13 THE MORNING OREGONTA?. FRIDAY, JUXE 2, 1911 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OUCOXIU TFIX1-BOXEA. Marat. c. t mar je:ar Editor .. C a rr. p ol a r . r oeca Mala Tare : T'TTO Ve'a ioto Mam 70-0 .. ..Ma. a TOTJ Mala lu; A a e-"5 A A SvS A evi DirstMI-ITV REILn THEATER (Unt?l an4 Tt- 1 r. E M Snth.ru an-1 Jul'a loe "Tar.tftn -Nthc" Tomcra al -Baker thcatf.k Eisaeih ator r'wn J-ha ?ainpoUa la atrjasoeext. Ioo:iM at t li. OPPHtlM THEATER fWoflwm. etsrae e:xt aad S.raath Va-id.i:le, Tale aft.rnooa ar : la aad toaigbl al OHAND THKATCR (Tare 191 Waah'.nf loni Tau2. '::.. Thia afteraooa AC Ml: ane'eM at T 14 and a. A.NTAiiE.4 THElTIIt-irnrl) u "tar Vijjt!:i Tvi aftaraooa at i. 14; aieat at and a. 1 N.lli- IKiHTtn-Tw.lfh an Mtrrlaoa) Lnr Uui-al ?omIf Corn pans In Th (harvard rrof.aaors." Th'a artmirto at 2:li and tomcat at -30 and o"c.o- k. TAR. AHfADB. OH JOT. ODtO. TI VOM -;rt rua alcturaa. 11 A. M- 13 P. at. OAKS PARK Fans reocert and sauatcal f.m1jr. tmi afcraoos and Uiwlchl. RE-RKATTON HRK-. Tw.nr -fourth and aunn Bas-ba:L Oaaland re. Portland. Ta.a ;!mo-.i at 1. Adeestseeseeate lateeded for lat City Jewe a Brief nlaaiaa la ftaaeaj-s law ease aaewi be kaadrd la Tkt OreaeaJaa amalaeea attire kr elecai tataiaa; tifihr ROE ETITAI- BltS. Mall ta raw Irtroda la (be res Tae Orvaaalma ewrtas tha sWe fes tival mk, ararlaalaB Moadajr. Juaa aad eadiec vita lb ares ua aWr rditUa af hat II. raaple aad eahawsOse ispeste srlta awairtaaia ata claaa aalftoaw UlaMratloaa alii aa falard atailr. lb reel lead Aa. Baal Boa Hlal haa beea aidrtr advertised Ibromaneat Ibe Valted rtalra aad Be asore attrartlra atl- aalal ta rear trteada caald ba alraa tbaa a eobeertpctoa ta Orrcea's araat aalljr dartac ta eeeal. Ordrre alaaa a i m al tbe baala aflVt ar arat by aaaU Taa Oraaaalaa aUI metre presses atlentlea. aabarrtvllaa arte far laa satire aart, taclaUias aoat- M mi. 5 X tAipaanriiD Tt!ru Bi'tLT. nm anltta of tba Eras, gal leal Aaaociatioa of Orciroo ara prrpartBff prorimmri for ih annual conventions to bo hrld on tha cnfrrrnco rampcround on VII lamrtta ..ivrr at Jenninca Lod(ta. Tba contractions will bo hriil In July. A txbrrnaM.:. which will acenmmodat 1009 propla. has bern built on the grounds btr the Campmectlna Assocla tloa and several cottAffes baro bean built. U. W. I'lumer. president of tho aasoclatlon. reports that nearly all the lota In tha conferenca arrounds hava been disposed of under 99-year leaaes. which enables the association to ra taln control of tha property. The con ventions to be held there are the Tounr People's Alliance, the Sunday school nd the Ministerial Association and the campmeetlng Doi-B2.a Tracks Relaid ox Vxiost Ansi-c The Tortland Railway. Uarht dc Power Company Is relaying the doable tracks on l nlon avenue be tween Alberta street and Union avenue. The company te worklnir a night force on this Improvement so It may be com pleted as soon as possible. The street will be paved aa soon as the tracks have been relald and a sewer has been put down. The cost of the pavement will be about flQv.ODO aa L'nlon ave nue Is an li-foot street. Work has been be;un on the Improvement of Kllllncaworth avenue between Union avenue and East Thirty-second street, ronaiMlns; of srradlne; and sidewalks, bard-surface pavement to come later. This present Improvement will cost It 1.000. ASTtioT MrrxuciCs FrxmAi. Held. The funeral of Anthony Metxler. who died In Ft. Vlncent'a Hoepltal. Tues day, was he!d yeaterday forenoon from the family residence. 15 East Third street, and the Holy Rosary Church. East Third and Clackamas streets, and Interment was In Mount Calvary Ceme tery. Mr. Metxler was St years old and ts aurvtved by a widow and three children Charles and Frank Metxler and Mrs. W illiam Hartmaa. OltiKxTAi Ri-os. Pon't fall to Inspect our larsre and choice stork. Xrw Importations arriving dully. Our regular prices are at all times lower thAn those quoted by others under any conditions. We are direct Importer and sell rugs with small profits, be cause we buy right and our expenses are exceptionally low. Le"t us prove these iljlrmcnts. Cartoxlan Bros, Importers. 473 Wash., near Uth st. St. HrxrN" Hali, Oraih-att: to Orv BsxrrrivW. The Society of Graduates of St. Helen's Hall will give a reception to all former pupils and teachers-of the echiol at the hall tomorrow from 1 to i o'clock. It la hoped -that all who have attend-'d St. Helen's Hall, or taught there at any time, will consider themselves personally Invited as owinic to the cl;Tu'ulty In ob-talnlnc names and addresses no other Invitations will be sent. To save the cost of storage on two too-borsepower return tubular boilers which we are now taking out. we will sell them at a bargain If taken at once. These boilers are of the Kewanee type and In good condition. Complete with all fittings and feed ater equipment, ready for Immediate Installation. For further particulars call at room 101 Oregonlan bldg. Oil AID MlXII TO Fa RsatODELXO. Architect I'lto Kleemann has prepared rlana for remodeling the church and manse of Good Shep herd Church on Vancouver avenue. Upper Alblna. A basement will he ex cavated anl tie church will be lowered. With the construction of the auditorium the churvb facilittee will be enlarged. Rgv. Ma- Hoi.peVs FrvnAL Hxutx The fttr.eral of Rev. O. M. Holden. who died Tuesdav. was held yesterday afternoon from the Norwealan Lutheran Church. East Grant and East Tenth atreeta. and Interment will be at liar low. Or. Mr lloldm was 41 years old and well known as a minister and ed jcator. JIim- fr today at the Young Wo men's Chrlsiian Association In the green tearoom, from ll:St) A. M- to t P. 3d : Verm. cel. I soup, roast veal, aalmoa steak, brradfd tomato, creamed carrots, asparagus on toast, combination aaUd. lobster alAd. fruit salad, straw berry shortcake, cocoanut cream pie, vanilla Ice cream and cake. RH'cTHr' Ttvtav near Mount flood, now open: roads good: flshtnic excellent: rh.xlolendrons In full bloom. For trar.-port Atlon and room reserva tions ar-'olv to KoweThatcher Com pany. J. 4. Jti" Cramber of Commerce. Phone MArshall TU. East Wahi.n iw S t t Bcis-a Pavcc Ka( Washington street la be. eg fved between Grand avenue and East Water street by the Hassara ravina: Company. The Improvement probably will be completed by the middle of next week. arena to Laasav Foa T or Years. it:. I 1'vtRT or Kcrwt. DiaTRicT. No BCTTXR Locatiom r Crrr. A 141. Oxsooma-v. ra. MMCtutt returned. Felling bid. Election returna. Baker Theater. Mon. Foa Saxat- Immediate removal, good two-etcry frame buUdJig. Alain 4iei , Garbacs Orpxasc Ixdorssd. The measure to adopt sanitary methods la the removal of garbage was Indorsed at a recent meeting of the East Twen-ty-etghth-Street Improvement Associa tion. tr. C. H. Wheeler, city health officer, explained that tha proposed system would Include the use of auto trucks and streetcars In removing gar bage. He said that with the new sys tem the people would be obliged to use sanitary garbage cane The proposed ordinance making it unlawful to board etreetcars where no seata are avail able was not approved by the club. The measure providing for the pensioning of firemen received unanimous In dorsement. I.wgsTORS. Bntjipta Promoters. Rial Estate Mu. Make me a proposi tion for the splendid southeast looxlvv. corner Twenty-Orst and Gllsan streets. It Is now ready for Improvement. This Is central the Fifth and Waahlngton and "kingpin" corner to tbe Nob Hill country. I have tenants waiting to lease storerooms on this corner or apartments. I will consider proposi tions to Improve or to sell Interest In property or to sell entire. There le a fine Income to be had here any way you Ogure. I will give a good layout. J. M. Achrson. 1T Morrison street, with the Achesoa Cloak dc Suit Company- Fra L. Smith's Orocert Is a part of his big market. Z2i Alder street and 145 First street. There you can buy 11 cans of condensed milk for 11; silver prunes at 10c per pound; two cans of peaches or apricots for 2Sc; two cans of pumpkin, sugar corn or string beans for ISc; three cans of pork and beans, soup or oysters for ISc: three bottles of catsup tor zc; four bottles ammonia for 25c: 12 cakes bavon soap for :5c; four cans scouring powder for tic and three boxes stove blacking for 10c. Boxd Issraj IXBoasarx A resolution was adopted at the meeting of the East Side Business Men's Club last night Indorsing tha 17S.OO0 bond issua for establishing a municipal cdllectton of garbage "for the hygienic Improve ment of the city and for the reason that under the proposed system the coat to the individual householder will be materially reduced and tha civlo and sanitary conditions greatly Improved." Tbe club also condemned the proposed "no seat no ride" unanimously. SERV1CBS AT TCXTU BETH ISRAEI. Confirmation services will be held at HAM. today, at Temple Beth Israel, It. Wise officiating. Music especially written for the day will be given by the quartet choir, under the direction of Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer. Solos will be given by Mr a Delphlne Marx. Charles Dunc.in Raff and Lieutenant Kamuelson. Tl Friday night services will be held as usual at t o'clock. All men and women are welcome. Tea. Wi Are. Are you among the number who partake of Frank L Smith's Norway butter each day? It la aa absolutely-fresh Oregon product and la for sale In every one of Smith's 4 markets at o'V per square; Frank L. Smith's pure lard In three-pound palls Is tic; In live-pound palls la He: la ten pound palls Is fl.lA; choice breakfast bacon Is IT He and roc: a wnoie nam or a half ham at 20c per pound; fresh rggs are 10c a dosen. Mcsic TTsAcggita to B Ba"qi-r ri stx The banquet to be given In honor of the Northwest Music Teachers' Asso ciation, by the Monday Musical Club, Thursday night. June S, at tbe Com mercial Club, promises to be an event of more than ordinary Importance to musical Portland. A fine programme will be given by some of the best talent of the city. Dr. F. E. TOAKr will remain in Portland till Sunday night. June 4. holding full gospel services in the Second Baptist Church. East Seventh and East Ankeny streets, each day at 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. and 1:10 P. M. Many are being saved and healed. All are Invited to attend. Swd!h-Fbxjsh Ladies Aid Societt will hisld a literary end social entertainment at the home of Mr. Leafs. 911 Bust Tenth street North, to night at I o'clock. A good programme will be rendered and refreshmenta served. Free admltance. All welcome. Gaih Mace i Postal Receipt. Portland's postal receipts for May totalled SS0.9vS.43. In the correspond ing month of 1910 they were 63.:60.7. This Is an Increase of $12.(44.. or approximately 1J.63 per cent. This Is the best gain made so far In 1911. Want to. To rent, by responsible concern, a garage, or space In one for showroom and storage or a building suitable for this purpose. Answer Im mediately, stating location. rent wanted and terms. C C Bobb. room No. (43. Portland HoteL , Committees Meet Todat. All the East Side Roae Festival committees will bold a final meeting this afternoon mi I o'clock. In the rooms of the East Side Business Men's Club. Grand ave nue and East Alder streets, to submit complete reports. Mothers' Cl-CB TO MEET. Tbe Ar- leta Mothers' and Teachers Club will meet at the schoolhouse this afternoon at J:4S o'clock for the purpose of electing offlcera. There wlU be a short programme. . Debats tonight, "Anarchy vs. So cialism." between Emma Goldman and C. B. Ellis, organiser Socialist party. In Wilson bldg.. 143, Fourth at. tt-m Warrrm Salx. All of our beauti ful white waists at special prices. F. P. Young. Marquam bldg., 313 Morri son street. I Havr $10,000 TO $12,000 TO LOAX AT t 1'xn Cent oie W est side- fhokkti. E. P. MAIJ. 104 SECOXO BTREET. MARY GARDEN COMES. She Will Sing Famous Songs Tomor row Night at the Armory. i Seats are now selling at Sherman. Clay dt Co.'a for Mary Garden, who cornea to Portland under the direction f Lola Steera-Wynn Cornea. lor one concert at the Armory. Saturday night. June 3. Mary Garden wi.l give in aa dttlon to her famous arias as SUome I Massenet's "Herodlade "), -inais. -l,.nie." etc.. the same songs that she sang recently by special request of President anJ Mrs. Taft and their frlrnda at the New National Theater in Washington. P. C when she so cap tivated them by the power of her genius, and the strange fascination of her personality. The old songs "Comln' Thro' the Kye." "Annie Laurie. 'Home Sweet Home." "Suwanee River." etc which Mary Garden gave as encores on that occasion brought the same storm of rn:hustam from the great audience as when Jenny Lind. In years gone by. created such a furore by her singing of these popular favorites. Mary Gar- den's genius however Is utterly un like that of Jenny Lind or any otner , great singer of the rf- By tempera- ment she Is the primeval woman who Interprets the primeval passions with a tubile wltcnery of art wholly Pari FREE RIDES FOR CHILDREN gro th. be Bro Boys aad girls, as well aa many In). , In Wn OPS. HI p. I. - beautiful bfietiana pony wuu c w c'ven awav absolutely free at the .11, ---vim store Each pronu' . . --. - . ... aucroiwB lit ' ' " - - i - - - dren and Queen Wi'.helmina ts proud to show otf her good points, while the lit tle i.r:n-cs drsas the crowds by her capers in one of the large windows which has been prepared for her bene fit. Piummer has the highest quality ellve oil In Portland. Simple free. Call or puone Pluouuer Drug Co, 34 Third. Who's Your Banker? Yon have nonet Then this message for you. is The START of every fortune is founded on systematic saving. Ton can't make a prof itable INVESTMENT until yon have SAVED enough to make the start. An account with this bank is a mighty good asset. Any bank. But this one in par ticular. Because of the class of men who compose its management, and the sound business policy that governs the selec tion of its securities. All sarintrs deposits are separately invested. BriflS V0UR savings here. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY if OREGON Third and Oak Streets OAKS PARK BAND. Open-air concert this afternoon and evening, direction Philip Pels and quar tet, from Metropolitan Opera Company, New York.. AFTERNOON. Overture. "Zampa" ' ',12 Va:s. "Corpella" JT"" Selection. "The Sweetest Girl la "Toon's" 'Birthday""" " Remlck rivarinra Rannond" Thomas "Souinarn Mamorles" . ..Hecaer (a, Arahlan lianas, tb) Ru-1 K,r.kl Sn'y'ders Sn Bits "'!ilT. Vocal selection Quartet EVENINO. Csardas. Der Cetat dea Wojewoden". . . . Grossman -Salut d' Amour" Elssr "Babes In Toyland".. Herbert Polish Uuci .No. 1 Scharwenka Uuartet - Overture. "Dleblshe Elster" Rossini Valae. "Tha Oaks" Pels Oraad selection. "Cavalerla Rustlcaras. . . ' Maacagnl "The Whistlers" Btrauae Vocal aa. action Sextet THE BOWERS GRILL. An Innovation Commencing June 1. In addition to tbe a la carte menu a special dinner will be served dally ( P. M. until 7 P. M. Charge. 11.25. Monday. Wednesday and Saturday, Beef Steak Dinner. Tuesday and Thursday. Virginia Chicken Dinner. Friday. Rhode Island Fish Dinner. Sunday, French Dinner. Musical attractions extraordinary: Ethel Lewis, the California Nighten gale; Lionel M. Redfleld. baritone, and J. W. Lewis famous orchestra ( until S and It uatll 11 P. M. ii dl . - i YE OREGON GRILLE. A name synonymous with all that's high class. During the. past six years we have established an enviable repu tation as purveyors to those who enjoy the veiy best the market affords. Our musical programmee also are of such a character as to attract tha music lovers of Portland. The famous Italian vio linist. Pletro Marino, and his aelect or chestra all this week. 68 Polk Pupils Pass. DAT.LAS. Or.. June 1. Pper-lal.) L MAYER I CO Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street A 4432. Main 9432. A Charge Account is unquestionably the source of much convenience. We solicit charge accounts from all respon sible parties. We give yon Talue, which has been instrumental in building the largest retail grocery business in the city. Call today. For Friday and Saturday we offer you : Button Mushrooms, regular 20c a can, at 3 cans for 50 Domino Matches, 6 packages 25 Safety Matches, regular 12V5c a package, at 10 Bent's Water Crackers, lb., 25 Tabasco Shrimps, regular 25c per tin, at 20t Canned Okra, regular 35c per tin, at 25c Esp berry" Juice and Grenadine Syrup for a cool drink, pt, 35 Lyon's Grape Juice, quart, 45? FOR Y0V3. SUNDAY DINNER WE OFFER Green and White Aurora Aspar agus. Fancy Wax Beans, Green Peas, Head Lettuce, Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Grape Fruit. Hood River Berries, Oranges, Apples, Cherries and Apricots. JUST RECEIVED Some "Real Bity New York' Cheese," Elite Brand Camembert, St. Johrisbnry Crackers, Chocolate Menier. Order a case of beer for Sunday. We carry all brantis. "A cordial invitation to the newcomer." ' ' jit yiife iff i NO BETTER EXAMPLE of ' n " value-giving could be found than the $20, $25 and $30 suits we are now selling; they stand pre-eminent in a c'ass by them selves. We display a very great variety of distinctive models for men and young men. In fit, style and service they offer to men of good taste the best pos sible clothes at $20, $25 and $30 Best suits that can be made are here in plenty, the best weaves of England, Ire land, Scotland and America are drawn on priced $35, $40 and $50. Of 182 eighth-grade pupils who were examined recently, 8 passed and It failed In only one or two subjects. Those who failed may try again June - WHERE JO DINE. ' All the delicacies of the season at ta Portland Bestsurent. Fine private apart sasnta for ladle sag Wash- near alb ec mm XtCicnzrp rwu HUH i5ummit QDuntr Get a Man's PORTLAND MON. & TUES. JUNE 5-6 100 ACTS IN 100 MINUTES ft Shirt. Every Summit Town and Country Shirt fits per fectly. I t's roomy and com fortable. The collar thats right on the shirt gives it that dressy touch, making it a soft shirt fit to wear without a coat. To be had in suitable fabrics in coat style, at all shops that sell shirts Guiterman Bros., Makers Saint Paul, Minn. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just eppoaha Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day op American Plan S3.00 a day up Hew ttd and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $300,000. Erery comfort and con venience. On carlinea trsjifcferrraf sll over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers, fi IferBooaJetwiuimapoxaansranciaoo M I xM m mm?- "ICt Time 'ou Chcned 'aliham" Send for Descriptive Booklet WALTHAM WATCH CO. Wakham, Maaa. WALTHARri i WATCH i "St F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING! ICE MAIN 62 2 A 3136 Liberty Coal & Ice Company TWIN' ELEPHANTS. 33 INCHES TALL STRANGE AND WONDERFUL ALSO HERD OF BIGGEST ELEPHANTS SUPERB. SPECTACULAR, ORIGINAL CIRCUS, 600 People, 450 Animals BABY HIPPOPOTAMUS 40-SELLS -FL0T0 CLOWNS -40 FIGHTING THE FLAMES Gorgeous Street Parade 1 0:30 O'CLOCK EACH MORN II. 3 eeneral Admission This Day and Date 10,000 Seats Twice It Former Size Bring all the folks and see for yourself a Fifty-Cent Cir cus for 25 cents. 2 Complete Per formances Dally. Rain orShlne, at 2 ana) S p. tit. Doors Open One Hour Earlier, "fAA Admitting of a Visit f the Big mt U Advance Seal Sale at Sherman, day & Co' It'a fOWNES That's all yon need to know about a SILK GLOVE Foster & Kleiser High Grade Commercial and Electrie SIGNS Eaet 7th aae Eart Everett Sta. Pbenes East 1111 1 B-3234. CCHWAB PRINTING CO MSOLICITS YOUR PATRON ACE 2 4 54: STARK STREET NICELLE OLIVE Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act. Made and bottled ia Nice, France, by the Union des Proprietaries de Nice. Made from absolutely "sound " olives. Pure and unadulterated. It has an unique and delicious flavor peculiar to itself. It is the vintage Olive Oil of Nice, the home of the olive. No acid, no fat just pure juice of the -world's finest olives. Your health demands that you -use the best There is pone "just as good." Bottles at 25, 50, 90 and $1.15. Full" measure tins, quarts, $1.25; half gallons, $2.75; gallons, $3.75. Five gallon tins at $3.40 per gallon. Telephone us your order now. Agents for Portland, . Sealy-Lowell Co. GROCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS. 288-290-292 Stark St. Phone Main 7200; A 6181. Honey 2? 5th n-Glov "The Onyx Hosiery Shop" "Gloves for the Populace $1.25 Chamois For the fifth remarkable Hand-in-Glove Sale, genuine French chamois gloves for women, with one-clasp JoVCS lt 95c fastening; come in white, cream and natural colors ; regu- Q, j- lar $1.25 values, for Friday only, the pair. . . .-. tOC Women's 75c Silk Hose 49c Pair Pure thread silk hose for women, made "with double lisle tops, heels and toes. Full length legs. Come in black, and all colors; worth 75c the pair, Friday at... 49c syj- fV. o e-s-ir-iicofr f 14 wiI1 aJd to Tour i61"65' this OC IlcLt101SCa.tC special -when we tell you that these t are genuine KATSER chamoisette. T Ifiirpai 4ftC Paif Ideal gloves for summer wear. Guar U1UVC -a-JV anteed to wash. Come inO white or natural eolor. Regular price is 75c the pair. Special. . "OC 309 Morrisoa St. Opposite Postoftlce. r .111)11. 11 m i "I ii.laUHJs. ITHWI 1 1 1 Hal I fc ? Vi V aa4jgaapaaaijj..Jiv jiui.ij.Mai 'a mf A motor truck with a straight path of power "White" WHITE MOTOR CAR COMPANY Sixth and Madison, Portland, Oregon .'m w i ll sauil;eit(HMHW -Hi i r.- Samuel H. Schwartz LADIES' TAILOR - (Formerly With Mrs. Dlchburn.) Am Making Special Price on All Suits. 423 FUedaer Bids;., lota aad Waahlngtea MaKe Your Collections . Carry Your Business. Get the Money In. NETH a CO., Colleetera. Worcester BldaT. - Mala X7SV A X2S x