Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 01, 1911, Page 21, Image 21

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All Kinds Higher on the Local
Vrlcr Are llrm In tin? Kat aod
Have a Vpward Tendency.
Tannrrs r Itafrt and
Packer Strong.
A ubatantlal advaac oenrT4 fa hl4
a food 6 ! f Ufa and wtth cacdltlaaa at
- t trm, th aroapvct la for atlll battar
prtraa tm tha aar futora.
Nat bab7 atdea ara cam taf forward, aa
1hr ara ararc la tha country, awtn to tba
lataaaaa of sraaa thia yaar. Thta aaa a
tDdary ta maka tha mark, flrtaar. thoach
tha ranJ at ran ft cornea from tha tmprava
aat tm tha Cut. Taaaara ara taking- bald
mora fra y an d aac- k ar h td a ara ar ore b
caaaidarahir mora. Tnla soTarna tha piica
af cooatry aMva, which ara larger oaat ta
hra. Local arr ara saw paxtv
casta for aaJtad hitS-n. IS caota for calf. 10
coat for alp and cnt for Mvr. Pry
ahaaa paita ara a".o Brmr at 10 enta.
JL lata mail report from Cblcaro ara of
tha Eaatara bldo inarkat:
Tha dornate hida rorhta eonttnoa
at ran r and. wfiila tha da&and for packer
hMa ta tha vt la mora or m con.rT,
llv. parkra art now :. ao'I up ! data
And art la a Ttry lnlepc nl-nt palta r-
ardiar aw boaiaaaa. further advancaa
hva la bo:4 la moat varitlra A-ta
Mr aatrva mmti hava ao:d at 14 Ve. with
or y Wr at Mc. an1 th pa bora ara
aow t:kir.r up to 15c for further lots of
f Jklft-a ,urrnt atittrc heavy 1saa
oid up to 14 V- and Mr butt brands nr
aow baJd at IS?. Nativ wi coat In ua
tha Mm atrunc position lormrty
aad May taka-orr itht wsujnia a
rouihi tba man Ccur of 13tr.
( ouatrt .ultra rnatiaua at ran aad hava
araia adtant'a. wttb a.a of current n.a
In af butts and hsavr coaa at IK. run
am lara.r No. 3. aa irilnvt last sat'S at
tOc I atm-Am rtcan Ury hi-Ua ar la
TAA.l Supply and arua qurtra slilbl-y
axmsr aa thsa. atthouah no !- ara ra-
p.rtd at aa rhR from laat Millar ra.
wbicb rproatl arai dee. in of He
Tba calfskin st'.uatloa la dcMy atron.
both for domMtt; aad forstaa aktna. N
York Cttjr c:bira bava a-ld at aa au-
aac of ...? to a aplK-a to tanarra. ana
nn dfi ara nosr poytnr a further eni
4riBr br tha puad to tho aa'.v-nara. pui
line prca Bp to 21c for No. 1 skioa. litsbar
Tpi la teat dvrlopBint la tha foralra
mrkI la ino report that dirotte tanara
ron:ra.-td for fuiiy 1.0JW.0v dry skins
al fall prtra.
Vlralbar la Oraosi Idawl for too Crap.
lorHaw Cooitiias.
W author coaditions cooJd oat bo battar
for ttvm h p crop ta Oraoa. THa vloaa
-w maklar ap Joat tlrma by rroarlac rap-
M7 aad tho far mars ara faallna; mora aa
Co buainaaa la baiar doao or attamptad
IB future. a rrowara ara axcaadlnrty bolliab
ta thoir Uwo. Tba only racant tranaactloa
rof too vti tha poc haaa by B. X
Mitirbmr af a carload of 190a at 9 coi
Tho Ka:tah Obaorror of lay 19 aays af
tha Enrtsh crop:
T rental wvathar of tha past wak has
Bcottru! tha srowtb af tba hop aboota.
aad tha ahowera ha a boaa vary baaaddaL
Too tyars ara aacttnc quit a boar ta all
tho p aataiioaa. A faw apbtdas bava boaa
aa bars aad Ibaro ta blaat aad aoaaax
la WorcootaraMr rood pToaTTaas baa boaa
snado by tha biao. wblcb. bowavar. ta U
Park ward atato com pax ad with aa avorara
WrtUnr from A loot undar data of May XX
Cuat da Cooaacko Vaadrabsascho aajs a
row roaditioao la lw;tuna.
I ba taitsd tha hop n! da. and avary
wbaro Ibaro is aa appaaraova of tho aphts
f r: a aoma af tha vrmn has ai
radr baa fuand. Tho ituatioa ia ara
koiMtv tnJ imaala crful attention.
Our markst baa aoeoma vary nra aaai
a Hora aro rT cutlu and roaervel. Hujr-
0-0 off ta vwla iS ft fraat-i for O tooar anj
Kovetaoar ! I ert-a T ta EncUsCi demaad
roaunu-a fr tha leld hop. f.r porketa of
:emor aad tha Brat fortalabt of octooor
a(toriea thoro ara a auabor of buyara, but
ao I ara feer rafaao tbHr tf ?ra.
Ta snow you tno Brsinroa or tna mai
Ca mar a eta. a fiad of mia rocoatiy la
rafuaod tha orrr oC o laxaa arow
mrf for a lot of aararal buadrad Paioa of
Tno toiuDorataro m favorabia tor tho co-
aa.opmont of tha plant aad tha batchlar of
ta vermia. tha wia4 la la tha aortneaat aao
ta aky la clauJr aad awriny. a hava had
fr atorma witbla tha laat xoor aa.
A small f a port from Mallard a a. Bsrarla,
Ooapita tha cold and wat of tha past
tv inur. boDS la thta district havo mado
fair atari sad lob heaJthr. althourh
Srowtb lo rat.lar n. la a few aaruena
1 bao fttlc4 aa altaca 04 ina oraasv
bop f tnoctnwalta ronclnrai. bat a !
It seaia to r ta doao lltt o Oauiara.
Waathor rorr.iTi mro wrv fTratia ana
k la tha bop rardana la wall la hand.
rrxsuxo or oath ails ab90bbu.
Wooo U rrm Hh Nad
Marti Paslaaas
Tha oral fra!a m-at was TttWt yao-
torday. Wheat was Bra Kb small do
mand aad amailer piTrinci Tho atransth
an las tnfioenoo rftho Peattla mUltar mar
bet la still fs:t her.
Oa.s oar ateaJy. A Bumbor of Ta!!y
bolder sro aow ceaalra up their supptlso.
hot to demaad la saff latent to ahaorb ail
tho ofrortns.
Vry iMt.m bar!y ts rhaarlnr baBds.
tra raca'p'a la car war roportod by
tho btarchaDta ri-hanr aa follows:
1Vrtat Harley FMurOata Hay
7 1
3 14
Z 14
Pp 13f
I rowt Mrvot Ha TU Trodo fat Orvwaoi Bd
4 at If ara to trait.
:rw harr.ea wer lower all around yes-
terv!ay. Tba aetnaaa waa neavy acJ su p-
p'ta war amp.. K-?ta t
prohab!y bo vvry larc. vrr rv bvrrlo aoid
tt i to P a crta. aoconiins to a iai-
jty. v'aitf-vraiaa Mu(At si ant 1.0.
Tba day's rv:pta ia other ;iaea war
eTT. laclaiJlnr trc cara af oran-a. two
ear of red onions and on car each of
crystal was aniona. Tetaa Bw po:atoe. Par
ramanto auied verrtab ra. Flat lutcb cb
haa aad Vor-da ?niAtoa. Aont today's
rec:pta wu. a a cr pi uu.iiiat mw
pot a a and outhra ialifrnta ca&ara.
ratlara flard lo Kovo at TtH to tS Costa
t-cra rirBa.
Bh-v pts of poultry waro larsa yaatarday
ttl tho market waa watk.
BrUra spcailT wera bard to dwpoao
of aid were raducvd to Z '-t tt 5 coats.
Hen war quoted at Kill? cent
T.a markat was l'iara.;y stov bed with
dreaaotf anea.a nuucb af It of poor qua:: 17.
wbicb id aoaatdarabfy balow tho qwoia
tica aa fancy.
Orr w ranch sera www trm aad wa
tt aacod.
Butter and chaoao war qaotod staatfy.
Hialsrs Badeoao bctteai Tmkea by AathoHtft
Too Laraalir.
Aaathar car af Tsaa bow patatoos waa
aoodemnad yaaterday bv tho hortlralturaJ
kifdMit'ea, bocauso af tKa p-varco of pw
Tievlay SI !
TV.:oealay ... 2$ 1?
e-r a 4 1 .1
PaoaO) ta data 1 ttl2
1 ear aa .... Sc: l: li
tmto bur a&d tha coatcats of tha car was
ardarad dastrayad by tho staamlnr proo
Aa infest car that arrtvad MoBday mora
tsa waa alao daatroyod.
Prodvco j oh bora em Froct stroot conoid ar
thta method of kaeptnr tho post out of Oro-
aon as too draatle. Tha bars ara vtao feoa
r wad do aot attack tho potatooa. Ob tbo
shipmmts rocalvod they havo boaa found
ithar oa tba sacks or ta tho cracks ta ths
t manor of tha car. It ts pointed oat that It
ta aaneceoaary to daetroy tho potatooa. as
they caid bo rvaackod at tho car door sod
thaa tho discarded sacks aad Interior of ths
tar thoroorhly steamed. This would aooom.
puah tho desired result aad sare a heavy
loaa ta tha dealer.
Derlls ta Tarpowthia.
A decline of 2i eonts per ralloB la tur
pantlao was an a 00 need yesterday. Tba naw
prlcva follow: Caawo. 7 casts: wood bar-re-j.
14 casts: Iron barrels, T3 casta; 10-
cas lots. Tt cents.
Park cleorlnrs of the Ndttbwestarn cities
yaatarday war aa follows:
larlnn. Balances.
Pont and J? T"l.' ir.UJ
Ceat'le l,7I..-.d 1T.2
Tacoira o.-
hokaoe bo.1
Total bank rlearirtrs of fort land In U
1P11 were 444 M.7.47. which compai
with $n.3yK,S' 11 in May. lelw. and
304.061. 1 la Kay. lPOw.
Cradm, Flewr. Fad, Eto.
w hpiT Track rjficas: Blaeatam. We
crab, lac; Rvsslaa, 14c; VaUay. tic; 44 fold.
It a R LF T Cholcs feed. ?f2S0,
Uil 'JiTirnU-Hrtn. l.'iM)S 2S Dr tea
mlddiinse. 131: short. 2.ft4w; rolled
barley. SJP.30 b JO yo.
H.OLR Pateata. 4. 5 par barrel
straichta 92 i: ei ports. x0: valley. 4-aU
eraham. II SO: Whale wheat. $4.74.
CVRV-W hole. Cracked. $0 par ton.
OATS No, 1 white. f:9 to-
ii at Tinothr. tstarn Orecoa. No. 1
21 0 Ucht mUed. lv?0; heavy mixed,
SU io l-viv; al.' elf a. ia13.0; clover,
11S. SOB 13, grata hay. Sii-MJ
Teareaablea mm4 rralta.
Tonnirn. vni'lTq Oranrea S
t SO per box: California arapefru
iafi: bananaa. StSe per pound: pl
app i "a. tf per
'I:KSU t'RLIT titrawberrieo. Urvroo.
. . a. e. n4 -
rle. $ttf3 j-er bos; cherries. fl.tf3 Pr
VEGKTABLEU Aspararus. ftATSc par
dnxen: beana. 13 tic: cabbara, I J per
bundradwaUrht: cucumber. 11.0 per
. - i. 1ft A l
per pound: lettu. KtrUc per dasen: hot
house lettuce. SI 25tf 1.75 per bI. peas. IWi
per pouna; pepper. uf 7 kv'4""
tPhe. i:c per d.'n. rhubarb, lltvto Pr
i . aJ (A
PACK VKBTAHl.E-w carrots,
per sari; tornipa, ; wii, .
rOTATOES Oraro and Eaatera. 13-33
per hundred; new potatoes. i 2$ 0 -&0 par
ONIONS Cryatal wax. 13.60; yallow.
reu. aa per nunocvo.
Dairy anal Cowatry riodaaa.
POtXTRT Hens. If 0 17c; broUera. 124
Oler: du-ka. younr. :c; seeee, nominal
turkeva 2c: deasad Choice, :1c
tiKl Ores on ranch, candled. lie par
tfoaen; raae count, c par doaea.
til'TTKR City creamery extra. 1 and 1
poand prtnta, hi boxe. 34o per pound; leas
than box lota, cartona ano oeiivery extra.
CHKCrthV-FuU rroaJD, twins. ISO POT lb.
Tounr America, lttc.
I'liRK Fancy. I0l1e per pouBd.
VEAL Faacy. 10illo per pound.
HAMS lv to 20 pouada. la17o.
fUapee Grorwrlaa.
FALWON Columbia Rlvar. 1-pound tails.
$1 to per doan: 3-pound tails. 3.0: 1
pouad fata. X40; Aiaaka pia 1-pound
taMs. ft 2i.
COFFEE Roasted, hi druma. 33 9 14c par
NI TS Walnuts. 17H 41I par pound;
Prasfl BUta. 14l: fltherts 10c; aimoaoa.
Iter lie: peenna. lie; cocoanuts. 4c0$l per
dusen:-rhaatnuts. UH par pound; hickory
But. .oWOc per opund.
HONE T Choi re. 13 73 par case; strataod
boney "a par pound.
6ALT Oranulated. 113 per toa: half
ground, loo. v per ton: too. $ par too.
liEANH Small white. 4c: larra whit a.
4c; Lima. Sc: pink. ; red Aiexi-
cana. 0c; bayau. 6c
KICK No. 1 J span. 4e: ehoaper rraaos.
II Hlt U; Southra head. aHttlc: lm
ported Imperial. tc; Imported titrm Ko. 1,
T C.
KVOAR Try rranaiated, fruit and berry,
$a.40; yellow r. ta.70: powdered. 40.03.
Terms oa remit tanceo witbla 1ft dare, de-
da. t c per pound: if later thaa IA days
: 4 wit nin so aays. oeonet a par pouao
)iepn sugar, lsaj lac per pouBO.
Hop. Weal aad lflsVa.
rtori 111 contracts. Jtc per pound: Ivtt
crop. I rc ; ioy crop, litf lSc; olda. ioc
lloMAIR trioica aaatrwo pr pound.
tVOL Eaatero Orvren. IWfftt So per
pur.d. accord inr to shrlnkara; Valley. 14 4
IK? per pound.
FKI.T Pry. lac: aaltad lamb poita. ifto.
HI tt- halted hide. S P"r pound;
sailed calf. I &-. aalted kip. leo: aalted star.
c; green nidee, le leea: dry bidea, 17c,
dry ca:f. 17dlc: dry staca. 11011c
C A SO ARA PARK Per pound, ic.
ORALS BA04- Wheat. UAlii; aataV
rVo rial saw.
HAU. lO to 13 pounds. Idyi7c; 13 to
i pownda. i-B)0is: 14 lo i pounds, i"aj
oik; la to is pounds, lotfinc: skinaad.
J.-; plcnf'-a. 11 He; cot t as roll. 1C
HmOKKU MEATS lieef tonrue. ftc;
oricd bee eets, none: ouUldea, aoaa; la
stdea. T2t". knock lea. .
Ha CON Fanry. 3w . staadara. 34c
Choice. 3Jc; tns'ish. lc.
rRY 6ALT ct'KED Rerular short clears.
dry oaX Uac: smoked. Uc: backs. HrhL
salt. 11c: im.ked. 14 So; ba ks. heavy salt.
use; smoked, libs; exports, salt, lie;
l-ARO Kettlo rendered, flare. 11 e:
tuba, lie; choice, tierce. B c; tuba. 10 c;
tuba 11c- .choico tierce. tVe: tana, lue:
ahortBtnr.r tiarceo. tc; tuba. ObjO.
LIN'r.ED Otlv ruro raw. tn barrels. Mo:
bo. leu. la barren. 1 1.01 . raw, la cases, fit 4;
bo-led. In raaeOL 11.04.
TtH PaiNTI N E v'aaea, Ttc; wood barrals.
S iron Par re la c; is-caao lota. 7to.
oASOUNk Motor resoitne. Irua barrels.
ISc; caeca. 12c; 14 gaaoliBa, troa barrel.
fc: caaea. It Sr.
COAL OIL Ordinary teat, caaea. ItOltc:
bulk. In tanks. SSc bisb taau 14 Sc.
praerrw TrlnT to Gt ShlpmcnU
I rom Orrjron Market
I flrnwT.
SEATTLE. Slay SI. (Special.) Tho de
mand for strawberries today was far aaaad
of that of any previous day this seaaoa. Sup
pile wera nowhere near adequate. Florla
receipts were the Lrhtett la a a eefc. Seat
tle are ecdavorma to ret berriee In
lret-ia. tut so fr ha a bee a uasuccf uL
O.. shippers aent over about ! era tea.
lareeei lot yst marketed this aeaaon.
Nattvea eM at 94 to 4.SO aad ZoUars at
The market waa aain swamped wma aa-
pararua. Tha price of tba boat wwe ran
down to fl before nirht.
Lemons wer ia batter demand at tha pirn
prtco. Hue: nee In ail department was
brlk. Ther was BO iet-ap IB tho Alaska
Tta demaad for poultry a as o brisk that
bena wera enUreiy cleaned up. Iiroilara
were In axceaalro supplv aad dragrod. Veal
receipta ware a.eo baavy. Prtta raared
frerw ta to J2S coata.
Iba ft market was a Bttio firmer. Bat
ter rece.pia wer heavy. Local butter ta
now boioc aaed aim oat oroiualvelv ta this
There la a California demaad for blue
ta and prtcaa Jumped to pd coata today.
(Hher art-lee wer nachanred, oxcept red.
a i r ts be.d at ee ceuta a:s were dowa
to t and banay ap to $37 XX
Palttt rbax Market
TrtLTH Var 91 rial oa tva an! to
-a aad W r J ay. ashed.
aeptambec, Ld aaAed; October, 9L7.
Common Stock Loses
Points on the Curb.
Steel Give War Three Points Cn
dr Persistent Prare Union
P.clkJ and H1U Stock
Are Strong.
XEW TORK. Mar L PrlCM ot Mckl
flucttt.t.4 vlth con.ld.r.b. Uxl.r
ud tr.dl& wh mora Mtlv. and tidttd
than for . Ion timx -Tb dtcliloD ot tb.
'run Court la tb. America. Ttbuc.
m ud tb. ".xt.ii.loa of tb. pa mar
kef ta kmI and iron, both ot vhleb b
cara. known artw tb. eloM on Monday,
lvultod la much coofualon and a .bar,
cwfilct of .pculaUT. optnloa.
Th. niirkat opvacd wltb r.'iM'al ralaa,
iPt tor United State. Btel and th.
copper., Yijroroa. oatiaughta wbicb wer.
direct wltb partlcnl.r MT.rltr affalnat
United Blata. Steel, qulckljr cauMd a re
vereal and before trading wa. well under
way bearlsb noumtnt .a. predominant.
PTr. low., a are aujtained taroufb tb.
Th Mnaatlonal fluctuation! of th. day
wr. In Am.rtcaa Tobacco common oa tb.
"curb. The stock brok. rapidly after the
firet .ranaactlon. faltln. 10 point, or mere
btwa ulea, until It bad loat 82 polnta
trou iu openlnr quotation of oik), later In
th. day It rallied to 4JA. Tba preferred
atock. which la traded In on tb. tock ex- declined and the . per cent
bond. 7 points, to lu3. The break la price
of American Tobacco bond, waa du. to th.
belief that they might be redeemed at par
In connection with tb. dissolution of th.
iDinm comDine. aa oroerea oy me courts.
For th. sam. reason ther. waa a temporary
ruM of bfe potato In tb. per cent bonds.
to Ktli.
t'nlted States 8t.l car. war thre. points
under the persistent pressure Th. whole
list leu oack swiftly a. tb. Minns move.
ment gathered Tolum. .nd lars. block, of
at'Kk wer. thrown on th. market. Reading-
and Amalgamated Copper lost thre.
points sad almost all of th. other active
stock, from 1 to S polnta Kffectiv. support
was offered lata In tb. day whin short
cov.rlng .nd th. buying of long stock at
tn. lower price. causd a abarp recovery.
Union Pacific', early strength waa as
sociated wltb th. .ucmssful flotation of
the SZS.ono.OOO bond Issue of m subsldlsry,
which wa. over-subscribed, both here and rn
ionaoa. wner. a part ox th. issu. wa. ot'
frvd. strength of the Hill stock. In th.
late trading wa. concurrent with th. an
nouncement of plan, for aw financing on a
larg. seal..
Hoods wer. easy. Total sales, par valu.
$ United State, bond. war. un
changed on call.
Palca.. Rlah. Low. Bid.
Allta Chal pf .. 1.10 13 1 12 e'J4
Amal Copper .. So.3x S i. 041. 6Sh
Am Arrlcult .. loo bS M ilt
Am Beet Surer. 10.s0 bJ bli B2
American Can.. 5"0 lL'ie 11 lltj
Am Car Fdy. 1.4"0 i.'. S, M 03
Am Cotton Oil. 00 60V 51
Am lid Lt pf SXi
Am Ic. Fecuurt 1.100 10 19 1
Am Linseed 10
Am Locomotive 7"0 40 40
Am Sm.l at ltet lS.0O fS TSt TUI.
do preferred.. 3'0 let 10-1 lti
Am Ftael Fdy.. 1IK 43 43 4Z
Am Funr H.f.. T"0 )Oli 110 11S
Am T.l T.I.. 2'lO H, 14. 14S
Am Tobacco pf. J..V") loo M ft.
Am Woolen ... " tjl 3 S3
Anaronda U Co So lH
Atchison S3.VIO 11S 112H lljt.
do preferred.. loo loSV 103 103
All Coast Line. X"i 1-JI 12T4a 3-'7H
Bait A Uhle ... S.0VO 1UT 10 1"T
Il'thleh.m Rteel J-'S
Hrook K Traa.. .0 i T01 tv
Canadian Pae .. .10O 23 S.17S 23V
Central leather 3.T00 SI SH
do nreferred.. 100 102 103 lol
C.ntr.l of N J 24
Che. 4t Ohio .. 1.SOO Mli l
Chicgo Alton SI
Cbl Ul West 21
do Deferred. . 300 43 411a 42
Chic. .o A N W S"0 14 147 147
C. M A Ht Paul, tft.400 124 4 121 12
C, C, C 4 II U SO
Ol Fuel Iron loo s?v S3
Col Mouthers. 8"0 ti iuiv, M
Consol ties .... 11") 14(1 143V 144V1
Cora Product. l-O 13 14 . li
Del 4s Hudson.. Io 1TO o law
Dt R tirande.. S'.l 31 SOS. S0
do orcrerrwl.. .ix) eii nv
m.tlliers' becort ri7 S Srt
Erie !.!" S3 32'4 S3 tj
do 1st rr .... ." " i b-s
do SJ rf nn 40 4""
n.neral Klec ... 3 lHHk. IKI I'l.'.S
(It North pf ... 13.4O0 l.H lsti ISO.
f!t North tr. .. '0 02 Wi 81
llllno. C.ntraL. fo 13U 134. 13S
lnl-rbor Met ... oo 1SS 1"4
do pr.terreo.. b.' oi1.
Inter Harvester. 1-4 '. 1:4 S
Inter Udu pf 1U0 17 17 w 17
Int Paper ..... ..... US
Int Pump 1.400 40 40 40
Iowa Central .. It
K O Soulhera.. 100 S4 S4 S4V1
do Dreferrd.. Oi1.
Laclede On. ... 2"0 1'Xt". lod los
Loull NMb.. aUO 14T 140 147
Minn tt L 32
M. tt P 8 S M SVt 1! l.lflH 37
Mo. Kan Tex .tnt S4 84 H
do preferred.. l" m v ,
Mo Pacinc 4.10U f.0V 4 4B1.
Nat Hiecult .... 400 1;5 1:13 134
National Lwd . l.OOO So S4 Si S3
Mc N Hy i PI 8'KJ -. svv son
N T Central ... 1.7"0 1(7 low V 107
V T. Ont A We. loo 42V 4'U
Norfolk West 1.4"0 107. 1"7 10
North Am lort 73S 73S
Northern Pao .. XS,R 130V 127V, lSuS
Pacinc Mall .... Six 2.'. t. 24". 24 .
Pennsylvania ...11.0".) 121S 11 121 S
People's 0s . 4"0 lor.v, 103 103
P. C C M I... ina
Pittsburg CoaL. 7'X) -2 S SIS 22
pressed 8 car.. iu J. Jiev h
Pull Pal Car .. 100 H2e 12 J ISIS
Uy Fteel Spring. 2oo S3 SI V. 84
Heading -17S.4.K) l"i lftS 1.17V
Repub.le Uteel 1.70 SOV. 2i 2V
do preferred.. S"0 PS pr. .
Ko.k Island Co. l.fvO S3 SIS. SJS.
do nrefrrred.. I'M) r-i ad M
FtL.HFlpI TOO tl li -
Dt L Southwest. ..... Sit.
do preferred.. .....
Floes Sheffield IM 49 4,
Sou:hern Pao .. ll.rtoo US'. 117 US'.
Southern Ky .. 2 2 24
do preferred. ts . o.
Teon Copp-T ... 1.2 S'.l. S7 S7!4
Teas A l ao .. I0 17 27 27
Tol. St L We SI'S, 21 20 H
do oreferred.. l" " . .- e
Cnlan Tae 11S0 ll l-2 1S4;
do rrererrecL. i1"" s e.
tT S rtfllty ... 5O0 7i 77 7
U 8 Rubber ... 1.7O0 41 40 40a.
L 8 Pteel ne4.Mu is tow io-
do pref.rred.. 2.700 11S4 U 11
rt.h Copper . 12.00 4t, 4ft 4j 4T Chen. . .7oO 60 S &.
Wabash Id1 . 1 1
do prererreo.. i.wv e..
Weatera Jld ... ' H n lt
Westlr. Klec ..!...' "
Western Unloa . 0.400 M S04 81 S
Wheel A L K -ij;:: m:r .-i
LeMeh Valley .. K.IKIU "
TotaJ Mia. or tna oar. www luiw.
jcrtT TOBC, V.r 31. Closing quotations:
S. ref. 2. reg-ioov, N. T C. rn s. SB
An Mnnoo IOO.-' Vo. Pacific 3s . . . 7 1 ia
V. . Sa rec 101 No. Pacific 4s... 100
do coupon ...lo t nion caciiio ivi.
U. B. new 4S ref IMS Wis. CenL 4... 3',B
do coupon .. . IMS JpaaN 4. .... S$.
D. . R. U. 4. KB,
Btarkm at Bostora.
BOSTON. Stay SI- Closing quotations:
AliOtie. ........ , ........
A3.. Copper.. r.-.U Nevada Con. ... 1V
T Z. I. am.. rv;Nlplselnr Mine... 10H
isona torn. . . - " . . . . .
l.ntle 5 Nortb Lk. 7 V.
a C C M- 14S d Dominion. . . 43V
itt. Cos.ltlou. 1PV "Teceoia lort
L Arlrona. : ,Parrott S. C.) 12H
L A Hecla...43 Uulney. el-dlv... (Ins.
nter.n'.al .. .. 12S Shannon 11
t Kan. . to. e puii.iiur . . )j
Fu:t. Op. H- 12S !up A Bo. Mln..
,nkli lov,,Sjp A Pitt Cop. 1SS.
rem con S Tamarack H
h. con ... S4S C. S. A R- JL SSi
ra. CtluM. .! do preferred .. 4JV,
Kerr Lake I tan copper ca, 471,
. opp.r . . . . .. ,--?"- l
. v lorpfr e-a w.
laml Copper... IS VI
Voevry F irVaage, r.Ul.
artcwr WORK. Hit S 1. Money on calL
m"Sr. 1V.03. par cent, ruling rale, 2.;
offered. 31..
Tim. loer.a. frmsr: M dava, t. pW mat;
SO d.ja. 2V; months, SV.
Prime aiercanui. pap.r. .i ie-r cent.
CterUng webaxra easy, vlth actual bul-
nee. In bankers- Mils at S4.S439 for 0-dar
bills and at 14. 800 for aemano.
Commercial bills, S4.S3V.
Bar silver. &3Vc
ul... Mll.e. 4e
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds.
asy. I
LONDON. May S'- Bar stiver staady;
A LtM nee UontT 1 U O.r cent.
Tbe rate of discount in the open markat
for short btlis Is 2 1-3S per cent.
The rate of dlscrrunt In the open market
for 3-month Ml!s la 2 1-1 par cent .
SAN FRANCISCO Sterling on London. SO
nays. btertlng on Lonaon. stgat.
I4.j. Uralta, algnt. i: taiegrapu. -a.
CHICAOO. May fL Eichang. tm Now
York, 2eo premium
Cowdltiow mt tb. Traasnry.
Wlsm.voTOS. May tl. At tha begin
nlng of business today tb. condition of
tb. United state. Treasury was:
Worklnw ..i.t.e In Treasury of
fice JJ1.214.UJ
Xn banks and Philippine Treasury zs.4.o.i2
Total balance In general fund.... b:.sso.:4
Ordisarv reoalnta yesterday...... 3.474.734
Ordinary disbursements 1.17,417
Tb. surplus to data this fiscal year la aa aa-alnst a deficit of 111.154.-
141 at thkf time last year. These figure.
axclud. Paaama Canal aad puoiic abt tran
No Steers Are Sold Over $5.90
Letmbs and Hog-s Bring
Strvadr Prices.
Ther. was an ctlr, eatU. rnarkot at
th. yards yesterday, but tbe offerings did
not grade btgh In quality, as Is shown by
th. orlces paid for steers, which ranged
from S3.63 to S3.90. Oocd cows brought
$3.00 and belters and staga tna same price.
Umbi sold ud to tbe too price, but lull
quotation were not realised on other lines
of sheep. wetners prougni 44 ana ewea
and yearlings, S3.S0. A larg. bunch of
Blockers sold at S2.50.
The bog market waa steady, with aalea
at 16.79.
Heceipta wer. TH ahoep, 10 hogs and 68
The dar'a aalea war. as follows:
"11 .in 1142 SS.SS
lo cows .....1012 b.iMl
3 staics 120 b.50
23 strers 1112 S.63
brt wethers 1)5 4.00
16 lambs 81 0 30
1 lambs - ")
1 ewes l: 3 60
41 lamb. 54 5.U0
11 sheep 109 i.;5
bogs 203 0.7S
241 yearlings 7 1.50
4U4 stockara 74 2.&0
10 bogs lit (.71
151 lambs 44 (.54
321 steer. 1162 ''
14 steers 12i0 S.0
37 steers 5.6i
21 steer. l-:7 E.S5
2 cows 97. b-25
1 cow 11-0 4.75
2 heifers 110- 8.50
1 team draft horse. 100.00
1 plug , 76 00
Prloes current on th. v.rlous classes of
stock at th. Portland Union Stockyards
wer. aa follows:
Prime .rain-fed steer. ,. .11.25 11.50
prlc. bay-fed sleera 4.50
Choir, steers 4.00 0 4.ZS
Good to cholc steer.. .. 0.00' 6-JO
Fair to good steers. 6.790 0.00
Common steers S.50s S.71
Prims cows S.7ao 0.23
Good to cholc. cows 0.V09 0.0 to good cow. 4.T5 6.00
Poor cowa 4.504 4.75
Chnlr. heifers .................. S.dOts 5.. 3
Cbolc. bulla 4.150 B.23
Good to coolca bulla.. 4.23(1 4.7J
choice lieht calvea ...a. 7.1:4
Good LO choice light calve. S.75 y 7.00
Cholc. heavy calvea o.uu,
Cholc. .tags 5 "t t-'ii
Cood to cbolc. stags 6.73
Cholc. bog. S.50O S.A5
Good to cLOlc. hogs 4.25 it ( 50
Cholc. heavy .oo (.25
Common 5.00 v (.00
Stock hogs (-7&0 7.5
Cholc Spring lambs (.159 (.50
Good to cholc. Spring lambs.... (.00 (.25
Cbolc yearlings 4.0t 5.00
Good to choice yearlings 4.50 4.75
Fair to medium yearlings 4.00 tf 4.25
Cholc. ewes 4.04 y 4.2J
Good to choice owe. 1.75 'iy 4.00
Fair to medium ewe. S.&Otf S.7(
Good to choice heavy wether... 4.54 uf 4.73
Old heavy wethers 1.00 y 4.0
Allied lots .uus 0.00
Tb. following quotatlona represent prlaea
e. this market for tb. different classes ol
aerses: Pi afters, extra heavy. CiooOOO.
drafters. 14O0 to 1700 lbs., II30OS50; draft
re. IUO u 1400 Iba. S10OB250: cbunka.
(wtjlJO; plugs. SI0O40; driving horsu, i
bad up. aaoui. oerao, .w auu
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO, May 31. Cattle Receipts, es
timated. 17.000; market, steady to 10c low
er. Beeves. 15.15 tl 4. 0; Texas steers. S1.CO0
5 55; Western steers, t4.lot2S.40; atockera
and feeders, ll.w 0 S.Tj; cows ana neuers,
t:.10e5.0; calves, $5.25 61-
Hogs Receipts, estimated. 11.000; market,
tc to 10c lower. Light, 13.76 94.10; mixed.
5 70e"; heavy. $3,564(4; rough. $i.6.',
5 75: good to choice heavy. $5.756t; pigs,
15.5041 (.05: bulk of sales. $5.S0o-
Sheep Receipts, esllmated,; mar
ket, weak, mostly 100 lower. Native, 139
1.0: Western. s;tf4.(5: yearllnga, $t.2Sa
10; lambs, native,, (i.25 V (.40 ; Western,
14.25 wd-Si. "
Quotations Curreot la th. Bay City Alar
kets. '
6AVFRANCISCO. May SL Th. follow
tog produce prices were current today:
Vsgstablee Cucumbers. 40&60c; garlic,
ESc: areen peaa, 11. 2031. 75; string beans.
SVsOSo: asparagus. 30c (j 1.00; totuatoea, $2
.2.25: agrpiant. lvwioc.
Butter Fancy creamery, 22too.
r'Kga Store. 20v,c: fancy ranch, S20.
Cheese Young Americas. lStflSC
MUletuffa linuL S2br2S.5o; middlings.
r run AppiM. cnoic, s.zo; common,
11.25; Mexican limes, 3S 00; California
lemona choice. S3.50: common. 11.50: or-
anceB. navel. $L20tjS.
liay Wheat. siitfi4.r.o per ton; wneai
and oats. (10912: alfalfa. JuJlL
Potatoes Oregon. $2.6r2. 70.
Receipts Flour. 32.406; Quarter sacks:
wheat, 607O centrals; barley. 10.820 cen
trals; oats. 6175 centrals: potatoea 4720
sacks; bran. 20 sacks; middlings, 2v sack.;
bay, VI. tons.
Metal Markets.
NEW TORK. May SL Standard copper
dull. Spot, May. June. July and August,
11.70012c. London dull. Spot, 55 Ss Od;
future... 135 16s 8d. Arrivals reDOrted at
New York today, 60 tons. Custom-bouse re.
turn show 2.V.40 ton this month. Lake
Conner. 12.230 12-aOc; electrolytic. 12.25
12.37 tic: casting. 1 1.87H 'a IX 12 ',c
Tin dun. unaeiuea. epot ana Aiay. 43-23
04Hc: June, 4f.u40c; July, 42044c; August,
41.206 42c. London firm. Spot, 210; fu
tures. fl!0.
Lead dull at 4.40 9 4.50c New York and
4.204.20c East St. Loul. London, il3
3s Sd.
Spelter dnll at S.25ff5.40e New York and
5. 2U o 0.20c Sast &U Loula. London, 24
Antimony dull. Cookson'a, 9 6v.5oc.
Iron Cleveland warrants 40s 4 d In Lon
don. Locally Iron was quiet- No. 1 foun
dry Northern. 115.501,15.75; No. S North
ern. No. 1 Southern and No. 1 foundry
Southern .oft, SIS 016.20.
Coffe. aad Srnrar.
NEW TORK. May 11. Coffee rotor.
closed steady at a net advance of 1 to S
points. June. 10.63c; July, 10.75c; August.
10-4SC; September,. 10.(3c: October. 10.50c;
November. 10.44c; December. January, Feb
ruary. March and April. 10.46c: May. 10.45c
Soot cone, steaav. o. 1 rtlo. I2c; San
tos .No. 4. 13a. Mild, quiet. Cordova, It
(1 15c
flurtiwRie oulet. Muscovsdo. 2.34e: cen
trifugal. Il6c; augar, 1,11c R
fined quiet.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, May 11. Cotton future
closed steady. June. 15.66c; July. 15.70c;
August. 14.14c: September. 13.44c: October,
11.20c: Novemoer. le-l.c: rjecemoer, 11.13c;
January, 11.11c; March, 13. Uc
Spot closed quiet, nv. point filg&sr. Mid-
djlng uplands. 16.14o; do. Gulf. 14.10c Sales
lltllr bale.
Chlcag. rrodnee Market.
CHICAGO. ilay SI. Butter Study:
creameries. lc?22c; dairies. 1'jS20c
Eflt eiteady; receipts. 2t.7u cases: at
mars, crises included. 12 012jc; tlrats, 14c;
prime first.. 15c
Cbees. Firm: daisies. HHSIUc: twins,
lOVOUc: Young Americas, HwOllVc;
long borna, llsll.
Hop. at New York.
KKst XORJCa Mai; 1L Hops Steady.
Final Price Is Not as High as
Xjsurt Sale Is at $1.04 3-4, an Ad
Tance of 1 - Oenta WalUne;
Market for the New
Crop Montlr.
CHICAGO, Mar St. JUt on touch of th.
spectacular gave distinction this afternoon
to tb. and of tb. May dial In whac Tb.
final price, $1.04 V. wa th. highest reached
her. hi nearly v.n months. Ther. waa not
th. excitement expected, however, and th.
net advance. 1 V c. compared with tb. pre
vious clos. could not be called unusual
Business In May wheat was mostly ia small
lot and ther. seem Ml to be no apecial diffi
culty about purchaser getting ail that waa
required. Tbe principal source of supply
was a mmlsslon-hoas. Identified with
th. leading longa It waa a waiting market
tb. entire day, ordinary transactions being
halted by fear of aom.tblng abnormal bap
penlng In th. wtnd-up of May contract.
Tbe natural tendency of th. new orop
month would hay. been dacldedly down
ward, because of good rain and on account
of th. near approach of th. Oklahoma bar.
vest, but tension reeultlng from the advance
In May had a little influence toward th.
end of the session, so that the outcome was
a small net fain. May ranged from
to S1.0t4 and closed at th. top, $1.04 V.
Outside limits for July were 8814 880
and 8i.esc "Ith last sale. So up at
""incorn. as In wheat, th. .rratlo action
of th. May prlc eemed to hold th. trad.
In check for other month aa well. July
fluctuated between 62SO and 53VC, dosing
ateady So net higher at 53tt033c Cash
grades wer. weak; No. 2 yeUow finished at
03 & 02 H c. ,
Glowing crop reports weakened oata. May.
especially, showed sign ot collapse July
touched aa high" and low polnta. 85!io and
85c. with the finish He off at 85ttc
Provlsiona developed a heavy ton. as a
result of lower prices for hogs. In th. end,
tba entlr. list was down, pork 15c to 82fto
wltb lard and ribs off 6C to lattc
Th. leading future ranged a follows.
Onen. High.
.03 V4
.87 S
.14 H
May c
July. ...1.
.62 "4
.63 .64
.I5t4 .lev;
.3514 .16
.3514 -35
.16 .SOS
14.70 14.72 V 14.55
14.10 14.15
8.10 1.05
1.10 8.15
7.75 7 77 V 7.7(
7.0 7.10 T.11V4
. B91t 1I1U 7.77lh
J - ' - - . . ,
Flour Irregular, but generally firm.
Rye No. 2. SOc
Barley Feed or mixing. (OOTOe; fair to
cholc. malting. 11 Ho.
Flaxseed No. 1 .Northwestern, S1.16V.
Timothy seed $12.
Clover $16.75.
Pork Mess, par barrel. 114.76 9 15. .
Lard per 100 pounds. $8.
Short ribs Side, (loose), $7.37 H 7.17 V,.
Side Short, clear (boxed). 1S.12 V 0 .!5.
Ornln statistics:
. lev... 1 ele.e.ncM nf wheat and flour W6I4
equal to Ht.000 bushels. Primary receipts
wer. (two days) 141.000 bushels, compared
with 2(4,000 bushels tb. corresponding day
a year ago. Th. world's visible supply, as
shown by Bradatrct's, decreased 6.(14,000
bu&neia. uuiuiibu irivt. v .
wheat it cars: corn. 11 car: oata. 421
cars; begs. 3(,000 bead.
Flour, bairela ..
ch,.t bushels .
.. 14.404 10.700
.. 113.000 21.400
..1,106. tOO 48.100
.. 658.(00 206,100
.. (1.000 1.300
Corn, bushels . .
Oaa, bushels ..
Rye. bushels ..
Barley, bushels
Grain at Saa Francisco.
BAN FRANCISCO. May 81. Wheat firm.
.3. -I.- we. I,
Spot quota'tlons: Wheat Shipping, L40
a l.ou per c.nt-.w
Barley Peed. 81.S501.4O Per cental;
brewing. 11.42V4 0 147 V per cental.
Oats Red. SL80t-1.40 per cental: white.
nominal: black. 11.130 1.82V per cental.
Call board sale.: v neav -uinmgi
Barley 2Vt per cental.
Grain Market of th. rforfh crest. .
. . ri i . . , ,1 t Wlia.. tlln.rMt .1
006c: fortytold. SSc; club. 860 87c; red
Ruasisn. 84c Receipts, wheat. IS cara; bar
ley, 1; hay, S cara.
cva txt V. Hit SI. Wheat: Blnaatem.
SGc: fortytold. 87o; club, 87c; Flfa, 87c; red
Russian, 80c; oata, $29 per ton; barley,
1-7.5U per ton. Car receipta up to noon!
Wheat SO cars: Corn 2 cara, hay 11 cara.
oata 1 car, barley 1 car.
European Grain Market.
1lNTtnN. Mav Si. Cargoe. dull and inac
tive; buyers and sellers apart. Walla Walla
for sb'pment Od lower at 85s Sd.
English country market ateady; French
country markets quiet.
lOd; October. 6 SVd. Weather, cloudy.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
May, use; July, 95V.O; September. O1V4 0
91.c: December, OlVtc; No. 1 bard. BStic;
it i '.nhin. S0.4ibHc: No. 2 Northern.
e3!i0tOHc: No. wheat. l'8HlCi No.
1. liurum, oc
Change, tn Available 6nppile.
KIW TORK. May 81. Special cable and
telegraphic communlcatlona received by
Brad6treet's show th. tolowlng change. In
available supplies aa compared with pre
vlou account.:
Wheat. United State, eat of
Rockies, increasea w.o,ww
Canada, decreased 1.400.000
Total, United btaiaa ana t.aoaaa.
decreased- 1.O14.0O
Afloat for and in Europe decreased. 4, 000. 000
Total American and uropean up-
nlv decreased S.614,000
Corn. United State and Canada.
decreased .o,ww
Oata. United State and Canada,
decreased o,vw
Dried Fruit at New York.
X-JT.W TORK. May 81. Evaporated apples
quiet, firm; offering light. Spot fancy.
15c: cnoice, joi.h,
Prune quiet, steady, with buyer awalt-
i.. California, up to 80-40B.
gtTl4Vc; Oregon's. 80s to See. 111,14c.
Apricot Inactive, nrrn. Choice, 15c; extra
choice. lSVic: fancy. l.V017c.
Peaches quiet, steady. Choice, 8V4 9c;
extra choice. 0V.c; fancy, V,01Oc
Raisins Inactive, steady. Loose Musca
tels. 6V07c: choice to fancy seeded, 7V40
C ; seedlesa, VVXD. wjauva , ajr c.
81.40 0 L45.
Ontario jUen Win Cap.
ONTARIO. Or.. May ' SL (Special.)
n.u- ,11... lnvlnr rnn elven for th.
K.. .nael innM St hlUA VOClta Wll
won at the Huntington Gun Club shoot
Sunday by tnree memoer. ui in.
tarlo Gun Club. For the first prize cup
the Boise Club defeated Ontario oy
three points. William G. Beagrle, of
Ontario, made the high averag-e, break-
Ine ss birds out oi a. poaaiuio su. tn.
last 80 being- stralarht.
Willamette Gridiron Practice On.
Or, May SI. (Special.) uaptain
Harley Blackwell. of the Willamette
University football team, has issued a
call for Spring; football practice- It is
planned to siv all last season's second J
Merchants National Bank
Capital and Surplus $350,000.00
The policy of this Bank is to cultivate helpful business relations
with its depositors, and to render at all times ths service which their
needs demand and which our equipment insures. Every courtesy con
sistent -with prudent banking is uniformly extended by this Bank to
all depositors.
Established 1858
Capital s w. . e.-.w. . .$1,000,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 700,000.00
Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail
able on all parts of the world. .j
Corner Washington
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
team members a special work out at
once that tbeir ability may be known
before the fames start In the Fall.
Willamette, this Fall, will face the
heaviest football schedule in her his
tory and alms to develop a largo num
ber of players.
LITHIC is best
for street
because of
its resiliency
Constructs Aapbalt and other Blta
tnlnous Pavements. 606-608 Electrio
bid, Portland, Or. Oskar iiuber.
Cook's Summer
Vacation Tours
Fifty-eight Days $450. All Expenses
Included. Send for Free Booklet.
Tickets to ALASKA. T0SEMITE and
689 Market Street- San Francisco.
From Alnsworth Dock, Portland A. M.;
68. Bear, June Ss Bom City. Jon. 1; Beaver,
From San Francisco, Northbound, 12 M.:
6S. Rose City. Slay 81: Beaver, June 8; Bear,
From San Pedro, Northbound, 12 M-:
SS. Beaver, June ; Bear, June Si Bos. City,
Jio" Smith, C. T. A., 14 Third St.
j Bansom. Airwt, Alnswortb Dock,
rbooe.: Mala 408. 168 1 A 140.
i and' .vary Bv. d.ya. FTeii'ht tecelved at
Atnswonn iwc anr " - , ,
esaer fare. Brat-class. 10: second-class.
ST iscludlna meals and berth. Ticket of-
. i.flrth naaK. Phone . Umla M
atala 1.0. X
and Third Streets.
Freight received
daily at Cafc-st. dock
Xor The Dalles.
Hood River. Whit.
Salmon, Umatilla.
Kennevtlck. Pasco.
Richland. Hanford.
White Bluffs. Lewis
ton. Idaho, and ln-..-m.ill.te
Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Toea..
ThuraTI A. M. Returnln. leaves Th. Dalle
Mo"rwed.. FrL, 7 A. M . arrlvlne at Port
land about 6 P. M. same day. .
Bcnaiaa, Supt., W. S-a SmaUwood. Ol
Mar. Phone .lain 2860. A S527.
The Tourist Highway
and Ecenle Rout, to Europe
' ' via
The St. Lawrence River,
th. Bhortest Ocean Passage. .
LeM than Four Day at Sea ,
by the
Weekly aalllng Montreal. Quebec, to WTr.
pool. Flrat cabin, $90; .econd cabin, JLM.
"ne-clas cabin (called second cabin). 47.50;
?St? Wbln. $30 and WL2S. Ask local
agent. F. R- Johnson. O-"' ro.f'
or J. J. Foratar. T. P. 60 Flrat At,
WHITE stab;
Canadian Service
Co.'s Office. S19 d Ave., Seattle; or v.
W. Stinger. SM VVash. : A. U. Charl
ton. ZS3 M.r.; F. R. Johnson, 143 3d;
B f. Balrd. 100 Sd; Vald. LldeU. it
N. Sth: 11. Dicks. n. 12a Sd.
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Pedro Direct.
North Paclflo S. S. Cos B. S. Roaneka
and S. 8. Eldsr sail every Wednesday alter
nately at 6 P. M. Ticket oftlc. lu Taird
!., near Alder.
iiAK Tl.N J. HIGLEY, Passenger Agent,
V. H. SLl'6bB. Freight Agent,
rhaue. At. 1S14. 1S14-
jjovr Rates. Schedule Time.
' Z15 Railway Exchange Bldg.
Portland, Or.
Main 6171. AJSJt,
(Union Lin. ot X. Z.)
Direct through steamers, sailing from San
Francisco, May 31. and every 28 days. Well
ington and back. 1st class. a64. Other rale
T.rBO lOW. A UC LlA3 t,w inn. ua '"V .
For reaw-vattoni Coupon Railroad Agent.