Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 01, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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Tf jm haT. aa capacity of from
.",. t. $la" a Booia. w wou;d Uk. t.
h... yoo call ..for. soea and ha. .
la.a :tn ua.
the nsjT rrE cowant.
Maloa B.dg. Tairtl and aiadiaoa Btl.
THRLE ul-prlc anllrltnr. pr
day win r 3 : 3 . - Ji
1A1.S.-MAA far biah-claa. laduatrial .tors.
Al. 14.V t-. joi; .1.
TlA-NTtO Eij"rl:rr.n. rami
4) a-. 1-1 Ana .-rr:oti-
:ook Aad !tnnlrs far Bumtiwr more
"" I.r. U . .11'
for rtaurmnt. if
country note !
1 cbimlKi irtAlda. 130 cirh.
NurH girl. I - V
i con and Mcud prlrat. faml jr
naakt?pr. rotintrr. ICA.
;irl far .hnoftBC gallery. fiO.
Kitcb.a 14 p Oo4
rai aouaawora.
. runtnvurvr rrt
Ladl-. 2ii Morrison.
q-jir j.r lr.r.l lonf-n'Mir w.i n.. -.
f od pay. App.r to eup.rlntend.nt. tola
Boor, a la 10 A. j.
STED Cirl for a.n.ral. hooawork:
lr: for g-.rl ?
"rk girl wl'.h llffir lo car for amau
rBI.4. 1'h.n MalB
HiVTEli i-.T-!. who writ. c:ax.
hanrf. to J"1
r'l.ara k.rr (iitM ' Co. 4ta
H t
.ui VJ girl for g-neral houw-ork end
r.,xl .iffi '.om fcl Uil
?th N.yttv
GIHL fter general houaaworfc. smell famijT.
-.wj w.aj Apply between ll 4
rTi- Oxird liti. corner ata d Oaa
air, a.
f" a rruii -si cig-r iuuL Muat ba
BAfna KiriQC. OVr -J
t r 2Cv a lr. btta and
A- M.
U ANTtl "'up: jounr ta tt work !q
pii:t atutfio and d t.icltln: t!r
fr prti- b c ood. IV
14 son t.n.
WANTCr-i'U.nlft for tbtr f
liTht worn aia: mil alr7i
Ihon mib om l bt"a 13
and t"Jy.
oTrL t atat In bruworli and ear of
rh;idrn is M r- imill how.
b wmhin. Mala blwao
WANTED Good -Nr man to work a
lirm cIom to Portland. Nona bul -pr.-'nrd
la -nral farm wora
appir. 415 Corwii bld.
Otrt to a't wtta hovjpworlt and
tnv la m.. faml.y: ftomlttaa and aaay
work- wfa nun raoaal-a T 14
KrMAHLE aldorty wotnaa for plJn cook
ie o4 to ait la -nrU houaowork;
mU fmtly. aad avavy wxahir. .va
u t .w i3.CaU 31 1 k t.
t.lplA.v! WOI-rC CO rqu!ra blp l
ihir uli and rlak. aio aatrrailoa
P-rtni-rt. Apply to maaagor ot eioa oa-
WXx f tu Oirl for general hoaMWork
rookla. o laundry work: only oaa who
r,artnaa br tu:na al apay.
lC-jt.i ""'!.'!'Tr'rfc-
COM PKTK.xT womaa for r-nral how--work.
1 la family, so chiWrn. iklit liw-
thorno rtvr to laadd Addil-oa. AP-
WaMEO ttmU. epM woman for ra
dobsiMo LXM tioo. V'.at Co.. V HOCA-
cftlld bldC-. 4ib andVJhlnton.
KXFERIRNCKD -wond ytrl.
1 A famllff
cook -i; hotk;-r. at. I-oma Aaacy.
WAX.Et-4"itrl for gnral houork.
YOT Nt woman of cood ipp-mfinc wanted
for cn.ontratln. App.y owra lura
t'o . 31 an 1 Tanbl.L
tS bLnctoD St.. R."in 14.
Mam aj or A
fXPKn.ENTEI) prwar oa lad laa "
maata. Saw Tork lya Worka, pboaa
CH1HWB at...
WANT a lady to work in board in c-hooa foe
-r ana nwrina r'M a m a va ...
Kuar;i at. fftona aT
W'AMCD K.irr'nrt- ktrl for arond
work wm f pr monta. I'boa Mala
r'W or A 1"''- .
k K (in a how any Udy who can panj a
rw hour aah day bow aha eaa tnaka a
fw do!:ara fall 113 ywtlaad bld
KdMAN thorouhly oxp-riancvd; !a eort
a.i:n and fltun App.y to Miaa avaUa
at the Tu!! A llbba atwr.
t43 Waahtnctoo at., cor. 7to, upatalra.
I'honaM Aln
W A N T F I Pub Ic atenorapliar to tak oer
o j . it;itrU buatDk netting larg
moattitj' in'oma H 1 AU. OrcgoBLan.
TOVXO lady for q ik-k-aolling new noreTty
for roe (eatHaU-Uarria. Oblo UoteL.
Frnt at.
.N r CLV A aeainatreaa. alteration altlrt
tand. at one. Appio ualo OutXttuag C-w.
w aant r. a ;onii.
lAiKL. for gaaeral bouawork: family of S;
ct $2 v. a;i Kortland I'ou.e-u-d. cor
ner I nioo avA. Thono Woodiana l13t
COMI'KTKNT gtrl-forgenral bouaowork;
gjoo bma ar.d g4 wagea App.y foro
aoona, wV Lo-ajoy at-
ti" A NTK tKxd eok. amaJI fanrj;--: rf
erwncaa r4Uixad. Call aaorBloga 14 N.
"ANTED A youn girt, about 1 yean of
a. aaatat la tha taking cara of an la-
far.t. AFPr ,h forenoon. 713 Layejoy.
W a NT E L "irl mim with a baby aad
ee.ord work- 4 Maltnda head of
Johaaow and 25t f at. V -Ha -Aa.
V ANTED -i.rl far gara! houaework. bo
cr Udrea. g-od waaea. I'boea luaat 14i.
:; Eaat 3.d at. Nrth
j x f rw, I C'C E r aa' nn d maid w aj. td fo?
private lamlly. aga e. Main T34-V.
t A a.-.
VTa.NT L E t prtat-el ahtrtmakera. only
rt-.a-aa may appiy. aV aiaa. Udlaa
talior. 17 1'ta.
ANTE t 1 rat Laaa marker and l!a
tribitor. lnteraatioaai lauadry Cow ka
gta a d Oak av
lDT af aat appearand aid good talker
t ao:utt for lrK iorprtruon. good pajr
tf gutted. Apply T-0 leoQ b.dg. e
WANTED Ctrl for general booaowork, 4
adulta tn family, tary
Baj-av e-wa.
call at Hart at-
i OTKU t aa-rtat ta iMaaawark
famuy. owtoa at.
ITAVTXO Eipartonrod gtrU
acd W rreaja. 1I d at-
tat-Xaotlouai f
WAVTICD Olrt for
Ta ar a.
ciaa4T at aad at Oak
OIRt to cwre f r eM'J Is yeara. City raf
ronr. 11 N -- 1. cor u.,n.
OlftL f'r g nert b-
(. y Womaa for tlgbt aervtcaa. email aagaa.
7tl MaraAiaii.
:ANTEt aaar;er'ercrd ae:ndr for ta
-ldla aad i-waMrti Ko'erta fro a.
5" AN TEtv Ctrverief cd s.rt
koue ork. Z$ iia at.
for geaerai
OOOD girt wantd ta work la at,
44 -. imniu
A-NTEt - irl foe gaaarai bouaawark. Til
Kerney at-
TWO g'r:a for C rat and aacoa-l work. Af
p:T Tt .Ha at. North.
WANTED Oomretert rirl for geaarai
B jaawork, 51 r- Ti:or.
AIR!. t' ?o 4 lottera A
t-.f Tbralay mora-
to. g' :g
JV"1" R demonatratora f" a-'w artir. b-eo
oa for pr-poa:ti a. B:3 ic4 b : d g
ANTE? An experienced
Apply Pae.f e lur dryj'
aMrt fmieher.
: 1 1 Artiur at.
v K firet-caaa aoiu-
w: ae am 3J
NEAT gf to
du.ta l famry.
aaat ta houwaert;
Jhnoa at.
WANTtP--m-aaaaa to taaa rara i
kt Jr. pboria w 9od:awa 1
of aa aid
Vr A NTT V Girl for g-nerai boua-work: goad
ag. 4a-4 Nortftrup l Mrriaon car.
CTRL ta aaatat ta saaaraJ bo-xaaarork. M
timhl!! at.
WANTED to aaatat
Tite) X(are(Va'l. Be,r
wltk bouaewwrk.
ANTE 1 A a aper'o ed rilar girL Ap
p;y rajlf'.a Laaad-r Co.. ?11 Ar:bur
WANTED A g rl for gaaarai bouaawork.
rroue .-
TaTWiPw rr waited. 4-5 Morrlaaa,
mcaioaj Arm.
petent aaia clarka for tba following da
partmtc'j :
.f k(i r.
Alao glrla 1 yeara of ago to tram tba
buatnraa. Appy ta guperiatendrat. t to
10 A. M.
WANTED A girl or woman of good char
acter for general bo oaa work and aaalat in
care or cht.dren (not spoiled . ; Dice nw
home, good room, for right paraon, perma
nent poaition: practically Do bard work
at the a-inae time no plaro for a apongar.
Eaat 30To. or W?l Brodtr.
Apply BtABdard Factory No. 1 Grand
It, and laat Taylor at.
WANTED Exparleai-ed taUoraaa for our
mea t alteration d-parUDnt, Bca Sail
ing, leading clothier.
OiKL for bvuMwork. good home, good
wage. a laundry, imtl f-unliy. Call
raoriimga; ftjsft Mara ha it at.
CIRL for -reneraJ houaawork; ona willing
to ca ta tba baacl. preferred. Phona Mala
SLE EVER and body Ironer. r a lac a Laundry
Co.. taat )txb and Ererett ata.
OIKL for cooking and general houaework.
713 Proadway U Phone EaatllSi
EXPERIENCED girl to do cooking and gaa
eral houaework. AM Taylor at.
I-JCPERJENCED waltreaa at tha Faiaca
Cafa. 44 U aahlagton iat
WANTELe IliniTM:rla l Ua Holly preaa.
4W ynt at-
A GIRL f'r general houaework and cook-'
rrg. N". 3 lat at.
WANT EX) Girl fr general houaework In
flat. Call 7S3 MarahaJl at
OIRL for cooking and downelalra work;
muat bo good cook. Call tHtO Marahall at.
ETXPEKIENCKD girl for cookiug and ta aa
a: at with houaework. t A Everett aL
A-N experienced gtrl for upatalra work and
h e l p wu hcm rao f child. 7 4 Kraratt.
DININO-KOOil girl for prlrata boaxdirg
houaa. 71 Hoyt.
WANTED (iirl for general houaework;
small family. Ptrooa Eaat 1WI.
WOMEN wanted to work, at tha baby home.
E- t 37th E 1 . worth. Tabor gift.
WANTED Gtrl ta rook and da general
houMwork. Mala
WANTED At onca, canvaawi
gents, a alary or com j. laatoa.
shall 1VO.
ra. lad laa or
Phana Max-
WANTED ivra and girla to work aftar
arbool hours. For lauvrvlew addraaa, T
147. Oregoaian
WANTED To talk with lady or gentleman
w no la willing to wora aevarmi uuun yr
day for e or S 614 bwatland bldg.
WANTED EaparlaBced gookkeepr. Apr
ply Frya A Co.. tieatUe Washington.
In all cltlca tbroushoat tha world; oper
ators aaro ft.ft to 140 weakly: actual thea
ter ezperlanca given; wa bav tba large at
and fineat ajuiypd school In tba world;
theaters mmjv tl to 100 dally; thaater
a.uipped on easy terms. Open e van lug a.
UttSb Waa, ur. 17t POSITIONS for graduate last year:
men and women learn bar bar trade In
g weeks, help to terurt noeitlon; gradu
ates earn from lift to 125 weakly: axpert
In true tors: tools frea. writs for cata
log ura Mobler 5tcai of Ooliegaa. Aft
North 4'.h st, Portland. Or.
Wanted, energetic man to taka eonraa
ta auta repair work and drmag; boat
equipped a:nool oa Pacico Coast. 8ea ua
before euro. Hag elsewhere. Taka Aid car,
get off at AC ld aad Morrison.
POSITIVELY no expanse lo learn trade and
bo apprentlca or helpers' work rexjuired;
actual work on contract Juba; alectrlclty,
automobile, plumbing, bricklaying. 104
students laat year. Writs to Untied Trada
eichool Contracting Co.. Loa Anraiea.
WANTED Mr acholara In millinery
school; taka laaaona now; prepara lor Fall
aeaaon ; locat tons and posl t loos secured ;
latest methods taught, old bats made over,
hata trlramad ta order; bring them. Make
over tibup. at Aider st. Marahall lia.
Railway mail. p. o. ciek-Ccier-s-car
riera. custom house. Intaraal revenue a
a matloas every whara Eraa book oa
coursea. Pacific blalea eWhooi, Mcay
bldg.. Portland. Or.
LADIES can aara $12 ta $14 par week do
ing and teaching lncy mora ac noma: no
ei pert r nee required. Call 742 Alblna tva,
between Beot.1, and Froemont L car I In a.
A LIFE-H1ZS baad-pa!nted portrait from
aD7 pnoioi 1 vr uuit-j, w a "
a perfect liken eaa; only io Studio 1AA 'm
MorrUon st. C. A. Ranaa, artist.
BrlNESA woman oaa hara room tn prlrata
bom. and dino.r tn .xenanc tor llitnt
a. .nln ..Tvlcr-i. rharact.r raX.rancwi r.-
q-jtrHl. AO HT. Orcconlan.
WANTKD M.n wuhlnr to l.arn to drlva
aad rrpalr auto to l: p.atirata in. ap-to-dat.
ar.t.a at tb. PorUaAd Aoto bchooi.
&0 N. lib- Z
IIKNOORAPUCM to Jola day and lht
olaaw. ror f PMlAt wvra B moowa bum-
pa col.c. -:h a4 WaabAcataa; poalTlon.
w camnafot.
LEaRN automobila drl.lna and rapalrlno:
actual pratlcAl .T p. r i.u i. , say or .
Itiaa X.S Waahlnatoa at. room 41ft.
WKUr-PRlI.I.INO. ImI holM and quirk-
..nd my apctalty. w m. n. aajtid. va
ront at. 'hoa Main AJ9J. A 1.VHA.
HAM). Tlrt.. Ml 1 I.' u. rAn..J.i. a.
TKXTION. S61 P.tmont. cor. Utn. B. 14.4.
AKB aon.y wrltln. abort atarlaa mt for
papara- blc pay: frf booklet t.lla aw.
ciu4 Praa Sjadlcata. fca. rrwaclac-
UVaL OFF1CB Int.rratlonal Corrwapond
nn icdmia zaa Aia vvmm "i .
I' M. fiaod for froa aataloauaa
WIL0. tint room, for Jl 5 and paint broa-
at our pne Tnon. l.aat .. X
I.NTr.RNATlONAL iofTfpondnca Fcboola.
.t1tj bid.
iattlTla. 1 m. ms ltk au Mala MA.
CI RTAIN-t l.ijnud lio and up. Wood-
lawn J4-
HraAkfWfi laraa.
a .spanrocd Jmtn and ma. da
;r.a ta l'4.k. a caan... oaa m
p.rlr.c In tba clear, conf.ctlon.ry and
drut aanJrt.. IIM. a: baa had
p.rtanc. lo contract war. for p
I.. rorp.rat !.aai af raf.
147. ur.con.i
aa pooka. pr-r. h.:irw aad atatnaaata
tnata.l hiuoa liilanmam. aaditar. all
(...ta bi-U- Maraeail III.
Y.-; N i3 nsA-u IT. wlja oroca aipcrirn.-a.
urn p. an on. AD 14. Or.(oa:an.
DOT. a.4 If. HUH pualtloa aa at.noa;-
raph.r and os;it oot. "i-i m-mn a. .
a.k Ak 14IA. Orrxonlatv
P.1TK'N aa mtBAiir of .tor wanttd by
liu orrxoman.
KM'EKT p.XJKKEEPER will aaatat In writ-
Ira up aoa auju..i.a
rooJ.rata faa. Ajr 1.7. Oroolaa.
TOTNvl. . rl. a bookjtrrprr and offlea
tra wane. & .n i . ..u. ...
c:r. AF l.j. t'r.aoman.
kjOTll im
CARPESTER alalia day or c-atraet. A. u.
Toucf. y. iwooq A. A.
JAPANESE, rratlaaa cook. want, poaltaoa
in AA.iiiij aa a.w w. -i.
CHAUFFEUR First-class driver and re
pairman wants poaition ta private family;
understand all repairs on automobile,
launches and gas an gloom. M Ora-
WANTED Position with steam roller, sta
tionary, plowing, thrashing or donkey en
gineer: ex parte need and iootzunendatlona.
IJ7 W loth. Madford, Or.
JilTRSERT foreman. Eastern tata and for
tgn axparlenca and will consider largo or
" small p.aca: trreen house or prlata aetata.
M 13d. Oregonian.
MAX with 4 yeara experience and recent
ly from the Eaat. want position aa Jan
itor in apartment -ho use. AF 14S. Ore
gon laa. '
WANTED Situation by German around ma
chinery, or pottery work- AJ liO. Orego
Blaa. GERMAN, boneat young man. wants position
In private family or a place of any ktnd.
AR 14d. Oregonian.
POSITION a driver. Janitor or watchman,
with 9 yeara references. AX 14i. Ore
gonian. .
SITUATION" wanted, farm or orchard work,
by experienced single man; sober and re
liable. AC US. Oregonian.
WANTED To sprinkle lawns and clean
porches for the use erf basement room.
Addrejw P. O. Box 810. city.
BAKER, good young all around man want
poaition- city or country: sober and re
liable reference. AB 143. Oregon lan.
CARPENTER foreman. experienced heavy
conatructloa. handle blueprint Pbone Ta
bo r 103. -
MOVING-PICTURE operator. First-class
m n ; con tl n uous show axparlenca, AX
140. Ore onl an.
YOUNG man wants stead" poaition In gar-ate-
some experience; satisfied with small
wages to start. AO 141. Oregonian.
LICENSED chauffeur desires position an
lug; can do own repairing; references.
Phone C 3M0. AN14 ureguni.u
TOt'.va weW -educated man. good mechan
ic, want position; reference. Y 14. Ore-
Jspaieae Employment Co. will ' urnlsj aU
k-B,t1l1iP-4- ' Everett.
GOOD cabinetmaker, can do also carpenter
finishing; want work. AE 14S. Oregonian.
ME4TCUTTER and grocery clerk: speaks
Gsrm an andEngltsh APljW. Oregonian.
WANTED Team work. 162T peninsular ava.
beak keepers m d hieooajrap h era.
WANTED Stenographer want position In
lawyer's orice; ftS yeara experience In
ffic of Clark of Circuit Court; refer
ences. AK 141. urronnu.
WANTED Poaition aa stenographer and
bookkeeper; ttva yeara experlenca: any
Una of work; best of referencea. rhone
Main ail.
STENOGRAPHER with soma experience de
sire, position at raaaonabl wage. Phona
YOUNG lady dualres general off lea !;v8
yeir-r experience with marbla company.
T 1 -'-'. rr"'-
BTENOORAPHER. 15 yeara experience, de
air poaition; alao bookkeeper, phono Ta-
BOOE. KEEPER, stenographer. hJ'T?.
experlenew lumber and mercantile bnstnesa.
..I 1 -r 1 . tl m ran all J VW.
reasonaoio w
BTENOORArnER dralrea poiltlon; no x
p.rl.nre. Fhona Hrllwood liJS.
tv-vvnrnii'venn at.noarapbu' dailrea
position. Main ,1311: .
IXPEHIENCKD at.noraphtr want, po.1
turn: city rafaranca. woodlawa 132a.
pri itnakara.
tba day; refaranoaa.
WASTED Sawlnf ty tha day.
phona Tkbor
CAPABLE woman with boy t, UoalroA bouas.
k..pln. Main 1039. A 477
flarten. 711 No, Ht at-. Lincoln. I.b.
MOTHER with -montha-old baby
7.1 n,.r. call mornln. befora 11
o'clock. A a-.'S. Mar.Ball 1W.7.
wanted Poaition by lady planut. axpa
W'4V"ci .ad lo .or. Ad-
drra AT Iju. jra"""-
AJIIDDLE-AGED lady wh bt ot
.nc. would Ilk. to tak. char., of a
fwc. .rl. would - 't5 hJ?2;
cook and aecond lrL Call J-"- a"".
niar Marahall.
LACE curtaTn. band l":a,r,?0-,ca'1'Li?r!
d.llrl. oc; wort Marahall
REFINED rouni Udr Plu3
R..thVr in phyi'-n olflc. or .tudlo. W
IAS Orctonl. .
f-OOKS " houa.kIr.. ehambermalda.
CirJa. wltr- laundry St. Loul.
A.Mcy. 3034 JAhMalnau3a.A. .
TOUNOSo"rwellan lrl. t ?'wS1h,!id,.rV0
d.alr.a poaition aa nuraa lrt: wllll lo
f O to Mien. . J - -
SEWING or llfht houaework waited oy
lady with 0-roooth baby for room and
LACE" curtain, laund'ircd by axparl.ncad
AN ald.rly woman A")J.Jgt.n5?,W0.l!
In .roan iimin. vvi
WOMAN wanta work by hour. 25c.
HONEST, compVtrnt woman wanta
work. Taoor iui.
LAXiT wanta work by tha day. Z87 15th at. N.
Ipfwuiha. d.y work. Call A 445-
HELIAB1.E aaleamaa can maka bl )
Ml iM or Una of hardy aon.
5rV,atl traaa. .hrut roa .lc: out
at urnlah.d: caah wMkiy. Addr.M (in-
.OB .urajary .omgj.
IT TOU want thathouaa ranwd tbla Sum
l.t ua hara It at one Wa haa
Sor. .l "th" w. cau .upply for Houm
?la;?our"rn.m.l fl.par.ment. W. u.
una;.!. rc.ulta.
41t-.l Bid;.
Marahall Oia. A Z2.
tXl'E RIENCED book kax? par. a.a 51. with
knowlll.- of at.noxrapny nd Rcmlnitoo
frwruar. would Uk. poaiuon In lar.
SSoIra: compct.nt mana. offloa; rafar
ancM. AJ 14. Or.onlaa.
TJRNlJHED honaa wanted far tba turn
Jr., i or 1 room.; carllna. Im
S.5iata pcaiaaalon. Blala prtca. Krf-
iKTmo r-qulrad. S 14. Ora
gonlan. u iTED To rent, for Summer mon t ha.
houU oTnm.w im. or more, with large
yard ; must be modern. B 144, Oreo
goal an.
CTvtED To rent or boy t or s-roomed
ontrnished huaa. Weat Side; atata lo
cation and prtca In ttrat lattar. A3 144,
Urea pole a.
w ANTED To leaae modern uc furnished
boeTtorA room. "J'?J-'lt
p ri eetMjwwirr:
WANTED To r.-nt Tacant ho us of la 13
wmim walking distanca. West fitda. K
147. Oregonian.
' Koom
hoJe OK write f. davk-npokt.
a a v t w 1 1 More rooms for Roaa Festival
Week in hmes ia- iui-.iv.-t- ......
. ouT Portland kooming Hnreau, I
M H VaahstMarhall 21M. A 3J4A
OFVTLcM AN deal re furnished room, pri
Vata fsral.y. modern conventencea Port
land Height, aieepmg porch preferred.
M- Ma aoa. 110a .HpaUiirg birig
M-waie With Board.
WANTED Room and ooera in tncwy pn
vat family where mere are no otner
board era and wnere there ara yol
Z who are between aee of 1 and 24.
Tere moderate. AH 1. Oregonian.
nn'NHCD room and board In private
family. West tide, welkin distance, by
"um ; ntl.rm an with beat of reference.
please state ra.e. o . v.-. . m
v SIDE Young to mesa man requires
Vrvom with breakfast and dinner; private
fami I yp referred. A D 145. Oreg on itn.
WANT ED Room with or without board,
wi'h private family; by young gentleman.
AH 147. Oregonian.
Room, apartment, nats and houses;
rooms dormg tha Rose Fe-tivaL -ad
.aah. st Marerail o.i
..ii.- e vivil." RESERVATIONS.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single,
n suite a -I Cvnrnlences, beat location.
"Mil NJia JiUws" Jeia Horriaoa au
Frwlabed Boon
Those thre beautlfuliv furnished hotels,
213 4th St. 211 4th at. 207a4:hst
On Four St.. running from Taylor to
Fa 1 mon at- Brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private hatha, hot
and cold water In all rooms: strictly
up-to-date in all respects, and at popular
prices. If rou want something out of tha
ordinary In the heart of the city at reas
onable prices, gie us a call, a we know
you will 11 A e It. Rooms by the day. week,
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
Residential, sea Taylor. Ti teat.
B t. 7tb and park ata
Oppoait saw Heilig Theater, ona block
from Portland .Hotel; brick building. Just
completed; handsomely furnished; every
modern convenience, elevator ear lea
steam baal, telepboa and hot and cold
water In tvery room; single rooms aad
OUt Dl
centrally located, near poatofflce; Just off
all ear linei ; vary quiet; low rata by day.
week or manth. phone Marshall .KOO.
In tha lean of the East Side bualnesa
district; n odern throughout; room sin
gle r en suite; rooms with private bath;
rate $2 t lo per week; Uanaient. Too
to 411.0 pr day; special Summer rate.
Eaat 5.MU. B 1273.
FOR a dean, cool comf ortafcla placa
try tha new
Sd and Davis at.
19T) outside rooms. Hot aud cold water,
electric light, telephone in every room;
free baths; free auto boa fro a. and tj
all traina t
fLawust rates in tha city.
hUiti. bAVON.
12U .Eleventh t.
Keif, m idern. brick building, ateam
beatel. pri 'ata baths, hot and cold water
In ro ms. 'teautifuily furnished, cosy and
comfi rtaui. Rent vary reason able, call
aid tea ua Keguar and txaaaient trade
mol ! c1 L ' r
6ARGEKT HOTEL. Grand ava. and Haw
thorns, batutlfully furnished rooms, sin
gle oi .an si lie, with private bath, hot -aad
cold Water, ateatn heat and telephone in
every room special bummer rates by week
or zb ont h to permanent gueat. First
claaa grill In connacUon. Tra&alenla o
Park at. eat wee a Murriaoa and Alder.
Heart it the city; quiet and modern; Tree
'bua or W car at depot; ratea 11 single, $1.4
douile; aio family foom with private bat
etc. Rate pr naelt.
149 7th bt.,
Tn tha. heart of the theater and shODDlna
district : rooms single or en amfe, 4XO
Ptr week and up; transient. Too ana up.
none Main lS-4.
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal "home for busi
ness people: centrally located, elegant
rooms, all modern conveniences; 7tli and
Taylor st.. 1 block from Portland Hotci,
opposite llelllg Theater Main 919.
OUT-OF-TOWN visitors to tha Rosa Car
nival will find the Philadelphia House a
modern, reapectable and reasonable place
to at up. ail 3d, tor. baimon. phona
A 2tnlL .
Corner brick; light, airy rooms, by day
or week; transient solicited; price rea
sonable. Kast tfo.
UOTtL BL'KNiS iirlck building, phones in
rooms, free bath, hot and cold water;
renta reasonable; nothing as good for tba
money in the city. lu&S ltl at near
Washington. Marshall J7v0.
BU8HM ARK HOTEL. 17tn and Washlngteg
Newly furnished rooma, slngl or
ulta; private baths, steam heat, hot and
cold water and phona In all roosts; rasas
reasonable; transient solicited.
AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 20bi Third street,
between Taylor and Salmon ata; hot and
cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates
Hit and up- Sue day and up. ' Main iZ4,
I-'urnisiied or unfurnished rooms, single,
an suite, all conveniences, best location.
"MIL.N ER BLDO-." .a-a Morrison SU
HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and 2d sta
Btrlctly modern, reasonable rates by the
day.' week or month. B. W. Ft tier, Man
ager. THE COLONIAL Some fine corner rooms,
facing l'Jth and Morrison ts.; very desir
able for festival wk; $1.U and $- per
day. Iti5 loth st. "W" car from depot. -
LIGHT, airy rooma modern, suite or sin
gle, 2 and 13 a week; five minute walk
to theaters and store, free phona. aLindeU
HoteL 4th.
FURNISHED room In steam-heated apt,
second floor, flat D, 4-9 Jefferson au
Main 7594.
MODERN rooms, centrally located, single
or In suite, 93 to $ per week. 613
Washington au
TWO elegantly furnlahed bachelor a part -mcnta
reasonable; close In; referencea ax
changed. P 145, Oregonian.
FURNISHED rooms to rent. 2JS Grant at.,
cor, 1st.
TRANSIENT rooms, walking distance, rea
eonaole rate. Uaborn. "cor. Grand and Ash.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at
moderate prices. Cor. 31 and Mo'iforoery.
FURNISHED room, front and transient. 2
North 14th st. The Wilson.
a urn aiied MKnie In private 1-amlliea.
COSIETroom for business man in the city,
close In. walking distance; in modern
apartment; has private bath, phone, elec
tric lights; just what a business man. or
man and wife appreciate. Call Main
679 or A 2117 and get full details.
1 SUITE, suitable for man and wife or 4
young men; hot and cold water and sin
cla rooma: large boarding-house. Close.
71 Hoyt st-, cor. 22d st.
FINE viewpoint aurlng Rose Fiesta; mod
erate rates, first-clsss accommodations, by
day or week. A fi.sO or call or addrebs
673 Couch. S. E. cor, loth.
YOUNG, stenographer wishes roommate, very
pleasant room, in well-kept modern home;
electricity, gtu, furnace heat bath. 94 N.
FIRST -CLASS room, also sleeping tents. J5
fl.o0 per week; also J6 per month: reser
vations made for Rose Festival. &
tOUCQ St.. A. E. tl. A.AA.
rx unK., sunny, elegantly furnished front
room, with sleeping porch, water, etc.,
near 21st and Hoyt; private home; suit
able for two. Phone A 4413.
.BUSINESS woman can hav room In private
home and dinner in exchange for light
eventng services; character reference re
quired. AD A4, ure.oainu.
iRGS3 suite rooma, also single room; mod
ern convenience; good board. JS04 2d at.
Nor th. phone A f-UiO.
KTCELT farnlshed room. $7.60 per month;
large front room, suitable for 8 or 4 gen
tlemen. J 12 per month. 166 E. 16th at.
ONE large front, newly furnished room,
modern fireplace, sleeplrg porch; also 1
bedroom. Phone Marahall
KXCE room for one or two ladles with house
keeping privilege, on near Kearney;
references, phone A 2ori2.
FOR RENT Fran room; convenient to car
lines; modern. S j Grand ava. N. Eaat
FUR N IS H ED rooms, suitable for 1 or 2 gen
tlemen. Cor. J4th and Clay; 474 Clay.
Gentlemen oniy.
LARGE front room: private bath; one block
north Washington at. AO 18th sU Phona
anna:i a-.
FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms, large,
light and airy, walking distance. Bu4 .
AnkenarsU . ,
AR1E cool room. S windows screened, bath,
phone; will rent by month or week. 4
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good
home: reference.
TLEASANT front room, walking distance.
3til 10th st. Main 3-12.
FRONT room, modern home, free use piano;
bM ALL front room. Nob Hill, man room
mate; attractive root oo r unun
FURNISHED rooms tn private family; all
modern conveniencea. A 7ub7. 6il Taylor.
RlCE LY f u ra 1 a h ed rooms, auitaala for 3 or
in ore. wi.n w-n.m. a--- ajm. mi jvu.
CLEAN well-furnished rooma. running wa
ter; light; phone; bath. 262 12th st-
NirE larce front 40. West
Main 47tl
CLEAN. molern rooms, gentlemen ; easy
walking distance, tV-VA 1 YamhllL B SuMl
FJRS Tfl oor,f ront room, suitable for 1 or 1
26S 12th - .
ONB newly furnished front room, reaaon
.able to gentleman. 129 N. 17th st.
rrnfumiwhed Itooma.
Fur Dished or unfurnished rooms.- single,
n suite, all convenience, beat location.
M.LNER BLDG," 3-0 H Morrison St.
Rooma With Board.
261 13th. new managemeat: thoroughly
renovated; Inviting room, choice board.
ELEGANT room factor the park. Including
board; reisonaMa. aid dVarJc.
Roam With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year;
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Flanaera. F. N. Heath, supt.
LAM BERSON 554Couch. cor. 1 7th. Desir
able outside rooms, single and double, good
board, transients. Prices reasonable.
Koom Wlih Board In private Family.
A BEAUTIFUL front room for 1. 2 or 8
?ereoaa, with board, only during Rosa
arnlval. Marahall 3066. .276 N. 24th. cor.
Overton f- .
WE have beautiful front room-, one with
alcove, for 1. 2 or 3 persons: all con
venience. With board. .Marshall 3006.
27i N. 24th. cor.Overtonst.
REFINED private family has pleasant room
with board, suitable for two; pleasant sur
roundings, nice yard, large porch. 187
Sd st. Main 8007.
NICELY furnished front room, with board.
Suitable for two. Price reasonable. 424
E Aah. Eaat 107.
SUITS or will rent the rooms separately;
private bath, modern conveniences and
home 'coo k ing. Tha M agnolla. 617 Kearney.
NICELY furnished front room, with board,
in modern private home, facing Pf-rk. 0
block rrom noiei x-u. uanu. a..n.
FRONT room with flrat-clasa board in pri
vate home, walking distance. Ob 7 East Al
der. LARGE front room for young men. easy
walking distance, 5J5 E. Taylor, corner
of 5th. Phono Eaat 2006.
BOdM. and board for two gentlemen. In
private family, modern conveniences, home
cooking, both phone. Main 5568; A 3566.
FURNISHED rooms with board. 820 11th.
Phone A 163X
FURNISHED rooms, with hoard or without.
593 S- Oak. 3 3619.
ROOMS congenial home, piano, choice board,
excellent neighborhood. 701 Marshall st.
ROOMS and board in private boarding-house.
8sJ Taylor st.
KOOM and board for 2. 107 16th at. N.
Phone Main WIS.
FIRST-CLASS room and board for two, $23
eich, 663 5th.
NICE front room, room with or without
board. 802 Park st.
ONE room for 2 gentlemen in private fam
ily; board. 134 N. 16th. Phone Alain 77V3.
ROOM and board In home of young people.
B S00S. 54d E. Davis st.
LARGE airy room, suitable for one or two;
$12. A 7753. 3u3 11th.
644 Everett St.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; $ rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private Pacldc telephone; located In one
of the choicest residence districts sur
rounded by elegant home; walking- dia-
and Columbia st. One choice 3-room un
furnished and one 2 -room furnished apart
ment, vacant June 1; private bath, large
dressing closets, disappearing beds, built
in buffet, private phones and all mod
ern conveniencea; best location in the city;
overlooking the park. Apply to manager.
Corner 14th and Clay streets.
Strictly high-class.
8 -room suites, unfurnished, with pri
vate vestibule, bath and phone, electric
PENINSULA Apartments--One of Portland's
finest apartment-bouses; 4-mlnute car
service, beautiful part city to live, 113514
Albina ave., cor. Kllllngsworth; take Mis
sissippi. L or Kenton car at Third and
- Wash. sts.. 15 roln. ride; 2. 8 and 4 rooms,
completely furnished; $17.60 to $30 mo,;
also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn -25a.
414 11th St., cor. Hail.
8 and 4-room furnished or unfurnished
apt., private bath, phona and balcony
porches; newly furnished, strictly modern;
bummer rate. Phone Marshall 11 7 L
Corner Ross St Clackamas. Within walk
ing distance of the West Side business
canter; elegantly furnished apartments ot
three and four rooms; rent reasonable.
Call personally or phone East 3172, or
private exchange 4.
near Main- Elegant three-room apart
ments with private balcony; large rooms,
every modern convenience and each ar
ransed with two alee plug apartments;
rents 135 to $37.50.
Lovejoy; finest furnished and best ar
ranged apartments in the city; notice
price: 2 rooms, $27-50 to $52:50 ; 8 rooma
f5 to. $40; take 16th or A, cars set oil
A-ovejuy au '
21st and Hoyt ts.. now ready for oc
cupancy; moat modern 8 and 4 -room
apartments in city; each apartment haa
large private balcony and every modern
eanvenience: rents from $30 to $45.
ORDERLEIGH Apartments, cor. Grand ave.
and Fast Stark st. New. fireproof biick
building, beautifully furnished, two and
three-room apartments, private bath, free
pnone, hot and cold water, tee box. no car
fare Summer rate. Phone Bast 300.
MAXirV iT-A-ivA-.Aa4i ao.
Elegantly furnished and unfurnished;
comfort of home; private phone and
baths elevators, private playground for
children, ideal location. 22i N. 20th at.
SHEFFIELD APTS-. 7th and Jefferson sts.;
4 rooms, unfurnished, with bath; ail out
aide rooms ; modern ; every convenience;
B-mlnute walk from postofflce; very raa-
socaoie rrnu .
PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison
sts beautiful 3 and 4 -room apartments
furnished for housekeeping; everything
new and modern; elevator, telephones free.
$45 to ittu.
230 N 19th, near Marshall; one 2-room and
one" 8-room apartment, newly and ele
gantly furnished: steam heat, bath, eleo-
tricity; xarae pwrAi. .w...
GARDNER APT., cor. 13th and East Ash;
w ill rent for a month or six weeks, 3
rooms, with bath and porch; everything
first-class, phone Eaat 2bTL
170 St. Clair st., 2 nicely furnished 8
room apartments with eleeplng porch;
free phone in enon yaim.puw
A . V an A A D1'arC,X7'I9
T04 Loveioy. furnished or unfurnished
anartments. all modem conveniences, rea-
Bona Die. -xiai p".' 'v.
one three-room and bath: rooms large
and licht; modern; rent only $23. Phone
A 460O.
r a-aw A A AU
410 5h furnished and unfurnished
t Ac Uv modern apartments, walking dis
tance. price reaaonable; no chlidran.
-R-auttfully furnlahed and unfurnished
apartment, at 12th at- Phone
rl'RDN'ER APIS., cor. 13th and El Ash st.
Furnlthed 3 rooms with bath and porch,
everything flrst-claag; vacant June 1.
THB BERYL One front and one back
na rant .VrV rCUfltiklhla A n-
aparxiu lanltar. tsft LoveJoy at nu
vc-rY desirable apartment, reasonable rwut.
kaII Janitor. Tha Kearney, 21st and Keax-
Mnrtan. Flladaar A Boycav Mala
- 2015. A 2013.
i'tioOMS. private bath, sleeping porch,
iXaet 10x10. telephone; fine location. 631
Ea1tVamhllLPho Hi0
t7 v HAT furnished, also unfurnished
modern f-t. central, adults. Inquire 2il
Hall st.
THE DAVENPORT. 8-room. newly furnished
aot. private bath and phone, reasonable.
rJersoa st. Main 6435.
DESIRABLE apartments and offices In
Latham bldg., Mississippi and Skidmore
ata; rent 3U.
Flther furnished or unfurnished apartment-,
701 WishinrtoniL
tITiT'CaEcILIA. 22d and Gliaan; 1 apart
menu Drl1-'81 Paon parch. MarahaU
A 2 Ti.
roomAp-rtin-ttt. two porcnea. Phone Mam
4J30. .
$25 Sunlight apartments, eleajant, 8 out
ilda rooma furnlahed: phones, bath, clos
ets. laT-JaJ geimVUW A4.w4 A.VM. J AW.
bozaNTA APARTMENTS and slngl rooms
newly furnished: strictly modern; rea
iTnajlereDU 1S9 ft Jdsr- Marshall 282L
wURVISHED 3 -room apartment. Summer
ViYea. The Morton, Washing-ton and
Kln A I04i
?HE HARTFORD Beat modern apt, tn the
clr 2lst and Flanders.
t-RrvOM. apartment, sleeping-porch. Bryn
awr, 1 - 5 East 115th. cor. Yamhill st.
Vr f- leONCE Furnished 8-room apart-
ner.t; private bath, phoneigg 224 SU N.
TTttt. elMS Two and three-room apart-
menta, completely furnished. Iftl 14th at.
Z7j vr AY TON Fine 6-room apt; heat, hot
ter. etc inquire 63a Flandera.
MODERN 7-room apartment; hot and cold
water. acj """ "
KING APTS.. one 8-room apartment, corner
Kin and Davis sts.
FOR ft-XT.
A pn rtraen ta.
These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart
ments which are now completed, are situ
ated In the heart of the city, within 10
minutes walk of the business center.
They include large, light reception halls,
built-in bookcases and buffets, automatlo
electric elevator and dumb waiters, dis
appearing beds, private Pacific telephones
and large porches and closets.
Reservations may be made from owner
on premises or by phone. Main 4795 A
708 Everett. '
Two, three and four-room apartments,
completely . furnished for housekeeping;
everything new and strictly modern; steam
heat, first-class service ; also few single
rooms. A 7105; Main 6203.
APARTMENTS Union ave. and Russell
street ; elegantly furnished three-room
apartments at prices very much less than
West Side apartments; It will pay you to
Investigate. Best car service in the
city; only few minutes from business cen
ter; save money and time by locating
here; fireproof building;. Just completed;
stores for rent on the ground floor, suit
able for drug store, groceries, clothing or
family liquor store. Apply to apartment
No. 6, corner Union ave. and Russell at.
New 4-story concrete building; 1. 8 and
4 -room apartments, new furniture, modern,
electric elevator, hardwood floors, wall
bads, phones and all modern Improve
ments; will be open all day Sunday. Ap
ply to the Chetopa. ISth and Flanders st.
A lew uniurnisnea apartments.
Corner of 18th and JetTerson sts. four
and Cva-room apartments, unfurnished.
wita reception hall, automatic elevator.
Pacific States Telephone in every apart
ment and the most modern conveniences
found in the city. Phone Main 3063 and
Miss Allen, the manager, will show
you through the apartments, or call up
main office. Main 6704. .
HEINZ-APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely first-clasa. fur
nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception ball, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com.
Jireased air carpet cleaning, janitor aerv
ce; rent per month $20. $30 and up; must
be seen to be appreciated.
Modern 2-room housekeeping suites,
very desirable. 20, $24; these rates In
HOT WATER, bath and phones. JANITOR
SERVICE; walking distance; NEW
and you will look no further. 4a0 Clay
st near 14th su '
Strictly high-class exclusive and modem
unfurnished apartments In this city; on
Lucretia et.. near Washington and 23d.
Apply to manager or phone Marshall 1&0L
private phones furnished free In each
apartment. References required.
Cor. 6th and Montgomery Bta,
New brick buildings, new furniture, all
outside 2 and 8-room suites, disappearing
beds, sanitary couches, private Pacific
phones, every modern convenience, no car
fare to pay. We challenge any one in the
city to duplicate tae unco - y"1
Couch sts.; new brick, steam heat, mod
ern 3-roora apartment private bath and
pnone, -oia ami. . -
FOR RENT Newly furnished 8-room apt.
for the Summer. Cedar Hill Apt., lb 7
Green ave.
Choicest flats in Portland, located 8th
and Hancock; beautiful mahogany en
trance 4 large rooms and large screened
In sleeping porch, private front porches,
large closets, tile baths. disappearing
beds, built-in buffets, large double oven
gas range, furnished. These flats will be
finished and ready for occvpancy June
1, rent $30.
V V.. BflWVAN A CO..
E. 22d and B razee Sts. E. 935.
VERY desirable newly furnished flat, mod
ern fireplace, sleeping porch; good neigh
hood. Phone Marshall c52.
6-ROOM flat, furnace, fireplace, rent $2i.50.
S0 H East 1st North, near Clackamas.
Key at 317 Board of Trade bldg.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 661 Davenport St..
6 -room furnished flat; reasonable to right
party. '
NEWLY furnished 5-room flat, modern;
wniirine Hismnra on 7th at., fine neighbor
hood. Call 420 Swetland bldg. Main 3232.
4 U IN A-. UVUWC J-"1"" a-.
vate bath, neatly furnished; very desir-
aoie; auuna. i-aai uvt.
MODERN 6-room flat, has nice porch, fire
place, furnace, etc. West Side, walking
distance. Particulars 441 11th st.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat, furnished
or unfurnished, between 6th and 7th, on
Mill. Inquire 328 Mill.
FIRST-CLASS lower flat, fireplace. 248 ,
14th. Marshall 1445.
PLEASANT 8-room modern flat, walking
distance, reasonable, adults. 233 H Hall st.
6-ROOM flat, corner 224. and Kearney. Key
7 12 Kearney.
NEWLY furnished 6-room flat. East 18th
and Ash. B 2006.
6-ROOM flat for rent, new and modern-
Tabor lbsb.
$22.50 Lower 5-room furnished flat, large
lawn. Main 8529. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.
LOWER 5-room flat, strictly modern, fire
grate. Inquire at oo rarx tn. .
6-ROOM modern flat. 766 Irving St. Key
at grocery store.
6-ROOM upper flat, $20. 306 College st.
Housekeeping; Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$15 per month up; a clean place, best in
the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot- Take "S" or 16th-st. cars
Borthj jretOlI at maran. a, awu ima
tc-t.t itttrntshED houses, fiats, rooms: 4
room cottage, $20 month; another $17.60;
suites, two furnished housekeeping; rooms,
$8, $10, $12 month; 8, $15. Apply 364 20th
st. North. W" car from depot, 6th, west
on Morrison to 26th, block nortlu
Furnished and unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms, single or an suite, with modern
conveniences, best location, reasonable.
MILNER BULKr.. BWg aiomaon pu
ti M TO $2.60 WEEK; clean, furnished
housekeeping roam, free laundry. Data,
phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver
ave. and 203 Stanton : take U car.
FURNISHED housekeeping- and sleeptng
rooms. $1-50 to $2 week. Desoto House,
1 xa aw.
NICELY furnished housekeeping -rooms, also
single rooms; very central. 545ft Waah-
ington st.
ft OR 8 furnished front housekeeping rooma;
reasonable. The Idaho, 839 6th.
Hoaeekeevta Rooms In Private Family.
ONE large, clean housekeeping -room ; walk
ing distanoe; bath, phones. 407 Holladay
ave. .
TWO rooms, nicely furnished for housekeep
lnr beautiful view, light, bath, phone;
rent, $16. 615 20th st, Portland Height.
TWO furnished rooma for light house
keeping, free phone and hath. 46 N.
21st st., near wasningiua.
FRONT alcove room furnished for house
keeping; also single sleeping rooms. 450
YamhilL ;
NEWLY furnlahed room, complete for house
keeping In two and three-room suites. 03
in. .utn -- i on i uw
ft-ROOM front suite, completely furnished
for housekeeping, very close In, -214 13th
su. corner Salmon.
2-ROOM suite; bath, hot water, gas, range,
phone; walking distance: select neighbor
hood; refined; reasonable. 290 12th st.
CLEAN.-well-furnished-he usekeeping room.
8'J5 6th st.
3-ROOM housekeeping suite, $10 & month.
742 Savlerst-
2-ROOM housekeeping suite, $10 a month
and up. 721 First st,
2 ROOMS at E. 27th and Clinton sts. Phone
Sellwood 833.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms.
mcdern conveniencea 147 Grand ave.. N.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
cheap. 420 E. Market St.
a" OR 5 ROOMS," bousekee'plng, with piano.
Inquire 8rt3 8d. Berlin Dye Works.
2 MODERN- nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. SI 7th st.
lltxWO furnished housekeeping room.
71 H East 22d. bet. Stark and Oak sts.
FRONT room for housekeeping: bath, gas
and phone; no cniiaren. ju loucko.
313 14TH, corner of Clay. large, convenient,
1 or 2-room housekeeping suite.
X WO bousekeepinr rooms, with light, phone
and bath. 14 a week. J69 E- 14th.
S HOUSEKEEPING rooms. lower floor; I
modern. tu J. unuma m.
Housekeeping- Rooms In Private Famillea. '
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
with bath, in private family; separata en
trance: $16 per month. 6&3 Overton at
cor. JStltu .
FOUR nicely furnished rooms, one rented
bringing in $11 per month; opportunity
to make your rent free; $30 per monLh.
166 E. 16th at.
8 newly furnished connecting room, lower
tioor, oacit ana iront iwreuw. fu--.
water and lights free; easy walking dis
tance. 89 East Sth North. Phone East lSdo.
THREE neatly furnished hcniseaieeplna
rooms, free phone and bath, $0 minutesr
walk to Postofflce. 468 East MUL cor
Sth. $18. No children.
FIXE large room, front porch overlookina;
Washington St.. bath, use of kitchen, etc.;
suitable for one or two business woman;
reasonable. Apt. 26, 163 King aC
THREE connecting newly furnished house
keeping rooms, all modern oonvanlenoea.
rent cheap. ISO East 1st North. Tale
phone East J44S.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooma $13
up; phone, light, water free. 135 N. 22d
b tj take "S," 16th, or "23 d" at. car.
FURNISHED housekeeping, first and sec
ond floor suites; also basement rooms.
347 Hall st.
Rental Oept. and Bureau of Equipment.
You will save time and money by con
sulting our rental and equipment bureau.
3d floor; service absolutely free; following
are a few of our list of houses for
rent: 6-room cottage. Council Crest; 7
room house. Willamette Heights; 10 7
room houses, Irvington; 7 rooms, Haw
thorne ave.; 6-room. E. Market, Fur
nished houses; 1 acre. 3 -room new bouse,
fine for Summer outing; 5-room bungalow,
E. Yamhill; 5-room flat. Portland Heights:
complete list of all real estate dealere
In the city.
Home-hunters, visit our up-to-date ren
tal and Information department, 4th floor,
main building, and see the vacancies wa
have 'listed of desirable houses and flats.
You'll save time lu getting properly and
comfortably located. We keep in touch
with all vacant bouses, flata and apart
ments in the city. We also keep a list or
new buildings in course of construction.
The combined lists of all real estate deal
ers. This Information is absolutely
WHEN you move you'll need NEW FUR
NITURE. Buy U judiciously on the East
Sde and the savings will exceed your
mo vie expenses. .
Our LOW PRICES, which In 8
made us one of Portland's largest furni
ture houses, were mad possible because
we built on the East Side, thereby saving
$25,000 a year rent.
69-75 Grand ave.. cor. East Stark st.
GET out of that stuffy hotel and get a nice,
cool apartment or cottage this Summer,
We have everything from 2 to 12 rooms.
Call up. or write.
618 Lumbermen's bldg.
Marshall 556. A 42-7.
HOUSES and fiats for rent, some furnlahed.
Free maps of city for strangers..
8.-ROOM bouse with batn. large basement,
brand new furnace, wmdow shades, gaa
and electric lights. 895 Kelly su. bet.
Glbbs and G rover, rent $40. Phona Mala
1468. Sundays call East 14L
6-room houses to rent on Bast Side front
$15 to $17 per month.
BLOCH .KtALi 1 X Aivw fviuer pi
SNAP New 7 -room cottago, garden, $15 a
month. Inquire 1128 Francis ave. WW
car to SSth.
NE W7-room house, E. 11th and Prescott;
$30 per month. Rand, Read & Co.. 316
Board of Trade bldg.
30 New, clean, 7-room house on Haw
thorne ave. carline. close in; strictly mod
ern; fine neighborhood. Phone Tabor 22 iQ.
I ROOMS and bath $20; N. W. cor. N. 23d
and York (23d st. car). Inquire 23S Stark
St., near 2d. ;
HOUSE of 6 rooms and bath, 775 Irving, bet.
23d and 24th. Apply 132 6th at. Main
6278. N .
A 6-ROOM modern cottage, 609 Front St.,
near Caruthers st, 10 minutes' walk to
center of city.
FOR RENT A modern 7-room house at 3S$
East 13 th st. North, near Broadway.
Phone Eaat 5050. -
SIX-ROOM modern house. $22. Inquire 811
Cleveland ave. .
MODERN Irvington 6-room house. $25 per
mon th. Main 6111. C 1S30.
FOR RENT Brand-new four-room house at
Lenta, inquire at mao - aa""""
7-ROOM house, with garage, East Side. 503
Lumbermens bldg. phone Marshall 17n.
6-ROOM house, 57 Ella St., $20. Inquire 433
Gllsan Bt. or phone Main 1576 or A 3576.
Furnished House.
FOR RENT Furnished house In Irvington;
6 rooms and bath, piano, silverware, bed
and table linen; electric light and gas.
744 Clackamas st. Cal or phone between
9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Phono C 1776. ro
small children.
MODERN 5-room furnished flat. Ideal loca-
tion ; West Side, walking distance, big
porch, fine view city, near three carllnes;
rent reasonable. Phone Main 811.
FURNISHED home for the Summer months,
9 rooms, large front porch and yard.
Phone A 7773. or address X 128. Oregonian.
FURNISHED home for the Summer months,
9 rooms, large front porch and yard.
Phone A 773. or address X 128, Oregonian.
COMFORTABLE home of eight rooms with
silver, linen and china, for rent, three to
six months, $75.00. Phone A 7033.
FIVE large nicely furnished rooms, modern
first floor, beautiful yard; close In; rea-
sonaoie rent. ioa . "
BEAUTIFUL modern lower flat, furnished
complete. Nothing to buy. West Side.
close in. ooo UL"
649 TAYLOR, near Chapman Nicely fur
nished modern 4-room flat, new piano
ga nU tACH IW4..T , a-.a- -a"-
MODERN 6-room house, gas. electricity,
fireplace ind furnace. Inquire 801 Dekum
1151 E 25th st. North; 6-room house, newly
furnished; all modern. Take Alberta car.
Inquire next aoor.
FOR RENT New, four-room cottage, 684
Sandy road, corner Eaat 19th. Phone East
230L -
NE ATLY-f umished 4-room cottase. walking
distance. West Side, reasonable. 595 4th
iTROOM completely furnished flat, with
piano and bath. 613 i.UL
EIGHT-ROOM house furnished. 7
Grand ave.; reasonable. Phone Main C84.
NICELY furnished th"
Up. OOV '.UU'iUl lPtwA. ---.a
FOUR-ROOM new nd modern; fruiu iui
i2fl Phone B 2551. 405 B. 44tn.
6LX-ROOM furnl.hed house. 850 Eaat 8th at.
N.. cor. Shaver. Inquire on premlaea.
FOR RENT 8-room furnlahed c.ttage. Tl
Maryland .Ta.. near Freemont.
IRVINOTON Six-room f1"1 "So?1
ultabla for two famlUea; yard. Eat 3981.
aCROMurnUhed house, near Hawthorn.
ave.; m.dern. lawn. arden. Phone A 4T92.
DESIRABLE furnished 4-room 'JvSSi"
tar, private bath; reasonable. 235 hi Hall.
House, for Bent Furniture f or Sale.
NEW 8-room Income flat; piano, wln ma
chine, all oak and birdseye maple iurnl
ture; cheap for cash or terms. Call S
to 12 mornings, after 6 .veninis. 325
Mill street.
10 ROOMS, basement and dandy yard, well
looted bn Finders St.; good furniture
and carpets; cheap rent; rooms all rented.
Price 1 900; easy terms. Marshall dorf.
FOR RENT Modern five-room house, with
large fir tree, and yard; .part or ail of fur
nltur. for sale. Call 113 E. S8th st.. S3
VERY desirable flat for rent. New furni
ture for sale; nicely arranged for renUng
rooms: good neighborhood. Easy terms.
Phone aiaranaii pa-s.
FURNISHINGS of 8 rooms; new furniture;
good neighborhood; corner house; reason-
aDie. oaa Loin .-- "-
8-ROOM flat on 13th St., clean, light, well
furnished and carpeted: must go Quickly.
Only ici lua. ji.....
. - ,. . rnnmm InHtl-
Ing sewing machine; will take 150 down.
balance to suit. Chas. S. Elton. 435 Stark.
FLAT. 6 rooms. 8 rooms rented. 46; will
Mil cheap. 32 A N. 16th st.
FL'BMTURE of a 6-room modern flat for
sale cheap; must be sold at once; 2 room.
pay rent. Main 3050.
FURNITURE of 11-room house for sale,
near 18th and Irving sts, reasonable for
f...h. Phnna Main 1134.
FURNITURE B-room Bat cheap. 401 Sd;
i - I
leiina. , ... t .... "
FURNITURE of 5-room flat. Call 408 7th
at or ohone Main 4109. Main 9288.
FURNITURE of 6-room flat; flat for rent.
NEW furniture, 8 rooms; reasonable. Apt.
04, Hasiourn, ...
ft-ROOM cottage, furniture for sale; Jtmt
ki. f.u 1 AA 17fh t