Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 31, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Michael Damphoffer Will Be
100 Years Old in Three.
I Octogroarian and Hl Son Walk
f-lde by Side la Broiling Sun at
j Vancouver, Wash., to Observe
' Fiftieth Anniversary.
' VANCOUVER. Vut. May I. 8p
wtal. ) Michael Dmmpfhoffar. 8r- 7
'Ton old. and hl ion. Michael Dampf
koffer. Jr.. 7 rears old. both rinnni
ef tr.o Civil war. marched i
th Memorial pared her today. It la
believed that tno a red veteran, who
will bo a century old In thre year.
u tho oldest oao to march thr-
aaarter of a mllo In tho ocorchlnr hot
no. with tho thermometer at 14 do
(ma on tho Pad So Coast. If not In
th wholo Inlted State.
Tho Grand Army veterans, members
of til-worth Post No. t. th combined
Bsc of whom roach nori than I5
years, led tho march from tho library
to tho city park. They woro preceded
by a Pfo and drum corpo from tho
pool and followed by tho Spanish
American War Veteran. Son of Vet
erana. tho Women's Relief Corpo and
I e oohooj children carrying rooeo and
Little Girls Participate.
Tho most Impreoolvo exercia of dec
oratlns; a cenotaph. In honor of tho un
known soldier dead, was performed by
Mttlo school a-lrls. dressed In flaa-a.
.from Colombian school. After readlns;
orders by A. J. Par-hall, poet adjutant,
and an address by T. If. Ferrier. acting
, poet commander, thero was music by a
sestet 1R4 a quartet ana an mvoca
tion by Ker. C. K. X Poole. Miss Alleo
Tooley road "Memorial Iay at Aader
sonviUe," and Clyda Collins read
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.' Tho
oration of tho day was dellrorod by
Hot. A. I 8kat.
About 3oo then wont to tho Oovem-
xnent dock, where I hero was performed
tho beautiful and ImpreaslTo ceremony
by tbo Women's Belief Corps of strew
Ing roeoe and other flowers on tho
Columbia River In honor of tho sailor
dead, "who He burled under tho sea.1
They sans. ' Nearer My Ood to Thee'
and "America.
As tbo current of tho river carried
the roses down stream all Joined In
sma-lnc "America1- In a way that
thrilled tho hearts of tho old veterans
who In many cases added their voices
with all of tbo enthusiasm of their
Old Noldtcr Not So Nimble.
It was noticeable that the old
soldiers, whsn marching, war not so
nimble and spry as a faw years sa-o
and tho fife and drum crops, composed
of young men. who started off at such
a brisk paco. was asked to march
slower thai tho veterans mlsbt keep
in lino and not bo exhausted In th
boiling sun. In tho city park tho ex
erelses woro held under tho tall fir and
sine trees, wbsro It was cool and
Decoration day always means much
snoro to tho residents of Vancouver
than any other city on tho Pacific
Coast, perhaps, as It contains and has
contained etneo It was first ors-snlsed.
a Inlted States Fort. Vancouver Bar
rack, and there aro so many men In
business life and In privata Ufa who
novo served tlmo In tho regular and
volunteer Army.
All Troops Quartered at Barrack
( Participate in Service.
Mar 10. i Special. Tho weather was
perfect. All of the troops In ths post,
weartnc their dress unit onus of blue,
white alovee. with fias-s at half mast,
snarched from tho parade -round to
tie post cemetery. unler command of
Colonel James K Itosers. First Infan
try. Ths First Infantrv Band plaved a
dirce and Oiaplatn Francla J. Kelnler
prayed. The band struck up "Nearer.
Mr Ood to Tiee." during which time
the graves of the soldiers, both known
and unknown, war decorated with
ower and face. Then tho band
payed the -"tar fnarc'ed Banner"
and a salute of three voltrrs was fired
tv a platoon of the First Infantrv.
After the benediction by Chaplain
Fetnler. tape was oun-ted and the
troops marched slowry bark to their
The sarrtson ftC was dtplaed at
balfma.i from sunrtee nn'll midday
and lus" before noon tne First Infan
trv Band played a number of patriotic
airs on the parade a-round.
At noon the National salne of it
guns was Bred by a batterv of the Sec
ond Field Artillery, on ths artillery
ejrtll ground.
All dutv. except the nereeaarv guard
and police, was suspended, and there
was a general a'r of Monday around
ths post.
I labor ale Fterrlarw Held With I -
litor-a in .llrndance.
f'RI:.N CtTT. Msv !). Special)
Kere tbaa 10 visitors were at-
trsrted to the city today by tho me
snonal exorriee. Business was sus
pended end the exerrieee wer elab
orate and impressive- The oration of
the da- was made by Hnaw 8. B. Ormsby
at Shively Opera-Kouse.
Mr. Ormsby traced ths oris IB of
slavery and ra'led attention to tbo
events thai ld to the Civil War.
The veterans and the Women s Relief
Corps, escorted by Company O. O-earoo
N cuaai Guard. aai tho File and Drum
Corps in lbs mornlnc marched to tho
suspension bridge, where ths watsrs
ef ths Willamette wer strewn with
(lowers In honor of tho sailor dead.
Tho column then moved to th
ghlvely Opera-Hoof wher exercises
were beld.
-Our I'nknown "CVad was ths sub-J-ct
of sa ad lress by Rev. K. F. Zlm
ntormaa. war virrnR.vs HOLD farade
M c mcv-tal Day Is Observed at Capi
tal by Grand Army of Republic.
. SALrM. Or- May J (Special)
Memorial day was flttinsly observed
here by the veterans and their wives,
while at the earn time many young
people participated.
la tho momma the veterans of th
Graa4 Army of th Republic. Ladle of
ths Grand Army of ths Republic' and
Women's Relief Corps visited ths City
View Cemetery, where ths graves wer
At 11 o'clock ths women of the Grand
Army of ths Republic held services at
Loo Mission Cemetery and at 1 o'clock
In tho afternoon members of Sedgwick
Corps. Women's Relief Corps, held serv
ices at South Commercial-street bridice
for ths sailor dead, uslna- th beautiful
ritualistic work of strewing flowers
upon tho waters. r
At t o'clock a parade was a feature
In which many of tho old veterans and
their friends participated. Ths Chema
wa Indian School band and military
company also took part.
Wallaco McCamaat. of Portland, was
ths speaker of the day. Boys of ths
Oregon Stats Training School paraded
throueh th streets of ths city later In
tho afternoon.
Practically All Business Snspended
and Flower Strewn on River.
ASTORIA. Or, May SO. (Special.)
Memorial day was observed her as a
holiday, practically all business with
th exception of work In th salmon
parking plants being suspended for ths
day. This morning th members of
tf Grand Army of th Republic and
Women's Relief Corps conducted ths
usual services of scattering flowers
upon ths rlvsr in honor of th desd
st sea. whl! this afternoon th graves
detachment of regulars from Fort
Stevens acting as a firing squsd-
Thls svenlng appropriate xrclssa
were held at th opera house, under th
auspices of ths Grand Army of ths
Republic and Its kindred organizations.
assisted by ths schools.
Pat Commander Pratt H peaks.
M'MIN"NVILLE. Or, May SO. (Spe
cial. ) Memorial day was observed
her today by th local Grand Army
Post, ths Women's Relief Corps and
th Woman of th Grand Army of th
Republic Jointly rendering an appro
priate protrramm wblcb Included an
address by M L Pratt, past de
partment commander of tho Grand
Army of the Republic of Ore
gon. At th conclusion of th ser
vices the cltlxens marched in proces
sion to th City Psrk wher th school
children assisted in ths Impressive
memorial services to the sailor dead.
and also the unknown dead. Th pub-
lio spent tbo entir day Un visiting th
cemeteries and strewing the graves
with flowers.
Memorial Observed at Woodhurn.
WOOPBCRN. Or- May JO. (Special.)
Memorial day was fittingly observed
her this afternoon - with exercise at
Boll Pas si Cemetery. Among th
many who turned out were L I. Stev
ens Post of the Grand Army. Woman's
Relief Corps. Women of the Grand
Army and Company I. Oregon National
Guard. The exercises consisted of
Lincoln's Gettysburg; address by Miss
Merlo Bonner: recitations by school
children; unveiling of ths fin new
Grand Army monument to the un
known dead by Mayor W. U Jerman.
music by the Boys' Quartet, address
br Rev. Aloxandar R. MacLoan and
decoration services by tho Grand Army.
Grants Pass Observes Pay.
GRANTS PASS. Or. May 30. (Spe
cial.) Memorial services were held in
iie city and county today. Public exer
cises wer held In th opera house.
The principal address was delivered
by Rev. D. II. Leech. At the conclu
sion of ths programme, old soldiers.
their wives snd friend marched to
Rogue River bridge, where flowers
were strewn upon waters in memory
of departed sailors.
Jndge Rice Deliver Address.
CHEHALJS. Wash, May 0. Decora
tion day was observed In Chehalls to-
dsy by the Grand Army. Women's Re-
f Corps and clttsens generslly. Judas
Kir was orator of the day. There was
larse attendance, wttb beautiful
Prndlrmn Marrhes Pet-plle Heat.
PKXPI.ETOS. Or.. May 0. (Spe
cial. Although this was one of ths
warmest days of the season, hundreds
of people sttendrd the Memorial ex
ercises st the cemetery. Old and young
Idlers led the parade and participated
n ths exercises or tbe day-
Many Attend Rose-burg Service.
ROSKBURG. Or.. May J. (Special.)
Memorial day was appropriately ob
served In Roseburg with services st
he Palace Theater la the morning and
services at the Soldiers Homo In tbe
sfternoon. The weather was sxcellent
nd the services wer lamely attended.
.Incoln Davi. of Seattle, Granted
leecreo Recaaae of Cruelty.
SEATTLE. Wash- May J Special )
Uncola Pa via. ex-State Senator, was
ranted a decree of divorce today
from Mrs. Edna Davis, on ths grounds
of cruelty snd Incompatibility. Juries
King Iykemaa icrsnted the decree. The
trial w as held Immediately aftr noon,
when the usual courtroom hangers-on
bad gone out to lunch. . .
Th wife was not present In court
By decree of tbe Court the wife la al
lowed to remain bar maiden nam.
Th couple wer married at Spokane.
November 1. 10 Th brtd befor
her marrrag was Mis Kdn Punmor.
prominent In Spokan society.
Th couple lived together only a
short time, th wif returning to her
Spokane borne. Ther are no children
and property Interests wer settled out
of court
It waa chanced today by the husband
that th wif showed a lack ef in
terest In her husband's affairs, tbat
she refused to entertain or meet In
a social way friends of ber husband,
that for weeks sh would be whimsi
cal, moody, exacting and Irritable for
no apparent reason.
Street mmviji war first spsned ha Loa
doa la 1MI.
Above Squad ef First tafantry Flrtnsr
Below Mirbarl Oassphoffer. 8r,
Parade, aad MlckseJ Uamphoffer, Jr
Father la Civil War.
Business Block of Silverton, B.
C., Destroyed by Fire.
More Bodies May Be Found In Ruins
of Two Moe-telrica and Two Store.
Loss Is $250,000 Several
Are Scorched Severely.
NELSON. B- C. May JO. Fire at
El!vertoi-, B. C. early today destroyed
an entire square of business buildings
and caused the death of at least four
persona The known dead are:
Robert McTaitgart. of Sandon.
Robert Falrgileve.
F. L Falrgrteve. bartender at
Windsor Hotrl.
Unidentified foreigner from Phoenix.
0. j.
All tbose who perished were In th
n Indnor Hotel. The hotel register was
burned snd It may be that tbe ruins
contain the bodies of other persons.
Some of tbe guests of the Windsor
Hotel who escaped death were so
severely burned that they were taken
to hospitals.
Among the buildings destroyed were
the Victoria and Windsor hotels, Mrs.
Carey's grocery store snd W. H. Bran
don's stors building. The property loss
Is 1250.000.
Ths firs originated in the Windsor
Hotel, whloh was crowded with
patrons, few of whom saved even
enough clothing to cover themselves.
The Selkirk House, also containing
many people, was saved from destrue
tion after a hard Bitht.
Commercial Club Formed There by
Field Secretary Sayre.
HAINES, Or, May JO. (Special.)
James J. Sayre. field secretary of the
Oregon Development League, waa In
Haines this avenlng and assisted In
organising a Commercial Club here.
The organisation was perfected and
officers were elected.
Tbe club will concentrate Its efforts
at first on harintr the depot of the
0.-W. R. A N. moved from the West
to the Fast Side of the tracks as tbe
business section Is on that side and
much delay Is caused Inoomtns- pas
sensrx. who are now obliged to wait
for trains to pass. It will also work
to obtain a flour mill and a straight
road from Haines to Baker.
In connection with tho ora-antzatton
of the Commercial Club plans wer
perfected for -a Fourth of July cele
Mr. Sayre will leave In the morning
for Pralrle City and Canyon City to
urs-e them to loin th Central Oregon
Development League.
Well-Known Resident of I.lnn
County Passe Away at Age of 7 1 .
ALBANT. Or. May 30. (Special.)
Mrs. Josephlns B. Marshall, Oregon
pioneer of 19S0 and a well-known real,
dent of Linn County for (0 years, died
this momins- st her home In this city
at ths ag of 71 years She was born
In Illinois June JO. IS?, and crossed
the plains with her parents when 11
yesrs old-.
She was married to Arthur Marshall
m this county snd reared one of Linn
County's best-known and most-honored
families. She reilded on a. farm six
miles esst of Albany most of her life,
moving Into the city a few years ago.
She was a member of the Christian
Church for many years. She Is sur
vived by seven children: Mrs R, E.
Houston. P. R Marshall. O. B. Marshall.
A. B. Marshall and Mrs. EL B. Wallace,
sll residing near this city: Mrs. Robert
Chambers, of Eugene, and Mrs. Frank
M. Powell, of Albany."
Raymond Line to Be Begun.
RAYMOND. Wash.. May 30. (Spe
cial. ) Ray Fnlrher. constructing en
gineer of Sanderson Porter, New
York engineers, who control th Grays
Harbor ir'leetrie Company, and to
whom. It la said, the franchise for an
electric line connecting Raymond and
South Bend has been assls-nrd. arrived
in Raymond Sunday. He Is looking
V A"
1 ' j-J
Salo-te Over Graves in Post Cemetery.
S7 - Trar - Oi Veteran, Who Marehcd la
ST Years Old, Wit Saw Servicw With
over the situation here preparatory t
assembling a crew to commence con
structlon on the local line. The new
line between Raymond and South Bend
will be started at once.
Plaintiff Falls to Make Point
Against Her ex-Husband's Firm.
PENDLETON'. Or- May JO. (Spe
cial.) A woman cannot collect dam
ages from a firm of which her former
husband la a partner, for an accident
which happened while they were man
and wife. Thus ruled Circuit Judge
Gilbert W. Phelps today In granting
a non-suit In the case of Mamie Nolen
vs. Ralph B. and H. fl. Nolen. father
and son.
The court also held the plaintiff had
failed to show the carelessness alleged
in allowing the machinery to become
Members of the Jury which had been
empaneled and which had listened to
the woman's side of the case, freely
express their regret tbat the case was
taken from their hands, declaring they
would have given her practically all sh
waa suing for, xsaOO.
Hal Dabney, of Hood River, Leaves
for West Point.
HOOD RIVER, Or, May 30. (Special.)
Hal Dabney, who since the beginning
or ir.e year nas been at the University
of Oregon at Eugene, left today noon
for West Point to enter the United
States Military Academy. Young Dabney
is a member of the Sigma Chi frater
On th trip East to begin his cadet
ship, young Dabney was accompanied
oy nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Dab
ney. Mrs. Dabney will go as far as
Kansas City, where she will spend two
months visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. Dabney will be joined by relatives
at ISew York and will sail June 17 on
the Mlnneto.ika for England. The party
expects to visit every part or th Con
tinent of En rope and Northern Africa
before returning.
Ber. J. Hagel at Tacoms Reports
German Immigrants Thriving.
TACOMA. Wash- May JO. (Special.)
Rev. J. HageL of Munich. Is in Ta-
coma on a tour of Canada and the Lni
ted State, preparing a report for the
Kaiser on the condition . of German
Rev. Mr. Hagel baa already finished
his Canadian tour, and has Inspected
the conditions of the Germans, which.
he declares, are admirable. He ex
pressed pleasure today, at the high
positions of trust and responsibility,
whirb Germans hold in the Northwest.
He Is particularly interested in Ger
man farmers, lie has found German
farmers all through his trip to be In a
most prosperous condition.
Life Crashed Oat on Concrete Floor.
Octogenarian Held by Police.
TACOMA. Wash, May SO. (Special.)
-A. Crosby, ased B7, fell II stories
down the elevator shaft at the Davis-
Smith A Co. furniture house about 4:30
o'clock yesterday, striking on a concrete
floor. Death was Instantaneous.
Gus Hanson, aged 80. a rancher, who
was with Crosby, la being held by the
police until he recovers from hysteria
sufficiently to glv a connected ao-
count of th affair, although the police
and Coroner are satisfied death was
accidental. Hanson aald he had never
met Crosby before, but picked up an
acquaintance and was in the building
to spend a few hours witn rum.
State and Government Will Co-oper
ate on Work Under Lewis.
SALEM. Or. May 30. (Special.)
Parties that will actively engage in the
work of topoxraphlo surveys under ths
co-operative plan between th state and
the Government have been organizea
or er being organised under the direc
tion of Stat Engineer Lewis. Charles
F. Urnuhart. with headquarters at Ore
gon City, has charge of work on what
Is known as the Travers Control for
topographic maps to be made of the
country south and east of Portland.
B. M. Bandi has charge of a party
that Is running levels in the same ter
ritory and A. E. Murlin Is In charge of
topographlo party with headquarters
at Caxadero. This party will work on
Prana" Carbonic Syphon
In less than two minutes, at your home at the picnic
anywhere you can convert pure water into a freshly
carbonated, tempting liquid from which so many
healthful, warm-weather drinks can be made.
Or, you may take cold tea, chocolate or coffee and
make delightful beverages by carbonating them in a
"Prana" Carbonic Syphon.
Barley-water, cold beef-tea, cold milk, and other invalid
drinks are quickly made palatable and health-giving
by its use.
The ordinary syphon containing the water you buy
passes through many hands; the "Prana" Carbonic
Syphon is your own always clean. It is a household
necessity that will last a lifetime.
See our demonstrator in the window, and learn how
easily and how cheaply you may keep cool on warm
days. Ask us for a booklet.
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Washington and Fourth Streets.
Remember Today and tomorrow our great 19-cent
sale. All through the first floor dozens of every-day
needs are being sold at 19 cents much less than the ordi
nary price.
what Is known as the Boring Quad
rangle east of Portland.
Joseph Wheat has a topographical
party working on the Oregon City
Quadrangle south of Portland. E. R.
Bartlett. with headquarters at Eugene.
has charge of a topographical party in
that vicinity.
S. G. Lunde is organizing- a nartv
which will have Its headquarters at
Baker for work east of that city In the
Pine and Eagle Creek Valleys. These
parties will range from five to eight
men according to the class of work
which they are slated to do.
Life of Japanese Spared.
. STEVENSOX, Wasli, May 30. (Spe
cial.) -Peace officers here are guard
ing L Mori Mato, who made several
threats today to commit suicide. Mato
had in his pocket checks issued by
Swank & Co. on the United States Na
tional Bank of Vancouver. Vancouver
authorities said they knew the Japan
ese, but refused to take charge of him.
Mato says he cannot face the disgrace
of not Joining in the war against Rus
sia, now that his brother, a veteran of
that conflict, has come to visit America-
Titles Being; Prepared.
SALEM. Or.. May 80. (Special.) At
torney-General Crawford has started
preparing the ballot titles for the ref
erendum petitions of the University of
Oregon and Monmouth Normal School
appropriations and the Malarkey bill
extending the powers of the Railroad
Commission allowing it to have Juris
diction over public utilities. It is
probable that the titles will not be
ready before Thursday or Friday.
Atiyeh Bros.'
Removal Sale
Oriental Rugs
This Morning
At S o'Clock
$185,000 Stock
Surprisingly Sacrificed
San Francisco, $5, $10, $12 and $15. .
Los Angeles 1st Class $21.50, $23.50, $26.50; 2d Class,
Round Trips at Reduced Rates. All R ates Include Steals and Berth.
SS. "Bear" Sails 9:00 A. M., Friday, June 2.
H. G. Emlth, C T. A 141 Third St. J. W. Biisom. Agent. Ainsworth Dock.
Main 402; A 1402. PHONES Main 268; A 1214.
Sparkling Drinks
at Home With the
NewspaperAdvertlsement .
Points Way to Health
I can truthfully say that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root is a very good medicine,
not alone for kidney trouble, but also
for weak and sore back, as well as for
About a year ago I became ill and
unable to work, my trouble being a
lame back. I read of your Swamp-Root
in the newspaper and in an Almanac
Believing it would do me good, I went
to my druggist, Mr. Skinner, and pur
chased a bottle. Pending relief in one
fifty-cent bottle, I purchased several
more and in a short time was able to
continue with my work and am today
feeling well and strong. I always rec
ommend Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root to
my friends as I believe, it is as good a
medicine as can be found.
3412 Second Street,
No. Minneapolis, Minn.
Mr. Skinner makes affidavit that he
sold the Swamp-Root to Mr. Strong.
Letter to
nr. Kilmer C Cox,
Blnghamton, . Y.
Prove What Bnramp-Boot WU1 Do for Too.
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Blngham
ton, N. Y-. for a sample bottle. It wiU
convince anyone. You will also receive
a booklet of valuable Information, tell
ing all about the kidneys and bladder.
When writing, be sure and mention The
Portland Daily Oregonlan. Regular
fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottle for
sale at all drugstores.
AH Relieved by Lydia E Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Sikeston, Mo. "For seven years I
Buffered everytbinfr. I was in bed
" 3 for four or five days
at a time every
month, and so weak
I could hardly walk.
I cramped and had
backache and head
ache, and was so
nervous and weak
that I dreaded to
see anyone or have
anyone move in the
room. The doctors
gave me medicine to
ease me at thoaa
times, and said that 1 ought to have art
operation. I would not listen to that;
and when a friend of my husband told
him about Lydia E. PinMiam's Vege
table Compound and what it had dona
for his wife, I was willing to take it.
Now I look the picture of health and
feel like it, too. lean do my own house,
work, hoe my garden, and milk a cow.
I can entertain company and enjoy
them. I can visit when I choose, ana
walk as far as any ordinary woman,
any day in the month. I wish I could
talk toevery sufferingwomanandgirl."
Mrs. Dema Bethtote, Sikeston, Mo.
The most successful remedy in this
country for the cure of all forms of
f emale complaints is Lydia E. Elnk
ham's Vegetable Compound.
It is more widely and successfully
used than any other remedy. It has
cured thousands of women who have
been troubled with displacements, in
flammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic paius, backache,
that bearing down feeling, indigestion,
ancl nervous prostration, after all other
means had failed. Why don't you try it?
Time NOW to make up your
mind to spend the
in a cottage or bungalow at
Gearhart Park
Details at Building Department
Ruth Trust Co.
235 Stark Street, Corner Second.
For the Stomach
Here's an Offer You Should
Not Overlook
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach troubles by supplying the one
element, the absence of which in the
gastric juices causes indigestion and
dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to
digest food and to quickly convert it
into rich red blood and material neces
sary for overcoming natural body
Carry a package of Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets In your vest pocket, or keep
them in your room. Take one after
each heavy meal and Indigestion will
not bother you.
We know what Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets are and what they will do.
We guarantee them to relieve indiges
tion and dyspepsia. If they fail we
wiU refund your money. Three sizes:
25 cents, 60 cents and $1.00. Remem
ber you can obtain Rexall Remedies in
Portland only at The Owl Drug Co-.
Inc. Cor. -7th and Washington sts.
Your Liver
is Clogged up
Thar Wty Toa're Tixd Oal oE
Sort Have So Appetite.
win pat yon n
in a tew dav.
They do
their iMSf.
tesmsti, Migtrtba, atsi Skk Keadach.
Genuine una ben Signature
Stepa toothache
whether thre lift
earlty or not. If erer
dnee op or loses lt
Keep It to HMhonM
lor einergrrnclea. Imi
tation don't do to
A Swell Affair.
At all druggist, u cents, or dj man.
nAa0 .Tftvn Cnm CCTODt
lcm-VWluuiuu BaRianSvlM
C. S. DENT 4 CO., Dttrolt, Mich.
Accept Our Offer
and get the old reliable
electrophone on
30 DAYS'
It is a tiny but powerful
Electrode in 'l
use almost
vice. Call or write for
22 Lumbermen Bids;., Portland, Or.
r -