a.aaaaaa.apaaa.aaa. ..a........ aa.aaaaia..aPMa.pa.MaMa.a.a.paMaMaa..a..a...... I ELY, BIRDMAN, IS COMING Aviator Holding Manr Record lo Appear FeaUvai Week. I EufD Ely. Tttor. wne na Jost rompieted & MrtH of flights In Cil- 1. jwimiftn tA PnrllaVBd for ft two- . . Tn.a.a afl4 Wdnt)- BUWa Ww .wr- w - Ur oo ths Hot muti1 prorTmm- ... a. 1,W m a. A If ll tlt4S X-T Wl.l WWW BIW w - record of nearly r ' rnl.tt, to fc!s credit. an4 to otlB o d f.iffhts ho bu frequency rinaui.- Id Tv a. .wi.fln mmt will b bold at ths Country Club grounds on tho nft moons of tuo nocona ua vuj nil vai days. b8 no otiKinj w- - bo held down town. Ail uio moi ttrtiUof nnd thrilling poctneu ... -i win Ka Aaiffianaitratayd ln !ar by a vaita ui m ma w aw. InlnrllnaT aVltltOd naj 7 VUU a) a t 1 a waa . distaaca endoraaca flichta. Ude and spiral a: pa. quica ataxia. " .. . .. Thlhtllnnt of the part tha urosiuM can alar la wax far. Th. a . . nmmniu of tha AVlatOr will ba announced whan E'.y nrtivea ire from aledford ana BAim. wn.r. la la bow holdlnc r.lshta prallmlaary t n V I maat In Ihla dt. El. was tha first arlator to all flit on tha dock of a Teseel. accompUahlci this feat on tha batUeahip Panasyl i a... FranriaeA aome month ago. In mora thaa I successive meet. In which ba baa takes part in tna .as f . w milha E!v has not failed t make a successful fllsht. Elr's nrIt f trht was taksn whan Hanry t-.mMA hMnrhf t Ka flrat aaroolana Portland. Tlnkoiin with tho oriKlnal Vinni maehlsa lad Ely to Uoacb out In iritfl rti rarra. CLASSIFIED AD.- RATES fS ttsM Mi woras ! aa a oa oaak aaV iniMsau ask aa ad osaam i aaai taaa L. Hsu Hkta aa aanrtlsaaasat h as ran la tm sacauia ! taa ia nai. nla atouas at laa a la aw laaar aaaraaa ay T-r" aaa au aaaaa ultaall. at aataaL Mala. pilLI i m taaal.a. r 1U.L II i in. Int H ii ta I a IMarJ. rrlata aailMa 1 1 " a II ' . mvata .atalllaa la rata aa taa aas latalflrams a t Taa aw.iM .la Iflaa rtunlil aarata avar aaa l.lmaaaa. tv" taa aa- tj.ntaar la a aaaacriaaa ta attaat? pa.aa a artraa anil aa a v taa ph.aa, has W'll will aa r.aa.t.tl IB. fulawla aas. aatbtY mmt Hiatal advarUaaaaaala will aa arrratra trrar taa itm. timtli a.imslai. o( taa Mraaal af rrll i as aaV Mnmaiialt att u.a vtaalaw ai tar s.aal aavartlasaaaata win aa so acraotas a. rr taa laUpSaaa. Oraars far aa lattrUaa aalj UI aa aiiirpiatl laa -Utataj fav KM. arallara taa aala.- -Haaia ttaa. -Mttstlaa I i af aatt w aataa) la Kral. ArCTXOX ULU TODAY. At rUkat's Aaetloa Boaja 1S3 Park at- furaltara. als. eais at 10 A, H. ilak.r crow.ll. aurtlonaarSL utmo yon ci. at KKTLm Z F. sad A. r a Act uoa inia i iv a clock, ar ' Bt sroar PORTLAND 1-ODOE. ! S3. A. M. ffuaclal aaaimuBlca- (Tharaasr) avaaiaa. 7:34 Work 111 r. C dscraa. Br ai-oar of w. ll. .7 at. tlSAwaaii, trrcb COLTaKU IXnCK. NOl It. A. y. A.SD A. at. xtalxl cam- maalralloa thla (Tborailaj aTa Ins at a ."clock, atajoalc T.rasia. k Vtalttnc brathraa waicaata. by ar- aar V. . M. IRID 1. OLSON. Sac-y. wrvrtinp rvrtlud Ti4t. No. 291. t-OTl Or4r of Moai. oa tn foorto rioor or tn ei o;ua. WortaM A Km bid.. tli od Wasb Inston stak, ry Wttl&MiUy tvuln 1 f CiocB. W. U rriJafEW. fici-tar7. W. X. GAT E.N a, Llcttv(ic 8tlaI.W(H.D CHAPTER. NO. . V K. n. 4iDadai matlnf TharsdAT I oc Jun 1. for coBfwTrtnc lb AfTRA CI RCLt W h 1st and OO party Thurtlar. Jum 1. riw prMm for botb vhtac m.nd tOO. Orrhwtr for danrtD. Ad- VIVBBTA lOtKJR. NO. It. f. O. O. Tj Ttsular martins thla iTburaday) ar.nlnc. at aolota. rust Ascraa. '""Z"- a.. J a. a. IJtrrWLW film Tlc wtn hold stork holci.rr maattnc at a clock. Jaaa 1. M -m k straat. PUP. HAtTIHOm At family raslcIrBra, IWCts! 7 nina.ni a 1 w.. ... .... -- h.r. as as T.ara. Itsloraa fath.r of Vr. W. H. Raaba. Daraaaaa was a mrmMt Oaa. WrirSt Post ISO. 1, O. A. . ......i BaiiM lai.r. CActtO! At his lata TOSiaaBca. SS Jolm- aa scraat. inia cit. -' ... arsaa. aaa4 M raars aaoataa 11 days. F'jp.rai a.tlca lafr. rouu Koncia. Tinrn Hi. oa at 413 Bim strast. atts- arva Adalrna. a i raars moaUis. oa- 1ot4 oaaclar af Ionia and a. a. Kara. rriMdi axa iBvtlad ta at ire d tha fu&rrsl arrrlraa: which win ho from ha stroma rastil r--t toJar. TburaJar. Jun 1. at If. M. Xalaraiaat at Koaa CI IT Catnatary. VrrtUII yujisial of th lata Anthony 3i.ts:ar ba b.ld from tha familr rt. dam IM East TUtrd straat N.. Thursdar. Juaa 1. at t.i A. ta.aca to Holr Hoa. ai-r Churra. Third aad CbuUata ilwlt ahara aarvlraa will ba bald at A. al. rnaada rapactfui:v lavtta to at Lac d. la tsnaaal ML. Caliaiy Casaatary. COLsrOfr alar to. Adaipb t Colrxm, axa 21 yaara, b.kraad aoa af air. and Mra. Ado.pk Calaoa. ISO taa. ad azrart. Pif a.ral wt:i taaa placo from tha lata raat aw. mdar. Juea X at 1 P. M thaaco ta Hrvarrtow Camalary. warn sarvlca ba hold at . P. at. JTIsails la kitajd to a I Larva. CAt-SOJ Tha faaarat ilia of Joha C t'arao. wul ba ba.d at bis Lats rastJaara .M jobasoa strasi, at 1 14 atoea. p. MU. i nday. J ana A loiaraMac. Ura aa wood Cstaalarr. tat Hi at tb rrava aad tha aasLleaa af atVUasatl lasdx. a. r. aad A it. UOLDtM Tha raaaraf ils of Ola Kami U.daa will ba kaM at tha Kor aacits Lataaraa Ch.irr aorasr of Kaat Tan ta aad Oraal wtrwm at t P. at., to aar. TboradajF. msaaa larllacV. maat Bar laa. Or. XlOtttal 1 LUILtL CO. stAMaaCAM U1, lUMVtL UILMU.M i turn a not, Paa.las atcEalaa. raatral lHrtalaa b aaai Ptaa. rtist Mala 4aa - 1j m Tib iUWAKll UOLMAX CO, faaaraJ Utraaa asa. tt a ss. 1-axljr i I kaaa M. t. "KAJT tlHat Paaiiat IHiwtaat. liT'iTl a r. a. tlaa.las. taa. fc. . B aata. tui'a-lKvU rn, a t-j T laa. C laad. Lady at taa a. I. 1 nu HTfadaatatw. TSU OREGON HU5IANE SOCIETY OFT1CM 1 tit MALI. btaaW . A yrkin orncu, karaaaat oats Raaldsnoo 1 K. Ilta. N. Eaa 417k. K. A. DaauBtrra, Kaa. tit avaoo Bt. o. Kataaaa, Kaa. 1 C ltth. Kaat 1IU. w.raa ambalsata A CIOI: PC Ba. A Saiaaaa aaoara aad Haiidsra. a aiat pa Sally a t r Is t a .4 tamo 1' liaasa. kaa Mato Ja- II I r I 1 aa taa art awl mom Htwuv aa wa paov, r" mtu a aaraa ta oaca Uaa. all Hialaiana ara raaas aavtr a atnrtuaai ails Jl. p. rlLAI a ao. d aad Maalsati, mitlitl Paaaa Mala . a Uaa. mmmmmm s 1 I n r.i.r vt i axi ,a ia an I ' r . ' I I I " I - I For Sale Intl. I r sale lloiuea. I PORTLAND HOTEL The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 850 Booma, 104 Entte, 'With PrirtU KXW nurpKoor btjtldeto Moderat Batea. Fhfl Hetcl.aa Bona; Prop. rooms: our 0. W. OQKHXLTUS, ran'rr5c- rtUTATsS tlUlil rEPTa !. fcasitii TTTMy i-tj . Ksuisp.sus PI am. Uaa Ksarta An Timtaa. ML . rOLXT. rxopmrgTOB. HOTEL LENOX Mm D. aad T. K. ionOWafmOl, CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. RATES 91jOOsuid Op Laa Olataaaa Phaao itk IfrtMT Haaaa. I 4 If 'as J tsmpls a M MA 7 T' J . a. u.-CJ Hotel Donnelly TACOMA, WASH. Meat Cantrally Located Hotel fat lia City lUcaotly Motiarnixad RATES 75c TO $3.00 - - - Plaw Fro TBoa 1 '.: VXrrTTv.'fcy1 V.V 1 traanNtTttnaaj J X. 'i hXTliv'VA --" - . Aaa. aaoaaaaas ITrd BOTH HOTELS CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN BY CttAa. KXW TOO AT. 23d and Everett 100x100 corner, well Improved. 1 block from Washington; line pros pect for hif profit. 12th and Harrison 60x65. corner, with residence: rent $75 monthly. Only f 13, 000; terms. DONALD MACLEOD 816 Electric Bid. Factory Site Throo fnTl lota. 15Pxl0. btwan Tork and Kad trta. w caaa saio wo can acoapt SSSOO GODD1RD a WTTORICK. 2S ttttrk at. . -fr. MORTGAGE LOANS JOHM E. CRQNAN, HCf XJ JO taa tpalaUaa Bide V The largest and most magniCcfrnt hotel in Portland; unsurpassed in elegance of accorrLmodatioin or ezoellence- of cuisine. Europe. an plan $1.50 per day and upward. O. wACPMAjnt. Msssgta. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. OPENED TUNE. 1908 A hotel in tht rary lusart of Portlaaa'a bturinM aetirity. Modern in erery reapeet. Bates, $1.00 and up. Moderat priot resUarant in eonnoetion. la Q. Swetlanl Secretarr ud Manager. S THE CORNELIUS! 1 m navat o naiwma, . .. . and jLidar; Europaan plan. Dw. modarn and strictly op to data: flna aamplo room; rataa $f par day and op; room with bath. II Per day op: all outslda omnlbua masts all trains. h. s. rLETcmrs, Proprietor. Uanacesi HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourtecntli antTW aninjtor Sow Hatal, B3aatmatly rvmlakaaV Rates $1 and Up tPBCIAIa RATES rOB PBLllMAJtEXTt. BATHS. The Bowers Hotel - - Klaramta, Xaar Waaklactra ttrotrta Lux tri Cafe in the Cty Serrice CosmpasseJ at Bnal HM Pa Day M Basaa LM Par Day tt With Bath ZM Par Dap Raaaaa for Caiaatarrlal TTasalaraw B. C BOWBRS, Proa, aad Hit, t tha Partlamd Hotala aawAata. Tha Interior of thht hotel has been complttaly rafitted. and Tory appoint ment now meeta the approral of the moat discriminating'. $400,000.00 re cently expended on its intarioc Erory thins new and modern. .. .. .. .. .. The Hotel Oregon PORTLAND, ORE. Tha leadintr hotel of Portland. New. modem, fireproof and centrally looated. .'. .-. .'. .-. WRIGHT & DICKINSON nraiaMT. atta M.C Dieanaaoat. Maa. WW TOD AT. $27,5 Business lot, 40x100, within 3 blocks of the Postoffice. KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFER Y 232 Chamber of Commerce. 2 Special Snaps Eight-room, t-sro-atory modem honsa, built for a home. Corner K. 28th and B. Taylor sts. Swell location: MeOO, (OxlOe on Union are oppoalta new Pteel bride. A Mot lnreatment. IliArtV. F. W. TORGLER 00 OREGOXIATi, THURSDAY, 1 .. I OnA,. RK AT, ESTATE. I HEAL ESTATE. I GUSAH STREET HALF ACRES CAN BE MADE TO SOLVE A LOT OF FOR THE CITY MAN. 1st MTria hich BOst of liviniT." 9rl .Knt KAA Tll- Watch tomor row's announcement, too. IDEAL HALF-ACRE TBAUia i7nn to Sfioo. T7fl rl n-am S 1 1 ner mo. and less. Only 20 minutes' ride from the center of city. Beal Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Ex. 20, A 2050. Th swellest thing around Port land. Three magnificent fire places, a veranda 40 feet long and 12 feet wide; something real nifty; bailt by owner for his home, but never used. It is brand new, and can be bought with 2 acrea of choice, aightly ground, at a low figure, on terms to suit Only 20 minutes from tho center of Portland on excel lent carline. See attorney for owner at 414 Spalding mag. NOTICE THE BALTIMORE AN TIQUE FURNITURE COMPANY, located at 471 Washington Street, incor porated . under the laws of Oregon, is not to be con fused with any other con cern. Any article pur chased in our store is ex actly as represented, and carries with it the. Guaran tee of a Business House which Is Here to Stay. BALTIMORE ANTIQUE FURNITURE COMPANY, 471 Washington Street. Marshall 1997. 20 Acres On an electric line, all cleared, within 3 MILES Of the Conrt House. $16,000 Keasey, Homason & Jefery 232 Chamber of Commerce, LADD ADDITION HOME New, modern, seven-room bouse, four bedrooms and sleeping-porch, on Klllott aranue. 80-foot street. Price a bar gain. IC2S0: $1000 casb and 26 per month. Why pay rent? CRUSH ZAJDOW, STT Board of Trade Bids 4th aad Oak. Grand Avenue 100x100. Near Burnslda, S 2 5,000 GODD1BD aft W1EDBICK, 243 Stark St. HOLLADAY'S Ten-room honsa oft corner lot. walk tnir distance. House la modern, steam heat. Owner valuea lot at $6000: bouse cost 17000. Win sacrifice eeveral thou sand dollars for sale thta week. MERCHANTS SAVIX; at: TRCST COSLPAA V. ELECTORS. SPfGLK TAXER, STOCK- HEX AND INVESTORS 160 acrea of unimproved land In tha null Run Forest Reserve. Clackamaa County: assessed for 13200. If sold be fore election will take itu. unlimit ed outranaa for cattle, aheeo or icoata. A veritable sportsman's paradise. P. W. LATHAM, IIS Skldnaare St., Car. Mlaalaalppl Ate, Union Avenue HHzllt Corner. 4150 TERMS. GODDARD a WIEDRICKa S43 Stark St. $7200 (00x100 Fourteenth and MU1 atreets. A PROBLEMS BUNG real oargajn. GEO. O. MAI ft. Lamberasaas Bids. JUNE 1911. GRAND Auction Sale Of tha Larse CoIIeetloa of Rare, Orig inal Aatlqaea of tha OldVirginia Antique Furniture Co. OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, At 209 Fourth Street IV EAR TAYLOR. Thla collection comprises many spec! mens of tho Chippendale. Sheraton. Hepplewhlte, Dutch Margaretre, Louis XV-XX1 and colonial periods, old Eng lish mantel and grandfather haU clocks, Sheffield plate, old bronzes, flna china, cut Klaaa, etc. SALE starts Thursday, Juno 1. at 10:30 A. M. and at 2:30 P. M. J. T. VILSO.V, Auctioneer, ELK ROCK ACRE i with 110-ft river front and outlet on new macadam road. Very close to Rock Spur Station. A small running stream and fine trees on the building site. First-class beach for bathing and boating. Very fine outlook on river. PRICE $32505500 CASH. A. G., 147 Oregonian. You can never know the true condition of the title to your property without investigating OUR ABSTRACTS Tell It All. 2O0c900 PAID-VP capital behind every abstract are prepare. Members Oreios a.. ' tna of Title Men. BARGAIN FOR SALE Model Theater 9 jr. Third Street. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms ta salt: special rates and favorable terms on large louts oa bualurM properties. Funds loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 80S McKay Bldg.. 8d and Stark. $LS0 B17XOAXOW 4114. Swell ft-room bungalow, Just completed; fire-place, book-c&aea, paneled dining room, den and all latest Improvements. Division it., near 87th, 1 block to the W.-R. carline Price $3100; 150 cash, balance monthly payments. KARNOPF A KOPF, 825 Railway Exchange bid. RilAL ESTATE DEALEHS, Beck. WUllam G., 812 Falling bide Brubakar Benedict, 002 McKay bldg-. U ChFptn Herlow. 83S Chamber Commeroe. Cook. B. S. A Co., AOS Corbett bld. Jennlnprs a Co., Main 18S. 206 Oreconla& PALMER-JONES CCw H. P- 213 Commw clsj Club bldg. The Oregon Real a state Co.. Grand ave. aad Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition . U. K- THOMPSON CO.. cor. 4tb and Oak st& BXAX ESTATK. For Bale Lots. SACRIFICE. A beautiful, sightly lot In Colonial Relrhts, between 20th and 24th sta., half block from Hawthorne ave.; 50 feet east front. Price $2300, easy terms; worth. $2600, Owner. Phone B 1S2&, 25 LOTS. Or about two acres, close In: that aa estate must sell: Siskiyou and East 80th. M a ke a cash offer. MEKCHA-NTS SAVINGS & TRUST CO. IRVTNOTON Fine residence lot 00x100. EL 6th St.. between Thompson and Tillamook. Cheap If taken now. Provident Investment Trustee Co.. 201-2C3 Board of Trade bid. Marshall 473. A 1022. $3 CASH WOODSTOCK CARLINE. 40x120 lots, city water piped to each. National Realty A Trust Co.. 82a H Wash. IXXP bargain, a few feet from Hawthorne ave.; 41xl00-foot lot for $SS0; S50 down and $10 monthly; oo usual bargain; worth glOOO; very easy payment. Call Hawthorne or phone Tabor-2942. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Lots, all prioea. Can suit liomeaeekera or bargain hunter a. Main 806L BROOKE. A 8839. ROSE CITT PARK BARGAIN". Fine building lot, close to car, $620, CANN & McBRIDE, 4S2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $425 BUYS lot with cement basement. 24x26; 0 mill trees, liu w tuureu u. u, 63th st,. Kern Park, station, Mt. 6cott car; terms. 15 DOWN, $5 MONTH LT. Railway Addition. light on E. 82d at, close to Mt. Hood Electric Fred W. Ger nan, 829 Burp side. Main or A 2776. $50 LOTS on W. Stark and 62d sta.; carline DUIlatng; dwi ouy m ia city. cmpirv Realty Trust Co, Max ah ail 64 a. 4v2 Teon bldgJ BEAUTIFTL view lot. Willamette boule vard; will sen or iraae as pan payment on bungalow. Geo. G. Mali. 2 Lumber men's bldg. BOSSMERB LOT BAR OA IN; near car; ex cellent location; price auu. C03 Lumber men blag WEST SIDE, walking distance; view lot: v vi iit tmnti cika ia.f. n. G. Malr. 2 Lumbermens bldg. MUST sell my equity In fine view lot, 75x 1 oo, jour diocju adrui ui aao uveriooKing Reed Institute site. AO 146. Oregonian. IRVING TON PARK. lot 62Hxl00 feet, fine location : vow; nan casn ; owner, it. Den McFarland. 410 Corbett Bldg. (5 PER MONTH buys nice level lot near H1GLEY 4 BISHOP. 112 Tblrd at. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Some street Improvements paid; to be sold for $1500. Marshall 712. FOR BALE at sacrifice, lot on Division sc. near Laao Auumun, wj vuw. musk sell. AK 144 Oregonian. 100x200, E. Salmon, $40,000, terms; worth 20 per oeut more. 323 Ailsky, 3d and Mor rison. Main 43SS. A GREAT marty nne iota, irvmgton, all H- Herd man. 40x5 9, KEARN ET ST., near 22d. $3500; be tween z cariines. juavia Xrewiat, room S Lumbermens bldg. 40cc50. ON Overton St.. near 22d st.; $3500. Davia LrCwu, room Aum uermni a tag. LATTRELHTTRPT equity in 4 lots, $520; best w sn .k. .rfHIKAa X t 1177 a. wmmm I I BEACH LOTS ARE SPLENDID IN- VESTM R VTTS LARGE PROFITS ARB MADE) THROUGH JUDICIOUS PURCHASE OF LOTS IN USJLiX PKUif- EKTLES. RTTNSET BEACH. WTLL SOON BE THE BEST BEACH RESORT WITHIN EAST DISTANCE OF PORTLAND. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET, MAP. PRICE LIST. ETC. KEASEY. HUMASON & JEFFERY, DEALERS IN LAND. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, PORTLAND, OR. The beat ' business opportunity U a lot In LYLE. Business lots $400 to $7CO including graded streets, cement sidewalks, water. EASY TERMS. Send postal for map and Illustrated booklet. KEA13EY, HUMASON ft JEFFERY, Dealers In Land. Chamber of Commerce, Portland Or NEAR NEW MT. TABOR PARK, v 100x100. South Mt. Tabor, near Reservoir. Purchased for home, but owner Baa left city and wishes to dispose of h Is in terest s here; planted in berries, fruit trees and garden truck; price below market; $3O0 cash, balance on terms to suit pur ehaser. V 96, Dregonlan. LOTS. $100. RIGHT ON WEST SIDE CARLINE, BEYOND CTTY PARK. 89TH AND W. YAMHILL STS. New addition, ten minutes from bosi neaa center; on new Washlngton-st. car line; lots OOzlOO, some larger, $250. easy psynxents; these lots axe beautiful home si tea National Realty ft Trust Co., S26tt W ashing t on st roo m 51 6. HAWTHORNE HOME. TOxlOO. corner, west of fiOth, one block to Hawthorne car; 9-room house; built two years; two fireplaces, two toilets, fur nace, fine basement; an attractive and close-In modern home, in reach of the man of moderate means; shows up for a $10. 000 property; price is cut to $7250 for quick sale; half cash will do. Jacob Haas. 406 Teon bldg. SELL WOOD CORNER. 60x100 feet, at corner E. 9th ancV Marlon sta., on freight sidetrack and within one half block of O. W. P. carline. This Is business property with a future. Price, $900 cash. H, P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg Phones Main 8G99. A 2653. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE SITES. Quarter blocks and inside, each 100x100 feet, inside 75x100 feet and 50x100 feet; lots In best portion of this beautiful re stricted district, at attractive prices and tarms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. P,h ones Main 8699. A 2653. MOUNT TABOR On and adjoining new hard-surface street now being constructed to top of hill; six superb view building sites, from one to five lots each, $1500 up; your own terms, in small monthly pay ments If desired. Positively an opporun Ity. Phone Marshall 1585 for appointment to Investigate before passing up. Hart Land Co., 910 Chamber of Commerce. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. A lot, 40x123, three large, stately fir trees on this sightly lot, street graded ; one-half block from Macadamized street; 5 blocks from carline, good neighborhood ; cash price, $350; other lots In same local ity selling for $450 on terms. Buy now. CHAPIN ft HERLOW (R). 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE SITE, 75x100 feet, on E. 22d st., opposite Tennis Club grounds, on carline, paved street. In the center of the most attractive portion of Irvington. Price. $3500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg.. Phones Main 8699. A265 3. CHOICE BTJTLDING SITE. Two choice lots, each 50x100; 1 block from good car service; well located In a good residence district; part cash. baL an co $6 per month; 6 per cent Interest. Buy Now. CHAPIN ft HERLOW (R), 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. NORTHRTJP ST. VIEW LOT. Very swell view, lot 50x70, on Cornell road; looks down Northrup st. ; surrounded by elegant homes. A beautiful building site and only one left like It. Price $4200. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. FULTON PARK SACRIFICE. 100x100. 2 blocks from Fulton Park Sta., on Salem Elec. and 76 feet from S. P., which is to be electrified this year. Price $754 each, easy terms. See owner, room 12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. VACANT LOT MT. TABOR. $2700 Extra large, with lots of fruit trees. $500 cash. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept., Chamber of Commerce bldg. ACRE. Everybody seems to be buying acres; look at this one; price $650; near Mt. Hood R. R. station; will sell for $65 cash and $13 per mo. Write me. O 11, Ore gonian, For Sale Houses. OWNER will accept lot worth at least $1000 as tirst payment f on very line, strictly modern 5-room bungalow on Glenn ave. Call owner, 834 Glenn ave, phone Tabor 100. MODERN 7-room house and bath; furnace. 11 rep lace and sleeping porch; room fur nished In attic. One of best neighbor hoods on West Side. Six minutes' walk Ing distance. C 140 Oregonian. DISCOUNTED $500. For a quick sale, my new 5-room mod ern bungalow at CI arks station, on Alt. Ecott line; price $2100, $250 cash. Phone Main 8570. Ask for owner, Mr. Hlnes. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? If so, let us show you some bungalows and houses on Union ave and Alberta mu BLOCH REALTY CO., 20 Alder Bt. CHOICE building lots, 50x100. with city water, on gooa car line; 4Uo; nothing down. $10 per month. Inquire for Mr. Leonard. 64 4th st,. Columbia Trust Co. SMALL HOUSE AND BARN. All new; 1 block St. Johns carline; lots; $775, $150 cash. bal. $3 per month. Room 3 Washington bldg. ANYTHING down. $25 month. Including in terest, buys 7-room Dungaiow, fortiana Heights; price $3000. Goddard, 605 Yeon bldg. $200 CASH and $16 per month; new 5-room Dungaiow, n oiocks iron car. r uii oase ment Price $2ixH. HI G LEY ft BISHOP. 132 Third St. -ACRE, cleared, 30 minutes of postoffice; small house. large barn, iruit trees; sacri ficed for $900; it's worth $1500.- Goddard, 605 Yeon bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Homes, all prices. Can suit homeseek ers or bargain hunters. Main 355L BROOKE. A 3S39. FRACTIONAL lot. with house, on East 11th, near w aanrngton iroci; income t--nt per year; price $2400. See owner, 82 E. 15th street. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Just complet- ea, wilij.li aau uiuia vi car; can do bought for $200 down, balance $20 per month. 201-3 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE by owner leaving town for Just vital it. cost i"y jcars agu, a. nve-room modern cottage, 1058 East Salmon st. Price $500. with $1500 casty Main 4744. FOR SAIaE CHEAP Modern 4-room house. corner lot; a oargain iz tanen at once. Apply owner, 811 Gantenbeln ave. NEW 6-roorn modern, house, 50-ft. lot; block xrom uawtnome. .easy terms; soma trade. 615 Commercial Block. IRVINGTON Beautiful home, ideal loca tion; must do soiu ai unto. vraUA ana see It. phone owner. flats and furniture for sale by owner; milSC Bill . m. mail. fw. vo caai 11UI. BEAUTIFUL 6-room furnished bungalow, orui faalanc caJV. 305 Hr (r, bldg. WILL SELL our equity In modern 6-room no use mt i"i icam triij vwners, 13 4th. Main $4-1, iarrk k ... r. a.vn modern, hn provements an in; fine, bigh-class locatioii east iront, Kos-mere, a diocks itwn $30O cash will handle; $3150. Three houses In Ladds Addition, J moaem ana up to uate, 8-room house. Mount Tabor, built on year; fireplace, furnace, electric ugni hades, paneled dining-room, built-in bur fet and book cases. Dutch kitchen, tw lots, fine view of city; only $4400. $100 cash; very easy monthly payments. 5-room bungalow in Sunnyside, moderrJ juiprvrerufuis w in; eAvv, . monthly payments. Beautiful 7-room house In Irvington . beamed and paneled dining-room, built-l: buffet and hnnk raica. larfe Dutc: kitchen, beautiful fireplace, good furnae improvements all in; east ironi; $1000 cash. We have other beautiful houses tn parts of the city, sold on easy months fiaymenta We will sell you a lot in Lrv nirton. Rose- City park. Country Club Ad dltlon or Lawndale, and build you house according to your own ideas an. you can pay for It on small monthly pay ments. Have you seen our new addition, Lorain ' Heights, on the West Side? Less thar two miles from the Postoffice. $475 up. In cludlne cement walka. curbs. craae streets and water; building restrictions! HOISINGTON-COMTE CO. 525-27 B. of T. M. 6738. A 0TS7. WE have for sale a modern, well-ar ranged 6-room bungalow. In a beautlfu restricted district In Montavllla. Lars llvlnr-room with honlrnasta and windo' seats; dining-room is large, airy and light wiui oeameo ceiling, paneled rvaiis aii fireplace; extra large Dutch kitchen, larg' bedrooms and bath : full basement an attic; 2 lots 50x100, with garden all In fruit trees and roses; 2 large chlcke: houses with wire fence. House and on lot, $2450; house and two lots, $2900; : ery easy terms. We can't speak to. well of this place, as it is an absolut. sacrifice. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COv. 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. HAVE YOU $2000 T BIG SNAP. Two new, modern bungalows near Haw thorns ave.. ona will aell at S3100. th other at $2900; owner settling in Eastern Oregon wires to sell both lor $46uu witr $2000 cash, balance assume mortgage, xou must have 12000 cash or no use can lug; you can clean up $1400 on this In 4 very snort time. This is one or in' unusual windfalls you may have looke for for a Ions time. Portland-Pacific In vestment Co., 418 Railway Exchange! Marshall 2753, or Tabor 2942. HfiWT!! TV IRVTNT.TnN $8500. All ready to move Into;, just completers na Duiit ior a nome: a roomi, naruwumi floors downstairs, finished floors upstairs, handsome woodwork, cement basement. furn.ace, 2 , fireplaces, lighting fixture.- snaaes, large attic, xaces east, o feet, hard surface ravement on car line price $6500; terms. $3000 cash, balance o; mortgage, H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. phones Main 8099, A2653. ROSE CITY PARK. $3600 f 200 CARH BALANCE EASY. Beautiful 6-room modern "bungalow Iti restricted district: lot 60x100: 10-rt. parn lng, all Improvements paid; Dutch kltcheni w-rc Dunet, Deamea ceuing, paneiea uiu-lng-room, bookcases, settees with covers, ime rocK-racea brick rirepiace witn mir rors. cement basement with laur.drv trays solid oak polished floors, mirror doors unen cioset; iirst-ciass woremuieQip. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO- 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. HERE IS A GOOD DEAL. Two as fine lots as you will find: fac lng macadamized street; they are larjH and roomy; one on the corner; fourl blocks to fine car service; nice eh ad J trees: will sell separately or together. The price Is right and terms are deslr-f a Die. Don't overlook a cnoics puucunq spot. Buy now. CHAPIN ft HERLOW R. 832 Chamber of Commeroe, HAWTHORNE. $4400 $250 DOWN $20 PER MONTH. Large, modern. 9-room house, in the heart of a restricted district. Full ce-4 ment basement, furnace, laundry trayfJ nrepiace, buiit-m bullet, beamed, ceuinta ana paneiea wans in aining-room; sieep inx norch: laree attic: lot 50x100. Thl: house is unusu&llv well constructed anu finished throughout and Is offered, aa mis jow price ror a snort time oniy. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CCs. 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. A NIFTY RTTNGAT.OW. Just being completed: 0 fine large room with solid oak floors, large fireplace, book-l cases, outlet, paneled dining-room, swei Dutch kitchen and beautiful white ename bedrooms. large bath, linen closet, ful attic and cement basement with laundry! trays; beautifully finished and double con-i structlon throughout: you have never seen! its equal for less than $3400; will takef tJuw, very easy terms, xaoor aaoz. FIRLAND. $2350 $150 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. New. modern. 5-room bunealow. blocks from car. on a lot 40x105; has al full basement and large attic ; panelecs dining-room, built-in buffet, large Dutch! kitchen, bathroom and porch. This li a beautiful little home and a snap. CO-OPERATTVE REALTY COt, 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DESIGN ING AND BUILDING UP-TO-DATH FLAT BUILDINGS AND HOUSES. WHEN I BUILD NO CHARGE FUn FLANS. CAN SHOW YOU A BIG INCOME OT4 THE INVESTMENT. AND WILL FTTK N1SH YOU WITH PART OF THE MONEY WITH WHICH TO &lulL.L. Zl. A-.LMJ.Bt-fc, 52 HENRY BLDG. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCB. Corner, 10 minutes from Postoffice, Haw-i thorne car, 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, se-l lect neighborhood; $6000, $1000 cash, bai-l ance i per cent; must sen. i PROVIDENT INVESTMENT ft TRUSTEE! COMPANY, 201-203 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 473. A 1022. EAST BURNSIDE ST. 9-room house on 81x100 feet, between 22d and 24th sts. ; Improvements In and paid xor. Price. SHoUU. 7-room modern house, between 20th and za. af rice, jouw. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2653. $250 CASH. $15 MONTHLY. ROSE CITY PARK. T-room, den, solid oak floors, bullt-lnl buffett and bookcases, furnace, mirror door, etc NATIONAL REALTY ft TRUST CO.. 826 H Wash. St., room 516 Main 5129. FINE INVESTMENT. block with large, modern house; ad -J Joins (jity farK on the east side, 1 locks from Washington St.. and overlook ing the city; the unoccupied ground will! make an elegant apartment site. 2311 wasnington st. WHY PAY RENT. We w!ll sell you a home and you can Say ror it on easy monthly payments; our ouses include furnace, fixtures, hardwood floors, tinting, shades, etc. Provident in vestment ft Trustee Cov. 201-203 Board o a raoe. owners. WALKING D I S TANCE. $6000 house for $5000, If sold within two! weeks; $6000 cash. Parties going East: 6 rooms, modern in every detail; will sell furniture If wanted. Owner, 87 E. 19th stJ z d jocks nortn oi ml xaoor canine. FINE IRVINGTON HOME ON BEAUTIFUL CORNER. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE. ASK FOR MR. ROGERS OR MR. EASTON. 202 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. 5-ROOM cottage, all newly re finished. tint- ed, painted, wired for lights, modern plumbing. 60x100 lot, chicken house. Bull Run water, cement walk; $1750, $50 cash. $15 per montn. owner, L-ewii oiag, $500 DOWN. Just finished last week, elegant 7-room rtTimrsiinw in Rossmere. modern In everv detail; lot lies high, has fir trees and la I close to car, fnone owner at xaoor zoia. FOR SALE or rent, a furnished house on Klrby ana W euaier blh., ujjpusiu) uia Jefferson High School; $30 per month rent or will sell on easy terms. Inquire Calu met Hotel, 1DU rarK st. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, furnished complete; uot 50x100; 1H blocks rrom car line; $2150; terms $650 cash, balance at $25 per month. Amadon Bros., 216 Lewis bldg. t xrr w 0-rw,m modern finish. 652 Ladd ave.. 200 feet to 6 cariines. corner 12th and Hawthorne, Willi i ului a uubiucu vkiuo; $6500, terms. Phone East 6178. R. M, Wldney, owner. $2900 BUYS a dandy new 6-room bunga low In the Hawthorne-ave. district, very close to Hawthorne ave.; small payment down and balance monthly. Call at 1248 Hawthorne .ave., or pnone jaoor vz. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 9 rooms, large billiard-room, fine finish, oak- lot 75x100, choicest location Irving ton. East 273. C 1866. No agents. W. H. rleriman. SXAP 6-room modern house in heart of the East iiurnsiae aiamci; iiiuruusmy moarm, nice lawn and roses; $."200; terms. Geo. G. Mair, 2 Lumbermen's bldg. 250 6-ROOM house, Portland Height loC BUSiaXaAa iv AA UAA, ACM all BHUSIt dkOOQ u. ai ziaa a- lt Sherlark Blaa