Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 02, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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J Fjitire HuimirUt lor rouru ana ' - - ,
- on
g T Wfg 2& - Q USKLITY agC OA OMIT
Ben Wilson Denounces Worker
Voting Against "Party of
Own Class."
Chairman of Big. Monopoly Is
Ready to Bare All Facts and
Stand on Record.
I itrn l m mm iji sl I" 20 )
21 Pay TfnMM Company Was
Very Dependent Whta Absorbed,
bat Take It Hack World
Combine More Ilsensed.
WAf HTSGTOyf. June t Offrtji to lay
bar ail th fact concerning tn CnltM
f:s Corporation and to "stand or fall
on th rt.ord:" deoytng that h 1 p'.an
Mr. to form a trust to control steel
frolurts and prlrea of th entire world,
and admitting- Uiat in steal corporation
has aaoiut domination of th aubaidt
ary roaipanln. Kbtrt ij- Uary. chairman
of th board of directors, appeared today
aa tr.a vmnd wltnaaa la tra Inquiry ba
ln conducted by a House commit tea Into
t--i stl trust.
Mr. ary surprised th commit taa with
t statement that tha Tenae Coal
Iron Company, baforo It absorption.
hll nominal. y lodpdat -ot all
ot.iar companies." was -very dependent
so far as getting a livelihood was coif
rerne.1." a remark which ha quickly
asked to hara espunsed from tha rarorda.
and wM. n ba said bo bad "no business
to mane."
ary May Coo trad k-t Galea.
s!a remark, boaroaar. urtil to tore-ra-.t
tha poaalblllty that Mr. Gary to
morrow might roaka statements not In
xor.i wlto tba tastlmony gtren by John
v. Gate to tha highly prosperoua con
dition of tha Ten Coal 4k Iron Com
pany at tha tlma of tho "forced sale"
to tha steal corporation. Mr. Gary told
tra commlttao that tha Tenaeaae Coal
A Iron company still owaa tha steel
corporation l.lT.7v for mosey ad
vanced. II declared tha bureau of eorporn
tin. tha raport of which tha torn
rmtie baa baan ndaorlng to gat from
eVcretary Xagel with tho eonaant of
tha ITe.tdent. baa baan Investigating
tha Steal Corporation for ft or aut
Tha Gortramtnt't lBTatlgatlon.
through that sous. a. baa baan moat thor
ouan and eshaustive." aald Mr. Gary.
"Tlu bureau of cnrporatlona must hav
a bousa full of facta. It baa cost tba
teel Corporation hundrads of thousands
dollars to comply with tha request
of that burr a a for Information and ata
tlstl, s-
Mr. Stanlay askad as to tba naturo
of tho American Iron 4k Staal Institute.
lr. tlary axplainad that It waa an or
ganisation of Iron and staal man which
mat t discuss matter In which staal
snan wars Interested.
Mr. Stanley askad about tha Gary
dinners of steal men In New Tork. and
whether tha press waa admitted to them,
Mr. f.ary said tha trade paper war
-la It not a fact that tba American
Iron a Steal Institute la aa Interna
tional organisation seeking to Interest
foreign steal men In combination of
business afa I re?" waa asked.
Stanley Fears World Combine).
Mr. Gary started to reply, when
Thairmao Stanley Interrupted:
-I ba heard." b aald. "from time to
tlma and baa read In foreign Journals
. . . w . w i.iiIm.i. " urmna
ana otnera. iui r
of tha American Iron 4k ttteel Institute
was to reacn aa amicaoia ' "
anions; ...
countries so that there might ba a
necessary eteaayin; a pi i "
inc of ataal pricea In tola country. On
. - . i .. T IntrniliiMd
tha raaolutlon providing for this In- I
quiry was the dread that within day
this Institute or soma similar on would
have effected such aa agreement.
"I hate beard that such aa agree
ment was recarded aa necessary on ac
count of the I act that th Federal Qov
crnment waa artlr to prent auch
acreement In this country, and that
tra Federal Congress was liable to alter
tha tariff schedules, both of which could
only be met by an International organi
sation." Th rr-alrman called attention to an
editorial la th London Ironmonger,
which said that tho pending Interna
tional agreement was due to "the actlv
and able management of th chairman
of th board of directors of tba L'nlled
tAtea Steal Corporation."
Ha asked Mr. Gary to prepar aa
answer f r tha committee tomorrow.
-The statement of tha chairman."
said Mr. Gary. -Is Immensely frank, and
the question will ba met la th earn
spirit. I wi:i glv yon all th facts
In connection with that matter and only
wish ou had coma to my office before.
Had you done so. I think 1 could bar
satisfied you that you bais baan labor
l:.c under a misapprehension with re
gard to the object of the American Iron
a .ilnl Institute and a;o as to your
far of danger."
Ther Is not any doubt." Mr. Gary
tl.l tha commute today, "that th
Vntted itatee Corporation, as th own
er of most of th stork of th subsi
diary companies, ultimately controls
thnae subsidiary companies. Including
their management and conduct
Asked If the Carnegie steal Company
row competes with otber subsidiary
companies in th staal corporation. Mr.
lary said:
The aubsldlary companies bare
their own directors and officers snd tha right to act Independently,
but sa th ete-l corporation own th
securities. If th conduct Of a ub
eiuiary company waa antagonlatlo In
ary wit, It would only b a question
cf lima whan tha administration of
t-at aubsldlary company would b
Offlcrra l.cvallrd If They Compel.
-You mean th parent company
ou;d control tha pollclea of any aub
aid-ary companyT"
"It might not for th moment or th
month, but when th time to elect of
ficers arrived, it would."
-It wouij exarvle th recall, aa It
were?" asked Kcprsnlatlr Brantley,
of ileorgta.
-Yea. you might put It that way."
Mr. Gry answered.
-Ar the p roots of on subsidiary
on, -em measured as the profits of all?
That la does tho parent company dis
tribute the dividends ot all?" Chairman
Stanley asked.
"Tba earnings of tha subsidiary com
panies." Mr. Gary answered, -whenever
dividend are declared, go into th
treasury of th Vntted States Steel Cor
poration. That corporation, bains; th
owner of th dividends, of course dis
tributes tbem as it sees fit. Th subsi
diary companies bar no Interest In In
dividends after they ar declared."
"Who chooses the officers of th sub
s. I.srr companies?"
-( ,f course, ttelr board of dlractora
choose them, but nevertheless a iuf
srestlon from tba parent company as
yuu call It. would ba recognised," '
Roosevelt Tells How Trusts
Can Best Be Curbed.
Ex-Frrsldcnt rropoec as Complete
Saprrrlslon of Trust Kall
roads Brraklnr TTp of Stan
dard Pop Soma Good.
NEW TORK. Jans X. Theodora Roosa
elt has an article on "Tba Standard
Oil Derision and After" In pi Outlook.
It says In part:
-The decision of th Pup rem a Court
In tho Standard Oil cas bas, of course,
brought out many proposals for altering
or amending th anti-trust law. Thar
ar two classes of men whose respective
sttltndrs In raferanc to this law ar
in theory diametrically oppoaed and la
results almost Identically tha same
those men who wish not to tnterfer
through th Government with any cor
poration, and thos men who. under th
plea of being against all combinations
and big corporations, propoeo absolutely
to have prohibited their axlatence.
Tb two sets of men ar diametrically
opposed. In practice th activities of
th second class, who wish totally to
prohibit all corporations, can result only
In practically fulfilling th wish of th
first class by leaving th present sltus
tlon fundamentally unchanged. Actual
xpertenc with th sntl-trust law ox
tending over many years bas shown that
It does not and cannot by any possi
bility be marie to do what the extreme
antagonists of corporatlona dealr or aa-
. . . alrs
As construed by th Suprem Court,
th anti-trust law accomplishes a cer
tain amount of good, and It bas been a
,hin. I. obtain tha decision that
bss txen obtained against th Standard
OIL Put aa a means or etreciuauy grap
pling on behalf of th whole poopla with
th problem created by what ar com
monly called trusts that is. of snormous
combinations of corporal capital n
gased In Interstate business th anil-
trust law la raotcaiiy ana tiiuu w..---
i.. mwi effort to strengthen it
wouM be worse than futn and would
result only In prolonging th tlm dur
ing which th corporation. would escap
control of th kind demanded In th In
terests of th people.
"It may well be that In th end th
Government control of th great Inter
state corporations rasy have to go much
further than Is Indicated by th present
Government control over in ra"J".
but. In any event, the only satisfactory
method of dealing with these great cor
porations Is to follow th lines along
which the Nation has son In dealing
with those of them which ar railways,
altering and developing th policy as
conditions and events shall Justify. Our
prime object must be to bav th reg
ulation accomplished by continuous ad
ministrative action, and not by necoeaar
lly Intermittent law."
Kiploaloa ot Bucket of Tar Causes
IllasrTwo Strorlnre Consumed.
Ims Is M000.
HOOD R1VKR. Or.. Jim J ( Special.)
Diit to th explosion of a bucket of
tar. th Country Club Inn and an ad
Joining house for servants wer de
stroyed br fire this afternoon entailing
a oa of J. F. !atche!drr and J.
Wesley Ladd. cf Portland, ar th own
ers. The fir s discovered by Mrs. P. 8.
Ingraham. who lives near tb property In
a tent, but It had made such headway
that It was Impossible to sav th
structure. Th Inn Is located at th
west end of the city outside of the cor
poral limits and because of lack of wa
ter the firemen wer unable to prevent
the flames from spreading to th serv
ants quarters.
Tha tire soread to the large grov of
ftr trees surrounding ths building and th
(lames reached a great height.
liaVcr County vTeleoraes Decision on
Home Rule Question.
BAKER. Or.. June 1. -.Special.) Th
dacistoa of tb boprem Court In th
Joseph, Wallowa County, bom . ui
cas waa awaited with eager Interest
by tha peopl of Eagl and Pin val
leys. In this county, where tb situa
tion Is parallel. Th ruling means
that thr can b no special llcens
elections under th home rule law
passed at tha last election. As a re-
i. t n wl 1 1 h. t . m r! In tha
BUlfc UW " -
towns of Halfway and Richland until
after tna regular election uc. ..........
Contending that Ui towns wr
voted "wet" at th last lection, liquor
dealers began their tra ft to and war
set upon by tho anti -saloon forces. Th
cltlMos were about equally divided in
their sympathies and the affair, espe
cially In Pin Valley, assumed alarm
ing aspect, famine, fathers and sons
being lined up on opposlt sides. It
has been expctd by aaloonmon that
they could hold a special llcens elec
tion, but th 8uprem Court's decision
bss killed that possibility.
Many wer lndlcsed at th tlm th
first attempt waa mad to sell liquor
snd as ther Is no Urm of Circuit Court
until September, under tho new law,
their cases will not b decided until
then. The Indictments ar different
from thos at Joseph, wher the City
Council issued licenses in violation of
th, law. in that no licenses, either
valid or otherwise, wer sjranted at
Halfway. ,
Visitor Emerge From Woods and
Stands on Rock Over Dynamite.
Arm and I eg- Torn Off.
ALB ANT. Or., J una L Special.
Walking out directly over a blast just
before it exploded, W. A. Anderson, of
Portland, lost his right arm and right
lg In an accident at Niagara this aft
ernoon, and lies In St. Mary's Hospital
la this city tonight with small chanc
for recovery.
Anderson wont from Albany to Niag
ara this morning to look over soma
property he had arranged to buy. Ha
crossed th North SanUam River to th
Linn County side, and after walking
through some brush stepped out on a
rock Just before it was crumbled ny a
blaat placed by workmen on -a power
site at Nisgara. Ths workmen bad all
left the olac In preparation for th
firing of the blast and no one was there
to warn him.
Th blast threw Anderson with terrlbla
force, tearing off - his right arm and
manallna his right leg as well as bruis
ing and cutting bis face and body. Th
accident baDDened at l o cioca. x ue
westbound Corvallls A Eastern train ar
rived 45 minutes later and the injured
man waa rushed to this city. He was
taken to St. Mary's Hospital, where his
right arm and right leg were amputateu.
Th blast victim Is M years old and
want to Portland recently from tne aiia
,ii West. His son. J. G. Anderson,
works In th Southern Pacific, office In
It Is said th workmen In charge of
th blaat had danger signs above and
below It. but Anderson, being unfamiliar
with th country, did not know that
blasting was In progress, and walked
out of ths woods directly over tb sit
wher th blast bsd been piaceu.
Spokane Man Who Stolo Girl Seeks
OTMU-AW- Wash- June 1- (Poe
ciaL) After playing the part of a
modern Lochlnvar. stealing Clara
Klmm. his sweethesrt. away from th
family horn In an automobile, being
arrested as he was applying for a
marriage license, lying- In Jail for two
day in default of fSi0 ball and final
ly being brought to trial only to
merge triumphant ana wed giri ue-
splte parental objection, jiermauu
Schneider is today adding th extreme
ly modern touch to hi romance by
aulng hla wlfa parenta for :&00 dam
age a.
on evening last January Schneider
appeared at the Kimm home with a
big automobile. Th girl donned her
street clothes, skipped out of the house
and Into th sutomoblle snd waa
whisked away. " -
Schneider and Miss Klmm applied for
a marriage llcene January I. and just
as It waa about to be Issued th
parents appeared with a policeman
and Schneider was arrested on a war
rant accusing him of having tres
passed on th Kimm premises and ab
ducting Clara.
Schneider was thrown Into Jal. and
In default of 500 ball had to spend
two night in a cell. He had no
trouble la proving that Mis Kimm
waa of legal age, and was discharged.
Army Flyer Ha Passenger.
MARSEILLES. Jun 1. Lieutenant
Lucca, of th French army, who was un
der orders from th French Minister of
War to accompany tb contestants In
the Parts-to-Turin air race on the first
stag of tho flight, arrived her today
from Avignon with a passenger.
Speaker Tells of Gains Mad bj- So
cialists Throughout th Cnlted
States and Predicts Bigger
Growth to Come.
Mora than 1000 men. In excess of
per oont of them apparently voters, last
night paid a 10-cant admission fe and
crowded away beyond seating capacity
th Socialist Hall, 1H Fourth street, to
Ustan to th address of Ben F. Wilson,
on of th most persuasive and admitted
to b the wittiest and most humorous
speaker of tho Socialist party in the
tt.i)..i otta xvvr nearly two hours
Wilson kept the crowd cheering almost
in .itincw aArcaatlo and vehement
language he denounced th laboring men
who would, he said, cast meir oauou.
... xtnnHsv anlnst tha party ot their
class, th Socialist party. He outlined
th principles of Socialism, using uov
ernment statistics to drive home his con
clusions that land and otner property
were becoming more and more rapidly
concentrated in th hands of a few and
more and more beyond tiis reach of th
working classes.
Child Is Bora,
m.. Ao- in New Tork there
was a child bom In the Rockefeller
home. Its father 1 John D. Rockefeller,
Jr.. son of th oil and railroad magnate,
he said, "mat cnna win u
to learn its A. B. C.s; will not even have
to do a lick of useful, wealth-producing
. .. On.lf a f. 1 1 a e wealth will flOW
lOlI. 1UB wvjkc..- - -
to It unearned and that wealth Is In
creasing so rapidly that by tha time the
child is a man oi miuuio - ---
i nn will own maybe half
the United States. What about your
child? Ar you going m j"-
. m , ..tan rom bis mouth? Are
you going to allow the opportunity to b
sure of a iivotinooa sua w v
pendently to b laaen away '
You will If you continue voting th capi
talistic ticket.
"In London, from which city I recently
returned, 1:0.000 children go to school
without their breakfasts. Don't pity
London. You have 7S.000 of your own
chUdren In the same fix In New York
City. In the cotton mius wi tJV "
.v ... lira of child Is five years.
Why not beat Its head out against a
tree in advancer iust vou, w
man you say. Any mora inhuman than
.m.i.. it to Aia. a slow death in five
year? What we are going to do Is to
beat the brains of this, capitalistic sys
tem out.
Thirty Mayors Elected. .
ks.. emra that we elected SO of
our comrades Mayors of cities in the
United States in the last year Did you
hear something drop kerplunk In Butte?
Did something happen In Berkeley?
Didn't you make some gains In Oregon?
Just let me toll you before I pass along
that after tne next election
.in nn h. -inna In tha Congress
of the United 8tates- Kier Hardie was
elected alon to the British House of
Commons a few years ago. He was
laughed to scorn. iow ne n "
that house fighting his battles for him.
Every new Idea, especailly If it is
the right one.-Is slow In making a start.
They cut the head off the roan who first
i ,h. rih was round. Thev didn't
know what shape It was. but it wasn't
round. The man wno usea mo u-oi. .
scope was treated about the same way.
m A i a h Tmt had eiven them two
eyes to look at the stars with and that
ha had no business to smmiss u.u -machine.
People wondered at the audac-
. . v. mon vhn made th first um
brella. Does not tie Bible say. The
Lord made his rain to lau on mo ju
and the unjust alike?" You would
i ji I. th nr.rrt vour
lOOK I lim.uiuuo
grandfather rod In. Isn't this big elec
tric, light an improvemruv uu ...
knot? Would you go back to the pine
knot? "I tell you. stay with It. fight and yon
will win. You ar bound to win event
ually. Do not be blind to your own In
terests and vote against the party of
your clsas. Your only hop of emanci
pation lies In the ballot. The power to
destroy this capitalistic system Is with
in your grasp. Why not use it? Vote
the ticket straight. Do not conUnue to
weld still tighter the fetters about your
freedom. 1 tell you the day Is coming
when th men who build the houses will
Uv In them, when the men who produce
th wealth will enjoy it."
John S. Sharp Arrested, Alleged to
Have Attacked John W. Griffith.
Accomplice Is Sought.
John S. Sharp, a union picket, was
arvsted Wednesday on a charge or a.
satiit upon John W. Griffith, a police
officer, will have bis trial on Jun
7. Griffith, who Is a special offl
cer emnloved by the Smith & Watson
Iron Works, was on his way to tho
shop at Ail Front street, when Sharp
and Samuel nann. an otner picaei, suu-
lenlv iumDed from behind a stone wall
at Second and Hall streets. Griffith
was thrown to the ground, and kicked
in the face and head, and badly bitten
on the hand. He succeeded In gaining
his feet, and In standing his assailants
off with a revolver.
Griffith declares that not a word was
spoken before he waa attacked. In
spite of the, fact that he had been way
laid, and that he was obliged to cope
single-handed with the two men. ne aia
not fire UDOn them. He placed Sharp
under arrest. Bann. the other picket.
escaped, but a warrant has been Issued
for his srrest.
Griffith declares the pickets had pre
vlously threatened to "get him" be
cause h escorted a non-union laborer
to his home about two months ago.
The trouble between union pickets
and non-union workmen has been gO'
in on at the Iron works for a year.
The pickets have been arrested on the
assault charges before, the matter once
going to the grand Jury. ISO prosevn
Uona followed, however. i
All Trimmed Millinery
Exclusive Patterns
Your Choice of Our Entire Assortment
ftore AbfoStely Free all furs Remodeled and Renovated by us. Silverfield's
orkmansmp vjruaraiueeti.
Dunn Group Coal Claimants
Must Prove Rights. ,
Daniel M. Dramfeellrr and Son
Jerome, Millionaires, Are Includ
ed Among Those Summoned
to Juneau by Commissioner.
cr- ttt tk inn l. Daniel M. Dnim-
..I, . iiiinn.ira hanker and ax-Mayor
neuwi .......
of Spokane; his son. Jerome I Drum
heller, a wealthy mine owner aui
...i a -.1- other claimants in
th Chusrnach National forest. Alaska.
have been notified By tne jb
Office to show cause within 60 days, why
. . i v,,,i. Tvnt ha declared for-
xneir vitum -
felted for noncompliance with tne re
quirements of th uniiea ousie.
whicn provia imi t.
application for patent within three years
from th time oi imna -"
If th Dunn group locators fail to show
.... . . . i -A. Y,m finite will
cause wi iin u mo -
be forwarded to the Commissioner of
th General imcl vince. '" ' , .
mendation that the claims be declared
forfeited. .
The Dunn group was located by Kay
mond Brown and William U Dunn. Spo
kane prospectors, who were indicted by
. . i ...-.. in RnnkAriH last
a j-eaerai aicuiu j- j " - -
October for conspiracy to defraud the
United States ot tna uuo ana
of the Dunn coal lands. Brown Is also
under Indictment for his part In the
location of the Doughten group.
Fraud ot Alleged."
. . . . - . .Huiaullnn ttfralnst th
ID in. yicwsufc e- w
Dunn claimants no allegations of fraud
are made. The claims ar of uncertain
vain, most of them being located on the
ice of Bering glacier and only two of
them showing coal. waa uio
of the Alaska coal prospectors. Land Of
AriiaiB .v in stake not only all
the coal fields In sight, using the names
of clients or acquaintances, uui
lay claim to all ground in the nelghbor-
i i ..- inAiibi . thnndi It miRht con
tain coal. Land Office officials say fur
ther that many coal grounaa id
eated for purely apeculatie purpose with
th Intention of seUIng to Investors and
the promoters or "agents" had no Idea
of seeking patents.
All Are From Spokane.
' The Dunn claimants, all of whom lire
In 8pokane are: Marie le Marine!, Wil
liam D. Nelson. Robert H. Burns, James
ti- rtmhal AMrirh. D. G. Erick-
son, Clarence Aldrlch, Henry Hennlng
een. John Berger. Lars J. Hansen,
Charles E. Boettner. Danleld Drumheller,
Anthony Martlnsen, Lillian Young,
George A. Downs, Mrs. Arizona A. Mit
ch era. FredencK ocnuiius. "'-' " -"
Aldrlch. George E. Lawrence, William
- u -vc TlndalL La Fayette
Stone, John Costlebury, Lucinda Berger,
Florence Dart, Emma vtasnonrn, sunn
HiUeU William G. Lltsey, Gene G.
Schafer. Samuel Miller Ware, Robert
OelschlageU Jerome L. Drumheller. Hen
ry Kennlngsen. Sr., Richard M. Krausse,
Ella Cosgrove. Herman Teichman,
Charles Ludding, James A. Hetherlngton,
Emma Hennlngsen.
MTU Kidney trouble preys npon the
(Ti Lit mind, discourages and lessens
llin ambition; beauty, vigor and
A.T J cheerfulness soon disappear
UnMEkl when the kidneys are out of
nUfTir.Il nrrlor or diseased. For good
results use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the
great kidney remedy. At aruggieis. sam
ple bottle by mail free, also pamphlet.
Portland Printing House Co.
1. L Wright. Pres. and flea, ataaacsc.
Book. Cataloe-ae and Ceanxaerctai
Balfais;. Blading and Blank Beok lHaklas
Fbooas: Mala OI. 2281.
Lath and Taylor straetv
Pertlan. Oraaoa.
June Snow White Sale Now On
Lingerie Blouses, Voiles, Marquisette,
Jap Silk and Tailored Waists
Lingerie and Tailored Waists - AA
-$1.50 Values, Sale Price .... P .JKS
Voiles and Marquisette Waists $1.95 to $2.SO
White or Colored, $2.00 Values for ... P
Others, $2.00, $3.00 and Up
Thin Blood
measure of success in life. Thin blood means debility,
:weak nerves, poor appetite, sleeplessness, conditions that
so handicap the victim that failure is certain.
: Whether the sufferer is a man engaged in business or a
.woman concerned with housekeeping or social duties, he or
she will be unequal to the obligations imposed, behind m
:the day's work, helpless and hopeless as the burden of
things left undone accumulates. You know plenty of such
men and women. Do you recognize that the thin blood
shown by their sallow complexions is largely responsible
for tnerr taiiurei ajxji iuu wxsjh wjd xj-ludj. J-'"
ripffpr. healthier sunnlv of blood? Read-
X VtAhLlX'V VVkU -l.- vv. V w b-vw j
this enthusiastic statement of
rin7t.nn. Or..
iUlOi JlsOWiws w& - J - - J a
was generally run down. My heart bothered me, my stomach -was weak and I
had no appetite. I was subject to dizziness and neaaacnes ana ien urea biju
ponld not sleep welL The doctors said
Lthat I needed something to build me
It was not until I tried Dr. Williams' rink nils lor raie reopie tnai j. xouuu
a medicine adapted to my case. The pills helped me in a few days. My appe
tite picked up and I grew stronger. By the time I had taken six boxes my
blood was in good condition and I was cured. I can hardly find words to
express my gratitude for being restored to good health."
Thin blood, if neglected, will sooner or later result in
serious illness. It may develop into persistent anaemia,
consumption, rheumatism, or it may result in a nervous
disorder such as partial paralysis. ne remedy is w uuiiti
n-r flip hlnorl and there is no blood builder to compare with
Dt. Williams' Pink Pills for
A valuable booklet. "Diseases
of the Blood." containing; helpful
Information, will be sent upon
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
sold by all. druggists, or will be
sent, postpaid, on receipt of price.
SO cents per box; six boxes, I2.S0.
by the Dr. Williams Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. T.
30 Days in
and the East
It's a pleasant place in warm weather,
surrounded by world-f amonsplaygronnds
and with the most delightful Atlantic
Coast resorts within easy distance.
Low round-trip fares. June 1 to Sept. 30
From St. Louis To From Chicago
$3S.OO New York $30.00
$32.00 Atlantic City $29.50
$32.00 Norfolk $27.00
Good SO days, via
Direct route or through Baltimore and
Washington. Stop-over privileges.
For further Inform stion address
Peusnhsuis'i PortUnd Oty Passenger Offles
12ZA Third Srreel
or address F. N. KOLLOCK
District Agent. PORTLAND
TTipi man or woman -whose
blood is thin cannot succeed.
Rich, red blood means en
ergy, courage, strong nerves,
will power, the elements
that go to make health and
happiness. It means a large
a. a. a .
one who realized in time.
Kavs: "Mv blood became thin and I
up, but they never seemed to help me.
. ., . -r. 1 "i 1 i x Jf J
Pale People.
V f