TITE MORXrVG OREGOMAX. FRIDAY, JUNE 2. 1911. 16 F ESTIVJU. CROWDS T Conventions Held in Gala Week Will Add to Number of Visitors." ELECTRIC PARADE DRAWS rami Ila Already Spread Widely Through Coontry Arrangement for Beeeptloa of H Ore gon at Are Complete. rrerythlng Indicate that TortUod srlU thla year bs, visited during tha progress f tha Rose, Festival. Monday to Friday next, by mors people than rrer before ta tha hlatory of tha clty'a great annual festival. They ara com ing from all parte of tha Northwest, tn automobile, by rail and by water. Tha railway companies aspect heavy traf tia from tha East and from California. P racial ratrs will ba In eUect from Cal ifornia, Utah. Wyoming. Washington. I4aho and Montana and a far aaat aa Near Tork. TBa hotel rerlsters of the etty alraady show ft-rcally Increased business. Tha great featnra which la attract-Ina- tha throng la the electrical parade, which tha Koaa Featlval management declares will ba tha greatest feature of Ita kind ever presented In tha United State. The fun of thl electrical parade has apread ao widely that peo ple will coma, aa la previous yeara. from all the natea of the Union to Tlew It. Popular Tonnf Women Coming. Manager Hutchln estimates that there will be 0 pretty young women from all parts of the Northwest, win ners of prises In competitions of varl ooa sort, among the visitors, Tb pro moters of popularity contests have availed themselves of tha great popu larity of the Roee Festival In Inducing young women to strive for prises con slating of trips to sea It. These men have worked all over Eastern Oregon. Idaho. Western Montana. Washington and neighboring states with great suc cess and incidentally have advertised tha Rose Featlval to good effect. Tha throng will be augmented by tha delegates to th several conventions. Including those of the Oregon Retail Jewelers' Association, the State Dental Society, the postmasters of Oregon and the Northwest Teachers' Association, all of which, axe to ba held la tha city next week. Seattle baa promised to send a largo contingent of business men. Tacoma will o likewise, hoping to receive reci procity from the people of Portland when the annual military tournament Is given In that clty'a famous stadium. There's a big mob of us coming." writes Robert It Cosgrove. of Spokane, secretary of the Spokane Interstate Fair. There) will be largo automobile parties from Eugene. Contains, Salem. Albany and other cities of tha Willa mette Valley. Boise promises at least SO visitors. Letters have been received from the commercial organisations of tha majority of the cities of tha North west, telling Portland to expect aa In flux greater than ever before. Decorations Will De General. Tha Rosa Festival management Is adding to the many decorations already la place by decorating Seventh street. Many of tha bis; business blocks not already decorated will be displaying flea's, bnntlng and other decorations be fore next Monday. It la expected that the patriotic spirit of many others who have made no promisee will be stirred and that they also will do something to help. Rex Oregonus will arrive at noon Monday on the royal barge, escorted br the steamship Rose City, the yacht Hayoccan. the lighthouse tender Heath er, the city are-boat and 5 motor craft. Including 11 largs cabin boats from Astoria. All will ba beautifully deco rated. Tha Rose City will fall out of lino at the foot of Stark street- Tha remainder of the craft will counter march through tha Morrison and Hawthorne-street draws Prises will ba awarded the most beautifully decorated boats. The king will land promptly at 11 o'clock. Spectators to witness toe entire performance should be In some atgbt-eeelBg position by 11.30. Mayor to Receive King. Ills Royal Highness will ba escorted ftm the Stark-street dock to the City Hall by two companies of boy scouts, two battalions of Hill Military Acad emy cadets. Sit members of the Astoria Centennial n.'e and drum corps, a caval cade of Hunt Club members and aeveral automobiles containing prominent peo ple of the city. Invitations have been Issued to the number of several hun dred to people to board the Rose City sad accompany th vessel on tha trip to meet Rex Ores-onus. At t!-.e City Hall the king will receive from Mayor Simon a buge key typify ing the freedom of the city and will then retire to bla headquarters at th Imperial Hotel. Work en the grand and reviewing standa oa Orand avenue for the Rose Festival pmradss has been begun. One Is being built at tha southwest corner of Orand avenue and East Ankeny street and the other at East Madison street and Grand avenue. The one on East. Ankeny street will be for judges of the parades, as well as for the pub lie and win seat about tOt persons, and the other will be for general public. Both are being built by th East Side Business Ilea's Club to assist la finan cing th two parades. KEGrtAKS TO JOIX PARADE Troops Expected to Take Part in East Side Celebration. A large detachment of United States troops may take part la th military and fraternal parade on the. Fast Sido In Roe Festival week. Negotiations are la progress to bring the troops to the c'4r. with prospects of success. C C. Hall, secretary of the commit tee, of the East Side Business Men's Club, estimates from th Information he haa received from the different orf.cn that toer will be from T(M to l- o la line, including tho military and fra ternal divisions. General Flnaer. grand marshal. Is marplng the route to ac commodate the larger figure, If neces sary. Th general meeting of the sub-committees will be held .tomorrow after noon at 1 o'clock in the club rooms. Urand avenue and East Alder street. There will be a regular meeting of the East S.ds Business Men's club tonight, when th general arrangements for Festival will b considered. It has bea found that the expenses of the lwo parades will be much sreater tr.aa xpsk-umI. aa a large number of bands must be engaved. Th Peninsula Hose Association s mealing f Tuesday night was post 0 BE AUGMENTED poned nntll tonight at the fir ball ou Alblna avenue la North Alblna. CARS PRESSED IXTO SERVICE Portland Street Railway Prepares for Festival Rash. Every available car In Portland will be pressed Into servlc by the Portland Hallway. Eight Power Company dur ing Roee Festival week. Orders were Issued yeeterday to pre pare all ears now la the barns for use next week. This applies also to such of the "cripples" that can be used with out danser and Inconvenience. Th company has abou? 4-5 cars avail able and these will be distributed over th various lines In proportion to tbs traffic It Is expected that the crowds will be bandied between their bomea and the downtown district and between th amusement resorts with tha mini mum of difficulty and inconvenience. La Grande Girls to Visit Fete. A dozen La Grande girls will attend the Rose Festival next week as guests of th La. Grand Evening Observer, which is conducting a popularity con test la that city. The party will ar- VXTT.S.A WHO Ir.AS.XED IO WRITE WITH EEFX BAND DIES. : 1 A ':-v--- steal Herman Baumhoer, aa old-time resident of Portland and for SO years connected with the office of the United States Surveyor-General here, died at his borne. 630 East Thir teenth street, Wednesday. Be was S3 years old. Through exposure In the Civil War Mr. Baumhoer suffered paralysis of bis risht arm. but this did sot daunt him. Thonsh normally Msht-banded. as most mea are, b overcame this difficulty, learned to write with his left band and once passed a test tn which the examiners declared him to be the best left-band writer they ever had known. - lis did efficient clerical work for a long time. Mr. Banmhoer was a member of Oeerce WrUEht Post of the Orand Army of the Republic. Hla record as a soldier had been conspicuously food- Re entered the Surveyor-General's office August l, last. He ta earvtved br a da us titer, aire. W. II. Raabe. The funeral will be held Sunday. rive la town next Monday evening and will be ta charge of Jack O'Neill, trav eling passenger ea-ent for the O.-W. R, at N. Company. Following th local celebration some of th gtrls will go to California and others to Seaside. CREDIT IS GIVEN SIMON EAST SIDE TO CELEB RATE VIC TORY FOR BRIDGE. Sale of Bond Regarded aa Complete Vindication and as Avinr lug Success. Tbs North East Sid Improvement Association will meet tonight In Wood men ball, on Russell street and Rodney avenue, when steps may be taken to celebrate th successful Outcome of th Broadway brldg project. Th recent sale of tb block of 1500.400 bonds, th association believes, marks th com plete defeat of the opposition, and vin dicates th attitude of Mayor Simon. The friendship of th Mayor for th brldg has never been doubted by a larg majority of th members of th association, and when ho said at th opening of his administration that he would build th brldg they bad full confidence that he meant what he said. Members of tb North East Sid Im provement Association and residents north of Sullivan Gulch accord him full credit for bis work In behalf of the brid so. "There never was any question where Mayor Simon stood on th Broadway brldg Question from th start. In ray opinion." said Joseph Buchtel. of the North East Side Improvement Asso ciation. "He told in that be did not make a practice of hunting game with a brass band, and now that the last block of 1400.000 bonda has been sold, the wisdom of his policy Is proved. He has assured us' th erection of the bridge beyond all question. Through It all Mr. Simon haa stood squarely for th erection of th bridge. I believe that the Mayor haa been fully vindi cated In th minds of th people north of Sullivan's Gulch and elsewhere as welL The opposition resorted to every known expedient. It was th most powerful opposition ver hatched against so Important a public Improve ment, and might have won but for the tactful and powerful support of the Mayor. The feeling of tha entire North East Side should bear this In mind and give him credit for his work In their behalf." WOMAN GIVEN FREEDOM Evidence to Convict on Disorderly Charge Is Failure. County Detective Maher testified In Municipal Court yesterday that be knew nothing asralnst one of the houses on his list of 10 which waa made the basis of sn Indictment against Chief of Po les Cox. The Jury promptly. returned a verdict of not n-ullty tn the case of Pearl Leasman. accused of running a disorderly house at 10 North Seventh street. She was arrested with three women Inmates by Sergeant Wanless and Patrolman Rupert. Sunday morn I nr. Maher was tre only witness called by the defense. He said that the house had been notorious, bat he had no di rect evidence to this effect. R.E.FarrellCo. " The Exclusive Garment Store With Popular Price Friday and Saturday Sale 300 Child Wash Dresses STYLE 1 D u t e h neck m o del, with short sleeves; trimmed with tape; light or dark colors. STYLE 2 nigh neck model, made of light or dark percales; strap trimmed. Priced at only 79c 79c 150 Dresses 150 Dresses IS Ex-Convict Velguth Sues Wife for Divorce. BLACKMAIL IS CHARGED Plaintiff Allege Wife Threatened to Expose Prison Record to Ula Relatives In Bast if lie Did Sot Pay. That he had beea forced to marry Nadlne Nichols, the woman who had gained some reputation as the "Cali fornia beauty." waa the testimony of Benjamin Oscar Velguth In his suit for divorce In Judge Kavanaugh's court yesterday. The case was on trial near ly all day yesterday, and will b finished some time today. Velguth explained that be had tried to live down the disgrace of his prison sentence, but that hla wife had de manded that he pay her $1000 to keep her from sending copies of local papers to his relatives In tb East who had never beard of his being sent to the Oregon Penitentiary for having stolen a large amount of money from hla em ployers, th Portland Das Company. Forced Marriage Charged. Velguth ssld that ' he had been forced Into the marriage In order to protect himself from the evidence that hla wife might present against him at th trial, when be waa char Red with the theft of money from his employers, had she remained single. When he realised that th law would prevent her from appearing aa a witness against him. be said, be married Miss Nichols and he Indicated on the witness-stand that he had often bad reason to regret his act. At the time of the wedding many compliments were paid Mrs. Velguth for msrrylng a man about to be sent to prison for so serious a crime, and for having remained In watting for him until he was paroled from tha Penitentiary, one year after being sent there. Others at that time criticised her as having been th cauaa of the young man's downfall. Mrs. Velguth Wins Case. , After Velguth ' returned from th Penitentiary, be and bis wife went to housekeeping. A few months ago she sued him In th County Court for non- support. In the county court airs. veiEjuiu won ber case and her husband since ... v...n n.vlnr Her reirularlv. Then Velguth brought suit for divorce. He charged her wun rrequenims; rosa- nouses ana otner jiace wim wen. she In answer to the complaint denied all the allegations iuidbi uci. John F. Lorin. Mrs. Velguth's at torney, tried to prove at th trial yes terday that Velguth knew her char acter before the marriage and for that reason he had no grounds for divorce. Mr. Logan also tried to bring out that VrlKuth had been the cause of his wife's Increased drinking habits. John Manning, representing Velguth. endeavored to bring out that Velguth bad reformed since his prison experl mil that hla wife waa the onlv obstacle to prevent bis complete ref ormation. MANY WILL BE GRADUATED Y. M. C. A. Students to KecelTe Cer tificate ln Business Courses. Commencement exercises of the edu cational department of the Portland Young Men's Christian Association will b held at S o'clock tomorrow night In the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. Two hundred and twenty-one atudents will receive certificates from th In ternational committee, all having com pleted on or more of the 1 courses in the T. M. C A. curriculum. R. C. French, educational director of the Portland association, will preside and two addresses will be delivered. W. w. Cotton will glv tb commence BEAUT. SCORNED STYLE 4 Low neck mod el, made of small checked percale ; black and white with bands of white pique. 97c 97c for 79c Each for 97c Each ment address proper and W. F. Wood ward will speak to tha graduates In pharmacy. The charge to the graduates will be delivered by R. 8. McKibbin. E. B. MacNaughton, chairman of the educational committee, will present the certificates to the seniors and Q. F. Johnson, also of the educational com mittee, will present certificates to the Juniors. Mrs. Fred L. Olson and E. Milton Runyon will sing and the T. M. C A. Orchestra will play. This Is by far the largest class that has ever graduated from the Y. M. C. A. educational department and It is expected that there will be a large at- tendance at tha exercises. AID NEEDED FOR BABIES Preparations Fully Under- Way for Coming "Tag; Day." Headquarters for the Baby Home Tag day. at H7 Blxth street, are busy with preparations for the coming Tag day, June S. The babies. 67 In all. uncon scious of all th stir In their behalf, are well and happy at the Home, East Thirty-seventh and Ellsworth streets, where they are under the charge of a trained nurse. The state appropriation Is Inadequate for the support of the babies, and the women who are managing the campaign for funds feel that no thoughtful person will refuse to give 10 cents a year toward their maintenance. Among those who is offering assistance In the sale of tags Is Marjorle Ma.hr. al ways ready and sympathetic when others are In need, as she has been. The babies will be driven through the main down town streets at 10:30 A. M. Tuesday In automobiles lent by women of the city for the occasion. This parade will be headed by the Oak Grove band, com posed of 15 little girls, who are donating their services. . TWO CLAIM ONE HUSBAND Issne Between Women to Be Tried In Municipal Court. Th right to bear tha name and share th bom of John C. Eichman will be tried In the Municipal Court tomorrow, the contending parties being two women, each of whom aays that she is legally married to him. Eichman and one of the women are locked up In the City Jail on a statutory charge pre ferred by the second. Mrs. Frances Eichman complained to the District Attorney against the pair, saying that they wer living together In the face of the fact that she Is legally married to the man whom ahe accuses of maintaining two establishments. Mrs. Eichman says she was married to Eichman In 6an Francisco In 190? and cam to Portland with him six weeks ago. The defendant. Emma F. Harding, declared in court yesterday that she was wedded to her co-defendant In San Francisco In 1905, when she was a widow. Both defendants are el derly. THREATS CAUSE ARREST Man Who- Wonld Blow Vp News paper Held In $3000 Bail. Three charges of making deadly threats were made in Municipal Court yesterday against E. E. Radding by G. K. McCord and E. O. Sawyer and th defendant was placed temporarily un der cash bond of J3000. pending a hear ing. Radding played a prominent part In the Lane-Waymlre scandal and served six months In Jail for his share In the alleged plot to discredit Mayor Lane. Radding was attacked last Wednes day In an editorial In a newspaper con ducted by McCord and Sawyer and It is charged that on seeing the article he went to their office and. threatened to blow up the plant. He returned yes terday morning and made threats against the Individuals, who caused his arrest. The hearing went oar. Meetings Well Attended. Meetings being held by Rev. F. E. Toakum at the Second Baptist Church are being well attended each night. Dr. Toakum claims to have healed a number of persons by Individual treat ment and prayer during his stay in Portland. He is being assisted by Bishop D. E. Dennlck, of the Primitive Methodist Church. London, and James Manning, of Plesrah Home. Los Angeles. The services will be held today and Saturday, beginning at 10 A. M. STYLE 3 High seek model, made of e h a m bray and trimmed with bands; come in light or dark colors. 13 la Umbrellas at Half-Price We must reduce our stock. Her Is your opportunity to save money. Any Umbrella over 11.25 at HALF PRICE Sterling Silver Knives On special sal Friday OO. and Saturday for aJJ S1.0O Coral Bead Keek- AQf laces- "' BLCO Coral Bead Jfeck- (Jg . Tour choice of any else. These are exceptional values. Sterling Sliver Rings Set with cameos and other large settings The latest fad. Small finger rings. We make a laxge showing of these 25c and 50c "25c Bath Caps Only 17c All colors and shades and plaids. inns. fine for Summer out- Very large stock, 1 "Ti swollen feet, special. .AS Whisk Brooms An unusually large variety in several sizes, best qualities 25c 35c 50c 60c Special Prices on Post Card Albums 25 cent ones now 13c SO cent ones now 2Uo Festival Week Is Kodak Week You will never miss a Kodak so keenly and never want one so badly as next week. See our complete assortment. We have every size at every price. As low as you care to pay and as high as you care to go. We do finishing and enlarging at cut rates. Matting and Cane Suitcases and Grips We make the largest showing In Portland, and our prices are less. Look our stock AQ over. Prices up from "i7 C Ever Txty Shopping by Mail at The Owl Drug Store? Prices good anywhere on date of sale. Buy $5.00 worth and we will prepay freight to any rail or steamer point within 100 miles of Portland, making your saving more than double. 12 ills ORIGINAL CUT KATE DRUGGISTS 7th. and WASHINGTON STS. PORTLAND, OPS. REPORT IS FLATTERING HOME MISSIOXAKX SOCIETY IX COXVEXTIOX". Anniversary Session at Sellwood At tended by Delegates From All Parts of State. The Woman's Home Missionary So ciety of the Oregon conference opened a convention yesterday at the Sellwood Methodist Church in celebration of the silver anniversary of the society. The session will continue today and this evening, and Is more largely attended than any convention ever held by the society. The convention was opened with de votional by Rev. J. K. Hawkins, pastor of the Sellwood church. After Mrs. W. H. Bachmeyer had spoken briefly on the organization of the convention. Rev. D. H. Trimble delivered "Greetings from the Churches." Greetings from the auxiliary were given-Ay Mrs. J. K. Hawkins, and a representative of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society gave a short address of welcome. Services were conducted by Rev. J. W.. McOougall, district superintendent, as sisted by city pastors, followed by a talk on "A Look Forward." by Mrs. E. L. Lane, conference president. The rest of the afternoon was spent In appointing committees and reading of reports- A social hour was held be tween S and 6 o'clock, when luncheon was served by the women of the Sell wood Church. The feature of last nlghfs pro gramme was an address delivered by Rev. R. W. Avison, of Salem, the sub ject being "America, in the Family of Nations." Musio was furnished by the quartet and Mrs. Rhea Carson, soloist. The Woman's Home Missionary So ciety Is one of the authorized connec tional societies of the Methodist Epis copal Church, organized with the pur y Tlx for tire d, aching Iff. iwollen feet special ... 1 Marine. Regular SOc, OQ special Sii7- Borax, full pound for, T special Meatholatnm. Regular O?. 50c sixe, special Poison Fly Paper Reduced, i large double sheets. r Special for aVl Sale Tanglefoot Fly Paper. 2S double Bheets In box OA. Special at SiiVl Half Price Sale Sheffield's Tooth OC. Paste, 25c size. 2 for... .WaJl. Emory Boards. Regu- C - lar 10c package - Orange Wood sticks. Regu lar three for 6c, on sale C f six for 23e Saponol Tooth Powder, 25c Tooth Brush, nC,' both for -J Allcoek's Plasters, OC 25c kind, two for dJV Laxative Broiuo-Qnin- Ine, 25c size, two for6iv Eye Baths. Regular 10c (f for p C Medicine Droppers, straight or bent. Regular 6c, C. two for Styptic Pencils. Regu- fi lar 10c, for Kasal Douche Glass.. 71 Regular 15c, for ' 2t. Be Lead Pencils, two f" for. 3C at.!a.c!1."te.:. 2Hc Be Pen Holders 22C 10c " pkg. Bicarbonate C Soda, full pound 10c package Powdered C Orris Root " 10c . Mirrors g q The Brush You've een Waiting for. Takes out the dirt, doesn't in jure the cloth. "Bos-Ton," the new Cloth Brush. It's differ ent from the old-fashioned kind. Easier to use. Wears 4 longer. emails uctici. v . . 10 l less than the other kind.oo Spec. Introductory price JuC Todco Alarm Clocks, S--50. Highest perfection in the art of clock making appearance counts. Get one and have the best. S.1.25 Alarm Clocks at 07c. Big and fine, with resonant bell. Just the kind you n't have wanted. Special at a7 f C 81.25 Leather Band Bags, 98c. You will find a wide range here to select from. SPECIAL PRICE OX Aluminum Drinking Cnps Take jio chances on children drinking out of public 1 "- cups. Regular 15c. Sp'l IUC pose of doing the same work in the United States and some of the islands as the Foreign Missionary Society does across the seas. Reports of the organization show that it has established over 40 indus trial homes for young negroes. Span lards, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Alas kans, Porto Ricans and others; 25 mis sion schools, five hospitals, three National training schools; 41 deaconess institutions, 11 Industrial buildings and kindergartens and three orphanages. ALUMNI TO HAVE BANQUET Willamette and Old Portland Uni versity Graduates to Join. With the view of keeping alive the memories and traditions of the Institu tions, the alumni of Willamette Univer sity and the old Portland University and the members of the student body of Willamette University will hold a banquet at the T. M. C. A. building to morrow night. The prospect of organ izing in Portland an association com posed of alumni of the two Institu tions will be discussed. President Homan, of Willamette Uni versity, and several members of the board of directors will . be present. There are several hundred graduates of the two schools In the literary, medi cal, legal and other professions and the attendance Is expected to be large. The affair will be informal. The committee In charge has been unable to obtain the addresses of all the alumni and Is proceeding on the as sumption that all alumni will consider themselves invited. Portland People Visit Chicago. The following Portland visitors were registered at Chicago hotels today: At the Congress Mrs. George V. Whiteside and children. At the Northern Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hend ricks. Prior to 1823 all women's shoes were made without heels. Mary Garden Hand . Ba?s at 98c Special -Showing of a large va riety of styles, shapes, colors and sizes. Silks and satins. Any taste easily satis- QQ, fled. Up from ... i70l. Rexall 93 Hair Tonic $1.00 The one that ' Is guar- tf 1 anteed. Largo bottles...". The Shampoo at 25c Stationery Offer Cascade Linen Splendid COe value at S5e The best offer we have ever made each box contains 48 sheets of paper and 48 envel opes to match, twice as much as you ormnaruy ouy at at ;ac 25c a diit ouc vaiue iur T53 only Sale Todco Lunch Grips Made of matting, convenient shape, made to nold a Ther mos bottle. Just the en. thing' for lunches .... Ufl Three Bars Todco Soap 25c The greatest Soap value known, fine for bath or toi let large cakes Glycerine, Oatmeal, Cocoa, Almond nfi etc; 10c cake, 3 for . a-JC Thousands of Post Cards Infinite variety of subjects. Choose from the best showing in Portland, 1 cent Ottf each, SO for A Genuine Thermos Bottle for $2.00 Pint Size Enamel Finish. Keeps liquids hot 24 hours or cold 72 hours. A necessary article to your comfort, no matter where, or who you are. Just the thing for keeping baby's milk warm all night. Great for the work ing man. $2.00 Stop at "The Owl" at one. and look Todco Chocolates Regular 40c pound boxes. Sat urday special at, per on box ,.'5J,C No Secrets About An Owl Prescription Department It is all open for your inspec tion. We will fill your pre scription Just as the doctor wants it, promptly and accu rately and at small cost. Have the next one filled here. t"V.J J Thinness Easily Over- I Z come Z (From "Health and Beauty"). Further evidence is being presented almost dairy that a recent compound of new chemical elements combined In a tablet with, hypophosphltes Is in reality proving a blessing to the ab normally thin men and women, for It can be demonstrated beyond doubt that a regular course of three or four months' treatment brings an increase in weight of from 10 to 30 pounds, with a decided improvement of health and color too. For self administration the most popular form Is to be found in three grain hypo-nuclane tablets, ob tainable in sealed packages from the best apothecary shops, with full direc tions. To relieve headache and neuraigia harmlessly, take Blackburn's- Pain Away Pills. At drugstores. Don't Persecute your Bowels . Cot oat cavthsutjes ant) puwim. Tbcr are fcntfavf CARTER UVER tVfJrvsvets&Ie. gtattf oa aJiininstsi evrsnrrLa Irs eflhebdWcL Car Cut- Sick Hsaaaca ssd usBsnbas, as saHBorn bunr. - Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price f "' Genuine mimbear Signature j tsWsa. aljS3 LARTEKi