;T1TE MORNING OREGOIAN. MfD5K3DAr, sulx in, awir. T Triumphant June Sales Based Upon Comparative Competition OF PEACE AND WAR IwmaRSd3tfb 'K Gb. The Word "Value" Having long since lost its signification, and viewed by the public with distrust, is NEVER Used by This Store The Word "Value" As commonly used to create False Price Reductions and Impossible Bargains is NEVER Used byThis Store No Pots and Pans No Crockery No Liquors No Groceries No Meat Market No Restaurant Tribute Paid to Dead Heroes at Arlington Cemetery Before 10,000. JL Merchandise of fteril Only. An Undermuslin Half-PriceSale That Is Truly Triumphant In This Extraordinary Sale $5.00 to $8.50 Waists Sell for $1.95 DEBT NOT TO BE FORGOT PRESIDEN SPEAKS Thousands of Veterans March Across Potomac RlTr to Hear Taft Spk and Ircorat Gram of Soldier Iwad. WAnr.-5TON May fnder th haded arrhes f th Washington Na tional Cemetery. President Taft spoke not so much aa th frleod of peac. but aa th ,omr of war. Thousands of veterans tramped th hot asphalt of th street, crossed tha f'otom&o and trudged 4-iat? roads to Arlington to hear tha Preaident .peak. TroiMn!, of others cama la auto mibi:a and by streetrars. ar.d Preaident Taft. with Secretary of War Ptlmaon cam up to tha vine covered amphitheater and aaar fuKy h.'ju persons crowded about tha speakera' stand. It probably at, tha moat largely attended Memorial 3ajr ceremony Washington hae ever seen. Far b It from m. aald tha rreai- 'Bt. lo minimis In ary wsy tha debt wa oara to the mn burled hera who car- rted on tha su"-reful ilruit that re sulted In tha abolition of tha cancer of elavery. w!:l-h iml Ineradlraol by auch an awful a:au?hter of tha bright eat and bravest and boat of tha Nation a youth and manhood. "I ahail not die--ues whether It might have be-n poaaibia to accomplish tha sarre reform by mUer methods. Whether tiiat ba trua or not. tha aupreme sacri fice of three men who II about ne. In tha can, a of advancing humanity can not ever ba lessened or obscured by su-h a auceatlin. Hut the thought at wMcn I would but hint thla mtnln(. Is that, even tha hallowed preeenr of the, a dead, whoa Ideala of patriotism and lova of tneir countrymen It needed a war to mak everlsstlngly evident, wa should ahats no effort and ehould atraln every nerv and avail ourselves of every honorable de vice to avoid war In the future. "I am not blind to the aid In crest ln sturdy manhood that ths military discipline w sea In th standinc armies of Kurop and In th regular Army of thla country, nor do I deny th Incidental benefits that may stow out of Lbs exigencies and sequeis of war. But when tha books ara balanced, th awful horrors of either International or Internal etrlfo far outweigh tha benefits that may ba attained In It. PEACE TREATY DISPARAGED American Proposal Whittled Down, Raja British CnlonUU IINDOX. May 10. Rowland Hunt. Unionist member of Parliament for th IjiIiow division of Shropshire, who has mad It his special business to bait Sir Kdaard Ore v. the British Koreln Sec retary, on th subject of President Tart's arbitration proposal, returned to th rharc In tha lious of Commons today. Mr. Hunt augc-sted that ths treat ex pectations which had bean raised by th President s original offer had been whit tled away, as Ita ratification by th 8ent wa required, and that th pro posal could not longer be retarded as tie basis for a treaty vf unrestricted arMtratlon. "May w hope. h asked, "that la tha future tha government will not al low Itself to ba bombarded by foreign powers." Foreign Secretary Grey, as on a pre vtoua occasion, declined to comment on th propoeed treaty until ha had tnor-oue-My iliif-sted It. -The full text of th draft of th treaty haa only just been received and I have not seen It." Sir Edward said. I Intend to pay It tha compliment of giving It my full consideration befor I make detailed comment concerning it." Recall if you can the BEST of Waist Sales you have ever attended. Judged by THAT STANDARD we offer 500 new and beautiful Waists in messalinest net, China silk, satin surah, hemstitched satin, soft taffeta, handkerchiefs and fancy silks. The assortment of models is bewildering. Every possible style now in vogue is to be found in this col lection of Summer Waists. Black and every color fashion fancies. v High neck, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, kimono sleeves, long sleeves, sailor collars, in short the greatest exposition of hand-tailored, high-class waists ever offered in this city"at such an amazingly small price. Positively no mail orders, telephone orders or C O. D. orders filled. None sent on approbation, nor any reserved before the hour of sale. SEE CORNER WINDOW. No Two Pictures Alike in This SAMPLE Picture Sale The city is flooded with myriads of cheap pictures. Pictures put together in soft wood frames, badly fitted, inferior glass and cheap prints. These are exploited at so-called SALE PRICES, and people are badly defrauded by buying these common pictures. The pictures we place on sale come from the well-known picture house, Tabor, Prang & Co., of New York and Boston. They represent gallery pictures on exhibition in their New York show We secured the entire collection no two alike a few weeks ago and offer them . rooms. AT EXACTLY HALF REGULAR PRICE Below we example a few of these beautiful pictures. Reading From Homer Hand - colored gravures framed in five-inch old gold moulding with ornamental top and corners. Regular $25.00 Sale $12.50 Atlanta's Race Hand-colored artotype 20 by 36 inches. In a three-inch an tique gold frame. Three-inch wide mat Gold burnished orna mental comers. Regular $ 1 5.00 Sale $7.50 La Brune & Baughter An original French print in a two-inch hand-carved frame. Regular $10.00 Sale $4.75 The Chariot Race A hand-colored etching, size 26 by 36. Framed in three inch Roman gold moulding. Regular $18.00. Sale $8.95 Whistler's Mother A Burlington proof, hand colored. Size 20 by 24. In a three-inch antique gold frame, Regular $10.00. Sale $4.95 Neptune's Sanctuary A hand-colored facsimile of the original painting by Ferdi nand Keller. In three-inch hard wood carbon frame. Regular $10.00. Sale$4.95 The Age of Innocence By Reynolds. An imperial gravure, hand colored, in an antique gold frame. Size 1 6 by 20. Regu lar $9.50. Sale $4.75 The Sunlit Bay A marine hand-colored photo graph, 20 by 24, with three-inch dull gold mat and antique gold frame. Regular $ 1 4.00. Sale $6.95 S4.00 framed "Sir Galahad," tale ...$18 $9.50 framed "George Washington," $16.00 framed "Madonna of the Chair," $8.00 framed "Aurora," tale $3.95 tale $4.75 tale $7.95 $4.50 framed "Beethoven," tale $2J25 $10.00 framed "Prophets," tale $4.95 $9.50 framed "Duchess of Devonshire," $6.00 framed "The Jolly Saddlers," . .$238 $7.50 framed "Schubert," tale $3.75 tale $4.75 Alto hundreds of water colors, pastels, etchings, carbons, hand-colored artotypes, all artistically framed, at HALF PRICE. UNION TO SELL BERRIES Portland I"lrm to Handle CUrLa ma Crop FacsI.Uca Better. ORET.OS CITT. Or.. May 3r Pfx-!J ) ;n r-rrl will b th nrt crop to b market. by th Offfnn City Fruit an Frlurs I nion. R. F. Hoaktns Co, f i'fr tland. t:l ha ml: a tha nt.r crop. iari of tta .. njc .rrowars In th Cist kamai dttr1k-t htv announced that ticjr mill not market tbclr crop tiroufb tr.s union. TTftnuportaUnn taW!... will b Im proved imi yar. Tnm .Portland Rail war. I!.K.t A PoanftT Compart? will hava nm car r rora at tba Orvron City FrtMrbt hnQSd) d!lx tor tha benefit of lsa frrow.m. Tha frrowara wl'l ba al liiwsi tf In.! t!". cart or fit ff 3D o'clock at nler.t Ft-ua of fallur of a nanv br cf t!.a C:-kamaa rrer to otr t union thra probably win ba no cam at O adaton. Tba bM-r1-a bar b ffun to r?rn and tha crop promt a to b t,nuua.;r loxra. FAREWELL NOTE PUZZLES Tacvrmai roller Ilad Mtxntn and Man's tlochra on Tfcork. T ATOM A. Wash. May !pvlal. Whether W. J. J one, a painter, com mitted sutritie last night by jumping from the burrlu dork Is worrying th p!ic her. A bund! of clothing with fnur brief notes of farewell alg&ed by Janes wer found on th dres by Her bert J. Cranda'.l. nightwatchraan. Cran- dall had ta:rd to Jones earlier In th evening and Jones appesred to be c- spontlent. Ji has been separated f-om his wife and three children for two years, and a rtiTorve suit Is prndlr.g. In part of that time, the poiu say. Jonea associated iti a woman. He had not worked rs- cent:y. One of th notes found is addressed to the Ch!ef of Vollce. who Is notified that J. 'res ! through with this world." Ths nots snds. "All U over, goodbye." Wirrlcsa Swindlers Sentenced. NEW YORK. May . Samuel 8. Bo gart. TU--presldent of th United Wireless Telegraph Company, whs pleaded f ul.ty to fraudulent us of th n-.ail In advanc of hl ftv associates, was fined t:0 today In tha United Slates Circuit Court. K will pay later tody and go fro. Christopher Col una bus Wilson, president of th com pany, and four other ar tn JaiL Th court yes'srdsy denied their applica tion for ball and sentenced them to varylig prison terms. Elxtraorclinary Embroidery Sales Were this sale NOT out of the ordinary this an nouncement would carry little weight Realizing fully the intent and purpose of this great June event and the foundation upon which it rests, we are of fering three remarkable embroidery specials. Before leaving for Europe we pur chased from one of the foremost im porters of fine Swiss embroideries his entire ttock of sample piecet. Flounces, corset covers, bands and insertions. We expect an enormous response to this announce ment We know you'll find bargains even better than you expect A 11 of course FIRST QUALITY goods. So long as there are standards to judge by, these bargains are bound to b appreciated. 27 Inch Swiss Flouncings Remarkable Bargains at 95c We quote no comparative prices in this sale, for one glance at these flouncings when you see them, will convince you of the remarkable bargains. The flouncings are made of the. finest quality Swiss, 27 inches wide and in an immense assortment of elegant designs of extra deep embroidery, telling at less than import cost Corset Coverings, Bands and Insertions Unmatched at 23c Selling Normally to 50c Nainsook and Swiss embroidery corset covers, 1 7 inches wide. Also beautiful Swiss embroidered bands and insertions from 3 to 5 inches in width. In a great assortment of refined specially selected pat terns. Very desirable for lingeree, dress trimmings and many other purposes. All-Over Laces and Nets 33c Selling Normally to $1.00 At 33c you are buying these AO-Over Laces at less than the import price in Plauen, Germany. Colors are white and butter. Also a few in Bulgarian combinations, particularly desirable ' thla season. Economy Sale of Corsets $2.00 W. B. Nuform Corsets $1.39 Made with good quality coutil with new medium bust, long over the hips and back. Wide embroid ery banding, ribbon drawn top finish. Two pairs hose supporters attached. Sizes 1 9 to 26. Nemo Self-Reducing Corset $6.98 SELUNG NORM ALL Y AT $10.00 Made of finest quality imported French coutil with wide lace beading and ribbon trimmings. Extra abdominal support Exceptionally large on abdomen, hips and back. Hose supporters attached. Sizes 20 to 30. Swan Shape and Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets, SPECIAL $3.50 SELLING NORM ALL Y AT $5.00 Of the finest quality coutil and corduroy batiste, with wide, fine lace finish. Some with medium bust others with bust supporters attached. Also hose supporters attached. Sizes 1 9 to 30. The First Time Infants' Wear at Half Price Here is the greatest oppor tunity to buy infants' wear at such reduced prices. In securing the entire stock of this manufacturer our first requirements were quality and workmanship. Realizing that inferior, cheaply-made infants wear is absolutely undesirable, we take great pleasure in submit ting for your approval a full assortment of infants long slips, short slips, dresses and skirts. Made of the finest materi als, with the daintiest of lace edgings and insertions. Swiss, mull and baby embroideries, edges and insertions. Lace edgings and veilings. We have never before had the opportunity of offering such wonderful bargains in in fants wear. 75c Infants' Wear 38c $1.00 Infants' Wear. . .50c $1.50 Infants' Wear. . 75c $2.00 Infants' Wear.. $1.00 $4 Infants' Wear . . $2.00 5c Upright or Inverted Incandescent Gas Mantles Regular Prices: 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c EACH IS OF 100-CANDLE POWER. This is the largest single purchase and and sale of Gas Mantles that has ever been announced by any Portland store. On sale in our regular Light Department on the First Floor. Shopping Bags 98c Selling at $1.50t $1.75 Midsummer Shopping Bags in a variety of shapes of seal grain walrus and patent leath ers. Mounted on 9 to 12-inch frames. Leather lined. Have single or. double strap handles. All are fitted with change purse and many have card case and mirror. All these bags are in the latest shapes and sizes. Monday's Unprecedented Sales Enthusiastic, Delighted Shoppers What truer indication of public approval can a firm ask than the response of hundreds of women, who have satisfied them selves that our undermuslin bargains are unusual, remarkable, unmatched by competition. Entrenched behind the most wonderful stock of undermuslins this store has ever . offered in a June sale we bid for your con tinued patronage. Thousands upon thous ands of garments are offered at HALF PRICE. ' Fine Domestic Undermuslins Exactly Half Price Made of the finest sheerest materials, with the very best of workmanship, guaranteeing perfect cut, finish and fit The gar ments are made in full sizes, full length, full width. Trimmings of the finest Swiss and mull embroideries and in sertions, real Torchon laces and insertions, Cluny laces. Valen ciennes laces, eyelet and blind embroidery and lace edgings. Gowns, skirts, corset covers, Princess slips n combina tions in an enormous assortment. 75c Under Garments . . $1.00 Under Garments $1.25 Under Garments ... $1.50 Under Garments . $1.75 Under Garments . $2.00 Under Garments . $2J25 Under Garments $2.50 Under Garments . $2.75 Under Garments . $3.00 Under Garments . $3.50 Under Garments . $4.00 Under Garments . , $5.00 Under Garments . $6.00 Under Garments . $7.00 Under Garments . $8.00 Under Garments . $9.00 Under Garments . $10.00 Under Garments $12.00 Under Garments $15.00 Under Garments e-e va. .38C ...50c w, a- m63C . eia . .7 5c r euae 88c .$1.00 . .$1.13 $125 rs Sa ,33 $1 .so mm ft $17& $2.00 ...$2.50 $3.00 $3.50 .. .,..$4.00 $4.50 ...$5.00 .....$6.00 ...$7J50 i - s New Black Sailors $135 to $10.00 Rough, heavy, straight-brim sail ors, selling from $1.95 to $5.00. Fine straight-brim black milans at $5.00 and $7.50. Rough, narrow-brim sailors at $3.50 to $5.00. Today we place on sale new Summer models in black sailors, made by the famous English firm Prevost & Co., Black friars. Lon don; also Balch-Price & Co. sailors and Phipps sailors. Tub Goods in the June Sale Colored Wash Fabrics 10c Hundreds of yards of fine imported printed wash goods, in cluding dimities in dainty colorings and designs batiste and lawns in white and colors. About half of this lot comes with exquisite border effects in the daintiest designs. Bordered French Mouslin 20c The newest patterns of French Mouslin, which is the mosl attractive wash goods ever brought out at a popular price. More than a hundred different designs and ' colorings, from blues in a variety of shades all the pinks, including the Helen greens in many shades lilacs and lavenders blacks and whites in a dozen designs navy and white to foulard effects grays, browns and tans, in fact all the designs and color combinations of the season. White French Batiste 25c Yard A - soft, silky-finished French batiste in white only, especially . i r l ' J J J . i . i aaapiea xor graduating aresses ana aamry lingerie waists ana neckwear. Special 25c the yard. Table Linens for the June Bride Round pattern designs of neat dainty sprigs, also elaborate floral and conventional patterns suitable for round or square tables. With border on four sides to match. Cloths 71 by 72 inches each $3.00. Cloths 71 by 90 inches each $3.50. Cloths 71 by 108 inches each $4.50. ' s Napkins 24 inches square, to match, $4.50 dozen. Hemstitched Table Sets $10.00 Fine German linen table cloth in neat patterns, size 70 by 90 inches, and one dozen napkins to match, 24 inches square. Cloth 70 by 1 08 inches. witLa dozen napkins, $ 1 2.00 set i