20 THE" JfOimXG CmEGOTA!C. WEDNESDAY. 3TAY 31, 1911. COMMSSON IS LEAD NG PUN ISSUE Certainty of Mayor Simon's Position Continues to Win Votes for Him. SPEEDY ACTION PROMISED OpponrDt'ft Pltdffr BrUtrd and Half-Ifrartd RahIIjcht Fol loninjr Inwllllnj to Vet Go Rrln of Office. There Is so dljpatinir the fact that the adoption of a commission form of voTfrninvnt for thta city Is the ral l.-sue In this campaign. Ix-sptte the efforts of hi detractors. Mayor flmon'i post t ton on this Important lsue always hi bf n consistent and at this time la winning for htm much support. On the iKhrr hanl. the attitude of his op ponents rrcardins; a new charter Is sruesa work to t h electors. Neither ha placrd himself on record or In formr'l the Totrrs of the city what he will do as to commission charter. If lctl. Futlv elcht months eno. before th Question of a commission form of gov tmmml developed as an Issue In this cjmpalcn. Mayor Simon In an inter view plainly and without equivoca tion declared for a commission charter for this city. Wh-n he became the In dependent - commission jcovernment ranUMate fr ljyof ten days ago. he reiterated his belief In that plan of city government. I laird Indorsements lndccSlve. Neither of his opponents committed themselves to the commission plan until months after Simon had approved It. They did so then only because the commission plan was fuund to be In arreat favor with the electors of the city. Kven then, the belated In dorsements were of a half -hearted and lnd-rlsiv character. There has at no time been any qulb tllna on the part of Mayor Simon In cienntns; tits position on this Issue. Without reservation or apology., he recognised the efficacy of a commis sion government for Portland and Just as rrankly placed himself on record as favortnc such a charter. Hut with his opponents It was different. They recocniied the commission plan of gov ernment as an l.ue only after Mayor ttirann had forced It as an Issue. liushlisjht and the combination In the Council that Is supporting his can didacy has no use for any charter ether than the cumbersome one under which the business of the city, la now being transacted. The adoption of a emmlMjoo charter would disarrange seriously their programme should Kushllght and men like Concannon. Yielding and Kubil be returned to the t ounciL They hv no desire of having the business of the city conducted by a commission of five or seven mem bers. Sincere Kfforta In likely. Consequently. It Is net to be ex pcted that they will do anything to ward bringing about such a substitu tion of charters. The adoption of a commission plan would put several of them out of office. They are not Inking for any such condition. They ltke their present employment and the many ramification that go with It too well to lend their aid towards any movement that would depose them. H'lt Mayor Simon's rxw.it Ion on this sob feet Is clear. Hla experience of two eare In the Mayor's chair has thoroughly convinced him that the growing needs of the city demand a commission government If Jhe clty'a affairs art to bo wisely and econo mically conducted, free from graft and I suspicion of graft. That Is the reason the decent and respectable ele ment of voters Is floe kins: to the sup port of Simon. They realise that he means what he says when he tells thera that If re-elected he will tabor earnestly to bring about the formation of a commission charter and Its Im mediate submission to the voters for their approval. SclfUh rnrpoe Manifest. They have no such assurance from the other nominees and are Justified In the suspicions they entertain to wards these off l re-seekers whose anxiety to gain office naturally sug gests that selfish personal Interests are to be served rather than the true Interests of this progressiva rlty. Friends of a commission form of government are supporting the candi dacy of Mayor Simon because throne h him as Mavor will be afforded the enlv certain means of securing a chance In the present plan of city government and the benefits that are certain to accrue. DECORATION DAT SEXS LOVING TRIBUTE? PAID TO DEAD IN PORTLAND CEMETERIES. ... . y ;i ; . 'f. i ... .a, H I I s iUjJ 4 vi ft i 5? j " ' " "" ",,mi"'"'m,"''''mm ft . T V 5 MCOUX WITH OFT COHMITNT Manajr Saje o l.f Tort Was Made to InflnetM-e Opinion. rORTLANP. May 30. To the Kdl tor. As a matter of public Interest and without comment at the Star The ater on th:a side of the river and at toe Tlvoil Theater on the East Side, we exhibited pictorial slides of all the Mayoralty candidates with their fuil consent. There was at times, for vari ous candidates both applause and I. Usee. It has been stated that the manage ment Influenced these expressions of public wi:i or opinion. Such demonstra tions as were made came as a voluntary e&pressloo C the peop.e. Any state ment to the contrary from any source. la absolute. y untrue. Kather than bo misunderstood, we have withdrawn the pictures from exr.lbJtloa. Kewrectfully. Mt'LVIX Ql. WINSTOCK. General Manager People s Amusement Company. of the qualifications for Mayor of the City of Portland. Certainly n larr Industrial concern oa:d rmpior Mr. Ruahlicht as Its buto-M h-d and tr.anaiT and It is cr tata thai the puKD of Mayor of the City of I'ortiand la fr inn re Important than any Vt Mtn buiiaras Insiltuuon within the bounds of toe vntlre citato of Orra-on at the praat time. We are at a period where, within the next two yrrs. tare sums of the people's money are to be apeitcivd. and It Is abso lutely aeceaeary that the head Of the city overomr anould be a man of business Milty and &prlnced in this line of work. The ponltion is one which requires a great dl nf ,x know led and do one will quM'ton air. Flmon's ability In that line. Tht date of political factkns are practt ratly enlrd in the City of Portland and kar trie Instance Mr. Blmoa did not mk. t he office, but the office has ooucht him. 1S hae bea called upeo by the ct titans w tm hv the rvel Intervsts of the whole peoplo at heart to stand tor this election, and since he h as cone ntd to sacrifice fa is personal IntTMti to erve the pvopie. it become the duty of ail con) cltiacns to stand by him and elect htm Mayor. 1 would b to assist the committee In any manner pi'l la carrylBS out the cam pale a trr Mr. Mmon. NEW MEAT LAW SOUGHT City and Slate Health Boards Would Extend 1 ajx-"tor' Power. Th. Portland Board of Health and tha Or.ccn etata Board of ILalth arc workloc on a new meat Inspection law, which will b. preaeatad to tha new City Council after the election of June . It five powers to tha Cltjr Market Inspector to Inspect and condemn un sanitary meat In whatever place ha may find It- Tha Inspectors now at work for tha state can only handle such meats and food products aa come Into Oregon from some other state. The nsw law If passed will jtorern food products which are raised or crown In the state. Several yeats aao the law providing for two meat Inspectors was passed by the City Council, was vetoed by Dr. Harry Lane. then Mayor, and passed over his veto. It provided for two meat Inspectors with power to setae unsanitary food products, but has been allowed to become a dead letter. The appointment of a graduate vet. erlnarlan with executive power Is one feature of the proposed ordinance. which Dr. Calvin S. White, secretary of the State Hoard of Health. Is framlnc In co-operation with the local author ities. ii PERSONAL MENTION. MMNKSS ABILITY NtEDED o Industrial Conrrrn Won Id Tant Jluhllght as Maoarr. Scores of letters and postcards reached clt!iens' headquarters In the Kai;way Ei.-hinrs buiiJin yesterday. TS voK-vd the same sentiments as t the worth snd qaallftcatlnns of Mayor P:mon ss t!te several hundred Indorsements that preceded. Anions; trie strons testimonials of li.yor Mmon rece.vsd yesterday was a letter from Cores W. Caldwell, lawyer, of 1'S Third street, as follows: I te ear that I sicn.4 Mr. Slmsa's smta.ftrs tt.u:.a. .tlh la. tctratloa .f s.vpufi.o bus fr M.jar. and from s.w .nt.i .:..-tirt. h.:i .s.rt mn-if ta ia t. brins ASiiRt si. .:-tin. I th.t fr t. IXrtfi:a of aU af r. cit'..is of Int l"iy ef i'ortta 1 . sio. 4 ...vt a sn. ia ukhut ability mM S'imb.m .!:t:r. ..4 M f.r T. irt:is.r.. ef taua rMrtmuatty advtSMt iir. Ruaa::s&( CeM m rnssns eiLhev er aay Dr. Nelll O'Leary. of Woodbnrn. Or. Is at the Perkins. S. J. Perk, a merchant of Lexington. Ky.. Is at ths Perklns. The Oakland Coast League baseball team Is at the Bowers. A. Keller Is registered at the Cor nellus from The I'alles. Or. U. Wlllsrd. a contractor of Fpokaae. nuh. Is registered at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Smith are at the Imperial Hotel from Corvallls. Or. Pr. and Mrs- T. C Campbell and Miss Iykeman. of CasUe Kock are at the Portland. Forrest Ferguson, a visitor to th Pose Festival from St. Louis. Is at tha Portland. Oeorge W. Johnson, a banker. Is reg istered at the Curnellua Hotel from Dufur. Or. If- C Richardson, a business man of Maryhill. Wastu registered at the Ore gon yesterday. Willis Van Horn, aa apple-grower from Hood Itlver, Is among the arrivals at the Oregon. Charles O. Murphy, aa extensive lum ber owner and operator, of Baker, Or. Is at the Bowers. M. T. OTonnetl. a lumber dealer and operator of winlock. Is at the Oregon Hotel for a few days. Ueorge Erherd and Mr. and Mrs, James Crant. of Seattle, are among tha arrivals at tha Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson, of Ths ra;ies. are at the Cornelias. Mr. Thompson is a hotel owner. Carl O. Washburn Is at the Oregon Hotel from Eugene. Mr. Wsshburn Is a business maa and capitalist. L L. Singer, of Chicago, and D. S. Rashlelgh. of New Westminster. B- C are among the arrivals at the Portland. Ilev. Perry J. Oreen Is at home after aa extended lecture trip through the East covering a period of six .montha Ensign Reuben R- Smith, of the United States Navy, will leave with his bride for San Francisco today. They will sail on the Vnlted tfates trsc sport Buford June 4. for Manila. Ensirn and Mrs. Smith were married two weeks ago. FAN FRANCISCO. May 10 (Special.) Portland arrivals at ths Palace Hotel today: K. S. Edwards. H. MeUger and C- T. Stewart. CHICAGO, May 17 Special) Port land people registered at Chicago hotels today as follows: Congress. Miss Catharine Hnlbrook: Mr. and Mrs. IX KunkeL Auditorium, W. R. Msck-easle. I Si, - - " , . i i1 i 1 1 11 1 i1 i I ' ' "i .'7f ' r ' III If , - . - w . - K. jut-. VtJll I r-4 ; N : i h r?t)r: i r ??p7l ir DEAD ARE HONORED Monument to Unknown Heroes Formally Dedicated. SCHOOL CHILDREN JOIN A. J. fcmlth Pot and Blackman Cir cle CnTCil Memorial In Milwau kle Ometrrf Speaker Se Era of Peace Xcar. The beautiful monument erected In Mllwsukle Cemetery to the memory of "Our Unknown Dead. by Blackmar Cir cle. Ladles of the Orand Army or the Republic, and A. J. Smith Post, was un veiled and dedicated yesterdsy mofnlng by ths post and circle, with assistance of children of the public schools. In the presence of 1000 persona Formed at the hall In Bell wood, ths members of the post and circle marched to the cemetery. Fast Commsnder Beach was In charge. The monument was draped with an American flag, and the banners of the post and circle were placed at the sides. benlor Oeorge Kelson addressing the commander said: "I have been authorised to Invite you at this time to accept from the ladies of Blackmar Circle. No. 30. of the Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Oregon, at the hands of Its accredited representatives this memorial, and to request that H may be dedicated by you to the noble purpose for which It has been erected." Dedication to Sacrifice Made. Commander Beach accepted the monu ment la behalf of the post and tha De partment of Oregon. I accept this monument for all It signifies." said Commander Beach, "and we dedicate It this day to the memory of the unknown dead of the Nation. wherever they may be. under the sod or under the sea After the d dlratory prayer by the chaplain. Rev. D. A. Thompson delivered aa addresa In the course of which he set forth the tremendous cost of wars to this and other nations, and the many millions of young men who had been sacrificed on the altar of war. We are spending millions preparing for war In time of peace." said Dr. Thompson. "In fsce of the awful ravages and destruction of wars In the past 100 years. We have paid out SS.00o.a0u.0u0 In pensions alone In this country to the old soldiers, and It has been fitting that we ehould. but these vast sums show We are building dreadnoughts snd all the nations are building dreadnoughts that more than match ours. The Dakota cost this Nation JlO.0u0.000 enough to build agricultural colleges In almost every county In Dakota. But the time Is coming when war shall be no more and pesce shall be universal. Trend Is Toward Peace. '"The trend of the times among the nations Is toward universal peace, and God errant that the time may be hasten ed when there shall be no more wars on the earth. "It Is fitting that this monument shall have been erected and here dedicated to the unknown dead who fell in battle and were hurled with nothing to mark their resting places. In the Arlington Cemetery at Washington. D. C, a monu ment was built to the memory of 1000 Union soldiers who fell on the battle field of Bull Run. It is the most elo quent monument In that cemetery'." Following the address of Dr. Thomp son, flowers were placed at the base of the monument and the graves In the cemetery were decorated. Then came the regular Memorial day exercises con ducted jointly by the post and circle. Blackmar Circle Is one of the largest snd most progressive In the state. It his 125 sctlve members and the monu ment was the result of Its efforts. Coos Briquettes Praised. MAPSHFIELD, Or- May 30. (Spe cial.) Dr. E. Mlncrus. of this city, aad H. C Dlers, of North Bend, who have Invented a process for making fuel of the waste wood and coal, have received encanreplng reports from a New Tork Their Properties Known for Centuries As Effectiva-for Sickness Today aa When First Discovered. Gee t.v' Gee Wo Wo In the different Chinese preparations srhlch I dispense for m&nr f the various sJcRnesftes which they were intended by nature- ther. sr. no harmful Ingredients such as mercury In Its different forms, and other virulent poisons. Kotnins tnat axtex taxing would lesrs svnT fcad ffcts on the system. Only such herbs, roots, barks and buds that my forefathers, who were eminent physi cians in their time, found to be marvelously eurstive have 1 imported from remote quar ters of ths rlob. to my laboratories at 162 Mi First street. Th.lr discovery Is not a recent one. They have been used for cen turies with success. I can show testimonials for years back recommendlns their use. people out or town write xor consultation blank and circular. Inclose four cents In stamps. THE C. GEE WO CHLXKBE MEDICINE CO. lfiH First St.. (or. Morrison. Portland, Oregon. firm which sent briquettes made from coal mined at Tono, Wash. They are having coal from this locality made into briquettes and the company says they will be of fine quality. The firm believes that the process of briquetting the Coos Bay coal with charcoal and using wood-tar as a binder will make fuel equal if not better than an thracite coaL The Southern Pacific company is Investigating the process. Eugene Water Sow Pure. EUGENE. Or, May 30. (Special.) Analyses of samples of citf water by Dr. Calvin S. White. Sate Health Officer, show that Eupene's water, since the installation of the filtration system. Is free from any trace of colon bacilli. The analyses show traces oi vegetable organisms, which, however. Dr. White says, are harmless. The samples of water were taken by Dr. White a few weeks ago, when ne de livered an address before the Muni cipal League, declaring that the Wil lamette River was an open sewer, and that its water Is so foul that fish cannot live In it. I Cure Men! IS MY FEE Pay Wkea Cared ueicni LFeDiuty, .,-., - ouDla Results of exposure, overwork snd other violations of Nature's laws, ri..jtfif nf Hi.iiH and kidneys. srl esse Velaa, qnlckly and permanently cared at ssasll expense. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con traded and chronic cases cured. All burning; itching and inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In seven davs. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours A. M. to a f. m. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO, XMU WASHINGTON STREET. Corser First, Men and Women Cured Tl) famous S. X. Chan Chi nes Medicine Company, with their remedies, of herbs and roots cure won derfully. It has cured many uiTerexs when other remedies hare tailed. Sure care for chronic, private ailments. narfliisna.a hiood poison, rheumatism. asthma, pneumonia, kidney, tnroat and lung troubles, consumption. stomach disorders and other diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. NO OPERATION. Consultation free. Examination for ladles by Mrs. S. It. Chan Call or write to The a. K. Chan. Chinese Medicine Co, 226 V Morrison il, portliind. Oregon. j0 g Berarra CMtnmd X M W i'is. I IrAssie snd simplereraedrfor t r Brwmdutu. Csrsrrs, Hey Fsscr W llC uTl inflammations, trrttstloos glees 1 1 .uons ot ALL inoooo. f I v . or llnlnits of th. ofxie, moat. I r"J I atoeasoA or othsr organs, I -V"l T OSUOOISTS SI lfripW n'kr nttcmyumtf V-r.lss1nen,rme I I T- ermnea ob request. J L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. . Reliable Chinese Doctor spent lifetime study of herbs and research In China; i was sranted diploma by the Esnperort guarantees cure all I ailments of men end women I V. . nth, fall I f nui mttf- ? fer. call or write to TED - S ; SONS' MEDICINE CO.. 1424 iT.. .li First. Cor. Alder. Portland. Or. m VARICOSE VEINS CURED IN FIVE DAYS sVL.-! I Cure Nervous Debility Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Disease, Diseases of the Liver Disorders. Piles, and All Diseases of Men Heart Lungs, s. risiuia Advertise What I Do, and Do What I Advertise. 5 $10 EXAMINATION GIVEN FREE BY A PHYSICIAN WHO HAS BEEN 30 YEARS A SPECIALIST. COME AXD CONSULT US FREE OF ALL CHARGE. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 12tH Second street, Portland. Or. Office hours A. M. to P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 V. M. Cured in Five Days! ,' A- t smsssMstTssriiiafiTsiiisris'.1-J Or. A. a. Smltk. I am the only specialist In Pert land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I pnblish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement, so that you srill know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill wd experience, acquired In such way that no other can share, and' ihould not be classed with medical companies. It is Impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine is Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. . A portrait, whose personality and identity are In definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of' the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, . examination Varicose Veins, Hernia. Blood Poison Ho Detention From Occupation, Family or Home IS 1 H B V n L ( i CUA l 1 KANT CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT! MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAQ AND PERMANENT CURE. J GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITI1. YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AUv THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY A3 GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT 19 TRITE. ' I invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood Poison. Piles, Fistula. Bladder. Kidney. Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination: if necessary a microscopical and ohemtcal analysis of eecretions. to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should tales advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cure Is what you want. VARICOSE VETJfS Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established. Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cored r refund the money. HERSU CRrPTCKE IMcregard of existing hernia nss.. J cost many lives. The smallest nernias are me most, aangerous 2 to life, because of the Increased I liability to strangulation. I cure rupture In selected cases with per- trt a fotv anrl Antall no suffnr. in, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many eases cured to stay cured In one treatment. Xe FOR BLOOD 'POISOTf, T use Professor Ehrllch's wol Aerful new discovery. " 606," 1 eases of Specific Blood Poison. I cures In one treatment, and Is th greatest marvel oi meaic; dance. Thl new remedy h bsitn successfully used in thou ands of cases. Let me explain il to you. arid treatment. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have palcl me for my services. My eervlces cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, Hernia, Piles, FlBtula, Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office boors A. M. to f P. M. Sundays. II A. M. to 1 P. M. Dr. A. G. Smith 234 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. Danger Lurks in Neglect , SECURE THE SERVICES OF "THE FOREMOST SPECIALISTS" HOJfEST TREATMElfT POSITITB RESULTS" My Claims Are Founded on Cures $s.oo My Fee in Many Cases If you ar & weak, ailing man, top and think what you could accomplish If you were strong and wU what a source of happiness, good health and robust strength would be to you. It takes more strength to be sick than well It takes more strength to live under the conditions of illness than it does when In health. All my life I have been studying this problem- curing complaints of men. restoring to strength weak, ailing men. I know that I can Quickly and surely restore i you to health. My Immense practice, my lar;e medical offices are the result of cures eure. certain. I can cure you. YOU CAN PAY AFTER CURED INQUIRE Investigate for yourself. REMERBER, IT COSTS 1 xuu wthunu to nave tne opinion or tne best. A thorough, painstaking EXAMINATION" given each and every person by me personally. WEAKNESS CURED IN FIVE DAYS varicose; veins obstructions PILES FISTULA 5o Detentlott Basin ess or Home. No Severe OpermtJoM. Many Casee rhoronghly Cored in One Treatment. I have Proof for Every Btetemeni 1 Make, To tnr man who is sufferlna from WEAKNESS FUNCTIONAL. DECLINE, or PROSTATIC DIS EASES let roe ask you the question: Will you put your time against mine? If I fail to cure, MI SERVICES COST YOU NOTHING. This remark able treatment you can only procure from ME. It consists of 21 TREATMENTS NO MORE. NO LESS. Each and every treatment is given by me. as it is too vaiuanie to intrust to an assistant. I can cure you and make yon as well as you ever were in your life. I will tone up your sys tem, cleanse the poison from your blood, give you a healthy color to your cheeks, a brightness to your eye. so that In a very short time you would not know that you ever had a sick day in your life. ABSOLUTE CURES Tou can't afford to experiment with your HEALTH AND STRENGTH. My long years of experience as a SPECIALIST hi diseases peculiar to men have proved to me that 0 per cent of the men are suffering from one or more oz tne zouowing ctdojuohj; VARICOSE! VEINS, DISORDERS, RUPTURE S3 I.. mJI VaIsati i-s.ati rt1Astl TTM. ney and Bladder Troubless, Postratlo Disease, Piles. 5 and all Reflex Pelvlo Ailments. Examination and Consultation Free I MAJTJD NO CHARGE! WHATEVER FOR CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION AND FULL INFORMATION. AND TOU HAVE NOTHING TO PAT FOR EXCEPT SATISFACTORY TREATMENT. Medicines furnished from my own laboratory. $L60 to $6.50 per course. If you cannot call, write for particulars. Many cases are curable at home. Hours A. M. to sr. M. Buna ays w u u. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. XSOV& YAMHUX ST.. OOB. SECOXD ST. PORTLAND, OR. THE DR. C REE.V METHOD OF CURING MEN NOT A CENT CHARGED unless cared. MWEST PRICES of ss specialist. ai'ICKEST CVRES that star eared. A certain cure Is what you want. ' This we will give you beyond doubt If your case is curable. There is absolutely no patch work about our treat ment, for soon after beginning it disagreeable symptoms disappear and the troable never returns. Our best reference is our former patients, whom we have cured and made happy. If discouraged because you have failed with others, call and see us. A confidential chat, to gether with a thorough personal examination, will cost you nothing. If you take our treatment, you may pay for It when satisfied, or when cured. Onr specialty Is VARICOSE VEINS, OBSTRUC TIONS, SPECIFIC BLOOD POI0', XERVO-TITAL DEBILITV, PROSTATIC, BLADDER and KIDNEY tronblcs, CONTRACTED ailments, PILES and aU RECTAL at! meats. WHAT YOU WANT IS A CURE COMB TO US AND GET IT. DR. GREEN CO. poVrTSSM Hoars Dally, to 6 Evealnjcs, T to 8 Sundays, 10 to 1. h something of the destruction of war. 1