash b uil n cu can depend on 14 clay; raqulre very little money, particulnr 148 Stark, it MEAT market and invoice, for sale, Btor to let: fine location. If.; 2 E. 11th st-, near Alberta Bt. Woodlawn L ICE CREAM, and confectionery reaaonabls; rent lease; leaving city. P 14u Orego nian. CoiGHNUT bpth In Washington-St. Mar ket; good cuanc; reason fur Uiiig. X 14'J. Oregonian. PLANINOM ILL; want Interested help: pre fer office man; pay $100 month salary and share pro Ms. Call S4Sg Stark su CXEANlNOnd dyeing works, suitable for r an and tc; splendid location, cheap. Main 44T. ' MO VI NO plrtur theater m city clearing $73 weekly. Try It before you pay i cent. Price tZOOO. term 4u Ito'.liclil'.J bldg. SM ALL grocery for sale, doing fine business goo1 place for man and wife; no agenia. K 1 52. Oregonlan. BARBER ahop for sale, a good paying shop; leaving city; chair and UUha. 2s i y. eth bl PARTNER, paying buslneas; sxpercne un necessary: trial given- $ZZX required. Par ticulars. Marahall l.''a. A 43J.L Con KECT1' .N ER Y and pjro.ry store for saJe, a.-hKI books nnl stutlents aupplles; established trade. I'ltone t'olumbia 117. fiTiX'KS of merrhanrllse bought for cash: strictly coondanUaL B. Weston. 414 2d Btree t. . , W ILL aell 11104 bualneas for $?0; alckneaa - a. lOli Bard of Trad bllg. KESTACP.ANT that ta doing good business for -o0. AK 1SS. Oregonlnn. y uV want to Miy or sell a businos, caJ l on lt 1 och Tea Ity Co.. -i Ah! er. RESTAURANT for aa or rent. Cheap ff taken at once. Lease. 249 Davis sU tOO BUSINESS cards. ILOO; you must brl&4T this ad. Roee City printary. 12 Third. DCU'To R or drugffisu good location for either or both. Druggist. Cornelius. Or. TWO god grocery tore. Bloch Realty Co.. A Mar st. BARGAIN In confectionery equipment la- u!r. t onc of AV 1 -i. Oteg )p tan. CLENINO and dylsr works, splendid loca tion, a bars 1 f4 1 h.M a : a Uil. RESTAURANT. cash: West Hide: rood busir.ss; a bargain. N l.V. Ore ko rAn. RESTAURANT cheap. 4 year lesa. good buBtneaa; must selt: terms. 210 K1 rat. THRBK'H AIR barber ahop. Snap If taken at once. 3'1 E. Burtislde. ROOM IXO-HOrilFA. THESE ARE BARGAINS. MVT MTS THIS. RIGHT NEAR BUSINESS CENTER, 7ft ROOMS, stum heat. h.-t and cold water inciuued in rent. ST apartments: 1J s'r e ron-.s. rent on v $J p r room, TOtT C A N'T HELP MAKING MONEY IN THIS HoU's E; wi:i accept aome good real es tate, about $.'0oo cash. b:ani-e easy term. ALL ON ONE FLOOR. U RtWiMS. New bul'dtng. West Side; 1-year lease at l?5; p"t hous-keepin: n re:y t ur-r'.sh-d. EKY CLEAN; pne iviu. only llovo cash rt quired. 12 ROOMS. THAT IS A LEACTT. Near 15th and Morrison; rsut on!y $V: ran be haded wh very ittulI cash parmanL SKE THIS AT ON'C, 1IAKY t. LENT, fTZ Fal!lng B.dg.. Sd and Wash Pta. THE PACIFIC REALTT CU. HOTEL ROoMINO-HOl SES, APART. MEN r-HOUbES. RIAt E5TATB AND KXCRANOSS Phone Main 8i0. A 8473. SX2-34 FaiiluK bidg.. Sd and Wash. MART E, LENT. Fortlapd'e "LaAPISO HOTEL BROKgR RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO Hote'a. Rooming-House. Apart men t-Uouse. We buy. sell and exchange. Phoi.e M!n 7141, A 73:15. RAI.tH ACivI.EY LAND CO.. 170 win St.. opposite Pos toff ice. U BOMS. all rented, south of Morrison. 40vv, pan can asun, aitra ROOMTNG-IIOrSEeT. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CCw Hotels. Apartment-House. Rooming-Houses. t All KTiry liidg. Phone Marshall 64. ELEGANT LITTLE HOTEL, lft rooma, running water, modern, bean tlfully furnished, eloa in. long lease at 9Uy a month: this 1 a dandy house and tloOO puts you In poaseaicn. 14 ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING. A completely furnished house. wmy clos in. rent alwaa full, clear d0 per month: everything Is rood and tha house l clean. A good buy for J1100. ROOMS. m Houselreeping, rent $o. nice yard, bouse well furnished; will pay all expense, and rlv tidy income: price IT.0; term. " CHEAP RENT. IS room. 2-year leas at S0. complete ly furnished for housekeeping; this house gives a big Income; SOW ensh handle. VERY ATTRACTIVE. IS rooms, close In. nicely furnished and homelike, long tease, rent only $65 per month. This pla- 1 clearing over $100 per month and will bear tha closest in vestigation : price li'Hw. - FIRST TIME OFFERED. 14 rooms. Nob Hill location. 0 apart ment, steam heat, 8 private hatha 2 vear leasa at StiO. Elerantly furnished within the last 80 daya. This Is a beau-J tlful home and give a on income. .Re quires 111XM) cash.' PORTLAND ROOMIXO-HOCSB CO.. 313 Henry Bid?. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENT-HOUSE; ONLY $0 CAH REQUIRED. Don't fait to investigate tlit at once; you will never ret another chance to buy a place like this with such a small amount of cash; this is a brick building on a cor ner; finest West Side apartment-houso district; ft-year 4ease; come to th office and get full particular. 1'BlCsS REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. 3S-room transient house on a prominent downtown corner; well furnished, iieam heat; clear over fJ'M a month; $J500 cash puts you In poasoasloa. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE for an elorantly furnished 5 5-room rooming-bouse located on Washington st. T You will have to hurry, a owner la leaving th city and wants Quick results. WE WANT AN OFFER for thl nicely furnished 24 -room room in g houso in a Cn close-la West Sid loca tion. R. H. GOODKTND CO.. o02-4 Board of Trade Bidg. IF YOU WANT TO BUT, FIND THE ONE WHO WANTS TO SELU HF.KE IS SUCH A CASE. 10 KooMS. modern house, near Ladd School; lno neignhorhood; furnished com plete for housekeeping and averythinr cmod: nearly good as new and clean; rent and clears loO over all expenses; here Is a nice little home and Income, with no labor. PRICE CUT from Slod to "SUU for Quick sale; other business, l-I I I KMITH Ar CO.. S2 H Wushlngion St.. Rooms 201. APAKTMENT-HOrSE. -S apartment, choice location, fine new brick, good lease, completely furnished with the best of furniture; notlnuc better or more desir able to be found in Portland: 1 will moke price and term reaaonable; SO rom" in thla. Call on J. si. binllb, C13 Cham ber of Commerce. " MUST SACRIFICE. Good furnitur of an ll-room nous on lrtth-sL, extra large aupply of silverware, dishes, etc.. nice lawn, fireplace, base ment, furnace; lnveatigate ami b con vinced, pne 1000 on terfua, MarshAU Six RtOMING-HOUSB. IO rooms. One location. West Side, rooms always full, clear month; An furniture. cbj-t will handlo it. balance to suit; also have an other bargain in 12 rooms. GARLAND fJ3ARES' !' 4th 8L frtOOM3wlth small stock of groceries and flxiurcB; 11 for oOO; West Side; rent 40, including stor room; will tak soitio trade. HIGLfcY BISHOP. 132 Third BL WASTE D To "re n t f u rn la h ed or unfurnihed rooming houso about 1. rooms. West Side. Nc ac-ntB. 8 149. Oresonlan. FOR LEASE Unfurnished 1. 2. 8room a partm ent-nonse. ctninu. mi mrni 14 ROOMS, new furniture; clears $70 month; $SWA Qoddard, boo Yeon bldg. ROOMING house, a rooms, cheap. 208 Grant St.. cor. lsL , IAST AND FOUND. FOUND Where yoo can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesalo prices; we renovate mattresses and retura same day; we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxrer, LOST Wednesday morning on East 2Mb street, between Beimont and Morrison, a photo cut to fit back of watch; tinder pieuso nhone East 13US or return to 811 h. feAlmon. Reward. LopT On" street" or somewhere In business district, lady's large diamond brooch, Thursday afternoon; liberal reward. Phone Main 1243, A tU-i. LOST Mounted elk'B tooth, diamond soi ling. euRravcu i-i c.i . iw Scaly, Lowell A Co. store. Suitable re ward. Phon Main 72O0. STRAYED or stolun, a white and sable Scotch collie with a heavy chain collar on. raunt oj. LOST On R-S car, Wednesday. B:30 P. M., green silk parasol, reward; return to Mrs. Wilkinson. i;8llth. LOST Monday. May 29. gold chain and cross; return to 22 Washington bldg. Re ward, J A H o T pin, with enameled marguerites. Return to 33 E- Seventh North, reward. LOST Gtrla blue satin coat. West Side, Memorial day. 80S 14th su Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals will b received at tha office of R. H. Thomas, Clerk School Dis trict No, 1. 403 TUford building, Portland. Oregon, until ft P. M. Thuraday. June 2. lvll. for all the finishing hardware to be used In tho New Lincoln High School to be erected on block 202, Portland, bounded by Market Mill. Seventh and Park streets, Portland, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the of fice of the architects. White ho use A Foull houx. Lumbermen building. No pro posal will be considered unless accompan ied by a certified chock payable to th order of R. H. Thomo, School Clerk, for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the ag gregate proposal, to be forfeited a fixed and liquidated damages in case th bidder fails to enter into contract and to provide a suitable bond for the faithful perform ance of said work, in the event the con tract la awarded to him. I he right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. Dated May 3L 1 miL R. H. Thomas. School Clerk. SEALED bldB will be received at the office of R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, 4-2 Til ford building, Portland. Or, until 6 P. M June 15, li'lL for grading and otherwise Improving the athletic field of the Jeffer son High School grounds. Including con struction of a running track and two con crete tonni courts, all to be doce in ac cordance with plana and spec 111c atlona of Landscape Architect George Otton, which plans and specifications may ba obtained at th odlce of the School Clerk. Certified check, payable to the order of R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, for 6 per cent of eacn proposal must accompany each bid, to be forfaited a damage in case bidder tails to enter Into contract and provide uitabl bond lor performance of said work In the event tho contract la awarded to him. Board of Dlrectora reserve th right to reject any and all bid. K, H. THOMAS, School Clerk. DaUd June L lUlL ROSE CITY PARK SCHOOL Sealed proposals will b received at th cTice of Jo.epb Jacobbergfr and Alfred B Smith, bol Board of Trade building, Portland. Oregon, until noon June 6, mil, for grading, excavation, concrete retaining .uUa-i.Vo. etc. a called for In specifications and drawings for the Rose City Park School, which drawinga may b ODiaineu ia i iy-m " prui-osal must be accompanied by a cer tliied check of lo per cent of the bid, to bo forfeited as a fixed damage in ca th contractor neglects or refuses to enter Into a contract and provide a proper bond for the faithful performance of the work in case the contract Is awarded to him. The right la reserved to reject any or aU bid. tSigned) IL C CAMPBELL, (Signed) R. L. SARIN. Building committee. School Board. District N o. 1. Multno niah County. Oregon. SEALED bids Will be received at the offloe of IL H. Thomas. School Clerk. 403 Tlt frd bull tiling. Portland. Oregon, until p. M., June 15, 11L for school supplies and equipment for th various schools In School District No, 1. Multnomah County, Oregon, for th school yar of lll-12. All bids to b in accordance with specifications, copy of whlcb can be obtained at th Oerk'a office. Certi fied check for a per cent of th amount of the bid. payable to R. K. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each pro poaaL Board of Director reserve th rifht to reject any and all bids. Dated May 2s. 11L R, H. THOMAS. School Clerk. OFFICE Constructlrg Quart arm aster. 42 Arcade Annex. Seattle. Wash.. May 15, 1 ; IL 6eal 4 proposa Is. In t ri plica te, f o r th construction of a S.OOO.OOO-gallon re inforced concrete reservoir, with water mains. te., at Fort Worden, Washington, will t received in thl ofiice until U A. M.. Jun 3. 1911, and then publh-ly o;ened- A depos.t of $i0 will b required for return of plans. Information, plana sperifiaaUons and proprtsal blanks will be furnished upon application to Captain, E C iyoo;. Owstrootlns QurtrmaUr4 SPECIAL NOTICES. ProposalB Invited. MiBcellaaeoa. NOTICE 1 hereby ;lven to all whom It ny concern, that tne Mount Hood Railway Power Company is about to pay F. H. Hapgood the balance due from s-ud com pany to aald Hapgood on account of grad ing of crossings performed by said Hap good under contract with the said com pany in the construction of It railroad, and any and all persons having a claim or claim against said Hapgood which consti tutes a lien against said railroad or prop erty of tbe said company are hereby noti fied and required to present the same to said company at its office In the Lewis building. In the City of Portland, Oregon, on or before the 24th day of June, 1911. SMITH, KERRY ft CHACE. ENGINEERS. By W. P. BRERETON. Residenjanager. NOTICE OF ANNUAL EETINO OF STOCK-HOLDERS. Portland, Oregon, June 1, 101L Tb annual meeting of th stockholders of tha Portland Concrete Pile A Equipment Com pany will be held at the Y. M. C A. Auditorium, at the corner of Sixth and Taylor streets, in the City of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, on Monday, Aiay 12, l&ll, ftt 4 o'clock P. for tha election of directors and for such other business as may properly come before tne meeting. By order of the board of di rectors. H L, MAC LEOD. Sec HAVING leased the printing plant, known as the Rose City Prlntery. 102 H Third T, for a period of six months, I will not be responsible for any dobt contracted by i"1 (Sisnd) HARRY PARK. JlL.U prons having accounts against W. F. Pop. or th. Frisco C&la. 64 6th St. North, present .am. within nv day. tor paymant. IJated Hay 31. 1911. AH Mrs. R. D. Forreet has left my bed and board I will not bo responsible for any debts Incurred by tho abova, R. I. For rest. " AN Interest-bearing investment, acreasj within a mile of city limits to be platted and sold by on. of th. largest and most successful real estate firms of Port ' land. Th. investment will pay lars:e returns on capital In short time. Ibis acreage and dval W.U bear th. closest Investigation. AO H5, Oresonlan. INVESTORS. "VT. can furnish yoo expert financial ad vice on all matters of business. Union So. curl: y go. . Beck b id g.. "th and Oak ats, 1100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to date over 115.000. Write for booklet. San Fran cisco Home Builders. 871 Phelan bids Ean Francisco, California. WANT E t Party with $10,000 to $25,000 to Invest in a loan business which will pay 15 per cent per annum neu AK 15J. Orcgonlan WILL aell 50 shares of stock in local Insur ance company at sacrifice; stock now sell In. tl'Ou a share. AJ 1-0. Qregonlan. I HAVE the investment you want. Se. me, AO 11S, Oregoman ' Money to Xoan Kel Kstate ?MALL T PER CENT LOANS. $2ioo, $oO00, 40O0, jjooo and 00 to loan at 7 per cent on Improved city prop erty; also several sums to loan at b per cent. File applications today with HART MAN & THOMPSON. Mortgage Loan Dept.. CUamber of Commerce. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; I to i years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as bullumg progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark st. LOA.NS. MORTGAGE LOANS. b'ti to a per cent, J. FRANK PORTER. 04 Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of money to loan at 0 and T per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALI. 104 Second au $300,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; Urge loans a specialty. J. H. MciLenals Co.. 514-iiS-Oltl lierlluger bldg. FIRST and socond mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. . JU levereaug. Femon bldg.. b4 plh at. MORTGAGE1 LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. OOUDEI, Lewis Lullding. WE HAVB plenty of money to loan on Portland property In sums from $luo0 to CM,000 at lowest current rales, Morgan. Flledner at loyce, uua-juo auiubwb wius- $ouO, $10O0. $4000 TO loan at 7 per cent on Portland Improved property. Goodaell Bros., 4.U Worcester blug. I HAVE money to loan on cottages, but re serve the superintending of construction. AK liH. Qregonlan. MORTGAGE loans on well-Improved farms. A, H. Birrell Co, 201i MchLay bldg.. 3d andstark. iTo 000 TO $12,000 to loan on West Side realty. Sanford, Henley Walte. 414 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or for building purposes. Columbia Life as Trust Company. 91tt bpaidlng bidg. LOWEST RATES $100 to $10,000 to loan on real estate. C. S. Nlckiln, No. 613 Ablng- ton piug-. MONEY loaned without brokerage if we build, current rates. L. B. Bailey Co, 124 Ablngton bldg. 120 000 TO loan In sums) to suit. TROWBRIDGE oi STEPHENS. 827 Board ot Trade. EM ALL and LARGE amounts to cnREALTY. Ask Mr. ZAiTON. 2v2 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building, loans, contracts ana mortgages bough t. W. U. Nunn, 443 Sherlock bldg. gooVo TO LOAN, large loans" a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Beck, bl2 Falllng bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birreu Co, 202 McKay bidg, 2d and stark. MORTGAGE LOANS AI REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. PRIVATE MONEY $50,000 or portion, Im proved city. Call 72o Cham, of Corn, bldg. MONEY loan city, suburban property, long o r short daus. Room &. 221 W M orrison. Special '.id-mortgage real eatate loans on monthly payments. Room ai2, Kamilion. Btate funds loaned, 6 pef-cent. W. E. Xhom . ils.l. agent. Multnomah Co.. 4ou C. of 0. WIlfToan .1V.O00 or less, real estate security, t arrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. wnvKY any amount, 0 to 8 per cent. GooxU nough Selts. iilU Spalding bldg. iToRTGACJE LOANS. 6 AND T PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. STARK ST. MONEY to loan on good security on short unie. W. Lawrence. 315 Lumber Exchange. I nxNS on reai, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C W. Paliett. 8o8- Fen ton. RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C. FurJoug,gjo'Jgbijg a iu"- loans on aU kinds of security. W. A. Jiathaway, room 10. Wasnington bldg. MONEV lor good Inside loans, t, J, aft. Carlock 4i Muellnaupt. 1032 Chain, ot Com. (550 TO loan by private party. Call 01- McKay bldg private money loaned on real estate zuoru g a m. A. O, Mliey. R. 204. Ueruuger bldg. KHUSE TI.SDOLPH MAIN Sioi lii BOA IIP v' TRADE. MONEY to loan on inside Portland proper ti. AT 32. oregonian. 'Money t. Loan oa Chattel, and Salaries. WE LOAN MONEY. LOW RATES. QUICK. LOANS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ANY AMOUNT FROM $10 UP. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, livestock, diamonds and all other kinds of personal property; payments arre-r.tod weekly or monthly to suit your conven ience courteous treatment to all; private oXicea and sui business strictly odiillden- Uat GRAY A CUNNINGHAM. 301-2 lthchlld bldg.. 2871, Washington between Fourta and Firth sts. MONEYFOR VACATIONS. DO VOL' NEED A.V1T $10. $:o. $:o. $.o. so. to, ;o. $100, cheapest an i) best place to borrow money, ke member, id" you work wb will loan you monet, business strictly confidential, state security co, auo, FAILING BLDG. 1$$$$$$$ MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping bouse and other fur gashed without security; cheapest raise, easiest payments. CJme and get monej when you want It. and pay as you can. Offices tn all principal cities. D. H. Toi msn. $17 Lumter Exchange. - A LOAN for the asking, salary or clatteL The Loan Co, 414 Dekum bldg. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Win. Holl. room . Washington bidg. uOEY loaned on diamonds and jewelry, gtrlcUy centidcniu1, 141 L near Aider, FTXAXCIAU Money ta loan oa chattels and SaJarlem, $$$$$$$ DO you net:d MONEYT We will furnish you. strictly confidential and without delay, a loan In any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all kinds ot securities; on terms to suit; also weekly or monthly payments. WB BUT AND LOAN On first and second real estate mortgages and contracts. . - V. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. Ill Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d. Main 1034. $$$$$$$ $$- MONEY ADVANCED. - On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc. Lowest rates. HTJTTON CREDIT CO, 307 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate, union -di -kerage Co, 51S Abington bldg. lOOVi 3d. LOW rates: we loan money on dfamonda and jewelry, aiarx x tioca. 14 ou. Loans Wanted. ON strictly modern residence. $1250 wanted for three years, 8 per cent; excellent party; property worth on close appraise ment $2800. A. fc Searle. Take M-V car, get off E. 70th st. (Office on the corner). Phone Ta bor 1449. $2000 WANTED on home worth $4500; m, modern: will pav 8 per cent quarterly and reasonable expense; full Insurance: good title. W. W. or W. R. car; district re stricted. AE 81, Oregonian. WANT loan of $1750 on my residence. Will pay 8 per cant and 1 per cent bonus io private pii.r.j'. x i . . v,. V." 1 VT V" Sl.-iOO. K per cent, residence se- curlty, near Stoel bldg. brldge. tou v mw-m WANTED From private party. ' $7500 on residence; best location. AM 148. Ore gonian. $20O0 WANTED at once; residence; 8 years, S per cent Interest; no agents. AN 145, Oregonian. , Irion WANTED from private party on good resldenae. AM 149. Oregonian. WANTED $2500 loan, gilt-edge real estate security. AC 14t. oregouiuu. WANTED $6500. also $12,500. ample Income security: no agents. AR 145. Oregonian. WANT $1600 on fine home from private party, am mi, mcemi'.i. LET us plac. your money, good mortgage references. F. H. Lewis. 8 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. " WE HAVE the finest equipped private . of fices on the Paclflo Coast, tarnished with every therapeuuc appliance used by tne most advanced men in Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. We use every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens. X-Rays. static, coils, violet lights and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, hellos. solar, giant and King lights. We are the only physicians on the Paclflo Coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined tree and see our oflicca. wo "have been in Portland over Ave years and treated thousands of patients' and never had a death. . We take no contagious or Infections dis eases, neither do we go out of the oltlce to treat patients. We can CURE, do cure and have cured thousands ot so-called "Incurables' and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for yourself. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the Rothchilds bldav Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath. V i; X CURED QUICKLY. Modern electrlo treatment for nervous debility, enlarged glands, rectal, chronic blood and skin diseases. Consultation free. W. L. Howard, M. D.. B04-O Roih chlld bldg, 4th and Washington. TO FRANK HERMANN, a son of Frederick Hermann and Dora Hermann, deceased, of LeKay, Dodge County. Wisconsin: It Is for your Interest to at once correspond with -vour uncle, George Engel, Kekoskee, Wis. P. O, Mayville. Wis, R. 3. or any ODe knowing of his whereabouts would confer a favor by notice to above address. HAIR. HAIR. Largest stock In the city to be closed out at cost, convent. German and pure hair cut from one head only; good switches for 95o and up; all fix tures for sale, large mirrors and wax fig ures, building torn down for Llpman Wolfe site. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery ; chronlo and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods: connne sneat cared for; consultation free SlStt Washington St. Main 8B28. A 6607. FEBVET HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; halrdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7 th at, near Morrison. Phone Main 546. HAVE your old hats made to look like new for the Rose Carnival at the Orig inal Make Over Shop, 415 Alder, cor. 11th. No school-work done, by experienced peo ple only. HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, magnetic healers, treat all chronic diseases. 267 Russe.l st, Portland, Or. Phone C 2127; hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. MRS. Stevens. 18 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her lata book, "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 43 s Yamhill, corner Seventh St. SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur, C Hoimstrom. Nerve, rheumatic and stom ach disorders: tree consultation. 302-3 Oregonian bldg. Phone Marshall 2826. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg, 6th and Washington. Phone Main 4047. MEN Try S. O. tablets for debility from any cause; price $1. any address; money returned if it fails. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 245 MorriM)n St. DKESS suits tor rent, $L5U month; k.e9 your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co, 309 Stark. MEN, If you are weak, nervous and run down write for the wonderful tonic vitalize V-Y'-V." Information free. The Vitaliz Izer Remedy Co. 2244 Wash, Portland. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and btadder troubles and piles. Consultation tree. 1S1 1st su. Portland. BMtt Courtrlght, feature and skin special ist. Parkhurst Apts, 20th and iNOrthrup, Apartment B. DR KETCHUM'S OFFICE MOVED TO WOODLAWN. PHONE, WOODLAWN OUT OF COMBINGS. Switch. 95c: curls and puffs, 75c Sani tary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. LADIES Lorenx antiseptic cones are sooth ing safe and sure; $1 per box. Stipe Tay. lor Drug Co.. 2i9 Morrison at- BEAUTY Parlors Facial massage, manlcur lng, scalp treatment a specialty; private caus made. 422 V Wash, st, suite 2L LOKENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETSTestore lost vitality. 25c box; 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe Taylor Drug Co, 2S9 Morrison st, WE do everything In ladles' tailoring; suits to your measure from $35 up. J. M. Ehrlich Co.. Phoenix bldg, 6th and Oak. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist, suite 21-22 386H Washington SU; publlo meeting Wednesday, 8 P. M. Main 6824. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for dlseasae of women. 632 Davis st. Main 9215. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. HllL 429 Flledner bidg. M 3473. BLSLNESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE, BAIRD ft CO, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 73t9; A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost aud Industrial accounting. COI.LIS. BERRIDGE & THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACQOUNTAN1S. AUDITORS. Commercial, County and MunlcipaL Auditing, Investigating and -Systematizing. 824 Worcester block. Phone Main C567. Architects. W. A. CARPENTER, architect and designer, removed to li39 Chamber of Commerce. Asuayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, ch em la : s and assayera. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing worn, is. j&orrisoa at. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 141:4 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. $73; A 207L Batiu and Swimming, Portland Swimming baths. 1.7 4tb Elegant plunge, steam, tub -and shower baths. 2jc BILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatlo treat ment, elegant plunge. 515 Front. M. 451. Brass and 'Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass easting and machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 2702. Civil Engineer. ORRIN E. STANLEY Railroad and munici pal engineer. Chamber of Commerce. Mar shall l.lil Collect lons- PORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Alisky bldg. All debts collected. A T317; M. 4222, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chiropractio Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia Bldg. next Star Theater; A 5255; rts. 109 E. 50th; B 2970. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. la Oregon. 2.3 Flledner bldg. rlours s io t. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientlfio chiropodists In the city. Parlors 803 Gerllnger bldg, S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and peiicurlng. Mrs. M. D. HllL room 420 Fleklner bldg. Main 3173. Contractors. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and remodeling a speclaltv; sign work. O. P. Bliss. 32214 Stark. Phone Main 9017. W. L. BUCKNER, contractor, Jobbing, of fice and -store setting. 8 N. fith su Main 6SS1; A 7662. Woodlawn 562. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor, 414 Wells-Fargo bklg. Main 6SI). Dancing. LESSONS. !5c; 4 lessons for SI: waltx, two step, three-step, 'Stage dancing. etc; every morning, afternoon and eve. : Prof. Wal Wilson's School: oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct dancing. SS6in Wash, st, bet. W. Park and loth st. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridce work Is Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework: we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely: terms to reliable people Alveolar Dental Co, Abington bldg. 106 3d. THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists, let and Morrison sts.y Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown. D. V. S, office 248 First at. Main 40S6; res. B. 5140. Hospital 91 E. 12th. Electric Motor Hospital. WALKER-MACKENZIE . Electric Works, East 117. Motois f,old. rented, repaired. Engines Gas -and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co, Coast agts. Seabury steam engine ana boilers, gasoline en gines. 5S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 615 Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 21H Grand ave. E. 4S2. Landscape Oardeners. FIRST-CLASS gardener will take contracts for looking after gardens and lawns or work done by the day or hourl 12 years' experience In landscape and ornamental gardening; new work done and old lawns fixed up; good work, prompt attention. A. D. Hinman. 3S5 N. 22d su Phone A 744. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO, 74 Frc-r.U Leather ot overy description, taps. mfrB. ridings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tabllshed 1851S. 189 Front su MedtcaL E. K. SCOTT. 922 Selling bldg. Diseases of the Rectum. Emll Theilhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevdk. 900 Marquam. A 4160; Marshall 1629. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkvlllo, Mo, class of 1898: post-graduate 190 1, under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the sci ence. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 19S7. A 19S5. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronlo Diseases. Phone Office M. 349. Res. East or B 1028. Papering and Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat, clean work. Phone East 853. Paints. Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adaDted to the Coast climate. BASS- HEL'TER PAINT CO, 191 Second SU RASMUSSEN 4 CO, jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law. late Ot U. o. raic,,. ltt free. 19 ijoaru vl imua TJ. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by n ihutiv 40t Chamber of Commerce bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 608 Electric Diug. uscar nuuei. j ........ WAKittS construction tj.. , Lj Bldewalks and crosswalks. 817 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers UNCLE MEYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year in Portland. 71 6th su Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sta, M. 3489. Plumbers. FOX & CO, PLUMBERS. wa -a .t Main 2001; A 2O0L COFFEY PLUMBING CO, sanitary plumb ers. 493 Gllsan. Main 84ii7. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, otc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Bug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag ruga EatiabO. B 12S0. 153 Union ave, nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. Home products, factory prices, easy terms; second-hand safes cheap. Salesrooms 60 Third su Factory Ken ton. THE MOSLER SAFE CO, 103 2d St. Safe at factory prices: second-hand safes. Hecond-Hund Goods. WE pay the highest prices for second-hand clothine and shoes. A S190. 53 N. 6th. 6honeii.Bankand ghow Fixtures. TIIBLUTKE MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co, 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutka, manager. , R. H BIRDS ALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDG, showcases in stock; prompt delivery. Sales agent, M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHAL MFG. CO, 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2 1O0. Cabinet work. Steamships. ALLEN LINE Picturesque SU Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailings From . MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON and HAVRE. FRANCE. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent or ALLEN & CO . 127 N. Dearborn SU, Chicago Storage and Transfer. C O PICK Transfer & Storage Co, of 'flces and commodious 4-story brick ware house, with separate Iron rooms and fire proof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2tl and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main 590, A 1'Htti aiunAUA riv-cc All household goods go Into brick warehouse free for the first SO days and at the lowest rates thereafter; moving and packing done by experts. Van Horn Trans- ter CO. 5QtU pnouea. OLiSON-itUKi General transferring and storage, safes. Dlanos and furniture moved and packed tor shipmenU 87-89 Front sU Telephone OREGON TRANSFER OO, established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage office 310 Hoyt sU. between 5th and 6th. Phones Main 69. A 1169. Taxidermist. MOOSE, elk heads, fur work. 249 Columbia. A 1843. Typewriters. F. B. Finlny, WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Bx change2S7'A Washington St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully guaranteed, easv payments. rentals $3 per month. Pacific Stationery & Printltng Co, 203 2d st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals. 1 rates. P. P. C. Co.. 2U1 Stark. M. it cut 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor $1 per hour; rates to large houses. B 1650, East HOo. Wood and Coal. WOOD FOR SALE. First-class wood delivered on west side of river or Portland Heights at reason able prices; large orders preferred. Phone Marshall 217. " DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood $3.90 per load delivered any place In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. lOo 107 11th at. North. Main 37. A 3736. BURNSIDB FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail 4-ft sawed fir and hardwood. Office and' yards at 125 E. 7th su Phone East 72i!B7J7. 6EGHER3 WOOD CO. Sawed 4-fU cord wood and slabwood. 9th and Gllsan. M. 639, M. 835L A 2415. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main 1006. A 1100. - COAL ALB IN A FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO,' coal and wood. Marshall 960. 387 Water st. Well Drilling. WELL-DRILLING, test holes and quick sand my specialty. Wm. H. Lamb. 401 Front st. Phones Main 8592, A 1593. DRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason able Call Main 1346 or write Miller & jpyest, 183 Morrison. t Portland.