TIIE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, SIAY. 31, 1911. MM Hi BRIDGE VIEWS OF WRECKED AND LOOTED PACIFIC MAIL LINES ASIA EEACH FOBTLAjj. WHEAT SHIP FIXED CAISSON ACTIVE esumption on East Bank of Rivpp OuirUv Pnlfnw l i V WWVmj VMV W I Sale of Bonds. EW PIERS ARE PLANNED yrk Will .rrrlUlo Tearing Vp f Portion of Aoard Walk In Terminal y YartU Lares J.'qulpittrns Asae-mblcd. lira Injected lota the operations t'oipa Unit A Construction Com as a rMuil of tbe sal of Ci&oM ,ir brides bonds, waa a p par-I , terday. when a crew of Hut hoc lit Into the second cwlseoa to ca tno out back of tho river. ' flnt work below the surface u ,vay since the completion of the de pier and ta two shafts. Ul bo followed at onca by a coa 1 bt sen officers and er.nlneera ntrartinc corporation and X la ma, of the Northern PaclMo Ter- iap4Rf. to prepara for th coa of I'Ur I. whl.-r win bo aits f at of Front street and spproal- ia the center of tbo old O.-W. freight ehede. which are being -.eel to orrupr ths naw bulldlne rear of Alnsworth dock. Irr la la Trrmlnal Yard. 2 wUi be placed la tba term l r, a, aao-altatlnc tba tearing up of M-tlon of a board walk to tha east the two umbra l.a ahada and betwrea yards and Johnson street, oa Wv- I street will ba I peoestaia, ire coa- rtlno of wITl-h will compal tha Port ! Railway. Llglit Power Company iff-r aoma Inconvenience aa Its loop soth on neve-nth etreet. the mm thoroughfare, extending JahDiB to ltowt atraat. a dlatanco - - A n biocka. will ba tha concrete abut- Its fur sustaining tha weight of tha ca approach and work oa tnm will bacon aa early aa possible. Work la railroad jrarrta mar ba sl.!y bsra- d tbrouch tha fact It will bo car I on surrounded by busy tracks, but aim of tha conlractora will ba to ah tha work on shore with dispatch. tbat It mar kaap para with tha sink s' of cai-aona for tha remaining three -a In ilfo wmtar. mother aubl-ct to ba takan up with ral.ma.l Interests will deal with tba ting of work on Broadway for tha t anDroa.-h. Hy that means tha foun- ion. on Und ran b hurried ao that erection of wtel will ba facilitated both .l.i-a and that work will bava a d atart bet-ire It ta necessary to begin the draw. Formation Found Difficult. ha work being carried oa by aand .-a la tha East tilde caisson la not aa v aa that encountered with tha sink- : of tho Brat form on tha Weal Side. inn tha formation l cement gravel 1 Inst-aU of having a powerful pump- r tvef to rrtnuvi tha material, it ia aaaarr I'M tha man to uaa picks and t:i In aii'avatlna and burkrta ara d In holatins tba malarial to tha 'aca. It mar ba po-artula to wao ttii un rar la that work later, but tha rartar of tha formation fl rat an ntrd la too hard to parmlt of tha f let onaratton of that machlnarT- ia Union Hrld Construction ipanr h aaaamblad a larce plant no aacond calason. Includinc a houaa- . for tha uaa of tha aand nora. in h to dry rlothlnr and hatha, ahlla ok la alwara on duty to e-rra eoffaa wrkmaa on tba old ahllls. Two Vessels Are Chartered in San Francisco. CARGO TO BE TAKEN HERE : .-'i-a. a 'ri?!'-. . Mi- : r-i' x ... ..4, a, - -r "a. - -'X X. I- fQ .' a-- - J it-' .-a -' .- -X .- V- - f..- Jt 1 . I . .' f TU '- IJ i W aV' J r' 1 I V Gorman Ship Scfcnrbeh Is Xow En Jloate FVom LiTerpool for Co lombia IUror Xew York Car gocM Sfart for Portland. BAS FRANCISCO, Mar (Spa- elaL) Two fixtures for wheat from Portland ta tha United Kingdom were effected Monday. They are tha German ship Schurbek. 226 tons, now en route to the Columbia Hirer from Liverpool, which sets a rate of 27a Cd, and tha British bark Cambrian Chieftain. 13S1 tons, which Hind. Rolph & Co. have chartered at Zs 3d. With a fall cariro of general mer chandise shipped from New York over the Tehuantepeo route and transhipped here from the freighter Isthmian, tha American-Hawaiian Company's small steamer Falcon. Captain Schage, steamed today for Portland. Rcllrf lightship No. 7, Captain Plerotti, went out today to relieve Blunts Reef LJghtuhlp No. SS. stationed oft the Mendocino Coast, while the latter comes In for her annual over hauling. The No. 76 -aa been relieving the San Francisco llrhtsbtp oft tha Golden. dbate for several weeks. Lumber cargoes of vessels of tha coast-wlae fleet arriving today aggre I gated S.400.000 feet. Coastwise charters announced to day Included the schooner Annla M. CampbeJl and the steam schooner San Carlos, from Columbia River to Re- dondo. both vessels getting the present rata of 14.60. 1 aBaVHsasBaanssBaaaMaKaaaBaSBaxa Miss Ilannla Mann, of Shanghai, who Is visiting friends In Portland, has received views of the wrecked Pacific Mail liner Asia, which went ashore April 24 about 230 miles south of Shanghai on Headchu. the southesat Inlet of the Talchow group, bound from Hongkong. The reasel was raided by Chinese pirates after being practically abandoned and It was reported that a larre amount of valuable property and gear was stolen. The Pacific Mall Steaxnpshlp Co. has not announced Its Intention to construct steamer to replace her. The latest advices from the scene were dated May 11. and were In effect that aha would be 'offered for sale May 23. Tha master left for San Francisco after a final survey had been made. rs HAVE MISSIXO LAO'CII for Motttrr Prompts Chance In Xame to lie .Made. hn John anJ Claude Melnecke, 11 nine years reapectlvely. assumed eakm of tha natty launch Ruth, teem It a tribute to their mother tltute the cognomen of .lDian, aldaa name. Applauding tha act. Mrinerke, father of tha lads, ad funds to chance the wheal. repairs on tha engine and other 'ast that la part or tha story told -day to Policeman Grlesim. of the polf-ei who has been on a at 111 or tha craft for two weeks for , time It baa been mlaalng from rlns oa the East Side. When ntased It was the property of f Lowbiad. of 2i3't Stanton street. yesterday noticed Claude Meln- ks.di:ir.g about In a skiff and oa lag him was Informed that ha a an errand for Ms brother, who en tha East PMe repairing a The boy was escorted aaroas tream. where the missing launch found, renamed and repainted. '.da Meineckaw Or. father of the boys. called and ha said the la da had ltd the launch adrift and that ha sanctioned tha repairs being made. -tcmsly one of the boys bad said hki fathrr obtained poeaeaaloa ba th. f.T-mcr owner owed him The by ware turned over ta Xetact!oa Home anJ today a war- t will ba lasted for tha father. Trade Association In officially tarring Philadelphia grain Inspection certifi cates, and It Is said that grain from the entire Atlantic Coast Is being re ceived abroad In unsatisfactory condition. Mo serious Is the situation regarded that the grain committee of the Com mercial Kzchange of Philadelphia has begun aa Investigation and It Is prom ised that a lengthy report will be sub mitted. So far as tha Northwest Is concerned. Portland fixes the standard and In the past when questions have arisen dealing with tha condition of grain discharged In Europe that was loaded on Puget Sound, the cases bava STKa-dCm IXTXLIJGEKCa. ftafna Nflmi City. A'ashlnatoo T.ma.itala. . ham. Data . saa rranelaoo la port . .a Fraaciactln , .aaji Fraaciece la , sa t'lra. port port port port port port IfiO II.IVDI.KD OX HOLIDAY Carrie-re Worked, Deep I to Me morial la j Tradition. Luch the !! Jay spirit exercised i neraJ Influence oo tha water- yesterday, considerable cargo isadled aboard vassals tbat were haataned to meet scheduled de- ires or are to have qoick dispatch I hair charterers. On the steamer ihlca leaves tomorrow for San I sco. longshoremen workad yes ,- at Albers dock and care was id aboard the Hank Liner ortenc. -lama, ao aha left for saa before Keanoka. "an Ptio.. In P-r-as waive. .. .coe Bay . .. . . I a ftoldtn dale... Tillamook. ... la fttrmthlvon . .Huikbf. . .. Jufl r oMLItr ralr....iun . Sue It. Klrneee Tiliamoo....June t Ooa. W. aUdar..aa Di.se. ... June 4 A .liince. . .. ...s-.ur.ka. ..... Juae 0 Aavtl. ....... .iissdos. ..... June T leaver. ....... s.a padre... .June T Klvaralda......balooa.......Juaa a to nearby river camps and other places Is In greater proportion. In that connection tha excursion busi ness was refered to. tha steamer Bailey Gatzert having left for Cascade Locks yesterday morning with a full list, her decks being black with passengers, while the steamer TJndlna carried a large excursion to Rldgefleld. though It was not generally advertised, and smaller vessels did their share of the Memorial Day trade. San Francisco Shipping-. SAN FRANCISCO. May 30. (Special.) There was not much work for the mar ina lookouts at Point Lobos today. only a few vessels cam a out of the distance and headed in through the Golden Gate. The only arrivals of Importance outside of a few coastwise steam schooners, were tha Matson steamer Wllhelmlna and Hyades from Hawaiian porta The former brought large crowd of passengers and both were laden with full cargoes of Island products. Captain Mason of tha steamer Rose City of the ban Francisco-Portland Company's fleet, arriving this after noon from San Pedro, reported having seen a submarine mine painted lead color 34 miles south, 1 degrees east. correct magnetic, from Point Montara lighthouse. As the mines here are not loaded, tha floating torpedo will not be a menace to shipping. The steamor Beaver, Captain Nelson, from Portland and Astoria, cams In today with a large crowd of passcn gers after a smooth run of 48 hours from Columbia River. The steam schooner Fort Bragg did not get away this morning for Los Angeles on account of ber boiler tubes leaking. Steam la being used to keep a cargo of coal In the barge Invincible, lying with the disengaged shipping In Mis sion Bay, from bursting Into flames. Tha coal has been heated for several days and there Is fear of combustion. Rendondo's Skipper Jfiesiyns. MARS HrnSTLD, Or., May 80. (Spe cial.) Captain Hanson, master of the C A. Smith passenger and lumber steamer Redondo. has resigned and Will Magee, who has been mate on the Naon Smith, will be the new master of the Redondo. Mr. Magee was for i long time master of the bar tug Co lumbla In this port, and Is the son of Captain Magee. of Empire. The Re dondo runs between Coos Bay and San Francisco, and carries lumber and pas sen sera. She Is now on the drydock at San Francisco and when repairs are completed will return In charge of Cap- FIFTH ANNIVERSARY DEPOSITS MAY 28, 1906 la Daya Business)) $ 107,851.84 DEPOSITS MAY 27, 1911 (At the Cloee af tka (TlQ J-l Q C70 O O Btn Year's Basilica a) pO)U JL aaasaO aaaaaeaaslO kUMBERMESlS: aNATIONA On Piffm at Stark Four Depart, One Arrives. RAYMOND. "SVashT, May 30. (Spe cial.) The steamers Saginaw, Quin ault and Westerner left here Satur day and the steamer Rainier left Sunday for Southern California. The steamer Thomas. L. Wand has arrived from California and Is loading at Raymond mill for San Pedro. CATTLE ONLY ARE MOVED TWELVE LOADS SOLD AT XORTfl PORTLAXD- YARDS. knd trksaaled ta Depart. Unmkvater. stotta.he. ... Weahlxigtoa. Tama..3. . , lr,ia feate. Bs. ....... Noma City. .. Saa H S.IOM Hum ni Far. Cooa liar.. rta ... Mar SI .Fan Place. ... May at . iaa FTAnclace J una 1 . .Sn PrancUce June 1 . Tillamook. ...Juae 1 Saa Padr June 3 . Uaa Fraaclace Jane tlii.lmnot... June e Loe. my ..... .Sao IVdra., .. J.m. T Oaa. w Elaac. .Saa Dl.ge. ... Juae T A. ua-t l:ark June S Aavll .. Jlandoo. .. ... June S Strath lyaa.... - Mot mk one.. ..June 1" F.aar. ....... Sati f-adre.... Juae I'J Jllvenide. .lieleea.......Ju.ae IS steamer Breakwater .p a load, so as to shifted to ail en time I norntng. and tha Roanoke was id to get her out tonlsjht. as aba vara I hours late arriving Mon ti Linnton tha loading of the tramp St. Ronald proceeded It Interruption, but tbat com- the list of deepwater vessels. tha exception of regular river ra the doka ware cloaad and la la It was one of the moat gen- -aerved Memorial days la the the port. ELPUI1 CRUX FACLTT n Importers Bar Certificate From Atlantic Coast. iaer compliment to the stability fie North weat grata standard, as each year -br Portland exporters g sa the grain standard committee a Chamber of Commerce, la found le action of tha Liverpool Corn been arbitrated locally. On grain ex ported from Portland, certificates of Inapectlon are granted when cargoes are loaded and a strict compliance is demanded of Inspectors with the i qulrement that the cereal be graded la conformity with the standards, samples of which ara shipped to the principal grain markets of the world. BOATMAX SFES FHOSPF-RITT r Patrons Xow Carry Gold in Pock els Tbat Formerly Held Silver. "Port 'and people ara In better con dition financially than ever before, not because of building progress and Im proved commerelai conditions alone, bat aa Indicated by the amount of money earned by everyday Individ uals." said Captain "Krnle" Kellogg, whose conaervatlsra la well known along tba waterfront and who bases his declarations oo observations made at his boathouee. wkare yeeterday every craft that could propelled by oars, steam or gasoline was la ear-rice. A few seasons ago you could sea men here who. on paying for a boat, drew from their pockets a few pieces of silver.- said Captain Kellogg. "Now you find the average person exhibit gold as plentifully as they did silver befora Bealdes the patronage Is heavi er by all odds, while travel to the Oaks, Marine Xotea. J. A. Madsen. secretarr-treasnrer of the International Longshoremen's Asso rlntion. is preparing for the snnual meeting of the organisation, which will be held at Seattle. June 13. It was reported yesterday that the British tramp Harpeske had been ffcted to load lumber for Melbourne at 37 shil lings. She Is one the way with Govern ment coal from Newport News for San Francisco. Officers of the Nome City report that when off Crescent City Saturday a blow was met from the northwest that at tained a speed of about 10 miles"an hour and tha Noma City was unable to make more than two or three knots against It. When the next steamer of the Callfor- nl.t & Atlantic Steamship Company sails with cargo for the Atlantic Coast aha win have a consignment of Columbia River canned salmon, tha first ship ment of that character to be taken by the new line. While every steamer and other vessel la the harbor yesterday had flags fly ing at half mast, the llchthouae ten der Hesther was the only deepwater man to exhibit her signal flsga. Stoers Bring $5.85 to $6.25 Good Cows Sell nt $5.75. Receipts Light. Yeaterday was a half holiday at the atock- Tarda and In the forenoon a considerable amount of bualneea was transacted. About 11 carloada of cattle, mostly steers, were disposed of. Tha ateera ranged In plica from IS.st to -25. One load of cows brought li.71. Tha raoaipta xor ue aay ware si catue aad 1 1 3 sheep. Shippers of the atock ware: Hugh cam- mlnra. Halaey. 1 car of sheep; W. H. Harris. Tha L alias, j care or catua; K. J. Caraner, Heppner, S cara of aheep. aad C 8. Waters, Heppoer. 3 cars of ahaep. The dar'a ealea were as tollowa: Weight. Price. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAXD. Or. 3fay 39 Kalled tt.ara er Sua U. EI mora, for Tillamook: Brttiab Stem.r Ort.rle. for Manila via Paget Sound and Oriental porta Astoria. Or.. Mar 30. Condition at tha mouth of the rlvor: Wind, aorthweat. S3 mllaa; weather, clear; aa, smooth. Sailed at 3 A. M. Hchoonar Anvil, for Baadon. Helled at 1.M A. M. Steamer Alliance, for Cooe Bay. Saa Ptdro. Ca!.. May It. Ksjlsd Steamer Oeo. W. KMer. for Portland. ttla. May it Sal lad Steamer Back- Bar unsta. tor eaa rrancieco; steamer ErfTih. lor Vancouver. Loi Ana-alra. May 3t Arrived Dtearaer Governor, from Seattle; Jamea 8. Hlccln from Port Brace: Olympic from Orare Har bor. Sailed oo. W. Kldr. for Portland; W.llasl.v. for Columbia Rlrer. Norfolk. Va. Mar Is. Sailed Strathavoa. for San Francteco. Saa Francisco. May St. Arrived Steamer Beave.-. from Portland. Karateu. May 11 Arrived Beckenhan. aerUe. Srdnar. X S. W. May t. Arrives prevlouily. Mlnerie. from Saa Francisco. v meant, u. v.. May JS. Arrived Prince John, from Glaagow. for Vancouver. it steers , 1 steer 124 etsere 111 eteere 36 atears 1 cow .. 37 cowa ..Ull ..130 ..109T ..10J ..1014 ..1:30 ..las: Prlcee current oa the various cli 9.:o .09 . s.ss .26 (.23 .1t of Unloa Stockyards I.:s t.25tf t it (.0111 S.Z5 s.OOV S.5S ..... S-75 & B-M) O 3.73 ..... 6.7S0 S23 6.00 3 S.23 e-73? 5 AH) 4.30 4 4.73 ..... S.AO0 6 71 4.730 3.23 4.23 4.73 ..... 7.00 J 7.23 t.'iif 7.00 ..... 6.00 S.jO ..... S.73 0 a. 23 S.23V ft.73 309 (.S3 l.:S i.30 8 00 J (.04 4 4.00 i.it Ttdae Riga. 1.3t A. M. 13 P. M. at Aatoeta Wedneeday. Low. I I fW:2l A. M....-1 3 feat T.t taet,t:4T P. 3a-... (.1 fact atock at tha Portland ware aa folloara: Prime grain -fed steers Price har-fad ateera ...... Choice ateera Good to choice steers... Fair to good ateera. Common ateera .. ........ Prima cowa Good to choice caws ...... Fair to good cows ........ Poor cowa Choice helfera Choice bulla ....... Good to cnolce balla...... Choice light calvea Good to choice light calves Choice heavy calves ..... Choice ataas ... Good te cnolce ataga ... Choice hoce Good to choice bogs ...... Choice heavy Common Stock hoga Shaap Choice tfpfing lamba 3.3SO S30 Good to cho-.ce Spring lambs.... t.00o- 4.;& Choice yeerllBga t.SO 3 00 Good to choice yearlings ....... 4.309 4.73 Fair te medium yaarllnga l"o 4.1t Choice eaea 4.09 4.23 Good to choice awea .la 4.uo Fair to medium ewes - 3.30 3.73 Good to choice heavy wethers. . 4-30 4.75 Old heavy wethara 3.0O4? 4.00 Misad tola ,x 4.0O4S 6.04 Tba sollawtng qootatlona repreeant pfiaaa en tsk market for tba different clssea of barsea: Diartara. extra bearv. tHoOOiOO: drafters. 14u0 to 1700 lba. I1S0 0330: drafx ara. 1200 te 1400 lba, 310O?230: cbuaka 3m9130: piuga. 3iot40: driving aaraaa. 4,3 and up; aaddle boraea. 340 and up. rhirage livestock Market. CHICAGO. May 3. Cattle Receipts es timated at 20O0: market, ateadr. Beeves. 33.13C4.4: Taxaa ateera. 34.aoao.3S; Weat- arn ateera. 34. 3000.44; atockere and feed era. 3A.S04I3.7S: cows aad belfers. 32.34v 3.30; calvea 33.35 tr 3. Hors Racaipta estimated at 14.S09; mar ket, a.ow. Light. 13.34 0 4.20; mixed. 33 739 Bonds Investments Timber Lands NEUHAUSEN & CO. 701-2-3-4-S La wis Blag. Portland Oregon 3 15; heavy. 3S.490C.1O: rough. $S.OtS.80; good to choice heavy. t5.t0iJ4.10; pigs. 35.64 tt 13; bulk of salea. 3300.10. Cheep RecelpU estimated at 14,040; mar ket, slow. Native, 31.2394.73: Western, 3S.7S4E 4.80: yearlings. 34.30(3.50; lambs, native, 34-736I4.73: Weatam. 33.7307. Ceed Holiday Trade In Berries. The holiday waa more or leas generally observed by all wholesalers yeaterday. The produce houses, aa usual, kept open in tba forenoon to take care of peiiahable sup plies. Receipts of strawberries were rather large, but the demand waa sufficient to clean up all the arrivals by noon. Oregon and California berries sold at Mondays piicea Tha dealers look for a very heavy supply today. AMERICAN STOCKS PI KM AT LONDON. Tobaooa Case Decision Has bos Small Effect. LONDON. Mar 30. The decision of the UnKed Statee Supreme Court holding the American Tobacco Company to be a com bination In restraint of trade and a monop oly in violation of law had little effect on American securities hare today, and prices opened a fraction higher. Other influencee. however, sllectea epeciairiee. . in cut in ateel prices sent United States Steel down one point, but these loaeea were partly re covered by noon. Naw Tork buying of Canadian Paclflo whares caused a spurt of three points, while Union Pacific Jumped one and one-balf points. The rest of the market hardened In sympathy. At noon the market waa steady, with piicea ranging from 2 above to below yesterday-a New Tork cloalng. Tha cut in ateel piicea In New Tork caused weakness in United States Steel and Amal gamated Copper, but railroad aharea ad vanced under the lead of Canadian Pacific. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON Capital and Surplus, $1,830,000.00 TRAVELERS' CHEQUES Issued in Deiiominatioris of ". " $10.$20e$50e$109 which identify the holders and are accepted at foil face valuo by banks and hotels throughout the United States and in all foreign countries. , These afford the best means for carrying funds while traveling. London Financial Market. LONDON; May 30. Bar silver stesdy. 34 Hd per ounce. Money, In per cent. The rate of dlacount In the open market for abort bills la 3 1-13 per cant; three months bllla. 3 1-13 per cent- First National Bant Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountain's Inspecting Old Bark's Cargo. Captain Albert Crowe, surveyor for the I San Francisco Board of Marina Undeir- wiiters. was summoned to South Bend yesterday to pass on the cargo of the bark Leonlda, which Is working- lumber. having arrived recently from Callao. The vessel Is not classified In Lloyds. One Coast publication gives her flag as Chilean and another authority credits her to Peru, but at any rate she is old enough to have flown both flags la her career. Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fiftharid Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings TRAVELERS" GUIDE. BITULITHIC Is best because of its resist ance to wear. Insist on BITULITHIC THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bltn nlnoua Pavements. 305-608 Electrlo Bldg. Portland. Or. Oster iiuber. Manager. LONDON PARIS HAMBURG t Amerlks Jnn ft. 9 AM ! if Pretoria. . . .June 14 Pres. Grant.. June lOiUlnclnnatl June 17 t Rita -Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. Second Cabin only. Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. twill call at Bouloirr-e. GIBRALTAR. ALGIEKS, KAPLKS. GENOA CIS. H. R ATA VI A June 21, Noon fc. 8. HA-MJBXTUi June 23 I W ill not call at Alriers. TWO CRUISES By the Steamship "CLEVELAND" (17.000 Tons) The erst to leave New York Oct 21. 101L The second to leave San Fran cisco Feb. 6. 1912. Annual Event Trips, In October, 1012, and Feb.'y, 1913. by large Cruiaing &. S. Vic toria Lulse. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE, 160 Powell St.. San Francisco, Cel., Northern Pacinc, O -W. R. A N, Burlmrton and other R. R. offlcea In Portland. CRUISING AROUND THE WORLD Duiatlea 110 Days COST $650 Inclnding All Necessary Expenses Aboard and Ashore. GAiMiMi fimwm STEAMSHOPS The Tourist Highway aad Scenio Route to Europe via The Bt. Lawrence Rlvar. the Shortest Ocean Passage. Less than Four Days at Bea by tha -EMPRESSES OF IHI ATLANTIC" Weekly salllnas Montreal. Quebec, to Liver pool. First cabin, $90; aacond cabin, $51.25; one-class cabin (called aecond cabin), 17.50; third cabin, S30 and ai.25. Ask local asenta. F. R. Johnson. G. A.. 142 Third EW or J. J. Foiater. T. P. A-. 60s First Ave, Seattle. . TRAVELERS' GUIDE. O.-W. R. & N. AmtoriM Bontk STXAJTCB' HARVEST lav- Portland Call? except Pm turd ay at 8 OO P. M- from Aab Street Dock. Mates a 1 1 war 1 uid i n va. Ajti vea at A storia at 6 OO A. X- Leave Astoria dally, except Sunday, at T:00 A. M- Arzivea Portland at 6:o0 P. M. Make direct conrectloa wlta teaxner Nahcottm for Merler, Ilvraeo, laonv Bach and Ail points em Uia Ilwact plriaion. HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS ROUNO TRIP Tbe most delislitful spot on eatlre world tour for your vacation. rellgtuiui sea path Inc at the famous beach of WalklkU Tha splendid 63. Sierra (10,000 tons displace ment) makes tba round trip In Id days, and one can visit on a side trip tba living; vol cano of Kilauea which Is tremendously ac tive, and see for himself tbe process of world creation. No other rlp compare! with this for tha marvelous and wonderful In nature. Visit tba Islands now, while you can do It ao easily and quickly and wblie the volcano la active. Prompt attention to telerrama for bertha baillnsji; Juna 10, Juir 1. July 22, Au&. 12. etc OCEANIC 8. S. CO. nt Market atxaet, ftatt rraoctsco. OPEN RXYES TattAXSPORTATIOX CO. DllCJaiN.iatlAL Freight received, dally at Oak-st. dock: lor Tba Dalles. Hood River, Whlta Salmon, TJmatlUa. Kennea lck, Pasco. Richland. Hanford, White Blnlts, Lewis ton. Idaho, and in termediate points. FIRST-CLASS PASSESGEB SKRVIChV FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD RIVER. WHITE SALMON, THH DALLES. Steamer leavea Portland Son Tu ea.. . Tbura., 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles . Hon., Wed., Frt-. 7 A. M., arriving at Port land about 6 P. M. aaxne day. W o Buchanan, Supt. : W. b. SmaUwoOd, Gnl stgr- Phones Hain 2SdO- A S527. SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND S3. CO. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland! 9 A. M. ; SS. Bear, June 2; Rose City. June 7; IJeaver, June 12. From San Francisco Northbound, 12 M.S . SS. Rose City, May Sis Beaver, June S; Bear, June 12. From Ran Pedro, Northbound, 12 M.: SS. Beaver, June S; Bear, June 8s Rose City, June 13. H. G. Smith, C. T. A., 142 Third St. J. W. Ransom. Agent, Alnsworth Hock. Phones s Mala 402, 2&S; A 1102. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Paclfla 8. 8. Cos & 8. Roanoka and B. B Eld'-ir aall every Wedneaday alter nately at 6 P. M. Ilckst office lsa Third at., nesr Alder. MARTIN J. IIICJLK Y, Paaaenser Aseaa, W. 11. SLCSeCR, Frelcnt As-eat. i nouea M. 1S14. A U14. NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Lovr Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Exchange Bids. Portland. Or. Iainli7t. A9tS, COOS BAY LINE STEASCEB BREAKWATER Calls from Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 9 , May L 6. 11. 18, 21, !. 81. June and every nve dara Freight received at Alnsworth Pock dally np to 0 P. M. Paa senger fare, flrst-clasa. JIO: second-elasa, S7. includlnar meala and berth. Ticket of- ea Alnsworth Dock. Phones Iiala 2m Mala 170. 12S4 1