Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 31, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Adolph E.CoIson Loses Life at
Foot of Ash Street.
Overtures to United States
sum Tail if dl
Approved by Leading
Passengers on Launches and Steam
ers in Vicinity Panlc-Stricken,
Several Women Fainting at
Sight of Sudden Tragedy,
I t r - -
.. '-.' ---'.-.
' A,-
stmpir Rrcard Tart's Proposals
Kith aa Mnch Sympathy aa Brlt-
mla Project Said to cd
Sod lapmrmcal.
. BKRLK. Mar . Tha Ntord
"Deutsche .aXgemetno T-sltong leada eft
Its Issue of today wltb an announce
ment of the steps Germany baa taken
toward arbitration.
"After to Called Stales Indicated to
Germany her readiness to negotiate a
broader arbitration treaty wltb other
tpowars aa woil aa England, tba aears
paper says. "Oermaii t expressed a vrlsa
ta see tba draft of the arbitration pr
Tposal aad aiao Indicated bor reedlnees
to tab an tho stndr of tha proposi
tion. Tha draft of the treaty will ar
rive here wtthln a abort time."
To tbo above atatement can ba added
tha semlof t iclai .ipr.MloD of opinion
that Germaay. Ilka Ureal Britain and
Franca, la roost sympathetic toward
President Tafia arbitration proposal.
leading nowapapra Ilka tha Kraakfort
Zaitnng welcome tha news of tha tor-
rested treaty, though they find tba
y. reject ojwn to Improvement on Im
portant potnta.
Will' ntnnu Shown to Slake Part
With I'nltrd State.
WASHINGTON. May Ml Oannany ex
pressed today bor allltnrness to. enter
negotiations wltb tha Vnlted States for
a g-aeral .arbitration treaty alone tha
lima laid down by 8ocretarr of State
Koi In tho tentative draft of tbla
; Gor.niiMnfi proposal, now la tha hands
af Groat Britain and Franca.
Count von IWnstorff. tba Gorman Aro-
haasador at Washington, conveyed this
tnformatioa to Secretary Knox, and
asked for a copy of tha basto propoaltloa
of tha United States.
Oeraan'a expressed willingness to
ontsr Into nerntlatlnns probably will
result la considerable extension of tbo
1 1 mo Bscoaaary to consummate tba fab
ric of tba treaties.
It la assumed that aach of tha four
powers will Insist
what tba othora
at. p. to aaaara
powsr assumes greater privileges than
any othsr.
other powora aro expected to follow
Gorman ye oxamplo.
TiZXJ wrJbLC OTrt, -sLc- fZZZi? jf
A. T. P. Expert la Firework Will
Chr Fratlral Performance.
Miss Marlowe Softens Char-
acter-Sothern Impresses.
VT. II. TTIltson. of Xxw Arrs. who
anada a Natloa-wuo ropatatlon wtta
rtroworka at tbo Alaaka-Tnkoa-Paciflo
rxpoaitlon. baa arrtvod la Portland to
for Joba F. Cord ray a pyrotacnalo
display at tba Oaaa scat Monday and
Friday nlshta aa a part of tbo Has Fa-
ttval proararamak
A acow 15 Inns to carry tha s't
alsroa la aolaa arranaod on tba rtrar la
rront of Uta board walk. On a amsU.r
a-ow wiu bs tho mortara from whlca
tho abolia win ba flrd. Tba moot boau-
tiral and spactacutar aombor will bo
- asw fsatara lnnt4 by Mr. Wniaoa, I
sntltlsd "Aorlal Warfara."
la all 41 abslla will ba s-t off at oach
porformaaco, tho diaptay lastmc tor
mora than a hour.
Fortrajala of KalberlBe and Pe-
trwrhto Plrauw AndJence at IIcl
11 j Botr Stars Show Pine
Grasp of Tbelr Hole.
Iaj llht Robbrry lalerraptrd When
Mrs. Tan Ia;n Triea Oak
CoTortnc bin faco to avort futura
Idratlflattoa. a borclsr who aroosod
Mrs. F. VaaPaya from aloop la brr
boma. 71? Lorajoy strovt. oocapod.
rarrytna; wltb bins about It la monoy
aad a dosoa atlTor spoon a Tho
barrfary waa commlttod la broad day-
Itaht.. whoa lira Van Duya bad lata
down tor a nap. Tba thlrf. bofors
rsarMna tbo room wboro aba lay. b t4
thrtoaahly ransackod tba boasa ard
raado it a bandla of booty.
Ilia ontraara awakoaod Mrs. Tan
Xnya aad aa tbo cried oat bo burst
from tho room, with bla fsataras coa
rald so that sh woold not know htm.
Ha was drosscd In a dark-blus antt
aad a llaht-colorod bat.
-r vmcvo or ntx tRrw."
A Farro ay WUnui Naknom
Ft is sand as tho 1U4U Taoatsr.
Tba cast:
Vaptlsta ...Willlasa llama
vtneoatia Krio BUad
Uacoatlo .........Fradanck Xsls
Pslsachla . .. Mr. Bothers
OrsaUo -Fraocsa Bsadtara
Hoctsiata . . Ttwuaas Oslsaua
Traala . . . . .Job a Taylor
Bloadsils .Albert I. Rowsoa
A Peoaat rdaey Mather
Tailor Malealm Bradley
Haberdasher ......Frederick It o land
Oram). ........ .Rowland Bvrkstoae
Kalbertaa Mlsa Marlowe
Blase Nora Lamlaoa
Widow ...... ..Leonora Chippendale
Cart la Koceola Woodvard
I'ass ta Xatkerue....Vlr(tnla WelU
Mkislclaas Bloadl aad Blondl
I paaraa works. Others aro
Man V ro ltwojid Home to Spite
Wife SsuTraders.
Flrkard. who Is charged wltb bavins;
placed la bla boma at Melroao tho In
feraat macbino whlcb blew up and do-
' ropd tho house and Injured leputy
Sheriff klba today. it himself up
to the police bora. Flrkard waa tskea
to the liall of Jjstlce and examined by
1'aptala of Detectlrea Wait At tba
conclusion of tho examination bo waa
turned over to Petectlvoa Mcoreley aad
Flynn. of tha Oakland Polico Depart
cnent. by whom be will bo taken Im
mediately to the Alameda County JaiL
Plrkard refused to make any state
ment concerning tho explosion, wblb
deatroyed bla homo and Injured tbrea
neputy Shertffa Followtnc tha ex-
p.oslon. tba homo burned to tbo (round.
Xorthwcit People Visit in Xew Tork.
NrTW TORK. May . SieclaL
Pacific Northwest people rrclnered at
ew Tork hotels to-lay are:
From Portland C. IX Br u tin. Mrs. C
P. Prunn. G. Glasa. Mrs. O. Glass, at
tha riasa.
From Orovll'.e. Wash. H. M. Me
ccano, at tho Continental.
From Aberdeen, trash Miss M- Mel
rose, at tho Wolcott.
From Pendleton. Or. J. M. Carmell-
aon. at tho Continental.
From Spokane C. E. Carlson, at ths
Irene Osgood Divorce Case Ends.
lO.VDOV. May 10. Tha autt of Irons
Oscood. tha American aut horses, for a
Judicial separation from bar husband.
Robert Harboroucb Sherard. the Eng
lish author, waa ended this afternoon.
Judgment was reserved. The Judge
twice attempted to arrange a aettle-
aaaat of to suit but failed.
Tbo many and varied peculiarities of
tbo "Taming of ths Shrew" rcaks It
psarss works. Others aro frankly
comedies or dramas: this one, called a
history. Is nearer a farce. Tba 60 thorn
Marlowe players make It delicious fun
that never borders on buffoonery, and.
to the play as a whole, tbey give ax
traordlnary novelty and life. They
give, not the Impression of fins Imlta-
tlona. but tha Impreaaion of real peo
ple, appearing to speak tbelr own
thoughts whan they read ths lints of
the play.
There Is an alert Intelligence, a rare
ense of humor in Mlsa Marlowe's por
trayal -of ths shrew. Ths typo Is never
onbeautlfuL and Is In even ths most
vixenish moments a fascinating study.
Tha Katherlne of tha ataga wa know
aa a rough, loud-speaking, masculine
virago with a vicious and unbridled
temper and even brutal tendencies.
But this Intensely human and splen
didly spoiled Katharine of Miss Mar
lowe's la unknown to most of ua out
side of Shakespeare' a covers, and In
many Instances not oven there. Miss
Marlowe a Katherlne la alive to bar
finger-tips, defiant not sullsn. high-
spirited not vicious, a capable among
But Miss Marlowe Interpretation
carries plainly that Katherlne la a
creature of moods and ths unhappy re
sult of a spoiled and pampered bring
ing. up; a motherless girl who has al
ways held fall sway over her father
and her younger sisters. There Is
mora emblttmeas and tho natural Jeal
ousy of the daughter who finds bcr
sister boat beloved by tbelr father la
ths actress rendition.
Marlowe Is Impressive.
In tba oarly scene la which Kather
lne has bound ber sister's hands and
then strikes her. Miss Marlowe makes
It appear as tho Impulsive act of a
spoiled child, rather than tba premed
itated cruelty of one woman to another.
In point of truth, ber conception baa
no wholly woman ly Quantise nnUa Xha
"taming of tha haggard has been ac
complished. In tho last scene, at ths
bamiuet, she Is eternally feminine and
subtla; till tben she hss been a glori
ous untamed, unafraid fighting animal,
asking no quarter nor giving any.
Mr. Sothern's Petrucblo Is on ths
whole a masterpiece. Ha plays- ths
man as one at first caring only for
Katborlns's money bags, lie affects a
vlolnot temper and bis severity to Gru
mlo Is certain. Mr. Sothern. makes It
svldont that Pstruchlo can win any
woman's lovs if so ha chose, and euro
any woman's temper. But when Hor
tenslo comes in wltb his head bruised
where Katherlne baa beaten him- Po
truchlo's delight Is keen. He mani
fests a genulns feeling of admiration
and a desire to master ber blgb spirit.
Support Is Strong.
Tha support of ths co-stars Is wholly
adequate. Rowland Buckstono evinces
a fine Una of comedy as Grumio. serv
ant to Petruchlo, and Franco Bendsten,
as Orsmlo In ths minor love affair of
Kathcrlne's sister, ta especially worthy
of noto as ths excellent characteriza
tion of the doddering old gentleman.
Albert 8. Howaon. aa Blondello, afford
ed pleasure la his role of Luotouo't
Tonight and this afternoon will wit
ness "Horn so and Juliet- Ths curtain
for tha matinee rlaes prorotply at
o'clock, tho evening curtain is at
Joint Board of Arbitration of Sever.
al Unions Take Stand.
CHICAOO. May 10. (Fpeclai.) A
crisis la ths 1 40.000.000 building tleup
Is looksd for tomorrow by labor lead
era. builders and contractors. A decision
rsachsd yssterday by ths Joint arbitra
tion board, composed of contractors and
repreaentativea of several unions In
ths building industry, to stand by tha
International Protective Association of
Steamflttsrs In ths Jurisdictional war
fara with ths United Association of
Plumbers, puts ths responsibility of ths
tisup squarely up to ths officers of
ths latter organisation. It waa declared
Notices hsvs boon sent to architects
and contractors that bricklayers, stone
masons, carpenters, hoisting engineers.
lathers, plasterers, marble-setters bod-
carrlera and building laborers, boiler-
makers, painters and decorators, glas-
lors and machinery movers will return
to work with eteamf liters of tha Inter
national union provided steamflttsrs
from ths rival organisations axe taken
from tho buildings.
Adolph S. Cblson. aged 2! son of
Adolph Cblson. living st 669 Second
street, wss drowned at ths foot of Ash
street in tho Willamette River at t P. IS.
yesterday when his camoo capslsed and
John E. Norman, aged 12, son of John
A. Norman, 23 Sherman street, his
oompanlon. narrowly aacaped a similar
death. Norman waa able to swim and
grasp a Una thrown from the steamboat
Elmore, lying at ths dock. The body of
Colaon was recovered .by Hugh Brady,
City Grappler, In less than two hours
after tha accident.
Tha drowning was In sight of a load
of passengers on the Harvest Queen,
which was Just leaving her dock, the
crew of the Elmore and two launches
returnlne with rjtenlo nartles.
Colaon and Norman were paaaimg ua
canoe toward ahore and crossed tha
bows of tha launch Niagara, owned by
Louis Bono, which had In tow a dis
abled launch owned by 8. C Priestly,
loaded wltb 14 passengers. Just as ths
canoe passed In front of ths Niagara
tha Harvest Queen whistled as her pad
dles stsrted to revolve and she cast
loose from tha dock. Caught between the
big steamboat and the launches the
young men became confused snd a swell
from the launches caught the trail craii
sldewlse snd turned It completely over.
Colaon was unable to swim but made
a desDera-a effort to save himself by
clinging to ths canoe. At ons time ho
grasped hold of the up-turned craft and
deckhand of tha Harvest Qneen
Jumped overboard and tried to rescue
him. Before he reached the canoe 101-
son's hold gave way and he sank. Two
of three times ho came to tho surfaoa
but he was beyond help.
Toung Norman was able to keep afloat
until a lino was thrown to him from the
Elmore and be was pulled aboard.
Norman said Colaon had never been
In a canoe before and that the trip was
ths second for himself. 1 Ha said ths
canoe was swamped by a swell from the
Niagara, and that Colson tried to use
his paddle on the same side as himself
when they feared they would be caught
by tha launch the Niagara had In tow.
when the canoe capeised Mr. Bono
ordered the tow of the Niagara cut looss
and Immediately turned the launch to
rescue the two young men. but Colson
hsd sung for tho last time and Norman
had a life line before she oould bo
brought around. Several women in the
launch parties fslnted at sight of ths
drowning man and caused a panic
aboard the small boats.
(Continued om First Page.)
lttorio, Emmanuela III and Cm
berto and a number of torpedo boats
were scattered along the coast from
Qenoa to tha French frontier and to
Pisa for ths purpose of siding ths air
men If necessary.
Hs could mske no mora than a few
miles aad turning made another
trial, but could not maks much progress.
Kimmerllng, who lsnded last night
at Brlgnolea. remained there during the
day. He tried another machine, but put
it aside aa unsatisfactory and sent for
two others from Lyons. He probably
wiu not os aoie 10 continue me jour
ney before tomorrow or Thursday.
Blbert arrived at Avignon after los
ing himself and wandering far out of
nia course. Bathlat. on his way to
DIJon. was brought by a storm to a
standstill for tha day at Fralols. a
short distance from his destination.
The American aviator. Henry Wey-
mann, and Gaget. have abandoned ths
Aocuaed Canunorlst Scores Point.
V I i LF.nO. Italy. May JO. At tha trial
of tha Cammorlsts today Glatlno, who
la accused by Abbatemaglo as ons of
he murderers of Cuoccolo, scored a
point when an expert who had made an
examination of his eye-glasses, ss those
which were found near Cuccolo's body.
testified that tba lenaea were not Iden-
"Marcbing Through Georgia" and
Others Are Rendered Aged
Soldier Thrills Throng.
CHICAGO, May 10. Civil War veter
ans a4.ftoo strong, sang 'John Brown's
Body, "Marching Through Georgia.
and othsr war songs as they led a great
Memorial day parade today, np the
point of review. The crowds first
cheered and then Joined In tho songs.
As ths marchers nearsd ths reviewing
stand, a woman beside a bent, blue
coated man, who refused to lids though
every atsp cost nlm a new torture, be
gan to hum tha strains of "John Brown's
Immediately tha old, infirm man
straightened, and before the cheering
thousands lining ths Una of march, hs
lifted his voice and soon -the adjoining
hundreds of veterans were singing with
remarkable vigor. As though acknowl
edging the nearlng of ths end of tha
march, ths song dropped Its martial fire
and softened to "Rock of Ages," snd
singing this hymn tha last of tha Tatar
ana passed tha reviewing stand.
British Porerelgns Busy Socially.
Honor Paid Labor.
LONDON, May 0The festivities
connected with the coronation began
this week, which will be a very busy
one socially. The King and Quean.
Prince of Wales, Duks and Duchess of
Connsucht and other members of ths
Siyigsco Grows
Hew Hair
Btopg Dandruff and Scalp Disease and
oMttOTM Qnj Ban- To Ita
natural Color.
'Want flair? Try Swiasea.
Swlssco Is tha latest and most scien
tific Hair Remedy our product repre
senting years of study and sclentiflo
research. Thousands of dollars have
been spent to produce this wonderful
hair grower.
To Drove Its efficacy we start you
with a bottle free If you will send 10c
In stamps or silver to psy postage wa
will send you a free trial bottle with
astonishing testimonials to prove our
Address Swlesco Hair Remedy Co-
It It P. O. Square, Cincinnati. Ohio.
bwissco is on sale at druggists and
drug departments at 60c and 1.00 a
For sale and recommended In Port
land by
Oinis-Founfftlhi R dins eft Ice
.$25.00 Suits $18.75
$27.50 Suits $20.50
$30.00 Suits $22.50
$32.50 Suits $24.50
$35.00 Suits $26.75
$45.00 Suits $33.75
$470 Suits $35.50
$50.00 Suits $37.50
$52.50 Suits' $39.50
$55.00 Suits $41.75
$40.00 Suits $30.00 $60.00 Suits $45.00
(No Biaes, Eladka or WMfces Imclunrledl ira Tibia Sale)
Mo Qa&irg for Alto&ftioms
No other Portland stores handle such meritorious
suits. They are the height of style and elegance
We qpiole acSiaal regBljr prices and reductions. We do mot say "valines,' for
foeMiad tiis Enisleaiilainig word misrepreaeiaftaitioiri is often Mddea
7 :3"rvJi
Mornrisora at Fourth
royal family attended a grand corona
tion concert given last night by the
combined forces of the Albert Hall
Choral Society, numbering nearly 1000
voices, and the royal amateur orches
tral society, assisted by Louise Kirby
Lunn and other operatic singers.
The King hss paid an unprecedented
honor to the labor movement by a
"command" invitation to two represen
tatives of trades unions to attend the
coronation ceremony.
Aftec the concert last night the
King and Queen and tho royal party
attended Lady Farquhar'a ball, which
was given in honor of the Duke of
Fife's daughters, tho Princesses Alex
andra and Maud.
The King and some of the royal
Princes will attend the Epsom race
meeting daily until Friday. The Queen
will also attend the meeting on
Wednesday for the Derby, which
promises to he a very brilliant affair.
You Enjoy the Rose Festival
One Week in the Year
You Enjoy a Gas Range 52
Weeks in the Year
Now that the Rose Festival and Slimmer are here, it is time for you
to think of the gas range for cooking purposes.
There are many reasoTis why you should have a gas range installed
in your kitchen, and there is not i single reason why you should
The woman -who cooks the dinner,in your home needs a new gas
She has struggled with long, hot hours and hard health-breaking
work long enough.
Get a range you can kindle with a match. j
One that will give a cooking fire the minute it is lighted.
One that cooks the breakfast while you dress.
One that does away with kindling, and burns fuel that does not
have to be handled or stored.
The range she is entitled to is the new "Cabinet," built to our
specifications specifications written by experts who have tested
all good gas ranges of the past 20 years.
In these "Cabinet" ranges we have incorporated all the econom
ical features of all the ranges we have handled in the past.
"We have these "Cabinet" ranges built to our specifications in
different sizes and shapes to fit all requirements.
We sell them on time delivered and installed f or domestic use
Portland Gas & Coke Company