ax txcenioNAixi cd bargain Tjnga.w at Tlo... V. asRiagtoa four nM "n r0m. wkb modern rUA-to-i. wire f-ocad. hoo n..J wuB. everr B-pno. for for s t pToam; larilim th. room. Ih. t-t . ar.P .f. ?.... toi.t. e-ui:t osy. : oeu.e to," , ..A. ll .T' .B." tr.-. Bi-ABd th. -"l- " "; ,..1 C.. t-J M:Kay -d , rvT at ts-ev:w. Waali, for tn -- w.77fttre!.s-i eott.g. eAAl- "-r.r-rV, . d.nm.-roor. ma end slab'.: good water: t.jc from te-Vaia iadr B t H."I MI "fOH f aCe i:T0x r-Tv. Tl.w. 1 siBu,:e (' a Ilea ud .tor.: 4-roum.d coll... fur- Ap:y Tha tLf:.Wb..a Wa.iA, W ictVl-0 of th. bt kw o th. l-Aca ssd w.ll levai"!. ronmr. c een td -.t. r.l snod.T.t. Writ. om. PA--tl. J- U1 . I,..1.d er.4 -!-. to OP-.."- APP.y n. lt.i.1 J.rksou sU rc r rent .t ..ti.w. ' rj '0 . comp.-t. T-,,-!. ? 9 .-room cor.t.1-. Addr-. Hi llQATfl. SrkT'.W. h. s" account ef ll'koM I win e-ll I :t ?-M'.r. b ar riVK-RH- f'jrTiwr.! ' . i V;a --o :-r 4 r. M fLAfi'rS "r rnt for th COMPLETELY " furB:h.d , f", "''I' STOKB TO I.EA5B. J heart or Rirr AIL district, on itashingtos street, between hist pabjc a'd texts. size jo bt po. itu. basement. aptlt ab h. TTR TO LEAJi FOB Ti-UV OF 1EAR3. IV HEART Or KKTATI. PITR!CT. o littTr-n L.H ATI. s- i.v (.nr. A 12. OrtKOvMA.V srui-.K run iit.T. R:rM on i;rn v. ; uitM tt ao.ur of rm of bn" l-"' roou ..... ... - Tir,iuiKit. lai v.tVt L-p'.. t'hmr f commorco VOR RENT Wloro o rrowln bttj!n arool; rlntr of nitamrf la 4rmw from Ibooo Vla r; . . . " . , n . . ' r h - fur '("hirk.r o.r Oo. l'io JulT L Apply tJioo- t.r V. t:ph. MoSawH b&t- , Cf"-ijT'BOTi it la Hawthorn: will f ArtiUom. AS-oiy U 1. raircnUU. ITS K. KVKRAL toro al oaot on 4 Matllooal. br ! J' - av.rdia5 to aua. ia- uir. JT l Hawtaorao a. iiaa ?rtra on fc'.n t-r;. U. u.oo. all 1 . b.J. MArb.l 1K.O. iTiKE fnr r'n"i oa ar tfi. CU cur iAru Offlcoa. "brrfcEd Yur'iS'tT" $11.1 ac4 an. MEIU-HANT BAVIN 'is A TRUST CO ill' ANT. ri.NH Ic-atloa for doiil or phyairlaa o JteOkROAR. KATES A Uvti-Y. jol Tooa X: K (o aut officoa. o.4 ,1b li;au-aa a& ow - a a L Fi'K KtT rurnlaboil or aof'i-nlbl or c.r aitlto of lo ro.'ir. In froot lart of l.wl MJ. A;.p:y room '-' HOST roalrally lo'at .l't iil-blfM aior r. - : kl4- or J"- lior. tl anoa'oa'o ... . - r r . - l." I il.' I TTi IV -til. K! IK"! - 154 VHKl'V ST. w.iNCk.V. CKMRAU KEA. .N ABLE. S-K..M ofr: oo't to fcro wub rartr: M ONUILT w f'.n lo.atlon. i!!.fi!rnli.rJ OUl! o'o flr::.-.oJ biitc. iriiAHLn ori-irvi. m.riitTKR I t !. TH H . lip:T. fTAKh. ASH PAN. TOR RENT raaimonU f vJ f.r lorw- TO MASK. I-NTIRE .oril and Ihlrd fl'.ira of Wrnjmo l''aTv Iol. li-r i.-'ij mmm Mtpi lea fi.r. without p-l. II P. PALMKR-JOXE CO.. A'ommon-ttl ClJ A" A fill :' OTON -ST froo:ar. cornrr Tark t-; . . a.nM. . anil r il Mda: a-Tr Ia. II. P 1'i airjonti ( . Ag -nta. -A'orr.morclal uul b.da I rtonoo Alain wv, . i . t. t-tt.iUVl' ...1 t'nlnn tm- otor nw brtok OuJ'.oUor with fr-nto on Haw. Jonoa -'a Aarr.ta. 211 Cor rrordai Club b .!. ruoooa Va.n WJO. A I'tA. sriToi rrrpoRTTTtrnEw. i HAVE a boaut:rul furnlaoU H-rrom fcouo that I wl.l Uabo for b or lu ra Can k .mr.aJ f it . a or o-roo.a apart mania, or boiirootA ltoauUCul location aJ aaT trn micuL.-a wa.a from pootof- g.-a. I'unutarr aa4 Itouao all now and ciaaa. No acotta. Am maalas rno&ox. laqulr aow Xiufbanaa dick. rT bao touora an J lota. frma. butlr.aa . propart. rooa"lr.s-hou. :o: t. ni.. 'om. wlu', it"c an J l'.r ran.haartd at ktEO of gi-J pr lo chaeia, Whal har f .tAKINO A BAKSNK 11 TH S- " II (Kr.BV. TTaa-Ioratol haary "n Wit U5o. tna. rr r-t proClt of I'.O to $l vt daj. TT TcrTl of Tr5 & rd Oak. - vrnriuxt't.-E HAU-VVaN. om-'i zadow. ST T Pif1 TJ ' 1C-. 4'h tm-1 Oak V AN a lv A pvrtarr tta J , lor to pvk Kum:i tviiil Lac -tk lnx-.. t 111. C-TToa!sn. wk:v Irt It Wfo-t you r t?nL fri-.-- tfTi I.o'hcTiliJ b'JC- j. for ma an 4 .f. d oVmbia. pi.-'f. UsaM. MAI : f.l O. -. (a.4 iH K H R city: tAiol Kill I naisry. iaun, E't6r ATaw Wtisa foe bcuxxxss orroB i imi CAN" ADA'S tare. atiri: taa i oiutnD jki.i or crw 01 ' " " IT rulcanU Uad fr.r nr-mptJoa. oinun M mad Id . miBr-Ll Fert torv tb P,hcf "It rt'tfio cooimtrcJAl e-atr ol! "J mptr, n4 lh L? Trunk l'ax:n3 trntrn iJnitl wl (r-orr la at tb junction cf mlI- ot c.krabla watti-traya. AH railroa.'a xnort ma to t ort 0or la ordr l "T; Nam.-, era ftrltlah Colum!.. HOOOoaoO wu b- Tp&t la Mit srax lm ri- ra4 rband. aioa, W ara jotat Br aad ao. tvxaata C lak- towaatta. Vntt quickly for all tefofTriaium aiarml R-ourra trartty Company, llm l'.awl. t"3 Oranvtlla atrtt. VaBCoovar, I-ort;nJ a.- aoUriter, KiehArd ''P 4 -r Wai-laxso b.dV- Fortl--nd- -aXaaa-J BEACH lota ara wpXiaM taim atXata. lrrra proHta ara na4a frtpaat-- Jo.i.-iaa purchaa of lota la raal- tf-Bc baay-n pr pwtia trX-ET ir;ACH W1l aooa ba lta Wal barh i iautt wuUk awy oVatAaca a aVorUaiKl. for IJ.uatratatJ bookJat. n-a. prlca Uat, to KXAFET. KTTiASOV JCTTSKT, raa:ra In I -and. Cbambar of Com marc, ortiaad. 0 riAt d i If tiara la lJ-'O car profit for T: enr of two Twir built bur.aiow la athorn d.atrici baa l-ft Fortland for a.-:4 A--lrra ua to !! bla acuity of aiv fnr Uo cuh, balaoca of valua Is In marts oa aach proparty: on will aU for 4-0rt. thm othar for $1.00. and a anil tnam for yon If yoa aay c rortlaad-Paeinc In. CX. 415 Hallway FX rhtoco. MaraftaU 371S or alng Tar bor -CO! TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Aant wantM la Paclflo North waat, J acme tutu4l 1-ir. 44 yaar :d. T2 Enllllon aaa-ta. Wa loan moniT. U. li. Ward, M-r 112 bpaJaio old. WIS nal a ltva, anra-tir buvlnaaa maa to tatt an a?Otry in fornaaa; mun food rrferenr-a and tivt In raah or ita ,ulTlnt. Tbia la a hlah-claaa bualnaaa, an 4 t na rtrht man poaa'-aaing- tba abova quai f tic at !ou abouid make from $14.'O0 t- 2v.'v thu jrr. Addrcaa Camwil Hotrl ureffoa. real estate prsi.NEsfi. 0!d-:abilhd rral tata buainraa Tor c(r i gvr 1(.ho la tha laat two )fra; S nnaiy aqutppd ofTica; up-to-dt block bok a. ma pa. typawritar, aafa, ato. J'rtca owntn wia to ratixa. Ad- drvaa AH U, Orcconlaa. GROCERY STORE. All bw stock and ftxturoa: eotn-r-i-ion; lea-aa. fln trad; inolo about 11 Lumbtnnen'i Bids. HALL CilSTIS, UAKDWARS. furiwtur and Implamant b"j- lamatt V allay. Join flna Dutlncaa. Prlc, Including bulldinaa, 440 Will taka part d rrsa Gwr.f. 1'. O. P ox 217. Portia nd. Or, fOK DALE Th bt payina; ro-ry la canter of t--at liur; low r-ni bu iuui . a I - ..aa aanrl man! t(l railra: f.OO wtll take It; no aranta or . . ...... .a.i ur 1 a. tta- ODWD. WANTED 8t:uly partner ln aolld cah i:h and I'd af'-T you learn tba buslneaa; ra!.ab!a h-tp aeeded mora trvan monay . required. Kum :3 Iumbcr Kx- C Hans; a. ...........-aa.a.a-a-.waaa. NOTIL'R. Will aall half lntarat In mr raal aa- tata buslnoaa ta a ratiaoi parry cn-ts a I naad antna ona to tTd th of flea or work outaida. alarsbalt Tl A roWFCTIOXERT. Trad ovar i ea-h da. ; laa; flrMT Block and r.-tur. 'ni. HALI. aV GI STIV. al 1 Lumberman a Bid. T-io::Ot"OHLT "eompatent hot! mana-r and wli wian to ;ae m iurnisnwi ui or win a--fpt manac-nal poaiuon: nrat ciaaa rI-rn-ea. Addrcaa P. O. Bok 9, I'Aatta, Idaho. rON KKlTION KRY and orocert. 'ornar: all ca-s trade; can maka aar a month. tl.nO. HALL orTINt 611 Lumberman a Mf. BAKKRT at banaJn prtoa, rarytblnk 1 nair. a- -a lawaa. m a. . sruvlnf dtatr.ct of Portiand; cheap for caah: alrkn tba cauae of aalUna. In quire cf owner. 141 aa W ANTE l Printer and pre aa man to buy h!f in t area t la my joo pnounj piani, nf moD'h Bow. and Can do Batter: email capital required. AJ 14. Oro- tIAUC Tlx K'EHT. Cash trade of over 1-0 a dan ow rant and Baa location, iwv HALL a. Ol"Ttr. 11 Lumberman'a HMr. ONE ef th at Cvafectlioar1e In elty. d owBer baa other uai r-a aaexltnr hia attention and wUI r:? ca th; for 200-; aay wortb 2i Pill Z BtarK at. iK 8AI.K Rrataurant and lunch counter that mui pay weaiy '" I am aillinf to loan yu half f tha moorr to buy tbia pac Room ill Lum bar Exchange. rONTECTIONCRT. Rant tlft. laaaa. (ood trad. 159 An other at tvw. HALL OrSTIV. all Lumbartnaa'a Bid. U A R fW ARB. urpiament. paint atock. In-vU- I ! iJV 1,J caah. bajanca tertna v. N.-nhfrn California town with aw milt tributary, boa factory, bla; ranch trade. Add'aaa AV - uregoniaw. t trM-i fYi v V KfTIONER T 1300. Rant 115. leoa. trad t'l day; S Br Irxc-rooma wtth bath. Ia HALL e. OUST IV. ttl Lumbarmaa a Bidf. i.-tt tt-1 s in'i nartner to keen nlain 'count-; aa.arr $:i0 nwnth and ahara of the pro!.;. w:tb a eoua suarant, njon .. : l i.uT.ixr luxctaaoaa. SO MlARtS of bark atock In a crowlnc pourtry bark at AJ30. wtth pooltion aa cashier at ITS par moath. writa v. w. lar- ker. bathla-Toct. Waah. Ol' K N I X for a tea A. y man la aolld bu 1 nab.. will mt 11 : month aalary. alao pniflte tHaidra; money eec-u red with bank. r-ferencea. j art:cu.ara. oi-ra at. CoV,. CHASTE to buy well-etablUhe3 tuaiw titif.a.rr art '(-: roMea town: r..Aa atH. aout lltk-O. AV .a, Ortioa- a x . -n aa.i -mccrr enncarn baa rood oeentn for youna. Tpnned man who wiii t uveal ivf0 and aarvicaa. Joan V. e lard. Qen eral Dctivery. HALF Interaat In an old etaMUhed bual neaa. dome a a4 buaineaa. For full par ticular call K.&ney a. St-raphtr, Lam bat Eicbacc bide., rooma - UYSYS AND INPITSTRIAL STOC-Ll. Ta; and oiber boc 4.a bouabt aa4 ao d- r .atcnar ibt. ya, ,.j v ...-e-o r -ir and eoafe-rtlora. with l;'.nf -ruomi. wul lawalcw about $a. CaU i: Mark at. PA.iTNKIS, rT'r.f hu.'In''-: aiparienc un acoeaaary: trial lun: ra-julrad. Par- tKura MinMil 15oJ. A ajtw. 4.0 ;LL put you In a buameaa that will "tvaw ton i:J"J week from at art. ParUc- B ara. 4 Ui bid.. ath and Alder. BiioKFRAr.K buaineaa for aal clearin over mnnUi- ,-n to ln-raatisatlon ; -vjulra.j. Partuoulara i4$ ftark. I WILL ae;t for W0. n caah. thi 1.:-.. a'ora in Poxi.aad. No acanta. beat AT iyz, Orcon:o. JlviiC cf rnarchar.iiae borht for caah Triftty conndauitAtX & W aaton. 1 J. trret- R EST A L R ANTS for -;o. :oa, fTSw and a!3. a we:i ic.ifa wna foo pat- r. a.i ; piara ax. 'OR SALE FYull atand. Z- corner, lea 3 v-ar. Cummacweaata bids. MarabaiJ IfU. A ".CO. . 1JS TAKE well-qulped wit market In rat K"aMB, a mm a wvt . . vsw. vaA --.- r.i. ) - A : w A : Sort al -ith t-; atre to let. SAT.4M"N iwk. InTolce $-0: e:x furatahed . - t".t m .- n : H lavvlna r ' t w . k . B eaa . I Ti wi:l hax.J . C 141. Crtcoc a., a. .it r.i.-s ta ct let buaineaa: atoro- rjom t--T rant. Ita and Daj&Mt, Pbaaa T r Mii. riRMR for billiard and pool propoaltloi b-at in el'y: a-ua-l Caaa capital r-tuira4. AL 14-. t'-aron:an. A !NAP Sa'ooa for aaio at Donald. Or. Cotsi. and Bl.'f URa'xtTj' nala or r.i.:. Cran If ta-n at ore 1. Z49 f'BTla a:. BAK.I RT for oa:.: bnatnaaa of l' to 1-5 jaj. J aV isiA at. N. Frlco aaa, THE MORXING TO THB RIGHT MAN p-CTy LS AN OPPOBTCMIT , To aatablUh elty rJ aatata bualneaai fDfat locaiioa In Portland: baa large wlu dow apac. aanitarr furniture, ail ready. "Will laaaa apaca ana rruift on parmanenx baaia. Will not confJct with other buai neaa. Trie U worth luveatlcatlon. J"" frtr appoinu&ant sivlsc reXar-snc. R . vrrvni lAM.ti LL LTJl-.X li-"1 v v' . 410 KotbchUd bide.. 4th and Wabntoa atreata, Portland. W hivt farma from 10 to 40 " bow Tarda orchard a asd orcbard land, timber. aHtnla mlUA botala and city property; w locate timber claima and bomaataada? alwara reliable. CXrOTHINO and man fumlahlnirB buatneas Ka onnH maker In Ta- eoma, Waah. : can now be had at beat Ka.t tarma. Tacoma la rood town and baa larreat ataady payroll on main atj-e-t; caeap rent Apply UN Paciflo va.. Ta coma, or Uft co&d ava. bo BeaXUa Waah. BARBER HOP FOR SALE. 144 10:b at. in Hotal HoyL acroaa from North Bank depot; naw ehalra and pool tabie and 3 llvinr rooma in back. Cbeap rant; Ught. beat and wai ter ftjrn.i-a.ed. fiaap. Owner 4uttuag bualBeaa. GEN SLR A L STORES. Ona eloaa to city. tl00: ona fa Iona laa Co, axhd two la Valley at involea. hali. orsnv. Lumbrrmrn'a lildg. GOOD B A KG A IN. For aal. On. of tha boat loeatou aho hop. In tb. city for repairing and dia tom work: ha. a nna trada .atabllabrd : X am work.d down and and a raau u9 WUIIama ava. Hutt) HUTS manufacturing asd "nol,"i" Jobbing tualnaa. operating m rou.. 10 r.ara contlnuallr: oatabllabrd trl. In Orin. Waahlngton, Idaho and California. W 14U. OrvgontaJU CONFECTIONERT for aal.; avrag. aalea par monia lor ivi' ow. ... .o.-. i-l.OO. will a.ll for $2i0. For furtb.r In formation writ Blabar BrOA. Cottaga OroT Or. vr.Trns theaters. Wa hav. tbro. In Portland: ona IB good amulda town. From liooo up. UAT.L A OUiiTIN. 611 Lumhprmw'l Bldg. TOCNO MAN. BTRANGBR. Mak. caroful Inv.atlgallon at ipno of arllrr boforo you invet monoy In aiy propoaltlop. AdTIaory Cparunant, T. Al. C. A. . BRICK hotel. 21 rooma, ac Troutda'.a. alwaya full; red on averaga o n.opia wa i-.. ttOOO caah. William Heaacn. manager. TrouTda:.. Or. GEN. alDbX for aal., Invoica about fltXro; rrti i wnn 0 inmi'iwma ' ' - -. ' - - month. Call on or writ, to AL. box a. IF 1DU AK For an Invealraonl. com. and aeo UA Bart a fln. Hat to aaloct from. Ul'ST bo aold at one. Bteam laundry; ownor has no uh for It. Fig monoy-mak.r: caah takaa lu Room 27. ii- iiawtnorn. ATA . ARCHITECT And builder: hara openln for ataadr man: cnanca to .no; profit, lanta and wtll atand Investi gation, fanicuiara J -J I' A RT i.H want.wl; caah bualnraa; riperl- onca not nocaaary: can aopona on . SJoa roqulrcd. can ;is mark St. PARTNER want.d UN to larm p". will mr a-& wook s.tiary. biikj . profit.. Particulars Ha 3tarkst. bktiihivt .t own rtrlc: Waahlnr ton St.. -o nay duiiiw.; . . - lu Ooddard. 100 toon bldg. nrutiD aunp- van. atoadT partner proftta Aro largo, plenty oi duiiufh, roquiroo. abji - a r pw $400 PUTi you Into position to maka per week and oettor it you pu. . ' -. Call 2,r rJtark sU SAUOON doing big buaineaa will aoll on ac- rmiNi or th or own.r. . auu N. :h sU A KNAP Roomlng-houao and l.taurnt for aala. cheap rent, neat nuameaa iwauuu city. Art uruiuB. IorGHNI"T booth In Waahlngton-SU Mar- k.t: rooa cnanco: r.aaowa - 14'.. Oregon laa. BAUJIE.V to Bell 1910 census map. Hust lers maka from :J to $7S par month. I24 Chamber of sfomtn.rca. t-. . " t. . f. aal. rood bUBincSS mnnJt laaaa: low rani.: in Boou wwuua H7. oregonlan. S4(iv Hl'Td caah groo.ry on principal street In cltjr. ail tranal.nt trade. Call rnvk-rrTlosERT. Ica craam. cigars. Ill aroo.rloe: nna locauon. rmm. ..- VS'oodlawa BARGAIN In confoctiouery ecjulpmenU la- q u lr. a t one, oi av c""- CLEANINO and dying works, .plendld loca tion, a baxgaiB. i. ..a. ..... RESTAURANT cheap, 4 years lease, good bUlln.SS: must Bel.: terrna. -w ' ' TOCNO maa haa tlOO and aorvloes; what have you? AC 117. Oregonlan. en n s,-srr"W A t n rtarher ShOD. tak.n At obca Boj a. punuw. KOOMrSO-HOrSF.S. PORTLAND ROOMINO-HOUSK CO, Uotsla. Apartment-llouaea, Roonilng-Housea. 411 Fenry llldg. I'hon. Varahall 6S4. i-, t-. . v. -r T 11 ri IT. HOTlll. 1 rooma. running water, modern, bean tlfully fumlahod. clooo In. long leao at lioo a month; thla ta a dandy houaa and llftOO put. you in poeeestsion. 14 ROOMS. HOI SEKEEPINO. A furnlahl house. Try eloo. In. rent 0. alwaya fall, dear I0 monta: avarytning i. iw nous la rltan A goon Buy aw a Bonus. Housekeeping, rent 0. nlco yard, housa well furnished : will pay all azpensoa And giro tidy incom.: price tToO; tarma, CHEAP RENT. IS rooma I year laaao at ISO, completo ly furnuhd for botiaekeeplne; this houaa rvos A big Incom.: loou cash bandlaA VERT ATTRACTIVE. IS rooma, close In. nicely furnished Ana homellkeTlonj lenas. rent only 5 per month. This nlaca Is clearing over 1100 p.r month and will bear th. cloaeat In vestigation : prlc. tultNi. FIRST Tint: OFFERED. 14 rooms. Nob Hill looatlon. aparl mentA steam beu S private Kiths. 2 year laaa. at too. Elegantly furnish. l within tho laat 30 dayA This Is a beau tiful home and gives A Sao laoomo. Ro oulres 1 1200 cash. PORTLAND ROOMIMO-HOTJ8X CO, 313 H.nry Bldg. IP TOU WANT TO PUT. WTXO THU ONE WHO WANTS TO EXIa HKRE 18 SUCH A CAHS. 10 Ruoki. mo-lsrn houae, niAr JLada School; lln. neighborhood; furnished com p;.t. for houskMplng and .verythinc good: Bsarly good as new and clean; rent i0 and elun (oU over all expenses: hor. la a ale lltt:. home and ilicomi1, with no labor. PRICE CUT from $12W to IS00 for aulck saia; other uslneaA Fia.ia, SMITH A CO IKS Washington BU Rooms 20H. tta. a-u.. OA.-TI-lr. DS-AI.TT CO- BOTKLA. XOOVIXa-HOl'BES, APAJST- UENT-HOLfES, ytrtT. TeSTATB AND SJCCH AJfUKS Phono Wain Si.0. A 3473. tJJ-I Falling bldg.. 3d and Waah. at AHT E. LENT. Pertlana. "LKADIXd HOTEL TtROKg.1t" RALPH ACKLET UXD CO, Uotels. Rooming -Houses. Apartment-liousia. W. bill', soil and .xchanga, Phone Main 7141. A 71'3. P.Al.l'H ACKI.KY LAND CO.. 1TO B:h Su. oppoalt. Poatoglco. tt lLL aacriflo roomlni-houw ; muat leav eltr on account of Ul-baaith of rUtiv In ten days; eloso In. etrlctty modern. 4 ymmrm' e. 40 rooma. $)a per month net 20O: will not refuao any offer for j. j tba crost prlc; trad or Uraa. owner. Kaa-t 4S0. . . J ha V E a 6 -room b oua and lot 50x 11 0 ; Fait tf'Je; houa rant 120: prlc .".VM; mortgage $130w: will exchange my 42.100 eautiy for rooming-bouse; will pay no c&h dlSarenca. Phon L. J. Justin, Main aooo-. 4 la ROOMS with email atock of groceries and riturrs. Ail for 850-X West Sid. Rent $. tnciudiag a tor room; will ui acme trade. . lilOLEV PISHOP. Third at. MOVINO-PICTCRE house, fully equipped: muat sell on account of sickness: will take fart cash and real Mtata for balaac JL 43. Oregon tan. A GOOD BUT. JO -room hotel. Aider at, for $1400; H BLOCH REALTY CO.. 0 Alder St. MODERN aO-roona houaa. splendid location; 3 years lease, cheap rent: big Income, West bids, eiooo ta; no trLf.ers. no areata. X 143. Oregonlan. HAVE you -vh) to Invest In a reitxbl. rnntrsctuig company? On. of the boat In Ih. city. Positloa IX deeirvd. Tel. phon. A lKtu. 14 ROOMS, newly furnlahed; clears $7$ per monia. worth $li: your, for I-O0; gnat . - 1 . , Vanrt bldr. WANTED Ta rant furn'ehed or ajr. furnished rooming house about 13 rooma. Wast. Bide. - Xo BgaatA, a 1.6V. OraTiniasj OREGOXIAy. TimiSDAY. EOOMD'O-HOCSTA A FORCED 8 ALB. sCTST BELL BT SATX7BDAT. PARTLY FURNISHED, STRICTLY MODERN AFaBTM ENT-HOUSB. PRICK $1800. TERMS ONLT $U00 CASH DOWN. THIS IS AN ILBOANT NEW JIOUEO BRICK BUILDLVa TINKST WEST SIDE APARTJlENT-HOCsa DIS TRICT. EVERT APARTMENT RENTED. HAS A S-TEAR LEASE. IS VERT SELDOM TOD CAN BUY PLACB LIKE THIS SO CHEAP AND WITH SUCH LIT TLE CASH. WE WOULD ADVISE TOU TO SEE THIS AT ONCE. SO ROOMS. NO CASH REQUTRED. 30 aparunentA modern In every way, new brl. k building, elegantly furnished, rent $".". 4 yar' lease, price $10,000; take $0000 la property, balanco aaay pay mants. 100 ROOMS. 34 APARTMENTS. ONLT $3000 CASH REQUIRED. Elegantly furnlahed naw brick building, modern In every way. rent only $3 a room; price cut to $10,000. $3000 caah. Ijooo in property, balance monthly pay ments; S years lease. 0 ROOM3. 80 APARTMENTS. $1500 CASH. BALANCE EAST TERMS. Xew. modern house, 30 rooms furnished, balance all rented unfurnished: price $4.'k0, only $150o caah; will oonalder bal ance In property. . 33 ROOMS. TRADE FOR HOUSE; NO CASH REQUIRED. Fln West Sldo location; rent $1S: rood lease, swell furnlahed. want to trada n.HV on of leavinc CltT. APARTMENT HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. Can you beat this list Tor easy lenn.i If you are In the market for an apart ment house, you aannot afford to over look our templets list: na trouble to show you niese places. MUST SELL AT ONCE. 19 rooms, well furnished, steam heat, S years lease, house located In 1 block of White Temple: $1000 cash, balance $1000 In lota Thla Is a tins location, good lease and a money maker. Act quickly; It won't last long. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. 602-4 Hoard of Trad. Bide, Marshall 408; A 103UI 16-ROOM roomln-houaa; rent $r0; will clear Sl-S Pr mo.; oeat locauon. iw.fl near I'bntasjes Theater. liy owner; muat be aoM at once; aickneaa. Price $3ft0. 18 ROOMS, a bargailn; ona block from Hotel Portland; unau.e to taa w ui it rca. aon for gelllnc Tarma. AB 150, Ore Eonian. $400 FOR 8ALK 1 4 00. Roominc-houae, 12 rooms; all furatahed. Call 423 ia Davis il, cor. 10th. FOR LBASB Unfurnished 1. 2. 8 -room apartment-houae, central, aatvi mm a. ROOMING houae, 8 rooma, cheap. 208 Grant at., cor. lac lost ajnd roum LOST Tueaday mornlnf, whito mal pit bulldog 14 months old split in tipper part of left ear about H Inch long-, 3-Inch leather collar, a bucklea. 5o1ar filled with (.nit hrosrift larffa black eve, a naw era to nam of "Bob." Reward for dog or In formation that will help to recover aame. EL J. Rankin. 4'M 6th. Phone Wain ttt43 or Main una. - FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair rotau at wnoivaaio imrei, " renovate xnattreeaea and return aame d1! we alao renovate feathers. Portland Curled jH1r Factory, H. Aletacer, Front. 1'rione Main a a avoa. LO.ST Near Hotel Seward, evening of May '19. black hand satchel containing aum of money, raluabl papers and aundriea; liberal reward. Levy Kock. 779 Kearney ac Main 77UL LOST Mounted elk'e tooth, diamond set ting, engraved "Parents to David. In Eealy, Lowell Co.'i atora. Sultabl re ward. Phone Main tjw. T j T Mav 23. Gray nony. about 850 lb-, rope on neck when left. Notify IL O. Do Lnno, iseaverion, s. u au. a. r-w reward. iist In AJbtna. allrer watch, carved caea. lnltlala 1. C. gold double chain. Return Cul Mlaaiaslppl ava. Kewara. LOST Bay in aro, about 12 years old, 1200 li-a.; near OaJt Grove. J. L Marshall Mfg. Co. LOST Near Union and Ilolladay aves Bun- day afternoon, uay .r:i. amati goiu oi. Howard, t-none n lno. IOtST on Oaka car. girl' a brown co-it. aire a years, r liider pi-aase cau itwr vu anu receive reward. FOUND Bull terrier: If not calred for In ' two daya will b aold to defray expenaes. Phone Laat 46. it LOST Brindle and white Engliah bull bitch; had black collar on when lost; reward. Phone Wood lawn o.s. LOST Lady a gold watch, chain and pin between City Park and 17tb ac. May SO. If a, I Hill- Mtflrd. LOST On Salem Electrio line Sunday after noon, liui e -.vumiiiiBi leave at Electric depot and get reward. LOST A blt pin. Return to 106 fttb ac or bpkciai. yoTicrA propoaala lovitrd. cpn.en nranoaaia addreaaed to & E. Wil- aon. Bacrcnavrr -"- - . . V, a. Uh. wA axtr T, a BT ATI f Oregon Agricultural college, uorrauia, wr.. will be received by the said Board of Regents until 2 o'clock P. ac, jun a. lVila lor me Kurniauiai a .. and th performance of all labor required following ouiiuicxa. Horticultural building. Farm mecbanica building. Mechanic arts building. tr,ri f..r tha interior Unlahlng of tha Armory building, for tb AgrlculturaJ Col ics. Btaie oi uraun. . fl blda to be indorsed "Propoaala for (giving ine on w -" --k...ay. Bald proposals to be opened upon tb ii ih. wnrk and material muat con form to the plans and apecincatlona there A.- of collexe. Corral lis. Or., and of the architects. Bennta fc Hendrlcka. 4OV-0 1. k.j. i . i., t9 V.nh r.rnni.M nenryoiug.. iro. ,.V " " k muat o. stwuipii j . . of 3 per cent of tho amount of bid as a guarantee mat in. . --- - enter Into a contract according to aald plana and specifications. Said check to Do made payablo to tha Oregon AgTloultural College If for any reason, the bidder falls to execute the proper contract and bond required within 10 days after aotl- flcation 01 ios scvoii'v. - . Mid cejtlfled check wtll become forfeited to ,h. Orecon Agricultural College. EEAI.KD proposals will b. received at the flc. of R- H. ThomaA Clerk School Dla irlct NO. 1. 40 TUford building P"!". Oregon, until S P. M- Thursday. June 20. 1911 for all tho finishing hardware to H used ta th. Now Lincoln High School b. erected on block JOS, Portland. Bounded by Market, Mill. Seventh and Park streets. Portland. Oregon. Plans and specifications may b. obtained At th. of XlcVof th. architects, whltehous. lovill houx. 321 Lumbermen, building. No pro posal will b. considered unless aecompan- . . s , 1 navshls tO tD order of R. H, Tbomaa, Bcbool Clerk, for an auuiiL vaaa.. t - - -d gregaie prtafoa. w w . , " , D w and llqufCAted damages In caae the bidder faila to enter into contract ana 10 pruvtua a auitaDia ooau iw mw ----- a i, I lha (Atrenf tlia eon tract la awarded to him. Th right to Kf3 Mar "si lill- R. H. Thomas. School Clerk. . -, t oidv. crunrtt. Sealed propeeala will be received At thj office or joi-pn jscuu, '' "- ""-- H. fcmlta, oua o .,, ' T,,oa k Tail for grading, .xcaratlon. concrete retaining walls, sidewalks, etc.. as ca.led for In srecltt'-atlons and drawings for the Rose f ltv park School, which drawings msy be obtained la th. office of th. architects, proposal must b. accompanied by a .cer- tlfled checat or iv y' ' . . be forfeited as A fixed damag. la case tha contractor n.slecta or refuse, to enter Into a contract and p rondo A proper bond for tha faithful performance of tho work in caU tla. contract I. awarded to him. Th. runt is reserved to reject any or all olds, rigor, u )51in.d) h. c. CAMPBELL. iSlsnedl R. L. SAB IN Building committee. School Board. Dlstrlot NO. A. jnii.a"". " o SEALED bids will b repaired at the offic. of R. H. Tbomaa. School Clerk. 401 TU ford building. Portland. Oregon, until $ p. u June 13. 1.1L for acnool Buppllea and equipment for th. yarlouB schools In ftchool Dtatrlct No. 1. Multnomah County. Oregon, for th. school year of 11 il-It All bids to bo in Bceordanco with specifications, copy of which can be obtained at the Clerk's office. Certi fied check for. $ per cent of tho smount of the bid. payable to R. H. Tbomaa, fichool Clerk, must a-compny each pro posal. Board of Directors reserves th. right to reject any and all Bios. V1 " t H. THOMAS, ' School Cicrfc, JUNE 1. 191L SPECIAL NOTICES., Pioesoaals lavlteel. OFFICE Constmctlrg Quartermaster. 42 ATCWB Vi 1 . . C. tK,...-t . . . - 191X. 6ealed proposals. In triplicate, for the construction of a aooO.OOO-eallon re inforced concrete reservoir, with water mains, etc. at Fort worden. Washington, will be reoelv.d la this ofllc. until 11 A. M. Juaa S. 11L and then publicly ooinod. A deposit of $10 will bo required for return of plana. Information, plans, specifications and proposal blanks will be furnished upon application to Captain a. . ...... ..w.,'n jiiarterinaater. U. 6. ENGINEER office, 723 Central bldj Sropoaai for drodgin: at Loa -Angelea arbor. California, will be received her until 11 A. M.. June 1.8. 11L and then publicly opened. Information on aPP-;-tlon. Cbaa. T. Laeda. lat X-lauw i.ugt lifera. - BliseellaaeoBB. Df THE COUNTY COURT of th Btata of urcffoo, i or uiiutiu"A" - matter of th eatata of Frank; Herbert La tbrop, deceaaed. , . Th underaltfned. harlnf been appointed by tba County Court of tha Stat of Ore con for ilultaomah County, admin la tratrlx of tha aatata of Frank Herbert Lathrop, deceaaed. notice la hereby given to tha creditors and all perao&a bavinc claima acainat aald deceaaod to preaent them vanned aa required by law, within alx monthJ after tb flrat publication of thla notic to Loulae Jtnklna Latbrop. at tha office of JaffldJ G. Wilaon and B. F. Rlter, attorneys at law, 1105 Welia-Fargo bids, Portland. Or. Louisa Jenkins Latbrop. Admlniatratlx of tb catata of Frank Her bert Lathrop. deceased. Dated Way 17. 1H1L Lata of flrat publication May 18, 1111; data of last publication. Juno tt. ALL, persona having account against M. F, . . . - . . t Knrtii. XOp. Or tOB ST1SCW tiuo, o- a - --. present same within five days for paymenu . ... .1 .oil La.etx asp o ap... AS Mra. R. D. Forrest has loft my bed and board 1 Will not oe reiojia.uw . - ' debts Incurred by th above. R. D. For rest FINANCIAL. AN Interest-bearing investment, crtJe within a mna ot city umi" . " and sold by one of th. largest and mo.1 succcful real estate firms of fort land. Tho investment will pay large returns on capital In short time. This acreage and deal will bear the closest Investigation. a- j, v.ofew.... $100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to date over iio.uoo. in. iui v -. - Cisco Homo Builders. 871 PheUn bldg. San Francisco. iwBiiAornisu WILL sell 60 shares of stock In local Insur ance company at iswiiRe, aw-a I WILL finance and build your house up to $3000. Jp 14Q, uregonian, I HAVE the Investment you want See me. AO 146, uregonian. , Money to Loan Real Estate. SMALL T PER CENT LOAN9 $2500, $3000, $4000, $5000 and $9000 to loan at 7 per cent on Improved city prop erty ; also several sums to loaa at 8 per ceuU File applications today with KARTMAN A THOMPSON. Mortgage Loan Depu, Chamber of Commerce. ON IMPROVED city propertjr or for b"''- lnr purpoaea; o w a - . , repayment privileges; money ""J." building progresses. Th. Equitable hav ings A Loan Association. 240 stark su LOANS. MORTGAGE LOANS. o n to o per ceiii.. T L-Di-ir POUTER. 904 Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and T pr cni on tw k..."j. tDW, P. MALI. 104 Sttcoad su $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property; nullum, or swau wan. . . .. - . large loans a specialty. J. H. McK.eaxlB LXAK3. MORTGAGE LOANS, to 8 per cent. T L'D a Mir PDRTKR. 904 Chamber of Commerce. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purcnasea on imiu .u where In Oregon or Wasblngton. . L, Pevereaux. Fenton bldg., 64 Ctb ac MORTGAGE LOANS Jt.XC.UBi:ij. EDWARD E. OOUDEY, aLsQwia i3U"uiii. " . .y? i7Ja portiana propeny -u Li1"-- vi FHedner at uoyce, ovo-rvv ivuimwu a. LOWEST RATES jl00 to $10-000 to loan on . t 4- a -Vlf Ulin as Lafavatta JT . !. d.i. U.-Qihliii'irin ata.. Main K.r2tt. DJUi-l V-kA BB.A.VB ' ' " - MORTGAGE loans on well-improved farms, . w ixsckii r-n SOU Mi Kav hldir- Sd no ood TO $12.-900 to loan on West filde,.rrl WTilev A Walta. Aim rcu-- 4ja.. ' fepaidlng bidg. MON'Br to loan on improved real estat or for building purpoaea. Columbia Lifa Trust Company, tfl6 Spalding bldg. MONEY loaned without brokerage If wa build, current rates. L B. liaiiey Co S 2 4 Ab leg ton bldg. SMALL and LARGE amounts to LOAN cn REALTY. Ask Mr E ASTON. 2v2 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVED or unlmprovea property: small Building, loans, coutracta and mortgagee boughu W. IL Kuan. 448 Sherlock bldg. X200 0OO TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Beck, 8ia iFal.UJHjld. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest ratesT A. H. UlrroU Co, 22 McKay bidg, ad endStark. HORTOAGB LOANS AT REASONABLE RAT ES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. PRIVATE MONEY $50,000 or portion, Im proved city. Call Ti Cham, of Com, bldg. I HAVE $2000 to loan on realty security. Hedln, 4o0 Worcester bldg. MONEY loan city, suburban property, long or short date a Room fi. 2al )s Morrison. Sneclal -ad-mortgago real estate loans on monthly payment Room 81Z,-Hamilton. Etate f untia loaned, 8 per cenu W. E. loom. "Vate agenuMultnomah Co.. 4oo C. of q i7m"Toa$ll.000 or less, real estate security. isjrtngtua. .16 Commercial Club bldg. uo"l.rY any amounU 8 to 8 per cenu Good- Soug iV eiupai VORTGAGE LOANS, t AND 7 PER CENT, I fcTvVla SALOMON. Zd2 STARK ST, MONEY to Igan on good security on abort time. W. Lawrence, 315 Lumper Exchange. tV.AKS on raax, personal, chattel or collat eral ascurity. C. W. Palletc Fenton, prlDENCEti financed and buile Rf C- Pldg.Main 20&L roANS on all kinds of security. W. A. jU&tnaw ay. rr, , v uy fur good inaide loans, 6, T. &y cariocfi awaas,..- a--. BA50 TO loan by privat party. McKay bldg. Call v 615 on iv aTE money loaned on real eatat mort sageat A. H. Mlley. R. 204. GerUnger bldg. FhONM X1NDOLPH AlAXN i0C M MONEY to loan on lnsldo Portland proper ty. AT 32. Oregonlan. Loan on Chat tela mat WE LOAN MONEY. TJCYW RATES. -QUICK. LOANS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ANY AMOUNT FltuM 10 UP. On furniture, pianos, atorage receipts, livestock, diamonds and ail other kinds of personal property; paymenu arrangod weekly or monthly to ault your conv-an-lenca' courteous treatment to ail; private offices and svil buaineaa strictly conilden- UMX GRAY sc CUNNINGHAM. 201-2 athcblld bldg.. 2o7 -a Washington Mt, be ween Fourth and Fifth ats. MONEY FOR VACATIONS. DO YOU NEED ANY? 210 220, ICO, A40, 50, 160. $70, H0O. CHtAFtaT AND BEST PLACE TO MORROW MONEY, REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFiJJ-TIAX. STATE SECURITY CO 30 FAILING BLDG. 2 1 2 88$ MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping houae and othera fur nlshed without aacurity; cheapest rates, aleat payments. C m and get money whan you want 1C and pay as you can. Office In all principal citiea. D. H. Toi- man. 21 Lumter ivicaaBia w -..-1- -4f a rn a c r tt r Oa frarnlture, piano, aiorage recalpts, oto. Lowest rates. HTTTON CREDIT CO-, SOT SpaiQUlg Diag. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kind of se curity, chattels or real estate; Union Loan A LOAN for the asking, salary or clatteL , , s-w A 1 A -TsLriirn Tf- I - CP ine jj-.uaTkiA -.wk- --- LOANS on diamonds and other securities. W m. Holl. roo:q 0. Wasbln gtonb!d g. ifONET loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, StxicUy -coxiLdUA lai,- Sd. &aax iUuar, rXNANCIAL. Money to Lou oa chattels and Salaries. 1 $ $ $ " DO YOU NEED MONEY? Wb will furnish you. strictly confidential and without dei.y. a loan In any amounU on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock. aTorag. receipt and aU kinds of securities; on term, to suit; also weekly or monthly paymanlA. LOAM On flrst and second real estate mortgages fa REVEST ATB BROKERAGE CO. VilSHamutoa Bids. 31 3d. Mala $3A $$$' S LOW rates: we loan money on diamond, and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d. Ians Wanted. WB can tnvest your money at BOoa "to. of; gilt-edged securities; fl mort gages: long-term InveaunenU r"" Investment A TrusteA Co, 1A. u soar ox iraa. Diug. $2000 WANTED on home worth 4: modern- will pay 8 per cent Quarterly and reasonable expense:5 fuU l.urance; good title. W. W. or W. R. car; district re- Btrlcted. Akl ma. urttnui. WANT loan of $1750 oa my ,J"lah8""1 Will pay S per cem ariu a '-:" to private party. Address T 14. Ore gon an. WANT $1000 for 3 years at 8 per cent on nice East Side cottage and lot twxioo. Call 317 A3 oar q or iriB WANTED For S or 6 years, $3500. on flrst class real estate, T per cent, payable quar- terly; no as-nts. V 147, Oregonlan. OWNER vacant property worth $2300 wonM loan of $300, T per cent, no commission. WANTED. 1500. thre. year, at T on gooa nmniirlV. GrUSSl ZadOW, 311 Hoq rH of Trade bldg. . . WANTED From private Prty. fj00-." resiaence; oost ii."u gonian. $2000 WANTED at once; residence: 3 years. 8 per cenx laierea., 145. Oregonlan. $1000 WANTED from private party oa good residence. hji m. w.a- WANTED $2500 loan, gllt-edgo real estate security. AtJ i.o. vic6u.. WANT $2000 8 years; will pay 8 per ceati home worm .-taom. WANTED $8500. also $12,500. ample Income security; no agema. . - WANTED $500 8 per cent on 17 lots; (ood value. n x-sa. vj. . LET us place your money, good mortgages; referer-ckA F. H. LewlA Lewis bldg. PERSON Ala WB HAVE the finest equipped private o- flces on tne pacino -"f ""'", W- ih. every therapeutic appliance used by tne " . i n in l-. . rnna fA r1 IT 111181" moat aavanceu uiu -.w.--p- !.- lea. we use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. W. use every form of massage and adj ugtrnent and me -chanical body treatment vibration, radia tion and heau Bake ovens X-Ras. statlo, coils, violet lights and ultra 1.1,thIJiy' High-frequency, owu, ' - . r a Bolir. giant and King lights. We are the only physicians on the Pacific Coast using radium to treat patients. Com. and he exam 1 no U iree ana -' wa tan been Portland over five years and treated rnousauu. v ""ver P'O -'".. lor,. A1S- we tai.o no roawBiu ul : . : . eases, neither do we go out of the office to ireac pauenii. a vau-v..- . , , and have cured thousands of so-callea "incuranies ana nciium ' yesiigate lor jouisoi. ' " , . entire north half of tho third floor of tha Kothcbllds blag. AJr. v. as. Naturonath. TO FRANK HERMANN, a son of Frederick Hermann and Dora Hermann, deceased. Of LeKay. Dodge County. Wisconsin: It is for your Interest to at once correspond with your uncle. George Engel, Kekoskee, Wis. p. O., MayvUle. Wis.. R. 8, or any one knowing of his whereabouts would confer a favor by notice to anove s""tvB- HAIR. HAIR. Largest atock In the city to be closed out at coac convene German and pure hair cut from one head only; good switches for 9o and up; all fix tures lor sale, large mirxora ui -. - ores, building torn down for Llpraan Wolfe site. Grand Leader. Bth and Alder. DR. ALICE A, GRIFF. UlSeases ox women aiiu uunui-ou, s..a ; tgery; chronic and nervous diseases treated aCCUrUlUg LU lUC mit-a. iuoauu. sVU.U b VilBU ACJl , UUU3U1 4-sa tiuu 1 w oiZVi Washington 8C SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HeiaingforS graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physieian"s direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 Bast llt-O ac. second door south from East Anlteny a nun T5 ICi.1-. canine, rnuue ir. uwi - nn-nnitn n-i-r-e, r. si t a rii mtiaieiir. C Holmstrom. digestive, nerve, aexual and chronic disorder a specialty: only "ln; tiflc masseur in uus ciiy- -wi.iiiA.-aa Oregonlan bldg. TTITWVTCT Ar RAN'EBtTT. Leading wig and toupee makra- finest Stock -or numan nair gooua. nwi-wt;.-.-.. mknl curing, face and scalp treatments. 147 7 tb sC. near Morrison, rnom " HAVE your old haU made to look like new ior uie iw-i -","' t lnal Maka Over Shop, 415 Alder, cor. lltb. No scnooi-wors; uono, oy wvwi-euv,ovi pie oniij HELEN SORNS and J. B. Perry, magnetic heal era. treat au wiiiu'"u uwcmo,. rm Russea SU, Portland. Or. Phon. C 2127; T M ITA fkf ax A T TlrT nOUTB irl k, ABA. W V ' -. men Trv S. O. tablets for debility from a sr I anw a A A roia m nn any cause : jvi lt-a ' .V . , . returned ii It falls. T. Pierce, 245 Mor rison Bl, MRS. Stevens. 16 years Portland's leading P&llTUSt IIIA VACUA VUJBVUJ. " , 7 book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on solo U 243 -a Yamhill, corner Seventh sC tak a A ACSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam Iration free, 802 Merchant Trust bldg- $01 U SAAlU M B.A.AA.ASB. - - DRESS suits tor renc 2L&0 month; keep . .inthM elea.ned. Dreased. buttons 6tb and wasninewn- -auuo ju,ain -vt. aewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and aT.rr.ia. rnif.A Tfltlartna Co.. SOfl Ktar. MEN. If you are weak, nervous and run down Write IOr t'ltS UUUTJI A14B hwuV- A4.aa,. , V-V-V." Iiiformatloa free. The Vitallz- Izer -ttemeay v-o- a vi -.acaaaaa. "DR. WALKER, specialist for men, qulckly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and pllea. ConsultAtion f ree. 181 it bu. ruiwiiu. tR KETCHUJTS OFFICE MOVED TO WOOL) LAWN. PHONE, WOODLAWN 757- " " OTT-T OB COMBINGS. Switch. f5o: curls and puffs, 75c Sani tary HeautyPariors, 4W uchum bldg. tvrMTCTp t aTa atock and Dart cash for au lotnoblle. Phono Tabor or O l-i7, Oregonlan. LADIES Lorens antiseptic cones are sooth ing, safe and sure; fl per box. Slip Tay lor Drug v-i1-. A.og aRATlTY Parlors Facial massage, manicur ing, scalp treatment a specialty; private csavlis made. AZ'Zit wasn. sc. suit 31. WE do everything In ladles' tailoring; suits to your measure from $33 up. J. m, Ehrlich Co.. Phoenix bldg.. 6th and Oak. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental scion tiaC SUlte OBO 79 3iiiiitvua at..; pUDUO meeting Wednesday, S P. M. Main 6S..4. LOhENZ NERVE TONIC. TABLETS raster loat vitality. 25o box; 6 boxea, $L20. Slip Taylor i-TUg -o-t -atf Jtvomaon au MME. CourtrlghC feature and skin epclal- ISC PUB Q VV CA-i-tVAAkA M.v. sb.III IWles. BALM OF FIGS Remedlea for diseases al women. a-q. . u asa-svaaa pim, MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mr. W- adltl. sL-T A ll-CVaAliSar U1U(. na. O-t 4 A. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE, BAIRD & CO., PtJBLJAJ ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 21.4 Worcester Block. Alain 7St; A 1449. Counsel and expert in all matters per taining to municipal. coriunerciaL factory cost ana mauairuu accuuuuuii. COLLI3. BERRIDGE & THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACOOUNTAIN'TS, AUDITORS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 22 Worcester biocK. f-ftono aiain fcaor. Architects. W. A. CARPENTER, architect and designer. removea to ioja cnamuer 01 commerce. Assayer and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, clienn- 1b la and assayers. w aanington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing worn:. ia siorriaon at. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to X4a,t tO X1-8 IWfl WAS-l-,. M. Baths and Swimming'. Portland Swimming baths, 17 4th Elegant ! a rilh s T1J1 ah 11 WAT hflthl. 2S(V HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatlo treat- menc elegant jhumuc. pj gium- Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 2Tuii. Chiropractic Phjaiclaiu "CHI-P.O-PRAC-TIC TICK-NER"; say It fast aaa -cai ii a aa - - -- a ax DCU fret '-ulir r- h ' m Tit- In II It J-,. Y aA AllAAIoJAA, " J - . . - . a,-.. .a. (Vragoa. iii i'UeOuar hide. Hour, I to , 19 BCSINESS DIRECTORY. Civil Engineer ORRIN S. STANLEY Railroad and munici pal engineer, uaamoer oa ..umnttji in. shall -155 4. ; , . Chiropody. WILLIAM Estello and Floasla Deveny, tha only scjeniuic cniroyoui;... m " -v. Parlors 30$ Gerlinger bids-, 6. w. cor. Sd and Aider, rnone dtaiu xoox. C-ElIROPODY and pedicuring- Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 4au rieianer oios. aiiim j... Contractors. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and remodeling a specialty; Sign work- J. Bliss. $22 U Stark. Phono Main 017. W. L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing-, of fice and store settlnp. e in. atu sw P4 $SS1; A 7ip63. Woodiawn 562. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, feneral contractor. 414 eiis-i? argo piag. anuu CollfH-tions. PORTLAND Collection Agencj' S17 AllsKy hldg. All debts collected. A lill: J. s--. Dauclng. LESSONS. J5o; 4 lessons for $1; walta, two- step, three-step. stage uancius. i. every morning, afternoon and eve.; Prof. Wal Wilson s School; oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct dancing. 36A, Wash, st.. pel W. Park and 10th sU Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work Is Impossible; does away entirely wnu brldgework: we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth absolutely; terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co, Ablngton bldg. 106 3d. THE old reliable Union Painless Demists. 1st and Morrison sis. Dog and Horse Hospital Dr. Brown. D. V. S office 12S N. "ta at. Main 40 S; res, rj. B44I). Hospnoi Electric Motor JIospitaL WALKER-MACKENZIE Electrio W orks. East 117. Motors sola, renieu, loiauw. Kngine Aiaa aixl Steam. ROBER Machinery Co, Coast agts. Seahury steam engine and Doners. p-"u"" f" gines. 281-233 E. Morrison St. Phone E. olB Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO., 600 Lorlng ml. Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1115; B $2s9. Feed Store. Z1GLER A MISNER. hay. grain, feed oe- Landscape Gardeners. O. H. SEIBELS, landscape gardener and nursery man, nas moveii iu o Sellwood 1167. Leather and Findings CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front Leather - . . J I n.lnn tang TT1 frfL1 fl 11 (1 1 11 C S. J. A. STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. Es- uujiisiieii ian.. . . - MedlcaL DR. E. K. 6C0TT, 922 Selling Dtseases oi tne nectum. Musical. Emil Thellhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevcikv nnA A 11CI1 ' Unmhall 1 S 2 ft. PW 111 iVl U 111.1. a . w., Osteopathic Physicians. DR. IaEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle, JIO., Class OI lias; pusi-inwuttiD a., under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the scl ooo 1122 Sellins- bldg. M. 18S7, A 1985. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg, i rh-inin T-it.aa.os. Phone Office M. 34& Ria. East or B 1028. Papering and TinttrAg. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; seat. clean worn, raouo .a. Paint 90Usodlas-- COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best . J a aU. J".rtn ai . nil m tl fa. K A rr. eaapieu to i" -wwaAor. B-EUTER fAl.M JKJ lio OtJl.U'AAAA BASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers. PaiDt- oJ" glass, sasn anu aoura. m. " ---- Patent Attorneys. PATEaVTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney . . . .a- TT O TJopnnl nfflf.H. BOOaC- at jaw, iaio i j 1,11- i ere. 71B Board of Trad bldg. TL & AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by 4091 Chamber of Commerce bldg. R. O. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign p&i- ... a efii Viailriitn h 11 AT. ents, mrringement. vawo. - Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company 60S v. 1....1. v.i iiiap Mnhnr. Portlana. OU5 JI-q--HAij uiuft. -"-'- - . i-.u. r Kfre.t T.av In e. Wfl.A"TL.";.ur.,f." 517 Reck hld 1 wnb rokers- UNCLE MEYERS Collateral Bank. 40 yearg n,-.ior, 7i fit sr. Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and oirice near a?ili. -- - Plumters. FOX 4 CO.. PLUMBERS. Main 20U1; A 2001. 209 2d sc COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb- Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choic. stationery oto. Rng Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from od B 12S0. 153 Union aye., nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT Ai:i.1.T ...hiii factory nrlceSL easy terms: ,ec5nd-hand safes cheap. Salesrooms 60 Third BU Factory Kenton. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st Safe, at iactury i" "-c. Second-Hand Goods. W pay the highest Prices lor g r otninK nuu p"" . Showcases, Bonk and Show rixturcs. THE LUTKB MFG. CO bncb Grancl Rad ios anowoas v-toA, -- VAAA aa. -rn anu ppr. R. H. BIRDSALL. 208 HAMILTON ULU. snowcanKs in Btu-., f.'P " agent, M- Winter Lumber Co. MARSHAL MFG. CO 4th , and Couch, , Hpn BeCOOU-AicUiu. jiniu iw - ; Steamslilps. ALLEN LI?- flcturesque ot. now"""' ..w,.-. Woltlv Salllnars From MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL. GISGOW. Splendid scenery shortest passage, low ratea. ALLEN ft CO.. 127 N. Dearborn Su. Chicago Storage and Transfer, q O. PICK Transfer at Morago "wo, of flees and commouiwus t-...- u.... -house, vrith separate Iron rooms and fire proof vaults for valuables, N. W. cor. 24 and Pine eta. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Special rate made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main 588. A 1996. . FREE STORAGE FREB. All household goods go Into brick warehouse free for the first SO days and . . . .vmi ft... mnv nv . n d packing done by experts, van Atom at at tne lowest i mo. , fer Co. Aaotn ihioii3- uiaur.-r.orj - General transferring and storage, eafes. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shlpmenU 87-89 Front sU Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. , OREGON TRANSFER CO, established 187a Transfer and forwarding agents Storage ofnoe 810 Hoyt st, between 6th and 0th. Fhonea Main 6J. A 1109. - , -, . . r-. r i vcrrt) rf-r. Taxidermist. MOOSE, elk heads, fur work. F. B. Flnlejr, tjoiumuiti. ajoi. TrrawrttiiM. - ' - a WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast: Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter at. changej8JJi'ashJnKJnj BU TYPEWRITERS, all makes, f20 to $60. fully guaranteed, easy payments. rentals $3 Dr month. Pacific Stationery & Printltng CO.. ua J. NEW. rebuIlU second-hand rentals, a ratea P. r- C. Co.. 2ai Stark. M. t cut 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor $t per hour: rates to large houses. B 1650, East 1106. Wood and Coal. " WOOD FOR SALE. First-class wood delivered on west side of river or Portland Heights at reason able prices; large orders preferred. Phone Marshall 217. , DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood t3.U0 per load delivered any place in the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 10j 107 lltu St. North. Main 37. A 8to6. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Office, and yards at 125 E. 7th su Phone East JJ4JB2777; . 6EGHERS WOOD CO. Saw.d 4-ru cord-, wood and .lab-wood. 8th and GUean. M.; 8359. M. 8351. Ail5. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main 1006. A 1106. .' CO L ALBIN'A FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal and wood. Marshall 96u. 3S7 Water st. WeU Drilling. DRILLING well, a specialty; priced, reason-; able. Call Main 13J or write Miller 4a" We. Is- Morrison .U. f orUand.'