Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 31, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Biggest Plume Sale Ever Held in the City of Portland
No Such Values in Willow Plumes Ever Offered Before
We are closing out our entire line of Black Willow Plumes and White Willows at prices which will
astonish you. There have been sales on Willows in Portland before, but none to equal this. Each and every
plume guaranteed hand-tied, and made only of the richest black and white male stock procurable. All
plumes displayed in windows.
y.'j v. -A-
See Windows
for Displays
No. 22, Black and White, 22
inches long, 20 inches wide.
Special Clearing Price
No. 25, White and Black, 24
inches long, 22 inches wide. Sale
No. 28, Black
and White, the
Largest Plume
in the Lot
Size, 23 inches long, 26
inches wide. Special Price
No. 99, All Colors, Two Plumes
to the Bunch. See them in the
Windows. Price this Sale.
No. 26, Black and White, 26
inches long, 24 inches wide. Spe
cial Price this Sale
Come Early and Get the Best Selection
$3.50 and $4.00 Milans in
this selection. Colors Black,
White, Burnt.
Included in this assortment
are Fancy Hair Braid Hats,
Beautiful Quality Milans,
and a fine assortment of
White Hemp Hats. Don't
miss this opportunity.
sLls J wmfl J Lil1 JUL
Largest Exclusive. Millinery House on the Coast
Reduced Maximum Charge to
Be Followed by Other
Revisions, Perhaps.
Urnrrm! Mnnagrr Declare? Corapanj
Frr f era to Glv IVcneflt to Con
lumfr, Rather Than Aasume
Vnvt srrsntrd llurdon.
Aunnnmrnt wai mad julfrdxr
of a, reduction by the Portland Rail-
' way. Light A Power Company of the
rata for residence) lighting throughout
lha city. Thla action, ta la declared,
haa beeo under contemplation by tha
company fr a lone tlma and cam aa
a reault of eetlmatea and data com
piled hy tha engineers. Tha propoaed
reduction appllea to tha maximum rata
and tha reduction of other rates, aura
aa for power and lighting not cata
logued aa maximum, on nxed charges
and operating expensea. plua a reaaon
abla return on tba Investment. It la de
rlared by officers of tha company.
Should aa additional expenaa ba neces
sary. aoch aa propoaed by the I per cent
lltroaa tax. It la doubtful whether fur-
I titer reduction la poaalbla for tha prea-
ieot. Iher aaeert.
-We altall pat Into effect In Portland
oa or about Juna le a reduction of tha
maximum rata for resldenca lighting.
said F. W. Hild. general manager of
tba company. "Thla reduction cata
tha prica from II to 1 centa per kllo-
wat hour.
Tb ta action haa been contemplated
for aoma tlma and la Una with our pol-
K-y ta ma be such reductlona aa th
rttou for tha Investment will war
rant. Wa UTt other reductlona u
dee ront.mplatloa. providing so addi
tional burdens ara placed upon tba
company. Tba company prefers ta
alee tba consumer tha benefit of re-
' auction rather than pay additional
taxation, particularly wbea aucb tax
, alio la anfair and Inequitable Wi
, are now parlrvs ta tha Belabborbood of
: S I see a day taxes. Ta add to thla tha
a per coat gross rent and power tax.
wMrk la proposed In aa ordinance
t whh-h th people will Tote upon next
Monday, will make It Impoealbie to
viva th aoaaumar further reductlona
for tba present. Our engineers hare
beea werkixc a a new schedule for the
reduction of th power ratea furntahed
t maautacrurora and other users of
power. Wit tha completion of the
jitacada plant w were la bop of
a tela consumers a lower rata, but It
le going t complicate th situation.
, mncit aa I recret It. If th bur. ten la
j added ta that which, wa ara already
carry In."
Woakl-B fruk-ide Hocard.
ftiructliag against the effort of bla
Ire uera. Albert Wasaer. ST. was
dragged from th rrver at the Oak
street dock yesterday afternoon, after
ha had plunged In with deliberate In
tent to drowa blmaelf. Hand on tb
teamer Eva aaw tha attempt and
threw Wagner a rop but ba Ignored It.
Then Enxlneer GlUlland. of tha harbor
patrol, auccaeded In catching his cloth
Ins; with a boalhook and dragged him
forth. Ha waa locked up at th City
Jail oa a chars of belnc drunk.
Commercial Club to Aid Eastern
Orejon Settlement.
A. trio of Eastern Oregon counties.
L Sherman. Moro and Gilliam, will re-
day at tha Commercial Club. Tha pos
slbllltles of that section and means by
which the Portland onranlxatlon can
best aid In Ita development will ba
J. N. Teal, who haa lately made a
trip throuch tha three counties, will
peak on his Impressions of that region
and Ita future. It la expected ha will
touch upon tha need of diversified
farming, rather than exclusive wheat
J. J. SayTe. (laid secretary of tba
Commercial Club, haa Just visited th
three counties and has made exten
Ive re-porta of oondltlona found there.
Thla Information will be used by tba
club In any work that will be under
taken for tha benefit of that section
of tha state.
It Is probable that a tri-county de
velopment league will be formed aa tha
result of today'a meeting. A trl-coun
ty fair haa beea suggested to aid In
tha exploitation of that region. Man
ager Chapman of tha Commercial Club
la desirous -of aiding In the upbuilding
of thla row of counties, which he
points out. are ' aa much Portland's
direct territory aa Eastern Multnomah.
Charred With Picking rocket, Alice
Bennett Resists Arrest.
A severe kntf wound waa suffered
b Special Officer Merrick when he at
t-tiipted to arrvat Allca Bennett at
Twenty-first and Pettygrove streets.
early yesterday morning, tfter aha bad
picked his pocket of tie. Merrick waa
accosted by the woman with a request
for a centa and while they wer dis
cussing tba auhject aha edged closer
to him and began aearchlng bis pock
ets- Merrick allowed her to proceed
until sha bad gained tha purse, and
then ba tried to place her under ar-
The woman drew a pocket knifa and
Inflicted a painful stab before she was
overpowered. At the City Jail It waa
found that sba had lottery tlcketa In
br poaeeaeloa and she was held oa
three chargea.
Vktor YVoodfleld Not Blamed for
Heath of James Robinson.
A Coroners Jury which Monday
held aa Inquest over the body of
Jamaa Hoblnson at tha undertaking
parlors of Punning dt Mcntee, re
turned a verdict declaring that th
running down of Robtneoa at tha cor
ner of Second and Jefferson streeta on
May 4 by Victor H. vVoodfleld. who
vss driving the - automobile of Dr.
r'lyd Irvine, waa unavoidable.
The verdict completely exonerates
the chauffeur. Hoblnson died at ft.
Vincent's Hospital Sunday morning as
th result of th Injuries be received la
tha accident.
Oregon Electric Plans Opening
of New Route.
Cars to Operate Over Tenth and
Salmon Streets for Present, as
Vehicle Traffics on Front
Street Is Obstacle.
Oregon Electrlc cars will operate soon
over tha "down town" loop which now
la being completed and which will re
lleve passengers of tha neceaslty of go
ing to tba Jefferson-street depot to be
gin their Journeys.
Workmen have completed the cross
ing over the Southern Pacific tracks at
Fourth and Salmon streets. The cross
ing at Tenth and Washington streets
will ba In good condition soon and will
permit tha operation of the big subur
ban cars over it- Officials of the Ore
gon Electric hope to have tha big cars
run over Tenth and Salmon streets In
tlma for tha Rosa Festival next week
A complete loop will not be described
by the Oregon Electric cars for some
tlma. They will run over Salmon and
Tenth streets In entering the city and
will return over tha saroa tracks on
leaving. Tha complete loop via Flan
ders and Front streets may be provided
later, but on account of tha heavy vehi
cl traffic on Front street it la not
likely that such an arrangement will
be found possible under present condi
tion a
At present there Is no Intention on
the part of the Oregon Electric to com
plete Ita looping scheme, aa the service
over Salmon and Tenth streets will be
regarded aa adequate. Passengers
from up tha Wlllamett Valley will be
carried to polnta convenient to the
shopping centers, and aa the new ser
vice becomes mora thoroughly estab
lished It la believed that It will aid la
building up tba rapidly growing busi
ness districts along its route.
This loop Is only for th convenience
of passenger service. Tha Oregon Elec
tric freight cars ara already handled at
the North Bank depot and carried be
tween that point and tha main Una
over tha Front-street belt Una.
Line Advertises Oregon Petes.
Oregon's leading events of the 111
seaaon ara heralded prominently In
the new O.-W. R. A N. folder that has
just come from the press. The first of
these la tha Portland Rose Festival.
to which la devoted a half page. The
Astoria Centennial celebration is given
similar spec. Th folder contains all
tha recent changes la time tables and
Includes tha schedule of trains operated
oa tha new Deschutes Una.
vr Train on O.-W. R X.
A new night train operating between
North Yakima and Spokane over the
O.-W. R. Jt X. line will give Portland
people doing business In Eastern Wash
ington greatly Improved service. A
train will leave Spokane each evening.
arriving at North Tsklma tha following
morning and similar service will be
operated la l!)e opposite direction with
connection of through cars for both
tralna from Walla Walla. Portland
passengers will be bandied from Walla
Walla. John M. Scott, assistant gen
eral passenger agent of the O.-W. R. 4 ,
N. lines, haa worked out a schedule and
expects to have the service open before
the and of the present week.
place on Tuesday, May 9, since that
tlma they have been touring the coun
try. Brief stops were made at Wash
ington, New York, Boston, Chicago and
other Eastern cities. They are travel
ing this week over the Canadian Pa
cific toward the Northwest. They will
leave Portland over the Southern Pa
cific at 7 P. M. Monday.
Auditorium Committee to Announce
Winners of Prises Today.
The committee In charge of the prlxa
essay contest of tba auditorium cam
paign will announce today the winners
of the 125 given for the best produc
tions on the subject, . "Why Portland
Needs an Auditorium." Forty - four
have entered the contest. All those
qualified must be In the eighth grade
or lower. Some of the essays contain
well worded arguments in favor of the
measure. It waa decided at the meet
ing held Monday to run a tally-ho
coach with a flfe-and-drum band to at
tract attention. There will be a dis
tribution of arguments for the proposed
bond issue printed on cards and at
night there will be speeches in favor
of the cause by W. C Bristol and
One more civic association was added
yesterday to the list of clubs and im
provements associations which have
Indorsed the measure, now numbering
12. It waa the Socialist party. A let
ter was received by Chairman Merrick
to the effect that the party members
bad Indorsed the project and would
vote to a man "for the measure. This
support was unexpected.
Returning Excursionists to See Rose
i . Festival Opening.
A special train bearing members of
the Order of Railway Conductors and
their families from the annual conven
tion of their organisation at Jackson
ville, Fla.. to their homes at San Fran
cisco will arrive In Portland next Sun
day night and will take part in the
Rose Festival celebration the follow
ing day. Members of the order In
Portland will provide them with enter
tainment. The party has been on the road
nearly a month. They left San Fran
cisco In their special train on May 1
and - visited several polnta of interest
and importance between there and
Jacksonville. The convention took
Proper Food
Will Alone
Correct Many His.
10 days and watch results.
"There's a Reason"
' Via the Passenger
We will give one round-trip passage on our $50,000
passenger yacht Bayocean for the best photograph,
showing the actual christening of the yacht Bayocean,
SaturdayMay 27, with the understanding that we
are to have free use of the negative upon demand. All
entries must be in this office by 5 P. M., Saturday, June
3, 1911. This company will be sole judge of the contest.
otter Realty Co.
B. P