1 TIIE srORXIXG OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, 31. 1911. PORTLAND'S ROSE FESTIVAL IS - HIGH GEA2TD JLRMY AND NATIONAL OUAED JOIN IN HONORING. SOLDIER DEAD. Exact Reproduction of Coronation Robe To Be Worn by Queen Mary On Exhibition on Live Model, 2 to 4:3Q Today Olds, Wortman, &, King Celebration Is Contemplated to Be Most Dazzling of City's History. FETE IS' FOUR DAYS AWAY Mreete Ar Perorated Gaily for Big Event and Carnival Spirit Aboands Rn Orcgona 10 Befln Itriga. Monday. Only four days remain b. for Portland kmmn for a attk the festival clir of tha United States, the cvnoeura of tha im of tha Nation. With tba arrival of Has Oreconua on hla royal bars, at hiah Boon Xnnuay. eecorted by a areat fleet of water craft. Portlanda Raaa Fntlnl l'l ba launched Into bring. Thta year a celebration promises to ecllps. tha fetes of former years. Prevtova rose festivals have mala tha name of Portland aynonotnoua arttti that of tha roae. tha world over, but tha 1 Festival la planned to amam visitors and townspeopla by Ita stupendouanesa. brilliancy, (raodur and lavlshncsa. Tha rity la alraady doonlns holiday a'tlra In preparation, for thnusanda of visitors from all parta of tha I'nlted fitatee and Canada and from countrlra ov.r seaa. who will ba Portland a auests during fMtlval week. Tha principal bus iness etre.ta of tlia rlty show a contin uity of flass draped artistically, dis playing bunting la abundance and even In tha residence sections tha festival spirit la ilw.ll by profusion of bru l.anlly-colored bontina; and flowers. t'rsfltal Spirit Aboands. Tha paorita f Portland are entering into tha aplrlt of their annual mammoth celebration with a Urn. At more than a acore af tha principal street interaec tiona gtgajitlc alertrli-ml fcatoona hara ba.n arranged. taking, among other forma, thoaa of roaea and fountain. At nights tha rWer will tlran with reflections from tnyrald llgbta atrung along both bank, carrying out an Ire proeeion of fairyland to a nicety. Slog day night a procession of Illuminated wair craft will proceed down tha river a itb bands playing and rorketa flash- Ing akyaiard lo burst Into brilliant, an trancing pictures. Another feature of Monday wlU ha the grand rtrltw of water craft and tha water carnival on tha nrer In tha aft ernoon. Hundreds of gaily-decorated boats ef erery variety vi participate, blending Into an'-h a gala acena aa has "r been witntssij on any other vt ..tern river. Clrntrnt Weather Frotnled. The weather man promlea Ideal weather throughout tha week. Tha triarcury mount.d to 9- decrees ester day. making tha day the hottest of tha year. Portland resident exulted, not because the day waa sweltering, but be cause tha temperature waa Just right to bring to tha fulleat maturity the mil lions of rosea growing In all parta of tha city. Roa festival waek will ba brichl ark! aunne. entirely free from cold wtnda and moisture. forecasts tha weatherman. Tbera will ba rosea la abundance. Xtreet serenades by several corps of fnualrfan. tha formal openlug of tha campetlttva roea show at tha Armor, in. grand electrical parade headed by rVx Ort(or.u and tha revela on Sixth and f.v.ntb atreeta to tha music of many benda will oocupv the time Tues day between 1 A. M. and mbtnlght. Tha a'ectrical parade will puah mto tha ra-row"l tha great efforts of former fr Thousand of rosea will be die p.aved attrartlvely at tha Armory, r'ea tal thronaa at nlM will partlrlpaia In tha etr. t frntlca. listen to the music and make merry. AalolM. to Vfce. Tba principal event Wednesday will ba the- competitive automobile parade In wla-h hundreds of decorated cars will take part. Tlia parade will proceed through tha downtown streets. Thta featur. has grown better every year. It waa so beautiful last eeaon that It waa talked of In all parta of tha I nlted Xtatea, Rosea, flags and brilliantly-holered bunting of all kinda ara used. Tha competition among automobile owners hla year promisee to ba unusually keen. Tha rose show at tha Armory will con tinue Wednesday, and aa on Tuesday band con.ena will ba held la the morn ing on tha principal atreeta. liattlo of i: Scheduled. The programme for Thursday Inrhidea tha ""Fa Hie of Koaea." In which apecta- tors and participants In tha horse and i vehtcie parade will palt one another j with posies. This wiu take placa at 3 I o clock in the afternoon. At o do, k Thursday tilght tha most brtl'lant part of the entire featlval will lake place. This will be the Illuminated civic and military pageant. SolUtcr. cadets. mrmNrt of tna trgon Naval JJilttia and the Oregon National tiuard. mili tary order, fraternal societies, police men In uniform, war veterans and aev eral baada w 111 ba In Una. Many and waned will be tha features Introduced. Friday at I i o'clock firs cars, a J Voaa- laden, wlj ba operated on tha atraata of tha buslneaa section and flow era wl4 ba thrown at spectator by bevlea of pretty girts. The thorough fare will ba literally carpeted with flower. This will be. aa It baa alwaye been, one of the moat attractive features of the celebration. Other attractions scheduled for KrMar ara tha swimming carnival In tha Willamette at 3 o'clock! m tha afternoon: the grand parade of i-oe children- "Human Koaeouda." on tlrand aerue at i P. M . and the grand military Nail la tha Armory commencing at P. l. A soacial rating marine at the Cnjn try Club grounue will also ba held 04 frWay. Mornlrg band concerts will ba re peated Haturday. K.v Oregooua will depart at I. Jo P. M. and tl Portland Roea Festival for Ull will thea nave passed Into fcUtory. lUiaebara; Sends SpcrtaJ Train. ROSEPVRiI. Or. May 0. (Special.) la order to repay tia cltlirna of Port'aed for the generosity displayed la viatttng Roaeburg durtng the straw berry festival, the people of Koaeburg to4y chartered a special train which will leave here Monday eight for Port land. It la estimated that tha trala will carry about ITS Roaeburg rlttzena a majority of whom will spend the week in Portland visiting the Rose Sftoar. f te iTift.rm.ii'ja fr? roati). r.M.r.1 il re II. ri.-! .1 m"re- ef SwuC 1 J.peaee rt.taj Wfta:na Cotpaar. rs'-.s Is JLoraa an4 .1ac ea ranctt ' Sarins tha a-eeaa f leio. to ar-r ( ;j 0.; aia-a ra. -.! at ti-VM ea.-h. las Ivaiae i-a a skat laaa la anal isara. rrr j an 11 . i 1 h n ' i' s --? ! - -; n mwL."-r--m tt&5 ;t '" ';.:! i t V r .-J --v I a ay I J V 'V S5 ABOti; BITTI BT A. MfillT riEtD UOUV.TOHM TKKKTS tTERA.S LISTtM.XU TO ADDRESS AT FLAIA BLOCKS. TRIBUTES ARE PI Graves of War Veterans Dec orated by Survivors. RANKS GROWING THINNER ratrkliim Tltat Prompted Un to Takw I'p Arm for Country la llicme of Spewter Influ rnce SUM ltlu Old and young In Portland paid trib to to the dead yesterday by strewing flowers on graves In tha cemeteries. holding appropriate aervlces and cere monies and keeping business virtually at a . standstill, with flags flying half-mast all over tna city. The, sun s warm, tha air wss clear, and gentle, balmy breeie cooled the air and wafted tha fragrance of Spring over the city. Army posts and relief corps held ev.rrcles on both aides of the river, l,e programme on the Kant Fide be ing held at Loe Kir Cemetery, where school children decorated tha graves In morning and exercises were held la the afternoon. There waa probably not a grave In the Portland cemeteries last night that had not been tha recipient of at least a small tribute. Both the known and unknown were remembered, and many persona who had no graves of dead ones to decorate spent the day strew ing flowera oa forgotten and neglected graves. A feature of tha West Side pro gramma was tha parade, beaded by a platoon of police and made up of Grand Army veterans, the Oreron National Uuard and Oreson Naval Militia. Music waa furnished hy the Third Regiment Rand and the Twk Military Hand. Iietcran'a Riakl Thinner. Thinner were the ranks and mora bowed the forms of the veterans who slowly traversed the streets yesterdsy than were those who participated In the exercises a year ago- At tha Plaxa a list of the deaths for tha year was read, showing that a large number of comrade, bad answered the last roll rall from the ranks of the Portland Grand Army posts during tha last 12 montha. The programme at the Plaxa was opened with a prayer by Dr. C K. Cltne. chaplain, followed by "Comrades at Arms." by the Tork Military Hand. Tba Impressive ritual service of tbs V RTI.I.KhT, O. . O. IT PARtDRl ORAD ARMT MKMBEm MARCHIXO Women's Relief Corps was given by officers of the corps. Rev. Pelmer N. Trimble read Lincoln's address at Get tysburg, and Adjutant Borthwlck read the memorial orders. Four gray-haired veterans, who com pose the Veteran Male Quartet sang a selection composed especially for the occasion. A veteran also accompanied on the organ. The quartet also led In "America." which waa sung at the clos ing of tha exercises. John V. Shields delivered tha ad dress of tha day. "It Is flowers and love for the blue." ha said, "and love and flowers for the gray for those who fought and fell dolus; their duty as they saw It." Pvt'ds Need Xo Monuments. Mr. Shields spoke of the true pat riotism which prompted men to take up arms for their country and touched on conditions as he saw them today. In closing. Mr. Shields said: "Veterans of tha Grand Army. It mat ters Utile to you whether your name be carved on marble or not. for your deeds are chiseled on the face of mankind and will prove to the future genera tions what men you were. Wherever the Influence of this Republic will be felt, your glory win be felt: wherever liberty is cherished, your memory will be kept green, and your lives shall live In every great heartthrob of this great Nation aa a living monument. The Toung Men's Club held memorial !S"trtta2 wP.ra reserved fur tha yetarang of au tha S0OO PRESENT AT LOXE Hll Dr IjoU Declares That Sectional ism II aa Ceased to Kxlet. t'nabated Interest waa shown by more than e persona uo assembled in Monument Square, In Lone Fir Ceme- tery. yesterday to hear the memorial services around the monument erected In memory of the i! in ii TT 1. Indian and Span- wars Mexican, civil, Ish-Ameriraa. Dr. Liuther R. Dyott dt ellvered the address. After a selection by the United Statea Marine Band. G. A. Prentiss read Uncoln s address at Get tysburg. The service for the unknown deed wss given by the Women's Relief Corps, who decorated the monument with roses. Dr. Dyott declared that ony those who understood what the old soldiers had endured for the preservation of the Union could appreciate the significance of Memorial day. but that It would be appreciated as long as patriotism and love of country prevailed. Hi are far vaouga removed from the Civil War." ba said, "to say that sec tionalism haa ceased to exist between the North and South, although the South land decorates the gravea of her dead soldiers the same as we do here, be cause she lovea them aa we do. But the time baa come when It ie more honor able foe the Southern mother to rear her sen to believe It waa better that the Union ahould not have been broken. It la not In order to stir up the bltt bitter I II 111 feelings of that strife, now that a-VV passed. Tha outcome was the perpetuav tlon of the principles men fought for that no man shall say be owns another. Mrs. Alta Hohnshelt. representing the W omen s Relief Corps, made a strong appeal that Memorial day be not con sidered a day of amusements and recre ation, but bo sacred to the memories of the dead. The exercises were concluded with the salute tired by a detachment of the Ore gon National Guard. I. A. McGowan waa In charge as commander. One fea ture of the Kast Side exercises was the luncheon served for the old soldiers at Sumner Post Hall, Grand avenue and Ekist Pine street, between 10 A. M. and noon. I-'ihlnz; at Falls Popular. OREOOJT CITY. Or.. May SO. CSpe- Mothers No young woman in the joy of coming motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system for the phvsi- Cal Ordeal she 13 to UndereO. The jV both-she and her cormog child depends largely upon the care she bestows upon herself during the waiting months. Mother's Iriend prepares the expectant mother's system for the coming event, and its use makes her com fortable during all the term. It tvorka With and for nature, and by gradually expanding all tissues. rr,(!,, onj J " ;.,i,tj j : -- m.ui., ..... keeping the breasts in good Condl- ti0n brings the woman to the crisis . , ..J , . . .... rr . in splendid physical condition. The baby too is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has thus prepared herself for nature's supreme function. No better ad vice could be given a young ex pectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend; it is a medicine that has proven its value in thou sands of cases. Mother's Friend fimTnPT' wl is sold at drug4SUJAlCA stores. Write for tiPiatATafl free book for ex- -L-LCXV3J- pectant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful na ture. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Ga. ' j ! C") ' i . .... -d. wn fr,--- 1 , - t - . iii ii " -- ' ' - - - clal.) The record number of Una fishermen enjoyed the sport at, Willam ette Falls Sunday, and there was a large number out Monday. It is esti mated that more than SO skin's were In use Sunday and about half that num ber hovered near the horseshoe Monday. About 200 large salmon were caught in the two days, the most of them by The sun on Dark against direct beer glass light. Schlitz is sold in dark bottles, to protect its purity from the brewery to your glass. We use the costliest materials. One of our partners selects the barley. We go to Bohemia for hops. Schlitz is aged for. months before it is marketed, to prevent biliousness. It cannot ferment in your stomach. We filter it through white wood pulp., Sterilize every bottle. We spend more money to attain purity than on any other If you knew what we know about beer, you would in Brown Bottles." I - f SBaaaaa That Made - This robe waa made by Worth, of London, and all the materials used were made in England. It was brought to Portland at great expense, especially for this exhibition. Don't fall to see It Yes. men can come Of course-it's free. the gown proper Is a princess robe of crimson velvet, close-fitting, high necked, with a train of about 10 feet. The entire front, from neck to feet, is a series of white lace flounces, each about 10 inches deep. The crimson vel vet opens over the filmy front like a coat, the fronts describing scallops, edged with ermine. The sleeves are made with three velvet puffs, separated one from another by narrow bands of ermine. Below the final band of ermine is a velvet point, beneath which a frill of white lace falls over the arm and hand. Around the throat is a frill" of pUsse mousseline, which stands out all around like a smaU edition of an Elizabethan ruff. Thus is the gown simple, sans court train. The court train is fastened to the shoulders under a deep cape of ermine, and falls in very graceful folds, widening as it lengthens. It Is about 10 feet long. It is edged with ermine and embroidered at intervals with royal crowns in gold. The train is lined with satin. When the Olds, Wortman & King model dons these gorgeous trappings she completes the effect by placing on her fair head a replica of Queen Marys crown glittering Maltese cross and all. anglers from Portland. The headwater has receded aaid the back water is bringing in the fish hi the hundreds. Since the law allowing the line fisher men to go 400 feet nearer the falls be came effective, anglers have paid little heed to any restrictions. The new line has not been stretched, and as a result, several fishermen have gone within a few feet of the falls. The Master Fish a rays of the P to will start decay. gives protection cost in our brewing. say, "Schlitz Schlitz Phonesl?115 . - Henry Fleckenstein & Co., ' 204-206 Second St., Portland, Ore. e-fiT- rr sne oeer IVIilwaukeefamous Warden is expected to have the line put in place tomorrow. ROSEBTJRG. Or, May 30. (Special. Max Weiss, a wealthy resident of Douglas County yesterday was sen tenced to pay a fine of $500 in the Circuit Court following his convic tion of a charge of selling intoxicating liquors contrary to law. IA$ht i mm "inii-t : ft L8...3V . iiiiiy 1 1