t . TUT! MOUSING OREGOXIAy. THURSDAY, JTJXE 1. 1911. ll I. " 1,1 1 ll NOB DISPOSE OF HOTEL SHARES Negotiations Completed. Giv ing Day Brothers Owner ship of Portland. CHANGES TO GO FORWARD Minority Shirk Holding Skid o Hate Bea Transferred oa Baal of f 1,100. 0O Valuation lor Vholo rTop-rljr. Xeaotiatlons for the purchase of the Nomio brother' Interest Id the Hotel Portland property, which had ben pending sereral dsrs. war cloaea yea- larday when Harry U Pay and Eugene Spokane mining man. contracted to taka orer iba 4 charea of stock of tha hotel company from the Normans. Tha consideration waa not announced, bat It U understood that tha Norman hold ings wra transferred on a baala of !.:. aa a valuation of tha antra property. Edward Borea. representing tha Daya. and lr. Ft- IL Elila, who la Interested la tha deal, refused ta erlTe oat any de talla of tha tranaactlon. although neither ma'le denial that tba Kornaiia had disposed of thalr taoldlngn. Mince tha Daya and Nonnane botacht tha property mora than a year ax a, there u dl. icrecm.nl between tba two fartlona over control of tha com pany. Each faction bought aharea of atock. tha two remaining aharea be ing held by Kleckenateln Mayer, of Portland. Thla firm refused to dispose of tha atock at the time other atock. holdera transferred their aharea to tha Days. Tha nays succeeded later In ee- curlnc tlia two aharea. With these two aharea. tha Pays repreaented SI per rent of tha atock of tha company and were enabled to obtain full control of the property. Suits were begun In tha Circuit Court by aome of tha stockhold ara In tha original company to racorer poaaeealon of tha certlftcatea, ona of tna aulta being orer tba certificate laaued to Kleckensteln Mayer la tha early history of tha hotel company. Differences over tho control of tha company art said to have led to tba re- ttremenc of tba Norman a. with tha Iare now virtually la complete owner, ship. It la probable that plans of re modeling tha present building and con structing a 10-story annex will so for ward. Sidney Norman, nephew of tha Nor man brothers, la understood to bava negotiated tha deal for hla unelea. Ha la Interested In mining- promotions at Fpokane and Loe Angelea. Mr. Norman refuaed last night to (Ira out any la formation In regard to tho sale. OREGON TRIMS CALIFORNIA Berkeley Tram Whitewashed nd Eugene Scorea Nine. UNIVERSITY Or OREOON. Eugene. Or.. May $1. (Special.) Oregon'a baae ball players won the first Kama of too series against tha University of Caitfor. Bla hero today t to . Tha (coring bean In tha second In. Bins; with a two-b(Ker by Mount, with two men on baaea. A hit by Roberta a moment later waa fumbled la tha cen ter field and tha Oregon maa managed to reach third safely, driving two men home ahead of him. Allen, of California, mada a three bagaer la the third and both bases were filled behind him. bat Oregon managed to prevent rnn from scoring, ime mora run waa mada by Oregon In the fourth and a bitting festival In tha fifth ran the score up to eJsht- Tha final run waa mada In tha eighth. Jamison pltcnad tba entire game for (irnoo and 'orksr held tha box for California Kelly, of California- and Van Marter. f Krrcon. were umf Ires. Oregon and California are now tied and If the former carrlea tho gam Thursday It will bo entitled to claim tha J'aclXlo Coast, championship, nummary: 11 H. E-l R. H. E. Oregon .... 1 .California .. 4 Patterlee Jamison and Taylor; For ker and f toner. 3 OREGON BANKS NAMED Hood River, McMlnnvlllo and Marahnenrrotomeea Selected. WASHINGTON. May L Poatmaater. General Hitchcock today announced tha designation of 74 mora second-class poat. offices, scattered In 41 etatea, as portal aavlnga depositories, eflecttva June ST. AsR the number were the follow ing: U v tngaton. Mont.: Hood River. He MinavU'.a and Marahfleld. Or., and Port Townsend. Wash- HILL PLANSBIG MERGER tCentlaqed From first Page. I'liv-growing country may make on It. and st the aama time to maintain tha Ml Meet and moat efficient standard of aerrtce. Future Issuance of bonds against property acquired la safeguarded ty tha restrictions usually found In mortgagee -of thla hind. The bond Issue has been decided npon at the present time because the recent trust decisions are believed to legalise a merger of the Great Northern and Bur lington, while Joint ownership of tho PurHngton might be condemned. Hence tie i;reat Northern plan to buy out tha Northern Pacific Interest In that road. DIVORCE MAY BE COMPLETE Hill .May Bay Out All Northern Pa. rifle Intrrest.a. Xs a reault of the S0.OS.O4 bond Issuo made yesterday by the Great Northern Railway for tho purpose of taking up tha mortgage against tha Burlington road and relieving tba Northern Paclllc of responsibility In connection with that line. It la expect ed that tha Northern Pacific also will be eliminated from te affairs of the North Dank and tha Hill roads In Ore gon, tn which It la a Joint owner with tha Oreat Northern. Theae are the Oregon Electric, the United Railways, tha Oregon Trunk, tha Pacific East ern. The PeJlea at Columbia River Nav igation Company and tha Spokane at Inland Empire, It la believed that In view of tho re cent Supreme Court declalona against the oil and tobacco trusts, tba Hill In teres is are endeavoring to avoid com plications by aggregating tha affalra of tha Northern Paclflc and Great Northern aa soon aa practicable. "The fact that tha bond Issue was made so large ta not significant." de clared a well-known railroad lawyer yesterday afternoon. "It does not mean, necessarily, that tha full amount authorised will be laaued. The amount required to redeem tha Burlington mortgage will bo Issued at ones and tba balance may not be offered for sale for many years. Subsequently. If mora money Is needed, additional bonds of thla aame lasua can bo placed on the market. Tbey wUl still have Brat mortgage security. " Should only tho amount needed bava been laaued now, subsequent Issues would have to bo secured by a second mortgage. In vestors always are reluctant about pur chasing second mortgage bonds." Carl R. Gray, president of tha North Bank road and the Hill lines la Oregon, aald last night that ha had not been Informed of tha Great Northern's In tentions to Issue bonds and concluded that, further than to taka cars of tha Burlington Indebtedness, no Immediate plana bava been mada for using tho money accruing from tha sale. If tha Northern Pacific la eliminated rRF.IIDE.Vr OF BABT HOTsR EXPECTS llaSM WILL BE RAISED OX TAG DAT. Dial a a Cheat a for Tags. Tuesday. June . will ba tig day for tha Baby's Home. Eaat T h I r t y-eevanth and Ellsworth streets. Tho tags will also bo sold In booths In many of tha principal stores of tha city throughout tho remainder of tho week- Mrs. XX C Burns, prealdent of the board of directors of tho Institution, expects that tlO.Ota will bo raised. Last year tha event waa held oa September 17. and receipts were I4.&00. One of tbo Improvements contemplated at the homo la a four-room boa pi tai for bablea suffering from Infectious disease. It Is esti mated that It will coat 11508. Tha tag this year will be In tha form of a postcard showing a baby's faca In tho canter of a rose. from ownership in tha local lines, as has been suggested, then tha Great Northern win have to reimburse tho Northern Paclflc for its Investments. It is estimated that 150.000.004 will cover these and a part of the K00.000. 004 bond isaus could bo uaed to repay the Northern Pacific Future extensions then would bo car ried on with Great Northern capital alone. In that event. It la predicted, tha Oregon lines would become mora closely allied with the parent road. Tha Burlington Is likely to become a part of the Great Northern system as another result of the bond Issue. This road then can bo used In the ambitious schemes of tha Hill organisation fur ther to Invade tho West and tho North west. Entrance to California is mora likely to be effected through the Bur Itngton than through tho Great North ern or any of Its mora direct connec tions. Tho recent unofficial announcement that tha Northern Pacific Is to route Its paasengsr bualness between St. Paul and Chicago over the Northwestern in stead of over tho Burlington, in tha light of tho bond issue, appears to bo anotner step tn tha general plan to have too Great Northern-Burlington system separated entirely from tho Northern Psclfle. 37 INDICTED AT TAGOMA St CEXSrS P ADDERS SAID TO BE I.VCLUDEJD. Names of Person Accused Are With held and Officials Are Silent. No A treats Made, TACOMA. Wash, May 1. Although It waa said at United States Marshal F. 8. Crosby's ofneo this afternoon that Immediate action would bo taken on tho IT Indictments returned by tha Fed eral grand Jury thta afternoon. If of which. It was given out. are In con nection with alleged cenaua frauds In Tacoma. no arresta have been mada and tha names of tha Indicted have not been divulged. Federal Judge Han ford, under whose direction the grand Jury waa empanelled- tha District Attorney and tha Marshal were all silent when attempt waa made to learn If tha .report that persons other than enumerators had been indicted. There were TS enumerators at tha time of the census taking. Many of these left tha city, bat arc said to be under surveillance, Tho grand lory Is still considering alleged census padding In Seattle, Ever ett and Bellngbam. It is understood of the Indictments returned today four accuse outsiders. Tho nature of the Indictments Is not known. CHAUFFEUR IS DEFINED Attorney-General Gives Opinion Be Is Anyone Operating; for Hire. PAJ.EM. Or, May II. (Special.) "Chauffeur" under tha terms of the I new motor vehicle lava Is anyone who operates a motor vehicle for hire. Thla eztanda to the owners of such vehicles. Suck Is tha gist of an opinion given by Attorney-General Crawford today for tho benefit of Sec retary Olcott. OLD THICK WORKED How Portland Jeweler Was Robbed in Paris Is Told. GEORGE FETY VICTIMIZED Paris Correspondent of The Orego Blan Glvea Details of Way Plau sible Strangers Got $300 of Oregon Man's Money . PARIS. Msy 1. (Special.) Because ha has or had an abiding faith In the honeaty of bla fellowman. George Faty, a Jeweler, of Portland. Or Is H200 poorer today than ha was yesterday. Tha vehicle employed In separating him from his money was tha old confidence trick which la frequently worked In Paris with Americans aa victims. Fety. who came to Paris several days ago to spend a part of his vacation, was strolling In tho Grand Boulevarda yesterday morning when he met a plausible "gentleman" who represented himself as an English merchant, alao "seeing" Paris. Hia conversation waa entertaining and they became quit friendly. The two were near tha opera when a man In front of them dropped a pocket book well filled with papers. Tha "English merchant" darted forward, picket up the pocketbook and handed It to tha owner. The latter waa profuse In hla expressions of gratitude, com plimented the "merchant" on bla hon esty and aald that ho waa an American visitor and would ba delighted If hla two new-found friends would Join him In a drink. "Philanthropist" Explains Hobby. Tha throe repaired to a nearby cafe, where the American. In tha course of tha conversation, aald that ho bad re tired from bualness and waa now de voting himself to philanthropy. Ho had at hla disposal large sums which had been subscribed for Indian tribes men aced with famine. His difficulty waa In finding trustworthy persona to take tha money to America, where It could be properly distributed. Then suddenly It occurred to him that Fety and tha "English merchant'' were Just tba men he wanted. He bad Juat had proof of tbo "English mer chant's" honesty and ha was prepared to liberally remunerate them for any trouble they might take. But It waa necessary that they should have as much confidence In him as ba in them. Fety's companion aald he had abso lute confidence and to prove It handed the "philanthropist" his pocketbook. containing 2000 Fety felt constrained to do tho same, tho amount In hla pocketbook being $1200. Fety Waits In Vain. There was a little more conversation and then the "philanthropist" asked to be excused for a moment while ha stepped out to buy cigars for the party. The "English merchant" audcenly re membered that he bad to go to the tele phone. Fety waited a long time for them to come back, but neither ap peared again. The Oregon man told the police of his experience and gave them a de scription of his "friends." Tha "Eng lish merchant" speaks with an Irish ac cent. Is about 4S years old. is tall, wears a short moustache and has gray ish hair. Tha "philanthropist" is about 40 years of age. la abort and thin, baa a email moustache and reddish blonde hair. Both are well dressed, as they can afford to ba News that Mr Fety had been robbed In Paris was brought to The Oregonian first In an Associated Press dispatch. "Cornell mj 711 HATTard EUh! And all the otbars .But Mined on Com9- Kairs JSnaafaat tar ft Tag I'll b flrat to cross Um naB. . Speak up loud Whcn you ask for Campbell's Tomato Soup' make it plain that CampbeWs i t what you want. No use accepting any second-best when you can have the best. Insist on B TOMATO OOP There's a flaror and richness about this incom parable soup that is the envy of soap-makers everywhere. Judge it for yourself. The same with any of Campbell's Soups. You are the judge. 21 kinds 10c a can Jutt add hot water, bring to a boil, and serve. Joseph Campbell Company Camden It J - Look for the md-and-whito label s'' L-l Jv -i-T- Ay SB ' SB - m mm The foregoing mall dispatch giving particulars is from a Paris corre spondent. EARNINGS HALF MILLION OREGOX ELECTRIC PAYS TAXES OS MORE THAN $800,000. Oregon & California Files Figures at Salem Showing Gross Receipts of Nearly $10,000,000. SALEM. Or., May C (Special.) Re porta of the Oregon Electric and the United Railwaya were filed with tho State Tax Commission today. For 1310 the report of the Oregon Elec tric shows total earnings of 5S8.2S7 with operating expenses of C6S.736. The net earnings are shown to be $347,288 and the total Income 248,74 Tho value of the equipment is placed at J&K.009. The taxes tor 1910 were 122. iSit or practically double the taxes of the year previous. Tha United Railways shows earnings of with operating expenses amount ing to $56,604. The net Income was $108 and the taxes amounted to 84368. The Oregon A California shows gross earnings of 89.0S2.t with operating ex penses amounting to. $4,727,380. The total Income was $4,360,118 while the taxes Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much sickness ttsrts with weak stomach, and consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and psie-people Isck good, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating ior, after all, a maa can be no stronger than his stomach. A remedy that makes the stomach strong and tbo liver active, makes rich red blood and overcomes sad drives out disease-producing bacteria and oares a whole multi tude of Cef r-fsf roar Stomack We m tar am mad Llroe Lamlatsa by tmklni m coops' of Dr. Plorcm'm Goafear Wsafcs Dlmeorerr tmm treat Stomacm Kamtormtira, Ltrar larliarator mad Blood Ceanser. Yea can't afford to accept any medicine of mnhmomm OTSBattnes aa a subs ti ruts for "Golden Medical Discov ery," which is a medicine or known courotmos, bsvinf a complete list of ingredients in plain English oa its bottle-wrapper, same being attested as correct under oath. On. PUrvt'l PUamaat Ptlltta ngalmf aad latlgormf Stomach, jj , User aai Bowals. YE OREGON GRILLE. A namo synonymous with all that's high class. During the past six years we have established an enviable repu tation as purveyors to those who enjoy the very best the market a.roras. our musical programmes also are of such a character aa to attract the music lovers of Portland. Tha famoua Italian vio linist. Pletro Marino, and hla select or chestra all this week. Portland Cricket Club Wins. The Portland Cricket Club won from the Multnomah rrlcketers on Decora tion day to 8a. Two Innings ware played, . $$$ In Chickens and Poultry $$$ For the Loyal Household LOTiXTr There is no nobler word in the English language, there is no trait or character more aamirea. otbuiuju CLOSE-Df ACREAGE while you still have the opportunity, at our moderate prices and terms is LOYALTY to your family depending upon you, and to those who will come after, and are to enjoy the greatness which is in store for this favored land. Poultry raising is an attractive occupation. A ready market for eggs and poultry at Portland and the favorable climatic conditions make this a desirable business to engage in. Prob ably no other outdoor vocation requires such small capital to gtart and returns such large profits for the amount invested. There are many other profitable items to be derived from suburban acreage. Come in and let us tell you more about thenf and how to make it more self-supporting, enabling you to save your entire month's salary- In addition, great speculative feature is in store for those able to realize possibilities and ad vantages in acreage close to Portland with good electric car service. . Some acreage have much larger future speculative possibili ties than others, where a few hundred dollars rightly invested today may bring many thousand dollars in a few years. It s the safest investment and values are BOUND TO GROW. Our 1, 2, 3 and 5-aere tracts, $190 to $300, easy terms, will interest vou. Only 1 to 6 blocks from electric car station. Call, phone or write us. DO IT XOW. VTe show these tracts week davs or Sundays. Pitch your tent on one of these tracts and spend the Summer months there, where all the family can enjoy the pleasures and benefits. You will never afterward be with out close-in acreage. Office open evenings. J. W. Hef f erlin Realty Co. 203 Corbett Building. Both Phones. OME FOURTH (dlMdHiifii Las! o 9 Tailored Bulb $25.00 Suits $18.75 $27.50 Suits $20.50 $30.00 Suits $22.50 $32.50 Suits $24.50 $35.00 Suits $26.75 $40.00 Suits $30.00 $45.00 Suits $33.75 $47.50 Suits $35.50 $50.00 Suits $37.50 $52.50 Suits $39.50 $55.00 Suits $41.75 $60.00 Suits $45.00 (No Billies, Bl&dk or WM4es Imcladedl in Uses Sale) No Clfosnrge for AltoaftSomis i These suits surpass in elegance and fashion those shown in other Portland shops Honesty in store smmsigement is & guarantee for (Ike goodls it namdHes. Pursmng onar policy off sSrict Saoisesty, we do mot use tine word 'Val ues." It is worse tlkan meaningless. We quao&e original prices and actual reductions EEM SE LL!M LEAMMG CLOTHIER Morrison at FourtHi amounted to RS9.46T, aa apalnst 2M.6H paid the year previous. The net earn ings per mile for this road were $6455. The Pacific States Telephone & Tele graph Company's gross earnings during 1910 were $1,661,309 and the operating ex penses $1,201,938. The total cost of tho properties of the company in Oregon was $5,489,881. The taxes last year were $52,428, against $40,100 for the year before. The total Income of tho company is placed at $359,371. Track Prepared for Meet. OREGON CITY, Or.. May 31. (Spe- clal). The track and grounds are be ing pat in condition for the horse show and race meet to be held next Saturday. About 35 horses have been shipped to Canby, and more are expected to ar rive tomorrow. A big fox hunt will be held In the evening . It Directly Affects You. The politicians who prepared the ordinance proposing heav ily to increase the already enormous taxes now paid by this com pany have stated- that it will tend to lower your own taxes by. compelling others to provide the money. As a matter of fact, YOU KNOW BETTER. YOU KNOW IT WILL NOT MAKE ONE CENT'S DIF FERENCE IN YOUR TAXES. On the other hand, it will PREVENT THE EXPENDITURE OF A LARGE SUM OP MONEY IN THE IMPROVEMENT OP THIS COMPANY'S SERVICE AND' FACILITIES. This will be no advantage to you. It will be a detriment. You have a right to know in what respect the voting of this tax will be a detriment. Here are the facts: When this company issues bonds for improvement and better ment work, it is distinctly provided that 75 per cent of that amount may be raised by the sale of the bonds, while the balance, 25 per cent, must be appropriated from the earnings of the company. If the earnings of the company are reduced by having to pay more taxes, it makes it that much more difficult to comply with the rule regarding the raising of money by the sale of bonds. In other woiSvERY DOLLAR TAKEN FROM THE EARNINGS OF. TIHS COMPANY ABSOLUTELY PREVENTS THIS COM PANY FROM BORROWING THREE DOLLARS; THUS, FOUR DOLLARS OF IMPROVEMENT WORK MUST BE ABANDONED FOR EVERY DOLLAR THAT IS DEDUCTED FROM EARNINGS IN THE NATURE OF ADDED TAX. The abandonment of improvement work is a serious matter in a city that is growing by such prodigious leaps and bounds as Portland is. Another thought. " We have shown that it is the policy of this company to RE INVEST SUBSTANTIALLY ALL OF ITS EARNINGS in the betterment of the service. To the extent that you impose a re striction upon its earnings, to that extent do you ACTUALLY: HANDICAP THE WORK OF IMPROVEMENT. To vote in favor of increasing the already huge' taxes of this company, therefore, would injure the service, the city, AND YOURSELF. That's the way it affects you. WE ONLY ASK A SQUARE DEAL NOTHING MORE. VOTE 131 NO! Portland Railway, light & Power Company (Paid Advertisement.) "